
Thursday 10 May 2018

Constantine 1.3 "The Devil's Vinyl" Review

                                                Image result for constantine the devil's vinyl
Chas comments how 'Zed' means 'zero' and she's cryptic about her parents naming her cos she didn't say they did.  Constantine's naked and covered in blood here.  Referring to the comment Matt made in enough interviews about being this way and what the producers put him through.  What price being Constantine?  ha.
Sacrificing the chicken naked - well  Zed got an eyeful (even though she wasn't expecting to) but what was the chicken sacrificed for?  We do know he was trying out a new ritual.  But you really weren't completely in the buff whilst filming cos that'd be a shock to anyone's system!  Ha.
Yet again the chicken sacrifice reference - once again - I direct you to future foreshadowing in in Knives In Hens and if I've said it too much, well I don't apologize for it.
Chas takes Zed on a tour of the millhouse (couldn't we just call it mill.)  Which was foreshadowing (see elsewhere.)
He mentions "supernatural bushfires" and he doesn't believe in coincidences.  Zed: "this is my education" as he's leaving when she's here.
Constantine asks Chas to check her out, she may be "legitimate or may have more unsavoury motives."  So she goes with him and makes comment on his purse, which is a laugh in itself cos it's large!  Just as well we don't call them purses but bags, cos our use of purse signifies wallet size!!
He shows her the nails of St Padua: the patron saint of lost souls and so the nails follow one another, which of course will be used otherwise there'd be no need for him to show her.  He doesn't need any technology here.  Appears he's not a great believer in tech, a Luddite in many ways.

The dead man, Bernie was a friend and manager of the Mucous Membrane: his punk band.  He wasn't always a warlock as he tells Zed.  Referring to himself as such here. Is it now.  He translates his band as "a bunch of wankers trying to get laid." If the shoe fits!
He shows her the Hand of Glory.  "Every soul has a price - this one cost him his immortality.  Uses his magic card which is charmed and takes on the appearance of whatever the holder requires, like Doctor Who's psychic paper.  mentions?? who sold his soul and whilst he was recording, the acetate recorded something when he dies, the voice of the devil.
Marcus sees Manny who says the soul is the purest expression of God's love: God's spark of creation and the devil payment to God for casting him out, thus he takes them.

Zed: "isn't that illegal?"
Constantine: "almost everything I do is love...smug tosser."

Constantine: "I didn't see that one coming."  As in the pilot ep!  He didn't see dying and talks of the soul breaker and the First of the Fallen was the devil.  (Soul breaker being the equivalent of Supernatural's crossroads demon.)  "Lose their parlay with the underworld."

Papa Midnite wants the recording and kidnaps Constantine to get it and injects him.  "I don't use zip ties without a safeword."  'Bollocks' that' d be his safeword!  Constantine being tied down again that's twice now.   The acetate is a jail free card that Constantine wants but not for himself.  And no one questioned the blood on his shirt in public.
Chas tells him Zed's not on any database and he thinks she could be useful.  Constantine and his black tie, well it looked more black on my screen than blue, and in the previous episode signifying the darkness, no, okay I said it instead.  Zed berates him for not seeing the boy is deaf showing his arrogance.  When he enters the building he uses headphones and listens to Johnny Rotten and the Pistols, but he should've used ear plugs instead.

Midnite turns up with a Winchester, if that don't beat all adding it was forged by a mystic in the west.

Supernatural 3.6  Red Sky At Night
The Hand of Glory must be the dried and preserved hand of a hanged man.  It must be the left hand, or if not, then if the crime committed by the dead man was murder, then it must be the hand which did the killing.  The hand was reputed to have been able to open any locked door.
The Hand of Glory was named for mandrake root, since the French word for this is maindegloire = hand of glory and mandragore = mandrake root.  Mandrakes are known to grow under the bodies of hanged criminals.  A hand pickled with the blood and fat of a hanged man, with a candle placed between the fingers.  When a thief enters a house he would chant, “Hand of Glory, shining bright, lead us to our sports tonight.”  As the candle burns – the householders were said to be undisturbed by the thief.

Another version of the chant was, “Hand of glory, hand of glory, let those who are asleep remain asleep – in a sleep that is fast and deep. But those who are awake, be wide awake.”

In the US TV series, Poltergeist, season 1 episode The Substitute, the Hand of Glory is also mentioned, here a variation of the chant was used; “Hand of glory, hand of power, conjured in the witching hour…”

Constantine sends the recording back to hell using its own dark magic.

Then deals with the soul breaker and gets him to eat his own words, viz the contract and his name is as old as the Aramaic on the rune and where the saying 'eat your own words' comes from.

Constantine: "we all negotiate deals with forces bigger than us but who are we truly negotiating with - the divine.  It's only natural prayer is one big negotiation with a higher power but in times of true crisis, people make a pact with whichever force it takes and pay whatever price."

Midnite makes a voodoo doll of Constantine, more as a way to vent his anger than use against him.  Well I have a Constantine ragdoll I made!!

Here Constantine repeats his line from 1.1 where he says he didn't see that coming again.  Perhaps by now he should, now that he has Zed helping him and since he's been doing this a long time he needs to be on top of the uncertainties and unexpectedness.

This legend of Robert Johnson selling his soul to the devil. 2.8 Crossroads Supernatural ep See below.
At least it saves me from rewriting all over again and researching!  All Supernatural references from my book are in italics.

This third episode takes that legend and turns it on its head.  Robert sold his soul to become a legendary singer.  Here we see how the bargain impacted the devil and in short - what was his reward?
Constantine uses his psychic paper - no that was Doctor Who but in similar fashion, it's a psychic playing card.  Jasmine got a good deal for her soul - 20 years, as opposed to Supernatural's 10 years.  Either way time goes by way too fast anyway.
Manny appears to Constantine but doesn't help him - always citing how free will means he can't interfere to help him.  Although he warns that Constantine may be losing his moral compass (well there are more than four points on a compass) and thinks Constantine might use the acetate (couldn't they just call it vinyl like we do).  Acetate sounds like such a crafting word and nothing to do with witchcraft either and he may use it to bargain with the devil instead and retrieve his soul from its intended damnation.  That was uncalled for since Constantine is not one who gives or takes bull and calling him out on this whilst he's in a vulnerable position (tied up) is not only untimely, but downright insulting.  I mean way to kick a man when he's down.  But after that, wouldn't have blamed Constantine at all for doing just that, bargaining with the devil; perhaps for Astra instead.

At least Constantine did get one over on Papa Midnite who was gunning for the acetate.  Bollux I'm calling it vinyl.  So at least he was able to exact revenge by not letting him have it.  This ep carried on with the damnation theme and how the recording was returned from whence it came.  Also demonstrating how evil gets a foothold in our world and how people are to blame for it; no matter how good their intentions - such as Jasmine saying her husband (my English Literature teacher at school used to call me Jasmine.  Strangely my dentist used to call me Jemima!)
Only things get out of hand, in contrast the Rising Darkness mentioned in 1.1 is a future occurrence and gathering momentum.  Didn't see anything wrong in nothing further being said about it considering it couldn't be rushed.  Especially since no one knew then how long the series would last.

Back in a tweet for a paranormal Q&A I mentioned how my mum told us a story she'd been told when she was little, where someone used listening equipment/recorders in a grave; curious to know what happens.  He went deaf listening to the playback.  Not the same thing as the recording here I know - but it does make you think of all the unknown things that are out there and how they could affect our world and probably do if you're a firm believer in all this.  And how there are some things perhaps we are not meant to find out in this world.

Mucous Membrane was in Hellblazer #11, #77; #162-163  Reference to Mucous Membrane which was a smalltime punk band formed by Constantine and Gary.  One single Venus of the Hardsell to which they also created a music video.  No longer remembered by anyone aside for their occult affiliations - the band that is.  Matt disappointed he didn't get to sing this song!

Annual #1
Papa Midnite: "a Winchester never misses.  Forged by a mystic in the Old West."

Supernatural 2.8 Crossroads
Rootwork’ is not a religion, but spells referred to for healing. ‘Rootwork’, also known as Hoodoo in Southern US, derives from the African word, juju, meaning, ‘magic’ or ‘voodoo’. Voodoo is also a corruption of the word ‘vodirn’, meaning ‘spirit’. Rootwork is also the African-American version of shamanism using herbs, rocks or organic material as a way to heal the mind or body and to solve problems.
In the early twentieth century, rootwork focused in many rhythm and blues songs.  Musicians felt they could sing about any topic thus performers did the same until the late 1970’s…songs such Muddy waters’, I Got My Mojo Working.’  Robert Johnson’s songs of mojos, curses, well known rootworkers and hot foot powder.  This was a mix of red pepper, black pepper, sulphur and salt.  It was sprinkled on the doorstep to make a foe move.  Robert Johnson never shared his music with anyone, as he considered it to be his livelihood. Rumours abound that Johnson sold his soul and that explained his great talent as a musician.  He was a strong believer in hoodoo and also used it.  He didn’t become a master guitarist by using the crossroads ritual.  However, Tommy Johnson, a contemporary of his, is claimed to have used the ritual.
Dean’s hangover cure: greasy pork sandwiches, served on an ashtray, all to make Sam feel even sicker.

The above Supernatural section leading nicely onto the LOT episode 3.14 Amazing Grace
In this episode about Elvis, they found that his guitar had the death totem which Constantine spoke about.  Seen as an allusion to 1.3 ep of Constantine itself when they referenced the legend of Robert Johnson.  Also tying this up with Constantine and LOT they found that Johnson's guitar contained the death totem and this subsequently became Elvis's guitar.  Sara adding she had been in contact with Constantine about the guitar and he stated she was dealing with the death totem.  No more details though and nothing was made of this Devil Vinyl's episode.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Constantine 1.2 "The Darkness Beneath" Review

                                              Image result for constantine the darkness beneath
Heading for Pennsylvania but Chas can't come cos of that succubus case and the outstanding warrant.   Zed is pissed by Constantine and this was no chance meeting.  "It's're you...I dream about you."  Not exactly the first thing you wanna tell a stranger.  He's not that impressed and commenting on her looking at him from behind the window "like some long lost lover (!) tongue in his ear and in his pocket I bet."  Yeah okay, steady on with all this stuff now it's only your first meeting!  Ha.
Constantine: "that observation always ends the same way and it's never in my favour."  In response to her dreaming about him.

Zed: commenting on the picture she drew of him says how his "eyes are much darker in this one."
Constantine: "in light I always find mine..." answers that is.  Poking holes into the eyes "from one artist to another." (!)  That was pretty spot on.  Well he didn't find his wallet that's for sure and for such a master of most everything, didn't even realize it was missing.
She looks at his driving licence: UK
1) C. 2. J,3, 10-05-82
4a - 01-12-06.
4b. 01-12-15
8 England - UK
F,K,I,n,P with a triangle
As for his licence picture, he looks like that?!! ha. Of course all these letters and numbers stand for various?? meanings and restrictions involving vehicles etc.  Had to laugh at his licence picture!  Yeah typical UK licences have loads of numbers to classify different categories. Also there's always a signature which happened to be missing on his one.

Irony that the man died in the shower leaving behind scorch marks since the town symbol is a dragon.  Constantine breathed more coal air than fresh in Liverpool.  Beware Tommy Knockers is what I said as he gets three knocks back.   As well as bringing a ready meal to a wake as only Constantine could.  See more strawberry blond hair colour than just blond.
Zed finds there's good energy to the honeymoon suite  She says he dropped his wallet and the $90 are missing from it.  Not like he's rich or anything so he really did need that money.  But he can win it back in some poker game somewhere.  They check out each other's trash.  A good view of Matt's triangle tat on his back in that scene and going shirtless for absolutely no possible reason!! Though I can think of many!

Zed has more visions concentrating on pain, and desperation.  And you can see their chemistry here being so up close and personal.  Here we go, Constantine being wet again.

Zed: "leave when I want you and show up when I don't want you."  He tells her who he is and she's on the run and he comments on the demons, "things in your paintings are real...They answer with something far more deadly than a charcoal pencil."  Ooh I don't know, pencils can be pretty deadly.
He talks of Coblynau the spirits of dead miners.  (See later.) As well as the Rising Darkness.

He's all muddied now which will call for getting wet some more and his "piss off nothing to look at here!"  Also Constantine gets very wet in this scene and episode and oh, let's not forget the shirtless scene and dirty too with all that mud that is!  Uses his wits to ward off evil.  "Darkness is spreading everywhere."  He works alone cos that's how he works best and obviously everyone who trusts him dies.  Zed says she was waiting for him, he found her and she doesn't know exactly what he's found.

Constantine: "I suppose it would be liberating to take a leap of faith, to shrug off the burden of proof - of the promise of takes trust to turn darkness to light and those who trust risk putting their faith in their own hands.  And there are those who'll pray for you and then there are those who'll prey on you and no matter how careful you are, sometimes you just can't tell the difference."

'ere be dragons as a warning.  We get to meet Zed finally and it's a tumultuous encounter in many ways since she's been drawing him vigorously and this meeting must've struck like lightning to find him here.  Of course Constantine's taken aback by her - not just by the look s of this beautiful stranger.  But also the mystery surrounding her and more importantly her interest in him.  She could be a nemesis after all.  Yet the sparks flew between them reinforcing the producers choice in casting Angelica - that fiery temperament too.  Zed is someone who can spar with Constantine, keep him in line as much as possible; but also be that 'new' friend he needs in this Rising Darkness fight, which won't be easy.  Battles with evil never are.

Beware the Tommyknockers - three knocks back - hey I said "knocking".  Superstitious characters more like imps and are the Cornish version of leprechauns.  They first came to light when the Cornish mined the Western Pennsylvania coal mines in the 1820's.  "Knockers" aka "knackers" signified the knockers on the mine walls before cave ins occurred.  They were thought of as both good and bad.
Constantine talks of Coblynau - in Welsh myth they are also gnome-like (akin to knockers) aka mine fairies and described as extremely ugly.  In this episode the description of these is more akin to (Tommy) knockers.  Yay me being spot on again.  St Asaph: Bishop and Abbot of Elvae (Elwy) in Wales - for whom the see is named.  (Also a city in Wales.)
Heddwich, Pennsylvania is a Welsh mining town.   Hence the numerous Welsh references such as the flags, St Asaph and being set in the Welsh Barony of Western Pennsylvania.

Zed won't leave his side even if she is running away from her own past and future in some ways and he does try to put her off in all fairness.  She doesn't take the hint or advice.  Needing to know what her visions and sketches mean and yes she is mad enough to walk this path with him; someone has to and she's sassy and badass enough.
Chas has won his bet on the horses - how they earn a living.

Zed's broom will ward off evil, the on he gives her by the campsite, as long as the bristles point up.  Constantine recites St Patrick's Breastplate aka a prayer of protection.

Most of the paintings are close reproductions of the comic covers art.  Zed obviously wouldn't look mush like the comics, if at all, but her visions are the key.

Also Constantine gets very wet in this scene and episode and oh, let's not forget the shirtless scene and dirty too with all that mud that is!

Obviously with Zed and their 'bumping' into one another; of course.  "John thinks she's stalking him, she's got a picture of him that she's been drawing, and he's like, 'who is this woman?'  Then he find s out she's got some kind of that abilities going on.  He's got this case and he feels that she could be useful."

Zed in Matt's words: "she's feisty.  She's someone with this special ability, with a secretive past who's slightly tormented."  {As is he.]  But driven - John inspired her in many ways and she's also very intrigued by him and what he does.  Especially as the questions come thick and fast - not only who she is - but why was she the "chosen" one - getting visions of him now - a complete stranger and obviously the Rising Darkness would be the pointer to finding out answers about this.  [If only we could have had answers.]

As for Zed seeing stuff at the mill, Angelica's answer was entwined with a double meaning: "Zed sees more that she likes to see."  Yeah John naked!!
Her fave location was the Army surplus store in 1.10.  Her fave scene was "John and Zed on the couch.  Being real."  I won't go there!  Ha.
"Zed sees more of Constantine than he would like."  That was just in 1.2 alone!  More to come.  Her fave scene when "John turns into Zed's drawing in the pilot."

Angelica on Lucy being replaced in the pilot episode: "I don't like this whole thing of replacing people - I don't think anybody replaces anybody else.  Everybody brings their own magic to the show.  The executive producers said maybe Liv will return in season 2.  I don't think Liv was replaced - it was more of the direction of the story they wanted to go in."  That's similar to what Bruce Greenwood said for the Dirty Dancing remake when he took over Jerry Orbach's role of Dr Jake Houseman in the original movie.  Each actor brings a part of themselves to any role they play.  Be it the same character role or a new character.  No two actors can play in a scene the same way especially if those roles are relatively different.

Get the feeling season 2 may have been a little jinxed, what with everyone from the producers to Angelica mentioning it in interviews.  A case of don't count your Constantine before season 2 was actually in the works and confirmed.  It's not really a superstitious thing cos sometimes things just are fated to play out that way.

Angelica didn't like the snakes - the two boas around her in art class and she wore a dress for that scene.  Rather snakes than spiders!  "I was feeling the ice cold blood of the snakes all on my skin - one boa - didn't want to constrict."  They tied it around her waist, it fell to the floor and she thought it would bite.  It did nothing.

Angelica: "it's a crash - a crash of emotions - thoughts - a crash of everything - a big WTF moment for Zed and Constantine is such a master of talking his way out of things and manipulation...but Zed is prepared for that."

"There's big tension there.  They can't keep their eyes off of each other with everything that's going on with both of them, Zed feels protection, camaraderie and admiration for Constantine...within that it's tough when you're battling life and death and heaven and hell to have something going on there!"

The show could be classed as having two pilots as Zed had to be introduced in 1.2.  But 1.4 was the definitive ep for the show - where it all clicked and fell into place.  Reinforcing the crux of who Constantine is and these characters.  Humour masking his darkness and guilt.  Demon hunting comes at a cost and one that Constantine paid over and over and continues to do so.  But not in monetary worth - but human loss.  That at the expense of his friends too!  Everything comes down to budget and money cos money talks to networks!

Reviews from My Matt Ryan book posted here cos not everyone will read that! 

"Cold Skin" Review/Commentary

                                                                   Image result for cold skin

Cold Skin (2017)

Director: Xavier Gens

Writer: Jesús Olmo, Eron Sheean 

Starring: Ray Stevenson, David Oakes, Aura Garrido

"We are never very far from those we hate.  For this very reason, we shall never be truly close to those we love..."

The haunting opening words to the film and the tagline.

A film with a difference or just another novel on which it was adapted from based on the familiar theme of surviving in a desolate, bleak landscape.  A meagre existence.  Seen as "Friend (David Oakes) approaches the island, set for abandonment in many ways.  You have to wonder why?  Why leave civilization to ponder this fate, remaining a prisoner, deserted, alone in this God forsaken place?  Nature unknown and not just the habitat, but nature as in nature of the island.  As the weather observer, replacement, Friend, is running from his own demons, we're not told.  Though some would prefer not to know even by film's end, some of us curiously would.  Even if it is a case of thinking the reasons for ourselves.  It's not a hapless exercise if you like your movies to be thought provoking and sometimes thinking outside the box.  Why come here leaving humanity behind.  Humanity ironic in and of itself as the events are set against the backdrop of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife in 1914 and the end of the Great War.  Mass destruction of human life and way of life.

In some ways this was a reflection of those events, perhaps of what was to come.  Staving off the enemy, fighting the unknown in many ways and the loss of life.  The futility of war.  Finding the lighthouse keeper, Gruner  (Ron Stevenson) and his shocking state of existence, with the former weather observer reportedly 'missing,' having died.  No one bothered to check.  Seems this old man, Gruner is weathered, world weary and prefers to be in his own 'skin', wearing nothing at all in the beginning.  Though modesty was far from his worries.
Friend unpacking his books, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dante's Inferno, which ironically became an inferno of his own in reality.

Friend settles down to his work and things are fine, until one night he is attacked by strange creatures in his shack.  Creatures that are unseen at first, so it's a little premature to call them that since he doesn't know what he's dealing with.  Again the irony shown in not accepting the captain's gun, as he leaves him on the island; thinking he will be fine and weapons being  unnecessary.  Of course this is turned on its head.  Hiding out isn't an option.  There appears to be refuge from the attacking hoards.  Even setting up a fire barrier backfires (no pun) as his shack burns.  Then the rains came and there is some salvage to be had, you'd think in that the flames will be snuffed out.  Yet Still Gruner refuses to let him in.  Until Friend follows him with rifle in hand and holds it upon the creature: a female that Gruner has taken as his slave, in more ways than one.  Finally the ice breaks, tentatively and Friend is allowed into Gruner's realm: his lighthouse.

Friend marks the days, months on the wall and even this is futile.  An entire year is so far away and each night Gruner fights the masses, more as a way of being and remaining master of his island as he calls it.  He reels Friend into the war, his fight he wages every night with the creatures and it's almost as if he was the instigator in all this.  Not liking anything different to himself.  Not attempting to understand or see their raison d'etre.  Forcing Friend to fight and leaving him on the lighthouse balcony to do so on his own all night.  A bloody initiation into what wasn't his doom, or of his own making.  The creatures being akin to "toads/frogs."

Friend reluctant at first, showing his cowardice in some respects.  In another sense his inaction could be seen as the voice of reason.  Why should he have to fight these toads, they appear to be attempting to survive, just as the humans are.  Yet he must to 'enjoy' the safety of the lighthouse.  In some respects he too becomes Gruner's slave.  To the violence, to his fetching and carrying.

Gruner uses the toad for his own ends, slave, sex slave, pleasures of the flesh.  Beating her, ordering her around.  Submission his survival factor and instilling fear.  Friend naming her Aneris (Aura Garrido).
Earlier on, Friend reading about Darwin getting it "wrong" in the previous weather observer's log.  Depicting the toads eating the dinosaurs.  Indeed there being the remains of a dinosaur outside.  Gruner and Friend come to terms with needing each other to survive and Friend finds a rowboat which Gruner knew about.  After he constructs a makeshift boat, Aneris leads him to it. Thus showing how far the two have become in their tentative relationship.  Indicative of Friend's softening towards her and her humility.  She is more than a mere creature.

When Gruner finds Friend getting closer to his toad, he even agrees to take Friend out in the diving suit and let him get the dynamite.  Even leaving him to die underwater as he sits by and does nothing to bring him back to the surface.  Devoid of human compassion, if he had any to begin with.  Which is apparent since we see Gruner was apparently the man in the photo with the woman in the wedding photo.  With the words "love, love, love" written on the back.  Love being fleeting.

Finally everything is forgotten, Friend's reason for being here, his work.  No work is done except to survive.  As each night the hoards are fought off until the dynamite does it's deed.  Aneris has a son: Gruner's: a human/toad hybrid and Friend realizes they want a truce, yet Gruner doesn't.  He wants her back, she's defiant.  "No one leaves Gruner" he echoes and then shoots the boy toad dead with a flare.  Extinguishing new life and new hope.  Thus the struggle continues.  Only this time he leaves Friend with his unrelenting legacy; of taking his place.  Until he too becomes a mirror image of Gruner and finally his replacement arrives.  Aneris swims free, defiant.  As we leave Friend standing looking out at the boats.  His salvation, from one hell to return to another.  A World War: the end of humanity as he knew it.  But worse still.  he left one mysterious past behind and yet found the very thing on the island that he was escaping from.

The novel reflects humanity, in many ways; the ending of the First World War and how all things became about survival.  Not just survival of the fittest as far as nature goes and understanding that which is different and alien to us.  But survival of a way of life.  The struggle to exist; co-exist.  As well as a more more modern and political subtext.  A depiction of how we as humans, perceive our boundaries - psychological and how our imaginations interpret Cold Skin is eye-opening, terrifying and yet also heart wrenching.

Whilst watching I did have pangs of deja vu and perhaps I shouldn't, as this was a novel by Catalan Albert Sánchez Piño but I thought back to Armistice (2013). The short with Joseph Morgan and Matt Ryan.  How as soldiers, they fought to remain alive.  Fighting an unknown foe, not knowing why they fight, but that they must.  Even with Edward Stirling counting down the days with his marks on the wall of the house too.  The unrelenting battle to stay alive.  A war not of their making.  Just as this wasn't Friend's fight but he became a part of it as soon as he stepped onto that island.  When there is no point in making sense of the madness.  With Edward's narration of the mundane events inside the house.  Echoed in similar vein by Friend with his own narration of poetry and learned works. Counting down the days to a full calendar year.
Also how I said in Armistice how I thought the soldiers became the "undead" the very enemy they were fighting.
Yet one question was why Friend chose to rub the markings fro the wall.  Did he give up believing a year would even come for him, that he would still be around.  or was it that each night was a repeat of that before and there was no need to mark this mundane life now.

With Friend at the beginning mentioning how the captain who brought him here spoke to him "with  the kindness of an executioner."  How right he would turn out to be.  Since his fate became fight or be killed.  What was the point of it anyway.  Clearly the toads didn't want to be killed.  Yet there was no way to communicate until that massive show of strength with the dynamite strike and loss.

David gave a stunning performance in this sci-fi film, as always.  He brought out the high hopes of an innocent when he gets to the island.  Expecting a year of solitude to carry out his work.  Yet finding that turned on its head, being drawn into a conflict by Gruner.  Akin to Ferdinand being assassinated by 'disgruntled' rebels not realizing the human onslaught on an unforeseen scale their actions would bring.  Gruner being akin to the single handed assassin here.  Once he started, there was no going back.  But for a brief instance there was, before he killed the infant creature.  Ray Stevenson as Gruner portrayed the insanity of his actions in a maddening and believable way.  There is no life without love, no hope without love and no humanity without love...

Works alluded to include: When I Have Fear John Keats
Requiem: Robert Louis Stevenson.  Could see his influences here with the lighthouse, as a lighthouse is where Stevenson named his home after, Skerryvore, after the tallest lighthouse built by his uncle, Alan, in Scotland.  Also some connotations of Treasure Island seeping in.  With several allusions to Stevenson's life, including his journey to the Samoan Islands, Hawaii, Tahiti, New Zealand.
Requiem being quoted by Gruner: "
"Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will..."
I actually like films/books, anything that mentions poetry, other plays, books, etc, as this adds more to a story, more depth of character and emotions and expressing far more than something newly written on a page in terms of breaking down concepts which may be difficult to fathom or understand straightaway.

"We are never very far from those we hate. For this very reason, we shall never be truly close to those we love."  Are words from the novel, resonating in the very truth of human existence.  How love/hate are such closely resembling emotions.
 Friend is his name (no irony there?)  The creatures known as "toads."  Or rather "frogs."  Aquatic dwelling and a little grey alien in appearance.  Guessing it was just me then who took the war angle, impending war angle here. Critics have argued over the repetitive nature of the scenes, there was nothing that could be done about that as it does set up the monotony and repetition in a deserted island.  There won't be much 'fun' going on.  Yet there are dalliances into character development, with two opposites, there's only so much that can involve this continuing animosity from abating.  friend tries to understand Aneris.  Gruner uses and abuses.
Aneris is intelligent in her own right, but she chooses to return to Gruner even after her abuse. Why?  Friend reaches out to her eventually realizing who and what she really is.  Aneris too is in a struggle for survival of her own...or was it just simpler for her to be 'kept' and fed instead of fending for herself.

David in Q&A at BIFFF (Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival) 13 April 2018 said how one man was to play Nietzsche and one played Rousseau in their roles of Gruner and Friend respectively.
Plus when he was approached for the role, he got paid more after "playing hard to get".
Xavier saying he liked David's "sweet sensitivity" when he met him and he was "handsome."  That's true when you meet him for the first time: David is incredibly generous and gracious towards his fans and funny too!  I mean he was right off the bat joking about my pic of him I drew as Ernest!  Yeah David you could've done much better than me!!

As for frog creatures or créatures de grenouille:   "Very little dialogue, defies logic you have to get drawn into one two or three of their characters and want to find their journey..."
That's how I felt you have to give the film  a go and get into it without giving up at the first hurdle cos the action pretty much starts the first night he's on the island.
Said David, "it is rare, it is not normal, it is very rare that a film like this ever gets made."
"It took on characteristics of characters they were playing. It was intense filming for 9 weeks and the exhaustion on mine and Ray's face is somewhat real...the cottage and lighthouse filmed in Madrid.  And they spent 5 weeks filming in Lanzarote.

David commented on friend and his "running away from the bad side of humanity.  He can't escape it no matter how far away he runs.  If he was there as a weather observer the allegorical aspects wouldn't have the same effects..."
"The novel looks at the sexual politics of the divide and the differences between that. Gruner and Friend both as men are destructive, but he was more cyclical in nature of the human destruction basis of the tagline in the book."
And how the novel and the film are "beautiful counterpieces" to each other. As "there's a lot of the novel in the script, and we ripped the book apart" for filming.  I haven't read the novel yet and will get round to doing so. better to watch the film first, for me at least to see how they broached it and the ending.
(My silly pun: Darwin was wrong, it's not survival of the fittest but survival of the wittiest!)

David wanted to reference Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) as he loves that film.  And they wanted to echo those.  Xavier gens said that was his only influence. the Jules Verne films.  Missed out on filming in actual water but just walked on dust.  As they did in Pirates of the Caribbean.  Also referencing HP Lovecraft's Shadow over Innsmouth.

David also commentated on Brexit and needing a work permit to film in the future adding to economic costs and more complications.  "I am very proud to be a European."  The Brexit result came through while they were filming.  It saddened him.

David: "I love taking projects that are out of the ordinary."  He accepted another book project adaptation where he will be undergoing another massive challenge of filming in four different dialects.  (Mostly Eastern European.)  Which is the wonderful thing about taking on films not routine or dumbed-down for today's audiences.  In my opinion, we all need challenges and to enjoy  mystery and work out underlying themes and meanings for ourselves in different genres.  Instead of them always having to be action or prone to violence orientated!

Saturday 5 May 2018

Constantine 1.1 "Non Est Asylum" Pilot Review

                                                 Image result for constantine non est asylum
Constantine: "Believe it or not I came here voluntarily.  My name is John Constantine and I'm an exorcist.  In my line of work you just need to forget, but some you never will."

Mention of Astra and how "death - I can handle" - it's her damnation that pains him and "makes me believe" there aren't any demons.  No, but seriously those yucky cockroaches even if only one was real!
Constantine: "this is not my problem...ah bollocks!"  He's drawn back in, but should've known an asylum's where you find 'em, the creepy buggers.  Humans make for easy prey there and gathering of souls.  He reads, 'Liv Dies' on the wall.  Was his check in into the asylum intentional in the sense of subconsciously or on a more realistic level was he really was trying to extricate all his emotions and feelings from that night.  Constantine; "I've work to do."  (Similar to Dean Winchester Supernatural.)

Cue Liv and her timely comment of "I have no future."  As her fortune cookie tells her.  A massive piece of foreshadowing here for the end when she leaves, but she was taking that fortune cookie and Constantine seriously in wanting a future since this wasn't her fight.  At least in her mind, which in a lot of ways was taking the easy way out.  Meeting him later on where he reassures her, "I promise you, I'm not the one hunting you."  There's that ol' ploy where the dark shadow lurks in front of the screen so only we can see it.

Cue also Manny and how "angels murder my reputation.  Flap off!"  No, he'll only do that when he needs help or guidance.  It was angels who damned Constantine's soul to hell, along with Astra.

Constantine's hang out is Jasper Winter's millhouse.  There's another message following him around re the ambulance, WTH did I call that a med van in my notes?  Should check myself in somewhere too?? ha.  Liv can see trapped souls but Constantine can't so he needs her help.  Yeah that was practically the only thing missing from his psyche: being psychic, then pretty much he wouldn't need anyone's help at all except his bag of tricks.  He explains "there are worlds beyond ours - parallel planes of existence."  He's not bothered with why such things happen and only wants to settle his debt.
Constantine: "no one can find trouble faster than your father - literally."  Except him of course!  In response to critics too.  We see a brief glimpse of Dr Fate's helmet and also the map is mentioned.

Constantine: "it's a fine line between watching over and stalking."  He tells Manny, yeah 'stalked by an angel.'
Constantine: "what about my life?  You and yours damned me to hell."  Yeah about that, first they do that and then Manny comes here asking for his help.  That was cutting off his own nose to spite his face wasn't it.  And yet Manny doesn't do much helping him, leaving Constantine to his own devices and being 'oh so cryptic'.
Constantine: "you're suggesting that it's not too late for me to save my soul."  That was his entire purpose for turning up and right then did appear to be some form of angel manipulation.  He's damned his soul already, so there wasn't much else he could go through that would place him in mortal danger.  So why not use Constantine as an ample scapegoat or sacrificial lamb in this scenario.  He only had his life to lose in the process prematurely and what's that in the larger scheme of things.  He is only a human after all.  Nothing more, nothing less and certainly not worthy for anything more holy or deserving in the light of the heavens.
Was that too much exposition?

Touching upon Constantine's past and Newcastle.  He wishes it was him too that was taken.  Then coming back to reality with a thud; "one should never battle demons on an empty stomach."

Guard: "it's [the lightbulb] not screwed into anything."
Constantine: "neither am I mate."
Constantine comments he came from "the sordid passions of my parents."  {So when he does it, it's not sordid then?}  His mother died in childbirth and his father nicknamed him 'killer.'  Beating him up every night.  Not realizing that this isn't what his mother would approve of.  He was half hers after all.  As a teen, he found the occult and taught himself everything accompanying this.

Constantine: "I should have seen that one coming."  Oh no I said that about you Matt!

Thus Constantine encounters the demon Nergal in his own body, well not literally.
Demon Constantine: "lock eyes with your future...everyone that stands at your side dies...
your arrogance brought me to the city at night."  Well it wouldn't be during the day now would it mate!
Constantine: "the power of intention."  He explains how Nergal was the more powerful demon and took Astra instead of helping him.  Astra's the only one who could bring Constantine to tears, feeling guilt and remorse he will never be free of.  On the plus side, it's what guides him and importantly makes him stronger in his battle(s.)
Nergal was worshipped in Mesopotamia and the deity ruling over the netherworld.  As he was the god of fire and the desert, some Christian writers associated him with the devil and being a demon.

He prefers the more influential band The Pistols, omitting the 'Sex' part.  Liv's left and headed to California and Constantine put a cloaking spell on her, leaving him that infernal scrying map.  At least he has Chas and he always will be around.  Having no life of his own in some ways, but carrying the lives of many to do good!

Constantine: "my name is John Constantine - I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance.  I'll drive your demons away - kick 'em in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down.  Leaving only a nod and a wink and a wise crack.  I walk my path alone because let's be honest, who'd be crazy enough to walk it with me?"
Plenty Re the sketches, Zed for one as we'll see in 1.2.

This opening episode, as is customary - is not entitled 'Pilot' and instead refers to the asylum which gives us our first glimpse of John Constantine and as he says, he's here to undergo all sorts of therapy after not being able to save Astra.  However, he can endure pain, it's the guilt he can't live with and this causes him loads more anguish.  Showing his character immediately, in some ways, that losing even one human life (especially that of a child) affects him deeply.  Since she was also the daughter of a friend, as we'll learn later.

The first scene set in Ravenscar Asylum, North England; was mentioned in Hellblazer Issue #8 Intensive Care (1988).  A flash of sorts to 1990's Issue #11 Newcastle.  Events leading Constantine to Atlanta - modern day.  Wonder if the Raven in the name of the asylum had any bearing on the raven in 1.13 being sent to spy on him, "quoth the raven."
(Zed appeared in Issue #4 (1988)

However, as the relevant title suggests in its meaning, "there is no asylum."  Not a double meaning but it could be taken to be so here - meaning for Constantine there's no asylum since he accepted/dabbles in this dark life and took on this crusade.  So there's no refuge for him anywhere - at least not on this 'sorry' earth and perhaps not even in hell.  That's not where he wants to be either and as he tells Manny, he was damned there by angels.  As his soul faces eternal damnation - he can't catch a break.  So he figures he'll do anything to shove it up the devil and meet his dues when it happens.  As they say - "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."  Yet his good intentions didn't begin when he was little and introduced into the occult as an escape.  Master of his own destiny and fate.

As for Liv, she was meant to be his conduit - daughter of Jasper Winters: a mentor of sorts.  Constantine saves her here but then in many ways wants her gone.  Not so much driving her away since her 'visions' would be helpful to him as she sees tortured souls and the future.  As her fortune cookie shows, she doesn't have a future.  Her desire to run, reinforced by Constantine telling her to go is why she leaves the map.

Once again as I mention Supernatural - let me add - Supernatural had many allusions and references to The X-Files in its episodes and was seen as an homage to that show.  Hence who says that Supernatural can't be seen as the same to Constantine.  Even if  Constantine was a comic that came much earlier.  All shows 'borrow' plots/mythology from others at times and Constantine is a stand-alone series; the themes will be familiar and that to me is the ultimate compliment relating to both shows!
That's another reason why I love that this first episode was set in an asylum - with everything - every human/evil affliction lurking there.  Open prey and souls are ripe for the picking.

Constantine mentions the Furcifer demon manifesting itself as Constantine sees it only a sign of things to come as far as demons were concerned and viewed as foreshadowing for 1.8/9.  With the 'demon' eyes again, the same as Dean in Supernatural and he eventually became one.  However Constantine had no intentions of becoming anything so evil and had to do this in the two-parter to save himself.

Furcifer means 'scoundrel' - 'rogue' in Latin and when he shows himself to Constantine, it's in his own image and body.  His own guise/doppelganger.  In the comics, he's known as 'Demon Constantine'.  His creation apparently stemming from Constantine's 'evil' self, Nergal's blood, Aleister Crowley's soul.  [Here Supernatural fans will recall Dean and Alastair, different spelling, was the demon who made him torture souls in hell.  Crowley of course was the King of Hell.]  Nergal being the one demon who took Astra to hell; was summoned by Constantine to save Astra.  Only to be double crossed by taking her.  Nergal also damned Constantine's soul to hell when he dies.  Hence his quest for redemption.  Even though in this episode he does say it was angels who damned him to hell.  [Moot: Nergal is a demon and not a fallen anger per se.]

If Constantine could go back to the beginning he would rest all.  Not only his own life - his dismal childhood - but losing Astra and ensuring this never happened. which is easier said than done.  Thus his journey is long, arduous; with no end in sight.

The Seal of Solomon (or Ring of Solomon, in Arabic known as: Khātam Sulaymān) is the signet ring ascribed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition as well as in Islamic and Western occultism. The ring provided Solomon the power to command demons, jinn (genie), and to speak with animals.
Supernatural 1.22 Devil’s Trap 
Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses – compilation of black magic techniques.  In these, the Sixth introduces seals and magical tables revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai and eventually to King Solomon, who used them to command spirits to collect his immense legendary books.

They didn’t use the Book of Solomon again except for the circles in season 2. The Key of Solomon, mentioned by Sam is a form of protective circles used to trap demons.  The Key of Solomon or Clavis Salomonis is a medieval book about magic attributed to King Solomon.  Also used as a Grimoire occasionally.  It is believed this led to the Clavicula Salomonis, i.e. the Lesser Key of Solomon, or the Lemegeton (as mentioned in Buffy.)  These are probably rituals and conjuring in particular may have led to the development of this.  The Key of Solomon dated back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and there was even one in Greek from the fifteenth century.  The book doesn’t contain anything on the 72 spirits which were held by King Solomon in a bronze vessel known as the Pseudomonarchi Deamonum from the sixteenth century) and the Lemegeton – seal of the demons.  

Solomon wrote this for his son, Roboam.  Only those who are deemed worthy and God-fearing can use the book.  There are two books.  Book 1 has conjurations, curses and contains to ‘contain’ demons and dead spirits.  Book II has purifications, i.e. what should be worn, instruments of magic needed… also informs how to perform necromancy.  A reference to the Lesser Key of Solomon, a book of magic, aka The Lemegeton.

Devil’s Trap is a mystic symbol used to control demons, from the Lesser Key of Solomon.
See also 1.10 of Constantine in relation to the Devil's Trap.
Re Mary: Zed's real name is Mary and Anne Marie's name.  His mother's name was Mary Anne.  These names seem to have an enormous impact on Constantine's life.  (See 1.8/9/12.) (Mary was the name of Sam and Dean in Supernatural and as mentioned elsewhere John was their father.  No surprises there with him sharing Constantine's first name and being a demon hunter.  As it transpired was also Mary.

Constantine was born 10 May 1982.  As is commonplace on TV and other mediums, the date f birth of the characters is usually altered by a year/a month or 2 either way.  Matt was born 11 April 1981.  The Constantine of the comics was born 10 May 1953.  So they had to keep him closer to Matt's age in this.  At least I get to share my birthday month with Constantine!

'Eye of Horus'  - ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and good health.  Hathor is also portrayed with this eye.

Not battling demons on an empty stomach, Dean's philosophy too, explaining why he always had such a voracious appetite, taken to its logical inclusion here with Constantine.  Unlike Sam, at least we do see Constantine eat plenty and drink too showing he's every bit human and needs sustenance to survive.  (Not that our Sammy isn't human!! ha.)  Ahh Constantine also has puppy eyes like Sam and as does Matt obviously!
NB Assassins Creed: Origins has a chest with the Eye of Horus tattoo on it.  Though Matt wasn't voicing this one.

Was talking about food.  However, in contrast Constantine's diet doesn't constitute fast food or junk food - not that we saw.  He also had Chas to cook for him.  Even in 1.7? ep he opted for corn; more "safe" and healthier than what else was on offer.  However, why would someone who's an avid chain smoker be concerned with what he consumes.  It's not as if he needs to worry about a condemned man eating a hearty meal.  At least not at this conjuncture.
This food/lack of - easily made up by his love and desire for booze - an unquenchable thirst as it does drown his inner demons.  Including the thoughts he can't handle and shouldn't have to - since they'd only make him wallow further and Liv he can do without.  He can do without the distractions and he does have to contend with the notion that his time on this earth could be up anytime.  Drinking is his comfort and refuge from the thoughts of a soul earmarked for damnation.

Some Daniel Cerone pilot tweets follow:
"In the end, pairing John with a female character of our own creation just wasn't very...Hellblazer #Constantine #SaveConstantine #Hellblazer"

"We also re-shot final scene to love Liv.  originally she stuck around.  Tough call but made for better series. #Constantine #SaveConstantine."

"hah Matt Ryan's Shakespearean training really comes thru with all those damn Latin spells we give him.  #Constantine #SaveConstantine. 25/4/2015  What's Shakespeare got to do with Latin anyway, some of us need to know it too anyway for work purposes!"
But as I said he's a great all-round actor no matter what he plays.

"Stopping the rain probably the coolest VFX sequence in pilot.  My fave anyway."
[Ours too.  rain adds atmosphere; fear, romance - depending on the scene and the effects intended.]

"If we get a s2, that fate helmet will pay off in a big way in the s2 premiere.  Shh."

"Matt Ryan acting opposite Matt Ryan.  Classic #Constantine #SaveConstantine"  In the scene where he's confronted by his demon self! More like John being John in some ways.

"When NBC ordered series Goyer and I pitched restring rooftop climax, turn demon into evil John.  Much better.  #Constantine #SaveConstantine"

"But the make-up wasn't great.  we tried to fix with VFX.  Like putting lipstick on a pig.  Didn't improve..." #Constantine Pilot ep"

"So the guard in the act out.  He WAS the demon throughout the entire rooftop sequence in original pilot shoot."

"Shooting on rooftop was spectacular.  we got the eeriest joy that night hanging around us.  Better than any VFX."

"This speech John talking about abusive father and mother he never met, my favourite scene to write in pilot."

That millhouse exterior shot at Berry College in Georgia.  They own more land than any college in the US #Constantine
Hey more foreshadowing - dear Matty - as the Miller in #KnivesInHens whether you're a believer in fate or destiny; there's something to be said for these little pieces of foreshadowing?? that lead to bigger down the line in the future or just turning out to be elements of deja vu when you recall them.  But me - no recall necessary, never forget a thing!

"Since you cut down scenes in a pilot for time, sometimes all that's left is the exposition.  Painful to watch"
I say - depends on the scene, actor etc, sometimes not painful at all.

"Ugh.  So hard watching some of these scenes knowing how much we left on the cutting room floor to make time."  [Well DVD released and a shame couldn't be added!]

"Actual NYC yellow cab for Chas, despite shooting in Atlanta.  Chas - cars - not much difference."

"We shot Talia resurrecting in an ambulance on a stage.  Lowfi.  again, the old school scares working the best."

"That Eye of Horus carved in door a little too glowy for me.  Grounded cares better than digital ones."
"Harold is awesome.  Hard to use him in series cuz only John could see him. won't be an issue with a season 2."

"Once again decision was made to shoot in Atlanta, we had creativity set show in Atlanta.  Really limited us but we were stuck."

"We actually dropped all that glass from the church window on Matt Ryan.  Well it was glass made of rubber." Only 1 real cockroach was used.  [Yeah you can tell.]

"That slo mo of the inmate freaking out behind John 1 of my fav shots of pilot.  Kudos to director Neil Marshall."

"On set during pilot, 'Dr Huntoon, I presume' became a catchphrase.  Honestly couldn't tell you why."

E!News:  "during the big fight scene at the climax of the pilot episode - Ryan shows off his acting chomps in a way that's almost eerie.  Trust us when we say you'll see Ryan in a whole new light by the end of the hour...and the way he pulls off the iconic trenchcoat, white button down shirt and blue tie [red tie] Yeah we ain't mad at it."
Hey said that already!  There's just something about a guy in a mental asylum running around in his jammies, saving people - their souls, whilst quipping sarcastic retorts.  Nothing about this show spelled doom in the ratings, but when it doesn't have the opportunity to shine before being cruelly ripped from our screens, clearly there's something wrong with the state of TV in the twenty-first century.  There must be a better way to measure ratings by now - than middle America demographics!  Know what I mean - without delving into this further!

See also my Matt Ryan book at Lulu soon at other online bookstores

Monday 30 April 2018

Once Upon A Time 7.19 "Flower Child" Review

                                               Image result for once upon a time flower child
This ep about Mother Gothel (Emma Booth) where we get her backstory and how she was a tree nymph, basically good and got corrupted by, yes, humans!  Who else! As she wants to fit into the human mould and not be seen as different, but she was different.  Are we now going to get a switcheroo and have her become good or will she get her just desserts as a witch and generally bad tree nymph, she deserves them.  The way her mother gave her that responsibility now of looking after nature, which she squandered for revenge, made it sound as though she was part of, or is mother Nature.  (Even though in Tangled she was the main antagonist!  Funny after Googling for some background, found that Gothel is a name for a brothel with vampire Goths!  Right will move away from this snippet of info quickly! ha)

Henry (Andrew J West) somehow begins to believe his own book (!) and that magic could be real, telling this to Jacinda (Dania Ramirez) who remained as vacant as ever! That perhaps her glass slipper shard is really magical and really belongs to her, that they knew each other and somehow can't recall but did come together to have Lucy (Alison Fernandez).  Again it's a very fanciful notion to Jacinda, come on Cinderella was not this dense!  As Lucy gets in to see Facilier (Daniel Francis) and tells him he could be the good guy here, the hero in saving Henry and Reggie would be very grateful.  She's not picking up her phone, cos Rumples took the last piece of magic and Facilier could save Henry, thereby helping her.  He needs some other form of magic, any bit to break the curse and then they can all band together and save the rising coven of witches.  The "storm of witches" that is brewing.  Coincidentally Reggie and Rumples weren't in this ep.

Gothel now putting her plan into action to rid some more humans by brainwashing the policeman to lure Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Tilly (Rose Reynolds) into a trap, cos she just knew that they'd both come.  Also taking blood from Margot (Tiera Skovbye) to help her spell.  As she says she's a friend of Tilly's.  Margot is too trusting.  Gothel whispers how as Robin she didn't help her back then but can now.  Then tells Tilly she's her mother.  As she promptly goes to Hook.  And then to Henry who has mapped out everything he can relating to the people in Hyperion Heights and his book.  Henry telling them about magic and how his book could be real.  Policeman calls and tells them where Gothel is and Tilly wants to come in with him too.  After taking a bite of a marmalade sandwich which Hook had ready for her in the car.

Lucy and Jacinda look through storage boxes and Lucy finds the broken shoe belonging to Cinderella, spelling out that's who she is.  She takes it to Facilier who magics a spell and the glass shatters into tiny pieces winging their way back to Henry.  As Henry and Jacinda now kiss and Henry doesn't fall under the spell and die, but Lucy finds she can't recall anything of her other life.  Thus the curse isn't broken.  Henry being romantic in saying what if it wasn't love at first sight when he saw her but was already in love with her.  Personally I still say Henry and Druzella had more chemistry and would've made a better couple!

Suppose that curse has something to do with Gothel as she forces Tilly to help her otherwise she'll kill Hook, as she tells Tilly he's her father.  So that love she felt for him was cos of this.  He tells her not to help but Tilly can't lose him.  As Tilly now joins the coven of witches.  In the other realm, Gothel gets her revenge on the humans for killing her family and as she's finished them all off in that realm.  She sets her sights on other humans as in a 'land without magic thousands of years later.'

From this episode it's really difficult to see how Gothel can change and at this point in time this isn't even her intention.  It's kind of a quick turnaround where everyone suddenly believes in magic and Henry's book, whereas everyone was so adamant it was just a book and there's no such thing as magic.  Even Hook was believing even if he couldn't quite understand it.  As Naveen (Jeff Pierte) tells him everything and the impossibility of Hansel being stabbed inside his heart.  Also feel there's much more to Facilier and his ulterior motives for helping Lucy and Henry.  Surely he must've known that magic wouldn't work and true love's kiss isn't going to break this curse.  Wouldn't that be too easy and too repetitive.  Particularly as Gothel and Facilier would make some evil allies together.

7.7 Eloise Gardener was also about her and now we get another one on Gothel. Where we learned how Gothel loved the soil and always needed this when Victoria was around, being a tree nymph.  As well as being named Gardener!  Also in 7.7 how Hook needed to get that flower from her garden in order for him to be able to get rid of Rumples, being duped and here the same thing happens again as she gets the better of him once more!. 

See my review here: