
Thursday 19 May 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.22 "Only You" 5.23 "An Untold Story" Review

                                              Image result for once-upon-a-time an-untold-story photos
Emma (Jennifer Morrison) wanted to tell the world about Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) so after some snogging, she changed her mind cos she wanted to break the news to Regina (Lana Parilla) first. She'll be upset that she can't have Robin back ever, but Hook returned from the underwrold.  Well that's hardly his fault, blame Zeus.  As Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) and David (Josh Dallas) try and comfort her over losing Robin.  Zelena (Rebecca Mader) tells them she only needs her sister. Rumples (Robert Carlyle) has the crystal and heads to the clock tower, where else, to harness all of its power to make him even more powerful and in essence removing all of magic from Storybrooke. There's an earth shattering explosion and in walks Hook asking what the bloody 'ell that was.  Regina a little shocked, but tells Emma she was wrong to worry about her and they need to see what's happening.  At the tower the find it had to be Rumples and Regina tells Emma that she wants to help and shouldn't just sit this one out.  Which is right, I mean Emma may be the Saviour, but she's not exactly perfect at using her magic and knowing what to do.  Henry (Jared Gilmore) thinks he knows of a way of getting rid of magic once and for all and he finds that Violet (Olivia Steele-Falconer) is now talking to him again.

He plans to go to New York to find out what Neal was looking for when he wanted to do the same thing. They eventually find he's gone and try to track him before Rumples does.  Henry putting money into the safe in the pawn shop, well it looked like he was but of course he was being light fingered and also taking the author's pen, cos this will help him as he writes on the page and gets the crystal in his hands.  Violet goes with him as they head ot the bus stop.

The stragglers remaining behind in Storybrooke want to get back home before all magic disappears and Zelena uses her wand to open up a portal for them to leave.  Little John (Jason Burkart) wants to take Roland too but he's worried he'll leave without saying goodbye to Regina.  Zelena tells him she would want him raised in Sherwood Forest and Roland leaves an arrow tip for her which belonged to Robin.  As the last of the people go through Zelena finds she can't close the portal as something's stopping her, that was a Stargate moment and they're all swept into the portal, with Granny (Beverley Elliott) left holding the baby this time.  The crystal having an effect on magic already.

They end up in another land where there's a building which looks like an asylum (cos it was River View, the asylum building from Supernatural and other shows)  They also see a man outside and they ask him for help, but he's afraid of the Warden.  A man dressed in a strait jacket, it was a strait jacket shows up and zaps them all.  They find themselves in a cage and Zelena can't use her magic.  The Doctor aka the Groundsman (Hank Harris) tells them he can't let them out as he doesn't have the key and will come back later.  Zelena tells him her wand is broken and she needs to fix it.  The potions are in the lab which the Warden (Sam Witwer) keeps.  He will try and takes the wand.  They were trusting seeing as it's the only thing that'll get them back.  In said lab the guard feeds him his serum and he transforms into Hyde.  Of course we know it's Jekyll and Hyde and the Doctor is the one and the same.  Hyde pays them a visit and has a diabolical plan to get out of this realm.  Yeah another villain with delusions of grandeur and setting his sights on Storybrooke.

In the lab the guard and Hyde try to fool Jekyll into thinking he actually foiled his plans and he takes the wand to them and lets them out.  He wants to go with them and he's finally found a way to separate the two personalities inside himself, with the flowers he was collecting.  He injects himself and is released into two, as the others are told to run.  Apparently Hook hasn't heard of Jekyll and Hyde as Snow figures out that's the book he's from.  As he tries to kill Jekyll, they return and Zelena zaps him with her magic.  But Hyde also opens a portal later and takes Pandora's box from Gold.

They end up in a place which looked like the market place cum tavern from other seasons and Jekyll tells him this is a land where all gather from different realms.  They find they can't get out and Hyde catches up with them. It's the land of untold stories.  Okay so guess we all saw the separating the good and evil sides as applying to Regina coming, since she's talking about the Evil Queen again and that foreshadowing always has to take place.  It's like they're going round full circle cos that's how we started out in season 1, with the Evil Queen.

How could Emma not realize Henry would head to New York and not Boston, as she put GPS on his phone which leads them to Boston.  Regina gets frustrated and fireballs his phone, Emma thinking her feelings about her were confirmed and that she is still raw after Robin.  Regina does a location spell using some of Emma's blood and by the look on Emma's face you'd think she wasn't able to stand a pin prick!  They locate him in New York, seems Emma doesn't know Henry as well as she think she does.  Regina realizes the crystal has made it possible for magic to exist outside of Storybrooke, but it did anyway didn't it.  Zelena was using magic when she was Marion, and she used magic when Gold was in hospital.  Anyway minor plot hole aside, Emma and Regina trail Henry back to Neal's apartment which it seems hasn't been cleaned out, but Robin had it, so unlikely it would've been.

Regina still ruing Robin and finds a Robin Hood Myths and Legends book she gave him which he had brought here with him.  Emma searches on the computer and Regina finds a letter from Robin telling her how proud he is of her embracing the good life and the good within her.  So she begins to doubt if she really is cos she has a dilemma, if she becomes the Evil Queen again then she'll lose Henry and her friends, but being good hasn't helped her much, especially in the true love stakes. Emma traces Henry to the library and even has to say the name out loud cos she's just saved Gold the trouble of finding him.

At the library Henry finds there are plenty more storybooks written and there are many worlds out there.  Which shouldn't have been anything new cos they already knew there are other magical realms.  He finds one which shows where Snow, David, Zelena and Hook are right now, but no one pays any attention of course cos they don't know.  Henry gives up and then Violet spots the grail and tells him about how it might help.  Too late though as Gold arrives, puts them to sleep and takes the crystal.  When Emma and Regina arrive Henry tells them he didn't find anything as he's hidden the grail and still wants to remove all magic.  Gold returns to the hotel and orders food but he only wants the sterling silver tray for his spell.  You'll recall, Belle in the box (ha) was taken through the portal and ends up with Hyde in the same realm as the others.

Regina and Emma spot the big storm cloud surrounding the hotel whilst the people didn't give it a second thought, must be global warming.  They hatch a plan for Regina will distract him and Emma will steal the crystal.  Regina and Emma have lost their power.  Emma only now reading Granny's message about the others being in another realm, which means they need magic to get them back. Regina thought she fooled him in to thinking he needed her help but he realized Emma was after the crystal and magicked it away from her.  Too late cos Henry shows up and in the middle of it all he zaps the crystal into the grail, thus destroying all magic.  Oops he didn't listen about the others being trapped!  Emma spoke to Henry about how their lives were perfect here but then Hook found them and brought them back.  As Regina and Rumple head to the Dragon's (Tzi Ma) shop, you know the one August went to see.  He tells him he won't help him but will help Regina cos she's good now and has overcome that evil struggle.

Henry figured out if they made wishes in the fountain by throwing pennies in then they could make the portal appear, only it didn't work, so he got everyone there to throw in pennies and suddenly in the other realm is was raining pennies and hey presto a portal opens and gets them all back to New York,  of course no one noticed Gold going through the portal and Hyde was too late to come through.  They make a deal Hyde'll give him info on how to get Belle back if he gives him                 something in return.  Oh and apparently the crowd think Henry is some crazy magician who was playing a trick but Emma tells him for one moment he had them all believing in magic.

As Regina wallows some more, Snow brings her coco and adds some magic ingredient, probably stole Hook's flask!  ha.  She tells him Hyde and Jekyll separated so there's some serum left over and she can destroy the Evil Queen from inside of her once and for all.  Emma helps and after much soul searching she brings her out.  Being threatened she's too cowardly to go through with it.  But Regina does grab her heart and turns it to dust, only nothing is permanently destroyed as we'll see.  So it was back home and Emma finally telling Hook she loves him before there was anymore drama and cue wedding dress in ye old shoppe window behind them, hint hint.  Violet tells Henry her father's still here cos he was the original Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court! So she'll be here too, kiss kiss!

Also Hyde is in Storybrooke cos guess what, he got it from Gold in return for Belle.  Hyde telling Regina "evil is not as easy to destroy as you think."  Which is what, an oxymoron or some silly statement cos they have destroyed evil, that is the crux of all fairytales: to destroy evil and to 'live happily ever after.'  Only in this show it ain't!  Suppose that's why Jekyll wanted to separate Hyde from himself cos he couldn't very well kill him or destroy him, perhaps the same with Regina. With the amount of times they mentioned happily ever after it was bound not to happen, cos at the end of the day or the book, the show's better with evil and since Zelena also reformed, they can't really have her go back to that again, that'll be too much of a repeat of Regina and the Evil Queen.  However Regina will always have that streak in her, even if she's removed it from her.  Also the entire premise of the show was the Evil Queen, so they won't do it any justice by having her killed.  Wonder if they'll still do flashbacks next season.  Oh I should add Zelena was more "wicked" than evil!

Still we got plenty of violins in play everytime they showed Hyde, it's not like it was some hopeless romantic scene, oh wait the Evil Queen can get together with him and not just as a powerful ally, maybe romantically.  Ha.  They'd have plenty of enemies to destroy.  Love it whenever they get Regina to say "destroy", oops I mean the Evil Queen to say it cos once again that's how we came into season 1, she was out to "destroy you if it's the last thing I do!"  As she kept threatening Snow et al.  Also it seemed David was the only one who openly welcomed Hook back, maybe it was their heart to heart talk they had in the underworld when they decided they would get Snow back by chnaging the name on the headstone.

Oh I think it strange (not really) that when I wrote my Quantum Leap book, I wrote about references to Alice in Wonderland and Jekyll and Hyde and lo behold I see the same transpiring in OUAT!  Some kinda coincidence that or what?  Ha.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Mysteries Of Laura 2.16 "The Mystery at the End of the Watch" Review

                                              Image result for mysteries of laura the mystery of the end of the watch
Jake (Josh Lucas) rushes to find that Laura (Debra Messing) is okay and Santiani (Callie Thorne) was the one who was killed.  She has to break the news to Justin (Lewis Grosso) Santiani's son and also Meredith (Janina Gavankar) finds the bullets could have gone either way cos the killer didn't compensate for windshift.  So they think Laura is the target, as Jake watches the video of the shooting over and over.  Laura tells him the only one that is the possible threat is Chun (Louis Ozawa Changchien)  At the holding cells, they find Chun escaped by swapping his ID bracelet with another prisoner, Calvin Wo (Jake Choi).  He tells Meredith he was scared and when he asked he just went ahead with it, cos the last person who argued with him, his wife, got killed.  He doesn't know where he is or wants to know.  Laura recalls Chun's baby photo on the phone and telling her he's ten days old.  As well as knowing that each hospital has different blanket designs for babies.  This one belongs to Brooklyn.  Max (Max Jenkins) checks out all births within 12 days and they narrow it down to one woman who hasn't listed the father's name, which also gives them an address..

Meredith tells Laura she and Billy (Laz Alonso) will go cos they can't let her out.  When they arrest him, Chun tells him he didn't order the hit on Santiani but there was a hit on her, which leaves Laura in the clear.  Meredith worries about Max cos he hasn't cried at all or shown any emotion.  Jake thinks she doesn't have many cases here so maybe the case goes back to Santiani's old precinct as well as it being personal, putting her ex, Vince (Scott Cohen) into the picture.  Laura and Billy go to Justin's grandmother's (Mercedes Ruehl) house to speak with him but find he's missing.  Probably been kidnapped by Vince as he's left his phone.

                                         Image result for mysteries of laura the mystery of the unknown caller
Jake tells Laura to go home cos she's been awake since the press conference.  She needs to see the kids and spend as much time with them as possible.  Laura tells him Santiani had tickets to Florida for Justin to see the space centre and now she won't get to take him.  Jake tells Billy he's going to take the plunge and ask Jennifer (Jenna Fisher) to marry him, life's too short and especially after his health scare, he doesn't know how long he's got but he was honest with her.  Billy thinks it's too soon to ask but he understands.  He could be next very soon.  Lucy's (Debby Ryan) been looking after the twins and has them ready for school as well as keeping the house in order.   Laura's grateful for her being here.  She's so sad and then recalls that Santiani kept tabs on Justin at all times with his bracelet.  She tells Meredith to access Santiani's computer, but they need a password.  Laura thinks she still kept the password she was issued with and she finds Justin's location.

Jake goes in as a gas man checking the meter and Vince tells them he didn't do it.  He was worried about Justin so he had to take him.  Justin tells Laura he's here voluntarily.  His father loves him and wouldn't hurt him.  Also at Vince's apartment they find a payment plan for 300K which they think could have been for the shooter he hired.  Laura's comment on whether Jennifer's seen his bachelor pad yet.  Jake tells him to take a polygraph and Laura tells him they're asking the wrong questions.  Jennifer personally accompanied their own polygrapher and she tells Jake she was worried when she heard an officer was shot and blabs a lot.  As Laura watches them.  Laura asks Vince if he feels guilty about his wife's death and he does.  He used to watch out for the Nolan brothers at the docks and he missed a shipment on his watch they used to skim from, so he owed them and they       demanded it now.  They had a relative on the NYPD who got a payment and death benefits and so they hurried along the process, threatening Justin next.  He loved his wife and loves his son.

Max finds info on the brothers and they make Vince wear a wire and lure them in when he pays them a percentage back.  Laura recalled Santiani's words and made him wear a wire where the sun don't shine, arresting the brothers.  Justin's grandmother agrees to let Vince look in on Justin cos she doesn't want him losing another parent.  As the precinct says farewell to the  Captain with a radio call to "Captain Santiani; Central to Captain Santiani...Captain Santiani end of watch.."  As Josh said that's how they say goodbye to a captain in real life too.  All very poignant, just as she and Laura were becoming friends.  Laura hated how she did things like her too, which is why they didn't get on.

Jake asks Billy to wish him luck and Billy also tells Laura what he's going to do.  Laura goes home and cries and Lucy tells her to "seize the day by the balls!"  But sadly, the day has ended into night and when she gets to the NBC Observation Deck (obviously) she finds him already at dinner.  She tells him that he treated her like hell and well she's sorry as she did the same but she's still in love with him.  He tells her she took this long to tell him.  Laura wants him to throw the ring out of the window and come home to her bed and never leave!!  They kiss and what an awful long kiss that was, phew...!!  Jennifer walks in asking if there's anything she can do and we spot the ring on her finger, he's already proposed, wow thought he would've waited til later, you know the night was still young and all that!

No to nitpick but, er, Jake you kinda 'cheated' on Jennifer already by kissing your ex after you're already engaged!  So it was with great trepidation that we heard on 14th May that NBC had cancelled the show!!  Spoilt sports and all that, to put it mildly!  How the hell do you not renew even just to give fans closure.  We didn't want blood, just a few eps like 6 even, to finish off and give the show a perfect ending we always wanted, after the actors and fans invested so much emotion into the show. Seems no other Network wants to pick it up and finish it off either.  Hey Netflix how about it??  Just so we fans can have some closure!  It was sad wasn't it, they lose a Captain, say goodbye to her and then we have to say goodbye to a show we love!  A double whammy for us!

Would've been good to see what would've happened next, would Jake leave Jennifer, would they walk around each other's feelings again, would Jake take over as Captain once again...oh NBC how we hate you!!

Debra Messing tweeted: "Let's just say Jake called off the engagement and ran to Laura and lived happily ever after."
Josh Lucas: "..and that Jake and Laura then retired from the NYPD, sold the house, moved to a small cabin where the twins fish daily."  And they make dairy product!!  @Jake and Laura's Ice Cream Perfection.'  What I had to say that to stop myself from blubbing!!

On the cancellation Debra tweeted: "My dear Diamonds our story has ended but it was a joyous story to tell. We are all so grateful to you for your love." #DiamondsForever

Josh: "Truly I'm grateful to all the friends and supporters of @NBCLaura  @DebraMessing is an amazing costar our cast and crew were blessed Thank you!"

Mysteries of Laura 2.15 "The Mystery of the Unknown Caller" Review

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A man on the run calls Laura (Debra Messing) and is shot as he steps inside a shop.  Laura gets the voicemail as Meredith (Janina Gavankar) asks her how it's going with Jake (Josh Lucas).  She gets her to narrow down the sounds from the call and knows exactly where he is.  In Brooklyn cos of the shop bell where she and Jake used to come for calzone.  They find his DB and take photos before she has to call it in cos it's not in their jurisdiction.  Especially when she finds out her sister, Lucy's (Debby Ryan) involved.  She gets a meter maid, now known as Traffic Agents or something to keep an eye on the CS until the police arrive.  She sees her father, Leo (Robert Klein) and asks about Lucy, who tells her after Laura tricks him.  She calls the man with the ride and asks him if she can go along cos it's hard to carry weed on planes.  She finds Lucy and chases her to the escalator and stops it.

Lucy doesn't have anything to say but Laura tells her to come clean cos she wants to look out for her. Taking her in, she again doesn't have much to say but owns up about selling off pharmaceuticals.  Det Malcolm Harris (Tate Donovan) from the 88th precinct wants the case to himself cos it's his homicide Billy (Laz Alonso) and Meredith find the truck that Lucy and her boyfriend had customized, after Jake and Harris question a man at a garage who works on drug kingpin Chun's (Louis Ozawa Changchien) car.  telling them Lucy picked up the truck so she was in on it, just as Jake said she would be.  Leo comes in to talk with Lucy and he and Laura argue over her not telling him about Lucy.  He wants to see his client and tells her he passed the bar in Guam and Nevada. Santiani (Callie Thorne) lets him see her.  After telling Harris that he and their precinct will wok together cos it's their narcotics case, but he'll work with Jake and not Laura.

Santiani and Laura question Lucy about the money but Laura wants to slap her around, Santiani telling her not in their precinct a sister can't slap another sister.  Lucy admits she stole the money but her boyfriend spent half.  She's free to go cos she wasn't Mirandized and Laura cuffed and questioned her, as Leo told her.  The money's at Leo's place.  Laura says they have an inside man and that's Lucy who meets with Chun and tells him she's got a buyer, and she's willing to buy all the $5 million worth of drugs.  He arranges a meet at JFK Gate 37.  So she actually has to got through the gate and can't carry any weapons.

Meredith leaves a gun for her at the toilet and Santiani puts a friend app on her phone so she can locate her at all times, which she uses for her son.  But Laura's intercepted before she can reach the loo and told to get into a garbage trolley.  They lose her and Harris sees the janitor out the window. Laura buys the drugs and will need her phone to make the payment transfer, as she notices Chun's newborn baby's photo on his phone.  Santiani locates her as soon as she turns one her phone and they make the arrest.  Santiani wants Laura at the press conference cos she's not doing this alone.  As the others watch from the bar, a shot is fired and one of the detectives is shot.  Obviously it was Santiani and not Laura, as Jake rushes to find out who it is.

Yet more side-stepping the issues as neither one of them admits their feelings.  Okay it was actually Laura who needed to admit to Jake first that she's no longer with Tony and with each little detail leading up to this and to her own admissions of how she really fells about Jake, just kept getting pushed aside.  Until he met Jennifer and now wants to take things further with her.  Should've seen the obvious signs especially as when he asked Laura earlier an ep if she was perfect for him, it was like asking for her permission really.  Like giving her a chance to admit her feelings, or forever hold her peace!  Also Laura seems to be settling in with Lucy too as she hangs around and pinky swears she wants to get to know her nephews.

Saturday 14 May 2016

The Vampire Diaries 7.22 "Gods and Monsters" Review

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As they find a way to break into the Armoury, with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) having several plans to put into motion, beginning with blowing up the doors and when that doesn't work he starts by wanting a plane and a pilot.  Caroline (Candice King) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) drive away from Bobbie (Kat Graham) but she uses sirens on Matt's (Zach Roerig) car to catch up to them.  Damon says all they need to do is to get the twins to siphon Bonnie's magic to open the door and undo the spell.  But Caroline doesn't want that since they're only 3 and they should have a normal childhood, telling Stefan about how she grabbed hold of Caroline's arm when she took a backpack at a birthday party.  Stefan tells her to do what she wants cos she's their mother.  She thought it would just be the three of them on the run.

Bonnie won't let Matt help her even if he can and they find the road's blocked and the flight was cancelled cos of the storm, so they couldn't think about hiring a plane like Damon was going to. Stefan drives back towards Bonnie and Matt undoes his rope in time and makes her swerve the car, crashing in the process.  His leg is caught and she leaves him stranded cos it's not his fight and he's human.  Matt tries to free himself but can't.  Enzo (Michael Malarkey) goes to see Virginia (Aisha Duran) for info on what exactly is in the vault and we don't get to hear what it is.  He kept that to himself.

Caroline later calls Alaric (Matt Davis) and tells him the same and he wants them to help cos they haven't seen her in a week and she needs to be here for them, he doesn't want her to not ever see them again.  Stefan foils Damon's plane plan since he knows he was going to kidnap them from Dallas, but he says he would've spoken with Alaric.  He tells Caroline they need to talk about it and decides to bring them.  Stefan thinks Caroline is thawing towards him but she says she's not and Valerie's missing so they can't use her for the spell.

The twins open the door and Damon and Stefan go in, but Damon wants to go alone.  He says he was right that he shouldn't have left Stefan back then and he was afraid.  Stefan telling him he was more afraid of not having Elena around cos of what he'll do without her.  He wants this chance to go in there alone and not be afraid and he closes the vault door behind him.  Enzo calls Bonnie and tells her to chase him, finally catching up to him at the cabin, where he wants to have a last meal with Bonnie. She can't though and shoots at him, all over the cabin, breaking the guitar and also she wants him to resist and fight her off, which was quite a funny scene, but he can't.  Damon finds the Everlasting in a van and he sets fire to it eventually.  Just how many lighters does Damon carry with him, ha. Especially for someone who doesn't smoke, but that scene was reminiscent of Supernatural where Dean's lighter gave out on him too.  He gets the lighter going and just like that Bonnie's cured and Enzo's alive.

Damon calls them and she does thank him, he was hoping Enzo was finished by now.  He then hears Elena and doesn't come out of the vault.  Even when Bonnie tells him she's in a warehouse in Brooklyn; just wondered what would happen if that warehouse went up in smoke, you know, just a thought, ha.  They can't get into the vault cos it's locked and they need someone from the Armoury. Alaric and Caroline part ways cos she loves Stefan and not him and she should stay behind, but she gave him so much over those three years and they will always be a family.

Bonnie arrives and says Enzo was with her, as he walks into the vault by himself and closes it behind him.  At this point, have to ask did Enzo do that on purpose since he was the only one who knew what sort of a monster was in there, cos they could've been out of there ages ago.  However Damon's been affected and tells Enzo it doesn't hurt at first, as he's taken over too.  When the others enter after Alaric overrides the codes in a week, there's no one there.  Caroline writes in her diary for Elena, about Damon and also Stefan does too, not being able to find them.  As they get reports of missing people all over the state, 20, 40, 60.  It must be them as Damon and Enzo go on their killing spree and relish every moment of it.  Matt leaves cos this isn't his fight and he needs to be there for the fights that are his, after getting a visit from Penny's (Ana Nogueira) ghost when he was unconscious in the truck.  She tells him to live cos it's not his time to come with her.

Once again we get a big bad for season 8 that's into manipulation and killing, so what else is new.  We need something different and more explanation on the Armoury.  Why weren't Bonnie et al looking through the Armoury's records and books and it looked like Bonnie was the only one doing anything, with the others just making diary entries.  Though once again it was unfair on Bonnie, she only just found Enzo and they take him away again.  Not to mention Damon too.

Friday 13 May 2016

Longmire 4.7 "Highway Robbery" Review

                                                 Photo Credit: Lewis Jacob/Netflix
Walt (Robert Taylor) asks for his blue shirt, not the ones in the drawer, but the other one and he's told it's where it will be.  Okay any excuse to see Rob shirtless now, but almost weekly!!  He wakes and find he's dreaming.  At work he puts away some books and looks at the cover of the Poems of John Donne.  Knew that poem would feature eventually as it did at the end of the ep.  He also lies down in the jail cell too.  Travis (Derek Phillips) finds a bloodied man on the side of the road and he calls Walt.  When he arrives at the location, he leaves him a note and he drives up to him and another car. Travis is all bloody now too and he has the survivor of the robbery in his car.  The other man's, Peter's been shot in the head and he tells him that the Vic was stopped by two men in the car and was shot; as he tried to foil them.  They took Jerry's (David Dean Bottrell) crutches and Travis calls him a "cripple" which Walt tells him is wrong when he asks.

Walt has Vic (Katee Sackhoff) take Travis's statement and he also gives Walt the notes he made, as Walt takes Jerry back to his home.  Vic asks him where all the blood is from and he thinks he probably got it from one of the Vic's or both.  Ferg (Adam Bartley) must break the news of his son's death to he father, Thomas Hoyt (Max Gail).  For this, Walt gives him the keys to the charger cos he can't drive up in his Trans Am.  His father thinks more of Jerry than he does of his own son, cos he was in prison and he wouldn't have gotten through it if Jerry hadn't got him released, paroled early. Jerry was a family friend.

Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) picks up the 'Hector Lives' sign and finds Mathias (Zahn McClarnon) at the place.  He tells him he thinks Henry's taken over Hector's job since he was the one who took it from him.  But Henry plays dumb.  He's here to leave a note and he reads it cos he doesn't believe him.  Suppose it's a note about Gab and her ordeal.  Mathias's job is made more difficult now and less people go to him, so he hopes Hector can get this one sorted out.  Henry wants to take boxing lessons and he warms up with Walt who asks him about dreams.  He wants to know traditional dream analysis like his grandmother used to do, and not Freudian.  Henry asking him questions like which spirit animal he's seeing but Walt isn't.  He thinks Walt needs a psychiatrist's help as Henry punches him on the nose.

Ferg asks him what happened and he says it started bleeding.  Walt ends ups seeing Donna Sue (Ally Walker) at her clinic and it's not an emergency as such but he gets in anyway.  Apologizing to her for jumping to conclusions about the drugs and that she was involved.  It's not much of an apology and she does accept it, saying he can leave now.  He didn't get up the courage to ask her out, as Ruby (Louanne Stephens) told him to, as he's been Googling her pics on the Net!   That's like having it bad! ha.  But Donna Sue called it like being at school, when he later sees her at the church and asks her to dinner.  She replies he wasn't apologizing back then, but he was sort of in the back of his mind.  She refuses dinner, cos she sees enough big men and having to tell them to handle their emotions and she doesn't want to do the same with him in her personal life.  Well that was embarrassing.

Walt stops in at the police station and finds the report on the shooting of a shop clerk Jerry. Pete shot was Jerry  Well as son as we heard that knew it was him behind the shooting all along and no wasn't buying his forgiveness act either.  I mean Pete took away everything from him when he shot him and the only reason he'd help him out of prison was for revenge.  He asks Walt if he'll take him to the shooting site so he can plant a cross there.  More like ulterior motive.

Mathias tells Walt about three other people who were attacked and robbed of their casino winnings and he needs his help cos they won't talk.  Walt visits Joe Lone Elk (Patrick Gallagher) with him who tells him he took out a loan at the casino and gambled, losing his money.  He should've paid it back straightaway cos he was robbed.  Travis takes out a loan at the casino as a confidential informant for Walt, off his own bat, and says the transaction took place in the men's room and he saw the man was wearing blue ostrich boots, he saw him at the craps table too, it was Darius (Joseph Daniel Avila).

Walt calls on him in the bar but he denies any loansharking going on at the casino, let alone in the bathroom which would be illegal and unhygienic.  So how's Travis going to pay his loan back then considering Vic can't keep anything to herself, giving him info on the case.  Walt is practically verbally abused by Travis's mother cos he didn't give him the job and he wants him to clarify his notes about the car.  As he recalls Jerry referred to their car and it wouldn't have happened if he had his own car, then Jerry wouldn't have to get a ride with him.

Cady (Cassidy Freeman) decides to help out at the Res and any cases she can offer her legal services cos she's tired of wasting her education and not doing anything worthwhile.  Mathias gives her the files and probably is expecting to see her smile on the other side of her face when she finds it all overwhelming and gives up.  Henry is now reading a book about tooth extraction and also buys a pair of fine pliers. A s wella sgettign the photos of the man who raped Gab from Cady.  He's got serious business in mind, as we know from last ep.

Walt finds Jerry digging at the site of the shooting and he knows he's not looking for a better place to put the cross.  He has his own car which he says he got out of the shop and Walt knows he killed Pete.  He didn't forgive him and he also digs up the gun and his wallet.  He was going to use the $3,000 for his medical bills.  Walt tells Ferg to pick up his car and the prisoner inside.  As he calls Ruby and tells her to send help in the form of Donna Sue.  He opens up about killing a man, namely Barlow but he's not happy about it.  He has regrets but he deserved it and unlike Jerry he can't forget about it.  She tells him if he deserved it, and Walt didn't do anything illegal then he did nothing wrong.  As Walt recalls John Donne and his, "all death diminishes me" line from 'o Man Is An Island. He doesn't feel that way and he has started to dream as well.  She drives away and then stops for him cos he doesn't have a car.  Oh someone would've come along eventually!

Guessing these women see Walt as high maintenance rather than a challenge, but that's what's so good about him, he's unpredictable, not your normal routine kinda guy, which is what's appealing about him.  He's experienced (no don't ask how much and what in!  Ha) and most of all, he's lived. That scene where he asked her out was so sweet and painful too!

Oh and Monte Ford (Stephen Louis Grush) turns up again at the casino, seems he's mounting a stake out of his own on the sheriff and most likely his department and way of doing things.  Ferg even lets in on how Walt is secretive and does things his own way.  So he's going to be the new thorn in his side and even more so since he finds out Zachary actually got the job.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Mysteries of Laura 2.14 "The Mystery of the Political Operation" Review

I'm sorry but am I good or am I good, as soon as I saw Valeria I said the wife did it!!  Well wasn't too hard to tell!

Laura (Debra Messing) monitored crowd outside and they think shots are fired and Laura can only shout "Jake!"  He's too far away to hear you!!  And what if he'd had been hurt again, don't think could've gone through the agony of the season 1 finale again.

48 Hours Earlier 
Anyway as Laura deals with her son putting peanut butter on his head to remove chewing gum, Id have thought she'd be more concerned how he managed to get that on him.  Alicia (Alysia Joy Powell) asks if she's told Jake (Josh Lucas) yet about Tony and well we know the obvious answer to that one and it's the one which states that we'll have it dragged out as long as possible!! Santiani (Callie Thorne) calls her about a case where the Second Precinct must protect a Cuban dignitary and she tells her that her finest was asked for the detail, which was actually Jake and not Laura as she was thinking, she got roped in cos she's his partner.

Carlos Hernandez (James Martinez) and his wife, Valeria (Marta Milans) will be speaking at the UN but before that will have some other engagements, like visiting the gallery and attending an interview with Anderson Cooper.  As Laura meets him and tries to entice him with pizza slices, cos you gotta eat NY pizza!  Or should I have said, when in New York.  Funny bit where they get Jake to pronounce Hernandez as if Josh wouldn't really know how to say that really, for obvious reasons. They gave him quite a few Cuban/Spanish names to say.  Carlos received death threats and no one wants the heir apparent to the Cuban presidency to live, as he represents a progressive Cuba.  As crowds have gathered outside the consulate in protest.  What were they protesting about anyway if he wants to make better changes.

Carlos's bodyguard, Garcia (Luis Moreno) refuses to let him out of his sight and won't give up the diplomatic pouch, which would have a part to play in the ep, it was like the bag had a character all of its own.  Valeria fusses over him and as does his press woman Liz (Alysia Reiner) so there were plenty of suspects once again.  As Liz also tells Yasiel (Elliot Villar) not to wear a paperclip as he's lost a cifflink, another clue as always.  What they had a shortage of cufflinks now.  She gets Jake and Laura to change their clothes, though it was Laura who ended up in the black dress, Jake didn't even get a tie and got to wear his jeans still.  Yes I was expecting a tie.  But hey he didn't even make any comments about her dress or how she looks, so either he was keeping his tame comments to himself or he just didn't want to rock the boat any longer now she's with Tony, but isn't with Tony.

Carlos asks Garcia to leave after he stops a waiter from pulling out his phone for a selfie and Carlos sends him for a walk.  Laura gives him her number, but he takes the diplomatic bag with him, don't know why if it's meant to have state secrets in it.  Santiani calls Laura telling her that Garcia has been killed and the bag is missing.  Laura asks Billy (Laz Alonso) if they found his phone and some hurried questions, but they didn't.  However he does have GPA on the phone and they assume it's a mugging.  They find a signal which Meredith (Janina Gavankar) and Billy chase up, but it's actually a man running up the fire escape of a building.  They can't open the bag but gather the phone is inside the bag.

Santiani says they can't open the bag but Laura needs the phone cos Garcia made all his notes on it. Jennifer (Jenna Fischer) arrives to help out as the ADA she can advise them on correct protocol.  They can't open it and it's all locked, but if there's a bomb threat or imminent explosion then they can, as Laura dials his number.  The bomb squad retrieves the phone and Laura finds out there was info on Carlo's assassination, which seemed to be days away.  But Carlos refused to back down, even wanting to attend the interview for which they're both prepared by Liz.  She gives Valeria waterproof mascara incase she needs to cry which will a good thing.  Laura and Jake accompany him to the studio, but a man comes at him, with a butterfly bladed knife. They can only think of Sergei who gave them phones to use here and runs a company.

The protestor tells Billy he's an Astro-turf protestor, one who is hired to protest.  Billy speaks with him in Cuba and realizes he doesn't know the Cuban slang.  He was just hired by someone.  They think the consulate must be bugged and Billy and Meredith conduct a search and find that Yasiel's phone beeps, as does Liz's.  They need to take them to a safehouse, which just happened to be Laura's house where they eat pizza.  Valeria tells Laura that she's married to Jake and she looks like she still has feelings for him.  Laura tells her they're not together.

Carlos is speaking at the UN so they must plan meticulously for this as he refuses to backdown and be intimidated.  Meredith tells Laura over the walky-talky to tell Jake already otherwise she'll lose him to Jennifer.  Laura only just finding out from Alicia that they've been out three times together at least and she was thinking ii was only one.  Oh Jake gets to wear a suit and tie now!!  Laura and Santiani are in a swanky hotel which overlooks the UN and the others are on duty below.  As Laura sips a mocktail, she spots a man on the roof who Meredith heads to.  As Jake arrives in the car with Carlos they hear shots and she tells Jake to duck and is worried for him, but they're all fine.  Quickly heading into the building, as Meredith finds the man doesn't have a gun.  He was changing transformers and Sergei asked him to disrupt the speech as he wanted to make a stock takeover.

Laura watches the news coverage of Carlos's speech and Jake grabs the remote to look at all the camera angles cos she spots Liz giving him a new glass of water, which is cloudy and Jake finds her putting something they assume is poison in his water.  When they arrive, they're too late as Carlos is in hospital and Jake realizes she was giving him medicine cos he has a heart condition just like Jake does, that's why he's nervous and shaky.

At the hospital Carlos is in surgery and Valeria waits for him, but doesn't look very upset and Laura recalls she was a wreck when he was there.  She takes out the mascara and puts it on as Laura wonders why she'd need it now.  Then spots the cufflink in her bag.  She was having an affair with Yasiel and wanted Carlos out of the way, as she'd also be able to rule.  He was going to use blood thinner in his blood so it wouldn't clot.  Billy also recalls 'El Pintor' is also Spanish slang for 'scratched paint' which also applies to a cheating woman in Cuban.  So she had to kill Garcia.

Drinks are on Billy and Laura thanks Jennifer for helping out and asks her for drinks too.  Though how she was going to do that and actually go along seeing Jake with someone else is anyone's guess. Meredith looks at her and tells her she has to let him know.  At the bar, as they play their fave darts again, Jake asks Laura what she thinks of Jennifer for him.  She calls them a perfect fit.  She sees he's finally moving on, or at least he's trying to, cos we know he just wouldn't get over Laura so quickly and she's just letting it all fester.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Mysteries of Laura 2.13 "The Mystery of the Dark Heart" Review

                                               Image result for mysteries of laura mystery of the dark heart
A man listens to Blondie's Heart of Glass in his apartment when he's stabbed from the back.  Laura's (Debra Messing) making Valentine's day cups for the boys and gets her hand burnt by a glue gun, as Alicia (Alyisa Joy Powell) wants to know her plans, she's saved by the phone, as Jake (Josh Lucas) calls her.  At the apartment she finds that the floor is buckled and should be treated nicer than that, Renaldo (Marc Webster) adding that the floors could do without blood as well.  Jake also wishing her Happy Valentine's Day, ahh would've thought that was their day!!  Or was that me being too cheesy.

Laura looks inside the mouth of the DB and then finds chocolate foil wrapper on the floor, as Jake finds a box of chocolates with a rat inside, not a real rat and Laura says they didn't come from the same box.  Then think back to the serial killer, the St Valentine's killer, but he's dead and the case was handled by her former captain, Hauser (Enrico Colantoni) back in the '90's.  Laura was looking for a groom's statue which would be left in the mouth of the male Vics.  They think it had to be a copycat and as they check the files from the old cases, they find that there's too much for them to get through, including floppy disks.  The original detective is dead and they need to find who the DB, Paul was seeing.

Meredith (Janina Gavankar) finds Paul had an app which was called 'anonymizer' and helped cover his digital trail but found out where he works.  His boss talks of how he made money for them off an account selling shoes and ask if he had a girlfriend, when Laura notices the name Rachel on a name tag and her initials are RAT with Jake picking up a black rat from her desk.  She's an intern from France but nobody's heard from her.  Thus they think she's been abducted.  As they have too many files Jake thinks Hauser can help them and got a DA friend of his, Jennifer (Jenna Fischer) to get a writ and let him help them.  Laura's happy to see him and he goes over the case adding that they shot the real killer and he was found with a knife which matched the Vic's stab wounds.

Meredith notices how Max (Max Jenkins) gets flowers and even others are getting Valentine's Day gifts and feels left out cos Billy )Laz Alonso) hasn't done anything, not that she wants him to.  Even Santiani (Callie Thorne) got balloons which are from her son.  Laura asks Max who the flowers are from and tells him she'll work it out.  Laura saying that Billy will surprise Meredith, in the meantime she's noticed that Laura hasn't gotten anything either, though she's too busy eating Love Hearts as we call them here, you know the candy with the love messages!  Meredith finds a website where people are selling murderobilia for big money and finds one where the CS photos from the killings have been sold.

Jake visits the shop where the antique dealer, Mrs Delvecchio (Marylouise Burke) has lots of other memorabilia in stock and even Ted Bundy's undies.  She recalls a man who asked about the photos and he also stole the serial killer's baby tooth.  Jake needs a name and tells her he can help get the tooth back for her.  He calls Jennifer who helped him with the writ and asks for a warrant to search Kevin's (Matthew Boston) house.  Meredith and Billy arrest Kevin who tells them they caught the wrong man as he lays out several discrepancies to Laura.  Santiani has ago at Hauser for not getting DNA evidence and he adds the city wouldn't fork out for it then and they'd already shot him.  Also they didn't have CODIS back then either.  They look at the CS photos from now and notice inconsistencies, like the Vic not being stabbed in the neck or being bruised.  As Laura demonstrates on Hauser with Jake's help, someone would strangle the Vic whilst another person would stab him. Thus he had an accomplice, and this accomplice was more into the women than the men.

Laura recalling how she was afraid at that time and she and her roommate lived on milk duds whilst alone.  Jake telling her that wasn't the reason she ate milk duds.  They have less than a few hours to rescue Rachel before she's killed.  In the photos Laura also realizes that the chocolates were wrapped in cellophane and then foil inside, which reminds her of Valpuffs, which were only available at this time of year.   Max finds there's a retro site which still sells them and they find an address for Wayne Lewis (PJ Marshall).  He was meant to have been questioned back when the original murders took place but he wasn't cos they shot the killer.  At the apartment they find his wife, Mindy (Jennifer Laura Thompson) who's the splitting image of Rachel.

He started killing again cos Mindy left him and she tells him she met him back then cos she had an alarm installed and went to he movies with him.  He's a security systems installer and had a storage unit, but they don't find anything there, except that he was staying there.  Footage from the unit shows he left work with a large equipment bag in which he could've carried Rachel and he went to work for a company that's closed, so with his work uniform on he could get in and out.

Surveillance from SWAT shows he's in the server room and there's only one way in and out.  He's dressed Rachel in a wedding dress now before he kills her and he hears Mindy telling him she wants him back and he should come out and talk.  Laura had her on the phone and they arrest him, as Rachel is successfully revived as he's using the same kind of heroin he did back then to drug her. Laura notices Max now has chocolates on his desk and surmizes he sent them to himself and the flowers too.  Asking him to watch moves with her and eat his chocs.  He says she should "carpe diem with Jake" but she hasn't told him about Tony.

In the locker room she looks at the photo in her locker of the family and she also has her last love heart which says 'Be Mine.'
As she decides she'll tell Jake she finds him with Jennifer who he introduces as his friend.  They're going out for dinner since they're both alone and she recalls Jake mentioning the laser tag party which she threw for her son.  Jake thinks Tony will cook something up for her, but I did kinda think he'd ask them to join them but probably thinks Laura wants to be alone with Tony.

There like I said Laura missing her chance cos she had too many doubts and now she's left to ponder. Billy surprises Meredith with candles and wine at the precinct holding cells, where it appears no one will stumble across them.  Max is picked up with someone in car who hands him a red rose, so much for buying the candy and flowers for himself, Laura got it wrong.  I don't think Jake would be into Jennifer romantically already, but may see it as a way of moving on.  What a Valentine's that turned out to be!

Mysteries of Laura 2.12 "The Mystery of the Morning Jog" Review

A man is pushed in front of a bus and Renaldo (Marc Webster) finds traces of tar on him.  He was a sports doctor, and his wallet was found under the bus.  Meredith (Janina Gavankar) tries to find what happened to him and who pushed him from the surveillance cameras and the camera on the bus.  As Billy (Laz Alonso) tells her about the extortionate rent hes got to pay on his apartment now, hinting at the possibility of him moving in with her.  She can't see anyone there who could've done it.

Laura's father, Leo (Robert Klein) has moved in with her for a while while he's having work done on his place and she doesn't like him being here so is relieved when she gets a case.  Jake (Josh Lucas) and Laura (Debra Messing) talk to the DB's wife, Mimi (Stephanie Janssen) who lets her son's grandmother, Helen (Kathleen Garrett) take their son into the next room.  He was just getting to call him dad and he was his step son.  He got a job with FIFA and they were moving to Europe, which his father, Kurt (Greg Grunberg) wouldn't have wanted.  Well granny Helen wouldn't have wanted it either cos there was more than one suspect in this ep, as there always are, but she's less obvious. Laura noticing her walking stick with the pink padded handle.  They find that a man, Charles (Harrold Perrineau) had a grudge against the doctor and he had made a song and dance about it.  At the gym they arrest him after he assaults Meredith, who gave Jake her lunch hour as he's got tickets to the basketball and they all want to go with him.

They find that Kurt is a member of some Mens Resistance group from Charles who says he apologized and sent his lawyer a bottle of wine and a note apologizing.  The club is a place where men get together to talk about their misogynistic tendencies.  Jake and Billy check it out cos they'll be accepted there, as Kurt rants about getting karma and he doesn't have to worry about losing his son now as that's all taken care of.  He has tar on his hands and when arrested tells them he wanted his son to stay here.  But he has an alibi as he was working on a roof in the Hampton's which Santiani (Callie Thorne) says checks out according to his female boss.

Meanwhile everyone wants to know what's happening with Tony (Neal Bledsoe) and he texts Laura wanting to see her.  She hasn't told Jake it's over and hasn't decided what to do.  Santiani even calls Jake a prince for the little things he does, like offering to get them a coffee refill, further adding to Laura's dilemma.  As does Leo who tells her she needs to be happy and think of herself and her future.  As they draw a dead end with Kurt, they ask if Charles recognizes any other men in the photo and he points out a man at the front who was hanging out outside the doctor's clinic.  George's (Arthur Gerunda) another member of the men's club and find he has an apartment in town.  Billy still mentioning how they've got some cheap apartments going round here.  As they arrive, a woman falls from the stairs in front of them.  It's George's wife.

They try and figure out who could've done it and Max (Max Jenkins) tells them the tar on the DB came from paving tar and not roofing tar.  Laura thinks Strangers On A Train, which Max is too young for and hey I thought the same not two seconds before her.  Two strangers meet and agree to kill the other's problem so they both have alibis and no motive.  They find George was on a helicopter when his wife was killed and they bring Kurt in again.  He finally confesses he killed her cos he made him do it, but he didn't want to.  Oh so that's what that men's club does, make them turn into wimps who can't refuse a murder?!  Kurt turns  him in and George tells them he had an alibi for his wife, well he didn't look too convincing at the news when Meredith and Billy tell him.  Little chase here to the helicopter, think we're cutting down on those.

George couldn't have killed the doctor cos he would've stood out in the surveillance footage.  Thus he probably took the credit for killing him which made Kurt kill his wife in return.  Jake gives Tony the tickets cos he's fed up of everyone sucking up to him as Tony brings Laura sandwiches for working late.  He wants to take her to the game and she agrees to go even though her heart's not in it, or the game.  Laura goes home and talks with Leo some more, who says she didn't realize his place is already done, but he just wanted to stay here.  Reminding her she's still stuck on Jake and how much he loves his daughter.  If he had his way he'd send them in the river in cement shoes, giving Laura the clue that she needed.  See granny did it.  Meredith watches more footage from several cameras and finds one from the previous bus where they spot a cane with a pink handle. Which Laura says belongs to granny and will have tar on it.  Also cos Helen saw the route Alvin took on his jog and his wife wasn't with him, so she had the perfect opportunity.

She confesses her husband has Alzheimer's and she wouldn't be able to see him for the rest of her life. With Alvin out of the picture her grandson would be here.  Laura adding she'll see him from prison now for the rest of her life.  When she gets home she finds Jake in the kitchen, but it's nothing much and he offers to take the boys to the laser tag party cos she hates it.  See it's the little things she's reminded of.  He tells her to go to the game where she breaks it off with Tony.  He shouldn't waste his Vegas dream on her.  Meredith agrees to let Billy move in cos of back rubs and his famous coffee and cos he's cuddly and it'd be nice waking up to him everyday.

Jake seemed to be taking losing out on Laura in his stride and even offering his tickets to Tony, which I thought he would've done but I went for maybe going with him, but they're not exactly best friends. Laura's taking her time telling Jake how she feels and one day she'll realize she'll have lost her chance, unless he doesn't hold back and tells her how he feels, which she already knows.  Agh dragging it out til the end!

Monday 9 May 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.21 "Last Rites" Review

                                                 Image result for once-upon-a-time last-rites photos
Storybrooke Present Day finds Zelena (Rebecca Mader) and Hades (Greg Germann) back in Storybrooke standing on the toll bridge (or Troll Bridge) with the baby and he wants to go into town as she suggests, but they will just come after him cos Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) et al don't know he's changed, cos he hasn't as we know.  She leaves the baby with him and heads to town herself telling him to meet at the Mayor's office.  But as mayor isn't that somewhere Snow may be.  As Arthur (Liam Garrigan) arrives on the bridge after making his escape.  Merida (Amy Manson) was meant to be watching him but she left a dwarf on the job and he got away.  Hades kills Arthur after he finds out who he is and heads to the underworld.  Arthur was meant to be king of a broken country but he doesn't know where he is until Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) tells him.  As does the blind witch (Emma Caulfield).  Hook needs to warn Emma (Jennifer Morrison) about Hades but he doesn't know how to do that until he recalls the pages Hades tore from the book.  He asks Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) who's admiring the two pieces of meat in the sandwich (ie Hook and Arthur) and tells Hook she destroyed the phone cos she wasn't having people moving on if she can't.

They head to Hades' throne room and search for them.  Hook needs to help Emma and Arthur says a woman had to be involved, roping him in after telling him he was meant to move on but he's still here cos he has unfinished business.  Also he tells Arthur if he does one good deed then he'll be able to move on too, cos he's got two choices either to a better place, or to the one below.  Hook calls it his 'holy grail'.  He asks where Arthur would hide something as a king and he searches his throne uncovering a hidden panel with the torn pages.  Begging the question did he really need to keep those especially since he went to great lengths to get them back, so why not just burn them?! Particularly as they held the secret to his downfall.

Hook reads the pages and finds out about the Olympian crystal but he now needs to find a way to show Emma the pages and for this he needs the story book.  Which is at the place where Emma rescued Hook from, the gateway to hell, via the River of Souls and they manage to get a boat as well, thought they were hard to come by.  A lost soul tries to drag Arthur in   and Hook rescues him whilst he then heads for the book and another lost souls grabs it.  Arthur stops it with the torch as Hook did and the book almost falls in, with Hook grabbing it just in time.  As he offers Arthur a hook up!  Ha.  Well that didn't come out right, a hand up with his hook.
There's light and Hook says it's for him but Arthur wants to stay and help mend this broken kingdom. Hook is met by Zeus (David Hoflin).

Snow wishes her family was back and on cue they arrive without Hook and Emma is despondent. They find Arthur's body on the bridge and if Zelena was there she'd have known it was Hades who killed him cos she left him there, holding the baby, ha!  Rumples (Robert Carlyle) heads to Belle's father but he refuses to wake her up with true love's kiss, well he just doesn't love her that's why.  Saying he forced Belle into loving him and well that's rich considering they let Rumples have her, practically as a slave.

Robin (Sean Maguire) needs to see his baby but they find there's a protection spell around the office building and they try to find away to distract Hades.  Emma asks for Gold's help and he refuses, big surprise!  She was the cause of all this so he's not exactly helping.  Though he does tell Hades he needs a chunk of his Mount Olympus Crystal and wants to make a deal, which he also declines.  At the library they're all stuck in books and David (Josh Dallas) tells Emma to help too.  Robin needs to see his baby and Regina (Lana Parilla) tells him there's a way in under the tunnels so they head there, but without Emma cos she'll just mess things up, Regina tells her she's too emotional.  As she sits in the library, she finds the story book and looks at the picture of her and Hook at the ball.  Then puts it away.  The book opens and turns to the page that she needs, the picture with the crystal.  So Henry (Jared Gilmore) as the author once again did nothing.

Regina and Robin need a distraction and Emma gives it to them, as she tries to undo the protection spell and they overhear Zelena saying they should just leave and head elsewhere.  But he wants to stay and rule again.  Zelena heads out to take care of Emma and Robin gets the baby, but instead of taking her out, let's have a reunion there cos we've got all the time in the world, or at least in Storybrooke.  Hades tries to destroy Regina with the crystal and when that happens there's no turning back.  She won't go to a better place or to the underworld, but will be vapourized forever.  Robin jumps in the way to save her and is zapped!  Zelena comes in and sees Robin dead as Hades tries to convince her that they're the ones responsible.  She asks him if he tried to keep them down there and finally uses the crystal on Hades.  Yeah no one lies to her and uses her too.  So how come he doesn't get left behind as dust too, though he's a god so suppose that's what happens.

Emma says goodbye to Hook and we all know he's coming back, that's his reward which Zeus gives him for helping him with Hades.  As they all mourn the loss of Robin.  She doesn't know what she's going to do now and he returns to that place of course.  Cue plenty of snogging.  Guess Regina's not getting her happy ending as usual, whereas Emma gets hers, as usual.  Though someone will have to take care of Ronald now and also help with his baby whom Zelena names Robin, knew that was coming!  Rumples finds a chunk of the crystal cos this is his kingdom and Hades should've taken the deal.  Regina always gets the short straw, especially since she and Robin were meant to be soul mates since Tinkerbell showed her in season 3, but left it too late.  Even if he didn't really do much, as she tells Zelena true love involves sacrifice.

Mysteries of Laura 2.11 "The Mystery of the Unwanted Houseguest Review"

As Laura (Debra Messing) is being held hostage, the ep begins with Jonathan (Jerry O'Connell) making a bomb and Laura getting the boys ready for school, asking them to get the paper for her, as Jonathan watches outside and no one saw someone suspicious in a hoodie lurking either.  Did you notice after the newspaper was picked up, and Jonathan has her in her room, there's a shot of the outside of the house and the blue bag with the paper is still lying outside.  So Laura doesn't look at the paper and goes upstairs to change and shower.  As Jake (Josh Lucas) shows the paper to everyone at work with news of Jonathan going missing and the explosion.  They surmize that they need to look at the photos from the explosion and see if they can also get Renaldo's (Marc Webster) take on it.  He says that there should've been some trace of his body found and as Meredith (Janina Gavankar) adds he didn't just vapourize!

Laura yells Alicia (Alysia Joy Powell) to take the boys cos she's got a fever and she doesn't want to give it to them and also that she thinks it's food poisoning and she had a bad reaction to clams, which obviously was her clue that something's wrong, only it took Jake a while to call Alicia and find out what she said to her and what's wrong with Laura.  Especially after she ignores his texts and calls to her and proves something wrong cos she does the same to Max (Max Jenkins) even when he annoyingly hangs up once and rings again and she hates that.

Anyway Jonathan thinks Laura framed him and wants to know why cos there are corrupt cops out there, she's not one of them though and wants to make him coffee cos he's fallen off the wagon.  He throws the knives into the bin and you know what I said she could just as easily have thrown hot coffee onto his face!  When later she hits him with the coffee pot, well close enough!  ha.  She watches the video with him cos she says there must be another suspect and they think it could be Brenda (Stockard Channing) cos she had so much to gain with the company.  Jake also texts her that they're looking into her.  Brenda tells Jake she may be a bully but she's not a killer.

Meredith and Billy (Laz Alonso) check out the building and Meredith is given Jonathan's computer by Billy for her to work her magic on.  As well as his assistant, Ellen (Bo Stansell) being around, who was my next suspect cos she couldn't have just casually ignored him going in or out.  As well as she being the only other person who was shown and they spoke to in their investigation.  They find a vent pried open which could've been used to get through and also the chemicals in the bomb were also in the cleaning cupboard and he would've had access to them.

Laura finally convinces him that someone else must be involved and on the video Michael (Richard Hughes) apologizes for being a bad father after explaining that he didn't leave him anything.  He should've been a better father and Jonathan wants to know why he couldn't tell him that in person. On top of that, he also tells Laura how he crashed into an entire family when he was drunk and his father got Brenda to sweep it under the carpet.  But he's given up and tries to shoot himself but Laura won't let him.  Jake tells Billy something's wrong but he wont let him use protocol cos of shoots outs and anything else can happen and they go to the house together.  Luckily that blue bag was no longer lying around outside!  ha.  They use a snake cam and Jake enters through the window, as Alicia arrives with medicine.  Jake sees them in her room and Laura asks for the gun and Jake comes in, putting down his own gun and telling Laura to leave.  He won't go without her.  He grabs his gun and Laura grabs the bomb placing it in the washing machine.

Jonathan wants to talk with Laura but Meredith won't let him as he gets agitated, mentioning how the Vineyard police were paid off.  Laura recalls the mug on Ellen's desk with the fudge was from Martha's Vineyard and she has Max (Max Jenkins) check out accidents.  They find one where a family was killed but a seven year old daughter survived, who was Ellen and she changed her name. Laura calls her telling her they haven't found the murder weapon and she needs to see the computers, so they agree to meet next day.  But Ellen goes back to plant the gun in the night.  How stupid was that considering they would've looked for it everywhere already wouldn't they.  She hoped he would see the mug and recall what he did and even who she was and ask about it but Jonathan didn't remember anything.  So she shot Michael and framed him.

Laura tells Jonathan to get help and he won't get off this time but she'll put in a good word with the judge for him.  Then he'll have plenty of time to do something to make his father proud. Santiani (Callie Thorne) tells Jake he can have a free pass this time and asks if he'd have approved the actions of Billy and Meredith if they'd have done that on his watch.  He apologizes and she accepts.  But Billy did do that and help Jake and she didn't reprimand him.

Two mentions of Jake's eyes, one last ep when Meredith calls them his "baby blues!"  Ahh and now when Brenda says they sent him here with his blue eyes to loosen her lips!  ha.  Then she says she plays for whichever team has the cutest players, after she makes a pass at him, oh yeah he's still got it. Then later at the bar Meredith tells Laura she's glad she's okay and Laura hasn't thought of Tony all day, as she watches Jake with Billy.  It's like you don't know how good you've got it when it's right under your nose.  I like those sorts of scenes, they're so touching when you watch someone from afar and they don't notice you're doing that!  Also it's so doubly romantic when it's someone like Josh!!

But that Laura's having second thoughts is a good sign, since he'd do just about anything for her and here he proved that.  Not only by risking his life with the bomb and going after Jonathan and the gun, but also by ignoring protocol and wanting to rescue her himself and making sure she's okay.  It's not about playing hero and getting recognition for it but genuinely out of love for her and putting his life on the line to save hers and also for the boys.

Okay calling it here with Stockard Channing, cos murder is, "the worst thing I could do!"  Ha.