
Tuesday 8 January 2019

Ghost Adventures 17.7 "Curse of the River Bend - McPike Mansion" Commentary

                                             Image result for ghost adventures curse of the river bend
I actually love these eps of mansions, although not so much the more run down ones, but they do have a certain, eerie mystery surrounding them and the more dishevelled, the more creepier and sinister they appear.  Located in Alton, Illinois.  Owned by Henry McPike and his wife, Mary.
This one was no exception.  From the outset you knew there would be quite a few paranormal goings-on here.  Even the tragic history of the McPike family and honestly these histories are getting to be commonplace.  Especially of how the baby/child always dies young and the mother is haunted by this tragedy.  Adding to the more intensity of the haunting.

This ominous investigation from the outset as the owner Sharon said they found two crypts outside and both were desecrated and vandalized and the bodies were missing.  Though how people do this is beyond belief and outrageous, but the smaller one definitely could've belonged to a child.  As Zak said, no wonder what was happening in the house was so fiercely negative and add to that the rituals that were carried out within the property itself.  As she admitted she did found ritual items such as dead animals etc.  Also Shaman Sandy being attacked and having blood stream down her arm for no reason, with no visible wound to explain it.

Whilst investigating inside, Zak thought he saw some dark figure in one of the rooms and everyone felt uneasy by this and moved, scattering in all directions.  They then spoke of the dreams/nightmares they experienced after their first time on the property.  With Aaron experiencing what just happened to them inside and Billy feeling like he was being crushed, stifled by some figure.  Of course this kind of was demonstrated by Aaron during the investigation when he felt being choked and not being able to breathe.  With Zak also feeling some kind of mass, welt on one side of Aaron's neck.
Billy on Twitter "It was definitely one of the worst. I’ll never forget it. It had a hold of me and life yes me off the ground and I was paralyzed. Scary shit. Then I woke up."

Would have been interesting to hear what Jay and Zak dreamt, also what made Jay turn around whilst at nerve centre?

Some amazing evidence such as the SLS camera stick figures which particularly appeared to Billy, in the sense of standing beside him.  He immediately thought of "mom, dad" figures and shockingly a third, child-size figure appeared in between them too.  Always love those SLS figures and Billy appears to be surrounded by them in particular.  There were also the EVPs they recorded inside and on the spirit box.  See below.

One of them, "take the path" or that's what they thought they heard, was in reference to the path outside where they found the crypt and as they investigated outside, Aaron was affected and felt he was touched, he then pulled out the Ovilus and it was sweeping, as Billy explained looking for electromagnetic energy.  It did a full sweep and found nothing there.  Though Aaron commented they were near the crypt.

Back inside and they went upstairs with Aaron heading to the third floor, the way Zak kinda forced him up there was funny, cos he was heading up there himself before Billy told him of Aaron's choking incident.  He got some EVPs one of them being "It's Sandy..." that's what I heard when he asked what was stopping them from talking.  I didn't hear "the family;" I heard more of an 'n' sound than 'm'.  The "old man" was so clear though for a change.  When Aaron was on the third floor and Billy and Zak were on the first floor they heard floorboards move upstairs on the second floor, poltergeist activity.  Clearly as a result of getting "poltergeist" come though on the Ovilus when Zak put it in the crypt.  Surprised he didn't wanna check those boards out like he usually does!! ha.  Recall when he jumped around the ones in an earlier ep.  That was a funny moment!

They then decided on another experiment, one they did before using the bluetooth function on their phone in the crypt and connecting it to another phone and asking questions from inside the house.  With a female voice coming through: " Sure when Zak asked where they wanted them to go, it said "in the house."  My sis heard that before me and it does sound like that.  The house definitely had an impact on the McPike family it seems.  Or vice versa.

They do get good results with it. Oh I also like the infra red cam and wish they would get a much more clearer spirit box version. Like the one Chris Fleming has got!  It's about time and no not that SB11, I hated that!  Zak being attacked by the bat, that was priceless, you know, right Aaron's deffo going up there.  Also almost falling backwards down the stairs which he navigated backwards instead of going the other way.  Almost got my dream coming true re the stairs.  Won't repeat here, mentioned it too many times!

EVPS:  "Take the path"  ?? It's more "80 path, passed" ??
Zak: "What's your name?"
I hear "Eugene."  Not "You hear me."

I hear "dead" before they say the voice says, "you need me."

"Gonna get hurt" the woman has a Southern accent.

Aaron's spirit box session on the third floor where he asks "who's getting hurt."
I hear "Aaron."  So did my sis.  Not "you."  There's a distinct 'n' sound in there!

Aaron: "is there something in here not making you talk?"
Reply: "it's Sandy."
Aaron: "why are they not letting you talk?"
Reply: "eepa, peeper??"

Spirit phonecall:

The first woman sounds like she's got an accent, or funny pronunciation of "ghost"???

Zak: there's a voice that's inside your crypt."
Woman: "Is there?"

Woman: "can I hear you?"  They seemed to have missed that.

Zak: "we're in a house, can you tell us where to go?"
Woman: "the house"??  It's not a growl!

What is this at around 8.47  looks like a figure of some sort????  It appears to flash on screen for a second, then vanishes and i tell ya it ain't me eyes playing tricks either!!

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Demon House "Lost Footage" Commentary

                                           Image result for demon house lost footage
This one took us back to Demon House, as the name suggests, though my first question was why it was titled Lost Footage and not something along the lines of 'Unseen or Unaired' footage.  Wonder if it had something to do with the 'extras' on the DVD which I haven't got.  Still pondering whether to get it or not, for various reasons, as mentioned in my review of the doco itself.  Zak also refers to it as "lost footage" in his opening narration to this.

This one started with Zak at the house with Father Mike, who performed the initial exorcism and also Chris Fleming, with Billy and Jay filming.  Talking about the events that transpired there in the past with the Ammons family, the police and the CPS workers; as an overview from the doco.  Zak was adamant that the house didn't like Chris, but had no idea why he said that.  Also Chris got a certain feeling when he went past the bathroom, where Dr Barry Taft would have that encounter with the black mass and where he described feelings of nauseousness.  A warning then to be careful would have been welcomed, if at all possible! But alas no!

Before they ventured to the basement, Zak said "they don't like you" to Chris, but again he couldn't say why and spoke of the ritual items there which were buried and after they were found the police, they put them back there.  Chris sat on the stairs (those now at the Haunted Museum) and they decided on doing spirit box sessions.  Must admit I liked Chris's spirit box, it appeared to have less interference and less static coming through.  Although they did get static and some responses to questions like the name of the woman who lived here, "Ammons" and even "Zak" came through.  Chris feeling cold behind him when he sat on the stairs and had to get up.  There was also a strange light anomaly that went past Chris when he was sitting down.
I saw a face in this anomaly, when you freeze it and frame advance it bit by bit, it's very clear.

They decided that the ritual items should be dug up and exorcised so Billy set to digging them up and they even touched them with their bare hands, not something I'd have done.  Father Mike seemed agitated to me throughout, he mentioned how his stomach growled everytime Chris asked questions.
When first time digging they hear a scream.  Again a child's voice was heard when Zak stayed the night in the doco.
NB Later on, when the polygraph footage was shown with Adam, the cameraman who was possessed and let go from filming, he talked about being sick, vomiting blood and his stomach being affected.  Thus wonder if this was the same thing happening with the Father, as well as Zak commenting how he felt there was something inside his stomach.

Father mentioned the 'oil' dripping from above the stairs when they were there and formed the shape of a cross.  When they went to the room with the blinds where the oil had dripped and the CPS worker's fingers turned pale.  The same thing happened now, the blinds were wet again and Zak even touched it!  Wonder with hindsight, if he should have done that since it wasn't good to do.  Some sort of foreboding not to have done that came to my mind.  Also when they were digging up the objects, Zak had his glasses on and then took them off for a while and then wore them again.  I thought of how this would be one of the last times he would be able to do that "normally" - with normal sight.  More foreboding perhaps, especially as when no one was looking, he returned to the basement and threw back all the items.  He didn't know why he did it, but just that he didn't think it was him.  Again, Father Mike getting angry now.
(NB Adam also sneaked by everyone when he went down to the basement by himself in the doco.)

Zak dug them up again, but didn't find the missing fingernail.  Thus thought the portal would remain open.  Which it obviously did in some respects, since his later encounter would show this and how his eyes were affected!  Sometimes it's best to leave things alone and not touch them so unwittingly.  The exorcism was performed on the objects, but again how effective was this in the end?  Particularly also how the stairs were brought back to the Museum and still causes activity around them!

Other voices that came through were; "I am" and I'll kill you" at 17.18.  Didn't "kill you" come through on the spirit box when Chris conducted the session at the Museum in the Ghost Adventures Hallowe'en Special.  Sure it did.  Thus perhaps the same entity.
Chris asks was "someone was murdered in this house?"
Answer: yes."
Then "Matt" comes through after "me."  See Goatman's Bridge, Ghost Adventures ep, where demons use human names to trick you into thinking they're friendly.   (Also reviewed by me.)

So anyway after having trouble with my computer twice, freezing at 16 minutes and 29 minutes, I am so darn sure this had something to do with it, always does!

They also went to the policeman's house where he said he heard noises in the night and went downstairs to find his alarm would keep switching off by itself, however codes were needed to do this.  Due to something being in his house.  The alarm company man had no explanation for this either, since it occurred on two occasions with two different alarm manufacturers.

Adam felt violent after being at the house and filming there.  Saw the demon-like creature there, as well as seeing it at the hotel.  He had visions of killing Zak and Zak killing himself with the broken glass from the mirror in the hotel bathroom.  He hadn't heard of the stories of the house beforehand.  he did hear a growl at the house whilst filming.  The polygraph expert said that he was telling the truth and this will "stay with him forever."  Adam wishes what happened wasn't true "it's so insane."  He thought if it was real, then it should stop him getting into the lift.  He saw "the devil inside and screamed for Zak."  "This isn't for money, this is real."

Zak returns to the house for no reason one night and he says, "hello."  Do you hear "hello" in a kind of raspy voice at 35.18?  I'm sure you can! Just before they focus on the two eyes!  Boy that is so damn creepy!
Also int he area in blue, can see some faces there, one looks like a screaming face with an open mouth, at the bottom.

At 37.35 Zak heads to the basement and hears a deep breathy growl and runs!! Heck then he even had the courage/balls to spend that time in the house later on.  Since this was all happening in real time and not something they would later find when scouring through the footage filmed! Billy shouting to hear what happened to him.  I heard the hissing breath without turning the volume up first time round, but that glowy thing, eek!

He said that he saw it shine and it "brought me out of my paralysis" and made him run out, or come out of there.  Wondering (as always) if that was the reason he had to film there that night and to return, to capture the eyes and that thing?  Jay showing he spat blood when he ran after him for no reason.  That part was heart-stopping and that's something I tweeted in response to the doco last night, even before watching this!  (Having seen the doco twice before.)  My heart is honestly going at a million miles right now (hand on heart - no joke) - I can't catch my breath!!

Zak attempts to take pics and his phone dies on him just as with the workers and the policeman!  Jay saying what Father Mike said about how 'they' didn't want them to know its name and when they were getting close, it all happened.  Now Zak trying to take pics, they don't want to be seen!  Thus the blurred image on the camera when he encountered that demon creature in the doco!  As well as having his eyes affected by Diplopia.  Reminded me of that story I told during #HauntedHour on Twitter, about what my mother had heard when younger, of how someone tried to record what happens in the grave after someone was buried there.  He went deaf.  Thus it's not something we're meant to hear or to know.  Perhaps a mystery not for this world, or to be solved.  I couldn't help thinking of how this may be true of not wanting to be seen and in some ways why Zak's eyes were affected.  Aww don't hate me for writing this!  Only opinions, just my thoughts!
There were a few instances where Zak did not look like himself and particularly his eyes.

I'd like to know the timelines to this footage, obviously it was filmed before Zak stayed in the house alone, so it would have been helpful to have a timeline of sorts.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Doctor Who New Year's Day Special "Resolution" Review

                                              Image result for doctor who resolution review
The inevitable happened, a Dalek returned, even if it was meant to be a one off and thus explaining the one-off design, put together by any old iron (! ha - sorry) it could find.  Well okay, bits and pieces. After being buried on Earth since the ninth century, it had to make do with what it could find, or rather get Lin to find as it took her over and attached itself to Lin (Charlotte Ritchie).  Making her do things she wouldn't have done and generally putting its parts together.  That's what you get for leaving it buried still.  Part of the squid-like creature being unearthed at a dig in, where else, but Sheffield, giving the Doctor (Jodi Whittaker) and the others a chance to return home once more.  Well their home not the Doctor's.  As well as the Doctor landing the TARDIS in Graham's (Bradley Walsh) living room, wrecking his chair.  The only place that was deserted wasn't it.

The Doctor wanting to analyze the sample of slime she took from the dig and what she unearthed (no pun) wasn't really shocking to us, the viewers.  Also a time for Ryan's (Tosin Cole) estranged father, Aaron (Daniel Adegboyega) to show up, trying to make amends, or just for the sake of it.  He and Ryan have a cafe coffee where he tries to flog off a microwave and that's what it's come to.  So said he come looking for some form of a handout.  That's not really possible in this show, but still, Ryan doesn't really know what to think or feel since he wasn't exactly around for him when he was growing up, so he doesn't know him and neither does Graham.  This scene going together with the one where Graham tells him how when his mother died, his father got rid of everything of hers cos that's how he dealt with it.  Showing him an old box of things belonging to Aaron that Grace kept.  Aaron doesn't know why he didn't turn up for the funeral, thinking if he didn't go then maybe it wasn't real.

Elsewhere the Doctor finds it's Dalek DNA and there's no getting away from them, no matter how much she tried to destroy them.  Mentioning Skaro plenty of times.  She's able to throw together some tech stuff and hone in on Lin who by now with Dalek (Voiced by Nicholas Briggs) attached to her still, managed to elude a police patrol stop, drive off in police uniform and also end up at a company whereupon finding all the bits'n'pieces for said construction of a Dalek casing.  Didn't look so bad actually, at least it was different.  Aaron returns with Ryan and is dying for the loo, bringing the microwave back with him and Graham tells him the cupboard that vanished from his room is about to make a return.  Well go on then, why not show everyone the TARDIS, including Mitch and he wasn't even fam! Graham having missed going with them since he was sent for peanut butter to help with putting back the TARDIS cables, which she didn't even need after all in the end.

They leave in the TARDIS and the microwave had to come along too, it was that oft used word of foreshadowing, otherwise it wouldn't have been that important a plot point to be included into the story.  The Doctor also finds that UNIT has been 'disbanded' for lack of funds, as well as Brexit; so Kate Stewart wasn't around for this ep.  Probably low budget casting too for this New Year's Day special! The Doctor having told the Dalek she's not human as it analyzes her and sees her two hearts.  Said Dalek was also a reconnaissance Dalek and was mentioned in The Book of Custodians.  The Doctor also telling it, how "no matter how many times you try, no matter how long you wait... I will always be in your way, backed up by the best of humanity."

Some have said this is one of the best specials of Doctor Who they have seen, but Dalek aside, I can't see/say that it is.  The title must be some sort of allusion too being new year thus resolutions all around for some.  Heck they even had Lin metal working and blow torching together parts for the Dalek's casing, perhaps oddly or not, in a scene reminiscent of 11.1 where we first met the new Doctor and having to put together a brand new Sonic of her own.  Lin gets to be more of a police officer than Yaz ever was.  The Doctor uttering how she's always done this alone and will continue to do so in many ways, she does have companions, but the job of saving humanity, or any race/aliens rests firmly on the shoulders of the Doctor.

Overall it made a change for the occasion and the day it was aired and after some of the villains this series, it was actually good seeing an old foe again for a new year.  Enjoy it while you can, there won't be more coming our way for a long while! 2020!

Monday 24 December 2018

All A Phantom Silence...A Short Christmas Story

Fear not it's not really a twisty mist, just a moon photo I snapped!

A story inspired by some Duran Duran songs and just me feeling a bit crazy right now!

That's it the scene was written and it ended, played out over and over in my never ending emotions.  A dream come true, but somehow was it really that?  Filming song videos on location and at various locations had left me wanting to see them all and even find myself taking part in one, just for old times sake.  A dream becoming the most exquisite reality, but the memories were haunting and affectionately daunting.

The video for Falling Down filmed at Linda Vista Hospital, LA, left me with the overwhelming feeling of being pursued by a ghost, a spirit of significant manifestation.  Asking whether they experienced anything there fell on deaf ears and I was under whelming-ly ignored as usual!  Then one day it happened, it became real!

"Cut!" yelled Nick as he didn't like the creative differences this video was producing between everyone shooting on the set on location and particularly the lead actress.  She had wanted different costumes, more leather and lace mixed together, but of course Nick knew it wasn't right for this video and more so for the vibe they were creating. "Let's take 25, or rather 24 hours and go home!"  Starting afresh in the morning, he knew everyone was about to come undone with the bickering.  Perhaps the atmosphere and the energy was too prepossessing and making everyone shockingly edgy.

Simon was uncharacteristically quiet on the set and when "cut" was screamed, he looked pasty (ha!) faced all of a sudden and very pale.  He had to be physically shaken.  "Er mate time to leave!"  As soon as he heard those words he couldn't wait to get out of there like a cat escaping from a bowl of stale eight day old milk.  Something left a bitter taste in his mouth and he hadn't even been "drinking" to "ease the thinking."

Later that night he heard a violent and perplexing crashing sound come from the hotel room.  A vase had fallen to the floor and the tulips had made a damp mess on the soft carpet. "Ah room service will handle it!" The scene resembled that from the Careless Memories video when he pushed the vase away in that.  He laughed to himself thinking how things, the creepy noises "play me deja vu" right now.  Through the commotion of it, he smelled the tulips but it wasn't the flowers, it was something stronger, more a scent gardenias and musky at the same time.  Mind playing tricks he thought.  Or perhaps it was only John and Roger pranking him as they sometimes did.  Jokes on them then cos he didn't fall for it.  As his head finally hit the pillow.  Thinking of "I smell like I sound" and food.  Mountains of doughnuts and fish!  Strange combination.  Probably a harkback to that cat reference from earlier! There were after all no howling wolves around which would have compacted his appetite!

"How my ears bleed..."  A moaning resonated through the window and the curtains flowed too and fro in the gentle breeze, a wind that would blow "before the rain."  A misty cloud formed and floated through the darkened room, all pitch dark as coal, save for the small night light by the door and flashes of instant bluey lightning.  On and on the mist floated until it formed into a figure.  A woman dressed in the most delicate white lace and silky satin gown.  She reached out to him as if she wanted to "stroke his sleepy head" on his pillow.  Her tiny body leaving an impression where she sat on the Egyptian cotton sheets, but not sinking into the mattress.

The shoot continued as usual the next morning and yet Simon was still out of sorts, reading spirits here.  He couldn't do anything right today. To top it off the lighting was all wrong and the camera was all static-ky and switched off several times by itself.  As well as the flickering.  Though everyone agreed it was a good effect.  Everyone knew the stories about Linda Vista and the place being haunted.  They were well documented.  All those spirits and souls of those who walked these halls, the corridors of endless patients, some treated, some mistreated, others on the brink and brought back to endure this bleak existence and meagre, ordinary world.  Today seemed different.  Chilly, or "chill is it something real"; all encapsulating the memories of those that had passed there but not all ever managed to move on.  The music streamed, echoing the depths "little pin-pricks" and of the white washed walls, all awash in green and the words played in mesmerizing unison,  "Why has the sky turned grey...and why has my life gone astray..."

No artistic differences today, the minutes ticked away regular as clockwork and it was called a day.  Another night in that hotel before heading out for the edits later early morning.  There it was again, that same eerily familiar crashing.  Again the vase was on the floor in the same way as if last night was playing on a loop.  Too much of a coincidence.  Another windy night, the mist came once more, shrouded in cold and that familiar scent.  Simon turned to see it, rubbing his eyes, "is this some sort of trick of the light," he muttered.  Or did all that earlier flickering during filming have more on an impact on him than was normal.

"No."  A sublime voice replied.
"WHAT?!!" he shouted back.  Am I hearing things now after that recording and filming session?
"It's me.  I followed you here from this morning, from the hospital." {That was a long communication from a spirit - a would-be ghost.  Seeing as he had no idea what this was yet.}
He couldn't believe what he heard.  Too strange and chaotic to fathom.  She finally became that full bodied figure, a graceful soul in her white lace and looked so terrifyingly real.  A beautiful woman with the blackest of black flowing tresses and a pale complexion, obviously.  Almost vampiric.  Almost but more human than she should have been.
"I saw and heard you.  You in your doctor's coat.  I need help."  A kind face, she sensed the compassion behind his inviting blue eyes.  Inviting her to open up to him.  He would £pay the price of my blue star eyed weakness."  Alas no.  She wasn't evil after all.  Her face was too sweet and intriguing.
"Wrong person to help you, I'm not a real doctor (or priest - he joked to himself.)"
Then thought of the words from the song, "Box Full of Honey."
"And as the ghost will shiver trees
How I'm tremblin' on my knees
But I'm still drawn on by the the murmur..."
It was all true, all the awe inspiring words; only he didn't shiver or tremble, surprisingly, he was too taken aback by the glorious apparition of beauty and loveliness.  "She's too much...such a gentle touch..."

Nadia was an actress, she had been confined to her desperation of a silent prison by a jealous rival who coveted her career, life and family.  Her rival who was on the hunt and after her.  Nadia didn't have a chance at a full and fulfilling life.  Imprisoned in the depths of her mind.  No one believed her when she tried to explain how she got here.  No one knew she was here and more importantly she wasn't as well known or famous as she thought.  her fame less than fifteen minutes was only fleeting, a fluke.  Yet those doctors had ensured she succumbed to their treatment.  The countless hours of  water therapy was torture.  The needles, the sounds of whispering, until she could take it no more.  Driven out of her mind.  Sanity becoming insanity.  There was only one end for her, one outlet and she hadn't taken it, too painful to repeat day Nadia was no more.  The envy was her undoing and her rival had succeeded in getting her way.  Nadia's rival was holding onto her own selfish "murdered secrets" and her criminal ways.  Getting away with ending Nadia's existence.

Simon awoke with a jolt and ran his sweaty fingers through the masses of his blond hair.  Some crazy nightmare he thought.  Imagination running on overtime and the result of writing too many songs, he laughed! "Only in dreams" entered his head..."how did I dream you..."  Another crash, the same vase on the floor once more! This time he wasn't asleep, or away in his own world writing lyrics.  This time he had seen it fall.  No wind, no breath...

"Still I can't escape the ghost of you..."  

A little story for Christmas, though there was much more I could write.  Spurred on by the Falling Down video filmed at Linda Vista as I said and no one responding to my request of whether anyone had any paranormal experiences there.  So what can I say...guess it was a Pop Trash Movie in the end!

"I'll wait in the wings for you
I'll read your lines to you
But now the script is final, you know, it's time to go
So we'll have to say goodbye..."  

Until I finally get to film this it will just be a mere story from my imagination, helped by some of my fave Duran songs.  Thanks for that guys!! 

Sunday 23 December 2018

Agatha Christie And The Truth of Murder

                                                Image result for agatha christie and the truth of murder
It wasn't too difficult to picture where this production was going and referencing many of Agatha Christie's works within it too.  Still it was rather obvious who the suspects were even from the outset.
Obviously it was someone young who bludgeoned Florence (Nightingale's goddaughter) on the train and this was very Murder, She cried.  Or rather the 4.55 from Paddington if you prefer that title; when the woman was murdered on the train, with only the passenger in the other train next to it who witnessed it.  Cue Miss Marple to investigate. 
Then there was Agatha (Aka Mrs Christie) mentioning the Man in the Brown Suit, another mystery whilst talking with Mable (Pippa Heywood) Florence's lover and the fellow nurse who came to ask for Agatha's help in finding her killer.  After she'd been collecting evidence for six years.  But Agatha  (Ruth Bradley) was too busy wallowing as her husband, Archie (Liam McMahon) wants a divorce to marry a floozy aged 24.

She meets Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Michael McElhatton) for advice on how to write as she's stuck on how everyone gets the suspects only past five pages of reading and she's been making them rather obvious.  (That'd be me then! In any mystery!)  Just think I was about to mention Sherlock Holmes before Arthur popped up.  Playing a round of golf, he suggests she should design a golf course since that's what he did.  He's also writing another book but if anyone finds out, he'll know where it came from. 

So she does just that, designs a golf course, with her selfish husband, whom she refuses to divorce, saying she did it for him.  So when he wants to play a round, she tells him she's busy.  Having decided to take the case.  Couldn't take his own medicine there when she ignored him, as he storms off to the Suicide Club meeting he didn't want to attend. What happened to mistress Floozy now.  Agatha later says he and the other woman consummated their relationship on a golf course.  Thus why would she even contemplate inventing one of her own.  She even has a daughter whom she tells she's going to be going away for a few days and be in disguise.
Thus this was based on the days Agatha Christie vanished in 1926 and no one knew where she'd gone.

The other thing she mentions to Mable is how it's easy to murder, hence Murder Is Easy.  Thus they hatch a plan after Mabel shows her the train carriage and how Florence got onto the last carriage as she hates trains.  There was a woman in  he next compartment who said the seat was booked and so Florence got onto the end one with a man there.  The plan being they will invite the five suspects to the house, Florence's family house and tell them they've inherited.  A little And Then There Were None  - in premise, as when they arrive, all eager to inherit and be a part of this larger family, that one of them is disposed of and shot.  Leaving Agatha with a dilemma since he was her main suspect, Wade (Dean Andrews).  Together who arrived there with his daughter, Daphne (Bebe Cave) and he wasn't even invited.

Daphne was the suspect since she was dismissed from her job as a nurse and Florence was behind her getting fired.  Then there was Randolph (Tim McInnerny) Florence's cousin whom Mabel suspected and especially since she claimed the family was distant from her and wouldn't invite her to their house, not approving of her.  He turns out to not be a money grabber after all and ends up inviting Mabel to tea, which she's shocked at of course.  Then there was Travis (Blake Harrison) who was arrested for the murder but released, he tells Agatha now disguised as a legal assistant, that he wasn't charged and there was a bloody footprint found at the scene, but his feet were too big for it.  The print being a trench boot. 

Thus leaving the former chaplain, Franklin (Joshua Silver) who has a grievance with God and country as a result of the First World War.  His mother, PAmela (Samantha Spiro) and Zaki (Luke Pierre) who claims to be French, but later says he's not.  Getting into an argument with Franklin.  Repeating what Mabel said about Florence helping everyone irrespective of nationality.  She treated a German soldier, Keller, when told not to, but did it anyway.  Thus the clue to who was behind the killing.

Cue Det Inspector Dicks (Ralph Ineson)who resembled Inspector Japp from the Hercule Poirot mysteries and Hercule did get mentioned too as the Flemish detective.  Dicks already knowing who killed Wade, again obvious.  As well as knowing that she was really Agatha Christie, since her disguise didn't hide who she was from the photo in the paper.  As for the murderers, well no proof so they pinned the murder of Wade onto them and this was confirmed by all the others.  Thus she gets the idea to write about this case and guess what, as I said several minutes before, it was Murder On The Orient Express, only she didn't call it that!

Of course Mabel regretted it for a moment since they would hang, but as the detective says, they did commit cold blooded murder.  It would have been more enjoyable if it didn't get too involved in the books written by her and make reference to them, no matter how subtle they were trying to be.  Also not so difficult to see 'who dunnit' and the emotive for it wasn't that convincing.  But then it never is. 

Sunday 9 December 2018

Doctor Who 11.10 "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos" Review

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Two people attempt to harness rocks into a grand formation and as one does so, they spot a blueish light behind them.  They aren't meant to understand but to see the world in the Creator's way.  He shows what he can do on her say so.  He puts together some levitating rocks in the air.

3,407 years later the Doctor (Jodi Whittaker) picks up distress signals in the TARDIS from nine planets, all coming from the same area.  She determines violent psychotropic waves are being omitted from the planet.  She gives them brain inhibiting implants, neuro balancers, to wear before they investigate the planet and the TARDIS lands there, in one of the ships sending out the distress signal, as a man appears with a gun.  Ryan (Tosin Cole) sees the crew log come on  screen.  She introduces herself and the others and he "looks like an urgent call".  He thinks 'they' sent her, but they can't be with them cos they just arrived here.  He can't recall if there's any other crew around.  He doesn't remember his name either and he forget when he went outside where the battle took place.  He asks who she is again.  She gives him a neuro balancer  too, to help calm his mind. 

Ryan thinks he could have killed his own crew as Graham (Bradley Walsh) says he's the commander.  His name is Paltraki, as a message comes through for him.  The Creator wants what they took from him otherwise his crew will suffer and as one of them tells him not to return, she is killed for everyone to see.  The Doctor wants to know what he has and it appears to be a spherical object inside a cuboid covering, but they don't know what it is.  The Doctor also recognizing the voice of the Creator, as do the others, it's Tim Shaw (Samuel Oatley) returning for yet more humiliation and a failed plan of destroying the planets and specifically, Earth.  Graham tells the Doctor he has to get revenge on him for Grace but she's against it.  As she gives each of them something to do, such as the console which apparently shows where his crew may be.  So if they reverse it and retrace its steps as Graham says, they could find out where Paltraki (Mark Addy) has been.

Outside, they see masses of ships that were destroyed during the battle and come to a floating rock formation.  She gives them communicators to stay in touch and she will find Tim Shaw, as she tells Graham and Ryan to find the crew and the same to Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Paltraki.  He starts to remember now and the Doctor zooms in on an entrance on the rock, wading through water once more and adding she should've wore Wellies and she could've invented them too.  They're pulled inside by the rock and as they go their separate ways, Graham and Ryan have another conversation, where Ryan tells him he can't do anything stupid and he must be the better man, as his Nan would say.  As robots come towards them from both sides.  Ryan tells him to duck as they fire on each other.

Yaz asks Paltraki about his home and where he's from as he begins to remember, but his memories are chaotic as they return all at once.  He asks where she's from and she replies Earth, which sounds like a horrible name to him. They come to a place where they find more cuboid objects but don't know how they got there or what they are.  The Doctor meets Andinio (Phyllis Logan) and they exchange a barrage of questions which the Doctor doesn't get many replies to.  She says she wants to meet the Creator and he tells her to bring her the Doctor.  Tim Shaw appears to be in pain and wants the Doctor to suffer what she did on Earth and blames her for the deaths on this planet.  But she tells him he can't do that, it wasn't her fault.  The Ux hail him as a god but she says he's not since he's all about the pain and suffering.  He blames her for not being able to rule the Stenza. However the Ux have more than provided him with exalted status of a god by their desire to worship anything they can.

As Graham and Ryan find the other ship's crew all in stasis pods.  As they try to release them which Graham finds a light and Ryan finds more of them. He tells Graham that he wants him to be safe and he calls him "grandpa" again which he didn't think he's heard for a second time.  It took him long enough to say it and now he's used to it.  As well as telling Graham he loves him.  Which Graham asks him to repeat as he did last ep when Ryan called him grandpa for the first time.  Ryan not falling for it.  As they release the others, the Doctor finds Yaz and the other objects but Tim Shaw doesn't tell her what they're doing there.

She works out they're planets and they need to be replaced into their rightful orbit and Tim Shaw wants to destroy the Earth.  As the Ux put in his plan of harnessing energy to destroy, with Delph (Percelle Ascott) not wanting to go ahead with it but is forced to do so by Andinio.  The Doctor must stop them and Yaz reasons that she should 'kill' them using the 2 versus 7 billion argument.  (Didn't we get Earth and the universe in peril last ep too!)  She thinks she could unplug them somehow and they both come up neuro balancers at the same time.  They will have to use their own, even if they will get affected by the planet.  This works and she brings the TARDIS to them so the Ux can help put the planets back.  By rigging up some cables and them both using their psychic powers.  Finally succeeding as Paltraki takes the survivors back to his ship and Ryan takes the two remaining ones; telling Graham not to do anything stupid and makes him promise.

Of course there was going to be a showdown but not in the sense of how anyone imagined, as Graham finally tells Tim Shaw that he's the better man and lowers the gun.  Ryan returns to help him as Graham shoots Tim Shaw in the foot, which is all he can do cos he doesn't have the courage to go through with it.  They put him into a stasis pod sentencing him to life, and telling him to remember one name; "Grace."  Paltraki takes the survivors back to their planets and Delph says he can take them too as they need a new home.

SO ends this series of escapades with the new Doctor and team, or rather fam and pretty much they were straightforward stories, without having us think too much or overtly about the villains or the plots.  As said Tim Shaw being humiliated again and locked up as in the opening ep where he was transported by the Doctor elsewhere and living in isolation. Graham and Ryan forging a new relationship together without Grace and Yaz, well not much happening with her.  Graham got to say "yippy kai ai..." as he blew the robots up and the Doctor going back on what she told Ryan about not killing.  He was new so she had to lay down some ground rules for him, but under some circumstances, killing can't be avoided.  But she told Graham that if he killed Tim Shaw then "I can't have you travel with me."  The Doctor did make an allusion to Journey's End ep and this was a story resembling The Pirate Planet with Doctor Four, as Tim Shaw also wanted to 'shrink' the Earth.

Roll on the new year!

Sunday 2 December 2018

Doctor Who 11.9 "It Takes You Away" Review

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The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) et al land in Norway this time; as Graham (Bradley Walsh) admires the fjords and asks if that is one in front of them.  He's always wanted to come to Norway, amongst other things and places.  The Doctor Sonics some sheep and says they're still in 2018 so they're lucky, the sheep aren't fighting humans yet as they will do so in the future.  That's all we need, as if humans being sheep isn't enough.  Perhaps that's one of their gripes.  Ryan (Tosin Cole) notices a cabin in the distance and the Doctor heads towards it, but it's been boarded up.  Yaz (Mandip Gill) pointing out it's been done that way for protection, to keep something out.  Ryan spots someone looking out, with his perfect eyesight, er which window/door was it?  Ha.  The Doctor has the Sonic on the go and they should check, just in case. 
(NB Justin Case - the name of my next character, it's so versatile!! ha.  Copyrighted to me and all that!) 

Inside they find Hanne - a blind girl and Graham offers her a pickled cheese sarnie - he keeps plenty of those.  After they've eaten Hanne (Ellie Wallwork) says her father, Erik (Christian Rubeck) is missing and the 'thing' takes you away.  As they hear noises, the Doctor takes drastic measures and says they should search around.  Ryan and Yaz find dead birds in the barn and bear traps, as the noise comes closer.  She says they should protect the house and sends Graham into the attic to act as lookout.  Wow must be a first where the attic wasn't as spooky as most are in real life and TV.  He looks at a mirror and finds he doesn't have a reflection, as Ryan heads up behind him and scares him, commenting they should know if they're vampires.  Graham puts his hand through and the Doctor pulls it out, once again using the Sonic.  Graham tells her he didn't get lured since he didn't offer it his credit card or anything.  She decides it warrants investigating, especially if her father might be in there.

The Doctor writes on the wall that Ryan should assume her father is dead, amongst other things and Ryan should stay behind with her, obviously she wasn't around when Ryan mentioned how Yaz was good with her and he couldn't be with children.  But suppose the writer wanted to explore that a little further.  As the three of them head through the mirror.  Did anyone think of the mirror in A-Ha's Take On Me video when the Doc put her head through and walked in, well I did.  (Uh-oh A-Ha being Norwegian too!  ha - sorry).  She ties some string around a rock as breadcrumbs to follow back (as I clearly said Hansel and Gretel last week).  Graham spots a light and they find a Grinch-y type hobgoblin creature with a hideous name akin to Rumpelstiltskin, but more Norwegian sounding!  Okay it was neither, but still anything would've been better than Ribbons of the Seven Stomachs (and what's with the number 7, mentioned twice in this ep.)  He will tell them if he saw her father and a monster but it will cost and they have nothing to trade.  As they also ask for the light. 

Ribbons (Kevin Eldon) then sees the Doctor's Sonic and agrees to tell them in exchange for it.  She wants answers first and he tells her he'll take them where he is.  As well as threatening Graham with a knife.  She  agrees but payment will be on delivery and he has to leave the knife.  Obviously he'll have another one.  As they carry the light, a red balloon lantern; a moth is attracted to it and Ribbons throws a dead rat at it.  He says he has meat to distract it otherwise it will signal to others.  He also cuts the Doctor's string.  As more moths do attack and the Doctor tells everyone to stand still as Ribbons told them to move so they mustn't.  Ribbons is attacked by the flesh eating moths and they leave.  Finding a way out of the mirror.

The mirror being a portal.  Did you notice the Doctor's and Graham's hair partings were now reversed as though they were in an alternate mirror image or reality and Erik's T-shirt lettering was also back to front.  He was hiding out here as he came to see Hanne's mother Trine. (Lisa Stokke) Telling them this is the only place he can be with her.  He left Hanne behind and Yaz and Graham both want to take a swing at him.  Trine tells them about their 'friend' who arrived here when they did.  Graham finds it's Grace (Sharon D Clarke) and they talk of her frog necklace that both he and Ryan brought for Christmas as they didn't consult each other and she loves frogs.  Also recalling she was killed by that thing on the crane.  Graham tells her he's been to another planet and he's seen things.  Funny she wasn't much interested in Ryan and of course if that was the real Grace, she would have been.  But also that Ryan didn't get to see her either.

Yaz and the Doctor notice the room is different and they can be seen in the mirror reflection.  The Doctor now gets it.  The cave was an anti-zone as Ribbons told them and it separates their universe from this world.  Also recalling what her fifth grandmother told her, she had seven of them and one said that one of them was related to the Zygons.  She told her about the consciousness, the Solitract which had to stay separate from their world.  Well, watch it for a better and more interesting explanation of this.  Meanwhile Ryan goes outside and finds the wire he found inside leads to a speaker which is playing the sound of the monster.  As Hanne knocks him out by shutting the door on him and taking the key to the attic.  She goes through the mirror and finds the others, after Ryan catches up to her and they pass Ribbon's DB.  However Ryan doesn't go through, typical.

The Doctor tells Graham that isn't Grace and he says he needs to help Ryan.  Eventually realizing it's not her since she'd want him to help Ryan.  She wants Graham to stay here and the Doctor tries to convince him otherwise as Yaz is expelled back through the mirror.  The Doctor also tells Trine that Erik is worthless and she should keep the Doctor here since she's seen the universe and could tell her about it, getting Trine to expel Erik too.  Yeah - go be a father!  As their world begins to collapse she says she needs to stop otherwise both worlds will be destroyed.  The Doctor ends up in a white room where she sees a frog on a chair.  She likes frogs and so became one.  The Doctor tells her she needs to go back and the frog eventually lets her go; as the Doctor says they'll be friends forever.

Erik and Hanne will return to Oslo and Graham sits by the river.  As Ryan tells him he misses her too and calls him "grandfather."  Which took a while coming and Graham wants him to repeat it.  Funny part where Ribbons grabs Graham and he tells him he smells like wee and he replies it's not his.  Then again he does the same for a second time and Graham tells him he smells even worse!  As well as his other line of how some maniac could be keeping children's shoes, as Yaz remarks there are children's shoes in the cabin.

The anti-zone is a "protective buffer designed to keep threats at bay."  The Solitract, which is what the Doctor says she met as a frog at the end, is a "whole conscious universe" going back as far as ever, and it's alone.  Thus all the so-called 'subterfuge.' 

Guessing Erik didn't take Hanne with him as he was afraid she would recognize Trine for who she really is, as she did so when she heard her, okay that's a stretch, but as the Doctor says it couldn't stand the strain of having so many people here before it started to buckle under the pressure, so probably one reason why he didn't take Hanne there too.  It wasn't the life for a teen though was it, forever being around her parents in their own little world with nothing for her to do.  Also the frog probably alluding to another fairytale.  Though the Doctor meeting someone she knew would've been unlikely in that it would've been too rushed as a finale and also the flesh eating moths were most likely a defence for the Solitaract in not allowing anymore humans to enter the other 'realm' thus upsetting the balance and collapsing altogether.  That would've also taken out their own universe too.

An ep dealing with loss and facing up to it and on a jolly note, the Doctor says the sheep have vanished and are probably off plotting somewhere!

Saturday 1 December 2018

Wedding Poem

When I was born an age ago
I strived to achieve the best 
With each passing moment, day, year, I grew
I was nurtured, learned many interesting notions
Life was there for the taking, no longer limiting what could be dreamed, attained
Longing for something, someone to pull me out of that mire of loneliness
Someone with a beating heart, a ticking soul, some kindred spirit
Love was just a word
One syllable uttered to family, close friends
But that special someone was eluded, always excluded

Balancing all thoughts, pondering true affection, a momentary lapse in judgement 
Where fleeting consensus closed all doors to the possibility of tender thoughts
Every turning point, every fixed mark in the night sky was some distant star
Evading all depths of tenderness and finding that perfect soulmate
Carefree and loyal only to me

Reverence clutched at straws and banging fists at ghostly apparitions that teased a life so full of promise
Only to fall and falter by the wayside of endearment falling on deaf ears
Destiny shrivelled and did not grow as a forest full of trees
For the forest was dark and each one shrub was all the same deep down
That one bloom of a fragile flower trampled underfoot by folly and cruel treachery

No feelings of desire, longing or lust until I met you
That memorizing smile, the beating fastidious heart, memorable gazing eyes
Capturing my all, through me and into me, piercing my very veil of existence
Until the very core of those emotional feelings were no longer resisted
On bended knee I gave my all, swallowed pride and gulped with courage

Will you marry me?  Let us make whole and one this very lifeblood and 
Become we, not I, in this mortal coil make our special intimacy be realized and endure the oceans of our future waves yet to be made
Swing the pendulum of caresses, conjuring beautiful magic 
And a fate yet to pulsate with our monstrous desires 
Fulfil each day as a wondrous couple with resonating nuptials...

Ring true, ring fierce ecstatic happiness
Bringing to mind, to mortality an untold religion of infatuation
Passion strike deeply and entirely engulf this union of two
Of exceptional fondness and hold us faithful unto thee alone
Man and wife conquered only by us alone and by love endlessly

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Ghost Adventures 17.4 "Tintic Mining District" Commentary

                                            Image result for ghost adventures tintic mining district
Ghost Adventures lately seems to get even more connected to other eps and investigations from the past and this one was no exception.  Some kind of weird synchronicity yes, but also as if the 'powers' that be (good or evil) appear to always lead them onto another case or location which has much more sinister happenings and occurrences, or more of a purpose to them being there.  It seems to find them out just to add a more darker gravitas to the investigation.  What started off as a 'simple' scratch simple, call it, straightforward investigation about another mining town, after an invite from the town of Eureka's Mayor, turned into something more prepossessing and evil.  With the paranormal investigator, telling them about the Fitch Mansion.  How he was attacked there and how there were some form of rituals taking place there.

Leading them to agree to a ritual with the owner, Billie and her friend, Ted.  Who already appeared to be 'crazed' out from whatever he's been conjuring, as she explained to Zak about his past behaviour.  It felt more than just coincidental, them ending up here of all places in the town.  Also if you are into rituals, not fully willing to talk about them once on camera, why agree to be filmed, or were they looking for new bait and initiations to join them?  You know, free advertizing for whatever they're into.
Then lo and behold we get Alaister Crowley again, as mentioned in the Westerfeld House ep (see link to my review below) and also Jay's reference to it in the Route 666 ep.

Jay and the others getting suspicious of this Ted with Jay adding that a ritual needs to be done properly; but it seemed Ted was either testing them (their patience?) or rather hoping something would go wrong deliberately, as Jay pointed out to him that he hadn't done the ritual right.  Yeah and that expression "moth to a flame" was shown physically actually taking place... as the moth was drawn to the candle flames but didn't burn or die.  then the stick figure next to Ted and how he knew it was there.  As well as him having a creepy look on his face when Zak played back that EVP with his name.  After he asked "what name are you connected to?"  I thought it said "Zak Bagans can ask that or can't ask that.."  It's three syllables.  At first it sounded like "summoned me" but he wouldn't and couldn't do that.  So it could be the entity was saying perhaps he was invited and only Zak can say why; or in the sense of being fooled into thinking this entity was manipulated by Ted to say this, particularly as he knew where the stick figure was exactly.  Plus the way Ted kept sniggering and laughing during the summoning ritual and afterwards.

Same with Billie telling Zak she couldn't sleep after their conversation and how he must've brought something with him.  Again kinda giving credence to the EVP of Zak somehow 'inviting' it.  At least that's my line of thinking and how I feel.  Billie's friend, who she said cut herself, but what was it with Ted wielding that knife behind Jay, it's even more suspicious of what happened to her girlfriend and cutting herself.  Did she cut herself willingly or was she made to do it?

Investigating the bank in town and getting the light anomaly on the stairs, I said it looked like it was going down the stairs too.  As well as the EVP with Billy after he was provoking there. Which sounds like, well what I heard, "I hurt this kinda guy tryin' to ? me up." The ? is something like 'beat' me or 'shame;' 'shit' me up? I need my headphones! The ? is more obscure sounding. Would explain the stuff being thrown or knocked over.

My niggle why they get reporters/journos on there who do very little and don't contribute much! Yeah it's for publicity, but do they really need credence from a sceptic, they've had years, ten to be precise; in proving the existence and amassing evidence!  Just like the one at Sailor's Snug Harbour  wasn't very good either and when they missed that glorious EVP, oh come on!
Where it says "unexplained laughter" the voice says "get the f**k out!"

Yeah going back a bit but I did tweet it then!