
Saturday 21 March 2015

CSI 15.9 "Let's Make A Deal" Review

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An inmate goes crazy as he doesn't want to be injected and wreaks havoc on other prisoners at Clark County jail, spraying them with pepper spray and even punching one.  Ending up in the laundry room where he opens a closet door and a DB falls out.  Nick (George Eads) and DB (Ted Danson) investigate and are met by Det Carl Brenner (Ryan Devlin) who was recently promoted two years ago.  He gives DB his card incase he needs him anytime.  The Vic is Bruce Grady (David Dean Bottrell) who wasn't rostered onto the laundry but was in the medical module, as he was ill and suffered from cirrhosis of the liver.  Nick finds that he was stabbed.  Talking to the prison guard, Woo (Rich Ceraulo) in charge of the laundry, he says the laundry truck was late and he was with six of his trustees.  The laundry was meant to be empty anyway.

David (David Berman) finds he was dead at least three hours and has defensive wounds.  Nick notices there's a bloody towel and also someone hurriedly tried to clean up the floor.  Finn (Elisabeth Shue) finds the laundry basket was from MM (medical module) so maybe he smuggled himself into the basket, but there's no sign of blood.  He has blood on his shoes, so Nick surmizes he was attacked in the laundry.  Finn mentioning she hates laundry so would hate to work here.  Nick adds he'd want to just get out of his cell.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) and Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) check out the medical cells with Greg mentioning their diseases like pink eye and others.  Greg reminding her that he only just got out of quarantine.  Morgan says he survived Ebola so pink eye won't kill him.  In his cell they notice his drawings which is why he had residue on his hands, sketching the outside in his drawings.  Greg smells the paper cup on the floor and thinks he was taking some sort of smelly medicine.  Morgan finds his folder of legal files, as inmates are allowed to keep a copy in their cells.  Morgan finds a triangle shaped piece of paper which Greg explains is a kite which prisoners use to send messages to each other.  Tied with string so they can pull it back it if doesn't get there first time.  The note reads, that he's a liar.

Nick and Brenner talk with Woo who tells them that another prisoner was in charge of collecting the laundry and he did to get out of his cell.  He says he got a kite and was told to bring Grady there.  A kite has to be obeyed and everyone knows that.  Nick asks for a DNA sample so they can eliminate him, Brenner threatening him with losing his laundry job if he refuses.  Finn finds out that when Grady talked to the DA, then his charges were reduced, so he was a CI for the DA.  Finn says she went over the files and found that Grady was to testify against Lincoln Mayfield (Anthony 'Treach' Criss) who is at the jail.  Nick searches his cell and finds the shank with blood.

Mayfield refuses to speak and asks for his lawyer.  DB recalls Mayfield was the Snakeback assassin and a preganat woman was killed in the crossfire.  Grady was put in the cell next to him so he could get info from him as the DA didn't have enough against him.  Nick calls telling DB that Mayfield is talking, telling them that Grady lied and he met with him to make him take it back.  He had nothing on him.  He shanked him but he wouldn't have died from it, it was to scare him.

Hodges (Wallace Langham) opens a big, plastic bag of some dark coloured liquid and Greg tells him that smell is familiar.  Grady wasn't drinking meds but hooch.  Fermented in prison.  They suspect Grady wasn't himself cos he was probably drunk.  Doc (Robert David Hall) examines Grady and removes his liver which is covered in nodules, thus he was suffering from cirrhosis.  The stab wound wasn't deep enough to have killed him and he notices finger impressions forming around his neck, that and the presence of peticua shows he was strangled and there's probably DNA.  Morgan and Greg look at his belongings and Morgan finds a tiny object from the file.  She says it's a new recorder which she saw at the forensics conference and it was only given to one law enforcement agency to try.

DB pays a visit to FBI Agent Parker (Derek Webster) who refuses to cooperate.  DB says that whoever they're investigating is most likely the killer but he says that it's not an inmate, so DB thinks it's a guard.  Leading them to suspect Woo.  Finn finds he was paid cash over the months and his wife doesn't work.  He was doing favours for the prisoners and looked the other way.  The other prisoners included Pete McCrone (Grant Harvey) who was punched, who says they could do anything in the laundry and he'd look the other way.  Woo claims it was a one off but then everyone heard about it and his wife is a shopaholic.  He can't afford the repayments.  But Mayfield paid him to bring Grady to the laundry.  Ecklie (Marc Vann) wants the FBI to work together cos they're on the same side but Parker refuses.  Also he should have been told if a guard was being investigated.  Parker will only cooperate if something similar crosses paths.

Henry (Jon Wellner) finds the DNA belonged to Grady and to Mayfield, but he didn't strangle him. Neither did any of the other prisoners, so it must be a guard and their DNA isn't in CODIS.  Finn finds that Grady wasn't drunk but had a prescription drug in him called Terbinafine, which Nick looks up and finds it's dangerous to those suffering from liver cirrhosis, so someone was poisoning him. Greg tells Morgan that the decibel levels on the device show it couldn't have been used in the laundry since the noise from the machines would cause interference, so Woo wasn't under investigation.  Finn also finds Woo's DNA doesn't match that found on Grady.  She looked into possible officers connected with Grady and finds that Brenner was the officer in both Grady's file and also the officer in the Mayfield case.  So Brenner must have given Grady infooos he could testify against Mayfield.

Nick looks up Brenner's personal file and finds he declared three drugs he'd been taking, one of them being Terbinafine.  Brenner would give info on any of the imnates or suspects he wanted to and that's why he made detective so young.  Which obviously was a big clue in the beginning.  Ecklie mentions that all of his cases are in jeopardy now and Brenner doesn't think he did anything wrong.  Parker wants access to Brenner, but Ecklie refuses.  They don't have his DNa but DB recalls he gave him his card, however it doesn't match that found on Grady.  Ecklie also says he was genuinely surprised about the FBI investigation.

Henry tells DB he got a match to the DNA on Grady which belonged to Pete.  In walks Finn with a smug smirk on her face.  She mentions that Grady's charges for sexual assault were dropped to sexual mischief and the charges were brought for attacking Pete.  He was the janitor at his school and he thought he could be trusted.  He returned for his backpack one day after school and Grady attacked him.  He threatened his family but had to tell and he didn't want him doing it to anyone else.  He found that his charges were reduced as he plead out and he only got three years.  He was in the laundry and he heard him talking with Mayfield.  He recognized his voice and tells Nick that he was in there fora  misdemeanour for child endangerment.  He left his two year old alone whilst he picked up his drunk wife and a neighbour reported him.  The charges were dropped but the paperwork left him inside for this long.  He thinks that Nick can help him out now but nick tells him it's too late.

Later DB asks Nick if he's okay and as we know, Nick went through a similar thing when he was molested by his baby sitter when he was younger.  So this case is close to home as he tells DB, but he doesn't want to talk about it.  DB tells him with they work they do and cases they investigate, one of them was bound to be personal and hit home.  Nick, almost in tears again, says Pete's "life was already ruined twenty years ago."  Nick adding he'd have done the same thing as Pete.  He was in there for a misdemeanour and ending up facing murder charges.  Since Pete couldn't believe he had it in him to kill.

That locker room must have heard plenty of stories over the years and lately everyone seems to be in there looking for some form of comfort.  Morgan with Sara after their shooting at the conference. Sara with Greg and now Nick with DB.  Another routine prison episode which turns out to be far more life changing for an inmate who shouldn't even have been in the same place as Grady, let alone in the jail.  Sara missing from this ep.

Ecklie's reference to Brenner's cases being called into question now, could've been a line straight out of CSI:NY 3.8 Consequences ep, one of my faves.  Also CSI did what CSI:Miami used to do when they used to show flashbacks of the Vic being killed, they used to show the back of the real killer, or his hair, etc and you could see that Grady's killer had dark hair and was dressed in jail clothes, so it couldn't have been a guard, or Brenner.  Nick's molestation was mentioned in CSI ep Overload, when he confided in Catherine.  Thus he's very emotional and shows real empathy and compassion for his Vics and others too, as he did here.

Friday 20 March 2015

The Mentalist 7.6 "The Green Light" Review

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The DEA lead a raid on a restaurant and they find nothing.  The restaurant owner, Steve Korbell (Ross Partridge) gets snarky with the female officer, Anita Hammonds (Chastity Dotson) calling her a bitch and Gonzalez (Philip Anthony-Rodriguez) calls him out on it.  Abbot (Rockmond Dunbar) meets with his former commander at Rio Bravo Station, Bill Peterson (Dylan Baker) who tells him (hey couldn't help but noticing, was Bill Peterson, a take on William Petersen from CSI? ha)  Abbot tells him the FBI are looking into the raid and will be speaking with everyone involved.  Bill tells him he needs to know if there's anything bad going on here cos he's got enemies and Abbot can't do that. Reluctantly he says he'll think about it, especially after Bill mentions Rio Bravo station.

The agents question the DEA officers involved and Vega (Josie Loren) and Wylie (Joe Adler) talk to two of them, Pedro Orosco (Jeremy Ray Valdez) and Jeff Bordick (Chris Connor).  Jeff is standoffish and Pedro speaks in Spanish  with Vega.  Wylie wants to ask her out but hasn't mustered up the courage.  Later Wylie asks her what he said and she says he just apologized for his partner, it didn't really look that way did it.  Okay it was Spanish but sure 'sorry' doesn't take that many words. Anyway he was my suspect, not being racist or anything, but if someone was involved with the Cartel from Rio Bravo, then well, it pays if you know Spanish.

Abbot pays a call on Gonzalez as Bill gave him his address, but he finds him shot twice and blindfolded.  Patrick (Simon Baker) looks at the photos of the raid as Lisbon (Robin Tunney) met him at the the Airstream and she tells him she's going to get him something special for his birthday. Patrick surmizes he can guess what that is.  Okay Patty, just be grateful she remembered!  Ha.  It won't be a pony!

Patrick looks at the photos from the restaurant which Anita tells them were taken under weeks of surveillance.  He goes into the room where Cho (Tim Kang) is interrogating Korbell with his lawyer, Susan Nguyen (Sumalee Montano) there and tells him he can go,  asking what time the restaurant opens, at noon.  Also  Mike Milligan (Blake Shields) is peed that he let their suspect walk out of there.  Patrick tells him the FBI are going to raid the restaurant and they'll need Korbell there as well. Obviously, there's a snitch in the DEA, that's why no drugs were being found.  Got that in one!  ha.

Patrick and Abbot drink tea at the mall and Abbot wants to know why they're here.  Patrick having also worked out Bill's got something over him.  Which Abbot denies.  Up pops Bill and he wants to know why he wasn't informed of the raid.  Before Patty meets with Abbot, he fiddles with a lightbulb in the sign, that being a signal.  He shows Bill the photos were one light is off, then the same light is on again and then off again, so when there's a raid the light is off, the light on signals they're selling. As Korbell turns the light off.

Patrick asks Vega to get him the ID pictures of the DEA team going back three years, as he's going to study them.  Vega is curious and wants to know why.  He tells her he wants her to do something for him later, but she doesn't like being his trick.  It goes back to her father being a stickler for the rules, which he understands, but he can't tell her whether she wants to be like her father, that's up to her.  He tells Abbot he's narrowed down the suspects to ten people .  Bill calls Abbot and asks for a meeting where he threatens to expose him for his past and he needs to be in on the bust and share the credit, so that they call the heat off on him.  Of course Abbot refuses since he's been asleep on the job for six years and didn't even realize they had a mole working for the cartel.

Wylie asks Cho's help since there's nothing on e-mails or phonecalls which suggests any communication between Korbell and the mole.  Cho suggests his Internet history, such as social media and he finds he's been a forum for Persians, as in cats.  Lisbon thinks that odd since he's a macho guy and wouldn't be into cats.  Patrick knows that Bill has something on him and Abbot comes clean about how he was newly qualified and working DEA in Mexico.  The cartel would dress as soldiers and stop the buses, shooting all of the passengers, that way there'd be no one working for rival cartels.  One night Abbot saw the leader and he shot him in the car.  There were no buses stopped that night and Bill knew where he was.  Patrick says Abbot did a good thing.  Anyone think this story was a little like the Gibbs (Mark Harmon) one in NCIS, okay it didn't go as deep as having his family murdered by a drug lord in the Sonrisa cartel, but Gibbs took care of the problem and the man who shot his wife and daughter.  Anyway, Wylie comes in and tells them he's deciphered the code, the first letter of every word spells a message, like meeting at 4pm.

Patrick says he knows of a way to catch the mole out and rounds up the then suspects.  Vega arrests Bill and brings him to the meeting place.  As Patrick eliminates anyone who inherited money, got divorced, since they wouldn't need money, had their hair done cos they were dating again and that leaves three suspects.  Having had all of their guns removed just incase the killer gets antsy and starts shooting.  Cho and Lisbon remove the bullets from the guns and replace them with blanks.  But only the ones of the three suspects, Anita, Pedro and Jeff.  Making them believe they're in the clear after Bill's public arrest, they each leave and are confronted by Cho, Lisbon and Abbot, as they all have go bags.  They are all them called and turn their backs on the suspects so that they pull their guns.  Well guess who fires on Cho, right it was Pedro.  He tells them he was overlooked for promotion for six years and that's why he got away with it for so long, cos he was smart.  Abbot telling Lisbon they should get the smart man a nice cell.
Bill threatens Abbot and his wife again cos he was humiliated and Patrick tells him he should stop the threats cos he knows he's been stashing dirty money and they'll find it one day.

Lisbon gives Patrick his gift and he admits he didn't know it would be the broken teacup from the CBI, which he says he didn't guess and he's not even going to lie to make Lisbon feel better.  He tells her to look at the note he wrote her which says, "I really don't know."  Ahh that was sweet, but part of me says that he did know and the other part says that he didn't.  But really he would've read Lisbon all along though wouldn't he.  A formulaic ep of the show since that Rio Bravo storyline was bound to surface once it was mentioned.  Also Bill will too again, since he needs to be caught and since Patrick said they'll get him. Poor Wylie can't get Vega to go out with him cos she says that she's not really into dating right now and wants to concentrate on work.  Cho has taken so much of a backseat in these eps, which is a shame.  We don't even see him reading anymore!  At least we got to see Lisbon and Patty kiss twice! ha, considering they don't show their emotions!
The title wasn't a reference to Christmas, ha, nor the lights that Lisbon had put up outside the Airstream to celebrate his birthday, but the light at the restaurant.

It had to be a teacup, cos what else does Patty do, drink lots of tea and also it reminded me of the chipped teacup that Gold (Robert Carlyle) kept as his reminder and love for Belle (Emilie de Ravin) in Once Upon A Time.  You know it's kind of romantic!

It was a nice touch that Patrick knew exactly where Abbot was coming from when the killed the drug cartel leader, especially since as we know Patrick has been in that position too, having finally killed off Red John.  Oh and I forgot to mention, is Bill part of that Blake Organization, the one where Patrick was meant to find that password, or maybe I'm clutching at straws?  Cos to my knowledge that storyline wasn't resolved either was it, that list that Patty had and another reason why the FBI had to keep him out of jail.  Hope we get closure on that too.  Maybe Vega is dirty too, I wish!! ha.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Vampire Diaries 6.9 "I Alone" Review

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Alaric (Matt Davis) prepares to get the ascendant from Jo (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe) and gives her wine and take out, as she confides in him and tells him she used to keep it under her pillow, but she's older now and keeps it in her undies drawer!  Ha, Alaric has now been in Jo's drawers! ha.  He hands it to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and he compels him to forget everything, Stefan (Paul Wesley) telling Damon that he's going to kill him when he finds out.  Damon tells him his relationship with Alaric is his to deal with, making a comment about Stefan and Caroline.  Who doesn't feature in this ep cos it's another one where Elena (Nina Dobrev) tries to get Bonnie (Kat Graham) back.  Elena tells Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) about Bonnie and how she's going to bring her back, but of course, he doesn't get his hopes up.  Everytime he does, something happens and they don't end up together.  Elena thinking this time it'd be different, why would it.

Liv (Penelope Mitchell) does the spell for them, making them drink her blood so she can locate them and she gives them some for Bonnie as well.  Damon gives her the ascendant and Bennett blood. They end up in 1994 and the Salvatore house, but there's no sign of Bonnie, yeah, sit around cos you've got time to waste.  Damon pages Kai (Chris wood) and Elena finds Damon's video journal, where he says this is his hell.  She wants to know why he said that but he's doesn't want to open up, with Elena thinking the only reason he's here is so that she can have some sort of memory of him and fall in love with him again, it's nothing to do with rescuing Bonnie.  Well pot calling kettle, cos Elena that's the only reason you're here too, or did she not tell Damon last ep that if he helps her get Bonnie, then she can advise her on Damon.  Bonnie calls the number back and she's in Muncie, Indiana, telling her to get here quick smart.  Oh okay, so they couldn't meet her half way, or something, if Liv was able to track them.  And also stop chatting on the phone for so long!

Little do they or anyone else know that Kai is already in town, well as least at Whitmore, after flying in and didn't that taxi driver get suspicious when he was asking him all those questions about liquids on planes and having to strip, cos he gets killed as Kai didn't have the fare, really!  Sarah (Gabrielle Walsh) wants to meet her family and Matt (Zach Roerig) takes her to Stefan after burning all the files relating to the Mystic Falls protection society.  Oh he appeared this ep cos Caroline didn't exactly invite him to 'friendsgiving' dinner last ep, so technically he's only a friend when they need his help.

Kai turns up at the bar and is served by Liv, taking a good look at her name tag, then adding, Liv is ironic.  Especially since he knows who she is all along, but she doesn't know about him, or can sense anything about him either, then what's the point of magic.  Jo raves at Alaric for stealing the ascendant from her but he has no idea what she's talking about.  She then thinks he might have been compelled and he says if Damon is his friend, he'll find out.  Damon finds Elena at her house, after she mentioned her parents would've still been alive then and he explains that this was his hell cos he had a fight with Stefan, acted out, killed some people, so what's new, and that Bonnie was the one who saved him.  He didn't give up cos of her.  So essentially they became friends, of sorts.  Elena noticing the swing doesn't creak anymore, he fixed it.

Kai decides he will have a drink after all, and she asks for ID, not bothering to read his name on the licence, which is Malachi Parker.  She can't get away from him until Tyler (Michael Trevino) comes along and knocks him off the balcony.  Enzo (Michael Mularkey) turns up whilst Sarah and Matt are waiting for Stefan, going on about how he killed Trip and that Stefan isn't so good after all.  He's killed people too.  He always has to be in on everything.  Especially since he thinks Stefan wronged Caroline, like it's any of his business.  He listens to their conversation and relays it to Matt.  Telling him Stefan's killed people too and it's not just him who has.  Stefan orders milkshakes so the blender will drown out Enzo's hearing and leaves with Sarah.

He stops driving and asks who she is cos he rescued Sarah and knows where she is.  He kept her hidden from Damon cos he killed her mother, and though he's changed he still doesn't want him to know.  Monique admists to knowing Sarah and wanting a family.  He compels her to leave and never come back.  Telling Matt and Enzo she's a con artist.  Of course Enzo wants to know everything and as Stefan doesn't spill, he kills her, with Matt and Stefan watching.  Stefan could've saved her if he wanted to, but it was like he wanted h r gone, so she wouldn't be a problem he'd have to deal with. So what makes him different than Damon, he killed Sarah's mother, but Stefan stood by and watched Monique get killed, so what if she wasn't Sarah.  As Matt tells him, when it comes down to it, humans will always suffer at their hands and be expendable and so they'll never be friends.

Elena and Damon are pulled back and Tyler tells her about Kai already being here.  Once again they're plans go awry.  Kai shows up and fights with Damon, destroying the ascendant by putting it on fire and yes, Elena why don't you just sit around with it some more.  Particularly after Damon told her Kai was around, well he could'be already been here, didn't they think of that and why didn't Bonnie tell them about Kai and the ascendant.  They were on the phone long enough.  Damon knocks Kai all the way over the Mystic Falls line, which makes it easier for him to get to Jo now or anyone else he wants.  Alaric turns up and punches Damon twice, not giving him a chance to explain that Kai was already here.  Oh and another nitpick whilst I'm at it, why couldn't they take Bonnie's teddy with them so she could get her magic back!!?  Not to mention taking the ascendant too!

Jo was at fault since she should've told them to get the knife, or not have left it there all these years. Elena calls Jeremy and tells him she's not coming back.  Matt tells him not to drink but to put his anger into hunting Enzo for him so he can kill him.  Bonnie rushes to the house to find no one there and she's all alone.  Nothing's changed there then.

Monday 16 March 2015

Revenge 4.11 "Epitaph" Review

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David (James Tupper) calls the police reporting the shots fired at Grayson Manor and Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) arrives shortly after him to find Daniel (Josh Bowman).  Okay, control your screeching woman, cos it's your fault he was killed, giving Kate that photo of Emily, so once again you've only got yourself to blame for your meddling.  They decide they need to get their story straight otherwise if  Black finds out what happens, he'll be after all of them.  David telling Emily (Emily VanCamp) he told her to stay out of it.  Emily tells Detective Adams (Iris Bahr) that Daniel was in a rage and he came after her, she went to the balcony and he followed her, pushing her off it. She knew he'd hurt her and she had to shoot him.  As David is shown carrying out Kate's body and Jack (Nick Wechsler) wipes his prints off the gun and makes Emily hold it.  He throws the plant inside the window and clears up the glass of the window that was broken out.  Ben (Brian Hallisay) hears about the shooting and turns up.

Emily gets her story wrong about the gun and it belonging to the previous owner, that'd be Conrad and Victoria then, saying she found it in the attic, but it was meant to be basement, as she said earlier. Jack thinks she should take a break but she wants to continue, she can handle it but she's getting things wrong and the detective is noticing.  She may be able to handle it, but he can't, cos his career's on the line too.

David needs to dispose of the body so he tells Chief Alvarez (Nestor Serreano) Victoria can't speak to him now.  She wants to tell  everyone of what a saint Danil was and doesn't want his name desecrated.  She won't lie for Emily.  David telling her he was a prisoner of her lies for twenty years. She wanted to protect Daniel back then and now as well, destroying their lives in the process.  He takes her to Grayson manor and tells Emily to keep an eye on her cos he can't.  She doesn't want to stay there but neither of them have any choice.  "Play nice" he tells them.  As they each walk their separate ways.  Margaux (Karine Vanasse) is called about the news from the newsroom and rushes over to the beach house and she just instinctively knew that Victoria would be at the manor.  Telling her that she doesn't believe Emily was acting in self defence and that she lied.  Daniel was happy when he called her and Victoria was about to lie there, until she sees Emily watching her from the balcony.  Telling her she doesn't know that's the case at all. Margaux goes to the police.

Nolan's (Gabriel Mann) taken everything off Kate's sat phone and also programmed a new location on the GPS as he had the phone couriered to Miami,  He and Jack need to clear out the hotel room. Before Nolan leaves, Louise (Elena Satine) arrives feigning tears and not wanting to be alone and he leaves her there alone.  She wants to bake.  Well that was a stupid thing to do especially since he left his laptop there with all the info on it he was just looking at.  He gives Jack an unused key card and they clear up her things.  Nolan takes the envelope with Emily's photo out of the drawer and puts it in with the file of papers.  I thought he would've opened that!  As Jack has flashes of his night with Kate.  Oh snap out of it Jack, she was using you anyway, or at least would have.  So what's happened to Carl anyway?

The police have called Emily in for questioning again and Ben interviews her.  He tells her Daniel didn't have any bruises on him and there was no alcohol in him.  She says she must've been mistaken but she didn't want to hurt him, after Ben tells her he thinks he can look after herself.  She finally tells him about how he tried to kill her on their wedding night when she told him she wasn't in love with him. She had hurt him and so she covered it up.  Jack listens on the other side of the mirror.  Emily learns that Daniel was to be a father and her tears are genuine when she cries.  Or maybe it was that she couldn't have children cos of what he did to her, but he was becoming a father himself.  Alvarez also tells Ben he could make detective yet and they'll discuss it later.

Alvarez stops David's van on the road and tells him his tail light is damaged, yeah he did that.  He wants to look inside his van and thinks it suspicious he didn't ask why he pulled him over sirens ablazing.  Finally opening the van he finds it empty.  David tells him he's just acting that way cos Victoria won't look twice at him.  Louise takes Victoria a tart (fitting! for both of them ha) and says she thought Danny had a good heart.  Victoria asks her a favour when she finds out she's staying with Nolan.  She takes the envelope from the kitchen counter.  Oh my, what a bad piece of writing that was.  How the hell did Victoria know that Nolan would have that envelope and how did she know he'd have it at the house at that particular time and in that particular file.  Pull your socks up writers, that was appalling.

Margaux turns up again like a bad penny and tells Emily she knows the police aren't going to file charges against her and that she lied, so she shouts and raves and now it's her turn to vow revenge adding that she can't come to the funeral and Victoria agrees.  What they both wanted.  But there's now way she can stop her.  Before the funeral, Emily asks David what he meant when he said he had a plan and he replies it wouldn't be Daniel's funeral they'd be going to but her's.  Emily realizing he was going to kill her.  So daddy doesn't really love Victoria after all and was playing her all along.  I also see Louise trying to kill Victoria had also been forgotten, as has Margaux getting in in the sauna!

Jack takes time off and it's for personal reasons as he tells Ben, who thinks that Kate really did a number on him and then left.  Which is true, she did.  Nolan thinks they're in the clear as the Black jet takes off from Ottawa and heads to Miami bypassing New York, it wouldn't be that smooth sailing, not in this show.  David plans to get the word out to his enemies giving them exact details of where he'll be.  Victoria flashes to Daniel trying on a suit and tying his tie for him, adding that he'll be teaching how to do the same to his son.  Emily has flashes to meeting Daniel and him proposing to her, as she turns up at the funeral.  Knew she'd be there.  Louise gives her the envelope but she wants her to destroy it.  She should keep that, never know when it'll come in handy.

Nolan tells David there's been a bloodbath in Miami and a certain arms dealer was found in pieces. Of course it's not Black, cos he's in town.  Talking with  Alvarez and he notices he hasn't got Government issue plates.  Should've kept his mouth shut, as Black (Tommy Flanagan) pulls out a knife and stabs him. Obviously none of this is over, or will be, everyone's got their own agenda of revenge.  Seems like Emily's is over and David, Victoria's and Margaux's is continuing.  Let's hope we get some closure soon on this cos it's getting a little tedious.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Mr Selfridge Series 3 Episode 8 Review

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Harry (Jeremy Piven) and Frank (Samuel West) who is now head of press and public affairs, or some such title, celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, "peace at last."  As Harry comes up with plans of how to celebrate, time on peoples' hands after 5 years.  Harry comes up with 'Britain at Play' which Frank will have to break the news to Crabb (Ron Cook) about whilst he's sitting down, no expenses spared.

George (Calum Callaghan) looks after Earnest as Miss Mardle (Amanda Abbington) is at work and he's really a right proper nanny, she's grateful to have him.  Frank and Gordon (Greg Austin) tour the store finding out what each department's plans are for the big event.  Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes) comes up with portable make -up and Miss Calthorpe (Amy Morgan) talks of hats for all occasions, they're much smaller now, for golfing and other events.  Mrs Crabb has knitted clothes for Earnest but Grove (Tom Goodman-Hill) doesn't want them.  As well as Crabb bringing a toy for his godson.  However the children are with their aunt and grandmother.  Kitty appears to have a rivalry going with Miss Calthorpe and Gordon and she are caught kissing in the storeroom by Crabb.  Harry comes up with 100 hampers to give away, a raffle for a free flight and the money from raffle the tickets will go towards the Selfridge estate.

Nancy (Kelly Adams) tells Harry she wants to cool things off since her work is slipping and she's put things into perspective.  The Housing Department will give them funding as soon as they're ready to go ahead.  She'll be busy.  She wants to take a step back and he didn't realize he was a distraction.  He writes her a cheque for £1,000, watch her look at it with her tongue sticking out as if he wouldn't write her the correct amount on there, or cheat her out of it.

Some of Regan's (Sean Campion) men come to the club and make trouble, taking it into the bar area. Victor (Trystan Gravelle) isn't happy about this and also gets hit in the process.  Elsa (Naomi Ryan) tells him she thought he wanted to be his own man when they first met, but look at him now, skulking after Violette (Hannah Tointon).  She tells him to tell Regan about his men, cos they're his responsibility. She tells him the gambling den can make it big, she's worked at casinos and it can be big money. With this in mind, Victor approaches Regan and tells him he wants to expand, open up an exclusive members club and lose the roulette wheel.  Baccarat is big money and he knows wealthy customers from the Palm Court cafe and can bring them in.  He asks Regan for more money and Regan tells him if he fails then his club is his.

Jacques De Sibour (Xavier Lemaitre) is a French pilot, decorated during the war.  He's helping Serge (Leon Ockenden) and is his business partner.  Serge's taken a backseat with his own plane for the moment and he hopes to take their flight commercial.  Jacques has a liking for Violette, who's rather bored of it all.  Serge saying he's got more people to think about right now, his wife and child.

Miss Mardle demands to know what Grove intends to do about Earnest and he refuses to listen, still blaming her interference for everything that's happened.  George sends Earnest out with Billy (Craig Fletcher) for a picnic and he tells him once he's got a place of his own, he wants to take Earnest full time, for good.  Of course that's going to cause ructions between him and Grove, since he won't let Earnest go so easily.  Mrs Crabb has found some magazines which advertize female help for children so that Grove can gather his children together and bring them back home, but he's not interested. Later George speaks with him and tells him how Earnest has been mentioning names.  He recalls his father was a drunk and wasn't much of a parent that's why he and Agnes were so close.  Earnest wakes up in the night and points to take him to different rooms, where he point to them and calls out names, Arthur, Meryl, who Doris used to call 'little mother' cos she used to bathe him.   George tells him Earnest wants his family.

Loxley (Aidan McCardle) gets wind of the event at the store, as he would do and calls two other investors and shareholders, Lowe (Richard Braine) and Barrett, (John Arthur) to go to the store with him and find out what's happening from a business angle.  He doesn't see how Harry's going to make money for them by spending so much, on the hampers and the flight, which he says is a gift from Serge's business partner.  Loxley having a jibe at him about family and business.  Loxley stating the customers will have to spend more so they get their money back.  Harry saying the next event will impress even more, as he tells Crabb, it's going to be unlike anything anyone's ever seen.  Crabb thinks Gordon should call it quits with Miss Calthorpe, since he's got many chances, but she'll only have at best three in finding a man.  Gordon respects her.  Later telling Miss Calthorpe that he told Crabb to mind his own business, which he didn't really.  He didn't stand up for her other than saying he respects her.

Nancy's brother, the so-called architect,  tells her he didn't want her to call things off with him, just to cool it, and that she shouldn't have slept with him.  She gives him the cheque and he just knows this is one step further for their plans of America becoming a reality.  Lois (Kika Markham) asks Harry about Nancy an dhow he's been working late nights with her, knowing it's not all work.  The family comes to the store and Rosalie (Kara Tointon) thinks Jacques is a good match for Violette, who doesn't want her to matchmake for her.  Jacques tells her green is more her colour, or grey, not red and that she should come on the flight with him.  She's not interested and when he picks the raffle winner, he cheats by already having Violette's name in his hand.  She refuses the flight and promises to go on a flight with him if he picks another winner.  The Princess (Zoe Wanamaker) and Lois talk about Polly Maxwell Taylor (Jessica Madsen) and how Gordon knows her, she's from a good family and she buys a hat which her mother will hate.  Referring to Miss Calthorpe as 'the girl,' to package it for her.  She's in tears and Kitty finishes it off for her.  She tells Gordon it's off cos she's just a shop girl and can't really meet his family, she's already served them.  Then Gordon tells her he'll tell his father about them.

Connie (Sacha Parkinson) is making progress at the store and Miss Mardle has more fashion magazines at home she can look at, a she points out the latest fashion outfits in tennis.  Connie goes to her house for the magazines and meets George, who is looking after Earnest still.  She can't believe he's doing that.  Then later tells Kitty about Earnest.  Miss Mardle says George is a help cos she's not mother material, having no maternal instincts.  She didn't realize that until now, but she's just good at her work.  Kitty saying she's helped Connie and all of the girls get to where they are.

Violette tells Harry that Nancy let her go, so she can't even keep her job, not that it was a proper job working for her father.  Also telling him that Jacques isn't right for her cos she's not giving up on Victor and still wants him.  You don't give up on someone you love.  Harry takes this to heart as he visits Nancy and proposes to her.  The shameless hussy accepts him!! Ha.  Trouble in paradise there and I can't wait for the big reveal where he finds out what she's been up to.  Yet again he may not find out until it's too late and she's scarpered with all his money.  But then, she'll have all his money if she marries him.  Victor in the same situation as Harry in wanting to make it big and having to suffer the indignity of having other people who have to help them.  Victor with Regan and Harry having to answer to the shareholders, and worst of all Loxley.  So things are still crumbling for Harry in his world.

Fans of the show will be happy to hear that Mr Selfridge will return for a Series 4 next year, so we have still to suffer the downward spiral in his life, at least it won't be a rushed affair!

Saturday 14 March 2015

CSI 15.9 "Rubbery Homicide" Review

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As a woman walks the Las Vegas streets, she is watched by the people.  Later a man is found half naked and stripped of all his clothes.  He's been repeatedly stabbed and Sara (Jorga Fox) thinks he may have been the Vic of a female predator, or maybe he was trying to attack a woman who got her revenge, as David (David Berman) also joins in and DB (Ted Danson) says they need to stop with the suppositions. There's not much blood on him, so it was probably on his clothes and DB finds a lipstick, which kind of led to the suppositions.  Sara walks further down the alley and spots a faceprint in blood on the ground.  They think it could be the killer's face.  At least this is what Finn (Elisabeth Shue) thinks as she's checked on face recognition programmes and can get no match. Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) tells her that face is too flat and normal faces stick out.  She also tells Finn that the DB was Nelson Kern (Mark Aaron Wagner) who's in the system for burglary.

Nick (George Eads) and Officer Mitchell (Larry Mitchell) find what appears to be another DB in the dumpster, after Nick called Nelson's phone which led them there.  He finds the bag and Officer Mitchell thinks it could belong to her, but when the debris is moved it turns out it's a doll suit and not a woman.  They think Nelson was wearing the rubber suit.  Doc (Robert David Hall) carries out the autopsy and Nick shows DB that the wounds match the knife wounds on Nelson's DB.  Doc tells Finn that he was on drugs, was attacked with a sharp object which had square ridges around the wounds, as well as having bite marks on him.  So he was attacked whilst wearing the suit.  Nick tells DB that he found carpet fibres on the suit, as well as baby oil and a combination of vodka and mint liqueur, so they were having a party.  Nick shows him a website where there are other dolls online and they were probably made by Belinda who is on the wesbsite(Jane Adams) as he found a print embedded in the rubber before it was dry.  DB heads there whilst she's fitting a Beyonce suit for a man and she assumes DB's there for one too, which'll cost extra cos of his height.  Then assuming he's from university.  She recognizes the suit as that of Charlene and she made it.  Reluctantly giving him the address of the club.

DB takes Greg (Eric Szmanda) there and they stick out like sore thumbs, which is obvious and DB notices other men there too, so they're not the only ones out of character.  One of the dolls spots Greg and runs whilst they mingle alone.  Greg stops and is surrounded by the others.  They ID themselves as LVPD and the man tells Greg he's a high school counsellor and didn't want to be outed, recognizing Greg as police straightaway and Scandinavian too cos he was scanning the place like a "Nordic Terminator."  He knows Charlene and is surprised she's dead since she was only here for about six weeks and was very popular.   DB talks with another man and asks him to remove his face. He knew Charlene too and tells him he was attacked when DB notices the paint on his suit, similar to the one where Nelson was killed.  Some man stopped him and attacked him and if he killed Charlene, then he got the number plate of his bike.

Nick questions Clay Miller (Josh Wingate) and he says he didn't kill anyone and has an alibi, he was clocked in all night.  He admits he beat up on the man, cos he's a pervert and they shouldn't be doing that.  Nick tells him the Vic won't press charges cos he doesn't want to show his face in court and is more embarrassed than he is.

Henry (Jon Wellner) gets a result on the DNA and Hodges (Wallace Langham) tells him his "befuddlement" can be heard all the way across the lab.  He replies he's got a ghost story, which catches Hodges' attention.  He found DNA on the earrings which matched DNA to Charlene Brock who died two years ago.  Hodges has heard that name and seen the face before.  She was an '80's model and her poster has the same dress as the doll Charlene.  DB talks with the Brock family and the father, Stan (Richard Gilliland) says that someone probably stole her image and his son, Jonah (Callard Harris) is shocked someone would do this.  Apparently they revered their mother but all's not as it seems.  Okay I called the daughter, April (Margo Harshman) here as my suspect, I just did for no reason at all, though she did have a face like a doll!  She thinks someone bought the earrings when their father had an estate sale and sold all of her belongings.  Begging the question of why he'd sell everything if he was so in love with his wife, telling the story of how he met her and convinced her to do a photoshoot.  Then getting married.

Morgan has been online and shows Sara a website, the Vegas Rubberdolls Forum for the dolls which is really bitchy and she mentions Lexy who was the big thing until Charlene came and stole her thunder.  Morgan's left messages for her but no response.  Sara says they found Nelson's car and they check it out.  In the boot, Morgan finds Lexy's suit.  There's bolt cutter inside and Morgan thinks that Nelson was Lexy and he got hold of Charlene's suit.  There's trace of concrete on the cutters and DB recalls seeing concrete mix at the Brock home.  He checks out the garage and finds it's been broken into and all of Charlene's clothes inside , as well as a Charlene's suit.  DB knows the father dressed in the suit.

He admits to DB he lied cos his children were there and he couldn't tell them he wore the suit.  He saw how well the suit went down at the club and other people could see the magnificence of Charlene and feel her presence.  He'd never hurt anyone who wanted to feel Charlene around them.  Family of loons hey!!  Finn finds an Escalade was parked outside the alley and was registered to Adrian Graham (Terrell Tilford).  The carpet fibres from the suit match the car.  DB recognizes him from the club.  Finn interviews him and he doesn't like women.  So naturally Finn interviewed him cos we don't like Finn either ha.  He admits he had a good time with Charlene and likes rough sex and he bit her too.  He threw her out of the car cos she got too noisy and he hates women who speak.

No blood is found in his car and he would've tracked some trace back.  Sara goes though the various bottles he had inside the car and DB notices the baby oil bottle.  The suit had trace amounts of baby oil and he and Sara head back to the alley using a lower setting on the ALS to see the oil trail which leads to a wall and an electric box where she finds a nailfile covered in blood, with the Brock family logo on it.

Finn questions Jonah and says his prints were all over the file.  He says that his prints would've been over several other files too, he also gave them to his family since his mother used to file her nails when she was upset or angry with people and she mentions another file, where he was trying to throw his father off the board, but the board refused to entertain his attempt.  He saw his father's selfies on the laptop and thinks if people found out about their father dressing up in the suit, then the company would suffer.  Finn accuses him of thinking of his own pocket.  He also had an alibi and he even has a sex video of it.  Showing he was with a model at the time, for three hours.  Which Nick has to watch!  ha.  He mentions to Greg about how he was made as Five-0 in about 5 seconds and Greg isn't too happy about that.  He also says that he can't see Jonah as being the type to meta the time stamp on the camera.  Greg tells him that the file had female DNA and traces of gold.  Nick notices the model had gold nail polish.  How could they not ID the trace as being from nail polish, sheesh! Sorry been saying that a lot lately!  Ha.

Obviously the nailfile was a big clue since most cases it's associated with a woman, rather than a man. Cue the daughter, April.  She had filed the model's nails.  She says she didn't know Nelson but DB suspects she was trying to stab her mother and father.  She calls her mother a tyrant and she wasn't the idea of the daughter that her mother had.  Her father wouldn't defend her and it was her 30th birthday a few days ago but he wouldn't celebrate with her.  She heard the club music and found him there.  So she followed him out and stabbed him.  Removing the mask she realized it wasn't her father, but took off the suit anyway.  Once again he'd chosen her mother over her.  She yells at him when she comes home and all her father can see is the resemblance to her mother, that he didn't notice before.  Uh family of nutters and a womanizer! ha.  Well rather that than a killer.

Morgan notices Greg at his computer and he tells her how all his photos are the same.  Mentioning how he was made as a policeman.  She tells him that's what he is, but that's not how he wants to be defined.  She tells him people just aren't one thing and flicks onto the photo of the man with the two babies, who Greg says ate a beer can.  People are complicated and there's more to them.  But if he can get free coffee as a cop then that's okay, it becomes worse if they give him free donuts.  He takes his friend for beer and puts that online, to which Morgan agrees.

A bit of an ep that CSI has become known for.  One of those 'fetish -y' ones which again point out that people aren't what they seem, as Morgan told Greg.  Though it is a tad strange in that wearing a dollsuit would've brought Charlene back for him.  Again ignoring his family in memory of someone who's gone and he couldn't see how that was affecting April.

As well as giving Greg a bit of a crisis of personality.  Think he overdid it with the bowtie, ha, cos he's never been made for a cop before in all of his cases, but he's a CSI more than a cop anyway, can't forget that distinction.  At least he got some comforting from Morgan this week, it's usually Sara who does that.  Knew Nick would get a laugh at his expense though and that's just what the two of them do anyway.
Funny ep Callard Harris was cast in, but I didn't see him as the killer at all, he was more frustrated with the suit and what his father would do to the company.  At least he didn't have to wear a suit, I mean what would Klaus (Joseph Morgan) from The Originals have said! ha.

The Mentalist 7.5 "The Silver Briefcase" Review

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This episode of the Mentalist, directed by Simon Baker, really went old school in terms of being akin to a Columbo ep, where we get to see the killer first and then figure out how Patrick (Simon Baker) would prove that he did it. As we see a man wash his hands and put away a knife.  He then turns the thermostat and fan on and leaves the house.
Lisbon (Robin Tunney) and Cho (Tim Kang) are on a training session with the army and the FBI happens to win the match, with Patrick acting as a 'pretend hostage.'   Colonel Aaron Raymond (Wiley Pickett) congratulates Abbot (Rockmond Dunar) and says he'll win them next time.  The same Colonel just shown leaving the house.  Lisbon asks Patrick what they would do if they left the FBI and she says that he loves the job really.  The Colonel greets Lisbon and Patrick asks her about him. She asks why he asked if she didn't have a fling with him?  Then remarks on how he lost his wife, she was murdered.  Patrick says there's something about him and he thinks that he's the killer.

He talks to Abbot about this but he doesn't have any solid proof, it's just his instinct.  Lisbon says his instincts haven't been wrong in the past and Abbot lets them reopen the case but quietly.  Zach Jefferson (Brandon Fobbs) was arrested for the murder cos he was driving the Colonel's wife's car in a bad part of town.  Cho talks with the investigating officer, Det Rios (Daniel Edward Mora) and tells them the prisoner is opening a civil rights case.  He says that they caught him with the car.

Lisbon and Patrick talk with Zach and his lawyer, Linda Berry (Lisa Kaminir) and he tells them he didn't kill anyone.  Patrick tends to believe him and Linda says she wants to hear how they do.  On the way back, Patrick thinks they should pay a visit to the house, which is now for sale.  Did you see the Sale board was already displayed in the CS photo.  Patrick calls the agent, Judy Lomax (Allison Dunbar) from the car and tells Judy he and his girlfriend want to view the house now.  Lisbon acting all coy when he mentioned the word, 'girlfriend.'  When inside, Patrick asks Judy what she's not telling them and gets her to admit there was a murder in the house, with Lisbon remarking that there's some law where she was meant to tell them that.  Patrick wants to view the house alone and pulls out the file on the case.

Looking at the CS photos, he notices the window was open and there's a playground across the street, so if the killer broke in through that window as the police said, he'd have been seen.  Patrick adding he could've used the side window to break in.  He then looks at the fan and the thermostat and Lisbon thinks he could've turned it on high and told his wife, Nicole (Cheryl Bricker) it was broken, but left it on with the fan, so that it would change the time of death.  Patty bringing up how his aunt used to cook a roast, by turning the oven all the way up and then turning it off.  Strange way of doing that. Funny him asking Lisbon if she's ever cooked a roast before.  They then comment on how the prints were wiped off the door handle, why would they be if it was his house and Patrick thinks that he wiped them off cos he had another woman with him.  In which case he'd have needed her for the traffic cam photo at the red light.  See, a text book Columbo ep!

Silly scene where they had Vega (Josie Loren) telling him how 'curiosity killed the cat;' oh she's so pointless and irritating and a loose end, they did not need in the final season!  I mean even Cho hardly featured in this ep.  Other than watching Vega clean her gun and sending her out with Wylie (Joe Adler) to find the other woman's discarded clothes.  After Wylie is sent to the office to find out which woman he was seeing.  Pretending to be IT.  He notices Denise Cortez (Jama Williamson) is the only other woman there and has African art in her office, which Patrick earlier pointed out he didn't have in his home or the office.  After he'd gone to see the Colonel, just to check him out.  With him saying how war is the only real thing they have left and Patrick wondering why he'd say that, as well as Patty quoting Napoleon.

Wylie and Vega time how long it would have taken for Denise to change her clothes and discard them and Wylie finds a piece of clothing near a homeless person's tent.  Which is being analyzed. Colonel complains about why he's been investigated and Abbot says he knew.  He wants this stopped. They believe the forensics may lead to something but Abbot won't hear of it.  Thus Patty gets an idea to use a sealed silver briefcase and get them to confess.  He arranges a meeting and tells them the first one to confess within 5 minutes will get a deal, otherwise he'll open up the case and see what forensics revealed.  Before the 5 minutes are up, Colonel says she did it, she adds he's a liar and he killed her.  Then back at the office, they go through their versions of who killed her and how.  It's a case of 'he said, she said'.  He says she killed his wife and she claims he did it.

Patrick doesn't care who did it but Vega can't let it go.  She opens the briefcase when Patty leaves it there and it has a paper with 'curiosity killed the cat' written on it.  As he goes 'meow.'  Lisbon asking him what they'd do of they left.  He'd like to go to Polynesia, lie on the beach with hammocks, sip cocktails.  She says he could get run over by a bus and it's so boring.  He'd want to sail around the world, something he'd always wanted to do, or beekeeping.  She look good in a beekeeping suit.

Like I said a bit of  Columbo ep, even down to the photo being taken at the red light, see the ep Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star (1991) where Columbo proves that the photo taken by a traffic cam was manipulated by the defence lawyer to provide himself an alibi.   When in actual fact he wasn't even driving the car, but it was his female accomplice.  Pretty similar here as Denise wasn't his wife in the car with him.   Nice touch when Patty sends Lisbon out to do what he does and make a connection with Denise to find out what she's like.  Drinking black coffee, four sugars, tip the server when she's looking at her and she talks to Lisbon when she asks her about her bag.  Which Patrick knew would get them talking, cos it always does with women.  Last ep it was Patty getting Lisbon to take his place in unmasking the killer and this week she does a cold reading, of sorts.
Also Patty telling Vega to call Wylie over when he looks at her next time was funny.  Of course Wylie's smitten with her.

As for the Colonel, what a cad, he certainly was no officer or gentleman.  He kills his wife and then gets Denise to take the blame, who's idea was it anyway and more importantly, why did he do it if he couldn't hack it, no pun.  It had to have been him otherwise why show him in the beginning, otherwise showing Denise would've messed up the storyline.  Unless they deliberately did that to make sure we didn't guess there was another woman involved.  Ahh, Simon you have a devious mind when it came to directing!

What about Lisbon and Patrick sharing a little more personal time together.  Have they even been on another date, not even another, but a proper date?

How can Patrick leave the FBI, going back to his agreement with them, he made a deal he would not face prison if he worked for them in relation to the Red John killing.  Not to mention he only agreed to it if they brought in Lisbon to work with him, but now he wants her to leave with him.  You know the ending I would've liked, if secretly Patrick was Ped John but only the audience saw that reveal. The possibilities!!