Saturday, 26 May 2012

Castle - 2.1: "Deep in Death" Review

Castle is still in Beckett's bad books for going behind her back and has to let him work on the new case cos it's great publicity for the NYPD.

Castle (Nathan Fillion) is on a photoshoot at the police department with some chicks dressed in uniforms. Why the police station? Just cos it's about Niki Heat and Beckett (Stana Katic) has to give an interview to Amy (Elizabeth Ho), 'Cosmo', as she calls her the inspiration behind Castle's new book.   Castle claims to have offered them insight on the profession and solved some of their toughest cases.   Well that's true as seen from my season 1 reviews.   She tells the Captain (Reuben Santiago-Hudson) she wants him gone and calls them 'bachelor party strippers.'  Captain agrees Castle has helped on cases and the mayor wants him here, also it's hard to get good press for the department.

Esposito (Jon Huertas) asks why Beckett doesn't wear a uniform like that.   Er she's not a uniformed cop anymore ha.     Beckett is still angry Castle delved into her mother's death when she asked him not to.   He suggests he should buy her a pony.   Hey Lisbon (Robin Tunney) wanted a pony too when she was little.  This case involves a DB found in a tree.  Castle: "It's raining men."  Lanie (Tamala Jones) complains of being stuck up there and Esposito says she could be wearing a skirt.   She'll smack him when she's down, which she didn't do.   The DB's named John Allen and Beckett and Castle both say it's not suicide at the same time.  Castle surmises he was thrown off the building.  He was strangled and then Castle explains what ligature means to Amy.   Would have thought she'd be up on that as she's conducting an interview, but clearly that's beyond her scope and the interview.

Beckett gets Castle and Amy to ride in the morgue van together, which is hijacked and the DB stolen.   Castle has the opportunity to explain to Lanie what he found before that happens.   Three others were killed like Beckett's mother, a law student she taught, a documents clerk and a lawyer.   The ME also died four years ago.   They wonder who'd want to steal a DB which is obvious, either whoever killed him or someone was looking for something.   Castle comes up with a spy angle.   Castle can't go home, he's a witness.   Ryan (Seamus Dever) loses bet about Beckett not taking Castle back.

John's wife, Sandy (Lauren Holloman) doesn't want questions she just wants to know why he's dead.   Castle asks if he received late night calls, which he did, from Max whom he fired.   Beckett stands away from Castle in the lift.   Alexis (Molly Quinn) tells him Beckett called to let them know he was okay and she left messages for him, one asking if she could go see Fame with Owen.   She's lad he wasn't taken by body snatchers.   Martha (Susan Sullivan) asks if he has a plan B and what Hollywood is coming to with all these movies.

Max (David Bowe) tells them they were both fired and John didn't have a job.   The DB is found again and a bloody glove is found too.   He was operated on.   Castle: "Somebody hated his guts."  He was a drug mule and Castle wonders how he became one.  Lanie finds he was strangled with both hands and one of the marks is faint.   Castle suggests he didn't use his pinky.   Castle also wonders how he got the job as a drug mule.   Beckett suggests they dust inside the glove, oh come on that should have been obvious and why didn't Lanie think of it.   Beckett isn't that good a cop.   Castle ask Lanie if she should put on some music, like they do on CSI.   Actually the music is played over the scene, no one in the lab actually listens to music on full blast.   That music playing reminds Castle of porn, well he had to get that in.

The print from the glove belongs to Luthor and they all want to make a deal.   John didn't show up and so they went looking for him as he had their drugs.   Beckett wants to know who vouched for him.   That was Ron (Robert Gant) and he asks Castle if he writes plays.   He introduced John and he gambled in Chinatown, losing more than he had.   He owed a Russian mobster with a tattoo.  Castle wants to go in after talking with his writer buds, Stephen Cannell and Michael Connolly.   A button cam is placed on Castle's shirt and he goes in wired for sound and images but can't hear them.   Naturally there'd be more than one Russian poker player.   Esposito adds give someone a gadget and he thinks he's Bond.   Ryan wants to know why he's repeating everything they can hear him say.

Castle sits in on a poker game and tells them he's writing a book, giving details about the case and riles one up.   Beckett notices him playing with his pinky which is prosthetic and that's why there weren't any prints from it.   Beckett spent one semester in Kiev and knows Russian.   Beckett puts on her jumper, removing her pants and goes in to save Castle.   Castle notices she's changed.  Well that was easy.   Now we know why she's always wearing heels.

Castle thanks her for saving him and they make a good team.   Like Starsky and Hutch (so who's who, ha) Tango and Cash, Turner and Hooch.   He reminds Beckett of Hooch.   Castle tells her she's afraid of looking for the killer, but she has him this time.  Beckett replies she may not want to know and maybe she's not ready.   Castle goes home and writes again.   Alexis asks why boys are such losers and why do they have to justify things instead of just admitting they're sorry.   Giving him yet another idea of how to get into Beckett's good books.   Castle apologizes to her.   She'll see him tomorrow.   He could have just made it up and he could have just fallen for it.   Not that he would really do something like that, but you never can tell sometimes, especially when there's something in it for him and if he apologizes then he can get to spend more time with her and also eventually get to work on her mother's case.

Good to see the episode pick up from season 1 when Beckett found about about Castle going behind her back.   That she still holds a grudge against him for not leaving her mother's murder to rest.   It was personal for her and he just ignored her wishes.  She thinks he'll be out of her hair now, but the photoshoot and then the mayor wanting the article and publicity for the NYPD all conspire against her to keep him around.   Anyway they had to find some reason for Castle sticking around in the NYPD fold.  

Though did think it a little naive, if that's the right word, for Beckett to continue to work with Castle cos he said sorry; even if that was Alexis's idea.   So he'd be up a creek without a paddle without Alexis around.   Castle mentions Ryan Reynolds being in the movie of the video game, Asteroids, he and Nathan were in Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza.

In 1.20 Red Sauce episode of The Mentalist, Lisbon finds a pony waiting for her on her birthday, courtesy of Patrick (Simon Baker).   Here Castle mentioned getting a pony for Beckett twice.   Patrick also encountered a Russian mobster in 1.13 Paint it Red, though no tattoos around that we know of.

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