
Monday 26 June 2023

Ghost Adventures "Hotel Barclay"

Downtown LA again where they investigated the iconic evil hotel in the whole of the US, the Hotel Cecil, but now at the Hotel Barclay and he wasn't aware of "the older, wicked brother."   Named the Van Nuys originally it was built in 1896 for the wealthy and changed its name to the Barclay in 1929 leading to a darker era.  It's almost abandoned today.  Haunted by dark entities a result of a serial killer, a murderer who dismembered a woman along the lines of the Black Dahlia murder.  Mostly 13 deaths and other suicides too.  Most of the information they wanted was from witnesses Star Garcia was to speak with them and she turns up late.  Zak says the interview is important.  

James Bartlett, author, journalist and he was at the Hotel Cecil.  James says there's violent crimes here for some reason.  The three hotels are in a triangle, he calls them "the suicide hotels."  One man left a note for his wife who he divorced saying that as he's roasting in hell cos of what she's done and killed himself with cyanide.  Zak describes himself as a sensitive and he feels this residual energy at a high level.  Have been 'Jack the Ripper' style killings, cutting off arms and legs.  Vergi Lee Griffin in 1944, killed by Otto Stephen Wilson and was discharged from the army.  Picked up a woman at the bar, had drinks and he murdered her.   Cut her from top to bottom and then did the same somewhere else.  Zak wants to know why this happens in this area here and doesn't happen in other hotels they've investigated.

The Skid Row Slasher killed eleven and nine others in eight weeks.  Over 40 males and all drunks.  The seventh vic found at the Barclay.  Salt around the corpse, his shoes removed and the killer may have even drank his blood.  3 February 1975, Vaughn Orrin Greenwood sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty.  Room 528.  Star Garcia turns up three hours late.  Lived in room 320 with her boyfriend in 2017 and didn't want to enter it again.  No one was in there just a few people.  On the third floor just her and one couple on the far end and no one else.  The building was completely empty.  She experienced it on her floor.  He was dead for a week right next door to her, three feet from where she lived.  One died in front of the bathroom.  Her boyfriend lived at the hotel for 14 years.  He felt the building wanted him to come back in and after he left he knew the building was crazy.  Star said a ghost threw the platters off the wall and they lived with the ghost rather then the ghost living with them

15th March 1972 a fire broke out on the top floor.  Fires still continue today.  Ronald said it happened four times around 2-4 o'clock in the morning.  No witnesses to describe how the fires began.  Zak asks if the building could be purging itself by compelling others to start the fires.  Sirens go off as a fire starts across the street.  People dressed as Ghost Busters turn up.  A resident asks who they are?  Began their investigation upstairs but the lift doesn't work, as in the Hotel Cecil.  Tragic events here too, waiter Charles Gamble was crushed between the lift and third floor landing.  1901 the janitor watched the lift up the shaft and the weight crushed him.  See Zak in Jerome Grand Hotel ep where he could've met the same fate in that life and had to be dragged out.   Investigate room 320 and the room doesn't open and it's abandoned too.  The stairs are locked too.  He says the vibe here is worse than the Hotel Cecil.

Billy and Aaron investigate the basement and he and Jay go to the third floor to Star's floor and room.  He says they come in peace and just want to study the people here.  Leaves the recorder on.  He can feel the presence and pain of the people who lived here.  A banging is heard.  They see something move in the window.  In the basement, which is very large.  Aaron asks if those mirrors could talk and later on, one kind of does.  They try to speak with Virgie.  The Trifield spikes when Billy speaks to Virgie if she's there and Billy feels pain under his ribs.  They leave.  Zak feels sick too.  Left motion activated game cameras on second and third floors and a time lapse camera.  At 3.24 am they capture a black mass which rises up towards the ceiling.  In the mirror there is something in the mirror in the third photo.  Looks like a dismembered body.  Well Aaron, the mirror talked.  

Looks like a torso without a head

At 3.20 a man comes out and tries to open room 320 and he acts funny like something is after him.  They say just like Elisa Lam in the Hotel Cecil.  The motion ball lights up. 

On the second floor and the temperature is freezing.   The ball lights up on command.  Aaron's spirit box "need to talk" comes through.  Question if it could be Virgie.  "See those workers Aggie"??  "It's not" when Zak says he thinks he heard murder.  "You're right" as Aaron replies maybe it's not Virgie.  Billy takes the Polterpod to the black mass room. "In they go" is what I hear and sounds parrot fashion, like a parrot repeating itself.  A piece of wood is thrown behind them.  An anomaly comes from the door frame.  Billy says they walked into the room and Billy opened the closet and wonders if it happened here.  Aaron asks if she died here "chopped liver" is heard but doesn't sound it.  Then "you're in trouble" comes through.  Billy feels something on his forearm.  'Closet' comes through on the Ovilus.  Then footsteps are heard.  

Zak uses the XLS.  Aaron and Jay in the basement.  The R2600 synthesizer which produces different frequencies, three different frequencies going at the same time like infra sound.   Responses come through.  Does it say her name is Anne?  Then a spirit asks Aaron if he's "ready."  "Here"??  I don't hear "hate him."  Aaron then feels pain.  Zak goes to 320 again.  First the stick figure lays on the ground, then crawls up the wall before heading to Billy.  'Begin Near' on the Paranormal Puck 2.  It touches his hand.  Class A EVP  "door's not open or door's off"???  A light anomaly vanishes into the door handle.  Zak says they received good evidence of poltergeist activity, intelligent responses and a very dark entity.  

This article is a very good potted history:

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Death Walker 3.5 "Carrie Blast Furnace"

 Pittsburgh Steel City has more than 300 steel related businesses.  Pennsylvania was the hub of import/export of iron/steel in the US.  In 1910 more than 60 per cent production of steel took place here.  After World War II the industry declined and there was a crisis in 1974.  In 1979-82 workers lost jobs and industries closed.  Today most were torn down or renovated but the Carrie Furnace still is around.  The two furnaces numbers 6 and 7 built were in 1907 and ran until 1978.  Over 15k steel workers and known for the amount of iron and steel production.  Steel workers still are around today but not here.  Mistakes and accidents still occur on sites today.  Even if they did back then, the public would overlook them and without the safety protocols and procedures today, they had to do what they had to in the early days.  Hot steel burns and once covered a worker's body, would 'cook' them to death.  Also carbon monoxide poisoning would suffocate them.  A National Rivers of Steel Heritage Corporation exits and many paranormal activity documented today at the furnace is by them.  Paranormal investigators and tourists have seen this activity.  Nick uses new equipment built by Steve Haltay, an engineer.   Nick wants to see what extent the spirit can manipulate emotions, conscious and relay messages and give answers and why this place is still being haunted.

Two furnaces in 1907-1978 were the best of the day.  Risk of injury and death was high.  The Stockhouse were shadow figures and apparitions have been seen.  The Stovedeck where many chains rattle.  The locker room with feelings of being sick.  The cast house where people have heard voices. Much power here and people that he knows and trusts have experienced the paranormal.  One saw full body apparitions.  The first night they investigated and one saw a shadow figure appeared.  The Corporation have conducted investigations here and have seen and caught evidence.  And the electricity and force stays.  The presence of the men and women who worked here.  Saw a man with a hardhat and he vanished.  

Traumatic and sudden deaths on the site thus much activity.  Some residual.  As they worked so much here and they know the place.  Casthouse number 6 was where the furnace was opened and iron was taken out.  Sulphur fumes and temperature can reach 400 degrees.  Working 12 hour shits for 6 days a week.  In later years they got regular hours due to the unions.  People would slip and fall in.  Material sticks to the sides of the furnace and slips and forces the plug open and molten iron squirts out.  Which happened in the 1920's and 34 people died.  Furnaces are powered by gas.  Furnaces had to be opened and closed by hand.  In the early years had to be in a gang and if not out in time, needed to be rescued.  Gas level indicators worn today but it's still dangerous. The Stockhouse here materials have been removed.  Many investigators felt something move past them.  His dogs were afraid of that end of the site.  

Nick starts his investigation in the furnace.  Where people died in the gaps/large trenches.  He can feel the energy.   He asks for a name?  He fell into the area "yeah."  "Smith" is what I heard.  He can tell what happened to him "yeah."  He tripped and fell.  No one wants to grab Nick's hand or they can't.  A voice says "no...too hard."  That's what I said: that they can't.  He died " shit."  

Steve Haltay's new equipment: a highly skilled paranormal engineer.  He uses the Tesla coil again.  As well as the The FM Chaos Box and the ITC device.  "I touch it" I heard come though when it's switched on.  "We here."  They can see him from the other side.  His name is "Nick."  "Ghost" comes through; "a little bit."  He ask if they think they're ghosts?  Jim is here?  "Yes."  He's doing "good."  He's working on "the machines."  Was involved in an accident "oh yeah."  "You're a man" when Nick asks how they see him.  "Fell through."  

He uses the Chaos Box.  They're here with him.  "Yeah."  "Edward."  They work all day and night and they come to the locker room but as a spirit they come back not knowing they died to get their belongings.  So much energy and emotion in the room.  Try to use his energy and pass through him.    "Brain injury".  "Hurt.  ""  "Heart."  "Dead...cry."  Nick asks how they know they're dead?  But nothing comes through.

"That's them."  He asks if they can seem them from the other side?  "There's no way out."  I heard a "yes" in response to his question of whether they can see them.  The Stockroom where solid figures have been seen.  He asks if he died right here..."yes...I did."  He feels an eerie presence there.  He can pick up on their emotions.  No reply to what it's like on the other side.  A noise is heard.  Justin says something ran by.  Nick uses the lasers.  Something breaks the lasers, a figure walks through it but not seen on camera.  Justin doesn't see it either but hears it.  "Heat" when Nick asks how hot it gets in here.  What happens when you die, did it say "end."??  It asks "are you dead?"  Nick asks what they see?  Nick comes through.  He's standing right there.  They don't answer as to what it's like on the other side, or wherever they are.  Some sort of sound is heard again, could be residual from working there.

He felt like he walked with the souls who risked their lives to build America's foundation.  The steel stood the test of time through world events.  Communicating with spirits shows energy of people can manifest even in the afterlife to tell their stories, telling them what they went through.  His investigation can document the history of the workers here. 

Sunday 11 June 2023

Ghost Adventures "Lake of Death"

Lake Mead, Las Vegas, where bodies were found, such as at Boulder Beach.  Lake Mead built in 1936 is the biggest reservoir in the US.  Accidental deaths occurred here and is also a good location for murders and the lake drying up by global warming revealing more secrets.  Zak talks of a recurring nightmare and falling off a ship in deep water and drowning.  He asks why he had that dream and his fear of deep, dark water.  He wrote about this in his first book Dark World.  The waterline shows the lake was all underwater, the land is visibly more clearer to the eye.  Life looks like its been sucked out of the lake and blood is receding.  Why is the Lake so deadly?  

Dennis McBride, a former Director of the Nevada State Museum, writer and historian.  He says the earth is a sentient being reacting when you do bad to it.  The government knew the waters were going to rise and flood and have an impact on an entire population when the lake rose by the Hoover Damn.  Dr Travis Heggie: Lake Mead "is the Lake of death".  He's seen 2,000 deaths not to mention the workers who died.  Homicides, suicides, accidents and the Lake is cursed at unheard of levels.  Six deaths so far and they're only getting deaths from this lake due to it being Las Vegas and the mob.  He wouldn't be surprised if a month from now they'd get more bodies here.  He feels he can hear bodies crying at night.

Many have died here, the recreationists, Native Americans, all lived here and are buried here and a ghost town of St Thomas was flooded by the Dam.  The spirits of those residents could still be on the shores.  They took this land and they cry out for the land and their suffering.  He's also a member of the National Park Service member.  He mentions shapeshifters.  That we already know of.  Didn't mention the dispatcher's name.  She and her husband fwork for NPS and would hear reports of shapeshifting creatures at the Lake.  Could have been humans morphing into coyotes.  [See the Ghost Hunters Hoover Dam episode and wonder if Zak got the idea to investigate Lake Mead from there as they investigated  the damn and mentioned the levels in Lake Mead dropping and bodies being found.] Similar to a skinwalker, which we all know about.  Confirmed the existence of shapeshifters.  

Zak talks of twins, Ryan and River.  Hemenway Harbour where there were a large number of drownings.  He feels like being on Mars, hearing voices and feeling energies.  They can hear coyotes howling.  The twins got words from spirits telling them which way to go and this was before the body that was found in the barrel with GS wounds.  They ere swarmed by coyotes and they think they wanted them away from that area.  One coyote didn't seen normal and it looked disappointed at not being able to grab them.  

Billy gets activity on the EMF when he mentions the names of people who died there.  17th November a suicidal woman threatened to kill her son and she killed him in the car by driving it over.  Zak calls the lake "a cemetery, a tomb, a crypt."  Water submerged the sacred land of the native Americans and the town.  A barrel was found with a body and he was murdered.  At the shore he feels the air getting heavier and is intent on keeping secrets.  They felt like they were getting attacked.  He's convinced they're on cursed land.  Dr Heather Leigh believes portal might be located.  The railroad tunnels used when the dam was being constructed.  She could see shadows and a construction worker with a hard hat.  Many men died where they claimed to have died of pneumonia but they actually died of carbon monoxide poisoning.  Hikers were exploring in 1988 and discovered a body.  So the energy could've opened up a portal.  They thought the dam was set up like Satan's throne.  People conducted satanic rituals there.

Zak and Jay investigate the rail tunnels and Billy and Aaron investigate the Government Wash area.  Boulder Dam railroad tunnels, fences open.  A light is seen in the distance.  They travel on a dirt path via motorbike.   They arrive at the first of five tunnels.  Zak is scared of the tunnel.  Zak's camera drains as soon as they enter Tunnel 1.  A scream is heard but kind of sounds more like a coyote than a man, or maybe a shapeshifter.  Zak notices a black hole on the ceiling the Lydar doesn't pick up.  A figure is mapped as if it manifested out of the hole.  It then shifts on all fours as though it's flying.  Must be a shapeshifter.  It's a very tall figure.  Zak demos the figure's actions.

There was a light seen.  Jay sees a light and then a person was standing in the middle of the tunnel. There's a storage container.  I just asked what was there like a dark figure.  Zak uses the DASANC device filtering out the static sweeps and just leaves a spirit voice.  No responses.  Zak sees something in the tunnel looks like a shadow figure.  Which is what I saw later on with a light shining.  Then a head about it as if carrying a lantern. That's what I saw and what the Dr Leigh said about a construction worker.  It's like his head is reflecting as a shadow on the rocks.  

This one above is where it looks like a construction worker with a hat and also carrying a light.

Billy analyzes what they captured.  The XLS figure. and the dark shadow figure.  Zak asks if the shapeshifters are demons and Billy thinks perhaps the men disturbed something in the rocks when they were constructing the dam.  Reports more men died from unreported Carbon monoxide poisoning.  As well as suicides at the dam.  Zak calls this a "nuclear energy" for these deaths.  He used his IR binoculars when he captured the figure.  

The Wash where drownings and deaths have occurred.  Their infrared lights go out and flash beforehand.  A light manifests out of the ground as Billy feels tingly on his head.  At Gypsum Wash Aaron and Billy use the Polterpod.  Another light is being manipulated.  They use the paranormal puck in the sand and hear a man's voice.  "Ready."  "Yes"??  Fick??  Sounds like Eddie not Ben.  Or Freddy??  Aaron says he feels sad before he was hyper and now he doesn't feel that way.  At the launch ramp two bodies were found.  They're going to investigate the ramp and where the water used to be.  Aaron asks what's wrong with land "Reap Before Time" comes through on the Ovilus.  Zak thinks it means the consequences of submerging sacred land.

"July Ninety Cloud."  Billy looks up the date Lake Mead drowning and he wonders how the Ovilus could say that about a body that wasn't found on that date.  "Slain Truth Unholy" they were murdered or slain by something unholy.  "Find Mother Dispose" find their mother whose body was disposed here.  Billy feels the spirits are queuing up to talk to them.  They hear a scream of a high pitch noise.  

They need to investigate the last three tunnels, the largest and scariest.  Zak takes Billy back there with him.  He sends Jay and Aaron and Lauren to Devil's Cove. 13th May 1939 a man was living in a hut at Devil's Cove.  He was reported to NPS as he was chanting at an alter near his hut.  Fishermen asked him to go fishing with them.  He tried to kill one of them and was possessed and took a knife and tried to stab them on the boat.  He was shot and killed there.  There were symbols and markings around his hut so he was worshipping something dark.  He was speaking in tongues in the boat.  Zak asks if he was setting up an alter in order to conjure the shapeshifters.  Devil's Cove on satellite resembles the devil.  Zak says there is tainted blood flowing in the veins of the hosts he was worshipping.

Jay and Aaron were meant to get there by helicopter but they don't arrive by helicopter as the pilot refuses to fly to Devil's Cove.  They travel by ATVs and guides.  They couldn't find another helicopter.  I said it looks like there's a storm brewing.  They try to work out how to get there.  There's overgrown bushes and trees.  They hear something that sounds like water. I didn't hear it.  They leave trap cams on the land.  Lauren captures a light in the side ahead of them.  They're surrounded by fox holes.  They're lost and don't make it to the Cove.  Aaron gets angry and they use an hour trying to get out.  Another light is captured.   Jay says they have to find their cameras as well.  Aaron says he heard Jay chanting.  He conducts a conjuring ceremony to see what the hut man was connecting with.  He sits in the circle and they capture what looks like a figure on the XLS sitting outside of the circle but unable to enter.  The Trifield also detects results.  Blue anomaly on the Polaroid.  

Zak and Billy take off-road bikes to Tunnels 3, 4 and 5.  They hear more screaming.  Tunnel 3 leads Zak to get some pain going through his rib cage.  A male voice says "I don't hear or care"??  Zak tells them to connect to their centres and reveal their identities.  The voice comes through and says "I'm here."  "Come again"??  Billy says all he can hear in his head is '5, 5,5,5,5'.  So that was a forewarning, foreshadowing of what was to come in Tunnel 5.  At Tunnel 4 a voice says "come on."  A knocking sound is heard like someone chipping away at the rocks.  A deep voice comes through.  Didn't that sound like Aaron "gotta go"???  A 13.2 Miligause spike Zak is hit and he feels being hit in the chest with a sledgehammer.  When Billy uses the device on 33 Hertz.  Zak can't breathe.  A ticking is heard.  A ball of mist goes around him and into his chest.  Was there some light anomaly on the ceiling too??  When Zak runs away.  He shows the anomaly coming down where he was attacked.  Was it what I saw the other way on the ceiling.  Zak said he found a frequency it didn't like at 33.  Billy uses the tone generator again.

Zak doesn't want to go back in there.  I saw that too before he asks what was that?  Billy starts mumbling and is out of sorts.  That's the 5's in his head from earlier.  He says "frequency 5, 5."  Zak asks what Billy was doing.  He asks if they've finished.  He doesn't know what's happening.  Then creeps up on Zak causing him to stumble back.  Billy asks if the experiment is over.  Billy panics as Zak gave it permission to enter their bodies and Zak wants them out of there.  Zak says he wants to close and remove itself from their space.  Zak uses the Lydar scanner leaving Billy outside.  

They analyze the hovermap and see something resembling a creature with a rib cage. 

An animal on all fours with a horn.  The figure on the shapeshifters on the wall in Tunnel 1??  Zak says that's what touched him taking his energy to visually show itself at the cost of what they went through.

Death Walker 3.4 "High School of the Dead"

To understand the haunting plaguing this location of Defiance Junior High School and to reveal reasons why.  This building was named after Fort Defiance and constructed in 1794 by General Anthony Wayne as a defence against British soldiers.   He ordered troops to destroy Native American villages and other surrounding towns were flooded in 1913.  The High School building was demolished and the building of today built in 1918.  1891 saw a janitor , John Moll murdered in mysterious circumstances after he reported the Principal CW Butler in a compromising position with a teacher.  After the claims he was hiding at a friend's house.  Yet his body was found on the tracks.  His legs were nearly severed and throat slit as well as being stabbed twice in the chest.  His death was declared a suicide.  He was murdered and this was stated by many, including friends, family and the coroner.  Students have talked about the paranormal activity whilst at school.  Being watched, voices are heard and shadow figures.  As well as full bodied apparitions during the classes.  Could be John's anger towards the town and maybe he is lashing out.  

Talking to former students who had experiences.  After gym class and he went back to the locker room and felt cold chills.  He felt he was being stared at.  People have seen lights in the windows and had feelings in the basement.  Another one was in gym class and she heard voices.  She saw a woman in the hallway walking back and forth.  All their experiences were mostly during gym class or in the gym.  In the school band and went to put his instrument away and a music stand fell.  Austin Maynard, a paranormal investigator looked into the location and history.  A murder, a suicide and football players dying on the field.  They wanted to clean the building and they've seen shadow figures.  Three girls went to the third floor and were chased out.  He's seen apparitions in the gym and an entity called 'The Principal'.  He controls the building.  As well as arson being involved.  A crawl space in the basement was where John lived.  

Nick uses the Tesla coil on the third floor.  He uses the #X10 device.  He wants the spirits to use the energy to manifest.  A voice is heard, I heard a "ooh ooh."  Which was rather noisy.  But a lot of voices came through.  "Stay together."  Nick feels dizzy by the stairs.  Austin stating people felt sick.  A banging sound is heard and Nick says it was a locker.  But they're locked.  Could be residual or actually happened.  He thinks whatever made the sound ran down to the second floor.  Did somebody die here? "Yes."  Nick hears a whisper behind him.  He has goosebumps through his body.  I also hear "Nick" here.  "It was me" when he asks if he was standing there.  "John" I didn't hear that.  "Man."  "Dead."  A scream comes through.  

Boiler room in the basement and his crawl space.  Also the subject of a Destination Fear ep.  Nick feels goosebumps again.  Footsteps can be heard.  So he's been haunting this school for what over 200 years.  A loud bang is heard again.  Nick climbs into his crawl space and the energy gets stronger.  Footsteps are heard again and a noise in the crawl space itself.  Nick says someone's walking behind Justin who steps onto the ladder.  Nick felt the negative presence surrounding him.  Another noise is heard and Nick says it was something hitting a pipe and walking again.  Nick uses an experiment to find who the spirits are using a laser and turns on the device so a static sound will be stopped if something comes into the laser.  Devised by KD Stafford and Austin.  Nick sees a face move in front of him.  

"See him"??  "Was that you?"  "Yeah."  "Shock."  The laser breaks and the noise stops.  The light flashed or seems to.  "You did that."  A whistling sound is heard.  "Behind there a problem?"  "By you."  "See a fire, man or fireman"?? "Huge fire."  "He died."  Nick felt sick and threw him off balance.  He thinks there's a dark, lingering presence and connecting with their energies.  He goes to the part near the other locker room.  Using another experiment with the laser and the ITC experiment to document who The Principal is.  In the locker room light frequencies energy move with him follow him.   He wants John to follow him or anyone else.  He wants John to move through the smoke and light and take his hand.  He feels weird in the space.  He hears a voice come through, didn't hear it.  Another banging is heard was there a shadow on the left?? when the camera shows the view by the wall.

He uses another experiment using the Ghost Helmet.  To try and see what can connect with his energy.  He hears talking.  "Nick" is heard.  "Violence."  "Ghost."  Did "Frank" come through?  "Necessary."  His is drained and feels like he crossed into another realm and allowed him to spiritually connect to the other side.  He heads to the gym to see if he can connect with the shadow figure.  "Problem...issue...send a message...can't do it...suicide stuff...suicide..."  Downstairs to where the dark energy is lingering and tries to make contact before sunrise.  "Dead...yes...find him??"  New insight into this place.  Nick says John remains and hopes his voice can be heard from beyond.  A fire, lost soul, still need help.  He feels emotions lingering and he questions what the negative energy is and he shows Austin and will return to the school hoping to solve the negative presence.  Energy of the past becomes restless, so communication is important to remain in a positive environment.  This journey is important to him to uncover more evidence of what happens after death and in the afterlife.  

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Death Walker 3.3 "Hospital on the Haunted Hill"

In the City of Williamson, flows the Tug River in the southern region of West Virginia.  The blood feud between the Hatfield's and the McCoy's who between them suffered 13 deaths til 1891.  It wasn't until 2003 when they both signed a truce officially ending the feud. The original hospital was destroyed by a fire.  The four story hospital served the Tug Valley area for 60 years.  The ER was in the basement. In winter 1956 a passenger train was derailed and all 23 injured were at the hospital.  In July 1962, Moses Blackburn argued with his wife and he shot the policeman at the scene in the head.  The other officers captured and took him to the hospital to treat the gunshot wound in his arm.  Blackburn leapt out of the window but he didn't die then.  It was said he was plagued by nightmares of someone after him.  He died later by drowning in his own fluids.  Closed in 1988.  Was used as offices and storage.  Tanya Webb purchased as co-owner.  People mentioned hearing disembodied voices and apparitions.

A nurse who worked and died here and is seen by employees and construction workers.  A floating nurse is seen in the basement area.  The PD has responded to calls.  People report lights turning on and off and seeing shadow figures.  A tour guide became ill in 2018 in the room.  Nick's investigation takes place on 3rd March 2022 the 90th anniversary of when it was opened.  Tanya was born in the hospital in 1973 and lost two grandparents here she never met.  The Mayor - a Hatfield - spoke of everything being installed new.  He was born here too.  Some people visiting are drawn to the third floor and she feels the presence of children.  Thousands of deaths during its time as a hospital.  From shadow figures, hearing voices, legs touched and piano music playing.  

Nick feels someone touch him on his back and felt he bumped into someone.  The Mayor lost an uncle here and the hospital is a landmark and a benchmark too.  A full bodied apparition was seen on the fourth floor.  As well as intelligent spirits being here.  The basement is where they heard doors closing and feel a presence.  "The nurse that never clocked out" and has spoken with patients.  Tanya felt drawn here in the hopes of meeting her grandparents she never met.  She wants answers for this.  Her maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother, Sally Webb and why she has a connection to this place.  

Nick asks if they know who Tanya is?  I heard "Sally" come through.  "Thank you."  "I met"  "Killed" comes through and "evil" after Nick asks what happened when they came to the hospital.  Did the kill have anything to do with the gunman??  "It says "Thomas" and then "Sally comes through."  "Tired...patient..." "patient" sounded like "beaten."  Nick talks of the cycle of life again in the hospital.  He's intrigued with communicating with spirits from the unknown.  He talks of the stories where people have cut off limbs of patients and thrown them in the incinerator room and he has a creepy feeling there.  Why do that?  Just to get rid of them?  He uses the thermal.  He feels pressure and gets a headache.  He feels the intensity and emotions of the people who came through the ER.  "Can you see me" I hear.  "It hurts...yes" when he asks if they know they're dead.  "Sally" comes through again.  

"Yeah" after asking if they can give him a message from the other side.  "He pushed me" after he asks about the man jumping out of the window.  Claims were made Blackburn saw something after him or he was pushed.  "Evil" comes through again.  So does "ancient."  Nick mentions the importance of investigating the hospital during the day as it was in operation 24 hours.  He feels the energy in the area during the day.  "Break" comes through.  He asks if Sally's energy is here now and whether that happens after you pass.  He wants answers from the other side.  "Enter...yeah" is a doctor here.  "Nick's here."  "Dave"?? when Nick asks what his name is.  Are these your files?  "Maybe."  

He uses the motion sensor which plays music when moved and uses lasers.  The upper floors of the hospital something triggered the device and a dark figure is seen in the lasers.  He has more questions than answers.  Many people entered with emotions and thousands died and the energy still lingers.  Nick asks if human consciousness after death still have the energy to manifest into the reality they are living in.  He thanks them for letting him investigate.  For the children, the happiness, sadness and the iconic place for the town to remember.  Everything that took to keep the hospital running.  Tanya is emotional after hearing her name and her grandmother was in the hospital for a week before she passed.  An emotional episode especially for Tanya.

Thursday 25 May 2023

Death Walker 3.2 "Haunted Western Block"

Once the Western Block Company in Rockport, New York, one of the last stops along the Eerie canal. Formerly housed the Western Block Company, the largest manufacturer of block and tackle used in shipping et all.  Also made equipment for the military during World War II.  The men who built Eerie Canal were mostly Irish and it was dangerous work blasting rock.  The canal was completed in 1825. Was constructed for people and goods transport and there was rampant disease due to the canal, such as cholera and many workers lost lives due to disease, being drowned or buried under rubble or from dangerous use of dynamite.  Dead workers could be haunting the facility due to construction and development in the area.  Former workers can be seen and the hotel burned down in 1841 as well as having a fire and police department.  They used the tunnels under the property for transporting alcohol under prohibition.  Frank caught an unexplained shadow woman in a room, whether the figures are spirits of workers or others haunting for various reasons.  The owner talks of different companies on site.

Over an 100 estimated deaths.  Little Italy was on the other side and had the Mafia connections and she took over the property in August 2015.  An arts and cultural centre.  Tenants speak of weird events taking place.  Fire in the back of the building and other fires and people have been injured and died.  They used to use child labour with them falling into machinery and dying.  The Eerie canal used children where they would put dynamite in the stone as they thought they could get away faster than adults, which wasn't the case.  Frank investigated in 2020 and got many shadows, hear noises, footsteps.  A shadow in the classroom caught on security camera and Frank saw it looking through the doorway.  A woman in dark period dress.  probably Mary, one of the Director's sister's.  He was standing in front of a window and he was shoved into the window and broke the window with his backside.  Entities have also been channelled and went through them. A member of the group was giving the history on the place and was taken over and then started laughing at him.  Investigate putting the stories together.

Nick begins in the classroom with the figure of the woman.  He uses Andy's Box to capture voices.  Akin to the Geobox, but it's much clearer as there's no static.  He asks to be connected with the energy and wants the shadow figure to manifest.  In 200 years he mentions the residual energy being set free and that's what people are probably seeing.  He asks if it can hear his voice and a voice comes through "Yeah...okay."  "This" when he asks where it is?  "I should be able" I hear after he asks if he can connect with his body using his energy and "yes."  "Look at"  "Yeah" when he asks if he heard it?  I heard a banging sound also somewhere.  "She's dead...right..."  

Something is thrown and they move and he then reviews it and he sees a hand by his side.  The static camera shows a transparent-like arm reaching out behind him.  He calls it "alien-like and the hand more spirit like."  When he says "Holy shit" and goes towards the sound was he being saved from the hand grabbing him, in my opinion, or was it trying to distract him.  It's such a mystery.  I kind of think it was the former ie saving him possibly from its touch.  Then if it did touch him then who knows what that could have led to, maybe he wasn't meant to find out or not right now, at least.  

The second pic is my own filter.

"She doesn't like that..." He sees a shadow.  "She said thrown...sixty thrown..." what's sixty??  He asks if their energy was used to pick the object and throw it.  He wants to experience that altered state of consciousness humans can feel, the emotions or a form of energy beyond their reality and they can hear him as they are responding, coming through.  

Hey Nick doesn't spend the night here alone now, is that not happening this season then.  He asks if someone's standing here?  A woman speaks, can hear her vocal tone.  Nick feels pushed from behind.  There appears to be some shadow under the phone and then some sort of an orb fly under it.  "Frank" comes through.  "Fire...water" comes through which Nick says scared him.  He felt a jolt go through his body.  Another noise is heard.  They were sent through a 360 circle in the older side of the building.  He can still feel the energy from the spirits.

Video to specialist to analyze.  He looked at the two angles and there's nothing in one shot, the one Justin was filming and then it was in the static camera capture.  They film in 4k did that have something to do with it.  The analyst took the same moment in time and put it side by side and it resembles something that Nick could've held with his hand.  He works in post production and he teaches "everything we see is just reflective light."  He sees there's a colour difference in the hand "specular reflection of light."  Or could be a different colour.  The lit up areas stay the same as it moved through the space.  A different material, might be it reflects light or could be a different colour thus reflecting light differently.  Sharpening is added to one corner and it can be seen even more clearer.  

He used green cos the human eyes see more green and used in night vision.  It can be seen clearer and there's a light reflecting in one area only.  He thought it could be hair but it would've flicked away but the shot is stable and mounted on a tripod.  Hair wouldn't have two points of light.  Not hair, not a reflection, not a bug.  Nick sees a shadow on the pillar behind the hand.   Nick's shadow is on the ground and the hand's shadow corresponds to his.  It's not dust as it doesn't cast a shadow.  Nick wonders why one camera captures it and not on the other.  He can't figure it out as they're similar cameras.  Maybe they weren't supposed to capture it at all.  Especially with that noise distraction.  It's not a camera glitch.  As Nick says he wouldn't have known about the arm if that object sound wasn't heard.  See distraction or causing him to investigate further.  

Nick doesn't know if it's residual, intelligence or something coming through from another reality and this is the best evidence he has ever captured.  Having movement.  He thinks it's reaching in and pulling back out.  With different texture and quality on the hand bits.  Nick says this proves something that validates his investigation and he can take it further.  More questions and want to learn what he captured.  He contacts Tim who has been doing UFO and paranormal investigation for more than 20 years with his father.  He says it's something he can't explain.  It looks like an alien arm with three fingers.  People have told him what they've been through and is it going to happen again.  They see long arms, big heads, thin bodies.  Looks similar to the hand he captured.  

Nick hasn't seen anything like this and had to take it to experts.  Something breaking into their reality, an inter-dimensional being.  Kind of reminds me of that transparent, naked figure captured in Ghost Stalkers at the Old Taylor Memorial Hospital

Monday 15 May 2023

Death Walker 3.1 "Entity House New York"

This episode filmed at a family home in Cattaraugus County, New York, where homeowner Daniela encounters supernatural forces in the home during the night and day.  She carried out research to see why her home was so active. She found a paratrooper in the US Army lived and died in the house in the 1980's.  He was said to be a good man.  There wasn't anything bad about him.  Nick says ghost haunt a location for their own reasons such as murders remaining unsolved, violent deaths etc.  He thinks the entity might be demanding something from her or it's something that isn't human or has manifested into something else overtime.  Or following them home and being attached to someone in the home.  This entity has also gone after the man after he began renovating the upstairs of the house.  Nick wants to see if he can document and make contact with what is there and why her childrens' dreams are being invaded.  He asked paranormal researcher and author Mason Winfield to examine the land around the property.  With help from Melanie and Daniel Klaes watching the monitors.  

Daniela says the activity began when there was heavy equipment on the property and removed small trees and brush.  She had nightmares and vivid dreams, as did her children.  They see a well dressed man.  Doors are open, they hear music and people going up and down the stairs.  She believes it's an old property owner.  She has done research and nothing much is revealed.  She feels lightheaded and the spirits cause exhaustion when they appear.  

Mason says the land wasn't surrounded by the glaciers, the site is mysterious.  There's plenty of folklore in the county but around the property there's nothing and no one wants to talk.  They're in a legendary zone and no one knows about the things in the woods.  Geomancer Linda Ellson, a Feng Sui expert mentioned  "Predecessor energy" at the site that could be manifesting.  Also there's a 100 foot well near the property and the house could be on a "void line."  The house is on a straight line between two cemeteries.  Something could've happened here but they can't say what for sure.  Mason wonders if someone has an enemy and they cut to the man of the house and he came face to face with an old man.  He doesn't like being there and he has heard, seen and felt things there that he doesn't like and isn't normal to him.  He's being watched.  The audio on the boom mic goes awry and they haven't had that going on before.  Nick finds it hard to breath and they leave the room.

When Nick is speaking with Phillip inside and the camera goes haywire and he feels a pain coming into his chest area.  Also Nick grabs the SLS sorry it's not what he called it and that figure was on the stairs, showing something was around.  He should've used that outside too or a thermal imaging camera.  There were plenty of orbs/light anomalies coming through the house clearly seen.  (I know you're not meant to put too much weight on them in this show, but they could be seen.)

The same noises were heard in the basement and also in the usual coming through on the Geoport of "sin" when Nick asks "who are you?"  That was heard three times in all three places.  As well as Nick's name coming up and also Justin's when they were in the basement.  I didn't see that head pop out in the corner of the basement or was it a different camera angle, would've been good if they actually reviewed and showed it.  Wanted to see that or wasn't it captured on camera.  As well as "who is she" coming up. 

There was a lot of voices coming through and unfortunately for some reason whilst I was recording it cut out after 15 minutes and I didn't even know!  Thanks whoever 'Sin' you were or whatever dark entity that was since there was stuff I wanted to listen to again and no I don't have Discovery either.  Outside much the same was coming through with Nick's name again and there was something about getting hurt in an accident.  Getting hurt also came through inside.  Then everything went quiet and no sounds could be heard, that was eerie and creepy too.  A silence all over the land as though something was around and everything just stood silent in its tracks.

The offering at the end by the Native American elder with the tobacco saying that the ancestors were content with the land and how life was being lived there.  Nick said she should live there as it's her house now and there was no definite answer to what was actually causing the hauntings.

Friday 21 April 2023

Strike "Troubled Blood" Episode 4

Strike (Tom Burke) finds that Margot saw Steve for six weeks and Robin (Holiday Grainger) says that DI Talbot found Steve was associated with the death of a married woman, named Joanne.  She died from swallowing industrial weed killer but as she had marks around her neck, someone could have forced her to drink it.  DI George wonders why her death was ruled a suicide and Robin can only answer it was due to her being abused by her husband.  Strike believes Steve was associated with Julie's death too.  Steve Douthwaite changed his name to Steve Jacks after Margot went missing.  Robin adds the workers at Dr Gupta's office thought Steve sent Margot chocolates as she also tried to hide them from everyone.  Gloria saw them in her office and they weren't opened and wonders if Steve could've tainted them with drugs.  As happens to Strike later on, when he also receives a mysterious box of chocolates for Christmas.  They talk to the staff at the office as Steve was there as a guest so someone invited him.

Janice (Anna Calder-Marshall) says Steve was handsome Everyone thought he killed Joanna and at the party he was drunk.  Irene (Carol Macready) adds Steve was a flirt.  Margot threw the chocolate box in the bin but would later take things out and keep them.  Robin questions Saul (Jonas Armstrong) why he has charged dinners to the firm and he replies Strike rehired him on the case. Carl visited Janice as he's working on a book.  Margot left the children with a nanny and Leda was having an affair.  Robin warns Strike that Carl is setting him up and Strike lashes out at him.  Leda took him to the recording studio at seven, but Rokeby didn't want to see him and called him an "accident."  Pat (Ruth Sheen) drops off some mail to Strike and that's when he eats the chocolate, getting ill in the process.  Saul sends Robin a dick pic and then begs her not to tell Strike.  Who finds Steve under the alias of Steve Diamond.

They run a guest house and Steve's wife, Donna (Tracy Wiles) listens to their conversation with him.  When Carl exposed Steve he was afraid and didn't go on the run until after Julie's death.  Apparently the killer has killed six vics.  Saul grabs Robin as a joke and she has a knife in her hand.  She fires him and Pat adds if she attacked him she'd swear it was self defence.  In Janice's flat, Strike calls Beth who claims to be Athorn's (Dayo Koleosho) social worker.  Janice spikes Strike's tea.  She saw Steve killing Julie and then she held her head under water.  Janice poisoned Irene for fifty years.  Janice even poisoned her own son and he told Margot that his mum's drinks made him ill.  Margot didn't want anyone to eat the poisoned chocolate and he adds how he got sick after eating some too.    She also poisoned Margot's doughnut.  Janice buried Margot in the Samhain's flat in the ottoman/chest used as a table.  Janice suffocated Margot with a pillow.

Janice also sent her daughter a locket so that she would drop her snooping.  Strike informs Anna (Sophie Ward) they solved her mother's murder.  Robin finalizes the divorce with Matthew (Kerr Logan) before Sarah has her baby.  They hug as he was there for her when she needed him.  Strike gives Robin a balloon and buys her perfume.  They hug and she kisses him on the cheek.  Nothing more romantic than this as viewers were hoping for them to get together.  Again that'd be hasty and some of us don't expect this to happen.  Seems it will spoil the dynamic of the show and their character interaction.  Seems this was also stretched out much more than needed to be with some scenes that definitely could have been missed or not included at all. 

Saturday 18 March 2023

Strike "Troubled Blood" Episode 3

Strike (Tom Burke) is told by Brian (Billy Boyle) that Mollie was everything to him and can't believe Dennis Creed (Kenneth Cranham) killed her.  He also suspects that he killed Margot and Kara too.  However Robin (Holliday Grainger) tells him Kara was killed by Ricci.  Brian says no one will know what happened to his daughter, Louise and with Creed in prison there's no way to find out.  Creed was writing his memoirs and a guard at the prison gave him info on Margot.  Brian wrote to Creed and he wrote a letter back, he's into games.  His letter reads in the first sentence of each line: "your daughter cried for her mummy before she died."  Strike would be able to speak with Creed as he's well known and he pays them to see what happened to his daughter.  Robin agrees to help him and offers to work in her spare time without taking his money.  Strike warns her that Creed won't help.  Robin wants to help at least one of them and can't put this behind her.  After everything she's been through of course she won't let it go.

At the pub, Strike shows her evidence of photos Pat (Ruth Sheen) gave him.  Lucy calls him to say his aunt probably won't last til Christmas.  Strike looks through his photos and gets an email invite from Johnny Rokesby.  As Strike feeds a homeless man, Pat tells him she called the council about the curry found outside.  He doesn't tell her and gets Sam (Jack Greenlees) to call Paul.  Robin asks Izzy (Christina Cole) to see of she can see a prisoner at Broadmoor.  Strike is called by Beth who tells him Samhain said Margot was killed by Nico Ricci.  Robin cooks for Max's dinner party and her brother is coming too.  Strike tells Robin of the phone box and she says there was a delivery van that was speeding in the area but kept the driver quiet so as to avoid police.  Creed wasn't in the van.  Also Strike says it didn't fit Creed's MO as he would spike his victim's drinks.  

Strike reviews Ruby's interview from 1975 and she was near the phonebox and saw two women together and she thought they had been drinking by their behaviour.  Robin looks at the article and says it was a woman and her daughter but Strike adds it was the other way round as Fiona was taller.  It could have been Margot and Creed, as Creed would've been shorter than her, but it is unlikely.  Paul agrees to talk with Strike.  Johnny calls Strike and he opens up that he has cancer so time is running out.  Heck not another one dying.  Strike tells him to leave him alone.  Strike drinks and talks about being a soldier and gets into an altercation with Robin's brother's girlfriend, Courtney (Maia Tamrakar).  Robin tries to diffuse the situation, but Johnny begins talking about rape and Strike apologizes to Robin and leaves.  She calls him out on it and he apologizes but it isn't what she wants to hear.  Next morning he's at the office with Lucy.  They both head to Cornwall and run into flooded streets.  Finally making a breakthrough in a boat.

Robin calls and offers sympathy for Joan's passing and Creed will only speak with Strike.  He agrees.  Anna knows her father tried to find Margot and she's run out of money to pay him more.  He agrees to lower his rate.  As Robin meets with Matthew and only wants her parents' deposit back for the house.  As she later meets Brian with Strike, he tells them about Creed.  He was into Aleistair Crowley and he attended satanic rituals with women.  The notebook mentions Schmidt explaining all.  As they play with Tarot cards Robin picks the Lovers card and conceals it from Strike. Strike meets with Creed who thinks men like him are necessary in society and they get onto the subject of Crowley.  Brian tried to get to Creed using star signs.  Strike tells him his doctors don't believe Creed is sane and he talks of poisoning women.  As well as saying his client is Margot's daughter.  Creed wants to return to Belmarsh and write his book.  He admits to killing Louise after he saw her in her uniform and he took her necklace.

Strike doesn't believe Creed killed Margot or Louise and Creed mentions M54 where Louise's body will be found.  Which he and Robin try to work out.  Strike discovers it's a star in the Saggitarius constellation.  Robin thinks Louise could've been at the Archer Hotel and Strike speaks with George Layborn who talks of a skeleton being found.  Strikes recalls Creed mentioning being born under the 13th sign.  Robin informs him of Schmidt finding a 13th sign under the 14th star system.  This means peoples' stars change and Stephen Douthwaite would become Capricorn and the notebook says Capricorn killed Julie B.  She was a holiday rep at Baxton's.  She was found in the pool and Steve worked there but left afterwards.  Robin surmizes he killed Margot and then his girlfriend was found dead.  

Lots of jumping around in this episode with coming up with theories that some prove viable and others don't.  Strike and his moment with the homeless man stands out as does his getting drunk.  It just speaks othois character and fouling things up at the dinner party.  Deeply hurt by Joan's passing as well as Johnny revealing his diagnosis.  Yet he doesn't have anything but coldness towards Johnny.  Trying to keep churning out who really killed Margot to the end!

Friday 24 February 2023

Strike "Troubled Blood" Episode 2

Episode 2 builds up on Margo's (Abigail Lawrie) disappearance and again with lots of flashbacks shows how her receptionist, Gloria (Jessica Impiazzi) was dating the man, Luca (Jacob James Beswick) whose father, Nico Ricci (Andy de la Tour) was a criminal as Strike (Tom Burke) notices the ring the man was wearing in the snuff video provided by his police friend.  Where they suspect the woman being assaulted half naked and wearing a blindfold could be Margot. That man being Nico.  Who they find out was in a nursing home and Robin (Holliday Grainger) pays him a visit.  Where Luca spots her and finds her in his room and she puts on a cockney accent claiming she was here to see another patient and paid him a visit too.  Obviously she can't wait to get out of there recalling her attack from series 1, but also since no way does Luca send out good vibes.  He and his father being as misogynistic as they come and even worse.  However the victim is ruled out as not being Margot as she didn't have a scar across her body.  She was Kara, as Robin feels the need to leave flowers at her workplace since she knows that Nico will never be brought to justice for her murder and probably countless others.

Margo it seems worked as some sort of a 'bunny' girl at a club where she met various men and pursued a so-called affair with one of them, a photographer, Steve (Jack Morris) who says that nothing happened, between them.  Strike and Robin also visit one of her former patient's family, The Athorns, the father who was accused of being Margot's killer.  Where his wife likes to do jigsaw puzzles on top of a large chest in the living room.  Whom Robin tries to build a rapport with for information.  Although they may be putting the two of them in danger from the Riccis. Two of Margot's nurses, Janice (Anna Caulder-Marshall - Tom Burke's real mother) and Irene are also interviewed and tell them about Margot and her visitors to the surgery.  Robin donning her same disguise as Venetia Hall again adds some interest to keep the episode going.

Margot's footage from the Christmas party filmed by a fellow colleague, Dr Gupta (Madhav Sharma) is alluded to many times.  As well as Strike visiting his aunt and uncle quite a bit now that she only has not long to live due to her cancer.  Then the scenes with Strike's hired PI, Saul (Jonas Armstrong) who pus his foot in it, left, right and centre and with Robin all the time.  As she takes him off the case he's working on and he says only Strike can do that.  But she reminds him she's a partner here.  He seems to want a 'thing' with her.  Again he too comes across as sexist and many scenes in this series all allude to the so-called 'weakness' of women as opposed to the men.  Margot who was all for feminism in such a time shows how things haven't changed at all no matter how times may have changed.

Sunday 1 January 2023

Strike "Troubled Blood" Part 1

Return of Strike after a few years absence.  Only worth watching for Tom Burke whom I haven't seen since 2019 with his appearance on stage in Rosmersholm. Though good in places it does become predictable who the actual suspect is by the time part 4 is concluded.  Along the way we still get the longing looks between Strike (Tom Burke) and Robin (Holiday Grainger) but as he later reveals she's his best friend and he doesn't want to f*ck it up cos that's what he'll do.  Well, based on his past romantic encounters he's probably right.  

This one kicks off with Strike in Falmouth, visiting his adoptive parents, Ted (Ian Radford) and Joan (Linda Bassett) as she is dying and has possibly a few days/weeks to live.  He's approached by Annie (Sophie Ward) the daughter of a missing GP, Margot (Abigail Lawrie) who vanished 50 years ago.  The main suspect Dennis Creed (Kenneth Cranham) a serial abductor/killer.  With various flashbacks the story is pieced together and Strike agrees to take on the case as obviously it has brought home some memories to him about what his adoptive mother is going through and also how he did have real feelings for his birth mother, Leda.  The office has had a revamp and more open planned with Strike taking on a PA, Pat (Ruth Sheen) and his two PI assistants, Saul (Jonas Armstrong) and Sam (Jack Greenlees).

The detective who initially investigated the case was himself looked at as crackpot with his theories and was replaced by another whose son is on the force and a friend of Strike's.  Margot disappeared after being on her way to meet her friend, Oonagh (Finola Flanigan).  Witnesses saying they spotted a white van, a woman sees two women having an altercation and the pub was accessible by foot.  He does tell Annie that the case is very cold and there's no guarantee they will get to solve it.  but this is Strike of course he and Robin will solve it.  Apparently Margot was a feminist and also caring.  She and Oonagh started out as hostesses/waitresses at a club frequented by men and here she catches the eye of Peter.  An artist and apparently they were meant to have had an affair and he painted her nude.  She was supposed to be his muse.  One night as they argue Oonagh comes to her rescue but he threatens them that if she reveals anything about him, he'll come after them.  Thus an obvious suspect.

This is based on the fifth book Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling) and with all the controversy with her opinions and views this becomes more of a take it or leave it series.  Most will recall some of the books are topical and political commentary is contained within, this however has been toned down here.  Perhaps more so for a wider TV audience. 

Annie wants this investigation kept from her father who was interviewed but wasn't a suspect.  Her colleague, Dr Gupta has some home movies of the Christmas party from 1974 and other footage.  With info from their friend, DI George Layborn (Samuel Oatley) they begin their investigation and footage on an 8 reel comes to light which is disturbing to say the least and they don't know if it was Margo who was being attacked by three men.  One of them branding a knife and wearing a ring which Strike recognizes from the party footage.  

Strike is back and forth visiting his step mother and also Lucy (Sarah Sweeney).  His sister, loves them as real parents whereas Strike has a soft spot for his own mother, Leda).  It's Robin's birthday but he doesn't recall or know and sets off to buy her perfume, tho Carnal isn't one he'd go for.  Not with them teetering on the bring of lust, er, romance I mean.  So he buys her flowers instead.  Also Matthew (Kerr Logan) wants to rush through the divorce.  Family crawls out of the woodwork here, as his brother Al Rokeby also shows up wanting him to come down for the Christmas do and his father wants him there.  Now he wants to acknowledge his existence. 

Wednesday 28 December 2022

Death Walker "Indiana State Asylum"

Indiana State Sanatorium where TB was treated,  the sanatorium became popular and everyone wanted to be there and was a waiting list and after the BCG injection it ceased to be operational.  The Adams House was built here. A senior care assisted living facility but also housed patients with mental illnesses and substance abuse as mentally ill patients left the grounds.  2006 patient barefoot and was struck and killed by a car. 2002 old woman died of exposure and a man left and hanged himself far away.  After a resident left the building in 2002 the State Dept of Health recommended they a female patient died.  As well as a murder/suicide.  The State stopped funding due to treatments on patients.  By 2012 all patients were relocated.  The property was sold and fell into disrepair.  Paranormal activity was reported in 2008 when a female patient entered a man's bathroom.  Nick will use new device showing him areas where shadow figures are around.  So he will have more of a chance of making physical contact on the other side. 

Confrontation may be found during Nick's investigation.  Four thousand people lost their lives from simple epidemics.  People have been scratched.  A loud sound is heard during the interviews and Becca feels an energy through the room.  She was about to say people here just want to be acknowledged.  She asks for communication with anyone still there.  She believes she's communicating with a female.  She's been physically touched here and disorientated too.  Shadow people, things moving in the corner of their eye.  She feels pain, like home, fear, being trapped.  Many emotions at once.

Nick gets some responses, sounds like "help."  He says he wants to communicate and not here to disrespect.  He feels distress and he feels electricity through his whole body in one spot.  One room has a lot of flies there.  He asks who he is, if they know.  "I'm dying" comes through and he feels there's so much residual energy here.  The Geobox picks up on it.  Nick felts a stabbing in his back and Justin felt dizzy.  He feels they may still be living  in their time and they're coming through now but they haven't had any intelligent contact.  He feels overcrowded and their emotions.  He asks if anyone's back here.  A female replies, "I am."  Heard "Nick" too.  Heard a "get out."  Lots of voices and talking.  "Hallway" is heard.  I said you can hear singing.  

In the admin building and a voice says "Hey Nick."  The paranormal puck detects movement in the hallway but he can't hear it.  The tunnels are dark but it's not scary.  He hears the paranormal puck now.  There's so much energy and then he says how intelligent communication is heard and then it goes back into the shadows.  Some rooms have strange vibes and can pick up on their emotions and he feels the energy from the past.  He mentions the body being discovered there.  "The past can leave emotional imprints on tragic events."  He "tried to feel a moment rippled in time."  The stories continue and residual energy also lingers.  He says they're still making contact during the day.  A voice says "I did" after Nick asks if it threw the object.

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Ghost Adventures "Horror At Joe Exotic Zoo"

Hallowe'en Special continues the Tiger King saga.  Yes Zak 2020 was "crazy!"  He recalls the TV show Tiger King (I didn't watch it.)  Jeff Lowe said he has to give the park to Carol Baskin and she could have "all the ghosts that go with it."  Zak believes it to be haunted and in Wynnewood, Oklahoma, he's ready to investigate the spirits here.  They say Joe Exotic is paranoid and was found guilty.  Zak speaks with Jeff and Lauren Lowe.  Joe illegally transferred the property and Baskin could get it legally.  Zak says there's a "dark vortex of energy in this place lingers here, as Lauren says.  They are sure there have been murders here.  Zak adds they don't have any proof but it's still disturbing to hear.  They dug up the tigers that Joe killed.  Being here since 1998 and were stories about strange occurrences.  Joe was arrested and many residents were relieved.  Since they were afraid to talk about him.  Jeff doesn't know how he kept sane here.  Hear noises and are strange.  Zak asks if something caused Joe's behaviour on this land as it hides something.  Zak hasn't heard tiger growls before and they see the tiger pee through the fence.

It's mentioned Joe took a photo and saw someone was levitating above the alligator house.  He thought it was a spirit.  Erik lived here three years and he lost his friend, Travis here, husband of Joe.  He shot himself accidentally.  He removed the clip from his gun but it still went off.  Erik said the clip was in the gun when he found him, but it was reported the clip was removed.  Not emptied.  He talks with Alan, allegedly Joe paid him to kill Baskin.  He denies this.  Alan has experienced hauntings.  Zak says he heard a voice near him.  He says Travis is still with him.  Jeff says Travis still knocks on their window and came round a few nights ago.  Erik says he saw Travis seven days after he died.  Saw him on the couch and winked at him.  He was shaken up by it.

Malicia talks of seeing Travis too and he was near her son's age and they spoke together whenever she needed to.  She saw a mist from the cougar cage, Travis's height.  She shows them where he killed himself in the gift shop and the bullet hole is still there.  Zak feels there are more secrets to be found.  

Joe's house where Erik has been in once and had the feeling to leave and he avoids it.  The house is ramshackle and rundown.  Travis's couch is still there. Even his car key still hangs on the wall and Joe's pill bottle is still there.  Aaron can't breathe and has to leave.  Zak says Travis is still here and things have happened that they can't talk about.  Zak just had to touch the penis pump!  Lauren adds there are bodies under the cement island at the pond, one under a concrete slab and one where ashes were spread under the tiger cages.

At the Back 140 - had a bad reputation.  For 20 years animal remains were dumped there and the bodies were hidden there.  Jeff and Lauren believe bodies were here.  Erik has seen balls of light there and Jeff tells him about the bodies of two trespassers who were shot by two employees.  They know the names but due to lawyers they won't mention them.  Two employees were drinking and getting high and one employee shot and killed one and one was wounded.  The shooter couldn't did it and the other man shot him instead and then burned the bodies.  They have no evidence this happened.  Zak asks if there's a "dark force controlling those who walk this land?"  Zak calls up a forensic team.  He calls Terri to bring cadaver dogs down.  The dogs can tell the difference between human and animal remains.  

Bill Chappell comes down to carry out some experiments.  Recreate an area for EVPs.  He runs in a pipe system and adds some frequencies making up human voices and they should be able to 'amplify' the voices.  The dogs are able to smell human remains and bark when they found something.  They also can tell the difference between animal remains.  Zak hasn't seen any land that is drenched with energy.  The darkness "hangs over this entire zoo like a cloak of oppression."  The dog picks up human remains scent.  Jeff says there was a 14' alligator in the water.  The dog smells human remains.  

The experiment is to understand the method of  EVP generation.  Zak talks to Travis's spirit in the gift shop.  He uses the Trifield meter and gets a huge sweep on it.  Billy shows the tubes from the 'deep echo experiment' with the pipes heading along the land.  The pipe is filled with water, they'll broadcast some frequencies and see if anything is heard to nerve centre.  He asks whether an EVP can be carried through the water.  As Zak et al head to Joe's house they see two lights resembling eyes.  There is nothing seen on the path.  They use a mic that doesn't pick up any sound.  Bill takes an energy speaker and gives it some sound.  If they get an EVP they can convert it to sound.  As Bill places a mic where Travis killed himself, they see a mist go before them.  It could be a spirit manifestation.  Bill sees another mist outside by the door.  An anomaly then comes out of Bill's arm.  The tone generator experiment: 3 sounds were captured: underwater tone: "folks are dead??" or something...dead" is heard whispered.  The water mic: sounds like "a corn dog in the corner" yeah that's just corny!  Bill was surprised by the words being long.  The controlled experiment is historic for their investigations.

Zak investigates Joe's house.  Aaron asks if he remembers them.  Zak asks about the entity above the alligator house.  Zak feels panic and a light anomaly enters his body.  Aaron uses the Polterpod and I hear "gifted to him."  Not "give it to him."  The house is oppressive and need to leave.  The house is suffocating, it's the energy inside it.  Zak hears two people talking and music in the house.   Zak uses the Trifield and gets another high reading as in the gift shop.  He then gets emotional and apologizes.  Zak captures a figure on the SLS by the closet pointing at the shelf.  He finds a teddy bear and then a cap with Travis's name on it.  Zak places the hat on the couch next to a cigarette and ask for Travis to appear and a figure does appear.  Zak and the others can't contain themselves.  They play the voice again.  Which still sounds like "gifted to him."  Did someone gift him the hat.  

The Sheriff's department come to check out the alligator pit.  Zak says they came here for a paranormal investigation and now their discovery shows something more to the 'Joe Exotic investigation.'  The Sheriff concludes the remains found are animal and not human, something with a tail.  With which the cadaver dog people disagree.  Their dogs have been used in countless investigations and have found human remains underwater.  So they can't be wrong!  Something wasn't right here.  The Sheriff lets them take the dogs back but concludes that they have nothing to investigate.  The experts aren't happy with this.  Zak wonders how aggressive the spirits will get now that the dogs are still sensing human remains.  

Their second lockdown is prepped and Zak shows their findings to Erik, who recalls Travis and his hat that Joe took from him as punishment.  Zak is even more convinced that the figure is actually Travis.  Explains why he would've pointed to his hat and would've wanted it back.  Erik believes that Joe was possessed and he would repeat himself after he spoke.  He'd also not change his clothes for days even.  

Jay and Zak head to the Back 40, as Aaron and Billy investigate the alligator pit and then Alan's trailer.  Jay felt something tug his shirt and an anomaly/mist goes away from his back.  A growl is heard.  Which could be a tiger or residual.  They try to talk to the male voice from earlier where he said "play."  Zak asks if spirits are here? "Yeah."  How many bodies are buried? "Two."  How did they die?  "Fire."  Although they don't have any proof of the allegations.  Their final response to where are you buried?  "Here."  Must be something haunting that area.

Aaron runs out of the trailer as Alan is still asleep there and he saw his tiger blanket moving.  They investigate his trailer anyway.  They take Polaroid photos, EMF readings and a voice comes through the Polterpod, "David" comes through.  Then the Ovilus says "Satan Shining."  Zak explains when Lucifer was falling and the association of Isiah 14:12 refers to the Shining One instead of Lucifer.  David also being a biblical name.  

Zak and Jay investigate the gift shop.  Jay puts a tricycle out and Travis used to sit in it and it used to move.  The storm rages outside.  He uses a Vocorder like a live EVP.  They can talk and the sensitive mic will pick it up and play what it heard through the speaker.  Zak feels he was touched.  On the audio session he hears a voice saying "what up?"  Or "shut up"??  After Travis's voice Zak wonders what else they'll find here in the future.  Weeks later the experts tells Zak that there are human remains buried and they want to go again.  A week later the team returned to the zoo.  Four different dogs gave positive responses at the pit.  The zoo hides many secrets.  Not to mention that if there's anything of vale to the photo Joe took at the alligator house could this have any relevance to the alligator pit, since this is where the human remains appear to be.  Was it a sign to investigate there?

Sunday 27 November 2022

Ghost Adventures "Vengeance In Oxnard"

Oxnard, California: a historic, haunted house. A couple who moved here one year ago.  People were pushed by unseen forces, death.  The Henry Levy House.  Built for the Oxnard magnate over a century ago.  Henry died in 1936 and his wife Camille looked after it until the 1970's.  Camille died in the home but Juliet's whereabouts isn't known.  Their cruelty has caused owners to sell their house.  After being here one year they've asked for help.  A neighbour tells them of firsthand experience with the house and the sisters.  Marina tells them they were rude with everyone.  Her son had passed when she moved here.  He'd ride his tricycle and tell him "dirty Mexican go home."  They had to walk on the road.  She thinks it's the house and the way they were.  Her experience after their passing saying she felt negativity, chills.  She knows they're still there and want to stay there.  Zak says their prejudice is despicable but they now know what the sisters were like.

The couple, Eric and Jeff moved in a year ago.  First six months was fine then there was a stone in the garden and it resembled a gravestone, my sis said that too before he did.  The previous owner wanted it back, when they removed it they had their experience.  Heard shoes above them.  The third floor, the attic and above their bedroom the floor isn't finished.  At Marina's house, she tells them she couldn't go into the third floor.  Before Eric lived there, Mariana's high school teacher resided there and she'd go there.  On the third floor they felt watched.  The couple found the door wide open and on CCTV the door is seen to swing open after being locked.  Zak wonders if the sisters are here.  In the spiritual realm it's still their house.   

Zak only wants to know if the sisters are here behind the haunting.  He calls them out in not being good and how they treated others.  Zak has an uneasy feeling and feels a headache.  He may be feeling territorial oppression.  He's going to push back.  Aaron and Billy investigate the third floor.  He wants to go into the bedroom and feels someone is there causing him to go in.  He feels anger and sees the mirror and that's what my sis said again before Zak said it.  It's the bedroom where Camille passed and Lauren sits in front of it.  Billy sees the Trifield spiked all the way and peaked.  The homeowner tells them a female voice was caught on their camera.  Sounds like "leave us/our house..."??  He wonders if something darker happened on the grounds.  A woman's brother-in-law and sister were the first owners of the house.  They were told the pond wasn't original and there was an older one there and a man died in there.  No idea who he was or how he died.   Billy says Zak's feeling what they want him to feel.  Zak got affected as he used provocation and it was due to their treatment of Mariana and if they don't like it, they should do something.

Second day of their investigation Zak mentions the mirror room and he felt the most anger there.  He felt this wasn't him and it was one of the sisters.  Marina says she saw a figure in her home.  He believes the Levy sisters' spirits are travelling and could have backfired onto her due to his provocation.  She saw a shadow and then it vanished and looked like a person.  One of her daughter's couldn't sleep.  Zak thinks since they mentioned them perhaps one of the sisters or something came to this house.  He says there's no room for anything evil or inhuman in their house due to their faith and love.  Zak asks if they are here and he doesn't like them.  He asks who he saw in the mirror.  "Female" comes up on the Puck.  Who are they mad at?  'Holy.'   One of her daughter's says her grandmother used to call her, "her little witch."  Zak tells it to go the table.  Then says names: Camille, Juliet, Henry?  He asks why it's mad?  "Heavy"  comes through.   Marina asks who she saw.

Zak asks who the spirit that came to this house is?  "Many" they say was his son, Manny.  Zak wants to be sure it's him.  Billy asks who came to the living room?  "Evil."  Zak gets a stabbing pain.  A warning from Manny.  Zak's breathing got erratic and off balance and feels cold.  Marina has a pain in her side.  Zak does a quick EVP session.  "Many" comes through again.  And they feel cold air.  The Trifield spikes.  "Big" they describe him as heavy and big.  They believe it is Manny.  He asks him to help with who was in the house and asks if it was one of the sisters or something negative that affected the land and the sisters.  Then spikes again.  Zak feels cold.  Something gets hold of Zak on his shoulder.  Zak didn't feel any negativity.  Zak asks him to watch over his mother.  The location of the ice cold mass and charged air was near to the bedroom door that was Manny's bedroom. 

The XLS captures a figure where the man was found in the pond and jumps on the table.  Billy says that's what opened the door and the spirit moves from outside in or stays outside.  Zak uses the XLS and a full spectrum camera.  Eric then tells them he heard a growl on the camera last night.  They play the voice again and it sounds like a creepy, old woman rather than a growl.  Zak tells them this isn't their house anymore.  Footsteps are heard upstairs.  Aaron tells Zak to go quickly like he does to him.  He says they're territorial and possessive of the house.  They hear a growl that sounds like a voice.  Zak asks why they're not scaring him like the others.  

Aaron feels a pain and pressure and something's about to happen.  A figure touches the camera next to Aaron and Billy feels the cold air.  It keeps touching the camera and tripod.  Aaron feels drained as he was poked in his head after Aaron says there's something on his head.  One tries to film the other figure.  Was that the two sisters, would make sense.  Another figure tries to get Aron's camera on the table.  Zak says the figure is trying to sprinkle pixie dust and tries to control him and is doing something to Aaron's head and levitates over him and vanished.  Some of their best evidence.  Aaron has eye problems.  Damn the right part of my eye started hurting near the eyebrow.  He can't keep his eyes open.  

Camille's old bedroom and the mirror.  Aaron said he saw a woman and his eyes aren't hurting now.  Zak wants her to show herself.  He sees the mirror glow and something touching his leg.  He feels it stronger here and gives it permission to do something to any of them.  Zak: "Cross the veil, feel our breath, see through our eyes."  He says he sees a woman.  Zak speaks with the mirror when alone.  He does, no, personally and an anomaly comes out of the mirror.  Zak said he had a conversation with Camille and answering questions.  She said how dare he comes into their house and call her out, "he thinks he's really cool..."  How true ha! 

Zak uses the Estes method of communication wearing headphone and they ask questions.  Aaron asks if it lives here, its house?  "Yeah."  "Talking about the attic."  "Not physically or visible"??  No more voices.  Zak has Billy put his phone on the landline and a voice comes through on his phone as "great great."  Did that sound residual??   Zak asks if it can hear them, Camille?   A voice comes through on Zak's phone; was it Henry or the dead pond man.  Another voice comes through "can you hear the dead?"  When Zak asks who they're talking to he gets a call on his phone: No Caller ID.  He doesn't answer it and thinks it could be personal.  Someone should've answered it, accidentally.  If it was personal cos editing dude!!! should've picked up!  

That called the end of the investigation and he feels he made a connection with Camille.  Aaron got controlled and the EVPs they got were amazing.  But what happened to the house after the investigation and to Eric, Jeff and Marina??