
Sunday 24 March 2019

Victoria 3.1 "Uneasy Lies The Head Under The Crown" Review

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Paris 1848

The revolution is underway and royalty are losing heads fast, as King Louis Philip (Vincent Regan) shaves and departs from France. (A new actor plays him in this series.)

Also arriving in London is Victoria's half sister, Feodora (Kate Fleetwood) who had to dress in her maid's clothes and then take a carriage like a commoner.  She is announced in her rags, hoping her sister takes pity on her and has left her family behind.  As Albert (Tom Hughes) speaks of revolution in Austria and Berlin.  Victoria (Jenna Coleman) now having her sixth child is in no mood to see her.  Feodora meets Albert for the first time and her children.  Bertie was a bit of a brat (no change there when he was older) and Vicky turned into a show off.  Bertie refuses to wear the crown as it's only worn by women and Vicky is outspoken and wants to try it on.  Their different temperaments also shown in the play they perform for Louis, a history of France.  Would've thought it'd be a subject matter they'd steer clear of, but apparently not.  Not very tactful for this to be allowed, would've thought she'd have opted for English history instead.  Though most of that was very tumultuous too.

In England, the Chartists are gathering fuel as they want the vote, but only for men at this stage as Albert mentions Marx's Communist Manifesto and referring to the "ruling class" as not being very in touch with or sympathetic to the workers and their rights.  Having little effect on Lord Palmerston (Laurence Fox) the womanizing Foreign Secretary and another thorn in Victoria's side.  It's her PMs she doesn't get on with, not the Foreign Secretary's.

Victoria has another Mistress of the Robes in Sophie, Duchess of Monmouth (Lily Travers) whose husband, Duke of Monmouth (Nicholas Audsley) seems like a bore, okay he is a cruel, unfeeling wretch, cue beeline for Palmerston to intervene, when he's not betting on boxing matches in the park where Victoria drives by in her carriage.  Particularly as she can't have an Ernest around as the Duchess of Sutherland did!  AHH!!  Palmerston's against any sorts of rights for anyone and Albert once again draws, or attempts to draw attention to the squalor in which her subjects live.  Question being why she wasn't more vocal in this to her PM.  She also reiterating how her "subjects would not harm her" and "do not wish to harm her."  Then pondering why anyone would want her head to Skerrett (Nell Hudson) who has problems of her own with Francatelli (Ferdinand Kingsley) wanting her to marry him already, but she doesn't want to do anything resulting in her leaving the palace in disgrace.

Skerrett introduces Victoria to Abigail (Sabrina Bartlett) who embroiders Victoria's hankies and undies and she repeats how they want justice, not revolution, which not everyone agrees with.  As they get signatures to petition Parliament, Cuffy (CJ Beckford) is more one of action and demands revolution and an Irish newcomer also enters in the form of Patrick Fitzgerald (Kerr Logan).  Knew he was up to no good.  As he unveils swords at the end.  Obviously the Irish were no fans of Victoria and British rule.

Victoria invites Palmerston to dinner with her sister and Louis and Feodora flits about the palace as if she should have been queen instead and mentions George to Bertie, who doesn't want to be king as there are only queens.  Then slips in for a game of chess with Albert, who apologizes for not meeting her earlier and Victoria not inviting her sooner, as if she would.  She's tired of Feodora's presence and gives her old hand-me-downs which Skerritt can fix for her as they will be too high for her to wear.  Feodora remarking on how Victoria used to wear her dresses when little.  The insufferable Palmerston making a play for Sophie, who reminds everyone she's from a grocery family, much to Monmouth's distaste.

Then there's Joseph (David Burnett) the new footman fresh from Chatsworth who also has a good ogle at Sophie too, with Penge (Adrian Schiller) reminding him she's a Duchess and this isn't Chatsworth.  Seems like there may be sparks in the air between him and Skerrett, as she mends his footman's wig.  Especially as Francatelli takes her to look for a house and again she shows her reservations over marriage already.

The mobs reach the palace gates (again) and Victoria is so worried that she goes into labour, with Albert determined to take her to Osborne where she'll be be continued...
Seemed to get off on rather a slow start from the previous two series and the French Revolution as a backdrop to the woes of England at the time too, a time of great changes and how Victoria feels relieved to have the English Channel between them.  However Albert warns her how "ideas can travel." Obviously Palmerston and Joseph are the new characters to look out for in this series, which we would've been over and done with last year!

Apparently Victoria's sister in real life was meant to have been beloved by her more so than shown here.  She married a German Prince when Victoria was still young.  John Russell is PM to Palmerston's Foreign Secretary and a Whig, as was Lord M and still his party is not firmly secure in Parliament.

Friday 22 March 2019

Supernatural To End After Season 15

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So it ends...
Supernatural will be closing the doors finally on that Impala after 15 years of ups, downs, love, hate, deaths, returns from the dead, brotherly love, family toils and woes.  Demons, angels, ghosts, alternate realities, myths and legends...

And having been there from the start with this journey it is such a sad time.  Howling here like a wolf, ha, no; but seriously it was 15 years of joy and heartbreak since I came into the show in 2005 with season 1 as that's when it was aired in the UK and it was so close to my life at that time.  It had such an immense impact!  The Dad storyline, especially when he finally died in the beginning of season 2.1 In My Time of Dying.  I was going through the same with my own father's passing and this just helped in many ways.  Not so much with moving on, that's something that just doesn't happen, you don't forget or move on, you just learn to live with it!  Thus everything Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) were going through was so familiar and similar and I could relate to it very much.  I say we, but all of us who were going through the same as I know there are many other fans out there who were going through such emotions too.

When it does end, there will be more on it for me to ponder and write and possible lament, but for now I just wanted to keep this brief and say if Supernatural hadn't come along when it did I wonder how I would've coped.  Since at the same time I also started writing the book which went for four seasons, and would I have felt the same feelings I did.  What would have been its substitute.  I know it wasn't the single, sole thing that helped, there were others, family, friends, music, other shows such as Alias.  Another one that dealt with loss with 'killing off' Vaughn (Michael Vartan) my fave (that's another story though!)  Sufficed to say I had plenty to rant on that too.

So for now I along with the rest of the fans will have season 15 to look forward to and then the tears will come, gushing forth, unstoppable, inconsolable; at least for a little while.  Until then...we will continue to "carry on my wayward son..." … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … My Supernatural book

Monday 18 March 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.4 "Melrose Hotel" Review

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Melrose Hotel, Colorado; another dark episode highlighting all the negative elements that accompany a hotel which boasts murder, suicide and being attacked, as most hotels in the past have also shown.  With people questioning why they would stay here overnight, the managers, yes, you might need one or two there for guests, but not the same ones permanently every night and particularly if there is so much bad going on.  A possible explanation for men being attacked was the fact that Sabrina, a co-owner with her husband, Marcus Bebb-Jones (see below) was killed there by him and he was 'taken' over by the dark evil lurking there.  Which some have described as being some sort of dark entity, with long sharp teeth and horns. Hector and Travis confirming each other's story of what they've seen. 

With Zak getting angry in the hallway and having a chill around him shown by the Trifield meter.  Even telling Aaron he wanted to rip out his oesophagus.  But it's okay as he "doesn't want to do that right now."  Not every reassuring!  How come they didn't investigate individually here instead of staying together?  Yeah it was creepy but probably have gotten different evidence if they had even alone, like the others were.  That cat sitting in the hallway and just staring was creepy.  Something definitely seemed to be attracting its attention and holding it there.

Jessica and Travis, where he was getting attacked, why does he stay there especially since it hasn't affected Jessica, but it's affected him and Chris.  Wouldn't to be better to steer clear of there and particularly if you're getting angry all the time and bruised.  Look at Sabrina and Marcus and what happened there.  Even if there was no conclusive evidence to show he was possessed or influenced by anything there.  As well as the van being used by Marcus and then the blood being found in it.  How later was that van analyzed?

Sabrina's skull was found in the desert at an activity park and the DNA matched hers, showing she had been killed and dismembered.  Zak was called by Sommer at Rimrock Adventures.  What would possess her husband to do that, the same entity lurking there and was it conjured there, or always there?  With Christopher telling Zak about the new owners who carried out rituals, especially the husband who would lock himself in the basement.  He said the wooden box was still there with pitchforks carved into it, yet they didn't say if they looked inside or carried out any investigation around it, besides Billy not getting any activity in the basement.  But the men getting attacked doesn't per se show that it is Sabrina who is attacking them.  Also the toothed entity could be taking them over for its own evil means, proving its dominance over them.

Zak took Polaroids and remarked how "primitive" equipment is being used!  Heck I love my Polaroid and still use it, also there are various new versions of it around, so nah not so primitive, kinda looked like a face or two in one shot and will have to take another look, it would've been better if he took the pics without the camera filming him, as some look like there's some light reflection going on in them.

I looked at that bit of the photo where he pointed out what could have been a dark figure too, but it was debunked as some sort of flaw in the wood.  Lots of footsteps and banging heard too.

I liked the new equipment, the 'Direct Link' where Zak had to put his finger over the copper for the energy to be utilized and voices come through.  There's no antenna as it uses the holder's energy.  "The general" also comes through,a male voice.  The first one being a female "help."  That device was great especially since it didn't have the interference of the SB7 that obscures voices.  However when Aaron used the spirit box, the first word he got was a male voice also saying "help."  When Billy asks Sabrina to speak to them a female voice comes through, "I'm trying to."  Another male voice comes through and I hear "demon" not "evil."

Beware cactus pots in the way!  Using the Ovilus "lady" comes through in a creepy voice!  As Zak turns slowly the words "turn slower" come up.  That was a chilling voice! The mist in the photo was a cool capture.  Billy getting another stick figure next to him!  Also the way it appears the second time, looks as if it's trying to get ready for bed, or crouches down like it's going to sit down. 

Making Billy leave the room, Zak gets hit/touched on his ankle by the bed. So there was some monster under there.
The Geophone kept going on 66.6 as if that's all I needed to see, over and over upstairs, when they kept zooming into it, like yeah dude once or twice was enough especially if you weren't going to comment about it in the final version.
The other new device used was called the ITC (which I thought was kinda akin to the Geoport used by Nick.)  Scanning frequencies etc,  Inter Comm Box.  With a voice coming through "are you diggin"??  Will have to check it! Then "Jim" comes through and there's a blue light that comes on, is that from whatever's on the bedside table, what is that??  However if you look at the 40 minutes mark, there's a blue light reflecting on the wall near to where Aaron's standing, even before they notice it when they get the "Jim" EVP!

The name of the man who founded the hotel was named James William Ponsford and also with his two sons, in 1908.  Perhaps that was him coming through as Jim.
A spooky place and not your average Melrose Place either! Sadly Jay couldn't make it to this one, missed him and his input!

Was reported in the UK too.  Also he's out for parole in 2019, reportedly.

Monday 11 March 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.3 "Lutes Casino" Review

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Could we get any further apart, as I tweeted was someone eating beans again or something?!! ha.

Another location which has a dark side, history of attacks and scratching people.  As well as being attached and followed home. Although none of this happened to any of the GAC.  They spent about twenty minutes interviewing and getting the background of the place which was far too long in my opinion.  I get that they probably didn't have that much evidence to get into thirty minutes or so, but most could be spent doing other things, especially as they didn't have much on the background of the place or its history.  (Begging the question of how much research is actually done by their 'resident' researcher.) Seriously Jay had to find the little clipping with news of the clairvoyant and he is the one who makes most of the connections and does worthwhile research for the show! That's why I said I can relate to him in that sense, more than the others!

Even before the lockdown they heard a noise, a voice in the beginning where Lupe had the dream with the hands.  As well as the EVP that they thought sounded like "Zak."  To me is sounded more like "sick."  Either sick as in ailment, such as Lupe relaying her dream and presence of the attachment which made her vomit.  Or sick as in 'sick joke.'  Not knowing what sort of spirit lurked there, good or bad.  Then Aaron and Jay when doing filming heard the voice come through on the spirit box when Aaron asked what they could bring them?  The reply they thought was "car" but again it sounds like "book" to me; and others I have spoken with.  Especially since there is nowhere near a 'ca' sound.  It's more 'ba.'  Book would be more relevant since they don't know if it was a child (although there's no reason why a child can't ask for a book, it's not always about toys) again it's just a matter of being logical and applying some relevant common sense in their allusions at times, which again only Jay manages to accomplish more so than the others.

Then when they went to the second floor where they got the stick figure trying to grab back its doll which was meant to be: 'Present' Drop' as shown on the Ovilus.  The light anomaly going past Billy when showing the Trifield meter reading, which hit 15 since it was the spirit was angry at its doll being taken or touched even.  As well as the light anomaly downstairs with Aaron and Billy, that didn't go into Billy, it went into the metal pole thing behind him.  Also what was going on with Billy's shoes?!  Shiny much ha!

The EVPs on the spirit box that Aaron caught, I heard the deep man's voice as saying "Aaron."  Well he heard his name enough times and also he was the one who was making the effort to actually ask questions and carry out the spirit box session.  As well as getting "I am human" in response to Aaron asking "are you human?"  I also hear something like "mad as hell"?? when they say it's "God is evil."  Or I had to laugh at "padded cell!" "Parasol" yeah in my mind!  Again if they haven't been met with any negative spirits when they were there, why would they suddenly get that coming through.  There was no activity with the cars, did anyone actually think this was cos cars weren't asked for!  That's another EVP to take a closer listen to with my headphones later.

Though the Ovilus did get "gently;" "speaking" in response to the children question at the end.  Really didn't know what to make of this episode and have to say not one that I found particularly interesting either way, could take it or leave it.  I feel I'm getting desensitized to these 'dark' eps, they sadly don't particularly appeal anymore!

Friday 8 March 2019

Constantine: The Wishful Campaign for Season 2

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Fanning the flames of indignation...

It was great to hear that rumours and articles abound of there being talks of a possible Season 2 of Constantine being on the cards.  Which was excellent news and most welcome for us fans and avid Hellblazers who have been campaigning for this for years, trekking the bowels of hell ever since cancellation by that network, NBC! (Spit twice and turn around three times - yeah those childish things you do when younger at school!)  Seriously it has been an age, an eternity, since we had positive news about this show.  It didn't deserve its fate of cancellation at all and that it was, then some network should've picked it up sooner rather than later and letting it fester over the years.

Instead it fell to Legends of Tomorrow to bring John Constantine and Matt Ryan reprising his role as the eponymous character, gracefully and hellishly featuring in the Hellblazer comics for decades!  Somehow someone (not mentioning too many names, or any at all) fiendishly thought of bringing him back, making for brilliant TV, but also a push in the ratings, garnering more viewers.  Yet at the same time I thought that it was an attempt to ascertain the ratings here and how Constantine performs, not as a stand-alone character, but more as a cast ensemble.  Nothing wrong with that and it did perform superbly in the ratings and the episodes were much more interesting as a result of his inclusion (both actor and character!)  That coming from someone who only watched the show for that reason alone!

However the time is now right (again) for a season 2 show not just to continue with the cliffhanger, tie up loose ends and for new material, but as there is added interest in this.  Not that there never wasn't outpouring of condemnation and demands for its return; but the momentum is building and gaining fire again and we as fans need to take this forward.  Thus this brief piece, yet also I feel that someone's gotta say it.  That if we want to campaign for this, beg even, that it's not just the usual people who are tagged on Twitter about it.  Everyone has something to say and a contribution to make and a lot of people (who prefer not to be known and remain anon) did contribute to tweeting/writing in any small form or large, to getting their voices heard.  Standing together is what it's all about! Bloggers, writers, or not, there are several writers/bloggers who get vast numbers of viewers on their blog and are just left out of the equation.  Which is a shame.  I have gotten DMs asking for something to be said about this as they don't feel they will be heard or taken seriously!  Again that is disappointing for me to read!

Having written several pages on Constantine and Matt, we can't let a season 2 slide past us again!
The Hellblazers are a community/family of fans who all share the phenomena that is Constantine and the more voices we have, the louder we can shout to make them heard!  It's not about kudos or recognition, being singled out for solitary praise, or pats on backs.  But ensuring we reach the ears of the desired networks, influencing the right audience to see some form of progress in getting what we ALL want!

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Berberian Sound Studio Donmar Warehouse

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"Peter Strickland’s acclaimed subliminal horror film is adapted for the stage by Joel Horwood and Director Tom Scutt in this darkly comedic, sonic experience."  From the Donmar Warehouse website.

A play of magnitudes, epic sound effects and a lead in Tom Brooke, that absolutely stole the show! Have to say that since it's true, as Gilderoy stole every minute he was on screen, from the comical, to the innuendos, to the absence of understanding or speaking Italian on his part in the play, it was funny, serious and even scary at times.  But not that scary for someone who's into that kinda stuff.  Hey I got it right again getting seats on the side of the stage where all the action was taking place!  Yay for me!  ha.

The play about a group of actors who get together and add sound effects to the production of a film, with the 'sound foley artist' which comes across as being "art" by Santini, apparently the 'weirdo' producer, who goes all out to ensure his film is a masterpiece, sorry his work of art!  With Luke Pasqualino appearing in his almost 10 minute role, which you could dub (no pun) a cameo almost.  His addition more of a pep talk for Gilderoy, but also it reeked more of a producer getting his way and how he wants things done as long as he has money and can all all the shots!

Gilderoy gets messages from his mother in England in the form of the old fashioned tapes and she's not a well woman.  As he begins to add the sound effects to the film, demonstrating all manner of objects in the process which could be used to create potential sound, the cast approach him on the script and what they have to do, including having to scream realistically and loudly!  And not being happy with the script and what was filmed, ranging from the actress, Terese having to be exorcised by priests as she's apparently possessed by a demon and the priest being able to rip off her clothes and run hot metal on her body and caress it.  With the end scene where she's meant to be kissed to death!  Whilst the other priests stand by and do nothing.  Got the impression that Santini was making one of 'those' movies, as Terese, or the actress voicing Terese says that she's killed at the end for real.  Cue loud noises from the recording studio booth, as though there's a stray spirit lurking.  Well I got the impression she wasn't alive!

Terese also appearing saying she will get her revenge on everyone and show the curse is real, as she destroys his tape deck.  We then hear another part of his message from his mother saying they need money for her ailment and he should go to Italy eve if he doesn't know the language.  As a man walks on the stage who is meant to be Gilderoy, now aged.

Will never look at another piece of celery in the same way again!  Used as sound effects for neck break!!  Or the humble water melon even!  Comedic moments as the others come onto the stage producing their own sound effects with the film playing, explaining why the cast kept looking towards the audience, part of them anyway, as the were really looking at the projection screen.

It's an effective drama and enough to keep you watching and interested (especially f you haven't seen the film of the same name).  Tom as Gilderoy, as said, was particularly great in his role.  The cast stating that it's a play about the 'differences' between men and women and their roles.  Not only on the play but also in society.  Which is true as it's the men who are in charge, Santini getting his own way, Francesco too as the 'not so good' man in charge and for a brief moment Gilderoy gets to boss him about when Santini is around!  With the females just being ordered around and seen as token objects as Francesco refers to Terese as having "poison tits."  Clearly it's a play on ethics too, how art is created, artists manipulated and seriously questioning how that art is made, filmed and even interpreted to an extent!
Let's hear it for Gilderoy's Box Hill doco.

Only most of it was spoken in Italian and so a little detracting unless you know Italian but it's easy not to get lost and you can follow what's happening.  If anything it just puts you closer into the shoes of Gilderoy and this is exactly how he feels being a foreigner in a foreign land! Probably also a more modern nod towards Brexit seeping in, or is that just my imagination?!! 

A must see until 30th March at the Donmar Warehouse who put on some of the most best and brilliant productions going!

NB some of these are my own writings of what I interpreted and may not be definitively what you were meant to think/feel/imagine etc.

Luke did a vanishing act on 5th March as there were a few fans waiting to see him and apparently he was already gone!!

Monday 4 March 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.2 "Palomino Club" Review

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The Palomino Club, Vegas has quite a dark history, if you research it, showing all kinds of results, including from murder as we know, but also criminal trials of owners/girlfriends/family until as recently as 2007-09.  It's no wonder there are more darker, negative entitles still roaming the Club and how the staff have been affected.  Including the suicide of employee/dancer, Jan. It does seem a shame that no one remembers her, how can you not, especially her colleagues and fellow dancers.  You know why haven't they acknowledged her in some form, not even flowers on her death anniversary or some from of tribute.  That always galls me!  Wonder if the guys left any form of tribute or for her to leave the place and cross over.  Doesn't happen all the time, but she came through to psychic Helena as wanting to move on, whereas some of the other spirits there don't.  Not much found on Jan and the autopsy would've revealed she aborted a baby.  Kinda reminded me of the Goldfield Hotel and what happened to Elizabeth, in a way.

Employees also seeing dark figures, hearing noises, which they also saw and caught on film/EVPs.  Zak catches a voice on the recorder when he says they found out she hang(ed) herself here?  And when he asks, "are you still here?" That's a female voice which replies and to me it sounds like, "I'm still here;" in acknowledgement to his question.  It definitely isn't "murder."  A bit of wishful thinking there!  There also sounds like a deeper, underlying voice there, male, but it's not very clear.
The activity began from the onset during their interviews and having some trouble with the light, as well as catching some EVPs on the spirit box and Aaron's thumb burning up.  No thumbs up there then!

The Ovilus:
Truth' when walking around the locker area where the suicide took place.  Which all confirmed the suicide, that she was trying to attach herself to Helena's body and wanting her to dance.  She got her chance when later a dancing figure was picked up on the SLS camera.  Later followed by a demo from  Zak of what said figure was doing.  Helena senses an angry woman and a male spirit.  Perhaps the same spirit who forced her to have the abortion.

Using the Paranormal Puck II for validation; 'Shy' comes through.  'Angry' as Helena described the female spirit earlier on. Knew 'J' was going to come through (very common throughout investigations.) "Jan."  The figure walks past Billy, as always!  He seems to attract (stick) figure activity.  Yes she was dancing and I replied to Billy in the early hours when he tweeted about the amazing evidence they caught!

Yeah shake that booty!

A female voice on the spirit box replies to Zak: "I was" when he asks who was just dancing for them!  As well as a male voice named Paul.  As in Paul Perry, the original owner?  The voice sounds like "clear(ed) out" not "beware."  I must be going loopy cos near the end when they replay it, when Billy mentions the pole was touched, I swear the same part wasn't played as the voice doesn't sound like it's saying the same thing!??!!

Also picking up two anomalies, both near Aaron.  In The Blue Room, there's a breath or a whisper that can be heard at 29.55 when he asks if he can do something for him, but not sure if it's Zak breathing, since it was clear on the TV but my computer isn't picking it up so clearly.

Appears to be something dark here, like a shadow but not clear if it's anything paranormal?  I know people have tweeted about this part with a video, but never ask me to upload vids, they never work!
Watch the ep, but it looks like someone's shadow and that's it, don't know what's back there??

{When playing back EVPs we really don't need such dramatic music detracting from the voices, which already aren't that audible to begin with.  It doesn't add anything to the dramatic element of it all, but makes it more difficult to listen!!}

EVP 1 "it's on"
EVP 2 "behind you"? this one doesn't even sound like a voice but a noise
EVP 3 pass the book?? passport?? and it sounds foreign??
NB I have to review these again when it's not 2am and I can play them louder!!

Zak not expecting the energy to affect him, what was he expecting an encounter of the more female kind!  Ha.

Where Aaron was sitting and when the anomaly manifested, is where I said I noticed something earlier on when Zak was doing his recording session?  Is it the same place??  As for the light anomaly it resembles a spirit holding a light, similar to a lighter being lit. [Remember the man with the candle at Old Town San Diego - this looked similar since it's an anomaly and then it's lighting up a match, lighter.]

The woman's voice on the EVP and the man replies, "please don't" not "you can't talk."  It's very clear!! Come on seriously a little more effort please, don't sudden;y go so lax and just give up sounding out what's actually being said! You get paid for this, we don't!!
She sounds like "who did that??"  Maybe it's a form of innuendo??

Saw that face on the MagCam before ya dude!!  It's what I do!! ha. Actually it's more than eyes, it's almost an entire face, no not almost, it is a face with a smile; depending on the angle it's viewed from.
If you look carefully, there's also one in the area marked blue and the one marked orange.  Heck the orange one looks kinda bony and maybe has a 'tache. The eyes look hollow almost.  Heck Zak nicked my description of 'twisting mist'!!  I used in the past, "twisty mist!"  Ah dude!!

Sunday 24 February 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.1 "Gates Of Hell House"

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Another episode focusing on darkness, evil and negativity.
Would love to see a 'normal' mansion episode investigation just once!

The question of why anyone would actually sign a waiver to go through something so sadistic and being able to do that even if you sign a waiver and consent to it.  They're still criminal activities and so if someone is killed, gets killed, is that going to be written off as being 'signed on the dotted line'!
The crew getting touched and more pain on Zak's lower back, signalling a dark, demonic presence. The voice on the spirit box at around 5.39 sounds like "is it evil?"  It's not very clear but it doesn't sound like "animal" to me.
Lots of the staff were affected and left including Staysha, now working at The Haunted Museum.

So Anton LeVay rears the satanic verve once again and as Satanist John says there are Satanic symbols everywhere on the walls in the Coven of 13 house.  Such as the witch going off without the sensors being turned on.  The inverted pentagram with the goat as symbolic too.
Zak quotes: "Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil..."  Aristotle 
Probably more than anything was him quoting Aristotle, blown by that! ha.  John mentions how the "intent of the user" is what gives a place its satanic influence, activity and connotations!

As for the 'Leviathan cross' aka the cross of Satan, is where my computer froze!  Great!
Aaron's phone goes off with the message "did you accidentally summon me?"  Oh Siri you're getting satanic tendencies now too! Sending communication through an electronic device, a phone, a harkback to the Demon House doco where electronic equipment was affected before and after filming there, affecting the men in this way.

As for sending in Aaron alone, yeah we've heard it before. But Zak should've gone in too alone since he was screaming too when they set up the static cameras.  The presence of Spanish there, why? "Abierta." = open.  The gates of hell are open sounds logical!!  and more in tune with the presence of a portal there.  (Here we go with the portals!)  At 27.16 I don't hear "the baby" but "look behind you."  It wasn't just babies that were sacrificed and so would be unusual to come through, though not unexpected.  What exactly was behind Aaron??  So having asked this, I recalled how Aaron was standing in front of the satanic symbols on the wall when he got the phone message.  Also perhaps why the voices said behind him on the spirit box; albeit a little too late.  The Talking EVP device says "salvation" and nothing else.

The new thermal camera and also the stick figure, appears to be stomping its foot on something/someone with some weird kinda dance.  This creepy skull-like face wasn't my imagination, saw it on the TV too right in the centre of the cross when Zak was filming with the SLS!

When Zak got touched on his leg, that's where the figure disappeared, it looks like it does a somersault and vanished on the ground.  Strangely the voice on the recorder sounds like "Zak's neck" to me, yeah hilarious in that he was touched there and his neck was cold.  More touching in the chain link room and an anomaly.  "Evil, lamb" comes up on the Ovilus.

"Fire, hunt, threat."  Also came through in the bloody bathtub room.  Like eeww why would Aaron get in the tub!  Crazy!  Yeah Zak "you see what happens!"  Wonder if they got any attachments when they left here, or anything negative?