
Saturday 4 August 2018

Supernatural 13.19 "Funeralia" Commentary

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Did anyone get the impression Supernatural timed 13.19 ep (in the US) to coincide with the release of Avengers Infinity War, especially with its timely references to Loki and the family of Odin and his grandsons.  It felt that way to me, just to make the story more topical.
On the other hand, it was also good to see that Gabriel (Richard Speight Jr) in the end, finally realizes that he must do something good, something to help the world otherwise Loki's sentiments will forever echo in his ears about never having done anything good for anyone.  Thus making him worthless.  All those years he was tortured by Osmodius and being reduced to his sorry self or state of being a nobody.  As Naomi (Amanda Tapping) also said to Cas (Misha Collins) how they need him in heaven so they can become more powerful, get more angels and help in the fight with Michael.  Could he manage heaven and all its pitfalls (no pun) and could he be a match for Lucifer.

Also how there was more reveals on Gabe's backstory of how he became like Loki - the Trickster and Loki explained how he gave Gabe his face when he was on the run and then he also took on Loki's persona and personality by getting in the way of the Winchesters and playing tricks on them.  When they far from deserved this.  Since in contrast to him, they were doing good, saving people and all the rest of it several times over.  Yet it just seemed like a game to Gabe cos he really didn't see their true worth.  Well he probably did in some ways, but sought to play them instead of helping them.

Mystery Spot showed his cruel nature and how he made Sam (Jared Padalecki) see Dean (Jensen Ackles) die several times over.  (My review of this ep in my Dudes and Demons Supernatural book).  Yet on the other hand he wanted Sam to face reality and come to terms with losing Dean and how he would feel, but also how he would and could go on without him.  Oh and I called him Deano first okay Gabe!  ha.  Though Gabe and Dean have some similar qualities in their persona such as getting revenge, porn and more importantly they differ too.  As Dean in this ep also brought up being brothers and how he had to go it on his own cos he doesn't want to hurt Sam all the time.  How it was always his job as older brother.  Sam putting him right that they will fight this Apocalypse together and even if that means dying, they will die together.  Which as we know is the crux of this show and their relationship, one can't function without the other effectively.  Two Winchester's are better than one!

Putting them in the TV shows was just messing with them but was it to teach them an important lesson too.  Yet when Gabe needed help he turned to Sam and Dean now and they agreed to help him if he helped them too, but they didn't ask for help, only tell them what happened.
What was funny about this episode was how the flashbacks always had some crazy '60's porn film fest theme to them as were the clothes! But then that was Gabe all trussed up in a nutshell.  As well as Dean hiding the 3-day old cheeseburger for emergencies!  Eeww dude!

Still we got to see how Rowena (Ruth Connell) mourned for Crowley and wanted him back.  Seeking Death's attention by killing off some reapers.  Though perhaps the highlight for her was not finding that Billie (Lisa Berry) tells her in all the scenarios involving her death, Sam is the one who kills her.  A sobering thought for her.  Also what was Billie's loaded farewell to Dean a foreshadowing for, when she told him she'll see him again soon.  Wonder if it had anything to do with the season 13 finale?  Re Dean and Michael...

Thursday 2 August 2018

Spiritual Muse

As he looked out the window for looming and lingering shadows he saw his own reflection stirring in the misty glass, yet something else quivered behind him.  Whatever it was vanished as soon as he blinked.  Yet it got him thinking why he bought this studio when renting would've been just fine.  Who knows what skeletons lurked in descending closets and what ghostly apparitions hovered to escape the other world.  His nightly painting session postponed for another night cos this hangover was too massive to shift.  The paint splashed across the walls and the floor reminded him of some crime scene spatter and longing to forget his past he'd spuriously dived into a new hobby.

Art was no mean feat but it was subjective and at least he could portray his demons straight onto the canvas instead of the bottle.  But the demon drink was too tempting to resist on lonely nights such as tonight.  An empty feeling trembled in his stomach, not one of hunger he thought and then laughed to himself.  One more forging of forgotten moments and missed opportunities.  Letting his life drift on and by without laying down solid foundations and memories of happy times and what could have been, a life lived to the fullest.

He lit up another cigarette and poured some wine, whiskey, bourbon it was all the same when nursing his broken heart and soul.  Yet he couldn't let go of her image.  The tall prepossessing demeanour she exuded.  The steamy sexy nights they spent together lingered in his mind, in his paintings and how love was fleeting.  Picking up a brush he tried to create, recreate another masterpiece.  In his mind they were all his best work,  Sadness always brought out the most ardent work of the religious and devoted artist.  Red, yellow, crimson, topaz hues reverberated onto the canvas as the candles blew in the wind.  There was a noise: a slight echo of  manifesting laughter which caught his ear.  Putting it down to his imagination, it was an old building and his drunken mind was probably playing cruel tricks as it always did.

Yesterday was gone, a new day sprung like the leaking tap he could hear.  The dripping and the noise was momentous and thundering like the roar of a lion and he woke from the slumber he needed.  He'd stumbled into a deep stupor more like and yet even this appeared futile.  Once again he heard more noises, soft knocking on the wall behind him and he turned around.  It stopped as suddenly as it began.  He looked at his work and it was shocking, shocking that it was completed.  He had no idea when he finished but he couldn't recall .  His mind was far from clear and devoid of such thoughts.

The completed masterpiece looked abstract but inside he could see waves of emotion.  A face, was it a face, a shadow coming back to haunt him peering out from beneath the mirage of colours.  Radiating depth and colourful rendition of a golden symphony. Something stirred in him again and he couldn't place the thoughts.  Where was all this coming from...he shuddered to think of the complex implications of there actually being something supernatural going on.  Something guiding him to eerily finish his creations.  Perhaps he needed paranormal intervention.  Yet he paused for sane thought and sneered at the possibility.  Snarkily smirking at his stupidity.

Still he thought it was a Godsend.  He needed more work as money was fast running out and blowing it all on her was typical behaviour on his part.  The gallery was exhibiting more work next month and he was in dire need of inspiration.  He felt a cold breath on the nape of his sweaty neck.  It remained for a moment; icy cold and gave him chills down his spine.  Thinking back to her and how she blew in his ear and made him love her.  Sultry seduction could work wonders for an author so why not for the sake of his art.  Every breath, every motion of their bodies sparked a resonance of movement from his brush, of throwing paint in tandem unison. Ending in a violent crescendo!   He did everything for her but still it wasn't enough.  If he had taken his love to greater heights and sang a serenade from the moon that wouldn't have been enough.

He felt cold again and shuddered; turning to see the paint moving with a life of its own, the brush flowed too and fro.  He couldn't fathom the reality of what was before his eyes.  He wasn't anywhere near it but the paint appeared to be covering the entire canvas and the smell of the oils became deep and mesmerizing.  What was this madness unfolding before his unbelieving eyes.  Some ghastly abhorrence.  He didn't believe in ghosts or spirits except for the ones in his head. This was something wilder than his free flowing imagination.  His mind must be coming undone.  Unravelling like some deja vu moment, he swore he could have been here before.  This point in time, his subconscious had tricked him so blindly before.  That woman was real, not invisible. 

She was his muse and he didn't realize the spirit of her was always here. Staying alive always in is work and the essence of his own being.  The gallery was hers.  But was taken from her in a cruelly twisted way along with her life essence and everything she was.  He was destined to own it and to do her justice.  He never found the mystery of her circumstances surrounding that fateful night; but he found his true calling through her.  Her selfless nature and her being by his side always.  People may call him mad but there was no denying his art had meaning, fortitude and an evocative beauty that wasn't a result of deception.  It was honesty and a special spirituality.  A purity that resonated throughout his inner core.

Muses came in all shapes and sizes.  All forms.  So why couldn't this immaculate spirit be his muse.  Creating with him this divine eternity.  For his art to be seen by millions and giving memorable inspiration to those who suffered for their art.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Longmire 6.10 "Goodbye is Always Implied" Review

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In the final ever episode most stops were pulled out but unfortunately some were not, at least not to my satisfaction.  But of course that's my opinion.  Walt (Robert Taylor) still searches for Malachi (Graham Greene) as we get a shot of him making coffee in the morning at home, showing us what a homely person he's become over the years and in some ways, more relaxed in his work and at work too.  Obviously just a forerunner for the ending.  Marilyn (Tantoo Cardinal) waits for Walt outside and tells him she can show him where Malachi is and she wants him off their land as more men are coming in and he's just making it worse.  Giving the analogy of a beetle attacking trees.  Yeah that kind of a disease.  She takes him to the river and they row to other side only for Maggie to be shot.  Whereas it could just as easily have been Walt, which is what Vic (Katee Sackhoff) warned him about earlier when he said he was heading out there on his own.  Wanting Ferg (Adam Bartley) and Vic to watch out for Johnny.  She needs Ruby's (Louanne Stephens) car for the stakeout and she hates that cos last time she had to have it cleaned cos it wreaked of food.

As Nighthorse (A Martinez) finds his people no longer want him around as he's been 'stealing' their profits and stage a casino walkout when he's there giving Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) a tour in an effort to convince him that this casino does some good.  Keeping their people in work and paying them real wages.  That it's not just a hundred employees but more than one hundred in a snowball effect as they all provide for their families.  As Nighthorse tries to reason with them, shots are fired and he and Henry are whisked away by Nighthorse's security!

Mathias (Zach McClarnon) calls in for help with the casino shooting and Walt eventually turns up after taking her to hospital.  And after hiring Zach (Barry Sloane) as his new deputy cos he needs help right now and sending him out to pick up the DB.  Even easier as he drives a pick-up.  Just when he and Cady (Cassidy Freeman) were fooling around again.  After Cady tells Zach she wants to leave Wyoming for good.  But in the past she couldn't cos something would always call her back, her mother's death, her father needing her and now she's ready to leave which is why she doesn't want any baggage and doesn't see a future with Zach.  That's wishful thinking on her part.  She won't leave Absaroka County and she knows it!  She's a part of it just like it is with her and Walt cements her there.  Okay I was about to go into full blown Gone with The Wind mode here with the speech about 'land being the only thing that matters; the only thing that lasts'.  But here it's more than land; it's a legacy for her, Walt's legacy.

Marilyn dies as Ruby breaks the news which just makes Vic lose the plot again since she harps on about it being Walt.  Obviously Marilyn decided that Walt was the eagle, with Henry being the osprey as Walt just dives in after the big fish.

Security Brian (Wallace Langham) stops at the bridge as both Henry and Nighthorse recognize the car there and Brian shoots the other security guard as he's on Malachi's payroll.  Malachi wants Nighthorse to sign over the casino and all assets to him and forces him to record a video message saying this, otherwise he'll kill Henry.  Henry thanks Nighthorse for saving his life, though it may have been premature since they won't get out of this.  However Nighthorse wants Henry to take over the casino as he's a good man and will do the right thing for their people.  Malachi gets Nighthorse to sign over documents and Henry fooled the guard into showing him where Hector pulled his tooth out cos he stole too.  Reminding him of Agnes and he manages to conk him against the pipe and escape.

Zach finds that Brian is an assassin and on Malachi's side and they head to where he is as Walt sees the sawdust in the photo of Muldoon.  There is a sawmill and Walt smelt sawdust on the DB too by the river.  He doesn't want Mathias to call the Crow Res police as they'll be on his payroll.  Walt almost drives into Henry and they all head back.  Taking Malachi's men out two at a time.  Vic ponders why she always ends up in this position and having to deal with Walt being in danger.  She can't always do this.  Can't keep saying goodbye.  Walt replying, "goodbye is implied in this work."  Meaning even if they don't get to say it, well actually I should say. he won't need to say goodbye to her or vice versa.

Finally getting to Malachi, Walt must first save Nighthorse who has been strung up with the chain in  the mill and Walt, after having flashbacks with Nighhorse, finally saves his life, for which he thanks him.  Dealing with Malachi who comes after Walt with his knife, Walt manages to shoot him dead.  He heads home and he puts vodka on his scar and Vic asks him how many he's got.  "Twelve, no thirteen..."  As she asks him about the scar on his back after she spied him at work.  And they get touchy feely and kiss, finally falling into bed together.  Man that was some kinda infatuation!  Next morning she tells him that they can't do this since she will always love her baby more and he will always love Martha.  But they manage to kiss again.

Walt sees Cady and tells her he's leaving work and he wants her to take over as sheriff.  Lucien made him who he is as he learned from him and was a newbie when Lucien hired him.  However he also recalls Lucien said he was working this job too much and Walt doesn't want to grow old doing this.  She's perfect for it and he and her mother would be proud of her!  As Cady cries.  She puts up a 'Longmire for Sheriff: Honesty and Integrity' sign advertizing her intention to run.  As Walt rides away as he's going to hunt for treasure with the map he got from Lucien!  Yeah somehow can't see him doing that.  Henry walks the casino floor and take it Nighthorse was jailed.  Ferg turns up in a suit carrying flowers to make amends with Meg

As Walt gets that call on his phone...SO who was that?  I'd stuck my neck out and said it's Martha??  Especially since they all mentioned her in the space of a few minutes!!  Also Walt saying he was happy now in the longest he's ever been...I know a lot of fans have said that it was just the novelty of Walt having a mobile/cell phone, but for my mind and way of thinking, that's just too simplistic and I know I'm a mile off and then some when I say Martha...yet who would be calling him in the middle of nowhere and how many actually know he has a phone now.  See that's the mystery I think, more than he has a phone...

I did not like that Walt and Vic scene, it just seemed so unreal and tacked on;very tacky indeed.  Okay so I was never an advocate for them and their relationship and I preferred it when their feelings, her feelings were one sided and not reciprocated.  It just seems unlikely he would suddenly see her in a new light after all the distance between them.  What's even more funny or ironic is how Cady, now that she's running for sheriff had already superceded Walt in the romance department with her soon-to-be colleague, Zach, as they already got it on not once, but twice thus far.  Whereas they pointlessly let Walt and Vic loose!  As well as how Vic kept on harping about watching him get hurt over and over and repeating that same old tune, well luv, the simple answer was to just leave then!  But no she hung around (dare I say it like a bad smell) just to get what she so desperately wanted from him.  Her more than Walt as he pursued him relentlessly!  Instead they had Walt being the one who did the u-turn and give up work for her already!

Strange that as Walt gets his life together, leaves behind his work and gets a mobile phone, he gets a mysterious phonecall on it.  I mean how many people could have his phone number.  And why such a cliffhanger, come on, it's not as though the show was coming back for another final season.  I hate that and will always have that in the back of my mind now, just like that song you get into your head and can't get it out.  Of course even worse for me and my retaining memory that never forgets a thing!

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Longmire 6.9 "Running Eagle Challenge" Review

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Continuing on from last ep, FBI Agent Vance (Jon Tenney) shows up with the letter that Walt (Robert Taylor) got Vic (Katee Sackhoff) to mail and asks why it took him so long to send it out, if he already knew about Shane Muldoon.  Walt tells him about Decker (Raphael Sbarge)and how he showed up after he already had the meeting with Muldoon, thus he must've been in league with Muldoon all the time.

Vic makes breakfast for Travis, only for Joe Mega (Robert Baker) to tell her that he's gone and left the trailerpark.  He doesn't know where he's gone.  She rushes back to the RV leaving brekkie behind and opens the letter with the paternity results, but then she decides to burn it without opening it.  Then accidentally sets fire to the hanging kitchen roll!  Thought she would've looked at the letter, okay she doesn't really need to know now, but she would want to know one day.  We want to know! That would in some ways also be closure.  She goes to counselling for people who have lost children and finds a woman still there, who lost her baby a year ago and still hasn't gotten over it.  It's not something that can be gotten over so quickly, everyone is different when it comes to grief.  She later tells Walt she went to grief counselling but she won't go again, cos it's too hard.  She can't think of just seeing baby owls and start bawling.  He tells her she's stronger than that and recommends she should take part in the Running Eagle Challenge.

Walt spoke with Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) about Nighthorse (A Martinez) and about Muldoon, also about Decker being corrupt and Decker let Eddie know where they were when they were run over.  He tells Henry to get Vic enrolled in the competition even if it is for Native Americans only since she needs it.  Telling him about losing the baby and Henry asks who the father was, thinking it might be Walt.  Everyone would think that wouldn't they.  So Walt sees Vic in a different light now.  But she can't ride a horse or even paddle a canoe.  So he teaches her to ride, how to brush a horse and then take it slowly riding.  All rather touchy feely in many ways.

When she arrives home, she finds her father there.  He's here cos of the shooting and as they share cheese steaks, he tells her she's wasted here and should come home with him.  There's a programme in Philly which she'll be suited for and it'll give her a promotion, instead of being a deputy, putting herself in danger for Walt, who just keeps getting himself into trouble.

Cady (CAssidy Freeman) is visited by Nighthorse and tells her she can't have much more money cos he's in a tight spot and was over zealous with the budget.  She doesn't think anyone will come and see her anyway.  One of his bodyguards tells them about a man outside.  Cady knows it's Zach (Barry Sloane) and she takes him a Rainier.  He admits her father hired him and he knows she's independent and everything.  She's glad he's here, but he doesn't drink anymore.  She later tells him to come inside her house cos he's just sitting out there and she says she can't work cos she's not Cherokee and knows nothing of their history.  As they get it on together!!  That was obvious too from last ep.  She later tells Walt he should hire Zach cos he loves the job, is good at it and wants to help people.  Instead of Walt running himself into the ground with only two deputies.  One day one of them will leave, hitting the nail on the head as far as Walt is concerend with Vic.
Vic's father, Victor (John Doman) pays a call on Walt to and they talk of Vic and how she's wasted here.  Got shot over him and Walt explains she shouldn't have been there, but she was and she saved his life.  But he's not interested in that.  He tells Walt she'll be leaving with him. 

Henry and Walt come up with Johnny who works for Nighthorse at the casino cos one of them is an inside man and he needs to find him.  But he can't go to Mathias (Zahn McClarnon) cos he doesn't know if Muldoon might have someone on payroll in the Res police.  Telling Ferg (Adam Bartley) to get info on Johnny too.  Henry takes a delivery from the Red Pony to the casino and asks for Johnny, but his boss tells him he's the only one who signs for deliveries and Johnny isn't here.  He's probably at his uncle's workshop.  When he gets there with Mathias, they find he's gone.  And the work logs show Johnny was there at lunchtimes when his boss was away and so he signed for them.

Walt tells Vic to go to the competition when she doesn't want to.  She manages the running and the canoeing but the horse riding lets her down.  She falls off the horse and he runs away.  She almost gives up, but then the horse turns up again and she leads him back to the finish line.  Here's she's applauded by Walt and she tells him she's tired, almost lost his horse and she's leaving.  Nighthorse wants Henry's help in convincing the people that he's on their side.  He won't be able to pay them the casino profits now cos he needed $1 million for his bail.  Henry says he won't do that to them, to family.

Vic and Walt come up with a plan to lure Malachi out by using the drugs.  They speak on the radio and that's why he wanted Vic to scramble the police scanner.  They still have the drugs in lock up and plant a phone into the brick of drugs.  That phone had a long battery life!  The signal finally moves and they follow it to a warehouse and Ferg finds Decker hiding out.  The FBI arrest him but Walt can't question him cos he doesn't get permission from Vance's bosses.  He can give Walt the transcript of his answers though.  So Ruby (LouAnne Stephens) comes in with the mail and he decides to show Decker the pic of Muldoon, saying he can save Decker from Malachi.  Decker finally relents as the FBI take him away.
Hey that pic Walt had of Muldoon, that was doctored wasn't it, I mean he must've taken Muldoon's idea with Eddie and done the same to dupe Decker into helping him out with the whereabouts of Malachi.  Only nobody else thought that, obviously they didn't see the photo, but wonder if this is the case, cos Walt was all straight faced about it.

Vic wants to talk to Walt and he thinks this means goodbye, but she asks for a raise!!  Much to his relief. SO last ever ep to go and I know many have watched this last year. but I waited til we got it here, hoping it's going to be a goodun!  Know most have had  a year to have missed the show and move on from it, but this was one show you kinda wished went on forever, ha, no, for a little longer!  At least!  A detective/western which we haven't seen the likes of in a while, if at all!  Will miss everyone especially Rob Taylor who I've been watching for ever (almost!) in everything he's done!!

Sunday 8 July 2018

Longmire 6.8 "Cowboy Bill" Review

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Walt (Robert Taylor) speaks with Ferg (Adam Bartley) about the shooting even if it was a good kill and Ferg says he was holding a hostage.  Walt replies he might have wanted to question Eddie about his dealings and of course, Shane Muldoon and Malachi.  So he gives Ferg leave for a few days.  This leads him to call on Meg (Mary Wiseman) and her mother, Beverly (Marylouise Burke) tells him she's away.  She likes to go out on her own.  He looks for her around town and even sees her ex, Reggie (Joe Coots) who's fixing his car, or attempting to.  He was at a job interview at Cody and he used to work in a bank.  Ferg suggests Pagosa Springs and he replies that's far for a job.  Seeing as Meg showed him the photos when she and Ferg went there.  Ferg suspects Reggie could be Cowboy Bill cos he needs the money.

Walt asks Zach (Barry Sloane) to babysit Cady (Cassidy Freeman) well he hires him cos he may have stirred up a hornet's nest and his loved ones might be in danger.  He hires him to look after her, even if she's independent and wouldn't like it.  Walt shows him a photo of the back of Muldoon's head since no one has any pics of him. Cady returns to wok and finds the place vandalized, with Mandy (Tamara Duarte) trying to clean up.  There's graffiti on the wall telling her not to touch their children and also a scrawling of an upside down person, which Mandy says she doesn't know what it means.  But Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) tells her sometimes it's a threat.  Zach also turns up and she knows she hasn't paid him.  He says he can help with the carpentry and Henry knows how to use a broom.  Mandy returns cos she can't get benefits unless Cady fires her, but when she sees Zach, she decides to stay.

Ferg tells Zach what he found and needs his advice about Reggie.  Zach says he needs more than just his instinct before he takes this to Walt. Nighthorse's (A Martinez) lawyer calls him and he is willing to tell him about Eddie, he doesn't know he's dead and Walt tells Vic (Katee Sackhoff) he wants to use that against him.  Would've thought his lawyer would be on the ball with that news, even though it may no be common knowledge yet.   Nighthorse tells him he knows someone who could tell him where Eddie is and that's Muldoon (Dylan Walsh).  He's been dealing with him since a week ago since he had a business arrangement with Barlow who used to put money into the casino.  Tucker was aware of that and now he's dead, he needed new input.  However he denies letting drugs onto the Res cos he wouldn't do that to his people.  Obviously Walt doesn't believe him.  Nighthorse gives him a way to contact Muldoon the way he does in exchange for remaining in solitary.

Walt tells Vic about this who thinks he's just messing with him.  Walt uses Henry's computer to send Muldoon a message saying, 'Sitting Bull.'  He also tells Henry that Eddie was Hector and he found the mask in his belongings.  Henry commenting that Hector dies again.    Henry was trying to find an out for Nighthorse to prove his innocence.  But he can see he won't need that now.  So what about the stolen Indian artefacts and is that going to be relevant for the last two eps, or just a red herring.  Vic also mentioning that Nighthorse doesn't know he incriminated himself.

Ferg heads to where there was another robbery at Pagosa Springs and he sees the policeman on TV talk of the attempted robbery as he checks in.  Officer Fields (Ryan Carlberg) tells him he wasn't in uniform and when he asked what was going on, Cowboy Billl fled.  Also there was a partial number plate with '24' in there, which Ferg says corresponds to Absaroka County.  As he checks this out, he asks the clerk if he' seen Reggie or the sketch of Cowboy Bill, as he finds the complete numberplate of the car in the motel's ledger. He heads to the owner, Gloria Dodd (Eve Gordon)and she finds the number plate on her car has been stolen.  Leading Ferg to arrest Reggie, who denies it all.  Wouldn't it have been easier to check out his alibi first, which he did, but I should say, he should've waited for a response from the bank where Reggie had the interview.

Meg finds out and loses her temper at Ferg.  Also adding he probably suspects her, but she was miles away trying to get a reverse mortgage on her mother's house, as Walt and Vic return.  Also throwing her watch at him, the one he gave her.  Walt doesn't think it's Reggie and he tells Ferg he made the same mistake as him and learned from him, he should've taught him better.  Cos what he did was follow his gut instead of going through the evidence before him.  Bob (John Bishop) also asks Walt what wood he wants for the kitchen, Walt leaving him to choose.

Vic gets a comment on the post with the words, 'extinction' and Walt takes that as a threat.  However in return for the bail, Nighthorse tells him it's a meeting place, where he takes Vic with him.  Getting there 12 hours ahead of time.  Walt tells her the Indians used to do that and sometimes they would get their days ahead.  Vic asks if there's something he wants to do before he dies. He doesn't really know and well, his answer would be 'get it on with her'!!  No really!  Ha.  The looks that passed between them.  He tells her he doesn't want to lose her and that's why he brought her here with him, to protect her...Walt bringing out his leather jacket again for the stakeout!

Muldoon turns up and Walt tells him about Eddie.  He makes a deal that if he gives him Malachi then he can go free.  He has until next day to decide.  Next day they don't hear back from him and Agent Decker (Raphael Sbarge) comes to see him telling him Muldoon turned himself in.  Of course he's on his payroll cos him turning up like that was too convenient, knew he was dodgy when he first arrived on the scene.  Walt asks Vic to check if Agent Townsend is still lead on the case.  As he and Ferg talk with Gloria again who tells them her son's in rehab.  They find more number plates were stolen from rehab and used in the robberies.  Giving Walt the clue that it was someone who had a family member at rehab.  Vic tells him that Townsend is still on the case and he tells her to mail the letters to the FBI detailing info about Muldoon.  As he checks out Bob's RV there's another robbery in progress in Cumberland County and his assistance is required.  He walks into the bank and brings Bob out.  Walt will cover the $10,00 for his son's last rehab, which is why he started robbing banks.

Not many loose ends to tie up now, except for Muldoon and Malachi and well I guess Vic and Walt too, it's that obvious.  In many ways, probably Cady and Zach, there's an attraction there, it seems.  Especially after he finds that the office was trashed from the inside and that someone let them in.  This being Mandy of course since she has to deal with those people who are her friends.  Cady writes her a letter telling her she's fired now!  Clearly she's distressed and of course Zach notices all this.  A bit late for Walt and Vic, as I said and to repeat myself, this was something that didn't really need to be delved into for the final remaining eps!  How will Ferg fare with Meg?

Sunday 1 July 2018

Longmire 6.7 "Opiates and Antibiotics" Review

                                          Image result for longmire season 6 episode 6
As Walt (Robert Taylor) brings glasses to celebrate at work with his booze from the office drawer and we get another song again in the opening, as last week's ep, he finds the others are working on the Ian murder.  Even Zach (Barry Sloane) is there.  Vic (Katee Sackhoff) was at the morgue and tells Walt et al that he wasn't killed with 16 arrows but there was a 17th puncture there too and she couldn't see it or how it was made.  Was probably drugged, didn't they do a Tox screen?  Walt finds that Eddie had parents and he sent cheques to them but they never cashed them cos they didn't want his dirty money, which Ferg (Adam Bartley) says was "good for them."  The investigation leads to the Irish mob again and ultimately to Shane Muldoon, cos you know that part of the story wasn't over and done with.

Vic stops a truck and waits for Walt to get there to find it's carrying artifacts headed for Nighthorse (A Martinez) and his casino.  The crates have false bottoms and inside he finds heroin, up to 20 kilos.  Thus giving him the ammo he thinks he needs to get Nighthorse once and for all.  But as he questions him, subtly leading up to the drugs.  He firstly thanks him for his testimony cos there was nothing but lies being told until Nighthorse told the truth.  Nighthorse replying he was under oath.  Walt then tells him about the crates and the drugs and Nighthorse tells him it was Malachi who is setting him up.  Walt reads him his rights and Mathias (Zahn McClarnon) arrests him as the casino is on sovereign land, so Walt can't technically make the arrest.  The way Walt got into accusing him was very unexpected saying how he would have to owe him a favour for his testimony and suggesting that would be turning a blind eye to the drugs.

Obviously Nighthorse begs Walt not to take him to lockdown at the County jail since Malachi's supporters are there and they won't leave him alive.  Walt arguing he's done the wrong things over the years but this time he's going to do things by the book.  Nighthorse even begs him but Walt turns a blind eye.  Nighthorse's lawyer, Kevin Morris (Currie Graham) makes a deal with Walt, rather Walt offers by saying he will put Nighthorse in isolation if he agrees to tell him the whereabouts of Eddie Harp (Dan Donohue).  However Nighthorse insists he doesn't know that when Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) visits him.  He tells Henry he's been set up and why would he go to the FBI and open himself up to them if he was guilty.  Arguing it's always the White man's way to undermine them and begin tribal wars.

Henry tells Walt that Nighthorse's artifacts are real and he had communication with the government and got those artifacts to display in the casino.  Walt found the crates when searching Nighthorse's house with Vic and they appear to be different.   Vic saying she's thinking about leaving his land and taking the RV back to the trailer park.  Walt is reluctant to see her go.  Oh so now he's gets 'feelings' for her!  Well not something we all wanted to see in the sense of unrequited love on her part would've been much more interesting.  Where does it say characters have to get together, even for a short while or one night??!!  Peeved with that!! (To come!)

Walt didn't find any emails between Nighthorse and the government and tells Vic to look for those.  She's adamant Nighthorse is a criminal and thus guilty, that they know he is.  Walt replies they think he is, they don't know or have any proof.  Conveniently!  Ferg gets the licence photo of Eddie when he was about 20 years younger with his red hair and he is the only one who saw him.

Mathias tells Cady (Cassisy Freeman) that Catori (Susan Santiago) has kidnapped Tate (Phoenix Wilson) and his parents want him back, but she hasn't seen her.  She calls when Mathias is still there and tells her she's coming to see her.  She wants him to have treatment and then will return him to his family.  However Mathias takes Cady in and she doesn't answer his questions.  She will be accused of second degree murder if Tate dies. So she asks Ferg for help but he can't on the Res since Walt is also out.  He recommends Zach can help and she hires him for $500 a day.  He was her father's deputy for a week and he's not strictly a PI.  At the hospital she finds that Catori couldn't have got in since there was a crowd out there.

Henry finds Rusty (James Macon Mauldin) and takes him to a mobile medical unit on the Res where Henry finds the doctor treats drug addicts with methadone. Zach comes in for a drink and tells Henry he's working for Cady to help Catori and Henry tells him of the mobile unit.  They wait for her to turn up since Cady's left voicemails for her.  He gets the treatment he needs and both Cady and Zach see Eddie who's pretending to be the doctor's assistant, since no one knows who he is.  Later Catori gives herself up to Mathias and Cady gives the pills to Tate's father since the penicillin didn't give him anaphylactic shock he should give him the antibiotic pills since he doesn't have to go to the hospital or see doctors.

At the station Zach sees the younger photo of Eddie and tells them he's at the mobile unit.  Walt tries to talk him down but he doesn't listen when he says his parents want to see him.  Eddie holds the drug addicted doctor hostage and asks where Ferg is.  He gets his wish since Ferg shoots him square between the eyes.  Probably to Walt's chagrin since they can't pump him for info now on Muldoon!  Okay what's with the shootings, first Vic shoots Chance and now Ferg.  This one rounding up a few loose ends and the beginnings of yet more to solve before season's out.  How Walt's day turned from wanting a drink with his friends and colleagues to having an investigation on his hands.  Don't know why I've been spelling Knighthorse with a 'K' and not as Nighthorse!! for some reason.  Oh well never mind!  Though he wouldn't really approve of that 'White' man spelling!  Ha.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Sea Wall - Andrew Scott

Seeing Andrew Scott in anything is a delight whether it's a TV show or a play, or even meeting him at  a convention.  Watching him as Hamlet last year was amazing and he still never ceases to amaze with his natural ability to capture audiences whether he is starring with others or just delivering a meaningful, funny monologue as he currently is in Simon Stephens Sea Wall.  First performed by Andrew in Edinburgh in 2009.  He was already on stage preparing for his performance, or rather just hanging around until 7pm!

Some found this short 30 minute play to be confusing, but there was never a dull moment. As he delivered his lines so amusingly at times and with that same eloquence. The stage was sparse and he had only his water bottle for company, ha!  More required refreshment as he enlightened through moments of sadness, despair, recalling family life, children being born, describing it to us so we could picture this.  As well as visiting an immense sea wall which began from the top and went all the way down, with bread for the fish in bags that you'd hold out and the bread would float out of the bag above in the water.  There was a minute there, endless minutes when he utters what the man said to him after he looks at him.  Andrew pauses, walks away, around the stage, turns around and them begins to speak about a different subject matter altogether.  It almost feels like he's forgotten his line, what comes next, but incredibly it's meant to be like that and he pulls it off with great aplomb!

Describing family life again, how he was into reading about detective fiction and how someone told him all "fiction is detective fiction".  But it's not." Jane Eyre isn't detective fiction, or Bridget Jones..."  Reading James Elroy which is detective fiction.  Then detailing the story of a woman who fell and cracked her head at the bottom of the cliffs.  How he spoke to her, yet she couldn't hear him.  Poignant in description, considering it was a monologue on grief, but a mesmerizing deliverance!

Oh playing this first time round he remarked in an interview how he could see the audience "and there was no separation.  The houselights were half up."  Was also captured here and when it was over - the lights went out! Pitch darkness.  Life ebbing out! And a rousing standing ovation!  What else but for the best!

Only playing til 30 June. The Old Vic. A must see if you can get tickets!

NB Andrew loves art and is currently lino printing!  OMG did that at school, years ago.  A topic for conversation next time I see him!!

Sunday 24 June 2018

Ghost Adventures 16.5 Hotel Leger

                                                      Image result for ghost adventures hotel leger
Funny Zak says Hotel 'Leger' and then pronounces it 'Le-jey' in his narration and then loses the plot when interviewing Krissy, the owner,  ha.  Leger in French means 'lightweight or weak.  Guess that was a translation of George's name.
Well that man was very abrupt, it was only a skateboard dude!!
There almost always are dark presences in basements! This one gave me pangs of deja vu and enough with the Ouija board already!  Nothing good comes of it or through it!  Perhaps I was thinking of the Stanley Hotel and when they also slept in the rooms, when Zak was abruptly awoken there too!

Zak does connect with ladies and hotel rooms as we know and when I saw the number 11, I immediately thought of the Silver Queen Hotel in the Return to Virginia City ep and his connection with Lynn! As well as getting that incredible EVP from her when he left the flowers on her bed and also getting the tat of number 11.  (See below)

As soon as Tammy said 'Zozo' it was apparent something negative and dark would come through such as the growling and then to top it off Zak and Jay in the Ouija board session (again.) The board spelling out **AYNL which Jay looked up. {Yay Jay is like me onto the research already I always do that!!)  Billy mentions his spine and then also speaks of room 7 so it's obvious he would get that room to sleep in.  The voice on the Ouija board I heard as "back off" it's so clear! Not "come on."  It's telling them, warning, not to pursue this, maybe.  However in another roundabout allusion I would mention is that Billy said his back is killing him and then this comes through and mentions "back."  Okay it does sound a little 'out there' and far fetched.  But you never can tell with spirits and especially those that come through the Ouija board!  Oh and at last count Zak had 7 tats altogether!

**"AYNL a mystical and magical number considered as the lucky 7!"

So how did we get from that session to The Wizard of Oz!!

Zak's bout of aggravation when he had to lay down outside was just a sign of things to come later in the night when he got up and went to Billy's room 7 and was ready to attack him.  Jay and Zak seeing those doppelgangers of Billy and Aaron was so uncanny and again something dark was messing with them. Zak describing them as "unknown figures" really made it sound creepy! The stick figure on the SLS looked like it was also angry!

Aaron sound asleep in this one, so he got the best room then!  So who were Tom and Harriet and who was killed?  Sure they showed him taking his socks off whilst asleep just for laughs!!  Zak's "bouncy bed" innuendo!! ha.  Well he's into those, inadvertent innuendos that is, or maybe just my mind!!  The Mel-Tir, invented by Gary Galka, was a cool gadget and it did get the job done indicating the cold spots in the room and want to see more of this in action.

Okay Ghost Adventures got ratings through the roof for this episode cos of Zak's long hair!! ha.  Actually it suits him, he should leave it longer and show it off without his cap on sometime!   "Sexy dude" as my friend exclaimed!! ha

But hey who messed with Zak's shoes when he was on the bed, unless he got up earlier on before he felt the cold mass, cos they've been moved!  Even before he's shown to get up for the device. There seems to be only one pair there. (Second pic)

Does that voice say "reach" on Billy's live EVP review?  Then Billy says he gets verbal confirmation from George when he says "yeah." Paranormal puck: 'Talking' 'Ears' means he spoke in Billy's ear!  You can hear the 'reach' when Billy replays the recorder with the puck session.

Zak's SB spirit box session, can you hear a deep male voice that sounds like "de-ad"drawn out and laboured at the same time as the little girl's voice comes through? She sounds like saying something like "wounded???" Will have to listen to this again!  The "Vegas" coming through when Zak asks where he's from was amazing.

Then Zak being possessed by perhaps the spirit of the man who killed George, or something dark wanting him to do the same and attack Billy.  Confirming how male guests have gotten violent and agitated there.  But the most terrifying event was yet to come when Zak drove back to their hotel and saw that woman out of the woods and jumps in front of the car and they could've gone off the edge of the cliff! This was one crazy investigation and once again venturing out into the depths of darkness as the episodes have gotten over the years.

My Zak book