
Monday 9 May 2016

Mysteries of Laura 2.10 "The Mystery of the Downward Spiral" Review

                                               Image result for mysteries-of-laura the-mystery-of-the-downward-spiral photos
A homeless man finds a DB outside on the street and once again Jake (Josh Lucas) is already on the scene.  Renaldo (Marc Webster) says he's been shot and Jake asks Laura (Debra Messing) to breakfast, not to actually have breakfast but to talk.  He's sorry he lied, he's stable but there's other complicated stuff going on too.  She says she's over it and has moved on, the least she could've done is tell him why she's moved on, although he already knows with whom.  As the DB is taken away she smells jasmine  and they wonder why a man would be wearing jasmine.  Until she notices the building across the road is Belle Reve: perfume manufacturer and looks him up to be CEO of the company, Michael Dunham (Richard Hughes).  Checking out the place they talk with his son, Jonathan (Jerry O'Connell) who tells them he was working late.  There were only a few of them around anyway and he' should've got the security camera fixed cos he can't tell them who came and went.  That was convenient.  Though initially he was my suspect by the time I go tot he end of the ep, I changed my mind and decided it wasn't Jonathan and he's being framed.

Especially since we later find out that he doesn't inherit anything as his father left everything to a foundation and the board will run the company, as his lawyer, Brenda (Stockard Channing) tells him. She is in-house counsel for Belle Reve so she only has two clients.  She thought it was a good idea for her to be there when Jonathan is questioned.  Yeah conveniently;y (sorry for overuse of word) since there's no better way to ingratiate herself into the conversation/investigation and since we later find out the board voted her in to run the company.

Anyway Jonathan's assistant at the front desk, Ellen (Bo Stansell) says she would've recalled anyone leaving and confirms his alibi.  She was there too and Laura notices the fudge one her desk and helps herself to a few pieces.  Even if it is 7am.  These Vics tend to get killed during the early hours or at least are found then.  In the photos there's a graffiti tag across the building which Jake says spells 'ARK' and online Max (Max Jenkins) finds they're animal activists which is a good thing but then they could be violent as Santiani (Callie Thorne) says.  Meredith (Janina Gavankar) tries to find another tag from them which could lead to a possible location and she and Billy (Laz Alonso) check out a warehouse building.  Inside they find animals and another man passed out, as well as coming under attack by masked activists.  The man tells them he was smuggling animals into the country and he wouldn't kill anyone though.  Funny Laura had on a chimp T-shirt at this point, wonder what was behind that then.

Marcus (Reuben Barsky) does tell them about 'the Nose' and how he would sniff out perfume. Usually hanging out at Coney Island, they received a tip off Belle Reve was using animal scent but that didn't pan out so they didn't do anything.  Laura recalls the name George Tilleu (Willie Garson) which doesn't sound French to her and Meredith and Max countdown to when it'll hit her. She recalls he was 'The Nose' and  (hey I used to say that years ago to my niece, 'the nose knows.!!) Oh don't even wanna mention Laura's pun of "the nose is running."  His name is George and he kept it in remembrance to what he used to do.  Meredith senses something's up and Laura tells her she's with Tony and told the children he's her boyfriend, but she hasn't told Jake yet.  Yeah always the last to know!!

They go to Coney Island and Jake doesn't understand her fascination with this place and she replies he doesn't know how to have fun, which he says he does, his other definition of fun of course.  The man, Bosco (Dan Grimaldi) tells them there's no Nose here and he's running a burlesque place.  Jake feigns to get a location on him and they follow him inside where they find George.  He's hiding out cos he was beaten up and his nose was damaged, now he can't smell anything.  But he did get his nose insured and he did the false tip-off cos he was in pain and on painkillers.  Also that Brenda sent those thugs after him.  Brenda tells her she won't talk and Laura shows her pictures of the thug she sent after the Nose and she says she was watching out for the company cos Jonathan will run it into the ground, even if he is a reformed addict.  That Michael was seeing someone.  Laura figuring out it was Alya (Clara Wong) cos she only had two clients, so it wasn't hard to work this out and she was a gold digger too who was sleeping around for money.

Jonathan's fiance, Ayla went abroad and says her luggage got lost on the flight back and she was seduced bu Michael.  She thought she could help out Jonathan and he doesn't know.  Laura understands how she feels of course, cos she went through the cheating scenario, talk about rubbing it in our faces in a subtle in yer face way still.  Jonathan comes in and overhears them talk about a secret.  Laura speaks with John and finds he didn't know and she believes he's innocent but doesn't have the evidence to prove it.  He has a violent fit in front of her by breaking his father's chair and after all his studying and going to rehab he seduces Ayla.

Meredith and Billy talk to Jake about commitment and Billy's all for it and thinks he should talk to Laura and Santiani (Callie Thorne) says if they can't narrow down a suspect she'll give them one. Meredith nudges Billy not to say anything.  She tells him about Tony and Jake doesn't know, later Billy tells Jake he shouldn't have gotten involved and that he should talk to Laura and tells him about Tony and her decision.  Max finds a lost luggage receipt which Jonathan signed for so he knew where Ayla was and the receipt says St Lucia where his father was checking out the franjipany harvest which he told them about earlier.  They get a warrant and Jake thinks he should've followed up on this before.  They see Ellen listening to music on headphones, so he could've snuck out anytime without her knowing and Laura sneezes again cos of the lavender and apparently Jake finds the air isn't circulating and the vent is slightly open.  Inside they find a bloodied lab coat.

Renaldo matches the blood, DNA and GSR to the coat and Jake says they have the trifecta for the arrest of Jonathan.  However he's disappeared and as they wait for him to arrive at work and see if he shows up, Jake says they have time to talk.  She's moved on and she waited a year to tell the children, but to her, Jake hasn't changed at all.  He says he's the last to know, hey I said that too and she should've been honest with him.  Could really feel for him in that scene, especially when he says in his mind it was always her and the two of them, as she tells him she didn't.  She didn't even look at him in his eyes, but takes a long time to tell him Jonathan's here and as he rushes in after him, almost like she was in a mad panic to get away from Jake, the place blows up.  Laura's fine as Jake says she always is.  Meredith finds a note and also drugs in his car, they suspect he had a relapse and probably killed himself.

Santiani senses the tension between them and says Laura is a strong woman cos she couldn't work with her ex for so long, well her ex beat her up, Jake didn't.  At home Alicia (Alysia Joy Powell) finds the door open and Laura finds Jonathan in her room with a gun.

 Santiani also says she can get her a new partner or transfer Jake if it's too hard for her.  Yeah pick on him to get transferred why don't you after taking over his job too, why didn't she offer Laura the transfer, doesn't want to spoil her run of cases being closed that's why.  Laura saying she'll think about it, well  s said if she feels so strongly about it maybe she should get the transfer for herself. Not like she won't still be seeing him around, he is after all the boys' father!!

Saturday 7 May 2016

The Vampire Diaries 7.21 "Requiem For A Dream" Review

                                                      Image result for the-vampire-diaries requiem-for-a-dream photos
Bonnie (Kat Graham) goes around killing Enzo (Michael Malarkey) and Caroline (Candice King) when she wakes, but turns out it's just a dream as Damon (Ian Somerhalder) walks through the door, everyone is alive and well.  He tells them about Rayna and the shaman disappeared before he could get answers.  Also telling Enzo he doesn't know if the spell worked or not. He thinks maybe it's better if Bonnie doesn't wake up so she can't go through with the killing, or that perhaps she's fighting it by not waking up.  They think if they can get inside her head that they can help her fight and get Bonnie's good side out.  Caroline tells Alaric (Matt Davis) to go back for the girls so they'll have him there when they wake up cos Bonnie should see a friend when she wakes.  Of course he reluctantly agrees cos he knows he will probably be leaving her behind with Stefan (Paul Wesley) around.

However he calls Damon saying he doesn't know what he's going to do and how to help Bonnie but that he went through his own hell when he was marked and lost years of his life, well three years. What he should've said was that he lost his love and his life with Caroline.  Matt (Zach Roerig) gets a report that lights are on in the Salvatore house and he tells the deputy Penny's death was an accident.

Caroline wants to enter Bonnie's head but she'd rather Stefan not be around and still has issues about him abandoning her.  As she enters her head, Bonnie's in class where Alaric teaches about vampires whether they're real or a myth and says they are real, as everyone practically starts having a bloodfest in the lecture theatre.  Bonnie runs to her room to see Caroline there, who reminds her she's her friend and she should focus on the good parts of their life.  Bonnie marks her and when Caroline gets out of her dream/head, the mark is real.  Now she's one her list of hunts and so much for Caroline reassuring everyone she was her friend before she was a vampire.

Enzo thinks he should try and we see Bonnie as a cheerleader stake two vampires that used to bully her.  Way to go Buffy, well you must've thought that when you saw that scene.  Enzo tells her he wants her to recall the good times they had and how she hated him but learned to love him through their music, as he hands her the guitar.  Yeah after Caroline was marked, way to go with the wooden guitar!  She would rather die than be after her friends and they should just let her sleep and die she tells him.  As she breaks the guitar and marks him too, well she's two for two now.  Enzo tells Matt he should let them help Bonnie first before he throws them out of the house and reminds him of Penny. He lost her but Bonnie's not gone yet and he agrees to let them stay, though not in so many words.

Stefan vervains Caroline and takes her away and she isn't happy when she wakes, but she realizes why he did it and how he had to leave here and her and wasn't exactly living it up around the world, when he'd rather be with her.  She leaves with Stefan and says goodbye to the girls and to Alaric and doesn't want to come home to them cos she'll just put them in danger.  He tells her he loves her and she can't reply, but will call him when she can.  Stefan says she's got to make up her mind about them cos they can't keep doing this and about where she wants to go, as if Maine and Nova Scotia are far enough.

Stefan also giving Damon an idea that if Bonnie's good side can't be reasoned with, then he should appeal to her bad side and enters her head.  She finds herself at Elena's house and sees her shadow through the window, finding Damon lurking on the porch.  Wonder how many times he's lurked there when he used to have that pinning for her, unrequited love I should say.  He tells Bonnie she's not here and gives her the letter to read but she tears it up.  He then says he recalls what he wrote and tells her, but she's in no mood to hear it, as he reminds her if she kills him then Elena won't forgive her, but she won't be around for Elena to deal with, he pulls out his heart and runs away.  She gets up and will get Damon too.  Calling him she knows he's in the woods and knows all his thoughts too, as she carves stakes out of wooden spoons, hmm, new craft could catch on!  Ha.  Matt tells Bonnie he can help her and she reminds him how she doesn't want to kill her friends and he should help her, but she wants Damon not only cos he killed his sister, but for everything else.  Cos it's all about Damon!

Bonnie finds him and he tries to do everything he can to make her turn good including ending up at he stump where they had her memorial and reminding her how she died and came back.  That he regrets saving her in Amsterdam and would've had Elena back and she replies Elena wouldn't have forgiven him for that.  How she's been a witch, a gateway to the afterlife and that if she kills him she needs to forgive him first for everything he's done.  As Matt shoots her with tranquilizers, which will only last eight hours. Unfortunately Bonnie escapes cos they were silly leaving her just handcuffed and not tied down, or rather chained, at least Alaric had the right idea!  Er, they could've locked her up in their dungeon you know.  Haven't seen that for ages!

Enzo returns and tells Damon there may be a way to help her cos he tracked down the shaman who told them about the Everlasting.  But that's in the Armoury and Bonnie put a spell on the building to keep that thing in, which has killed and driven everyone crazy.  Damon doesn't care, he's still going to open it, unleashing more evil for next season.

This ep was good as it marked a return to the earlier eps, where there's no need for any guests or newbie characters to be added cos we did just fine with the cast as is.  Lots of heart wrenching moments and I think the best that we've seen Damon this season (except for when he selfishly decided to desiccate himself) when after everything he still yearns for forgiveness from Bonnie and still that forgiveness doesn't come.  He genuinely believed she would kill him.  Thought he would've laid a trap for her, like a hole to fall into like Rayna.  Though the dream part at the beginning was a bit repetitious of Damon when he was in the phoenix stone and dreamt he had killed everyone watching over him.  But as I said if she did die it would've let him see Elena sooner instead of later, but that wasn't going to happen.  Instead he gives her an idea to kill him anyway.  Matt too was also trusting of her when everyone told him she's not really the old Bonnie they knew.  Look at Rayna's determination to kill and Bonnie was only in the early stages of wanting to hunt vampires, who strangely enough had to be her friends first.

Funny part where Damon made the comment about Matt being a good shot and he thinks better than Sheriff Forbes, thinking they could get in good together now cos he had a good rapport with her. Trying to say thanks in his own way.  Matt saying he did for Bonnie as we already know, not that she was grateful.

Mysteries Of Laura 2.9 "The Mystery of the Triple Threat" Review

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A man climbs to the top of a church as another one tells him to hold on he's coming.  He takes a picture of the stained glass window, he spots a DB down below.  Jake (Josh Lucas) is already at the scene as Laura (Debra Messing) arrives after a morning juggling (okay assuming it's morning cos Alicia (Alysia Joy Powell) hasn't arrived yet) the leak in the kitchen as well as the children losing their hamster.  Tony (Neal Bledsoe) arrives and says he needs to talk with her but she tells Alicia not to leave her alone with him when she does arrive.  Assuming she didn't want to be alone with him to make a decision about them, or that he was gonna give her the brush off.  Also it wasn't that hard to tell that Tony was going to say he's moving or has a job offer or both, so not terrible exciting, as she tells him to come by the precinct tomorrow for his sixty seconds chat when Jake calls.  You could say she was gone in sixty seconds and out the door!  ha.

At the church Jake reminisces about walking down the aisle and Laura recalls her dress had an iron mark on it, what she wasn't even perfect for her perfect day!  The men who found him saying they were on a treasure hunt, The New Gotham Treasure hunt to be precise and show them their photos of the places they'd been.  They were playing through the Dark Web and the prize is in bitcoins (ugh not bitcoins again, possibly in eevry show that I've watched lately!) New York loves its treasure/scavenger hunts as also seen in CSI:NY ep Get Me Out of Here! always ending in a murder or two.  Laura takes their phone and Jake tries to locate the clues by starting at the beginning after deciding that Laura will go back to the precinct.

Meredith (Janina Gavankar) tries to figure out photos from the files and sticks the photos on the board.  Also Santiani (Callie Thorne) believes they can't do anything with it but comes back in to play around with the photos too. Of course leave it to Laura to figure it out (sometimes you wish someone else would get that privilege, cos there's more than one detective on the force, even if she is the title character!)  She's been doing puzzles with the children and hums the theme to Sesame Street rearranging the photos and turns them around to reveal they're all letters, spelling out 'Silver Cu' and the third letter is a 'P' leading to Silvercup Studios.  When Meredith and Billy (Laz Alonso) arrive they see a man at the top of the sign but when they reach the top he slides down on his rope, but is caught by the police.

Elliot (Christopher Neiman) has a flashdrive containing the winning bitcoin prize and says he's been training for the event a whole year so he wouldn't kill anyone, admitting he saw the DB already there but continued with the game, which he calls competition.  He then shows them the footage from his GoPro camera and he also took the man's camera.  Billy realizes he put a lock on his camera to stop it being stolen.  They trace it back to his apartment where Jake and Laura find his wife, Maya (Steffanie Leigh) and also her husband, Chris (James Padric).  They were all married and they call it a 'throuple.' Thought of Jake, Laura and Tony here, hey anything would work for Jake, no seriously it's not really them and Tony is just a third wheel!  Laura still trying to get her head around it.  As she later tells Billy and Meredith it's possible to love more than one person at the same time.  With Billy adding he could do it and Meredith would find it awkward sharing her 'stuff.'  Anyone's guess what   she meant by stuff but it did have a double entendre feel to it, eeww not the right word!

Anyway, Maya tells them he was an event planner and he planned parties.  The last one he was working on was for some famous socialite and she shows them a page of designs.  Laura realizing that's why the camera had all those photos in it of black material.  They have an alibi.  However he did have an assistant he worked with and when Jake goes to question Ingrid (Jessica Keenan Wynn) she has the same face masks from the design.  She tells him that after she found out about his throuple marriage, she didn't want his services and so she went behind his back and took on the contract.  Adding that he had this uniqueness about him, he was able to ask questions and then get an idea from that.  She asks if Jake's married and if he kissed her on the first date, which he says is none of her business and then answers her anyway.  He noticed her eyes, of course Laura would be listening and she says it was her boobs, oh don't think so.  He liked the glowiness and the twinkle. She also adds that someone graffited his car and tagged it with 'deviant pig.'  Max (Max Jenkins) finds surveillance footage which shows a suspect in black, of course that was a woman, it wasn't exactly a male body shape.

Allison (Brynn O'Malley) was his former girlfriend and they hooked up again after he was kind of tiring of the idea of the marriage and losing the job.  This was at his own apartment and Laura also tries to get some DNA evidence off her.  She plays violin for a production of Aida and cries when she recalls him.  Laura hands her a hanky which Allison keeps after blowing her nose.  But gets an address for the first apartment he had.  Meredith and Billy check it out, leading to Meredith being attacked and the attacker jumping 15 feet down.  He doesn't follow and she finds the flashdrive was placed in her pocket and the only one who knew that was Elliot, so he had an accomplice.  But he insists he called his lawyer and doesn't have a partner.  Also no one would risk that height cos there's another hunt in Amsterdam next week and he would've rolled his ankle.  However the attacker did leave his DNA behind on the window and was looking for something at the apartment.

Nice touch the way Jake recalled where Laura put her cardigan, in the fridge, hid their passports in     the waffle iron, a bit dangerous and her Summer shoes in the oven, and not forgetting the candy in
the crock pot.  Jake finds a bag in the oven which contains his design book, a page has been ripped out but that wasn't his last job.  He had another one with sketches of a church, and emeralds, as she recalls Allison's eyes were green and that she had moved on from him.  They find out she was planning to marry the conductor, Niles (David Christopher Wells).  Laura tells him they have his DNA on the shirt and he tries to make a run for it.  Jake giving chase, well not much of a chase but we didn't get one thus far and we always get a chase, as well as telling him he rolled his ankle and won't get far.  Jake has to rescue him after he almost falls down.

At the bar, Jake's buying drinks and Laura answers his phone.  As Meredith tells Billy he should've chased the suspect and not hung around for her.  He said he was following procedure and would've done the same for anyone.  She doesn't want him to do that cos if Santiani found out then she'd transfer one of them and she couldn't stand not working with him everyday.  But she'd still get to see him and anyway he shouldn't have to take anything back, cos it seems he's the one doing all the compromising for her in their relationship, including not wanting people to know, when he tells her they already do.  Think they're going to have some problems there, just as Jake and Laura and they're nowhere near to being married or even fully committed.  Also Meredith was the one who blurted out Billy and her were going  back to her place and not to her Pilates class!

So the phonecall is the doctor who tells Laura about Jake's condition and that it's affecting his brain. Firstly she's his ex so didn't strictly speaking have a right to have that info revealed to her and secondly Dr whats-their-face is in violation of doctor/patient privilege cos Jake is still his patient and the only one he should've spoken to.  Doctors don't go around leaving messages with next of kin willy nilly!  Yeah sue him!!  So she's got a nerve telling Jake the only issue she had with him and getting back together was trust cos there's other issues too.  Not least of which is how she always has to be right.  But she doesn't want to hear his reasons and it's a no brainer (sorry!) he's got brain problems, she knows he forget what he said to her last season and also giving her the wrong cup and the one with sugar in it.  Okay so he most likely forgot he doesn't have sugar in his tea, but the cups were identical so it was a mistake anyone could've made.

She rushes off to Tony and seals the deal with a kiss and wants to be 'in' as he's executive chef of some Las Vegas joint.  Which means he's going to give up his dream job for her and then there'll be problems later on, can see them coming.  OH no that scene when she walked out on Jake like that was so heart breaking wasn't it, almost got teary eyed.  Gotta say she had a nerve leaving in a huff especially with what he's going through medically.  Even after he recalled they had those cheeso things at their wedding and he wouldn't change a thing about it.  So it seems his problems are more short term than long term memory.

Friday 6 May 2016

Longmire 4.6 "The Calling Back" Review

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A Cheyenne girl is spotted by a hunter who shoots at her thinking she's a deer.  They report it and Zachary (Barry Sloane) takes their statement, Ferg (Adam Bartley) doesn't appear to really take them seriously.  May (Irene Bedard) asks Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) for Cady's (Cassidy Freeman) details cos Gab (Julia Jones) has been attacked but she refuses to come in or make a statement.  They take her to Walt (Robert Taylor) and he asks her questions.  She doesn't talk much but May says she was at a party on the Res and so he doesn't have jurisdiction.  However the hunters saw her away from there so he sends out Ferg and Zachary to investigate the area with the hunters to pinpoint their exact location.  May tells Walt she took her to the Res clinic and that's hopeful cos then they might have evidence.  Gabe also describes her attacker as having a beard.

At the clinic she was looked at by a casual and not a doctor or a nurse so he wasn't quite sure what to do, he even forget the biggest procedure whereby the victim stands on a white cloth so that any evidence such as hair or other trace can be collected.  She also showered before she got there.  Cady is despondent but says that they could get a Federal prosecutor involved if they had enough evidence. Walt asks Cady if Vic (Katee Sackhoff) can move in with her for a few days cos all the hotels are full with visitors to the casino. After he had to evict her.  Vic thought she got the place after she and Sean were divorced.  Cady asks why she can't move in with him.  He replies she can't.  Yeah that's right Cady shove him at her!  Which many of us still don't want to see.

Ferg finds the blue, flowery material on the fence that came from Gab's dress and it's the same one the hunter saw.  Wasn't it a little dark to see what she was wearing in such detail.  Walt and Mathias (Zahn McClarnon) investigate the party site and Walt finds a casino chip.  Mathias wonders why they didn't go to him.  Also Walt suggest they deputize each other so they'll have jurisdiction in each other's, er, jurisdiction, but he says they'll have two weeks to investigate cos then he'll be out of a job.  At the casino, Malachi (Graham Greene) tells them Nighthorse let them investigate and he's a softie. The surveillance footage shows Gab at the craps table with some men from the oil rig.  Malachi agreed to help if Mathias dropped the charges against one of his men and gives them some print outs.

Walt arrives at Gab's house and her mother, Linda Langton (Stefany Mathias) is angry at May and Henry for making her see him.  Well she was a sorry excuse for a mother, what was the point of having a baby if that's how you're going to treat her, like an object.  Walt shows Gab the photo and she IDs two men.  Who are arrested.  Their boss,Walker Browning (Callum Keith Rennie) comes in   and tells Walt that they just let off steam and he knows how it is.  Hmm was thinking a bit of a harkback to when Rob used to work on an oil rig but I strongly doubt he'd be that loose a cannon and let his hair down in such a way!  If they're guilty then he tells Walt to throw the book at them, oh joke, hey, considering Walt and his love for books.

Cady is determined to see this through and urges Federal Prosecutor Bradley (Christine Dunford) to reconsider the case and take it on even if there isn't much to go since they've arrested the men.  She'd have to get a personal statement from Gab and it's not like she'll be willing to do that.  A girl,Mandy (Tamara Duarte) turns up at Gab's saying she was looking for her and she didn't turn up at their meeting place.

Cady relents and lets Vic move in with her, also she tells Walt he should talk with Gab about the prosecutor cos he's good with her and he treats her like he treats Cady.  She opened up to him.  Her mother tells him to leave and after she comes in with a ransom note and now wants Walt's help, but she's heading to work, so much for her daughter.  Mandy's also in the picture with another man and tells Walt she spent the whole night and part of the day with him at a unit he rents.  Making Walt release the two men he arrested and gets Ferg and Zachary to follow them.  Zachary loses his temper and videos the men.  Ferg tells Walt he doesn't think he's right for the job and he tells Ferg that as senior deputy he should've stopped him, he doesn't want to file a complaint.  On the video Zachary spots the man in the photo with Mandy and also the name of a storage unit, where Walt finds Gab, tied and beaten up.

Her mother tells Walt she doesn't want to press charges and there'll be no justice for her.  Suddenly sporting a new phone and rent being paid on her house cos she was bribed to drop the charges. Which she thinks is more important, coming up with nonsense about how they've always been treated like this.  I called it nonsense cos unless someone's willing to take the first step and make a change or a difference then there won't be any justice and they'll always be treated that way.  Since no charges will be brought men will just be free to do the same all over the country on an Res and Vic has to drink, passing the bottle round to Walt and Cady.  Gab's mother being relieved her daughter was lucky enough to be raped by a White man!

Gab takes part in the sweat where she's told to get back what she's lost.  May is angry, she can't do this and tells Henry she's going to leave a note for Hector, putting him in the middle of it and a dilemma!  Since 'Hector Lives' he'll have to get some form of justice against the men and how exactly he'll manage that will be problematic.  It was apparent where this storyline was heading, rape is initself a difficult and emotive subject to approach let alone prosecute and find justice for the Vic, least which if the victim doesn't want to do anything then the situation will only continue.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Mysteries of Laura 2.8 "The Mystery of the Ghost in the Machine" Review

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A man is found dead in a Ferrari and Laura (Debra Messing) notices the seat wasn't in the right position for him to be driving it.  They find that the actual owner of the car is at a club and was picked up by a woman, Max (Max Jenkins) describing him as a Seth Rogan lookalike.  Jake (Josh Lucas) can't believe he got picked up by a woman to begin with.  Laura follows her to the ladies as she's about to send a text.  Hey did that in the last ep, what is it with these people using texts suddenly to warn of the police.  She tells Laura she was paid to get his keys and she meets the man at an apartment downtown to get her payment.  Billy (Laz Alonso) and Meredith (Janina Gavankar) check it out and find that' it's sparse and hardly lived in with no personal belongings at all.  Billy thinks he knows what's going on and finds a police badge in the sink pipe.  Well if that was meant to be an undercover op, there was so much that was wrong there!

Laura and Jake speak with John's mother, Mrs Campbell (Regina Taylor) and his sister, Rachel (Nia Nichole Smith) who is distraught over his death and it was her birthday.  He sent her a video message from his car and Laura works out where he was shot.  The coffee place where they take their children and Billy and Meredith check out a nearby garage, which was used as a 'cooling spot' until it was clear to move the cars.  They wait for a car to drive up and arrest the driver, didn't Meredith see him with the gun, thought that's why she paused and took a look.  He had files from John's cases which his handler, Lt Monahan (Sean Cullen) said wasn't possible since they were all on a computer which couldn't be hacked.  He also tells Billy, John aka 'Ricky' was working on the case where cars are stolen.

They need to access the computer and Santiani (Callie Thorne)says Laura should go with Jake cos she's their worst detective, meaning she can play bad cop.  They question him and he says that there's only three people who have access to the computer which is in his office.  They need to analyze it. Meredith finds someone hacked into it and focused on John's case.  Billy says he's on that too but no one would be interested in his files cos they're all old cases.  Then find they're being hacked right now, as Santianai gets a whole lot of files being printed out.

Laura finds they're all personal and Santiani gets hold of the e-mails Meredith sent Billy.  Laura unplugs her printer and Santiani tells everyone to shutdown.  Jake was in the middle of accessing an e-mail from his doctor which he worries will get out.  Meredith says the hacker is specifically targetting the second precinct and not the entire NYPD.  Max (Max Jenkins) finds a safe place for them to operate from, i.e. the bar and Laura's taken to writing down messages.  Billy and Meredith find a place which has good viewing access to the NYPD and a woman tells them of a man who hogged a table for four and wanted to use the computer plug.  He bought lots of mocha latte doublepump chai.

 Also Billy and Meredith follow a lead to an apartment which isn't him but an old man who ordered pizza online and got chatting with the site's online chat.  They find where the chat link is based and Meredith didn't think about the Internet camera on the computer as the hacker watches them.  When they reach the building, Billy's shot at.  It's someone he arrested when he was undercover and Devin (Gregory Bastian) tells him he got his file sent to him.  They find a file where Rachel was cyberbullied and he sent her photos of his privates after she tells their mother she wants to tell Jake what happened cos they can catch his killer.  Laura recognizes his 'junk' ie he has a banner belonging to Hudson University.  The man also spoke about Star Trek and science stuff.  Laura steals a Hudson University course book from the shop and Jake finds a class which refers to English is in Mars thinking that his mentioning Ziggy means he was into David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars.

Laura saying, 'ground control to Major Jake.'  She finds the man and more accurately notices his drink.  He killed John cos he beat up on him for bullying Rachel.  He didn't like her singing so he could say what he likes.  Laura reassures his mother he will get what he deserves.  Santiani wants a word with Billy and Meredith, obviously she's going to reprimand them about their relationship, but Laura intervenes when she recalls the piece of info she and Jake found out in ep 1 about how she dissed everyone when she thought she was going to get a promotion.  That Laura wanted Jake to use on her to get rid of her and get his job back, but he didn't use it and got a demotion instead.  She tells her she hasn't shared that with anyone and wouldn't either.  Santiani relents cos Laura likes her just a tiny bit more in the time she's known her.

She and Jake have their date which consisted of pizza and wine at home and she stole Santiani's printer.  She thinks there's lots of info on it and secrets they can read, but decided against it.  Telling him that's what lead to him not forsaking all others til death do they part.  She pulls the wire saying "no more secrets."  Which Jake is relieved about cos he has a secret, the e-mail he was reading has found something on his frontal lobe which needs to be further analyzed, only he doesn't tell her, so yeah another secret he's keeping.  Even if it's only cos he doesn't want to worry her at this point.  Especially since it'll affect his chances of winning her back and getting forgiveness which let's face it, he wouldn't and doesn't want out of pity, but cos she genuinely does forgive him.

Mysteries of Laura 2.7 "The Mystery of the Maternal Instinct" Review

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A woman calls for help after she finds a pregnant woman dead in an alley and is having her car towed away.  Jake (Josh Lucas) and Laura (Debra Messing) continue with their usual banter of how she's still not forgiving him and she's got a pain in her neck which he says he can massage for her.  Laura adding that's what got him into trouble and being led astray in the first place.  The woman, Susan (Marisa Ryan) tells them she saw a white man in the alley and Laura stops her car from being towed for which she's offered a free massage.  Jake has written down the details in the notebook that Laura just gave him so that he doesn't forget things.  Also mentioning how good her memory is.  Lucky I don't need notebooks to recall things, never forget a thing!  Laura also hinting that she can sort out Susan's parking tickets too.  The thing about the notebook she gave Jake can also be implied it's cos he forgot what he said to her in hospital, but then he was in pain and pumped with drugs so that's easy to understand.

Renaldo (Marc Webster) calls for EMTs cos the baby is still alive and is rushed to hospital, Jake reminding him they still need the forensics from the woman.  The baby is in ICU and the mother had a pre-existing condition which needed medical attention, however her placenta ruptured.  She died after her head hit the pavement.  She was also found on Hooker's Row where Meredith (Janina Gavankar) tries to get information from and one of the girls tells her she looks good but she doesn't know the woman.  Her pimp, Vladi (Andrew Hovelson) turns up and gets rough with her so Billy (Laz Alonso) has to intervene, when Meredith was just getting started on him.  He tells Billy that he didn't touch her and points to her tattoo behind her ear.  She's from Nigeria and you don't mess with the Nigerian smugglers from Benin City.

Laura had Max (Max Jenkins) look into any pregnant women who had entered the country on a tourist visa and he narrowed the list down to two women, the pregnant one was DJ and she was registered at a hotel.  The concierge recalls she would book a room but wait to be picked up by a white van.  As a man comes into the hotel and sends a text on his phone.  Laura grabs it and reads the text where he warns someone about the police being here.  He gets paid for picking up the women by a man named Carlo and that's all he knows.  Billy and Meredith follow the GPS on the phone and the white van to another location, when they raid it, they find other men and also a woman in her underwear.  She says DJ was new and how they smuggled uncut stones into the country so they couldn't be traced.

DJ had been locked up and escaped through a tiny window which caused her placenta to rupture. They ask Carlo (Blake DeLong) for her suitcase and he says he didn't kill her.  Inside they find a teddy bear and Jake puts smoothing aside for the baby from his mother.  Laura finds a notebook and deciphering the entry leads them to an apartment building.  They find out about Ambaby and in the penthouse find other pregnant mothers who were brought into the country cos they wanted their babies born here and would have dual nationality.  I don't know why Santiani (Callie Thorn) found this difficult to grasp.  There was no proper medical care and only a nursing student (Alexandra Turshen) who got paid here and they had a Dr Nick (Andrew Rothenberg) on call if they needed help. He's tracked down to a clinic where he's treating criminals.

Nick gives them info on a young man with blond hair and how he has an alibi for when DJ was killed.  He should've been on call but he lost his medical licence to his gambling habit and was on a winning streak when he got the text.  He didn't leave.  No wonder he lost his licence, he should get the book thrown at him, what happened to his Hippocratic Oath, oh poker was far more important. They can't find who the man is, but then Laura recalls the estate agent in the flyer the apartment doorman (John Hattington Bland) had given her, in which she placed her gum.  Jake poses as a rich man looking for an apartment, well at least we go to see him in a suit and tie again this season! Scott's (Eric Sheffer Stevens) arrested and says he wanted to help DJ and in return she gave him a sapphire.  He sent an email to a nurse on call that night, her domain is, which Jake recalls belongs to Susan.

She says she wanted to help her but she panicked and dragged her to dump her, she hit her head on the kerb.  After they find Susan's DNA on DJ's ankle.  See another 'witness' trying to be too helpful and thus giving herself away in the process, especially when she saw the street cleaner and pretended to be a witness.  Her DNA wasn't in the system cos she hadn't been arrested.   DJ's relatives were found so they can keep her baby.  Did you notice the look on Laura's face at the beginning when DJ was taken away in the ambulance, she seemed to recall losing their own daughter, which we heard about in season 1, that's why both she and Jake wear their bracelets still.  Also Jake putting away the toy for the baby so the baby would have something the mother got.

Jake stays for dinner and he really needed to do that cos of this case.  Also he shows her the doctor's note written on a letterhead concurring with his first doctor's opinion and he asks for a date for Saturday night, a date in the night, which Laura agrees too albeit rather hesitantly.  Jake also commenting one her hair earlier in the ep cos it was straight and she says she got into a struggle with her hairdryer, but he mentions she's actually seeing Tony.

Once Upon A Time 5.20 "Firebird" Review

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As the others gather outside discussing how they can leave, Regina (Lana Parilla) tries to transfer half of Emma's (Jennifer Morrison) heart to Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) but it doesn't work.  Well that transplant was rejected.  Hades (Greg Germann) tells them it was cos David (Josh Dallas) was only dead a few moments, whereas Hook's body is decaying and his soul is no loner in it.  Thought that already, they'd come up with some excuse, especially since they have all that magic and yet still have obstacles in their ways.

Hades turns up with a note saying he needs their help as Gold (Robert Carlyle) has kidnapped Zelena (Rebecca Mader) along with Pan (Robbie A Kay).  Regina wants to help, but Hook says he can't be trusted and as always he was right.  Hades saying if they help he'll erase their names from the stones and Emma agrees to help him but only if he does this.  She didn't ask for a way to help Hook though and obviously Hades' Ambrosia story was full of holes.  When he spoke of Orpheus and Eurydice. He sends Emma and Hook down to the deepest depths where even he hasn't been.  As they accompany each other and Hades says the portal will only be open until sundown. The others decide to help people leave the underworld too, by Henry (Jared Gilmore) writing what their unfinished business is.
Robin's (Sean Maguire) been sent a message to come out of hiding and Regina says he should give Zelena the baby and they should head to the portal cos Regina trusts her, so he should do it for her.

However as they sit there handing out their unfinished business, Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) arrives and says that no one's going anywhere cos she's the new ruler and she has magic cos the blind witch (Emma Caulfield) has magic and together they're going to rule, cos David also dispensed with James who was her fun down here.  She seals them into the library and Regina's magic doesn't work.  Emma gets down below with Hook and she has to place her heart on the weighing scale as Hook tells her to and it doesn't move.  She has a reaction and Hook tells her to go for her heart as he's surrounded by fire, but instead she saves him from the flames.  Thus showing that she does really love him as the scale moves and doors open.  However their search is fruitless as they don't find any ambrosia.  Hook tells her she must return with her family and leave him here.  Oh pointless her coming here then and bringing everyone else too.   Lots of snogging and holding hands and as Hook said before, why does she manage to say lovey dovey things when they're in danger or trouble.  She mentions her armour and how she's been wearing it for so long, but she doesn't need it with Hook.

Interspersed with this we get Emma back being in Maine, 2009 and pursued by a bounty hunter, Cleo Fox (Rya Kihlstedt) when she looks for anyone in a clipping she has.  Cleo tells her she knows and handcuffs her whilst she takes a shower.  Of course Emma knows how to pick locks and she finds the computer which has a tracker site open and doesn't leave.  They head to the courtroom where the miniscule-ly thin file only contains a clipping of a boy finding her as a baby, which she already had and two other pieces of paper.  Later she breaks in and Cleo follows her but doesn't find anything cos the police arrive.  breaks a window to escape and wants Emma to come with her.  She later finds herself bleeding in the alley with a piece of glass stuck in her and Emma tell her she can get help. See Emma got her killed cos she had to pursue things and couldn't leave them alone.  Suppose this was a parallel story for her situation with Hook, as he said to her he should've died in Camelot and this time she's got to leave him here.  He'll probably move on to bigger and better lines!! Ha.

What's the betting he doesn't cos does he really have any unfinished business now, aside from his father, whom we don't get to see in the underworld.  Also Cruella's still around and Henry left the book with peoples' unfinished business tn the library, maybe Hook'll find this or help the others.

Emma finds her daughter and tells her she found her birth mother, then buys a leather jacket cos she called it armour that she can put on to protect herself.  As Emma leaves with the others she says she won't stop helping anyone else.  Gold takes Robin's heart for Pan so he can get out of here and then doublecrosses papa by saying he put his heart back when he wasn't around cos he knew his shadow was there.  Saying goodbye to papa forever as he put some water from the river of Lost Souls into it too.  See did Pan really think he could actually get him to help.

Gold putting Belle in Pandora's box: never to be opened or untold evils will be unleashed, didn't know whether to laugh or not.  Did he really think that her father will bring her back with a kiss, well I know I already said that but just couldn't help it!  He even got Hades to tear up the baby contract but it was funny seeing Pan try to take Zelena's heart and Emma stopping him.  Zelena kissed Hades and kick started his heart!  Big mistake!

Also how everyone for years told Regina she should forgive people and when she finally does forgive her own sister she's berated for it and also when she told her to find the man she loves.  Only man is still as selfish as ever and only wanted to get his sorry ass out of the underworld.  Let's hope Hook finds his ambrosia somehow cos we really don't want him to not be around!  A lot of people will stop watching.  Could even go so far as to say that this episode was all about Emma's jacket in many ways and no it didn't help her that much if at all.  She's still making the same mistakes and also garbling words at the same time!

Regina: "You'd think the ex-pirate with a rum habit would cut my sister some slack."
Hook: "You'd think the Evil Queen would be even smarter than to send the wicked witch to romance the most devious man alive."  Well he was right, even if Zelena had showed a glimmer of a change in character, there's no guarantee Hades would or could ever change and this was proven even before we got to ep's end on two occasions.  Or three if you count getting Zelena's baby too and heading for Storybrooke without waiting for the others.  Stealthy (Geoff Gustafson) was in the underworld too and Henry told him how Grumpy still talks about him.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Mysteries of Laura 2.6 "Mystery of the Dead Heat" Review

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A man's DB was found inside a sauna, Matthew Burke who was the owner.  He tried to claw out of the locked door.  His bunch of big keys are found in his short's pocket and Laura (Debra Messing) wonders why men have to carry such large keys around unlike women who have handbags.  His wife Cecilia (Sherri Saum) walks in and she's despondent at seeing him there.  She has MS and after Matthew found out he dropped his job as an attorney and became a physical trainer to help her.  She also has a van which has been converted so she can drive herself around and the camera purposely pans in on her orange medic alert bracelet, as a clue.  But he insisted on driving her and he didn't do that on the night he was killed.

Looking through complains from unhappy clients, they find a husband and wife who own a crappy cycle store as Laura calls it.  The husband, Connor (Isaac Caldiero) is doing a practice run on some makeshift obstacle course and it's made from scaffolding and orange netting.  He says he's planning on going on American Ninja.  Julie (Jesmille Darbouze) tells them about a man who was watching her named Archie (Robert Hallak) and she complained to Matthew about it, who said he'd take care of it.  Way to get suspicion off themselves, cos if they weren't involved, they wouldn't be shown. Archie has unpaid parking tickets which Max (Max Jenkins) finds and they narrow down his parking tickets to a specific area.  Jake (Josh Lucas) and Meredith (Janina Gavankar) check out and Jake thinks he's probably having a Continental breakfast at the cafe. But he's not inside.  However Jake spots his car after a truck pulls away and Archie attacks him with a wrench.

Archie tells Laura he didn't know they were police cos he was almost carjacked and says he'd been using Matthew's computer to write his resume/CV after he wanted to help him out.  Santiani (Callie Thorne) didn't think he was innocent and it didn't explain why he had Matthew's gym bag.  Meredith asks him for Matthew's computer password which she uses to log on and finds his CV.  Laura tells Santiani that hers and Meredith's gut says it's not Archie.  Meredith also finds a file with photos of a man and woman together and Laura notices the orange bracelet.  See clue!  Ha.  Cecilia says he was her sex surrogate since things weren't going well after her MS and he would work out the positions with her and Matthew knew.  She recalled Matthew didn't lock the van with the latch that day and he always did that, he kept his keys in his backpack mostly.  So someone who didn't know about the latch took the keys and didn't lock the van back.

The van was wiped clean and most likely Matthew had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Also they find orange fibres on the key chain, which Laura recalled were at the training course for Julie's husband.  Cecilia also worked at the city and had access to municipal plans, which Jake finds burned out copies off at the shop.  Yeah leave behind evidence without destroying it properly, they could have just as easily taken the plans with them, duh! Laura asks Cecilia which plans were more likely to have been stolen and she narrows it down to five.  One of which is a bank.  Didn't the corner piece Jake found have any info on it.  Also Meredith and Billy (Laz Alonso) find a list of numbers, which Jake works out are sunset times.  5.59 being the time for that day.

They arrive at the bank and the lights go out after an explosion since Isaac used to work at a construction site, but there's no robbery.  Santiani watches the news where Chief D'Angelo (Malachy Cleary) gives a press conference on how the second precinct foiled a bank robbery.  However Laura says it's not the bank and from the photos taken of the buildings on the other plans, she finds one of the buildings has scaffolding and netting near a police evidence building.  If they get into the vault then they can wreck thousands of convictions and criminals could go free cos of evidence tampering. She and Jake enter the building and Jake has a momentary problem with his heart.  As Laura earlier wanted him to see a specialist and then she'd think about a date with him.

Jake hears a noise and seconds later the wall explodes, as he shields Laura to the ground.  They enter and they have a shootout but Julie escapes, only to be caught by Billy and Meredith on the roof. Thought Jake might'vea  gotten chance to have his go at climbing but obviously that wouldn't have been too healthy for him right now.  The Chief has a go at Santiani for the press conference he gave, but Laura defends her by saying she planned it that way so the public wouldn't be aware of the real target.  He's impressed by Laura.  Oh watch out, she's next in line for Captain!  Ha.

Billy's mother, Silvia (Geisha Otero) comes in to see Meredith and is impressed by her cos she's been pestering him to meet his girlfriend. Though they don't actually meet in person.  Jake tells him the whole office knows about the two of them and he sussed it out cos he's a detective, but advises against introducing her to his mother yet cos Meredith might get too pressurized.  Like he did with Laura's father.  Meredith would like to meet his mother one day but for now they go back to her apartment and make a taxi driver she knows jealous.  Jake agrees to see the doctor and Laura says after she sees the doctor's note, they'll talk about a date, but she's seeing Tony on Saturday.

Thought Jake would've already got a second opinion even if he is trying to keep the department from his health issue, cos there's doctor/patient privilege and who's to say he didn't, though it's understandable Laura would want him to cos she doesn't really want to lose him and especially for the children too.  But is does seem that momentary pain he got may have more serious repercussions for him and he may just need to get "benched" to use Santiani's phrase from ep 4 and get a desk job. No chases in this ep and usually there's at least one in every ep, hmm, must be taking a new approach.
Laura's seeing Tony but it can't hurt to go on adate with Jake, I mean not like she's gonna jump right in and take him back, even if they do see each other at work everyday.   Yeah but of course you know I'm biased in Jake's favour, still what he did can't be easily forgiven and why Laura needs time to get over that, not sure she ever will, but she needs to be sure.  Especially considering he still doesn't recall what he said to her about loving her.