
Monday 14 March 2022

Ghost Adventures "Montecito Mansion of mystery"

Zak investigates why the Montecito Mansion was calling to him "psychically" and his researcher found the house is all about death.  How some people don't want to leave here and others can't stay.  The mansion was home to some of the most wealthy of Montecito, California.  Becoming a nursing home in later years.  David is the current owner and Zak tells him they've been "invited here."  He has owned it for 21 years and was built in 1885.  David ran the care facility.  In 2000 they had senior care, hospice, surgery at the place.  Many have passed there.  One of his former staff, Maria, feels the presence of spirits.  She tells of a patient who looked up at the ceiling and ignored her.  Like something was floating up there. He then passed away.

Gertrude Bains died after catching a cold and died soon after.  The wife of the man who bought the mansion.  Her daughter married a military man that she didn't approve of as she married for love.  Or could it have been more sinister.  Marguerite The Black Widow  who married rich old men who would then die.  Zak doesn't like the feeling in the place.  There are rooms they can't go into.  He sees a short man as they go into one of the rooms and the door opens by itself.  They also hear some sort of a knock or a bang from outside the room.  The door is where he saw the man there.  Van Doren, a psychic medium.  She talks of a 'gatekeeper' who sits on a chair near the door.  To take care of the house.  The EMF readings rise.  Spirits are in the ballroom, over twenty.  

When the house was a care facility, family members performed a seance and carried it out themselves.  David tells Zak that they got through to someone and they rushed out.  Thus leaving the portal open.  Did Zak close the portal after he finished their seance.  He discovers a photo taken in 1917 where he sees that the house is the same now as it was then.  He senses plenty of energy.  The residents have never left even after passing.

He was called to the building where spirits have seen and heard spirits before their death.  Zak conducts his own seance with Lauren, camera operator and James, who has worked for Zak for eight years as assistant cameraman.  A massive orb flies from James's body or from behind him.  Caught on camera.  Saw that thought it could've been a camera light in passing.  James gets nervous.  A light comes out of one of the candles and also one of the candles near James flickers whilst none of the others do.  On the stairs, knocking is heard and scratching from upstairs where Jeff is standing.  The motion active light turns on on the stairs.  Jeff appears agitated and has to leave the mansion.  

Billy captures a figure on the stairs on the XLS camera.  As though it has fallen on the stairs.  Zak uses the Polterpod.  The man's voice that comes through "did you accept?"  The light comes on the stairs and a woman's voice says "light" on the Polterpod.  He asks who is scratching the wall and the Ovilus says "fire."  Billy mentions his dream where he woke up and a voice says "burn her" three times.  The Ovilus says "coffin" and when Zak asks where it is, "ceiling" comes through.  Lauren feels like electricity is going through her body.  James feels tension.

A man's cough is heard from upstairs caught on an X cam.  Sounds so real.  Cough or sneeze.  They hear a breath upstairs and Aaron's chest hurts.  Zak wears a chest camera rig with multiple mics and they hear the voice.  A light anomaly is caught on the IR and is seen on the depth cam at the same time.  A black anomaly appears on the depth cam inside the mirror.  Zak asks for the man to speak.  He leaves Aaron in the next room by himself.  They hear noises and banging coming from the ceiling.  Zak runs and stands against the wall.  Yeah that'll protect you.  Unexplained noises and Zak uses the digital recorder.  A laugh is heard.  Aaron uses the Ovilus and asks who touched him on the back of his neck.  "Me."  Did he ask who me was?  A female voice is recorded on Zak's recorder saying "one question."

Billy uses the Polterpod: "did you take it down paper?" or "on paper"?? asks a woman's voice.  Doesn't "ready set go" sound like "the lady said go"?? and "you did this" sounds like "new business"??  Which kinda would make sense if the first voice is saying something about paper??  Her name "Brita"?  Then she says "fire."  Again fire comes up in reference to Billy's dream.  Zak finds a wire on the door and a big lock.  He says this was one of the most incredible investigations they have done.  

Some oddities for me, the phone charger was in front of the TV and the wire just slides off the table without even being touched during the start of the show.  Then when I was reviewing later in the night, a box slid forward and fell all by itself, again without being touched.  No idea what happened there!  

Here's an interesting piece:

Sunday 27 February 2022

The Mentalist

Found this in my Drafts from 2014 like WTH!! Ha

Dismayed to hear that The Mentalist will be leaving us after seven seasons, especially since it's become such a staple diet for us fans and Simon Baker fans too.  Okay, not just him but the rest of the cast too.  It's a shame it has come to this and though I am loathed to say it, something tells me it's a lot to do with the fact the villain of the piece and the great Red John reveal was such a letdown in 6.8 Red John.  It was either you liked who it turned out to be Sheriff McAllister (Xander Berkeley) or you didn't.  My thoughts have been made clear in the review for this episode.  Yeah, it could've been better, but I guess we got what we didn't really expect when the Pilot first aired.

Seven years of Biblical proportions, just mentioned that cos seven is usually considered a Biblical number, yet I didn't really think this would be farewell and so soon, with so very few episodes, my all time horrible number of 13!.  Not enough to say a proper goodbye in this way.  Are we hoping for happy endings?  The years were a blast.

Season 1 building up on Red John and Patrick, losing his family and knowing that he contributed to that.  What else will we remember, the cat and mouse games, working people, he's not a psychic, the brown shoes, the three piece suits when first we saw our beloved Patrick Jane and that white shirt, boy that white shirt worked wonders on him, as did that waistcoat.  A shame he 'lost' it in season 6.  Let's not forget Patty's/Simon's hair to die for.  The smiley faces, Patrick's genius and so much more!

Saying goodbye will be hard, maybe we can just bid the show and cast a bon voyage instead or more likely an au revoir, we'll still them around, but not as we will no doubt remember them for months and years to come.

At least we'll get to see Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) and Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) make an appearance in the finale ever ep of the show, hate using that 'ever' word for something like this, cos it's like losing something that you've had around for years and have gotten so used to and so close to your heart!

Friday 21 January 2022

Downton Abbey The Movie (2019)

The movie got its premiere on New Year's Day on ITV and though they've moved on in years nothing much else has changed.  All the characters are the same and there are plots reminiscent of the series.  This time round King V (Simon Jones) and Queen Mary (Geraldine James) are visiting Highclare House though one really has to wonder why aside from the high drama! 

Potential to set up stories for future films, such as Branson (Allen Leech) who meets a new love in the form of Lucy (Tuppence Middleton) the maid of Lady Maud Bagshaw (Imelda Staunton) whose father was the Earl's (Hugh Bonneville) great uncle .  But she's not really the maid, or companion as she's going to be known as later on, but her daughter.  A secret discovered by Isobel (Penelope Wilton).  She's the heir to the estate that the family were hoping the Earl would inherit as a male heir and distant cousin.  As the Dowager (Maggie Smith) was determined to have it out with her once and for all.  Changing her mind when she finds out the truth.  Again saying she would've understood as she's not that set in her ways.  Edith (Laura Carmichael) pushing for Branson and Lucy to get together just to keep the fortune in the family.  Under the guise of wanting something better for Branson.

Mary (Michelle Dockery) worries over whether Downton can sustain itself and comments on finding herself putting out the chairs for the village in the pouring rain. Anna (Joanne Froggatt) tells her to think of the staff and people all over the county who rely on the estate.  Also Mary conveying this concern to the Dowager who has her own secret to confide in with Mary.  That the doctor hasn't given her much time and Mary will really miss her "granny."  The General Strike of 1926 is alluded to only just in passing. 

Carson (Jim Carter) is brought out of retirement and can no longer tend to his weeds as Mary wants him at Downton when the Royals arrive.  Barrow (Rob Collier-Smith) doesn't want to polish the silver and wants to leave it up to the Royal's own staff/servants.  Of course he's perturbed by this and walks out.  The Earl won't be firing him as he's amazed by Barrow's sudden discovery of principles.  Barrow too finds his own potential love interest in Richard Ellis (Max Brown) the King's valet/dresser and they agree to meet in York for a drink.  Barrow gets taken in by someone else at the pub and they end up in a secret location for gay men.  Finally there's a raid and he's arrested and ? gets him out of jail by using the Royal status on his calling card.  

The staff are in uproar as they won't be able to wait on royalty or prepare food for them.  Mrs Patmore (Lesley Nicol) even goes out to buy food when she doesn't need to.  With the pompousness of the Royal staff party and specifically the attitude of the Back Stairs butler Mr Wilson (David Haig) and the French chef, Courbet (Philippe Spall) the Downtown staff stage a mutiny.  Deciding to have the royal staff taken away by the pretext of being needed in London and locking up Wilson in his room.  With Anna giving the Courbet a sleeping draft, double does.  Moseley (Kevin Doyle) is particularly thrilled as he gets to wait on Royalty and puts his foot in it by impertinently replying to Queen Mary.  Shocks all around then.  As Cora (Elizabeth McGovern) has to apologize on his behalf.

A sub-plot with the Irish situation is added for extra interest for Branson to get involved with.  As he's approached by a suspicious man, he thinks is spying on him, regarding his feelings towards the Irish and the royals.  But Branson's been subdued by the Crawley family in his feelings.  He gets to catch said bloke at the parade as he tries to assassinate the King.  Mary had to get in on the act too of course.   Later the ball the King reveals he knows exactly who Branson is and what he did.  

The opening follows the letter informing of the arrival of the Royals arrival at Downton from a train, to the mail van, a postman on a motorbike, until it's safely delivered to the Castle.  Until the familiar bells of the house ring out to the servants.  So you know you're in familiar territory.  You'd think the staff's actions would've got a sterner reprimand for their actions, however it's just casually laughed off except for the Earl taking exception at Moseley's actions.  A nostalgic reminiscence for fans of the original series.

Thursday 13 January 2022

Doctor Who "Eve of the Daleks" Special

Doctor Who's 'Groundhog Day' deja vu ep.  You'd think they filmed this in one spot cos they were locked down: minimal contact.  Which they were.  Lots of running around and hiding in shadows only to be exterminated by the Daleks over and over.  Time being on a loop and resetting.  The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) resets the TARDIS and they have to leave in order for this to happen.  Ending up not on the tropical beach she promised Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Dan (John Bishop) but in a storage unit.  The same storage unit where Sarah (Aisling Bea) and Nick (Adjani Salmon) meet up every New Year's.  Well they don't really meet up, Nick turns up just to see her, the owner.  He stores away items belonging to his exes just incase they turn up to get them.  This time round it's a Monopoly.  The storage unit isn't updated but boy did those containers have bags of room!  Elf Storage hiding a myriad of items akin to Santa's grotto.  All to come in handy for the Doctor.

A Dalek shows up and exterminates both Sarah and Nick.  As the Doctor finds them dead they meet the same Dalek too and the Doctor can't zap it with her Sonic.  The Sonic can be controlled by the Dalek.  The Dalek appears to be one step ahead of them as they are exterminated too.  As they return they have a sense of deja vu as the Doctor realizes time has reset and each time they come back a minute has moved on.  With additional Dalek's turning up until we get three, the Doctor finally plans to be one step ahead of them by using one of the loops as a decoy to fool the Daleks into thinking that's what they're planning.  The Dalek also reveals that they're here to destroy her.  Due to the Flux that she instigated thereby destroying millions of Daleks.  She explains it was the Sontaran plan which she then hijacked. 

The Doctor says the only way they can survive this is if they are outside when the clock strikes midnight.  Sarah also gets calls from her mother before midnight as she thinks the lines will be busy then.  As Nick destroys two of the Daleks saving himself and finally tells her he comes here cos he knows she'll be here and he has an "embarrassing crush" on her.  Same can be said of  Yaz and the Doctor as Dan encourages her to tell the Doctor how she feels.  Also letting slip that Yaz has feelings for her and the Doctor knows exactly what that means.  Ahh Rose!  Dan found out too late his feelings for Di and he doesn't want Yaz going through the same.  Though it was obvious Yaz was infatuated by the Doctor from the outset.  Their relationship has evolved when they spent all the time without the Doctor and as Yaz tells Sarah, she's the only one who can diss on her mate Dan.  

So finally the Doctor gets the idea the fireworks Jeff has been hoarding in the storage facility, as well as living there; will be their escape from the Daleks.  The fireworks will go off when Sarah's mother calls her 10 seconds before midnight.  The Dalek being fooled into thinking it's a human signature by the phone.  As they finally get out and the Dalek explodes with the fireworks,  we see Karl watching the fireworks alone from a distance. 

The Daleks were particularly calculating in this ep as they predict exactly what the Doctor will do even before she does when they return in the time loop.  Still bearing grudges and everytime Time was mentioned felt like Time from the Flux was being referred to.  The Daleks being sent by Time to rid the universe from the Doctor.  Of course the gimmick was that the Doctor didn't regenerate each time they were exterminated.  The TARDIS reset is the cause of the time loop apparently and nothing as sinister as I just mentioned here, but it was a nice thought, even if I do say so myself.    An enjoyable romp where you didn't need to follow the plot too closely or pay much attention to it.  

Two more specials to go with Doctor Thirteen, one in spring and one in Autumn!

Friday 17 December 2021

Doctor Who 13.6 "The Vanquishers"

A bit of a tough one to write/review as we get so much jumping from time to time from the Doctor as she ends up being in three different places as three of her selves.  Sufficed to say she's still eyeing the pocketwatch whilst trying to save Earth and rid those Sontarans from a pact they're entering into for peace with the Daleks and the Cybermen to save them from the Flux.  However it's all an act to become the dominant race, in fact the only ones left aside from some rag tag humans.  To this end they've set up a dark camera in to watch every move being made.  This the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) infiltrates and then ends up there herself with Karvanista (Craige Eels).  The Sontarans want to take over the Lupari shield on their ships so they can use it to further their 'peace' treaty.  Which they manage to do as they rid the Lupari from their ships into the airlocks and into space.  Karvanista is the last of his species.  Which he wants revenge for as he howls in the cage as the Doctor is dragged away to be interrogated by the Grand Serpent (Craig Parkinson).  The Sontarans use the shields to survive the Second Flux and indeed lead the Daleks and Cybermen to destruction only realizing at the last minute that it's a trap,

This destruction will lead the anti-matter from the Flux to be cancelled.  The Doctor doesn't prevent this from happening but plans to throw the Sontarans into the mix too and effectively wipe them out.  A different Doctor who is/was all about saving species no matter whether good or bad.  As seen in Journey's End.  When the Flux isn't completely destroyed it's Diane (Nadia Albina) who comes up with the solution using the Passenger.  As she also comes up with a way for Vinder (Jacob Anderson) and her to leave the planet and get back to be picked up the doctor in the TARDIS.  As she was trapped inside the Passenger she has worked out how it works and tells her to make the anti-matter enter the Passenger in deep space and it will become harmless due to the space inside the Passenger.  

Finally Vinder and Bel (Thaddea Graham) are united and the Doctor sends them on their way with Karvanista on his ship.  He probably needs the company too.  It's also Dan (John Bishop) who releases Karvinista from his cage adding he fetched his dog.  Diane keeps her distance from Dan who tells her he wasn't late but he was kind of detoured via Karvinista.  The Doctor gets Claire (Annabel Scholey) and the Professor (Kevin McNally) to infiltrate a Sontaran base ship and be used as bait so they can get information on the Flux date from using their brains.  When push comes to shove and they do get their information, the rings the Doctor has given them only work to rescue Claire as the Professor's one is destroyed as he takes it upon himself to take out some Sontarans, which wasn't really necessary at all.  Sadly there was no one ring to save them all.  He heads into the Flux too and rather accepts his twist of bad luck and fate.  A shame as he could've been used more in future eps.  He's more sad he hasn't been able to write an autobiography.

The Grand Serpent apparently underused in this ep as he doesn't even remember Vinder and doesn't carry out much torture on the Doctor.  Vinder gets his revenge by leaving him on a tiny space rock, his "exile" just as Vinder spent his 'exile' in that observation station.  He didn't even get to get any sort of dialogue with Kate (Jemma Redgrave) as he was hunting her down.  Swarm (Sam Spruell) and Azure (Rochenda Sandell) were also underused as creepy villains going back all the way to Hallowe'en they didn't get much to do here.  Not even able to exact revenge on their 'master' Time being released.  So he turns them to dust before turning into the Doctor and telling her she won't be finished off.  So obviously that should add something to the New Year Specials.  Especially as the Doctor mentions the Master too.  She gets the pocketwatch and tells the TARDIS to hide it somewhere deep down she can't find it unless she wants it of course.  Was she afraid to access her past memories and what she was or did in the past as Division operative.  Maybe this would've added some backstory into why she's so hellbent on saving, though destroying has also entered the equation on occasion (of course it was just written that way.)

Nothing said about the Flux or whether those civilizations being destroyed with few survivors will have much of an impact on the future and the planets/places the Doctor will be able to 'visit' in the TARDIS taking Yaz (Mandip Gill) and the companions with her.  She also returns for Dan to take him with them.  The Doctor also persuaded Williamson to return to his own time through the correct door of his tunnels as he had greater things to do and history needed him.  

Sontarans gorging themselves on chocolate was a fun scene to move from all this jumping around and throwing so much at the viewer.  All 'n' all we got an ending whether it's what we wanted or expected is another thing.  Many loose ends were left and you can't help wonder if it was on purpose or if any of it will be revisited and concluded.  Kate was left on Earth along with Claire who might join forces.  Is UNIT still around? 

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Doctor Who 13.5 "Survivors of the Flux"

Beginning with the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) being transported to the ship with the woman who reveals herself to be Tectuen (Barbara Flynn) who looked after her.  Taking her from the planet and wiping her memories storing them in a pocketwatch.  The Doctor angry she was taken she might have been waiting for someone to come for her.  She explains about Division and then we get the Great Serpent/Prentiss (Craig Parkinson) going from time to time and establishing his grip on UNIT.  Starting with the Grand Serpent ending up at a country estate and gets a job with the man who was behind UNIT, Farquhar (Robert Bathurst).  But as said, he disposes of all of them. Where Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) says she sees through Prentiss and won't let him get away with whatever he's planning.  She becoming his next target and having to go on the run.  Apparently the Doctor's transformation to an angel was only temporary and just to get her to the ship.  It's Division HQ.

Meanwhile Yaz (Mandip Gill) Dan (John Bishop) and the Professor (Kevin McNally) jump from 1901 to three years into the future looking for a pot.  Later it's revealed the Doctor left her a message as a hologram, which she knew Yaz would find and would be opened for her when they are separated and she sends her on this quest to find a date and time for when the Flux will attack Earth again, thus the pot.  That's since the Doctor knows that Earth being the only planet being left intact will be marauded by other species and taken over.  

The scenes with the three of them were very Indy Jones, The Mummy.   Overseen with assassins as waiters as Yaz notices the serpent tattoo on his wrist as he takes a cyanide capsule to prevent questioning.  Being told that they need to fetch a dog.  Of course being the Lupari Karvanista (Craige Els) so they leave a message on the Great Wall of China which can be seen from space, "Fetch Your Human" ie Dan.  The Lupari already having problems with keeping a ship in formation and not being able to protect Earth.  However he commandeers the ship and ends up finding Bel (Thaddea Graham).  Having a battle with his weapon which was very much out of Stargate.  As was the snake-like creatures which left the mouths of the Grand Serpent's victim's mouths and attached onto him.

However Wiliamson turns up in their cabin and Dan recalls him.  They finally get to his tunnels and Yaz comes right out asking him what's going on.  Vinder (Jacob Anderson) ends up on a planet where he meets Diane (Nadia Albina) after he's transported into a Passenger.  As well  as finding that Swarm (Sam Spruell) and Azure (Rochenda Sandall) have taken people and are using them as power sources.

The Doctor finds out that Division became a shady organization pretty much running everything.  That's why the Flux was released.  So that they destroy everything so the Doctor can't go round saving planets and universes.  Could say justice finally came round full circle as Tectuen is destroyed by Swarm just as the Doctor needed to find out more from her about her past regenerations.  Eyeing the pocketwatch which Azure sees her doing.  Agh couldn't she have just gotten the watch somehow, that would've been too easy obviously.  The Sontarans make a pact with the grand Serpent and end up in the tunnels, as well as on the Lupari ships.  

Would Division really destroy so many planets and the universe just to keep the Doctor in check or to stop her doing what she does.  Then what of UNIT?  So many questions unanswered like what happened to Poppy?  How did the three get to travelling and away from the village.  How did UNIT get hold of the TARDIS?  Why did Swarm say Division imprisoned him and at the same time why did he escape?

Also the Doctor never got a chance to confront Tectuen in more depth or ascertain the real motives behind her becoming the Timeless Child.  In the end eps did end up being a bit scattered all over the place. 

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Doctor Who 13.4 "Village of the Angels"

The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) takes care of the rogue angel in the TARDIS by twiddling together some cables and removing it.  However they arrive in a village, Medderton, which no surprises here, has weeping angels galore!  The townsfolk are searching for a missing girl, Peggy (Pauline Polivnick) and they find themselves in 1967.  They exit the TARDIS with an elderly couple attempting a call, who tell her about Peggy.  She sends Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Dan (John Bishop) to help in the search as her Sonic is glowing.  Meanwhile, we see Claire (Annabel Scholey) who is undergoing psychic tests and experiments by a Professor Eustacius Jericho (Kevin McNally).  The Doctor manages to get in before the angels show up and surround the house.  She gets him to bolt all the doors and windows and sets up a rudimentary CCTV with the use of an old TV set.  In his basement she finds Claire has drawn her visions, including that of an angel.  Which she tears up but doesn't burn or anything so we know it's going to make another appearance.

Claire sees angel wings protruding from her body in the mirror and later also sees sand falling from her eyes which she brushes away.  Finally she tells the Doctor of this and how she's been turning into an angel.  She thinks there's one inside of her.  She leaves the Professor to watch the angels and he agrees as she goes inside Claire's mind.  Here the rogue angel tells her it's taken over Claire as the other angels are after it for its knowledge on The Division.  The Doctor was part of the Division too and it can tell her about her past.  But she's taken away before she can get anymore answers.  It won't release Claire until it's safe.  The Doctor destroys the angel in the picture as it forms back again with fire but then the angel becomes fiery.  Before being put out by the fire bucket.  She finds plans showing a secret tunnel they enter and try to get away.  Always blinking when they're not meant to.  Claire and the Professor escape but the Doctor doesn't.  The angels are an extraction squad for the Division. A revelation from the appearance of the Rogue Doctor when we found she was hiding from the Division. 

Yaz and Dan find themselves in 1901 and find Peggy.  Who shows them the edge of the village which is slowly disappearing into space.  The angels called it a "quantum displacement??"  They come to another part of the village where Peggy's aunt and uncle also appear but soon are crushed by the angels.  As they reach the boundary between 1901 and 1967, Peggy meets her older self.  She tells her what's been happening.  The Doctor also turns up and is surrounded by angels but she can't get out.  The rogue angel made a deal with the others and is safe now.  Peggy shows them a burial ground where the angels are trapped.  Showing how they possibly ended up on Earth.  The angels glow and the Doctor becomes one of them.  Ooh noo the Doctor a weeping angel.  Was the Doctor a weeping angel all along??  Did she really run from the Division and appears they were the ones who screwed with her memories.  Perhaps why we have the Rogue Doctor appearing just like the Rogue angel, but why doesn't she reveal more or can she not recall either.  

Bel (Thaddea Graham) lands on a planet where she sees Azure (Rochenda Sandall) taking the survivors of the Flux into the Passenger, which is a prison and disappearing with them.  She saves  Namaca (Blake Harrison) as she prevents from being taken by the Passenger and leaves a message behind for Vinder (Jacob Anderson) who later turns up to retrieve it.  So the lovers keep missing each other as the case.  Star crossed lovers indeed.

Sunday 14 November 2021

Doctor Who 1.3 "Once, Upon Time"

This one will be a confusing one for many people, a lot was happening but still just snippets of things we may, or may not, get answers to.  We met Bel (Thaddea Graham) on the search for someone she's missing, coming across Daleks whilst saying they're much better than the Flux.  As well as those the flying 'swarms' wiping out more humans as she can only watch.  She travels via a ship to other planets, so they still exist and the question would have been why weren't those wiped out by the Flux, if it was destroying everything in its path.  She also comes across Cybermen and they invade her ship.  As she takes them out and has a Q&A with one of them before she shoots it.  A treatise on love could have ensued when the Cyberman says 'love isn't a mission, it's an emotion and an emotion can't be a mission.'  Obviously she was going to prove him wrong.  Also apparent she was looking for Vinder.

As the Doctor jumps into time, fragmented and broken apart, in an attempt to prevent her friends from having 'pure' time pumped into them by Swarm the Doctor takes the place of the last Mouri which sends her into various moments of her companion's lives, as well as her own.  She needs Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Dan (John Bishop) in their own timelines as it's the best place for them to hide.  Yaz experiencing an encounter with a Weeping Angel who has found its way into her sister's video game.  With the Doctor appearing and reappearing, telling her not to blink and Yaz finally unplugging the game to get rid of it.  The Doctor also appears as a policewoman with Yaz who can see an angel in the car mirror.  Whilst Dan meets with Diane who asks him why he didn't turn up to their 'date.'  Vinder (Jacob Anderson) also experiences his past when he was assigned to the Grand Serpent and whistle blowed on him for his actions.  Yaz being his commander and finally he was stuck out in the observation post for his troubles.  He sends a message to his loved one, we see is Bel at the end, who also sends him one saying she's carrying their unborn child. 

In the meantime, Yaz, Vinder and Dan are Temporal Agents having the Doctor as their leader, part of Division and she is suffering from time haze.  The Doctor uses the Passenger in an attempt to fool Swarm and Azure and they use the same when they show that Diane has been a part of them too.  The Doctor promises she will get her back.  Vinder is left on his planet and his initial reaction to the TARDIS isn't the usual "bigger on the inside" bit, so he's familiar with it, in what way?  The Doctor comes across moments from her own timeline too and the Fugitive Doctor from her past again.  She's desperately looking for answers too and begs the Mouri for one more moment and one more answer.  They refuse.  She ends up with an old woman, Awsok who appears to be in charge of everything, ie the universe.  She wasn't very helpful either in that she says the Doctor is always saving everyone.

The Doctor's "the angel has the TARDIS" seemingly an allusion to "the angel has the phonebox" from the ep Blink.  

Death Walker 1.5 "Thought Form Entity"

Conducting another investigation see if locations have changed and if they affect him differently psychologically.  

Bobby Mackey's Music World  Bobby saw something move towards the door and the back door opened.  He walked to the stage and stood there and saw something moving that resembled a lady.  He was pondering whether he should buy it or not.  Probably appealing to him to buy the place.  It's become famous and the history fascinates Nick.  Bobby doesn't want to be anywhere else.  Nick feels there's not enough time for him to unravel things.  Nick came back to face his own fears.  His experiences in the past he felt immature and didn't know what was happening.  He says you have to walk in someone's shoes to know what they're feeling.  Plenty didn't know about this location and get to the core of what's happening here.  Nick vowed not to return when he was on GA and now he has evolved into a better investigator that has made him question the paranormal differently.

1896 Pearl Brian's body was found decapitated near the road.  Murdered by her boyfriend Scott Jackson, Alonzo Walling helped him carry out the abortion.  20th March 1897, they were both executed.  Why is this the most haunted nightclub in America?  After the Civil War was known as Gallows Gap and Finchtown, Kentucky, due to the lynchings.  Several reported seeing ghosts due to the accident at the Licking Bridge.  The slaughterhouse stood nearby and a distillery where Bobby Mackey's is now.  Tunnels pumped water into the building for distilling.  One tunnel is known as Hell's Gate.  Was a casino, speakeasy and a nightclub was built in the '20's.  Named the Primrose Club when Buck Brady bought it.  The mob changed name to The Latin Quarter.  Many murders took place here. The Hardrock Cafe opened in 1970's was closed in 1977.  Bought by Bobby.  Nick recalls the ball footage he caught on Paranormal Lockdown.   He can't explain what it is, whether it was from the energy of voices or manifestation of shadow figures.  Could it take on other forms?  He doesn't know.  

He asks for the apparition to walk through the hallway.  Hears footsteps.  Nick gets goosebumps.  Feels dizzy.  Nick feels the energy's shifted and the environment's changed.  Some sort of energy manifesting from all their stories.  It's scary.  There are things they don't fully understand, how they manifest and take shape, communicate in its own way.  If they keep interjecting into this environment but it's really not it.  That's the scary part.  He can hear walking.  Matt says he was fixing the pipes and he felt something lifted him and threw him back.  People have been scratched, pushed, pulled. Footsteps upstairs.  

"Two worlds colliding and twisting."  Energy changes Nick feels nervous of being in the darkness.  His intuition tells hims something doesn't feel right.  Footsteps towards the well.  Feels an energy there.  Runs the app through the speaker with phonetic words.  "Hail??"  

"Are they gone yet??"  'just like me. 'They scare us'.  "He stays in darkness."  "Yes." 

He asks to say his name.  "Nick" is heard.  There's lots of convo.  "Existence, fills resistance. See it."

"I'll resist."  Twice.  Nick hears knocking.  "Just voices."

"Look out Nick."


"I won't say looks...say no internet..."  I'm sure I heard Internet.  

Nick asks it to show yourself.   "I'm here."  Mentions Nick's family. 

The positive or negative, can manifest into either.  Mentions ball of energy again on the static night vision camera which was recorded for 8 minutes.  Hears a growl.  He feels connected which keeps bringing him back.

Is it hiding there?  Entity goes back to the darkest places, waits, builds energy find who comes here and takes their energy to scare them.  Nick's looking for it.  Alone in the dark.  He's going to wait for the energy.  Well room.  He tells it to use his energy. entity moving in building for a long time, fear of being alone.  "With the history, energy, his mind likes to take the energy and use thoughts and project fear and feed off it."

He has an "overwhelming feeling" makes him feel uneasy cos it could be here.  Hears it moving.  The first time he came he was scared and feared what was happening but coming back, researching, he "accepts what the entity is now, manifested into its own thing here and can understand how to document further, feeding off energy, thoughts projecting back, discover something new beyond the scope of the paranormal.  To learn instead of being afraid of it."  Use the energy from his min, psyche and grows powerful becomes something else whenever he comes back.  The place keeps drawing him back.  He met Matt and Bobby and "pulling back the history of locations and learning what's happening at the core of all the weird things."  Still asking questions from 10 years ago.  "Think harder, think something beyond dying, giving hope knowing when they die energy's lingering in different place or locations can create other energy not familiar with yet."

Virginia City mine discovered.  Miners, gunslingers, writers, businessmen came to Virginia City.  Where The Washoe Club was opened, rebuilt 1976.  Two secret exits used by those not wanting to be seen.  The bodies of dead miners would be stored in the crypt at the back of the club.  1873 reported a nitro explosion that killed people behind the club.  The Saloon remains open today.  He doesn't have a definitive answer who or what tried to communicate with him from the other side.  Nick mentions his journey again.  The walls could tell them a story and "it ripple effects outwards."  Looking into deaths and darkness.  There's nowhere to say who's haunting what.  You'd make that interaction.  If it's negative then can lead to attachments.  He gets scared by a dummy.

Nick sees if the thought form entity will arise and communicate.  Try experiment.  In minds communicate to whatever is here, picture person, an entity, draw person into the room.  Picture stairs, rooms and ask in your mind to come to ballroom.  

Geoport: voice heard:  "hallway."  Something moves??  "Exist".  

Nick is trying to figure out what happens when you die.  "What do you see??"  How many people are here? Nick asks "6, 7,8."

Sure I hear resistance?? or existence?? again here as well.

At the "two locations I wanted to find answers about the other side."  He's not alone something's different now.  Decade ago he saw how locations affected him. He came back to see how people overtime change a location, same foundations, walls stories but he's changed.  He leaves with more questions.  "This is only the beginning."  

"LIfe gives you exactly what you need to awaken." - T Scott McLeod.

"People living deeply have no fear of death." - Anais Nin

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe Look in terms of energy, frequency and vibration - Nikola Tesla 

What I liked about this season 1 was how Nick started searching from ep 1, coming to thought forms, stone tape theory, other people hauntings in other times and how each location led to these different things all culminating into Bobby Mackey's and the Washoe Club where he started out.  How the energy changes from location to location, even if the two locations are in the same vicinity and how he's into researching more and not just showing the location is haunted.  Which we already know.  Wonder why the spirits don't answer when he asks about the other side: where they are, what they are??  Have they been warned off not to give anything away.  As it's one way of finding out what is on the other side, afterlife etc.  But even if answers can/would be given how do we comprehend that.  How do we know to believe them or are they toying or tricking us into believing or sharing what we want to know.  Wishful thinking.   Can people influence the haunting of a location of enough people believe and end up causing some other entity to come in and take it over.  Can they lead to a place, not previously haunted, becoming haunted by spreading stories in the same way?  No answers thus far...

Saturday 13 November 2021

Doctor Who 13.1 "The Halloween Apocalypse"

Series 13 kicks off with the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and Yaz (Mandip Gill) in trouble as they are suspended from some sort of big stick (which resembles a broomstick later on) over acid as a planet is about to be destroyed.  Leading the Doctor to get them out of there, as usual.  As they journey through the planet in search of the TARDIS, still handcuffed to the stick, as the Doctor's command of "release" isn't working.  The stick breaks into two and that's when they appear to be riding a broomstick.  Some  Hallowe'en allusion.  Though this was rather a Hallowe'en episode with the Swarm (Sam Spruell) and his sister introduced here in their garb.  Who will dress like them next Hallowe'en.  

As the Doctor has a mind recharge she is whisked away to a far off place where Swarm torments her with "trick or treat."  Just to firmly set what day it was in out minds, if we didn't already know.  The Doctor doesn't recall meeting him before but seems to have had a part in his imprisonment.  Harkback to the Doctor not having all her memories in The Timeless Child, that we didn't get a conclusion to.  Yaz mentions trick or treat later on too.

We see two women about to check the prison security where Swarm is being held before he's able to break free and zap one.  Taking in her particles.  In Antarctica a couple receive a warning but the woman smashes the device.  She doesn't want to be contacted as they were promised they wouldn't be.  Also on the observation outpost Vinder (Jacob Anderson) sees the destruction of the Flux firsthand and has to evacuate in a pod, as the Flux destroys everything in its path.  The Doctor calls it a hurricane. 

The potential new companion, meanwhile, Dan Lewis (John Bishop) is leading the tour of a Liverpool museum until he's interrupted by Diane and told he has to leave.  They arrange a date/not a date for later which we know he's going to stand her up for.  At the food bank he gives away some candy and then he rejects the offer of some soup for his hard work.  This he later regrets as he has nothing to eat at home.  One companion who wants to genuinely help people and is finding it to hard to make ends meet.  After a few Hallowe'en callers he is abducted by one, a dog, who he says has a really life-like costume.  He is a canine Karvanista (Craige Els) and he cages Dan before taking him away to his ship.  Yaz and the Doctor also arrive as they've followed the trail here.  Inside the Doctor finds a laptop which can't be Dan's and as she finds out a fleet of ships are approaching Earth, the laptop blows up.  As they escape in the nick, the house is shrunk.  Here they also meet Clare (Annabel Scholey) who says she's from the future, past, but they will meet again.  Clare is followed by a Weeping Angel and knows not to blink, however she keeps doing this until finally she is no more.

The Doctor lands the TARDIS on the ship, before Yaz can get what's troubling the Doctor out of her.  She goes after Karvanista as Yaz rescues Dan.  Not before they banter about Sheffield and Dan putting down Yorkshire.  Karvanista reveals he was rescuing Dan and protecting him as his species, the Lupari are here to rescue Earth and each one of them has a human to protect and take off the planet.  The Doctor asking what the humans have got to say about that.  He calls it a "species bonding arrangement."  Swarm contacts the Doctor again and this time he's seen to be part of the Flux as his destruction is similar.  Seems the Doctor wasn't so concerned about all the other planets being destroyed and was only interested in protecting Earth.  

The Doctor orders the Lupari ships into a formation that forms over Earth and acts as a forcefield saving it from the Flux.  Although that could be in vain as the Sontarans see it as an opportunity to take it over with maximum destruction.  The woman in the Antarctic is Swarm's sister, Azure (Rochenda Sandall) whom he's missed.  As well as tunnels being dug under Liverpool in the nineteenth century.  This is presumably where Diane (Nadia Albina) ends up, as she's forcibly 'dragged' into the building she was supposed to be meeting Dan outside.  Everything is thrown together into this one episode, with snippets of characters we will probably see throughout the six episode arc.  Hopefully it will all make sense...

Monday 8 November 2021

Death Walker 1.4 "Masonic Mysteries"

Nick: the history and buildings have nothing to do with the energy at this location, there's something missing about the land that holds the answers.

The Octagon Hall, Kentucky.  Masons, Jeffrey says aren't a secret society and are needed to identify other masons.  The signs they use.  He can only speak of his own experiences.  Have had objects being moved, disembodied voices. Unexplained shadows.  They've gotten names from EVPs and psychics.  A little girl Abbey Winter-Smith, her father Charles, was one of the Masters of the Lodge.  There's a grave in the cemetery.  She likes to play with people.  He's heard her.  Charles is curious about the people.  Nick: "why do they bring so much energy to this location, different from other locations."  Ref erring to ley lines and the caves lie between the two locations, 90 minutes apart.  Abbey has toys from people.  'Addy' was written on the grave and she died at 16.  But they see/hear her as 6-8 years old.  Probably the time she was more comfortable at.  

"Masonic lodges have been built on ley lines, energy epicentres.  Possible many entities/impressions do this cos of the way the energy travels."   Nick has goosebumps.  He hears a man's disembodied voice before he begins investigating.  He uses the Geoport.  He asks if they know who he is.  "Yes, no, yes."  This amazes him.  He uses the Panabox again.  "Masons" is heard and "alive or alright" when he asks if it's okay to be here.  Nick asks how he finds the answers he's looking for.  He's on a journey.  How can he get to the dimensions on the other side.  "Come through" I heard.  He asks if they exist or is he talking to himself.  Something to do with the energy, environment, position of house or the tragedy of what happened here.  Nick hears old music upstairs.  Perhaps they're playing the music in their reality but he can hear it for some reason.  

He climbs into the attic and sees a shadow, some sort of mass near the chair.  A shadow figure.   He feels drained.  Nick thinks it's 'a doorway to some other place in time/era and things get in or out when that door is opened.  An energetic doorway.'  They're bumping into furniture.  "They're open with their minds when something happens we're awake to it."  Nick hears a train.  You can actually hear it and Bear talked about a ghost train they photographed and this isn't a passenger line but it had people inside and walking around.  Nick's waiting for a UFO.  Nick hears a bell, it could be the ball with the bell inside; placed where Abbey's toys are.  I hear "behind you" when Nick asks if she moved the ball.  

"Yes" comes through when he asks if Abbey is here.  "First father" when he asks if he's her father.  "Try to contact me" is heard on the Panabox.  A girl's voice comes through "precisely."  I heard that too.  "Please help," I heard.  Melting pot where things are coming here.  He's certain that "things are coming in and out of their reality.  It feels off but is also peaceful too.  Everything coexisting.  Things that we don't have all the answers for, the unexplainable, things living through this reality...something's happening here."

"Spirits travel from one location to the next and never know where it's coming through.  Like abbey and her father.  Like people crossing paths with each other.  So much history, layers, fascinating." He loves this location, energetic so many mysteries.  he gets goosebumps.  The temperature drops.  He talks respectfully about the place and he feels they thanked him. 

Morrison Lodge, Kentucky.  This location dates back to 1823 when it was chartered by The grand Lodge of Kentucky.

Deborah tells Nick about Mary Elizabeth, the owner's little girl, her dress caught on fire in the kitchen.  Took her seven days to die.  She's been seen waking around.  In 2002 work was done in the basement and they found an entrance to the tunnels.   They're still looking for the second basement.  Nick: "Cryptids, UFOs, paranormal, all different emotions of people dying here etc.  These two locations bringing about energy that are different to other locations."  Nick hears footsteps, feet being dragged.  Debra and John spoke of doorways and dimensions to the other side.  Asks if they know who he is.  I hear "a little bit."  Then something like "I died here."??  he asks if there are any Confederate soldiers hiding.  Or Union soldiers "they are?" is heard.

As this building burned down in 1913 and rebuilt, Nick feels it's the land that is haunted and not the building itself.  Which surely must have something to do with the ley lines.  The fact that both locations are on these ley lines suggests they do have an influence on the hauntings and what is going on there.  Some outside presence which is allowing the hauntings to take place, whether it be a doorway or portal.  

Nick: "So much mystery surrounding the two locations and they wont work it out in one night. Octagon hall and Morrison Lodge he can leave with a new perspective.  The spirits travelling from location to location is true since he heard his name in various locations.  But the one that significantly proves this point is when he went to Hinsdale House and then the recording he did in his basement of his own house in an episode of Paranormal Lockdown that told him to head to Pontefract.  

Sunday 7 November 2021

Doctor Who 13.2 "War of the Sontarans"

Ending up during the Crimean War where the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker)  Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Dan (John Bishop) meet Mary Seacole (Sara Powell) who has opened The British Hotel (said enough times) in this episode who catches the Doctor pilfering through a dead soldier's pockets.  At least Mary thinks she is.  As they arrive at the Hotel, Dan and Yaz disappear.  Dan ends up in Liverpool being chased by Sontarans who have taken it over and the entire world.  As they are also fighting the British in the Crimean War.  Russia isn't part of the map the Lt General has, it's now known as Sontara and this includes China too.  Though he and Mary do recall Russia from somewhere before.  Mary tells the Doctor about the wounded Sontaran she nursed though he healed himself.  He's disgruntled as death was a far more fitting honour for him.  The Doctor tricks him into going back to his leader so he can parley with the Doctor.  As these Sontarans don't know the Doctor has undergone regeneration.  Thus giving her time to follow him to their base, along with Mary.

A man wakes up on another world and is taken by a Triangular Lantern asking "can you repair?"  It's the Temple of Atropos on a planet known as Time and the Mouri are in need of repair.  But he doesn't know what to do.  As Dan is chased by Sontarans into an alley since he's evaded the curfew, they're conked on the neck by his parents using a wok.  They tell him the world is being taken over and his mother adds that Liverpool was taken over first.  They have ships at the docks.  Dan infiltrates the docks and a ship and films everything for the Doctor.  Also witnessing the Sontarans brutally executing 'spies.'

The Doctor leaves Mary in their concealed base to take notes and observe as she meets for parley.  Admitting to the Sontaran leader, Skaak (Jonathan Watson) that she is the Doctor.  Who (!) was also President of Gallifrey* once. She wants them to leave and not engage in the war, however the Lt General has other plans, as he orders her removal from the scene.  Thus engaging in a bloody battle he has no chance of winning.  Realizing he can't, he asks the Doctor for help.  She explains to them who the Sontarans are and what they need to do to make them retreat.  I.e exhaust their supplies of air and food as they need to rest for 7.5 minutes as they can't remain in earth's air for so long.  That's why they wear armour.  The Doctor also steals onto one of their ships with Mary and makes contact with Dan who tells her about Liverpool and the footage.

The Sontarans plan on using the Flux chaos to make Earth a Sontaran outpost with the use of a temporal time attack.  Or as Dan asks a 'tempora' attack.  Yaz meets Vinder (Jacob Anderson) who tells her about the temple and the repair.  However, Swarm and his cronies, Azure and the Passenger also arrive at the Temple with nefarious intent and use Yaz to repair the Temple.  As the Doctor gets the TARDIS back also which takes them to the Temple.  

With the Lt General actually destroying the ships by planting gunpowder outside of them and igniting them, the Doctor once again questioning why she helps humanity and that they were retreating.  However they would only return so whatever happened was inevitable and this wouldn't have stopped them killing.  Also she herself explained that's all they've been cloned for.  Mary, for one, being thankful that the Doctor does save humanity. 

Atropos was one of the three Moirai, who were goddesses of destiny and fate.  Atropos was the eldest of the Three Fates and she was the one who selected how mortals would die.  She was the one who would cut their threads.  (Atropos as seen in the Supernatural ep My Heart Will Go On.)   But generally she is familiar as I kept annoying everyone by mentioning who she is, ha. 

*The Doctor was President in The Invasion of Time arc with Tom Baker (1978) in the episode The Deadly Assassin.  The Presidency was also alluded to in episodes with Doctors 5,6 and 7.  The Invasion of Time arc also involved the Sontarans.  So very relevant here.

Saturday 30 October 2021

DeathWalker 1.3 "The Others"

Hear child's voices and hear things falling, being touched. Willis House Inn.  Also saw a fireball in the room. Fourteen passed away in the house and a man levitated in one of the rooms.  In the basement a pregnant woman was pushed and she was stuck there.  Her husband came back with a priest.  They bound the entity in a circle of salt.  Their beagle doesn't want to go in the hole in the brick wall.  In the room where people have been levitating in the night is where Nick wants to spend the night.  He feels there was sadness here and there's more positive energy in the house due to the renovations.  Nick believes everyone has different perspectives on life, death.  He uses the Geoport.  Nick asks who's here.  Children are here.  "Sarah's with me??"  "Nick is here."  The spirit does an awful lot of "hmmph."  Likes their dogs "sometimes."  

Nick asks who's in the hole.  Does he like them.  Voice replies "I try."  

"It's in there....ssh. Do you see him?"  Nick feels something will crawl out at him and I got an itchy  feeling on my forehead after he mentions the cobwebs!  Was there a shadow there when Nick asks where the others are?  Nick hears a knock.  Nick asks about the exorcism.  A woman says "help."  A voice says "no" after Nick asks if it was here when the exorcism took place.  Wants Nick to sleep in that room.  "Let me come in."  

Nick also visits The Orson Starr House in Royal Oaks, Michigan.  Orson Starr made cowbells and these have become collector's items.  Five generations lived in the house until 1964.  Which is now a museum.  An old man haunts here, an old woman, Katherine has been seen.  There are also childrens' spirits who prefer to interact with women.  The spirits could be something more sinister.  There is actual furniture of the family's in the house.  Their ears pop.  Toys move in the nursery and thee children like the closet.  Nick feels the house has come alive.  An orb comes round the corner, doesn't appear to be dust or an insect as the house is newly renovated. 

Nick thinks the children run away after seeing them as they hear footsteps.  John EL Tenney thinks the children come here to visit.  As around the world when people talk of death they speak of going home.  Like it's a place they've already been and when they die go back to the place where they were born.  Go to physical places as well in the home.  Nick loves chatting with him as they can discus so much whilst in the dark.  John used to come here for 35-36 years.  Nick says he has two daughters too, which John thinks has an influence since they probably want to talk to someone they're related to, or feel comfortable with.  Nick thinks of energy as looking at a persons' aura.  He resonates positive energy sometimes.  In the same way spiritual energy can sense that too.  

They speak of the Stone Tape Theory - that's why I said this episode should have been called this.  John says his youthful energy might still be there and that's what Nick thinks they could be going through now.  Was there also something obscuring the window behind them, is it a window, the light??  After they play 'the knocking game.'  That was funny cos it seems that's all they did here.  John talks of the basement as being predisposed in our minds, psyche, as being haunted and that energy is there also for the people who used to live here.  Nick thinks the Starr children would also be afraid of their own basement.  Daring each other to come here and they could hear their voices and Nick says they hear them living right now.  So they hear ghosts and they're communicating at two different times.  All taking place in this same location.  John: doesn't have to be one type of ghost or one thing that happens to them when they die, as each location and human is different. 

However, I do understand why this episode was called The others as just like the film title, it referred to how humans look into the past and perceive those who were once alive as ghosts.  In the same way these spirits could be looking at us from their timeline and viewing us as the spirits. 

Interesting John was also in Franklin Castle ep of Paranormal Lockdown and the presence of children was also noted in that ep.  Since there was also some knocking going on with Katrina and Nick as if the children were playing hide and seek with them. 

Everything is all speculation and theory, so they can't be definitive since it's not set in stone. Nick sleeps in the levitating room at the Willis Inn and nothing happens to him.  So he concludes that the spirits are happy with the renovations.  Also he did look the worse for wear considering he used to be extra tired in Paranormal Lockdown!  

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Deathwalker 1.2 Stone Tape Theory

The House of Wills, Cleveland was once a German opera house, funeral home. Hills son committed suicide. Eric, the owner of the house said it was also used by Freemasons.  Nick and Eric discussed how people who believe bad things happen will happen.  Nick talks of those who have passed and people put energy into saying goodbyes, build up the energy around them.  Would possibly be a time for dark spirits to manifest and be a negative influence on them.  All that sorrow and tears making them vulnerable and ripe for the picking.  Eric saw a mist, a dark shadow in kitchen.   he speaks of how nothing affects him cos he says he owns the house and it’s his.  

This leaves Nick posing the question whether it's possible for a location to harness energy and cause its own hauntings.  Ed Steele owns The Sixth Precinct, Detroit, Michigan.  An abandoned police precinct turned into a crack house.  Rescued in 2013.  In 1943 people took prisoners out of there.  The place has seen everything from hanging,s suicides, gangs police deaths.  Containing ten cells, with over twelve deaths.  Is everything connected due to a transfer of energy.  What’s alive is within the space location is its original Gothic structure that contributes to haunting or dark manifestations that contribute.  Is what Nick questions.  As Eric called it a glimpse in time and everything overlaps. 

Loud banging in cell.  On the Geoport, he gets the following responses, "Roseville. Heart that evil. Behind you, sitting"  Nick asks "are you alive or dead."  
Voice replies, "Nick.  I'm dead. Nick's here hello."  
Nick asks if he's attending the funeral ?  "Yeah of course.  I'm still stuck.  Killed, get me out."  Nick asks if his energy is absorbed into building?"  Reply: "yes no."  Batteries are constantly drained. IR light goes out several times. 

At the Wills House.  "It caught me, hanging."  When he asked what happened in the changing room accident.  "Get out of this house. Same killer, heroin, diamond symbol."  When Nick asks what happened in this house.  The response is "I did heroin."  Nick doesn't know who is talking to picking up another energy.  How emotion releases the living and dead.   Need answers from some place and he's searching for these. 

Sixth Precinct:  Nick hears a noise.  Uses the Pana box for voices from the other  side.  "Killed." The  IR goes out again.  More replies; "psychological damage that might take on."  Probably relating to the killings and suicides there.  

Wills House: "behind you. Help."  In the basement of the house. 
Sixth Precinct: Nick mentions the last breath taken when beaten and when dead where does the energy go? Another bang is heard. John Pana invented the Pana Box and nick uses this.  "Sweet revenge” is captured.  Nick asks "what revenge ?"  A scream is heard.  “That was the situation.” 

Wills House: batteries dying in house. Dolls are in one room of the house.  The most macabre ever seen, even I didn't like those and I don't hate dolls! The house is transmitting glimpses of energy and Nick believes the dolls have a story.   He's been seeing shadow figures.  
He explains how he feels life is quick and we're on a journey and then dead, laid out, putting energy back into the house and the surrounding environment.

If we are recycle energy, at least our bodies then what about our souls.  Is my question. Each one is unique so it can't just be energy. Does a new soul enter our body, a body,  everytime someone is born. Oh I don't know; but Nick always gets me thinking and this show is great as it transcends just ghost hunting, or investigating the paranormal that we already know about.  Trying to make new inroads into the knowledge already gathered about how we see spirits and how they manifest.  Yet how or why are they here.  Aside from the restless souls, something bad happening to them, common explanation.  Exposition into other aspects of this has to be investigated and evidence gathered on this.  One way is by asking the spirits themselves.  As Nick was doing in this episode.  When inside the Sixth Precinct he asked if their energy is here and that's what's keeping them here.  Sure I heard a faint "yes."  Not sure if that was in response to that question of his, as it came a little while after he asked.  

Must be good to get his name mentioned twice on the Geoport.  They either know him or heard his name whilst he was there.  

NB thought Stone Tape Theory would be third episode title as he specifically talks with John EL Tenney about it.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Ghost Adventures "Goldfield Hotel"

Goldfield Hotel was very personal for Zak and the team.  Going back to the beginning, where it all started.  He says that the hotel has turned even more dark and negative and how it may have something to do with the deaths of Debbie and Mark Constantino.  He doesn't even want to utter Mark's name in places.  But does manage to say it at times.  He says Goldfield is "our legacy."  

1902 is when the town came to be.  As the gold vanished.  Goldfield Hotel is known as one of the most haunted locations in the world.  But there are many such locations.  September 2015 is when the Constantinos died.  Red Roberts also died in October 2020.  As well as a man committing suicide on the steps of the hotel.  Leaving a note that he was influenced by the spirits to kill himself.  Doesn't that beg the question of why are they so easily manipulated into taking their own life.  What promises can the afterlife hold if it means being stuck in limbo, at least for some.  Red's son, Edward now owns the hotel.  Red passed on 19th October and this is when we watched this ep.  Edward says there's a portal on the third floor and he felt numb.  Isn't that how Billy felt later on.  Was that on the third floor.  Edward let them cover all the windows in black, not allowing any light in for a week.  Zak is afraid to be here.

A wooden inn was on the same place on the land.  A fire destroyed the inn and killed three men.  The current hotel being built over it.  Prostitutes also committed suicide.  In 1915 after an earthquake, JB Finley was found dead in his hotel bed the same night.

Janice Oberding returns to the hotel.  Mentioning Debbie and Mark.  She believes the hotel caused their deaths.  The last time they were in the hotel was in 2013.  Zak feels the energy is darker and much more oppressive.  Janis feels the same.  Zak recalls Virginia Ridgeway (wow listening to Zak's voice back then makes him sound a completely different person, well obviously.)  Virginia said her being attacked was due to Zak.  He should have remembered that, I mentioned it in my review of the hotel ep back then and also in my book.  She did a seance and blue lights were seen.  He thinks that could be a result of quartz running through the town.  Passing underneath the hotel.  

He shows them the basement when he was there (with Nick - obviously not mentioning his name) and where they captured the evidence of the boards flying in their doco.  Janice says there will be many ghosts following them around and she feels it.  The air feels "heavier, darker," to her and not being able to relax.  On the main floor, they head to room 109, Elizabeth's room.  George Wingfield, the original owner had a baby with her.  Killed the baby and kept her hostage in this room.  The cause of her death is unsolved.  "Kill, enter, sit, you're in my f**king house," were captured here when they were here before.  They hear a man's voice.  He asks the man if they just heard him?  A man' replies "yes."  Zak asks if the spirit knows them.  As the meter rises.  Zak wants Janice to ask if it's Mark and asks if he's still here.  But they don't know who it is.  Aaron is emotionally affected and cries.

Heather, a tourguide mentions the man who committed suicide here.  He shot himself on the steps and the bullet ended up in the building across the street.  Zak says the voice came from the area where he killed himself.  He left a note saying he'd be the new spirit to haunt the hotel.  He can't be sure of that.  Celia and Jonathan experienced darkness in October 2020.  Was looking at the articles from the ep and most deaths occurred in October/November.  Crap my dad passed in October too!!  Jonathan said he felt like he was being suffocated.  Celia takes them to Elizabeth's room.  She thought she saw a shadow.  She felt watched and burning on her back.  She was scratched when they were last here.  They felt it  where Elizabeth was slammed against the wall and where the glass was shattered when the Crew were there with the Constantinos.

Zak walks towards the room and his demeanour changes.  He feels violent and rage, directed at Celia. He discourages her from going to the room.  Jonathan mentions "the boy" which is believed to be a demon.  Zak talks of his dream and the worst "nightmare of my entire life."  There's a power outage in the hotel they were staying at, at 2.30am.  The entities wanted the hotel to be dark too.  Which is what he believes.  Billy put a recorder on the original safe in the lobby and gets EVPs.  The first one says "Aaron."  Why does that voice sound like Mark to me.  Second voice: "it's hotel hell!"  Then "get out."  It's silent where they catch the EVP about "hotel hell."   Zak says no one was talking at this point, so "if this doesn't give you the proof of the afterlife, I don't know what does."  Many questions arise from that point, not least of which is, why would anyone want such an afterlife??  For starters.  Fourth floor EVP: "hey Zak."  Hey that sounds like Aaron, doesn't it??!!  It's his deep voice.  Zak recalls when they were here with the Constantinos and his name was said.

Zak gets Chris Fleming on the investigation.  He's been investigating at the hotel for 16 years.  He hands Zak a photo with Janice and the Constantinos and says they were sensing them inside the hotel.  Chris says the darkness grows as it's feeding off everything, all the deaths. Jeff is the new member and is an engineer, their new equipment tech.  Zak wants Chris to tell him who's calling his name.  What about Aaron's name?  Chris is affected in the same spot where Zak was and he feels sick.  They hear another voice with vibration.  An orb appears by Chris's head and then disappears by his mouth, into his mouth.  Eesh never leave your mouth open.  He says he can't think and it's at the same time the orb enters him.  He recalls the entity saying "breathe me in."  Last time he was here.  The entity speaks with rage that he's here.  Channelling through Chris: it says it needs to go home.  They've come into his home again and isn't acceptable.  It's angry at him for bringing them here.  Was this spirit going back to the first time they came to Goldfield.  Their capture in the basement put the place on the map and who knows how long this evil was lurking there.  Now people come to investigate and the hotel is undergoing renovations too.

Aaron says he put the camera on him and Billy says he knows it wasn't Aaron.  It jumped into Aaron and he attacked Billy.  Aaron couldn't breathe when he was outside.  Zak still feels the rage on Aaron and he doesn't want him going back in.  Chris says it wants them to turn against each other.  Zak hears a voice in room 109 where the camera is stationed.  To me it sounds like, "fuck, I can't do this."  It sounds like the same voice that said Aaron's name.  The one I said was Mark!  Then Zak asks if it's Mark and recalls he was standing next to Zak when they got that voice to "enter, sit."  The voice speaks through Chris saying, "I know."     

Zak uses the XLS camera now and a strange looking figure appears next to Chris and then holds onto him, like it's kneeling in front of him.  They use Chris's ITC device to communicate.  "Zak asks what they intend for them.  "Get out."  They like Chris's body to channel through.  Billy's heart races and pounds.  They ask where they should go.  That's a similar reaction Edward got feeling numb. Aaron sees a dark figure inside.  They get a voice "hey."  They say sounds like Mark.  Zak asks when his birthday is, "seventy seven."  Zak was born in 1977.  An anomaly is captured downstairs where the table was and vanishes into it.  That's where Chris channelled and Aaron was affected.  Chris says it's gone and enters Aaron, as he puts the camera down and he attacks Billy.  Picking him up with one hand.    

Zak says they're experiencing something they haven't felt before.  Aaron's behaviour he's never seen him like that before.  Then Billy felt it.  Zak mentions the exposed ground in the basement.  When Chris came down and he mentions the mountains and there's something in the ground "ground dwellers."  What is there feeds off of them.  Zak had a nightmare that one died in a car accident.  Jerry got a flash of his girlfriend in a car accident.  Aaron heard a noise and a lady was in a car accident, blocking them from the hotel exit.  Preventing them from coming to the Hotel.  

Zak says there was a tunnel going from the hotel to the Emporium and they had to block it off.  Many activities went on there during the prohibition era.  They go to the Emporium where they're experiencing demonic activity in the basement.  The owners said it was a child.  Billy hears metal moving in the basement.  Sherry speaks of a girl who was killed in the basement and was grabbed by the manager and killed her.  People have left flowers down there.  Reminded me of Anna at Preston Castle.  Wonder why Zak never returned there after his experience there?  Yes I have asked many times. 

Zak goes into the Goldfield basement with a jacket that Jeff has made for him with bodycams.  He's going to go alone.  As Jay investigates the Emporium basement.  Billy and Aaron decide on how long it is before Zak calls, so how long was it?  A sound is heard, sounds like whistling, almost.  The static camera at the Emporium shows a light anomaly which heads towards the flowers.  

Zak hears a knock on the wall and screams, running away, calling for help.  He can feel a spirit still holding on to him.  Aaron feels emotional again.  He never wants to come here again and they agree.  A loud noise is made where Zak and Aaron stand.  Billy gets a voice on the Polterpod: "it's time."  I hear "it's cunning."  Doesn't sound like a woman to me.  Zak mentions Chris told them about a time vortex.   A man's voice says "Mary."  Billy's mother's name, as Billy gets frustrated.

They enter the basement where they caught the activity in the original doco.  A voice says "Jerry Blackso, Blaxson"??  They use the Trackcam developed by Jeff.  They document some electromagnetic anomalies around him, three of them.   An anomaly is caught outside that is similar to what's happening inside.  The darkness, Zak says "has a personal vendetta against us."  This is their final chapter and as they "close the book, I feel lucky to have survived the Goldfield Hotel."  

My dream on the same day before I watched this ep.  Going into a lift with a friend and was meant to lead down to the station. Was a gaping hole on the side which I said would've ended up falling down and would've been dangerous to just leave it like that.  Got into lift and the blokes decided not to get in, leaving us, the women, on our own with two strangers.  Anything could've happened??  When we got down, everything was dark and there wasn't anything in the tunnels, just debris.  Hmm wonder what prompted this?

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Ghost Adventures "Carbon County Chaos"

Zak likes driving into an old town in the middle of nowhere and is approached by the Mayor for help.  With paranormal activity in buildings in Helper, Utah.  Also visited by Butch Cassidy.  There is dark activity in the town with residents being attacked.  The Mayor has places for them to investigate.  Lenise Peterman tells him they're doing restoration but the activity has always been around.  They're investigating the Gateway bowling alley, a theatre previously and the Kiva Club with it being a club with illegal activities.  The bowling alley has had apparition sightings.  Linda, the owner, was attacked by a tray being thrown to the back of the head in the kitchen.  She's also seen a spirit in the stairs.  The spirits are familiar with her.  Mark has seen apparitions in the building and that of a little girl in the doorway.  Dresses in a yellow dress.  They don't get any evidence.  They both saw some light come out of one of the lanes and ended up at the other side of the building.

Zak finds it's gotten colder and the meter reading increases.  Zak records and captures a voice.  Sure it says "pins and needles" as he makes a joke about being on "pins and needles" and the voice repeats it or mimics him back.  When he plays it back he says pins and needles afterwards, but it appears to be already captured before Zak says it???  Unless it's played that way.  Did the spirit read his mind, ha.  Zak thinks it may have been a warning stemming from the darker history of the place.  One of her bowlers told Linda that a boy and a girl were killed in the canyon and the girl had her funeral here.  By the stage and her name was Olive.  The stage was by the bowling pins.  Zak tries to get some candy for Olive and manages to get a mini sized one!  He leaves her the candy by the door.

They then go to the Keeva Club building.  He likens it to the Washoe Club in Nevada.  Where they had illegal drinking, prostitution.  Zak feels the negativity here.  He says something touched his head.  Bennett, an investigator had a negative experience here.  A grunting noise is heard.  Voices are heard from the upper floor which is meant to be empty.  She says she saw a seven foot shadow figure and something grabbed Mark's arm and an EVP was caught saying "get out now."  the meter reads 14, 12, 0 and suddenly drops before going up again.  Billy explains it's transient.  Aaron needs to leave and walks out to the lake.  He needed to get out.  Billy feels gut punched and a red mark is visible on his body.

A construction worker tells them they found some bones where Zak felt dark energy just before.  Zak wanted to go into the small opening and make a circle and make their energy as one.  Vincent joins them and he tipped them to this location.  Vincent hears something behind me and a light anomaly is seen.  He thinks Aaron came at him.  Zak conducts an EVP session.  Another anomaly appears behind Vincent's head.  A light anomaly goes near Aaron as he touches his head.  Billy says he heard something scream and how many are there, he heard "we are legion."  We know what legion means as they've come across it many times in the show.  A light anomaly goes out of Vincent's head.  He leaves.  Zak uses the spirit box and Mark says they have to give it permission to speak.  A voice comes through saying "Vincent."  

Billy and Jay go back in with the SLS and Zak and Aaron watch from the car, felling tired.  Jay sees something glowing in front of him and they hear footsteps from upstairs.  Caught on the X camera.  But the building is empty.  Something is thrown at Jay.   "Unholy, Do Run" comes through on the Ovilus. They just hear noises from behind the camera.  As Jay moves from where he's standing, Billy catches a glimpse of a figure.  Was that the "unholy" that came through.  Zak says the energy is different here.  They use a Lydar device similar to a radar system.  Which maps them all out.  Aaron sees a shadow by the door.  Apparently the seven foot figure moves from place to place and is transient as they say.  Billy feels like he's poked by a needle on his shoulder.  Jay sees an anomaly on Lydar.  Zak captures a heat signature by the bowling pins machinery.  It was white as if it's human and don't know why it's showing that colour.  The building is empty.   

Friday 27 August 2021

Ghost Adventures "Emergency in Elk Grove"

Zak talks of the kind of investigations they do, fun, serious, adventurous and they will put their lives on the line for others to help them rid them of their demons and paranormal woes.  Driving to Elk Grove, California, he tells the guys the dangers.  Also Jillian's friend, Jessica talks to Zak about her troubles.  Jessica won't even go inside right now, but she has been in the house before and has had her pony tail pulled.  She says her spirit has changed and believes what's happening is a result of her father's death too.  She's feeling distressed at that very moment.  He says there is a demonic entity in the house.  She moved in November and noticed something was wrong at once.  The statue of the Virgin Mary flew from the shelf.  She called her father for help and he died a few months ago.  She believes the entity played a part.  His stove was turned on and the microwave fire turned off by itself abut he died after smoke inhalation.  She had a fire in her house beforehand when the stove turned on by itself and the fire in his apartment was three days later.  Her father told her to ask for Zak's help if anything happened to him.

The stove was turned on when he was sleeping.  She saw bloody handprints around the light switch and the door and one print was found on the outside of the door and he died inside.  She felt her arm being pulled and she had a thumbprint on her as well as having her hair pulled.  She kept the microwave.  Zak places the recorder on the microwave and footsteps or a noise is heard upstairs.  She says the noises come from the back bathroom.  Aaron says he can't hear what Zak's saying and Zak has a weird look.  As soon as he says they're going to banish it, the meter spikes.  Zak wants it to do something.  The EMF was increasing on the Virgin Mary.  His left hand turns cold as soon as he calls out Jamie's (her father) name.

Zak speaks with Michelle and Matt, her friends of twenty years.  Michelle had her hair pulled and Matt was pushed down the stairs after being attacked in the bathroom.  The entity gets angry if anyone touches her bed.  Zak is left in the room with them and Billy and a growl is heard.  Zak screams.  The EMF freezes on 30.3 as Aaron takes Polaroids.  Zak knocks the camera out of Jay's hand and laughs maniacally.  He feels something jumped into him and left him powerless.  Aaron says he hasn't felt this scared for Zak since Poveglia.  What about the Reseda House of Evil ep back in 2016 when Zak had that weird, creepy expression on his face.  A Polaroid photo shows a snake-like creature behind Zak by the dresser.  Jillian kept some of her father's belongings by the nightstand where Zak was facing in the photo.  

It's funny I took the pic from my phone from the computer and that patch of red where his head should be is strange.

Zak uses a boom microphone inside with Aaron.  Zak gets afraid as he feels the entity at the top of the stairs.  A light anomaly goes behind Aaron and Zak is tongue tied.  They also see a black mass by her bed.  Zak then sees a black/white face go in front of Aaron.  It was where the nightstand with her father's belongings nis.  A bloody dollar bill is seen to move by Zak.  Aaron's camera just happened to be blurred.  The dollar was on top of the wallet and when it's shown again the dollar is now on the envelope and the wallet is above it.  Did Zak move the wallet and put the dollar on the envelope or did the wallet move leaving the dollar where it was.  Zak doesn't say that or explains why the wallet has been moved??  You can see it in the scenes before and after.  I didn't see the dollar move though when they replay the blurry part.  Zak says no one touched anything in the case, so how did the wallet move??  But something/someone must've moved the wallet.

Aaron believes there's a battle going on in here, her father is battling the entity.  No voices come through on the spirit box.  Zak stares at Billy and he doesn't know until Aaron points it out.  He just stares and doesn't blink at all.  Zak realizes he's lost his sense of time and space and leaves the room.  Billy asks Zak what's happening and he gets defensive and angry as if he's trying to interview Zak.  He can hear talking.  

Jay and Billy use the XLS and a figure appears momentarily by Jay on the stairs.  Zak puts the Polterpod on the stove.  A voice says "remember."  Jay and Billy feel heat by the garage.  A female says "demon" as does a male voice.  He places the pod on the microwave and "the demon" is heard coming through.  On second listening it sounds like "it's Steven" especially on my TV???  A Native American shaman is brought in to cleanses the property.  Jillian has three scratches on her chest.  

The house is cleansed and Jillian hasn't felt any dark energy since then but she woke with another bruise thumbprint.  Zak hopes they don't have to return again.  Just wanted to know why Jillian stayed there.  Depending on how long she moved into the house and found out it was haunted, didn't she have time to withdraw from the sale cos I would have done that if it was possible.  Especially if I felt uneasy in there.  The house was creepy looking, don't like houses like that.  Also pangs of deja vu when watching this ep, particularly with the snake entity, it looked so familiar to me for some reason.