
Wednesday 20 March 2013

CSI 13.4 "It Was A Very Good Year" Review

Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) waits for DB (Ted Danson) and Greg (Eric Szmanda) to arrive at a CS in the desert where he plays Chopsticks on the piano, he used to dabble when younger.  The DB of a woman is bloodied and Greg recognizes her as Alison (Jessica Lee Keller).  She helped him with his book a few years back and was a music journalist.  DB is surprised about this, what that Greg can actually write, ha.  About time his book was mentioned since it seemed to have been forgotten about over the seasons.  Obviously there's more going on with Greg but he doesn't let on or else he'd be taken off the case.

The piano was being taken to LA for repairs and she was cut over 27 times with a box cutter (that's carpet knife to you and me).  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) sees Greg cleaning Alison's DB and has a few words with him.  He admits Alison was more than just a friend and he they spent a week together, of fun.  It was a fling and they didn't stay in touch but that's cos she probably didn't want to as he didn't hear back from her.  Greg doesn't want DB to know the extent of his involvement with Alison.  She also says she's not one to give relationship advice, so he abruptly tells her she's right.  Which is true, I mean he was attracted to Morgan at the start but nothing came of it.  SO she can't really hand him advice now, of course he was being harsh.  Especially since he's upset.

Morgan begins to tell him about her own parents and their divorce when Greg has a brainwave.  Her other piece of advice, don't go to autopsy.  Anyway as said why was she handing gout advice anyway, Greg didn't need it or want it.  This should have been left to someone he's known for longer, someone like Nick (George Eads) or especially Sara (Jorga Fox) as I liked that special bond the two of them shared in earlier eps.  Morgan was more interested in Hodges (Wallace Langham) but that aside the producers/writers were trying to lull us into some false sense of security over Morgan actually having romantic feelings for Greg when she doesn't really.

No, DB attends autopsy himself and Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) mentions the stab wounds.  They find the man transporting the piano was Lenny (Channon Roe) who has a criminal record, surprise, surprise.  He goes by the name of 'Moondog' and asks about witness protection cos the piano was being transported for Tommy Grazzetti (Jay Acovone).  Also asking Brass if he's interested in the guitar.  Lenny discovered the DB in the piano and dumped it in the desert out of sheer panic and fear.  Greg knows all about Grazetti's mob connections. 

Morgan brings back reams of evidence from Alison's including Greg's book, so we get to see a hard copy of that at least!  Which DB checks out and compliments Greg on a good photo on the back cover.  Hey it looked like he was wearing the same clothes in the photo as he was now.   Nick and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) blast the piano with luminol and find so much blood trace, as well as black fibres which Greg found on the piano.  Hodges analyzes these and finds they're some sort of polyvinyl but doesn't know where they're from.  He also analyzed the trace as glue from horse hide.  One side of the trace has indents on it.

Greg and DB arrive at Grazetti's theatre and get a smidgen of a song from Frank Sinatra impersonator Jeff Lummet (Toby Huss).  He didn't look or sound like Sinatra to me.  Greg recalls the story of Ledo (Erhun Akpinar) a legendary piano player who was meant to have been shot by Grazetti, but no DB was found so no case could be made.  They check out the room where the piano was stored after being told Grazetti is out of town.  Think he should have stayed out.  There's lots of cleaning up done there and the outline of the piano legs are left.  As well as a spot of blood and Greg finds similar fibres.  Grazetti turns up and Greg loses it accusing him of murdering Alison.  DB takes him aside and wants him to run the case away from here.  Greg reminds him how he acted when his granddaughter, Katy was missing with the rulebook going out the window and he agrees he didn't act in the best way.  But he made progress when he took his heart out of it.

Sara processes the scene further and finds a cleaned up blood trail which leads to a room where music is being played.  Here she finds Jeff with a glass balanced on his chest as he lies on the floor.  She asks what he's doing at a CS.  He claims he helped Alison when she was researching Sinatra but has an alibi.  He was checking out tunes at a club using an App, Note Seek, which notes the few bars of music and then gives the title of the song.  He gives them his history which appears to check out with Note Seek.  He also blames himself for Alison's death since she found out things about Grazetti which may have led to her death.  More like he was attempting to cover his tracks.

Finn asks DB how he's doing with Barbara who has returned home but sees Maya at weekends in Seattle.
DB listens to one of Barbara's Sinatra records and the record stops as there's a scratch on it.  He takes his own box cutters and chips away at the scratch which leaves black shavings behind.  The same trace found at the scene so they know what it is.  Also he determines the glue trace has record grooves on it so they can find the song and find the killer.  Sara pieces these together and finds four different pieces.  DB uses his App to identify them and one is found to be a Sinatra recording of a live performance from the Sands.  Sara also finds that the set of numbers they found from Alison's belongings was the serial number on this rare recording.

Leo says he sold the record to Jeff.  Thus he killed Alison.  He tells Nick he was interested in her but she asked him for that recording.  She then told him it was for a friend, Greg and that's when he lost it and attacked her.  Oh come on what a psycho, he really thought she'd be interested in him, as Nick tells him and so does Brass, he's an impersonator and  not the real thing.

Greg also gets to solve the Grazetti mystery and finds a print from one of his photos matches to Ledo Wright and as they now have Grazetti's print, they find he's really Ledo.  Well Grazetti gave himself away there when he said he was at the Sands casino with the Rat Pack, since a list shows Grazetti was banned from going there since he was counting cards.  It started with Alison's GPS which led to 850 Timber Lane on the same days he was killed.  Greg found the photo she had of Grazetti going to that same house in 1966.  The photo was from a PI who worked from Sam Braun and he had Grazetti followed. The house belonged to Linda who was a radical and robbed the Rampart casino.  Also Grazetti was wearing an Irish Claddagh ring but he was an Italian. Grazetti admits he's Ledo but they made up after they fight and Grazetti choked on a chicken bone.  He was dodging the Draft so he and some men came up with the idea of his taking over Grazetti's identity.

A Greg centred ep which was good to see.  Why was Greg allowed to wash her body anyway, usually it's David (David Berman) or Doc who does that.  Didn't like Morgan interfering though and she does the same at the end.  Looking like she and Greg could have real possibility of getting together.  Oh forget it, it's too late for them and besides Greg deserves someone better not second best. Greg is shocked when he hears Alison was in Vegas cos of him and they had a possibility chance of making a go of it.  That was the kicker really since Greg has never even successful with the ladies and to think that he had a chance here.  Well it's sad but also cliched since anyone he likes either gets mixed up with murder or is murdered.   See 11.12 A Kiss Before Frying  for another great Greg ep.  Morgan tells him she should apologize even though Greg makes the first move.  He told her about their last night in New York and how he told her he'd meet her there, but wouldn't really.  Morgan tells him not to hold on to the past but hands him a Sinatra record and quotes him, "The best is yet to come."  But it won't be with Morgan, which is a relief! I like Morgan but she's not right for our Greggie!

Then there's Jeff who delusionally believes he is Sinatra and even better than the original.  Er, he didn't even sound like him as I said.   Liked Hodges's demo with the hide glue being spread over a record to clean it and then scraped off with a box cutter, giving the glue a negative copy of the record.  Sara is a Radiohead listener whilst DB listens to The Grateful Dead.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

666 Park Avenue 1.5 "A Crowd of Demons" Review

The mystery about the 'smoke' in the suitcase is revealed as Halloween plans get underway at the Drake.  Olivia (Vanessa Williams) being instrumental in decorating!  The 'smokeman, Peter Kramer (Jim True-Frost) gets into the lift with another man in 1929 and says there was nothing he could do about the deal, but he knows what to do now.  He goes home and the little girl that Jane (Rachael Taylor) has been seeing hugs him, he's Jocelyn's father.  He removes his ring and gets out the axe to kill his wife.  She'll be happy in heaven.  She gets stabbed and manages to find Jocelyn to give her the necklace.  Yes that ugly thing Jane wears round her neck, telling her to "keep it in the family."  Thus it appears she is related to Jane since the necklace belonged to her grandmother.

Olivia and Gavin (Terry O'Quinn) are out when Olivia gets a call which she must take, standing near the edge of the road.  Gavin receives a text, "you're going to pay for everything you did" and calls out to Olivia before she's run over.  Another text states the driver " just wanted to introduce myself."  Olivia just thinks it was some maniac driver who came out of nowhere, but Gavin knows better.  He gets Tony (Erik Palladino) to keep an eye on Olivia at the party and Gavin opens the safe to put some papers away so we're shown a mysterious ornate box.

Henry (Dave Annable) is interviewed on TV after saving  lives at the mayor's and is labelled 'single.'  He has a girlfriend but it's not good TV to say that.  Also a media consultant, Laurel (Tessa Thompson) turns up questioning him about politics and wanting to turn his 15 minutes of fame into a lifetime.  He hasn't thought of bigger things since he works in the mayor's office, but the thought hasn't crossed his mind.  Jane and Henry are given costumes to wear to the party.

Brian (Robert Buckley) stumbles across Louise (Mercedes Masohn) with another man and she has her top off.  Apparently he's doctor Scott (Enrique Murciano) who lives in the building and was massaging her ribs.  She's stiff after the dancing last ep but Brian thinks there's more going on.  Especially after Alexis (Helena Mattsson) and him, who turns up dressed as a nurse, a bit cliched don't you think since she'll be meeting the doc and tells him she's sorry about the kiss and pursuing him and returns his key.  Yeah  that'll happen.  She is being set up on a date with Scott by Louise, who is addicted to pills.  Henry and Jane meet Peter in the lift and he stares at her necklace which he looks, Oi eyes up smoke man!

Jane's costume is Tippi Hedren's outfit from The Birds with three starlings attached to it, let's milk that film for all it's worth!  Henry is a cowboy/sheriff.  Louise hands Jane a drink and someone spills it on her so she has to change.  Whilst changing, which took forever but Henry didn't notice, as per usual.  The girl appears to her again and tells her he' out -her daddy.  Jane looks in the case and it's empty.  Said suitcase apparently ending up under the bed now.  Thought she put it in the closet last ep.  She finds a clipping with the newspaper headlines about a slaying in the building in 1929 and sees the man is Peter.  But she decides to stay there and research. hey she's wearing that red dress again and no shoes!

Alexis and Scott get all steamy and bothered and she steals his phone and puts it in her stocking, so when he had his hands all over her practically, why didn't he feel the phone! Enrique fans would have loved the comment about him being attractive!  Laurel talks to Henry about Jane and how he should marry her now before things get in the way.  New York changes people.  The lights go out and Louise and doc get stuck in the elevator, since he was going to give her another massage.  Alexis sends a text to Louise's phone using doc's phone saying they  should meet upstairs.  Brian sees them enter the lift together and Alexis suggests he should go up.  But they're actually trapped in the lift and he finds the message on Louise's phone.

Olivia shows her friends round the Drake and takes them to room 5F where one leaves after she tells them about the murder and one enters as a dare/bet.  Olivia is knocked out and is taken by a man in a gas mask.  Where was Tony during all this since he was meant to be looking after Olivia.  Even Gavin doesn't notice she's gone until the lights went out.  Peter comes for Jane and she manages to escape when the lights went out trying to reason with him that she's not who he thinks she is.  She runs and ends up in the basement and uses a dumb waiter to escape.  Could she make anymore noise?  Finally bumps into a guest dressed as a devil and uses his phone.  Peter kills him.  Jane ends up in a room and when he finds her she's saved by the birds which attack him.  One reason why Gavin wanted those starlings left where they were.

Louise and doc talk and she tells him about her addiction to speed and she's been taking pills.  He tries to kiss her but got mixed signals from her.  Brian sees them come out of the lift together and he clearly thinks she could cheat on him especially since she's been seeing him for a few weeks now without telling him.  Just cos he was ogling Alexis and having feelings for her, doesn't mean she would too.  Well he was.

Jane calls Henry and he tells Laurel to call the police, why didn't Jane do that.  Apparently Tony finds the gas mask man opening Gavin's safe and then loses him.  Gavin receives a call about him playing with peoples' lives.  Then finds Tony struggling with  a noose around his neck.  Had a feeling there that the voice on the other end of the phone was Tony's.  He could have easily hung himself there in time to be rescued.  Gavin finds Olivia on their terrace but she can't recall anything.  The axe, Peter and the dead devil disappear through the floor.

Jane plays with her necklace again whilst Henry is fast asleep as usual.  His wife went through an ordeal and he can just sleep soundly, oh what a wimp, he's so useless.  Obviously that girl is connected to Jane for her to have the necklace, perhaps her great grandmother especially since Jane doesn't know the whole story here, nor why she and Henry were 'drawn' here.  But she hasn't clued it altogether yet.  Come on even Brain punched Scott for what he thought they did together.  Take note Henry!

Also Peter Kramer had more dealings than just business here as he spoke with the man in the beginning about the ritual going wrong.  They have "blood on their hands."  Yet another deal he made.  Obviously with 1929 we're meant to think of the Wall Street crash of that year.  Gavin and that box which is bigger than the both of them.  Gavin: "whoever you are, wherever you are, I'm coming for you."  Gavin keeps the gas mask, what ho forensics on there?  Wasn't that a stupid place to leave it?  Still I'm suspicious of Tony he was there when he opened the safe and it was a digital one so you could hear the numbers beep, so could be gotten into easily.  I mean he can't just sit there all day at the desk and not notice things.

A bit of creepy ep but not scary enough for my liking, Jane acting like she was in some slasher flick and Scott was too smarmy for words, I mean he just had a make out session with Alexis and now he goes for Louise too and he's only a surgeon so why's he giving rubdowns, I mean, massages! I man curious enough to want to know his story though.  Okay photos are for all you Enrique fans!

As for the title there must be quite a few demons hovering around especially since its Hallowe'en too.

Monday 18 March 2013

Revenge 2.11 "Sabotage" Review

 Aiden (Barry Sloane) escapes and a hooded person lies in a pool of blood.

"They say the best laid plans often go awry, because no matter how detailed the preparation, a plan will always have a weak point and there will always be those looking to exploit it.  To doom a plan to failure and the perpetrator with it."

Two Days Ago  Aiden returns to the beach house and tells Emily (Emily VanCamp) about Helen (Wendy Crewson) and Coleen is still alive.  She tells him he needs proof otherwise she could be lying.  Either way Helen wants him to do something so they come up with some plan of drawing her out and for Emily to meet her.  Emily invites Daniel (Josh Bowman) and other investors to a charity wine auction and overhears a call from Helen wanting him to acquire Stonehaven.

Conrad (Henry Czerny) meets with Jason Prosser (Dylan Walsh) an old rival of his and Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) interrupts to tell Conrad about Daniel's plans, after Emily tells her about this.  He reminds her how the Initiative acquires dead weight companies and then makes then their slaves. The end result being another plane crash as Victoria tells him.  She's going to prevent this from happening and will use Jason to sabotage the acquisition. Victoria wants Emily to invite Jason to the auction.  When Emily is with Daniel she mentions   getting another investor to the event and she mentions Helen.  Cue untimely phoncecall from her, thus giving   Emily a chance to meet her.  Emily suspects the office is bugged as she looks around the room.

Helen also tells Daniel about 'Carrion' which was an R'n'D by NolCorp which Daniel says he hasn't found anything on.  Daniel relying this to Nolan (Gabriel Mann).  He wants this file. Does Helen have nothing else to do than to perve on Daniel, ha, the way she was watching him with Emily was just plain creepy.  What did she do before the office was wired?

Mario (EJ Bonilla) still wants Nolan to trust him but Nolan has his doubts.  Enter Padma (Dilshad Vadsaria) just at the trust word was being floated around.  Well don't trust her and haven't since she was introduced on day 1.  She's here to throw a spanner in the works and begs Nolan for a job.  He invites her to the auction.  Which gets underway with Daniel and Jason vying for the same bottle of wine, with Nolan upping the ante by bidding half a million.  Daniel wins the bid with a million which is just what Victoria wanted.  She later tells Jason about the Stonewall bid and lets it slip, actually.  SO he's going to steal the company from under Daniel.

Nolan calls Aiden '007' this time as he calls him Q and actually pays Nolan a compliment of sorts.  Emily is introduced to Helen and she gives her a cheque but doesn't want a bottle of wine since it clouds her judgement.  See Daniel's back on the bottle again.  Nolan dims the lights, cue for Emily to get ready.  Helen and Aiden enter a lift together and soon the lift comes to a sudden stop.  Gas pours through the ventilation shafts.  Padma arrives late and blames Mario for making her work late, as well as letting slip she overheard him talking with Daniel.

Aiden and Helen come too in hoods and a gunman, who is Emily of course, threatens them both.  Aiden gets the better of her, pretends to shoot her and releases Helen who is eager to lift the hood.  Just as another gunman enters.  Shots are fired and they escape.  Clearly a bid to get Aiden into Helen's good graces.  Does she even have any?  Silly question.

Nolan returns to the office to have it out with Mario and he insists he should look at his e-mails, of course Padman would have altered them and the ghost leads back to an e-mail sent to Daniel.  He denies it was him and Padma was smirking too much.  Wait, Nolan why would he tell you to look at e-mails if he's just been contacting Daniel, a bit stupid.  Later we see Padma calling Helen and telling her Nolan is hiding 'Carrion'.  AT least she's revealed to us but it's no good if we already knew what she was up to, it's Nolan who needs to know!

Amanda (Margarita Levieva) pays a visit to Jack (Nick Wechsler) in prison and tells him to let Emily or Nolan pay his bail.  He doesn't want their friends involved and tells her about the gun and the drugs.  He suspects the police were involved and warned Nate (Michael Trucco) about the raid.  He also tells Declan (Connor Paolo) the truth too.  Amanda tells Charlotte (Christa B Allen) who says her mother won't help even if Victoria publicly welcomed Amanda into their family.  Charlotte suggests her father who owes her.  But he refuses to help.  Offering Declan a safe haven at their house instead.  Amanda takes his watch.  Ashley (Ashley Madekwe) has reared her ugly head again and has gotten her job back, helping Conrad make a vie for public office in his political career.  She thinks it would be good for his image to help Jack.

Nate offers to buy the bar for a dollar and Kenny (JR Bourne) doesn't want Declan to interfere with Nate, so what's his game.  Amanda uses the watch to buy a gun but just as she threatens Nate,  Ashley walks in.  Jack's been bailed by Conrad since it would be a good idea to root out corruption in town.

Daniel comes over with the wine and it tastes off.  As does Aiden to pick up his bags.  Helen doesn't tell Aiden who she thinks was behind the kidnapping though she has suspicions.  Ashley had to worm her way back in threatening to expose Grayson secrets she has learned over the years.  Conrad running for public office, won't that give Helen another chance to get her hands in vying for favours.  It had to be Emily in the mask since they showed the double infinity tattoo, no one else has it.

Emily: "Every plan has a fatal flaw.  Sometimes it's the heart.  Even in those who are supposed to be the most careful.  But a careful nature doesn't always ensure success.  When a plan is built on an unstable foundation, failure is not only a possibility, it's a certainty."

Didn't find this ep half as exciting as the one before, it just seemed to be setting up more plots for the future.  Aside from the reveal about Padma which was an anti-climax anyway and Daniel wanting Emily has also been building up for a while.  Just wish they'd get those Ryan brothers over with and gone.

Friday 15 March 2013

The Mentalist 5.13 "Red Barn" Review

Lisbon (Robin Tunney) finds Patrick (Simon Baker) hold up in his attic with the door locked from the inside and I commented someone could just padlock the front and leave him in there, although he'd have his phone.  Wouldn't think he'd be using a padlock though, they're easily broken. Also ever since he's been working on narrowing down who he's shaken hands with he's become more confined to that attic of his and being secretive. They're called to a CS where the Vic is still alive and kisses Lisbon.  It's her 10 year anniversary after she left the San Francisco police and joined the CBI.  She tries to escape the annoying stripper! )Nate Scholz).  "Get out of my butt" she tells him!  Cho (Tim Kang) and Patrick leave when they're called to a real CS.  The discovery of two DBs in a barn from 1988.  The scene gets a bit too much for Patrick as he says and so he walks outside where he turns around after staring into the sun and sees the Red John smiley face on the side of the barn.

Cue lots of suspects for us and Patty and a lot more closer to Red John being a member of Visualize, with Brett Stiles being conveniently out of the country that very same morning.  Lisbon and Patrick speak with Jason Cooper (Robert Picardo) who tells them Stiles was forgiving after his attempted coup last season.  He tells them about the farm which was started by Stiles but they weren't farmers and it failed.

Chief Rick Anaya (Jacob Vargas) tells them to head to Ellie's diner for Chilli and there Lisbon and Patrick talk to a school teacher Miles MacCambridge (George Gerdes) at least patrick reads him as such and he's the town gossip, though he doesn't really tell them much.  Lisbon tells Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) she won't forgive him for that stripper and she enjoyed herself, as did Rigsby with the tequila.  Cho and Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) tell him Lisbon will get him back.

It's career evaluation time for Lisbon, although not of her own choosing, it's Agent Ray Haffner (Reed Diamond) who brings it up.  He wants to see her for lunch and she kind of reluctantly told Patrick that when he asked her what he wanted, especially since he was the one who got Haffner gone from CBI as their boss.  Strange then he should make an appearance now and just when Visualize is in the spotlight again as is Patrick's narrowing down of the Red John pool of suspects, I was going to say gene pool for some reason, ha.

Haffner wants Lisbon to come work for him at a security firm he's starting up and tries to tempt her with big money.  She's here to stay since it's her job and she likes doing it, irrespective if money.  He brings up Patrick and that's one reason why she doesn't want to leave, as if there's more between them, which isn't the case, as far as we know.  She tells him Patrick's easy to handle if you know how.  Of course Lisbon wouldn't take the job since she was there long before Patrick came along and will be there long after.  When he left last season, she didn't have any qualms about staying and continuing her work without him around.  But he is a big help to her, sometimes a hindrance, but as she says at the end, they're partners.

The way the DBs were tied up and shot, though Lisbon says guns are not Red John's weapon of choice, he would have been young at the time and probably just starting out, but it's rather creepy, scary to know that he has been killing for so long and just starting out.  As is the case with serial killers, they start out with animals and move on to humans.  Thus it was probably a fluke or something more that led him to hone in on Patrick and his family.  Going back all the way to when Patrick was on TV.  Also clues as to Red John's involvement was Patrick being uneasy at the CS, as if he had a feeling at the back of his mind.  It's not often he walks off leaving behind vital info he could have given to Cho and getting one over on law enforcement officials.

There were quite a few suspects for the murders, the Vic's brother, Gordon (JD Cullen) the disgruntled tax avoiding farmer, Tom Creyhew (Chris Mulkey) the disgruntled tax avoiding farmer,the vet Ellen Preston (MJ Karmi) her daughter, Holly (Jenica Bergere) the chief and the priest, father Peter DiBuono (Kyle Secor).  But it was apparent the chief was corrupt, hence he has a long tab at the diner and why the teacher ran off when he arrived.  Crayhew points them to Ellen who was angry at the way the cult, notice they call Visualize a "church," members treated their animals, bringing up Satanic rituals.  Ellen has Alzheimer's (conveniently) but Holly has many qualifications so we and Patrick wonder why she ended up dog walking.  She was hiding something though and even Patrick noticed whilst playing with the dog.

The Vic, Lester (Gregory Marcel) used to give the workers drugs as they were made to work long hours and DBuono tells Van Pelt it was was probably speed.  Patrick has time to catch up to him to ask about the smiley face and he can only tell him that was creepy and he saw it the one and only time he went back after leaving.  Yet he doesn't know who put it there.  Patrick also gets the chief to admit he was the drug dealer and he would have been in high school at the time.

Haffner comes in to see how the investigation is progressing, but really under the guise of the job, which Lisbon tells him she doesn't want.  He lets slip Jason Cooper's name and Lisbon is as sharp as ever telling him no one but her and Patrick knew about his involvement.  He's a member of Visualize, thus another suspect in the list of Red John suspects.  He can't give her a list of members dating to 1988.

Patrick knows who killed Lester and wants the suspects gathered at the diner, where the night before he uses lemon juice to draw the Red John symbol onto some paper.  Hey he was a dab hand at that drawing wasn't it, me thinks it came a little too easy to him.  When he puts the coffee pot down the symbol appears which causes a reaction Ellen.  Holly admits she killed him only cos he was harassing her mother and shot their dog.  They buried him in the barn, but the other two DBs were already there.  She also felt they were being watched.  Hey Patrick had a bit of a smirk on his face then.

Haffner tries to get Lisbon to have the charges increased from manslaughter to murder one but she believes she was protecting her mother.  He is also surprised Lisbon didn't make more of his being a member of Visualize, but that's where he's getting part of the money to fund his firm.

Lisbon gets into the attic and finds Patrick has been a busy boy mapping out everything on to a board and telling her he's narrowed down his suspects to about 408 but with the Visualize members he can narrow it down more.  He doesn't believe it was any women, well that's a pity, do we believe that?  Lisbon says they can't get a warrant since Visualize is a church and no judge will give them one.  He's sure he's got more to go on now.

Oh and CBI Ron (John Troy Donovan) was mentioned by name at the beginning by Lisbon as most fans believe he is Red John or has ties to him. Also Patrick at the time must have been how old, in his teens too, so either he isn't Red John at all, end of story or maybe he could be as he was just starting out.  Surprising Patrick's power of recall when he dismisses people he's remembered meeting or having brief encounters with.  Yet he does dismiss some of them too readily since even a brief handshake can lead to another encounter or rather friendship.  Lorelei said she's surprised after their handshake Patrick hasn't made friends with Red John already.

Cho and Rigsby and how he was embarrassed by Rigsby singing Bohemian Rhapsody on the table, Cho was embarrassed.  Van Pelt still thinks Brett Stiles is doing a good job and clearly the impression he made on her in His Thoughts Were Red Thoughts and that bit of subtle brainwashing is still lasting on her when she thinks his work isn't a bad thing and can improve your life, especially if you're a good person.  Showing her vulnerability a little to need something of Brett Stile's teachings in her life.

The same with Haffner, he must have had a difficult period in his life to become a target of Visualize, or more particularly I want to know why he asks Lisbon, "Why would you ask me that?"  When she wants to know if he was at the farm.  Then she doesn't let on to Patrick about this little morsel she's found out, that he's a Visualize member, instead she asks for names on Patty's list to see if they can narrow them down, but maybe to see if Haffner may be on it.  Was she playing Patrick here: friends with Haffner, partners with Patty?
Lisbon: "You think you're so mysterious in there.  I know what you're doing in there."  Yet she still manages to 'force' her way in and get a look see.

Actually we seem to be getting mysterious with Lisbon aren't we, especially from the time she keeps a hammer in her desk, to telling Patrick he doesn't know all her secrets and here she doesn't tell him about Haffner.  Also why did the Father not know of Red John he's big news in the media.

Agent Haffner: Sure. And you guys-you guys have a track record, I-I understand why you wanna stick with that. But if there's one thing that I've learned about Jane, it's that catching bad guys is a game to him, and-and he's gonna quit someday. Maybe because he gets Red John, maybe because, what, he just gets bored. When that happens, you're gonna be on your own. Driving out to some crime scene in the middle of nowhere at 5:00 a.m., asking Rigsby what sort of sad story you gotta unravel this time. Is that what you really want? Because I think you deserve better. Think about it.

Liked this conversation quite a bit about Patrick and Lisbon has also been though that, being alone when Patrick went of to do his Red John 'thing' meeting Lorelei and trying to get him to reveal himself.  It is a game to him, what he does but also he has said in the past for him, it's something to do.  But for how long?  As well as being on the inside for all the Red John scoop.

There was a real murder in a red barn in 1827 in Suffolk, England.

Illusions or allusions to Ellis Mars in 3.9 Red Moon and Ellison farm here perhaps?

That photo of Patty at the top of the page, uncanny or creepy, it could be a mirror image, Patrick smiling whilst basking in the sun and that smiley face behind him.  otherwise it could be a little prophetic, mocking him from behind!
Has Patrick shaken hands with CBI Ron? Agh will have to re-watch eps now!!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Revenge: A Case for Season 3

Revenge "the feeling you have when everything and everyone is against you.  You desire to get your own back, take your own back and mete out own your punishment for other's indiscretions.  SO you get a TV show which marks a woman's vengeance for the wrong done to her father.  Turning him into a common criminal to mask the crimes of others.  Separating a girl from her father and destroying her one semblance of childhood innocence forever."

Revenge "isn't about feigning creativity or being one step ahead of your enemies.  It's about finding the perfect moment to pit your wits against your nemesis.  Being in the right place at the right time, not only ensuring they pay for their greed, cruelty and heartlessness, yet ensuring they suffer the same, watching their own loved ones being thrown under the bus, or mostly over balconies, so they feel not one moment of pain and torture but several long hours of anguish and torment.  But for these people who have no feelings and are numb to human expressions.  They deserve to have that one moment endured for an eternity."

Revenge " a TV show that melded all emotions and heightened our feelings for characters who deserved our unrelenting attention every second the episode airs.  It brought drama back to our screens and prompted us to relish what was like the cast, laugh at their character's misfortunes and just plain stupidity of some.  But also to see glamour grace our screens once more with an evil villainess we thought confined only to our storybooks, with princesses as on-screen heroines who are able to defend themselves and aren't just waiting for fickle princes to come along and guard their honour."

Revenge is ours and we want it back!

The Vampire Diaries 4.13 "Into the Wild" Review

The gang head out to Nova Scotia with Shane (David Alpay) in tow as he attempts to lead them to the cure and raise Silas.  How'd he get out of jail anyway.  Didn't find this ep that interesting since it seemed to cover old ground as well as a few newer home truths for Elena (Nina Dobrev) as far as Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is concerned.  We get plenty of flashbacks with Shane as he tells them about his wife Caitlin (Camille Guaty) and how she and his son were killed in a car accident, which didn't seem to make much sense as he found himself in a cave with Caitlin appearing to him.  Was his need to bring back his family the reason he went off in search of Silas and yet here was a man telling her he didn't even want meat at their wedding so he could go through with the massacre but does so anyway.  Also convincing the pastor to go through with it since it would reunite him with his own wife.  Sounded like he was talking about Caitlin. She being a witch who uses expressionism.  Which he made Bonnie (Kat Graham) use too and now only he can control her.  We knew that, only it's like she's got a bomb inside of her and she's his insurance since after finding the cure he believes they won't let him live.

Soon after arriving on the island, Bonnie takes photos of Jeremy's (Steven R McQueen) tats, awkward she calls it, why couldn't she photoshoot (ha) Jeremy when he was already naked last ep!  She also gets to manhandle his body, erm, witch-handle that is which he seems to enjoy.  Anyway he is attacked by some islander and someone throws an axe into the attacker's back saving him.  Though they don't know who.  Jeremy later disappears in the night, surprised no one heard him and after that incident, why weren't they more cautious.  Nah let's just leave him by himself.

There's more bickering to be had between Stefan (Paul Wesley) Elena and Rebekah (Claire Holt) as well as Damon too.  With Rebekah stating Elena is useless and isn't needed here.  She and Stefan have the headstone, Shane knows where the cure is, Jeremy has the map, Bonnie the spell and well Damon has a "nice behind."  I was about to say he's just here for eye candy!!

As they search for Jeremy, Bonnie stays behind to try a locator spell, Damon stays to keep an eye on Shane who stays to watch out for Bonnie.  Rebekah saves Elena from a trap and they argue with everyone always thinking Rebekah is evil.  Elena adds they only did that after she tried to kill her.  Rebekah later tells Stefan she drove Elena over the bridge cos she needed to save her family, which is what anyone would have done.  Also that Elena was the cause of her losing two of her brothers, Kol and Finn.

Damon gets a chance to torture Shane, pity Elena had to interfere, damn it.  The way she unties him, why couldn't she just leave him there, after all no one trusts him, she's so useless and naive, might I add fickle too.  She and Damon argue over the cure and he admits he doesn't want it, he'd rather see her as a vampire too, cos otherwise she'll just grow old and die.  He doesn't want that when she tells him to take the cure with her and become human.  He hates the very thought of it.  Telling her that's Stefan, not him.  Stefan says much the same to Rebekah that he wants the cure and in his 165 years of being a vampire he hated every minute of it the pain, the guilt and wants it all gone.  Elena calls a truce with Rebekah saying she didn't take the headstone, of course not, it was Shane, who else would it be.  He's a piece of work, not only does he manipulate everyone into getting what he wants, but he also turns them against each other.  Rebekah takes the stake as a truce.

Shane meets up with Jeremy, Massak (John Gabriel Rodriguez) a witch and Bonnie.  She can't see the trail back and that's his insurance.  So now he can raise Silas all by himself.  Damon is attacked by one of the five, the same one who saved Jeremy.

Back at home Tyler (Michael Trevino) gloats over Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and wants to kill him in revenge for his mother, but he hasn't quite decided how yet.  He relishes the moment, until Caroline (Candace Accola) turns up to spoil the fun.  Tyler refuses to go home with her and Klaus stakes and pulls her into the room with him.  Then bites her so the only thing that can save him is his blood.  He doesn't want to cure her so they leave.  Caroline tells him he's a leader and he saved all those hybrids from Klaus's clutches.  They later return and Tyler leaves Caroline on the floor hoping her dying will appeal to Klaus's humanity.

Klaus says they killed Kol and he killed Tyler's mother so they're even.  Caroline knows he loves her and she tried to forget all those things that he's done but she can't.  She knows anyone who is capable of love can be saved.  He finally feeds her his blood.

Shane telling Damon about the two massacres but there's going to be a third and they just leave him walking about like that.  It's all Elena's fault, yes let's pin the blame on her the way she untied him after he calls Damon a maniac.  Who's the real maniac here anyway?  The cure was buried with Silas by the witch Katsia in the hopes he would take it and end it all.  That really wasn't Caitlin appearing to Shane, it must have been Silas, in the hopes of getting someone to find him.

Caroline reminding Klaus of the bad things he's done including killing Jenna.  This cure is taking forever to find, just want it to be over already, well it is kind of boring.  Another plan goes awry.  Why didn't anyone listen to Damon when he never trusted Shane from the outset, okay he's a bit of a knack for making enemies and not liking many people or vampires, but his instincts are almost always on the ball and he is a pretty good judge of character being around for so long.  Both Klaus and Stefan mention how long they've been vampires, Klaus a thousand years and Stefan was 165.

Hated that self righteous scene with Elena when she's trying to convince Damon to take the cure and die with her.  How does she know what's in store for them or whether they will get to grow old together.  Not to mention the fact she berates him for sabotaging his relationships when he thinks he doesn't deserve them to to be happy.  Elena you haven't known Damon that long to judge him in that way.  Anyway this scene reminded me of The Last Day when Stefan and Elena were having quite a similar conversation.  With him saying he would want to grow old with her, he wants to see her grow old and how she wants children and all the rest of it.  Damon just isn't that kind of guy/vampire.  That's who he is.  He's seen it all like Stefan but he's not into carrying around a guilty conscience.  Damon also forcing her to run against her will here.  When she told Stefan she never wanted to be a vampire and that Damon doesn't know what love is if he could make her turn.  She's changed her tune this season.

CSI 13.3 "Wild Flowers" Review

Two girls end up at a rave in the desert.  Shots are fired and one of them is shot.  DB (Ted Danson) and Sara (Jorga Fox) arrive at the scene both on the phone to their respective spouses.  Don't know if that sounded like Gil (William Petersen) will have to watch again.  Sara comments on the "joys of long distance relationships" and she's been doing it longer.  They process the scene which is a large one.  David (David Berman) finds the girl was shot through the heart.  She has restraint and ligature marks on her. The rave goers have been questioned but not many of them recall much.  One Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) speaks to is an intern, Amanda (Dana Davis) and she claims she doesn't drink, do drugs and didn't see the girls.  She's attending to her own arm after being injured after a nitrous oxide canister exploded in the air.  Cue lots of CGI to demo this point.  Sara: "Smoke in the desert, fire in the sky."  Didn't think they'd come up with this line from Sara of all people.

Morgan and Greg (Eric Szmanda) go over all the footage collected from phones and what was uploaded and he's put it all together like it was a real image and they were already there themselves, which is how we see the two.  Morgan spots Amanda handing out nitrous oxide in balloons from the canister and she oculd be sacked if anyone saw her do that. She also attends to the DB girl at the scene and holds onto the other girl.  Morgan pays her a visit at the hospital and she tells her she took her to her car to calm her down and has her here.  She was waiting for her to calm down before admitting her.

Morgan talks with the girl and shows her how she will collect evidence from her by firstly dong it to herself. She needs to take a DNA sample which is when Morgan gets the biggest shock of her forensic career.  The girl doesn't have a tongue.  Morgan is clearly upset and has to walk out of there.  Calling DB this is too much for her to handle.  She doesn't know how anyone could do that to the girl.  Her reactions and sentiments are similar to Sara in that respect as we know how emotional she can get over cases, which is always good to see in a CSI, since their workload is far from easy.  The same with Nick (George Eads) too.  I think that's one reason the show has lasted so many seasons.

Sara finds out from Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) that the Vic was kept as a sex slave and human trafficking is rife.  She was in shackles all the time, had bed sores, never been to a doctor or dentist.  Meanwhile Morgan gets some info from the girl and bonds with her.  She tells her about her father being shot, but he's better, a little insensitive since the other girl was shot and she didn't recover or have the chance.  But she tells her about her friend Hodges )Wallace Langham) and how he's kind of weird but he's a nice guy.  So we assume something is going on with them, but she just calls him her best friend.  She writes down her own name and address.  The girl takes the marker and draws a picture which looks like flowers through bars.  It was apparent that the girls were sisters as discovered by Henry (Jon Wellner) when he checks their DNA.

Nick arrives at work and puts his suit away when Hodges asks him if he's had a job interview.  He was in court, Hodges gives him the details of the case and what he's found by way of trace of tin on the mushrooms and Nick recalls there's a mine here.  Nick and Moreno (Enrique Murciano) who is on the case cos of vice, backtrack their way from the CS to where the girls came from and find themselves on a road from Bull City. On Highway 238 where Moreno has made a lot of arrests.  Known as "Smuggler's Way."  Lots of shoe prints and tyre marks are found, as well as a cow RFID tag and trace from an accident involving blue and white vehicles.  One of them Nick believes is a truck.  Nick and Moreno having time to talk about Finn (Elisabeth Shue)and how she's hot but Moreno adds she's "hot and cold."  That relationship won't be going anywhere cos Enrique doesn't return to the show, which is a shame since his character here was used a lot in the ep and we can see why he's such a good detective and addition to the show.  Yes good enough for series regular I think, even if it was only on a semi-permanent basis.

Moreno ran a list of truckers who use that road and they match a name to people with guns same as the one used on Rose (Victoria Moroles) leading to Oliver Ruiz (Jesse Garcia) who appears on both lists.

Hodges comes up with some results for Nick and uses his lunch, Nick still eating those burgers I see!  ha.  Hodges tells him he's here for his break and Nick says he'll give him something in return for what he has for him.  Nick traces the truck details back and finds the driver.  He was transporting another girl in his truck.  the girl, Elena (Zuleyka Silver) tells them he's her cousin and he wouldn't do something like that.  She saw the girls run away but didn't know they were in the truck.  Oliver tells them much the same thing.  That he was pulled over by a car and a man with a hoodie came out and he overpowered him with his gun and threatened to shoot him.  It's a wonder why he left witnesses.  Nick asks where he touched him and the man gets the wrong idea.  They get no DNA from his shirt, but do get trace of R502, used in air conditioners.  Jacinta's (Madalyn Horcher) father, Adrian Flores (Michael Irby) works with HVAC conditioners.

The CSIs look for missing girls in the system and come up with Jacinta and Rose.  Their mother was in Mexico and their father has been in toruch with the police.  Morgan and DB take him to see Jacinta and he does act shocked at seeing her there, but he was my suspect from the outset.  Someone who claims to care about his daughters so much would have taken more care of them.  He was smarmy.  By the time they find out the trail leads to her father he's already discharged Jacinta.  Morgan lets rip at Moreno as if it's his fault they're gone.  He rightly tells her he wasn't the one who bought her father here and he's doing everything he can to find them.  It was the doctors who let them go.

They try to find out what the picture means but can't seem to find flowers in the desert.  Sara and Morgan look over a map of the area and Morgan finds the flowers are actually wind turbines.  Adrian ties Jacinta up in the trailer and douses the place with gasoline.  She gave him trouble, talked back and that's why he cut out her tongue.  He abused Rose and she tried to save her cos she would be next.  Their mother is dead.  The CSIs arrive and he throws the lighter into the trailer anyway.  Morgan runs in and Nick follows with the key to unlock her chains.

The scene with Sara and Doc was shocking to say the least as he says this is one of the few times where he's glad to see Rose no longer has to suffer.  She would never have been whole. Sara saying she didn't even get a  chance to try and recover.  A particularly disturbing and harrowing episode but it's not new to the show as it has covered many similar cases.  What was unpleasant though was the extent a parent could go in abusing their own children and getting away with it for so long.

Since Moreno will no longer feature its' surprising Finn and he didn't get anymore scenes together especially since he and Nick share a conversation about her.  She didn't have much to do and it looked as she was only given that scene so we'd know who they talk about, ha.  A great scene between the two, as they search for clues. Nick telling him at one pit he should "watch your step."
Moreno: "What's that supposed to mean?"  He's about to step on some mushrooms.  Also when at the end Moreno tells Nick he's not a bad cop for a CSI.  Something we've always known about Nick.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

666 Park Avenue 1.4 "Hero Complex" Review

Congressman Edwards cancels his interview with Henry (Dave Annabel) we all know who sent that e-mail!  Henry can't believe that happened.  Which bodes well for Gavin (Terry O'Quinn) as he's trying to convince Henry to aim for bigger and better, i.e running for politics.  The news isn't helped much since Henry is pulled in at work by his boss City Commissioner Pike (Jose Zuniga) and the investigator Regina (Jenna Stern) to tell him Gavin is being investigated and they believe Henry had a part in providing him with insider info re the Alpern case and that he 'flipped' over the property, knowing the land was contaminated.  Henry is a bit big for his boots, why would they be tailing him, when he asks if they're having him followed! Duh.  The investigators want him to get close to Gavin and find info on him which they can use against him.

Henry meets with Gavin to tell him of this and how he's a lawyer and can't be seen socializing with him since he's aware it's unethical and also the gifts he's been giving them.  Olivia (Vanessa Williams) mentions he should fire Henry and Gavin doesn't want to do that, not just yet anyway.  Olivia seems to be enjoying all the manipulation and intrigue that Gavin gets up to but I still want to know just how much she knows about him and what her deal with Gavin was.  Since you'll recall last episode when she mentioned their daughter, she said she was 7 and then suddenly she jumped forward and she was now 17 when she crashed the car.  That spells ten year deal!

Jane (Rachael Taylor) just can't get enough of that suitcase, she attempts to pry it open with all sorts when Olivia tells her about the thief and she wants her to find out who it is as she has a missing diamond brooch.   Jane also mentions her grandmother's necklace, gotta say that was one ugly looking piece of jewellery!  Jane and Henry have been invited to the Mayor's party and Jane tells Olivia she bought a D&G for 90% off, yeah that'll happen!

Henry attempts to take the initiative and breaks into the Penthouse to download files from Gavin's computer, including one about him and Jane.  Olivia returns and he leaves behind the top of the flashdrive.  What a wimp, not going back to retrieve it, not that it would have done any good since Gavin would have known with or without the evidence.  And you call yourself a lawyer!  Clearly Henry lacks legal prowess even if he claims to know about ethics and morals and possessing some!

The mysterious girl reappears to Jane telling her not to let him out as the suitcase tries to unlock itself.  Yes Jane that dirty suitcase going everywhere.  She puts it in the closet before they leave for the party.  The girl now hides under Jane's bed.

Annie (Aubrey Dollar) is still tied up and held hostage by Kandinsky (Misha Kuznetzov) who tells her no one knew him until she wrote about him.  To buy time she sends him on the trail of her editor and gets out of her ties.  Arriving at the editor's house she hears his phone ringing outside and finds him dead.  Kandinsky calls her and says she lied and she's next.  Thus she must turn to Gavin for help.  He tells her she wanted to change the world with her writing and if she writes about the city commissioner and his corruption, and links with the mob, that he's been taking handouts from developers, then he'll get Kandinsky off her back for good.  Now anyone knows that any perpetual deal with Gavin always turns out bad for the contractee.  The words he uses are she'll "never see Kandinsky again."  That bench they met on, was the one where Olivia burnt that letter, no?

Nona (Samantha Logan) is visited by her shrink, Ingrid (Wendy Moniz) and she says she's recovering.  Nona can't resist taking her sunglasses.  Jane meets her and also sees Nona with the glasses and finds out she's the thief.  Nona swears she didn't take her necklace, but we know she did, that's why she had her vision of Jane but didn't tell her about it.  Jane keeps her secret if she returns everything and Jane returns the sunglasses.  Nona's parents died in a car accident and she only has her grandmother, but is raising herself, which Jane can relate to.

Tony (Erik Palladino) takes packages and hears a noise coming from 3B and lets himself in.  He takes down the suitcase and opens it, releasing dark smoke which turns into a man.  Oh really, Supernatural demon smoke here, get your own!!  He then finds himself back outside as if it didn't happen.  Jane and Henry meet Nona in the lift and she stumbles out, Henry grabs hold of her and she has a vision of Henry being shot and killed by a man with a compass tattoo.  She warns Jane.

Annie publishes the story and sends it out.  When she's about to leave she hears of the mob ties and how the commissioner will probably be killed.  She rushes to the party to stop the killing.  Olivia and Gavin think Henry is blabbing to the commissioner about Gavin.  Jane sees the waiter with the tattoo and shouts out to Henry who prevents the commissioner from being killed.  However there is a Vic, Annie is shot instead.  Guess Gavin planned it that way.  Conveniently hiding upstairs away from the action and out of harm's way.

Gavin and Henry have their little tete a tete.  Henry says he was wrong and trusted the wrong people.  He should have trusted Gavin as he tells Henry the commissioner's been indicted to face charges.  Jane tells Nona she saved Henry's life and Nona acts surprised, she doesn't know what Jane's talking about.  Nona later tells her grandmother she thinks she can trust Jane and she'll be able to help her.  Has grandmother made a deal too, or Nona's parents which explains their car accident?  These seem to be the norm for people killing themselves or jumping from buildings.

At least we got a respite from the fledgling philandering couple, oh you know what I mean.  As I said before Henry is a naive one cos all he can think about is ending up back in Indiana, Even after Jane gives him a pep talk on being his own man.  No matter what, that's something Henry won't be, especially if he takes the political stage.  Everyone knows what's involved in politics, all the grovelling and granting of political favours. So he is being naive or not really thinking what this will mean as far as Gavin is concerned.  Of course he'll be under his beck'n'call.  Henry also throws the flashdrive into the fire without even opening the file on him and Jane.  Curiosity didn't get the better of him.  With everything he's been through would have thought he'd have done that.  Probably some sort of lure from Gavin and another way to test his loyalty.  Gavin knows all, as we have seen.

We've never seen Henry stand on his own two feet since he arrived here.  It's always Jane who has to instill her beliefs in him or Gavin convincing him he should dream bigger, so he wouldn't really be that big of a political impact, more like Gavin's puppet.  Olivia saying she knows Gavin can "work magic."  Sounds as if she knows what he's fully capable of.  Also can't believe Annie didn't think of writing Kandinsky away before turning to Gavin for help, I mean she created him and wrote him into existence.  Kandinsky the worst assassin going.  So much for saying he was elusive for so long!  Jane doesn't tell Henry Nona warned her about him and that she's the Drake thief.  At least the latter, not until Nona spills.

Monday 11 March 2013

Revenge 2.10 "Power" Review

Emily: "Power, borne out of nature, coveted by man.  Wars rage on and victors are crowned.  True power can never be lost or won.  True power comes from within."

Emily (Emily VanCamp) meets with Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) who wants her to help with Daniel (Josh Bowman) who is approached by Helen Crowley (Wendy Crewson) ugh, wish someone would get rid of her already, all this Initiative business is quite boring, don't know why it was introduced, they had no problems without it last season, which is why maybe the show is having some trouble in whether it's renewed for a third season.  They were just brought in to move the focus away from Victoria and Conrad (Henry Czerny) for the responsibility of the plane crash and framing David Clarke.

Helen tells Daniel if he looks deep enough he will finds out Grayson Global secrets which in turn will make him more powerful, even more so than Conrad could ever dream of being. For this purpose Daniel recruits Nolan (Gabriel Mann) to help him with a computer programme to go through the Grayson Global system and find these hidden nuggets.  Nolan telling Daniel he shouldn't be so techie.

Victoria wants Emily to get back with Daniel and make him into the man he was when they were together, the one who wasn't so power hungry and into business, reassuring her he's still in love with her.  Emily also gets to step onto Victoria's regal balcony for the first time and has a bird's eye view of what Victoria sees down there, more specifically her beach house.  For this to work, Emily and Aiden (Barry Sloane) must feign a break-up which they do quite publically in the same restaurant Daniel is lunching with Conrad.  Victoria also paying a visit to Daniel at his office to tell him about the dinner at their house with the Barnes, the judge and his wife, letting slip Emily will also be there having become a donor in Patricia Barnes's (Clare Carey) charity.

So it was no coincidence then, or was it, that Emily was looking into taking down the Judge now since he removed the only juror in the Clarke case who thought David was innocent and his court clerk, James Palmer wrote a letter stating this.  There's fireworks at dinner as Emily casually mentions the Clarke case and how her professor of Torts when she was auditing his class was on the Clarke case.  He being Palmer.  It's obvious Patricia and her husband Robert Barnes (Geoff Pierson) are having problems as he takes her hand and she tries to resist.  Emily looks her up and finds out she is being abused by her husband.  Also how Patricia knew Palmer beforehand.

There's problems for Jack (Nick Wechsler) and Declan (Connor Paolo) at The Stowaway as Declan made a mountain out of a hill of coffeebeans whilst looking into what the Ryan's have stashed in their storage.  Coming across drugs which they are smuggling in, well that was apparent.  He spills the beans (ha) and has to tidy them up in a scene reminiscent of  Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious, well it reminded me of that, where Cary Grant as agent Devlin breaks a wine bottle whilst searching in the cellar and drops the soil.  Putting it back he leaves a trace behind.  Which is what Declan did here, leaving behind a coffeebean which Nate (Michael Trucco) just happened to step on.  Erm, well he did tell him he was keeping coffeebeans there, so what was the problem.  Of course Jack having the idea to all on a old friend of his now a cop backfired.  Since they find a gun and the drugs on The Amanda instead.

Jack sends Amanda (Margarita Levieva) and Carl to Emily's, so we know something's going to happen to her.  Kenny (JR Bourne) tries to warn Declan off but Nate walks in and it's easy to see the two Ryan brothers aren't alike in many respects.  Marco (EJ Bonilla) tries to worm his way back into Nolan's affections and Nolan tells him he has affections for someone else.  I wouldn't trust the rat as far as he could be thrown. Grovelling like that after he betrayed Nolan, not only his friend and employer but also his lover.

Great scene with Nolan when he calls Aiden the "London Fog" and how Daniel tells him he and Emily have broken up.  You see Nolan and Emily don't talk anymore which is what I miss about the show.  Nolan finds out it was a "fake-up" as the Remington Steele walks up behind him, ha.   He wants anything Nolan finds on Helen Crowley and the Initiative to be brought to him first and Nolan finds a video with her making a phone call, which he got the number of and Aiden lip reads the word, 'Ingress'' which means 'enter' in Latin.  He calls up as Mathis and meets with her.  Coleen is still alive but only as long as he keeps their meeting secret and she will contact him again for what she wants him to do.

At the fundraiser of Patrica's charity, which Conrad has become a member of, Emily gives Patricia the note and she recalls Palmer would have signed it cos he was more braver than her.  She reads it out and tells everyone her husband knew the entire jury in the Clarke case was tainted and reveals her bruises.  Conrad saying that he will ensure justice is done to its fullest wherever it needs to be.

Aiden watches Daniel and Emily kiss at the end as does Victoria, as Daniel wants Emily to help him with Grayson Global's more charitable pursuits and that skank Ashley got a mention too when he told her he dumped her, like she did with Aiden.  There is so much more going on with Aiden than we know of and it's obvious he's quite ruthless too and would do anything when it comes to Emily and keeping her to himself, that look of his gave it all away.

Emily: "Power can be hoarded by the mighty or stolen by the innocent.  Power provides the ability to choose but has a proclivity for corruption.  The use of power is not to be taken lightly, for it is never without consequence."

Nolan: "BT dubs.  I was so sorry to hear about your break up with Remington Steele.  There really wasn't enough room in your sidecar for both of us."  Hey  Aiden doesn't even come close to being a match for Remington Steele!

This episode appeared to go back to season 1 with plenty of action and double dealing going on and more like the Revenge we know and want, as Emily crosses another face off her list.  Appears she too is going to take down Grayson from the inside as is Nolan.  That smile Emily gave when she broke up with Aiden and walked away from Daniel was similar to the smirk Victoria had when she too walked away from Daniel after inviting him to dinner.  Oh look, he came, just to be with Emily.