
Saturday 10 September 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 3

The company practices shooting and across the distance the noise is heard by Colbourne (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) along with his horse, who happened to be named Hannibal.  As for the gunfire another plot point symbolizing Colbourne being hounded by Lennox (Tom Weston-Jones) even if not actually physically in person.  Lennox still kind of reaches out to annoy him with the army's exercises, even if inadvertently.  Alison (Rosie Graham) is excited by Carter (Maxim Ayes) again and his poetry, though it's not really his of course.  She's not enamoured with intellect but rather the dashing looks of Carter.  She's not much impressed with Fraser (Frank Blake) having a book of poetry and having it with him in battle.  But rather that Carter is the one with the poetic nature, he hasn't a clue but that won't stop the two of them from being in love.  She thinks Charlotte (Rose Williams) will be equally impressed by Lennox and a soldier will be right for her too.  Charlotte still isn't over Sidney and it would be too easy for her to get over him, also since he left her for money - that of another woman and that sort of heartbreak would be hard for her to overcome so easily and quickly.  As seen from the previous episode when she tells Augusta (Eloise Webb) about having a love of her own, who sadly passed.

Not many scenes for Colbourne and you can't help but think that the new characters haven't had a chance to develop and given enough screen time to actually get to know them in depth.  With only six episodes, everything is rushed and no time to take in what's going on at a leisurely pace.  
Meanwhile the Midsummer fair of Sanditon (more like Midsommer Fair ha) where Tom (Kris Marshall) is in a panic over the elephant he had booked not turning up.  Cue Arthur (Turlough Convery) coming to his rescue as he can get a cow that moos.  Lennox and his balloon is booked instead.  Where Charlotte volunteers to be the first to take a ride.  Of course there's trouble when the ropes aren't so easily held onto by the soldiers.  Arthur coming to the rescue.  Giving Lennox a chance to further rub in his animosity towards Colbourne by telling her he stole away Lucy, the love of Lennox's life and proceeded to further add animosity towards him, hoping she'll follow suit.

Mary (Kate Ashfield) is still on the lookout for a husband for Georgiana (Crystal Clarke) and one who isn't after a fortune.  As well as knowing that Charlotte isn't over Sidney and having to put up with the useless business acquisitions and decisions of Tom.  Georgina doesn't suffer fools lightly and the Rev Hankin (Kevin Eldon) isn't helping much thinking that Georgiana will be familiar with elephants.  As she replies she had five, rather flippantly.  Still developing the story of Charles (Alexander Vlahos) and Georgiana as love interests and the chemistry is there.  Yet you can't help but think that something isn't quite right.  As Lady Denham (Anne Reid) is also up in her face over the sugar boycott Georgiana supports since her fortune was a result of sugar.  As Charles shows her a sketch of her and she's not very impressed.  Which is put down to him not knowing her from within, which he hopes to do so.  She's not impressed and conveys this to Arthur.

As the birth of Clara's (Lucy Sacofsky) baby is anticipated, Esther (Charlotte Spencer) feels she and Edward (Jack Fox) are behind this and are plotting against her.  However Clara is adamant she's as much as victim of Edward, as Esther was.  Esther being more concerned with not being able to have a baby herself and yet Clara who doesn't really deserve to, is the one having one.  Esther isn't very well either after she's been to the midwife and as the baby is on its way, she doesn't want Clara giving birth on the stairs and needs to make it upstairs.  Especially since she tells Clara, it was conceived on the floor.  Edward also owes his commission to the army and hasn't paid it yet.  Hoping for a handout from Lady Denham no doubt. Seeing the baby as the golden goose and the answer to his money woes.

Lennox pops up everywhere Charlotte goes like a bad penny and still undermines her against Colbourne.  As Fraser is employed as a dog's body by Lennox in his quest to pick flowers for Charlotte and where he chances upon Alison too.  Leo (Flora Mitchell) vanished and in finding her she comes across Colbourne trying to calm his horse, of course she takes the lead in doing this for him.  More silent exchanges and looks between them.  The pair get caught in the rain and sheltering under a tree is where they find Leo.  A scene almost reminiscent of Sense and Sensibility, where Mariana went out looking for Willoughby's house and got caught in the shower, having to be rescued by Colonel Brandon.  But here the only rescuing is that of Leo, where at a picnic later Colbourne also turns up as they pick flowers and name them.  Charlotte finding out that Augusta's mother was the twin sister of his wife Lucy.  Colbourne giving Charlotte some cornflowers, her favourite.

Just thought that Lucy and her sister dying also being a twin was rather ironic to say the least.  As well as asking which one outlived the other as that wouldn't have been easy on Colbourne if Augusta's mother survived her.  How did Colbourne cope with the memories of seeing his wife with another woman's face.  Though it appears they both lost their mothers at an early age. 

With trouble brewing with the store keeper's unpaid debts, Tom is persuaded to partake in yet another gambling reverie with Lennox where he proceeds to loose yet more money, becoming further indebted. Charlotte having received two posies wonders which one is the more worthy potential suitor and who is the cad.  Though it appears Tom's too easily persuaded into this hence the persuasion reference, okay it wasn't but still...probably was with Charlotte and Lennox.

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 2

Yikes Lennox (Tom Weston-Jones) galloping on his horse at the beach does a beeline for Charlotte (Rose Williams).  The man just can't leave her alone.  Where she has to apologize for her rant on not wanting to marry and would rather work.  At a time when obviously anything a woman does was frowned upon.  He also goes on to practically malign her good character especially as he doesn't know anything about her.  Which wasn't really any different to her extolling the virtues of employment really.  He says she'll get an invite.  This to the company's/regiement's dinner.  

Arthur (Turlough Convery) tells Georgina (Crystal Clarke) Sidney was in Antigua at her behest and this leaves her intrigued, but I would've thought a little guilty at what happened to him.  Though she doesn't show any such feelings and is more puzzled at her own predicament in finding this out, selfishly.  Cue Charles (Alex Vlahos) and his scene with Arthur in which he just seems to ingratiate himself.  Putting on airs and graces of being the arrogant, put upon artists.  More so since Arthur is at times gullible and sees a possible friend in everyone, however this isn't a harsh criticism just that he's very approachable.  As opposed to Tom (Kris Marshall) who just drives people apart and potty at his less than informed decisions.  Easily gullible in that respect too.  Whereas Arthur appears to have more of a head for business than Tom.  Charles sketches Arthur on the beach and says he would be deemed very artistic-y in Paris.  As said a chance to get in with the crowd, particularly Georgiana.

Charlotte is frowned upon when she enters Heyrick Park through the front door as she should be using the servant's entrance from now on.  She's met by the housekeeper, Mrs Wheatley (Flo Wilson).  On her first day there she's also late and Mrs Wheatley proceeds to tell her she's part of a wager on how long she'll last (was this is a subtle reference to The Sound of Music, sans bet as the governesses who were driven away by the Von Trapp children.)  As Augusta's first words are to this effect as she doesn't need a governess.  Charlotte says that her bet is safe as she has a resolve to stay and once her mind is made up she very rarely changes it.  Well wait til she meets her employer Colborne (Ben Lloyd Hughes).  Who introduces Augusta (Eloise Webb) and his daughter, Leonora/Leo (Flora Mitchell).  Not an easy task as he also seems distanced from them too.  He only wants her to convert Leo to a lady and for Augusta to be prepared for marriage.  As women shouldn't be working let alone having an education, thinking for themselves being up above their station.  Augusta who appears to be on the same wavelength as her uncle taunts Rose for being single and embroiders 'spinster' making sure to point it out to Charlotte.  Charlotte tells her about Sidney and being loved, but he died.  Making Augusta endear to her a little more. 

Alison (Rosie Graham) has cast her sights and net firmly on Captain Carter (Maxim Ays) and obsequiously treats Captain Fraser (Frank Blake) like a leper.  Being enamoured of the one she feels is more handsome and brave.  Georgiana accompanies her to their camp as the soldiers engage in swordplay and Carter admits he isn't as intellectually gifted as Fraser.  Thus requiring his help in procuring Alison's advances with a touch of poetry, which Fraser helps him with.  A veritable Cyrano de Bergerac scenario.

Meanwhile Tom ignores Arthur's request of building a Theatre Royal but he's more interested in a permanent barracks.  Like what possible attraction could they have, let alone a money making idea.  Tom proceeds to show Lennox around the town and Arthur senses the flaws in him whereas Tom whole heartedly accepts him for who he is.  No alarm bells ringing for him, not when money bells ring instead.  Lennox senses Tom's hastiness and eagerness in wanting the barracks to go ahead and also his gullible nature which he will use to his advantage.  Not like Sidney is there to rescue him.  

Edward (Jack Fox) tries to show Lady Denham (Anne Reid)that he's a changed man but Esther (Charlotte Spencer) can see through the charade suggesting he should go drown himself.  Many references to water and drowning in this, especially since Alison will also almost meet that fate in an episode.  Was that some kind of Mill on the Floss moment.  Whilst in church, Ester is accosted by the Rev Hankins (Kevin Eldon) who makes snide comments about her and children.  Though his sister, Beatrice (Sandy McDade) knows what Charlotte is going through and suggests a midwife who may be able to help her with her baby predicament as she has with other women.  

At the dinner, an opportunity for Charles to make a spectacle of himself in the hopes of winning Georgina over, showing his typical artist demeanour.  As he proceeds to toast Napoleon to the chagrin of Lennox.  Who is persuaded by  Lady Denham to ignore him as he's an artist.  Maybe that should be in inverted commas as it's a very big clue to his actual deceptive nature.  By trying to show Georgiana he's not a consummate bore, he tires to worm his way into her affections, as he senses that's what she's interested in.  As Arthur places their name cards together at the dinner table seating arrangements.  Lennox tries to impress Charlotte but she's not falling for any of it least of which his reaction of disdain when she tells him she's a governess for Colbourne.  It's as if someone's walked over Lennox's grave when he hears that!  Alison getting to sit next to Fraser where she does get more banter than she would have with Carter.  

The cliffhanger of the ep is Clara (Lily Sacofsky) turning up, a very pregnant Clara, allegedly the father being Edward.  Of course this is off played with Esther who desperately wants a child but can't and here's Clara who has it all, except Esther's wealth.  

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 5

Alison (Rosie Graham) wants to leave and go back home as she’s done with Sanditon, as she feels humiliated. Fraser (Frank Blake) tells Carter (Maxim Ays) to apologize to her as it's the only way to salvage any relationship with her, although he secretly pines for her.  Later Fraser tells her she can’t let Carter drive her away like this and shouldn’t let that be her last memory of Sanditon. She confronts Carter at the Parker ball as he's surrounded by more women.  I was going to say as the sleaze is surrounded for some reason ha.  And says he should mend his ways before he hurts another girl.   Sharing a dance with Fraser as she's all dressed up as a marshmallow.   They share some more pleasant insults towards one another.  

Mary (Kate Ashfield) finds out from Lady Denham (Anne Reid) that the last Company the town was at they left without settling their debts, so she heard it from a friend.   As Esther appears to be drunk with the potion Edward's (Jack Fox) been feeding her.   Clara (Lucy Sacofsky) realizes his plan is not for baby George but revenge on her and refuses to go through with it but doesn’t do anything to make him stop.  She too had her sights set on the fortune. 

Mary tells Tom (Kris Marshall) about the news and he tells her he's lost £100 to Lennox (Tom Weston-Jones) and he won’t settle his debt until Tom pays up. Yeah like he's ever going to settle it.  Didn’t in the last town or anywhere else the Company's been.  Tom tells Arthur (Turlough Convery) he can’t put on the ball as they don’t have money for it.  The store owners retrieve their goods. Arthur comes to the rescue as his patronage at the bakery pays off and he's been given three days to clear their debts.  Lady Denham tells Tom she warned him about the company and he says he heard no such warning from her.  Tom wallows at the ball saying Sidney would’ve known what to do.  But Arthur tells him Sidney wasn’t like him as Tom had the vision for Sanditon and saw it through to what it is, not just rows of beach huts anymore.  Tom finally realizes he has a brother in Arthur and not just Sidney.  

Georgiana (Crystal Clarke) asks Arthur to chaperone her with Charles (Alex Vlahos) and he persuades Arthur to leave them alone.  Being an artist he needs his creative juices flowing with his subject alone.  Whereupon he confesses his love for her saying if he had her inheritance he would travel the world, eat fine food and stay in bed all day. He wouldn’t be working on pitiful commissions all day.  Telling her that hers is not just any portrait.  She can’t control her emotions and kisses him.  Well no red flags from Georgiana as he claims to be an artist but doesn't want to ply his trade anymore and would rather just live off the wealth.  That was a massive clue as to who he really was.  They dance at the ball together. 

Esther (Charlotte Spencer) has a turn for the worse after Edward hands her his spiked wine, giving Georgiana and Charles sneak out and he says he's leaving but he wants her to come too.  She replies as his concubine but he says as his wife.  Interrupted by Mary in the nick of time.  I still get the impression he’s the one in Antigua after her inheritance.  Since her solicitor didn’t mention any name.  Well there must be some sort of foreshadowing here with him just coming into the picture, who really knows him and he befriends Arthur of all people.  Though Arthur seems to be a good judge of character as far as Lennox was concerned.  Well Alex did play evil Mordred in the BBC Merlin after all!  

Charlotte (Rose Williams) has another new dress for the ball and she dances with Lennox.  As Colborne (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) also arrives with Augusta (Eloise Webb).  More beguiling looks are exchanged between them as he dances with her and ends up with Charlotte being upstairs with Lennox who's peeved she's still in Colbourne's employ. 

He proposes to her and then forces himself on her and kisses her even as she rejects his advances saying she made no such move on him.  Flustered she leaves and Colbourne takes her to his house.  That balcony looked like the same balcony with her scenes with Sidney and their scenes.  But they were supposed to be new assembly rooms.  Colbourne tells her about Lucy wanting to stay in London for another season.   They got married young.  There she was taken in by Lennox and had his child, Leonora (Flora Mitchell).  As Leo listens to them.  She died a few months later and Colbourne regretted his actions in his treatment of her.  Charlotte wonders why he didn’t tell her all this before.  Why would he, it was his humiliation but also his guilt. There was the Wickham story and Darcy also looked after his sister, Georgiana when Wickham was pursuing her.  They kiss. 

Ester has a turn and is taken home.  She can’t find George and she has him as he was crying. She takes him away again telling Edward he is using laudanum on her and she wanted the money for George but didn’t agree to this.  The doctor had only been giving her a placebo to ease her burden but says shes not well in the head.  As Charlotte writes to Babbington without any luck again.

Plenty was going on here least of which was Charlotte's dilemma with Colbourne after she finally learns the truth about Lennox and where she should go from here.  As well as Georgiana preparing to run away with Charles.  Of course everything will be solved in the final episode, but they rushed through these five with plenty going on whereas they would've taken a more slower approach had there been the usual 8 episodes.  

Sunday 28 August 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 4

Captain Carter (Maxim Ays) proposes to Alison (Rosie Graham) after getting the consent of Colonel Lennox (Tom Weston-Jones).  Alison gets in deeper with him but he doesn’t admit that he didn’t save his company and Captain Fraser (Frank Blake) is disappointed with him.  Until Carter's true colours are revealed when he proposes to her in a boat on the river and she tumbles in.  Pretty stupid thing to go boating if you can’t swim and are that cowardly.  So ITV went on an ad break here and when we returned she’d been rescued by Fraser.  She can’t hide her disappointment and being lied to.  However Fraser too is disappointed as clearly he has unreciprocated feelings towards Alison too and doesn't have a hope in her eyes, though he is the better suited to her and the better man too.  Charlotte (Rose Williams) also points out how quickly she's fallen for him and states that people rarely turn out to be as they appear.  Well all I can add is she's one to talk, especially when she seems to be more inclined to side with Lennox and everything he told her about Lucy and how Colbourne (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) took her away from him.  

Tom (Kris Marshall) can’t get the army to pay the debts amassed by them in the town but is easily talked into a bout of gambling by same Lennox (Tom Weston-James). Wonder why he’s just doing the same thing he did in series 1 all over again and can’t put his foot down.  Not having Sidney around to help him.  Though Arthur (Turlough Convery) tries and is much more in control of his life and other events than Tom, who is lost without having Sidney to fall back on.   Having lost another £100 to Lennox, he can't tell Mary (Kate Ashfield) he's resolved the money situation with him.  

Georgiana (Crystal Clarke) finds out that Sidney was protecting her fortune from a man who was planning to take it from her.  With the use of her being 'unfit' to inherit using racist and other means to do so.  Who was said man and could it possibly be Charles.  Well I had to ask considering he did get in her face quickly.  Mary (Kate Ashfield) tells her she must be well behaved so she doesn't add more ammunition to whoever that man is.  Which wasn't very helpful.  She also finds out Sydney was in Antigua cos of her and people wanted to take away her inheritance.  Mary tells her people will always be against her and she’s got to be weary. Georgiana (Crystal Clarke) agrees to having her portrait painted by Charles (Alex Vlahos) but not a nude.  He says he wants to know her and paint her soul and her chaperone, Miss Hankin (Sandy McDade) is taken aback by his paintings. 

Colbourne (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) agrees for his niece, Augusta (Eloise Webb) to come out at the garden party and make her debut at the party.  After he spies Charlotte teach Augusta and Leo (Flora Mitchell) to dance.  More sultry looks exchanged between them.  Augusta tries one of her Aunt Lucy's dresses prompting Leo to hug her, as she's the nearest she'll get to her mother in her dress.  A poignant scene as she never knew her mother and it appears Colbourne isn't really one to talk about her.  After he finds out Charlotte will also be at the party he is somewhat relieved.  Admitting he dreads the occasion even less now.  Augusta faints here as her corset is too tight and Lennox rushes to help her, adding that h feels he has Lucy in his arms again.  

Elsewhere we get the Darcy/Wickam storyline with Lennox and Rochester wannabee, Colbourne.  As he tells of his rivalry and his love being taken by Colbourne.  Where obviously it's apparent that Colbourne is the put-upon one as opposed to Lennox who can’t believe Charlotte is still in his employ.  Even if we haven't had much character development and background on his part.  Tempers flare at Lady Denham's (Anne Reid) garden party where no one eats the cake cos of sugar and slavery and many leave.  But also at the archery contest where Charlotte gets the better of both of them.  Yet is still in favour of accepting Lennox's version of events as Colbourne walks off in a huff.  

Edward (Jack Fox) continues on his plight to get his inheritance by wanting to see the baby and schemes with the butler into getting all of Esther's (Charlotte Spencer) mail from her husband.  As Clara (Lucy Sacofsky) realizes Easter wants her baby or at least look after him. Cos of her own baby problems. She tells Edward she doesn’t want to do it, drug her with the laudanum as shes been good to her, but he talks her round by saying the inheritance will be George's.  Thus ensuring she too is a a victim of his evil scheming.  

Saturday 27 August 2022

Death Walker 2.15 "New Orleans Spirits With Bloody Mary"

Nick believes positive and negative energy and that we create energies ourselves from thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours and from other spirits.  He uses an unorthodox approach to his investigation using a ritual and see whether the ghost , a supernatural entity can latch onto humans, living people.  He's never allowed spirits to attack him physically after having them follow him home, having attached themselves to him.  After investigating the ten most haunted places in America he began to notice strange occurrences affect his everyday life through a multitude of positive and physical energies.  Something similar happened to him after he investigated Hinsdale House too for Paranormal Lockdown.  When he had the entities follow him home and came through the Geoport and haunt his house.  telling him to go to Pontefract and the Black Monk House at 33 East Drive. 

He will investigate Bloody Mary's 1890's haunted house where the good ghosts left the city after Katrina and never came back.  Green orbs have been seen around the bedroom and she's sealed ghosts in the attic using holy oil.  Nick will investigate the lower part of house where she does her private work for clients and will also investigate her haunted museum before being cleansed by her ,hoping to bring him inner peace after this entire journey of 15 episodes.

Mary tells us about herself and her family came here in 1718 from the Alsace area of France.  Her family has been here since then and she's been teaching voodoo for 28 years to people.  The spirits woke her up and her voodoo house and there's a strong family tradition and her husband is a voodoo priest and son is an apprentice and she focuses on New Orleans voodoo.  Her job is to preserve the culture here.  There was a danger of losing culture after Katrina when people moved and didn't come back.  She's a priestess in the tradition of Marie Laveau.  Voodoo was practised by mixed races, every colour, every person and nationality, everybody dabbled in New Orleans (NO) voodoo.  NO was most haunted city even before they were American and before they were colonel.  There were monsters, spirits and ghosts and holy spirits back then.

NO is below sea level where life began and was easy to connect with them.  NO is below the Bible belt where people can talk about taboo things.  Big in the spiritualist movement and people came to NO to dabble in things they wouldn't do at home.  NO watches over and protects and there has always been spirit activity here.  Moved here with her young son as a single mother.  The statue in her garden showed her where to live and the statute turned to her and she took over this house.  Built 1895 and came with spirits and with the spirit of Edward.  Other spirits followed her home here.  She had a full house and she believes in spirit rights and for someone who lived in the house before to stay as they have right to remain there.  She had haunted objects here and also put some in the haunted collection in her museum.   Ghost hunts take place here.  At night she gets the most activity and speaks to them. Elementals, land spirits and a nasty one comes through just as good and bad in life.  People get touched and groped.

Nick undergoes her incantation at her ancient place bloody Mary sings in voodoo to bring the spirits around him.  She carries out a ritual around Nick.  To summon the spirits around him.  The spirits of the South: angels and gods.  The Western spirits: spirits of water, energy there, call upon them.  The spirits of the East: air, angels are there.  To dance with them.  Of the North: Green Mother, makes a simple crossroads for them to go there on the third eye and feed the blessed bread to the doll who represents her.  A special offering to the ancestors who have come before and the spirits of 144 South Henessey and Edward.  She invites them all to investigate with Nick and leave at midnight.  Use methods to communicate with such as electrical equipment.  The cigar is left out as an offering along with the liquid.  Introduces himself as Nicholas Groff.  Invites the spirits to dance with them.  Alison is the centre post in the house, the spiritual highway and will lead them in.  Let the spirit guides of Mary Laveau to come through.

Nick asks the spirits to speak with him.  "Mary" is heard on the Geoport and "We."  He asks if they know who Mary is.  Also Nick asks if the spirits remember him from before as he wants to make spiritual contact through the house with the doorway opened.  He feels a needle pierced his arm.  Investigate any physical presence.  He asks if that was them.  "Yes."  "Let me enter"  I hear.  He asks them to speak clearly.  He feels a tingling down his spine and asks if there's someone behind him, touching him?  Last time was in the Ghost Adventures ep when all the books flew off the bookshelf.  He enters one of the rooms "yes" and came across energy last time.  People get slapped there.  He asks for a name.  I heard "help me."   "Here he is...can see" after he asks if they're in the temple.  "Nick's here."  Said twice.  "Outside."  In the basement below.  

Nick asks to feel its power and energy and show people there's physical contact from their realm into our reality.  Something grabs him on his arm.  There's a mark.  The Geoport also says "there's a mark."  It's under where the pole extends all the way down from upstairs.  He tells Mary.  She says could be one of her voodoo spirits.  He wants to go deeper and his goal journey is to evolve as a human and also to evolve with the spirits.  He felt and asked for physical contact from the other side and he got that.

He heads to Bloody Mary's museum and he joins Mary and her friends.  After the seance, he investigates the upstairs apartment.  Zack and Addie arrived here a year after Katrina and she wanted to be removed from lease and the landlord wouldn't do that.  They fought and Zack strangled her, cooked her in the oven for almost 13 days.  Then jumped off the hotel building.  See Paranormal Lockdown ep.  "Yes I am/do" remember him.  Knocking comes from the bathroom.  "Nick's here."  There are also other spirits at this location and other people here.  He wants to find physical contact from behind.  She opened the doorway and wants the spirits to come through.  Another knock is heard.  Asks for any spirits from his journey to come forward.  He needs the validation someone touched his arm.  Dolls in the room.  A spirit is meant to hide in the little opening.  Nick plays the out of tune piano toy.  I heard  "Addie is that you"??  

Nick allows the spirits to communicate as they please.  He wants them to help him show there's some communication beyond the grave and show the world they can do these things together.  Give the world this message.  I liked the first Geoport in season 1 there was less echo.  He was at Bloody Mary's house ten years ago, and she brought spirits forth and opened the doorway from the other side.  He feels static electricity.  journey led him here to open the doorway, the threshold and step through further mentally and physically make connection to the other side.  To show if there's something more than dying and how they affect the living in the reality they're in.  Touched in the basement and did it follow them here.  "He's here."  Justin hears knocking.  Nick feels someone's standing in the staircase and energy moves in and out of there, all the energy when they came and went.  More balance here and more than he came here last time.  Tragic ending and feels the energy in waves but less intense than last time.  Still interaction.  IO device interaction.  Led them back to NO and Bloody Mary helped them open the doorway.

He leaves and he feels the energy lift and spirits have a sense of peace.  He's fascinated by communication from beyond and the spiritual vibe as he walks the streets and cleanses himself from the energies from the other side.  She takes him to the edge of the Mississippi and carries out her cleansing ritual.  Where Nick feeds the spirits in the water, before dunking himself underwater too.  Mary Laveau fed and where they fed the spirits too.  Takes Nick full circle in the water.  Small cleanses are done and should done by Nick all the time.  All the spirits he may have amassed with him throughout his journey in the season.  She thanks the spirits and gods walking at their side throughout the day.  Thanks them for their power and closes the way.  She sings her ritual to the spirits.  

So Nick completes his journey this season 2 coming fill circle and needing that cleansing after some of the spirits he's encountered.  Though not so much physical contact, there were some physical manifestations and a lot of knocking and voice communication in EVPs and through the Geoport and other equipment.  This season was definitely different from season 1 as that involves more communication through other forms, how ghost perceive them how they perceive the spirits, each within their own realms etc.  Such as his reference to The Others frequently. 

Season 2 was more connecting to the other side through physical touch, to show physical contact and through the two different realms with several references to how spirits perceive them in their world and the human world sees them in theirs.  It was good seeing him make a return to New Orleans (one of my fave cities) having been there a year before Katrina and then Nick travelled there with GA.  It brought back memories for me.  But also for Nick as he experienced the spirits in Bloody Mary's house that time around.  As well as when he was there for the tragic Paranormal Lockdown episode.  Good to see that the energy is less intense there now and he didn't see any dark shadows like they caught last time around the kitchen area. Wonder if Justin got cleansed as well.

Can't wait for a season 3, as Nick said in an interview with Joblocom about signing a 44 episode deal in the US, or at least hoping to!

Thursday 18 August 2022

Sanditon Series 2 Episode 1

Sanditon series 2 has much changed.  Charlotte (Rose Williams) returns with her sister, Alison (Rosie Graham) to get away from the prospect of marriage and once they arrive, her sister persists in making sure she doesn't get away from the prospect of marring altogether.  What with matchmaking and visiting the soldier camp with Georgiana (Crystal Clarke).  Who has her own share of suitors all in want of her fortune!  Tom (Kris Marshall) finds out that Sidney was in Antigua on behalf of Georgiana and looking after her affairs, where he carked it from yellow fever, thus his non-return to series 2.  As shown from the opening scene with locals burying a coffin, a maid clearing away bloodstained sheets.  

In contrast there's Charlotte living life to the fullest at a dance, a juxtaposition of life and death probably at its finest for this opening.  As Mary Parker (Kate Ashfield) breaks the sad news to her.  Her world is turned upside down.  Deep down she might have thought one day they could somehow meet again.  Though we do get to hear Sidney's voice as he speaks to Charlotte.  Mary tells Charlotte she can grieve for Sidney but she says he had a wife who will do that for him.  Also we get a flash to his reading to her about having to marry his wife instead of her.

Ester (Charlotte Spencer) returns as her husband is away on business and finds that she has trouble having children, having had miscarriages.  Lo and behold Edward (Jack Fox)turns up too as a soldier in want of a commission.  Thus he's come to bludge off his aunt, Lady Denham (Anne Reid) agreeing to stay away from his step sister.  Of course he doesn't.  Though he does have ulterior motives even after being threatened with being disinherited.

 New buildings in the town and cue the arrival of an artist, Charles Lockhart (Alexander Vlahos) who saunters from the sea clad only in his robe and encounters Arthur with Georgiana and Charlotte.  The chemistry is apparent between him and Georgiana.  As she also sees him in the teashop.

Charlotte applies for the governess position a la Jane Eyre with Alexander Colbourne (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) who hounds her as not qualified or has experience to be a governess.  At which point she leaves.  Later he comes riding on his horse a la Mr Rochester from Jane Eyre, heck he even had a dog under the desk (who's idea was that?) and tells her she is hired.  He's a widower who has to look after his daughter Leonora aka Leo (Flora Mitchell) and his niece, Augusta (Eloise Webb) who claims she doesn't need a governess.   Who like Charlotte, are both also dealing with their own loss.  Tom of course doesn't like him.  Seems he's not as good a judge of character as Arthur (Turlough Convery) is, but of course he's seen as a bit of a buffoon, when in reality it's the other way around.  

Charlotte is also pursued by the commander of the company, Colonel Francis Lennox (Tom Weston Jones) as soon as he spots her.  Who I rather likened to Wickham - Pride and Prejudice.  Tom can't get anywhere with him and is easily taken in by him.  He also has a rivalry with Colbourne.  

Alison has two beaus in the form of Captain Carter (Maxim Ayes) and Captain Fraser (Frank Blake) - one a caddish rogue and the other one who knows he'll never get a look in with her.  As we get a sense (no pun) of Sense and Sensibility with the fatalistically doomed love affair of Marianna with Willoughby.  

Though everyone thinks governess is beneath her as there's not much career choices for women in want of monetary freedom.  Yeah I had to write that "in want of" lines since there's plenty going on here that warrants that.  This was made as fans wanted another series but it doesn't feel the same as the first series.  There's an atmospheric energy missing and it just appears routine, though fast paced.  As though it was just filmed for the want of being filmed! Ha...  Okay I will stop writing that now...

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Death Walker 2.14 "Niagara Club"

In Niagara Falls, New York sits the Niagara Club and Nick was granted exclusive access to this place.  Built in 1867 by Dexter Jerauld, the first pioneer of the Niagara frontier.  The building was taken over in 1902 by the Niagara Club on New Years day.  A men's social club brought in prominent and influential people.  Also crime family members frequented the building.  The Club filed for bankruptcy in 1996.  Later it became a drug treatment facility until it was operated and brought by the Patel family in 2009.  Wanted to reconstruct and restore it to its original.  Seen dark figures, cold spots, lights flickering, hearing voices and a woman walking and disappearing.  Nick wants to document and see if something can reveal what happened here.  In 1901-1996 the club flourished.  The mob ran Niagara City.  A lot happened in the basement.  The owner, Nirel couldn't move when he slept here one night and saw a silhouette of a woman in a petticoat.  He still feels her presence.  The walls could tell many secrets.  

Nick hears sounds in the basement and trying to work out where it's coming from.  As another noise is heard.  He feels static electricity everywhere.  He says the sounds erupted as soon as night fell.  The basement is associated with the mob, politicians and other figures.  "It was them...I did" comes through after he asks if it made that sound.  Also hears "yes" twice.  Where are you "right next to you." "Prohibition" comes through when they've been talking about it.  Who made that sound?  I heard "me."  

Did you make that sound?  "Yeah" I heard.  "Yes I am" is what I heard before he asks if it's here or back there.  "Men...yes" after Nick asks if he was hurt?   Heard "help."   Are you buried beneath the ground"  "Under the ground" I also hear "stairs," as Nick was standing near to them before going upstairs.  The original bar is still there.  Footsteps are heard again.  The woman is named Beatrice.  Nick asks them to sing, party, have fun.  A woman says "sing."  Will come through again saying the same.  I hear something like "you're going to remember me..."  Nick uses a new Deco device which will light up and sound when touched.  The original mirror is still there and the bricks from the original house.  The device goes off at the bar after Nick says they left them drinks at the bar.  

He sets up the laser grid in the basement and it activates.  Using the Geoport again.  He asks if the mob hurt him and if he was killed.  "Right here, Justin."  Says "Nick too.  "I was killed."  Nick asks right here and answers "it is."  No one wants to grab Nick's hand.  Nick feels cold energy through him.  The library has mirrors and books and he feels different in there.  He asks if it can show itself in the mirrors I hear "yeah."  I hear "absolutely it is" after Nick asks if her name is Beatrice.  Nick should've used the other listening device and not just the Geoport.  I don't like this one it's not as good as the first Geoport he used in Paranormal Lockdown, could hear more on that.  

He doesn't feel welcomed in the other rooms with the sliding glass door.  They don't know much of the history of the building.  They're looking for Beatrice.  He asks about the mysteries that happened there in wanting to help the owner.  He asks if they like what the owner's doing here and like the owner?  A woman says "yes" after he asks if she woke up the owner.  "Yes it is"  Beatrice in response.  "I am" I hear after Nick asks if they're being followed like she follows the owner.  "Upstairs."  Something is thrown at them and it's cold.  

Something messes with their equipment.  Justin hears someone sneak up behind them.  Nick says the spirits have relocated now after guiding them into the darkness and uncovering new puzzle pieces, they're now silenced by death.  Nick says there's residual and intelligent energy here.  Something tragic occurred there.  Thought this one was a bit of a lack lustre ep, not much happened aside from the voices and the music was too loud.  It sounded like a feature film playing and drowned out a lot of the sound.  

Thursday 4 August 2022

Death Walker "Myrtles Plantation"

Myrtles Plantation is haunted and attracts visitors and paranormal investigators a lot.  Nick needs to question why it's haunted.  Built in 1796 by General David Bradford who left his family behind and was involved in the whiskey rebellion.  It was sold to Judge Woodruff and his wife Sarah had three children. 21st July 1923 Sarah, his daughter died after Yellow Fever and his only son also died from Yellow Fever and then his other daughter died too.  Chloe the slave was mentioned in an old ghost story told by a former plantation owner who haunted the property.  In other stories she wasn't named as a slave. Mentioned in the poisoning of the Woodruff family and alleged site that ten murders took place here. But only one man, Winter was shot by a man on horseback.  Many people died of Yellow Fever and a strange number of events show something unusual is going on here and is haunted by something or someone.  He took Tessa with him to help give insight on events lost in time.  Make physical contact at the plantation.

He hasn't been back here for years after Ghost Adventures - GA.  Tessa wants to let them speak and know they're here out of respect and get them comfortable enough to get involved.  Nick says so many tragic events leave behind their energy, their conscious thoughts can be left behind.  Tessa allows spirits to rely on filling in the details for her; like "seeing a documentary play out in my head."  Hester says thirteen murders took place here, ten died a violent death.  Names William Winter too and hears his footsteps going up, but not hearing them come down the stairs.  Furniture has been moved.  Mentions sounds of the rocking chair and a butler's there too.  Judge Clark Woodruff  is here too.  She believes the good outweighs the bad here and can feel the haunting.

Tessa feels emotions and anxiousness when they arrive.  The house has condensed energy and want to be out of there.  Picks up on a woman who worked there.  She feels the woman thinks they believe she died in a certain way but she didn't really.  Someone killed them, perhaps, but they died at someone else's hands and she feels there's a connection with the man and then the woman dying.  Sees a little girl too and she lives her childhood.  Someone is stuck here when they were alive.  She feels grabbed, her hair in the house.  Like a little girl with red hair.  She feels like wanting to hide and running down the stairs.  She sees a woman who wants to slam the door and be alone.  There's a storm outside.  There's an unhappy man around too.  Feels a man pacing around the bed.  A boy runs and hides in the closet.

Nick wants the little boy to come out.  Tessa says she has two boys of her own so he can talk to her.  She feels that feverish feeling.  He might have died of Yellow Fever.  Nick feels he's gone from the closet now.  "Hey Nick" on the Geoport.  He remembers Nick.  He was wounded in the war.  "Yeah."  I think I heard "Chloe."  He says his name is "Sam" heard that.  "Hi Tessa."  Nick says the boy can run back to the closet and hide.  They hear footsteps.  Tessa feels a pain on her shoulder.  He leaves Tessa in the room where they're getting the most energy and investigates the rest of the house.  

Nick says the paranormal is unexpected so they try different tactics and equipment and leaves the ball on the stairs.  He can leave it anywhere and it will move or won't move.  You don't know what can happen.  The whole house has tragedy from the past and he thinks positive energy is brought back here from the owners now.  Tessa hears the door.  

Nick asks if the ball can be moved from the stairs.  A voice says "yeah."  He asks who moved the ball last time he was here.  She just hears the man pacing outside the door.  Footsteps are heard outside.  Should've left a camera outside Tessa's room.  They sleep in the house.  Nothing happens.  She mentions the male figure and the little red haired girl is around and interacts around people and believes she threw the ball down the stairs years ago (GA.)  She is playing with other children and people.  She feels the spirits interact with each other as well as the people here.  As a medium she likes the validation with physical evidence and they felt the haunting of the place.  

This was a bit of a different episode in having a medium in Tessa, being there with him all the time.  Though not much evidence was captured on camera, and some voices coming through.  Perhaps other equipment was needed, something more visual than just the sounds.

Saturday 30 July 2022

Death Walker 2.12 "Columbus Hospital"

Columbus Hospital located in Weatherford, Texas which he says is a building that is very active and used daily by nurses administering the Covid 19 vaccines and 75% vacant where they see spirits and residents don't like sitting in the waiting room due to the building's history; something is ominous. Donna told him about opening and closing doors, light anomalies in rooms and being locked in the bathroom in the building.  Wants to know what's going on here and see if he can find the entities at the hospital.  Donna recalls people getting grabbed, being touched and she's had her hair pulled.  The nurses can see lights and something attempting to manifest.  A shadow is seen by a doorway in a trenchcoat slamming doors.  A little boy in the hallway and vanished later.  She feels evil around her and steps out.  He says the energy changed and some force was affecting her.  Spoke with the nurses at the front of the building.  One says it's like someone's holding the door and couldn't come out of the bathroom.  One saw balls of energy just bouncing around.  

Nick uses the Inter Dimensional Communication Device (IDC).  He wants to help them and the children here, as well as the man in the trenchcoat.  Nothing comes through at first.  "My head hurts, I'm scared."   Nick recalls a child who was beaten by the gun barrel on his head.  Nick doesn't get touched even though he asks every episode, though his name does come through.  The nurses here can see spirits.  A door shuts by Nick and can be seen on the replay.  Most of the hauntings take place during the day.  He uses the Lotus Box and a woman's voice says "yes" when he asks if they're here.  A boy's voice comes through twice.  "Yes."  When he puts the box on the floor and asks if he should leave it there.  "Me" when he asks who slammed the door.  "Me" comes through twice.  Did that say "Steve" or "speak" when Nick asks if he can speak clearer.  "Roof" when he asks if  the spirit's in the attic.  

More knocking on the wall.  More noises are heard and Nick tries to go into the attic.  Nothing is found or heard.  He uses the trip wire custom built for him.  The lights come on and if  EMF or an energy form appears, the lights change colour.  As they do and a heavy door slams shut after the lights are tripped.  "Speak" comes through again, so maybe it was speak above that was said.  More knocking behind him after Justin leaves for the night.  

The door is held back to the bathroom forcefully and can be seen on the replay.  Should've had a camera on the other side in the hallway, just in case.  It was the door he saw shutting before on camera.  He enters the bathroom again, leaving the camera outside but nothing happens this time.  "Stop" comes through on the Geoport and "yeah" then "hurt" when Nick asks if it's the man people see?  "Don't go in" is heard.  He asks if it's the room where the lights are seen?  

He tries to shut the door that slammed but it needs a lot of force to close so couldn't have happened by itself.  But it's also been seen by nurses and patients.  During the night in room 5 he talks of nurses getting headaches in that room.  "It's a ghost" I hear in a whisper when Nick uses the Geoport again.  I hear "accident, head."  

He was "injured."  "He did this to me" can be heard.  Room 11 is heard.  "It hurts."  I heard "creepy."  "Works for me" before Nick asks if people are experiencing their energy.  Disembodied voices.  Nick: "Our lives are quick and we die where do they go and here's a guy standing there."  Can he speak to them, can he use the device to talk?  He asks.  Another sound is heard.  "Run" is heard.  "I'm here."  "I am."  When he asks if he's here. "Listen."  "Follow me."  

Nick says he came here "after reports of activity by the workers and to determine if we can will spirits or  physically make themselves known to the living.  I spent two days here documented confirmation and felt I was watched, followed and wasn't alone.  The doors physically shut with no logical reason and disembodied voices answered his questions intelligently."  The door was held in the bathroom and the voices were not in the physical realm.  "I want to pursue answers if the other side can impact them into this ream and how the other side can make physical contact with us in our world."

Saturday 23 July 2022

Death Walker "Old Lavaca County Jail"

 Hallettsville, Texas where most of the records of Lavaca jail were destroyed by floods.  Nick wants to find the secrets of jail, look inside, see and experience the energy and time left behind. The town was prominent during the American frontier.   The hanging tree is half a mile away from the jail .  With190 years of unhappiness, was built 1884 and opened 1886 and closed in 2005 as a county jail.   Multiple suicides are said to have occurred but can't be confirmed.  The gallows replaced with a carport and residential units.  One inmate said he was innocent of child murder.  

Debra Fawcett made deal with the owner that if she cleaned and made it better she could have lifetime access for investigating.  At this location for the last 6 years and has witnessed paranormal activity.  At the jail there are disembodied voices, conversations, shadow figures, whispering and cold spots; doors open and close by themselves, feelings of being watched.  They have lost time there and heard themselves in places they're not there.  As well as residual activity and also something intelligent.  Nick finds them fascinating beyond a typical haunting.  The entity scratches and growls at those who mention it.  Have made contact with an intelligent entity.  Nick gives them permission to lash out at him physically at the old Lavaca jail.

Lisa says the cells were made in 1864.  Men and women on opposite sides.  There are two deaths not sure of, one is a hanging in one of the men's cells and one in woman's.  Jacob Hornshoe in 1890 was brought in for alcohol poisoning and he died from this and morphine.  In the late 1800-1900's men tried to escape from the women's side and went down the side of the building and were brought back.  Some climbed on top of the cells into the attic and they were caught too and brought back.  She feels heaviness in hallway and finds it harder to breathe.  She can't see hands in front of her face.  Twenty three public hangings confirmed.  Debra heard some steps and she felt pushed and fell down the stairs.  

Second oldest continuously operating jail in Texas.  She's been investigating the paranormal since late 1970's.  Her friend didn't have the time to spend on it so she offered to help him with it.  The Sheriffs lived with their family until Dodds was killed with his deputy.  Heard a growl in the Sheriff's room.  One of the deputy's hated being there by himself.  The intercom kept going off and there weren't any prisoners and toilets would flush.  Debra heard a noise in the hallway by the side of the doorway, became black and she saw a giant shadow figure.  Lisa felt heaviness on her chest.  

Nick wants to make physical contact and he wants to make contact with the shadow person.  A woman's voice comes through and heavy breathing.  "Yes I am" comes through after he asks if Mary's here.  "Dead" comes through and "cellmate."  Cody is here "yes I am."  Eight prisoners are here "more outside."  Did it say "f*ck."  "Lisa" comes through.  "Hallettsville" comes through when asked where they are?  

Nick asks the prisoners to grab the keys.  Jail doors close and they're really heavy.  But nothing happens.  There was some sort of light back there and not coming from in the cells.  Also looked like a shadow, have to look again.  Nothing grabs at his arm.  He wants interaction and physical touch.  Uses Geoport, Fent box and hault box.  A man says "five" after a woman speaks.  A man says "Mary."  Lies in the cell and footsteps are heard outside and a door is heard.  On the main floor he adds the Tesla Coil providing power to manifest.  He feels static.  Tries to speak to Sheriff Dodds.  I heard a "yes" twice and "I am."  He asks if the twenty three men are attacking and a voice says "maybe."  "seven men."  

He sleeps in one of the jail cells and asks if it's okay.  " A female says "yes."  He hopes it's not Mary.  He goes to the part where someone was found hanging there.  He has goosebumps.  "Yeah" when he asks if his arm is being touched.  Justin stays in the jail cell here and Nick goes back to the older cells.  Nothing happens in the night.  He can't fit his bed mattress in the cell so has to put it under the bed in the cell.  They head to the attic to see if anything is lingering.  Finds lots of wasp nests - yuk!  I hear "who."  "I said leave me...not safe."  Uses the Lotus box to communicate.  Also uses the paralight.  Nothing happened to that.  Uses the custom built Geoport.  They have a haunted mirror too but nothing happened with that either.  Nick says he just looks older living there.  "That changes" ?? comes through.  He hears "hmm mm" when he asks about the inmate trying to get out and attacking others.  

He wonders if the guard is the shadow man who's keeping everyone in their cells.  That's why it looks imposing.  That would make them fear it.  He tries to hang the keys up clumsily ha.  Then heads to the Sheriff's room to spend the night.  Who's room is this?  "Sheriff."  "Was a mess...who is this?"  comes through after he asks if it must be hard to keep up.  He receives responses on various spirit boxes as the spirits want to be heard; some were offensive others were direct answers to questions and others could be residual.  The intelligent spirits still live at the jail.  Yeah you spirits, what's with the "shit" responses!  I don like the more active locations and where spirits are visible, but sometimes there are only voices that come through as they just don't want to show themselves!

Friday 15 July 2022

Death Walker "Electromagnetic Sanitarium"

Tourists flock to Niagara Falls each year at New York and two miles away a neoclassical style building stands in the form of the Electromagnetic Sanitarium.   Before this it was built as a Queen Anne style masonry sanitarium where the hospital stands today, by BB Barnard who used electroshock therapy  on patients with nervous or mental disorders. t  This was taken over by the Sisters Of  St Francis in 1907 aka the House on the Corner.  The sisters plans for a modern hospital were acted upon and it opened in 1914 and up to 2003 was a working hospital.  It was also constructed using reinforced concrete and thick wall construction which included fireproof and soundproof housing for patients.  St Mary's manor closed in 2003 and was vacant for over 20 years.  The red brick building on a raised limestone foundation, bringing into effect generally the stone tape theory,  the absorption of electromagnetic and psychic energies.  A gothic tomb, where even the neighbours have spoken about seeing light anomalies and shadow figures.  

Nick  is the first to conduct a paranormal investigation here.  Wanting to determine if this location is being haunted by those passed away  and asks for them to physically attack him at the sanatorium.  Scott bought the hospital after falling in love with it.  When he saw the mist of Niagara Falls.  He talks of the energy under the ground, limestone, crystals and has lots of energy here.  Tragedy is here and a hospital built could be housing something paranormal.  He wants to know if it's really haunted.  As he felt something on the third floor and heard whispering.  Children laughing.  He never had experiences like that before.  


Nick and Justin Wear masks to protect against debris.  Lots of holes and shabby paint falling down.  In the ER still old beds and uses the Geoport.  I hear "haunted" come through. "Haunting me" a voice says when Nick turns on the Geoport and "he's here."  Something always comes through when Nick opens up the Geoport but I won't say profound, though last ep could have been!

Nick sees something run by.  Then hears a metallic sound.  "That's me" after Nick says you heard a loud sound here.   I heard a woman moan too.  Around 9.35 minutes in.  Energy becomes more intense the more they delve into the floors.  The same woman's voice comes through.  Do I hear "help me" twice when Nick asks if he heard a lady come though.  "I am, you are" after Nick asks if he's in here.  Many abandoned beds/furniture left to decay, along with the interior of the building.  He thinks it's creepy in one of the areas.  They're off their "comfort zones."  He's been in many please with history and this doesn't feel right to him.  As he's not aware of what's here.  Dilapidated with holes and also missing steps.

He says they're in an active part where the nurses would deal with patients.  "See me" I hear.  "This is my home"?? Found the dentist's chair for the sanitarium.  There's plenty to explore and Nick says he should've brought the other camera, along with the thermal is what I said too.  I heard "oh my God" (around 23 minutes but that's with ads) when they go up the stairs couldn't have been from outside.  Maybe residual as it was so clear as if spoken in the moment, especially through the headphones.   Nick asks them to speak.  "Yeah I am."  No one wants to grab Nick's arm or make physical contact with him.  Aww man, he's too nice for that, until an aggressive spirit comes along.  Not here though or in many other eps either.   Does it say "Nick..." then "help...sad"  when Nick asks if the doctors/nurses still here?  A sound is heard.  "Yes" comes through.  Nick says everytime they communicate with the lady they get a response, a sound like she's wanting them to move to that part of the building.  Leading them with her voice and the noises.

Upstairs he asks where are you?  Male voice says "outside."  In the pink room, probably the maternity ward.  Nick says fraternity, probably by accident.  
Did you die here? "Yes."  
How did you die?  "accident, fell off the top."  That was said before.  He says sometimes spirits don't know where they are.  On the sixth floor you can feel the energy and emotions to this building.  He's heard of stories of a woman falling or dying from the top floor.  
"I am" here.  Did you jump off the top floor?  "No."  A female voice says.  
Were you pushed?  "Yes."  
Name of person that pushed you?  "Off the top"???  "Send a signal."  

I hear a male voice say "Sam." After  Nick asks what her name is?  
Do you have a name?  "Sam."  A male voice says clearly at around 36.35 with ads.  Then a male voice says "Sam" again.  I had that on my voice memo on my phone cos I was recording to type up later.  I would upload it but I sound awful!  HA. But it's uploaded and stored for posterity by me.  See if I can upload it later! 

"She fell, accident"  I hear again.  In a male voice.  Nick asks if they can see them?  "NO."  Nick injured his ankle and wanted to investigate here and so came as is, in pain.  At the roof they feel they're getting info from a female spirit where she fell to her death.  From the seventh floor, can see the mist of Niagara Falls in the distance and can see Canada.  Great view shoulda got a pic (me that is off the TV).  "Yes - up"?? when he asks if she's up here?  
Did something happen?  "Yeah."  He asks if she came up here to see Niagara Falls?  
Were they here when it was a sanitarium and a hospital.  Something happened and might never know as they doesn't seem to be documentation.  Needs research.  Nick says the energy becomes more positive.  They head to the basement.

Tunnels leading to the boiler room.  Hear noises around them, doors slamming.  Chased a female spirit.  He asks if they died here in the morgue, the basement?  I heard a woman moan too.  
"Here."  "Yeah" a male voice says.  No one wants to use Nick's energy.  The energy becomes heavy again.   Heard a sound after he asks for it.  As well as footsteps.  I'm sure I heard 'Sam' again and then the woman comes through.  Do you have a name?  "Sam"  YES!!!!  Then comes through again!! Another sound and footsteps.  (Or Samantha.)  An intelligent spirit and he says they recognize her and trying to tell them what happened to her.  They lose contact with her.  And move on.  When Nick steps on the metallic object that sounds like the first metallic sound that was heard in the beginning.  
Silence and he waits but they don't her anything else.  The spirit give a clue to her death and what happened in the past.   Oh a thought, they could have resembled medical staff by wearing those masks too.  But I don't think that's why Sam opened up to him.  I feel it's more she trusted him and he was so willing to speak with her.  

Nick describes it as an amazing location after being empty for twenty years. Is intelligent and the lady's spirit speaking.  It's haunted with residual and intelligent sounds.  Was active with direct replies to his questions.  Nothing visual was caught, disembodied cries and intelligent replies.  Also a says a 'true earth bound spirit named Sam/Samantha' following them around.  Other sounds could have been residual in nature.  She roams the halls wanting to be heard.  He wants to carry out more paranormal experiments here to reveal what happened to her and why she's still here.  I feel he could get a lot of mileage coming back here, especially as Sam will know him by now and formed a bound with him.  The first time her voice is heard with someone like Nick, wanting to know what happened and taken an interest in her and her story; after who knows how many years.  Hope he does return here! 

Also thanks for the validation for myself, of hearing "Sam" those times before Nick says it later.  Especially since the number of times, people have contradicted what I hear re EVPs etc and even the shit reviews on Nick's book that I received.  This isn't about me, but I just wanted to add that since it's also confirmation for me for what I hear and say that's what it is that's said etc; for all those years now!  

Saturday 9 July 2022

Deathwalker "McInteer Villa"

 The McInteer villa in Atchison , Kansas was built in 1889 by John McIntee.  He built the villa after an investment in real estate.  He making saddles etc.  His first wife died in 1892 and he his married second wife in 1895.  Anna lived in the house in 1916.  Her brother, a judge and lawyer made it their home. Judge found Charles Donovan after he committed suicide.  Isabelle Altus a violinist, then lived there.  She sold the house to George. The lights turn on and off in the tower where there's no electric power.  Objects move and disappear.  Isabelle's spirit is seen wearing a black dress.  There might be a doorway to the other side perhaps in the basement and the owner, Stephanie, sleeps in the basement.  Damn this music is loud and drowns out the commentary.  She's owned the house for three years sand he feels uncomfortable in the room.  Heard a baby crying, shooting coloured lights.  Mediums/psychics have said that there have been illegal medical procedures.  She was playing a game with a friend and she took a photo and the bar was back.  She says something is digging under the ground in the basement.

Altus was a trained violinist and they hear music.  A door opens on its own.  footsteps in hallway, shadow figures.  The attic also has footsteps , she says something will follow you up the stairs.  Furniture can be heard.  Can hear voices, slapped people.  Master bedroom, faces caught in the mirror.  Wasn't very clean was it, the mirror,  ha.   Someone walks across the bed.  In the library Charles Donovan committed suicide and it's colder in this room.  After World War One he was depressed, didn't get over his Spanish Flu symptoms and shot himself.  Esmeralda is a marionette with hair from a child.  Stephanie's been called a 'dumb bitch'.  And have been told to get out.  She's always in a case.  Something has increased activity in the room with the doll here.  

When Nick opens the Geoport do you hear "I was stuck in 1922" it's what I hear.  Was that Charles.  Nick says he's here out of respect.  Just to communicate.  Nick says it likes to laugh at Stephanie.  "Fight me"?/ all sorts of creepy voices can be heard and maniacal laughter even through the Geoport.  Nick hears banging on the wall.  "It's me" after he asks if it's causing it.  It's a man causing this.  John died here "yeah."  More laughter.  Nick believes there's one spirit and other spirits are moving through the house.  "Attic" comes through.  Nick wants to be physically touched.  Something pushes Nick in the attic, thought he tripped but he says something touched him.  Nick sees the door open by itself.  He thinks whatever pushed him ran back downstairs.  Is that why he was meant to go to the attic.  Made him think it might have been a flying bat but they didn't find anything, no animals.

On the second floor he feels the environment change.  In Charles's room.  Can hear all background voices coming through like "he's here" in a creepy way.  Nothing shows up in the mirror.  On the first floor where he asks if funerals took place.  "Yeah" comes through after he asks if this where bodies were laid out.  "Lay down."  Is this the room he asks.  "It's right."  Nick sleeps in the room where people have seen something walk on it.  He's awakened by a loud banging sound like a door closing.  That sounds like the door closing in his room, not in the hall.  Then hears footsteps int he hallway.  He didn't use the thermal camera or digital recorder.  

What was Lewiston that came through and did the voice say "Atchison" and not "Atkinson" considering that's where they are.  He asks Isabelle if she's still in the rocking chair and a woman replies "yes."  The skeleton at the piano and the cat skeletons near the rocking chair.  Was she a cat woman??  Ha.  "Here he comes."  "Nick's here."  "Somebody."  He ask if he's the aggressive spirit?  "yes."  "Him" a woman's voice replies after Nick asks who's hurting people in the house.  He hears noises from the basement.  Thermal or SLS would've been good to use here.  "Nick's here. He's looking for the aggressive spirit.  So much space in the basement like a maze of rooms.  A woman's voice whispering can be heard behind the man.  As something is heard further down.  "I did not want to be here."  A woman is heard.  "I hate, visiting."  "Pushing through."  ""es in front of me" after he asks if he can manifest.  Then asks who's digging the hole?  "I am" I hear.  He wants to know if physical contact can be made after they die.  What happens after death?  "Who's she or he?"  "Hurts."  In reply to his death question.  Nick asks if that's why they're reaching out trying to make them feel what they feel.  

Justin feels he saw something from the corner of his eye.  He hears a noise.  Nick says he saw a dark figure and gets goose bumps. Intense energy lurks in the basement.  Nick sleeps on the ground of the basement.  He asks for a manifestation and he's vulnerable now.  He hears another noise.  He felt like a presence was there and it was uncomfortable.  He says history stays alive through communication and activity.  If there are people just living in the mansion as though time doesn't exist.  He has too many questions about the afterlife.  The energy is within this structure.  He continues his journey to finding that there's more to just dying and consciousness and physical contact can still manifest from the other side.  Here he got a glimpse of the past spirits still in the mansion.  

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Ghost Adventures "Steinbeck House Haunting"

Salinas, California.  Zak says there's something extra dark and special with such a creative mind.  John Steinbeck, Nobel Prize and Pulitzer author born in 1902 and watched his mother, Olive die in 1934.  Reports of disturbing presence.  Is now a restaurant and museum.  He's "seen things walking in the house you should not see."  As Dale says yes, a dark shadow manifests in the dining room behind Dale.  He says his "mind was so different than anyone else's."  Something Steinbeck saw was when his mother died.  Was sent home after a stroke.  (Why did this feel like deja vu.)  He and his first wife looked after her in this house.  He saw a shaft of light looking down at her mother.  In the living room after her death the light came into the dining room.  He wrote of what he saw.

1972 was a boarding house for young women a resident saw the same light, perhaps.  The restaurant chef, Augie, says he feels something behind him.  Dale also mentions a seven year old who came here and saw a girl in blue light.  Zak speaks with Zachary.  Who explains seeing a little girl on top of the picture.  He said her eyes were all black.  Where the girl was seen Zak finds Dale and is the same room where his mother passed.  They carry out a pre-investigation.  Something is in the next room which Zak couldn't enter.  Billy gets EMF readings of 8 and above.  Billy feels the energy go through him.  Zak uses the Ovilus 5 and "lady" comes through.  Zak feels their presence isn't wanted and asks if they can come up.  A banging sound is heard and a growl follows.  

Upstairs Aaron gets scared by a cabinet and gets angry and Zak becomes attracted by the doll on the chair (ha) and gets angry too.  A psychomanteum is found in the next room : where two mirrors are set up to create a loop, a portal.  Billy calls it an "infinite reflection."   Zak says a true mystery is going on here and seeing these entities whilst his mother was dying was something he wasn't meant to see.  He asks if it could be evil, whether the house is a portal.  Was he born into a house where there was a portal to the dead.  Billy was taking full spectrum snaps and get an anomaly, a giant, red ball. Which they couldn't debunk.  Zak says he left a spoon on the dresser and after leaving the spoon falls down.   Got an EVP onto the recorder:  Sounds like something to do with life or light?? "life, go light." ??

Jeff and Aaron are in the basement whilst they review the evidence they caught.  They catch a female voice on an ITC audio device.  "Get the chef" or something is what I hear.  Aaron asks Steinbeck to show himself.  Jeff sees Aaron's stick body leaving itself and come back in on Aaron and Jeff hear a knocking sound and then the door bell goes off by the back door.  Jeff catches a stick figure out of Aaron and climb the ceiling.  They discuss what happened and Jay spots a dark figure walk behind on the camera.  Could be the same one in the dining room - see later.  It walks into the basement.  

Zak uses a boom mic sweep.  The chef won't go upstairs at night.  Zak reaches out to Steinbeck.  Reminding him of how he said the house was haunted.  Noises are heard upstairs and two knocks.  All the sounds stop now.  Zak stays alone.  The XLS camera is used.  Another bang is heard.  Aaron hears a noise in the closet.  Then gets the chills.  Zak asks if the psychomanteum is a portal.  He films in the mirror.   Aaron feels something in the room with the doll.  His stick figure leaves him, grows taller and then the figure faces the doll, then straddles the doll, like it's attacking it.  Zak leaves Aaron by himself.  As he sits by the mirror.  Billy goes to the basement.  

Billy uses the Paranormal Puck 2 allowing the spirit to use his energy to communicate.  He asks if there are spirits here?  "Adam, Melody, Walter."  He asks about the house: "poem."  "Evil" comes through.  He asks who the black shadow is "witch."   Zak wants Aaron to stare into the mirror.  Aaron mentions the black shadow again.  Zak feels ice cold air.  An anomaly is caught and brushes Aaron's leg.  He uses the Poulter Pod, does he say "Seth, set" not "sit up."   The camera behind Aaron goes off.  It still has its battery.  Zak tells him to go to the closet door.  The camera goes off again.  Aaron smells cookie and then smells something rancid.  The camera goes off for a third time. 

Zak uses the full spectrum camera with an illuminator.   The infrared light drains and he has captured a black shadow in the dining room.  Again that's where the first shadow was seen in the Dale interview.  Aaron says it looks like someone's moving the chair to sit on it.  They try to debunk but can't.  The curtains can't be seen through and Aaron doesn't even reach the height of the window from outside.  Zak asks who's in the room?  The Paramnormal Puck says "witch."  For a second time. 

Adam comes through wonder if it's any reference to Adam (played by James Dean in the film adaptation) in Steinbeck's East of Eden or just someone in the house once. 

Thursday 30 June 2022

Deathwalker 2.2 "Broken Bow Asylum"

Broken Bow asylum housed mental patients where the facilities in disrepair.   Was also used as halfway house for teens and locals spoke of the 'underhand' activities going on there. Medical staff refused to work here cos of shadow figures. The trauma complex merged with other centres.  A pastor wanted to make it into a church and left after encounters, leaving behind their expensive supplies.  Ashley bought the place and had encounters too such as poltergeist, shadow figures.  She spoke of the number of deaths.  Up to 90 bodies were recorded here when it was used as such.  As well as deaths from the asylum.  She recalls there being 70 years of trauma and disrepair, with no one to look after them properly especially the halfway house children.  As well as hearing disembodied voices.  Scratching, objects thrown or at walls.  A little girl who says "hello."  Nick from the north wing likes scaring people, especially men and will throw things.  He sets the tone for the others interacting or not.  Nick took place in satanic worship.  He didn't like the church being built here.  

Nick felt the energy in the location, capturing a shadow figure in the background.  That was a good find.  A noise is heard of something moving.  He's feeling angry, frustrated.  their cameras didn't work and their keys were moved down the hallway.  He feels he walked backwards into someone.  The place is oppressive and gloomy.  He says a location can be haunted without any spirits being present.  It's the atmosphere of the place.  Someone mentions "Nick" not our Nick and he's in the north wing.  I hear "pushing" come through.  Was that in response to what Nick was feeling.  "Nick...behind you..."  "Nick's here."  "Immortal" is heard.  It can feel Nick's hand but he can't see him.  Something is thrown at Justin he went first.  "Nick" comes through again after on the Geoport.  The energy he says is intense.  "Nick" is heard again.  I hear "he's here" after Nick asks if he's in here?  Nothing wants to touch Nick's hand.   I hear "yes" after Nick asks if he's in the building.

Nick feels uncomfortable by himself.  Footsteps are heard following him.  Nothing happens in the night as he lies on the hospital bed.  He's drained and needs to continue.  Nick shows Ashley the evidence they caught and she says it appears someone was trying to hit them with the object.  Nick liked throwing things.  It was definitely a "throw."  People feel watched through the window but there's no pane in the window in one of the rooms.  All of their devices have been drained of power.  They're in unchartered territory.  

They feel tense as if the emotions of the people are still there.  He feels like he's going crazy and everything if 'off'.  He uses the thermal camera.  Seems aside from that lob, no other spirits are being allowed to come through by Nick.  He hears a loud noise.  Nick speaks of the energy form that crawls around the ground.  Most of these asylums has one of those, like Transallegheny's Creeper slitherer.   A light anomaly is seen by Nick's left shoulder.  He says "it's a weird coincidence that my name is Nick too."   Heck not even the rocking chair moves.   He says the ultimate question is what happens after death?  Nick takes his finding of the shadow figure to a video expert, Bob, in Buffalo, New York; who confirms it is a figure that he captured.  

Nick wanted to make physical contact with something beyond instead he documented a shadow figure.  A sold figure caught in daylight.  Not only is there residual energy but an intelligent haunting in the form of Nick.  Is more aggressive for those who go into the left wing where he once lived and died.  He feeds off peoples' fear.  The emotions and energies still live here.  Nick saw a glimpse of something living on the other side in this investigation.   Broken Bow sounds familiar or am I thinking of Broken Bow Enterprise ep, ha.

Monday 27 June 2022

Deathwalker 2.6 "Nazareth Hospital"


Mineral Wells, Texas where people travelled from all over to drink and bathe in the waters and the clinics became sanatoriums.  Coca Cola company opened a sanatorium here.  There has been a morgue and TB unit on the first floor as well as individuals with disabilities.  As well as having a crematorium.  The locals spoke of the smell from the stacks in the 1950's. An ER was located in the basement later.  A mysterious fire in the ER occurred and closed in 2001.  Witnesses have encountered the paranormal.  Seen figures of nuns.  Shadow figures and a dark entity will attack the living.  Witnesses, a delivery man, spoke of being on the third floor and the two women there were leaving.  They said a chair was moving and hit the wall.  He tried to move the chair, it was heavy and put it by the desk.  The chair hit the wall.   

Built in 1885 and people wanted to be healed by the 'crazy waters.'  They were too ill to leave, so they were housed in the sanatorium. Many deaths occurred here.  Disembodied voices, dark shadows. A family heard footsteps and they stood still.  They felt something beside them, behind them was water and muddy footsteps resembling hooves.  

A man overdosed in one room on a chair, people sitting there get sick.  People say they've seen blue and white.  The nuns wore blue habits.  The crematorium was in use until 1954.  Next to the crematorium was where they dismembered people before cremating them.  

Nick felt a lingering energy follow him.  Life and death has moved through the halls.  The energy changes as he feels the emotions trapped in the walls.  Nick asks if there's a nurse there or the children.  A door bangs shut by itself.  That was the door in Destination Fear ep when they investigated there too and Chelsea and Dakota were there by themselves.  Sure it was where the tape was moved.  The static camera shows the door closing.  When Nick was speaking of the nun on the third floor.  

Room 218 is where the chair moved.  There's been a lot of residual energy which he calls non-threatening.  Nick wants to communicate with the nurse.  "Yeah I can hear it" when Nick says can his voice be heard.  Says "Nick" too.  The door that shut can't move by itself.  Nick believes there's an afterlife where they can communicate with the living.  He asks if the spirits are still here.  He wants the spirits to speak validating there is life after death.  There has to be something more than completely dying.  A voice replies " yes" but doesn't add to it after Nick asks what happens when you die? No answer again.  Again feels to me like they either don't know what's in the afterlife, or they can't speak about it.  but then they're still here so who would stop them from answering his questions.  SO near and yet so far - again, Nick!  The door closed again after they left there.  Was that a distraction so no spirit can reply in response to the afterlife.  

Nick stays alone.  He feels eyes watching.  He stays where the door closed on the third floor where he lies down.  Nick says it's the worst place to sleep.  A banging is heard.  "I'm in here" is what I heard.  In the basement and he senses death and lots of emotions.  Was also used as a haunted house.  I hear "they're dead" whispered by a male voice.  Nick recalls The Others when he sees a doll figure.  "Polio" comes through.  A knocking is heard.  "Turn around" when Nick asks where it is.  

Nick goes to the crematorium as he feels their energy could be left behind after they were burned there.  He says the building's weird.  I hear "said I died...meets him."  I hear "something else" when Nick asks what happens after you die?  Something moves in the crematorium.  Nick asks if his body was put in there.  "Yes."  Nick has to prove himself mentally to connect to the other side and enters the incinerator.  He feels the emotions are the worst he's ever endured.  He feels the energy leaving the body and there's a thick, disgusting feeling.  A voice replies "right here."  He wants to speak with them.  "Resolution"...let me out."  Nick says it's free to move on.  He asks if they can move onto something better and I hear a faint "yeah."  

Nick just feels sad, nothing negative.  The energy is oppressive as it's the cycle of life and the energy leaving the bodies.  He sleeps there.  He sleeps on the floor in his sleeping bag "one of the most rugged things I've ever done."  It's claustrophobic and the worst experience where the emotions, feeling them die, energy leaving their body like it's trapped there.  He needs fresh air.  He believes the location is residually haunted and has intelligent spirits too as the door closed.  The children are either avoiding him or not being able to come through.  He never felt anything wanted to harm him.   The energy still remains and the memories linger in death.  

As I said before, Nick gets so near to finding answers but then he's prevented by the voices going silent.  He came close here but the spirit doesn't follow through on there being an afterlife.  Also I'm sure I did hear a "yeah" when eh asks if they can move on.  Again nothing else comes through to expand on that.  Again I have to ask, or say, we're not meant to know.  Who knows??