
Sunday 19 February 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.10 "Rampart Street Murder House" Review

                                              Image result for paranormal lockdown rampart street murder house photos
Great watching Nick and Katrina in New Orleans, loved that city like I keep repeating myself for the millionth time and hope to go back there soon.  Last time was in 2004 and that's too long a time! That was before the tragic events at the Murder House on Rampart Street but it's a street that we walked by so many times when in the French Quarter.  Nice Nick and Katrina walked where we also treading the pavement!  The French Quarter is the best part of the city and not just for tourists.

The story was sad, as said, and also that people do make generalizations about people being possessed as Katrina said when something like this happens, murder/suicide.  Sometimes it's not the case at all.  I've said the same myself many times, but only after investigating and maybe not drawing a conclusion per se, but just putting the idea out there after balancing all of the available evidence. (Occupational hazard in many ways for me!)  Seems Hurricane Katrina brought along with it many 'disturbances' of energy and adding to many more poignant stories and spirits needing to find some rest.

This episode as I tweeted, was one I was looking forward to for a while, since I heard that they were investigating here for Paranormal Lockdown.  Also the location is much smaller than what Nick and Katrina have been used to an concentrating on, say in comparison to the Statler City Hotel and Franklin Castle in season 1, Waverly Hills.  This one also surrounded and steeped in history being around for so long, since the nineteenth century.  Would also hold many energies and it was nice to hear that the spirit of the boy, who may have been a slave is one that frequents the house in a positive fashion and was there before the events of that night in 2006.  Though as they said it would have been a traumatic experience for him.  Let's hope he had some form of closure when Bloody Mary carried out the cleansing in terms of him being able to have some comfort from the events he witnessed there.

Thought one of them would sleep in the kitchen/bathroom area, but in many ways I'm glad Nick didn't sleep in the bathtub this time.  It was too powerful a pull and especially with the nauseating feeling he got when he entered it, well even before when he looked in the mirror.  But the attic, bit dangerous but also painful, especially as Katrina said there was a fire there recently.  Yet it's what they do for their investigations and getting some results.

Bloody Mary mentioning spirits going up the stairs was heard by them when they heard footsteps during the night.  Each of them getting attacked by the pebbles!  At 10.52 you do hear a child's voice. Before that I'm sure you can hear a female voice say, "speak up."  Can hear a child again at 11.05. A man's voice also says something about "the boy."
19.02 sounds like "room" after Nick asks if the spirit went into the room.  You get "it's me..." before "think I'm trapped.."  Who would that be?  Did that say "trapped" before "bathroom;" which was always going to come up for them to go there again after Nick asked where they should go?

"Not this one," before "they'll understand..."  Think the little boy was hiding in the attic probably feeling safe there and might've welcomed Nick sleeping there.  32.22 sounds like someone says "Nick" or my ears must be going screwy by now!!  After Nick asks, "are you in here?"

"They got us in here...they're now here..."

What was this shadowy figure at 35.01, it appears and disappears.  After Katrina calls for Nick.  As usual my video doesn't upload! Agh!  So infuriating!
35.31"I can..." after asked if it can throw another pebble!
Then continues along the lines of:
"I don't know..."
"crisisss" feels drawn out
"'s messy..."
"good jump..." 
All continued from 34.00 onwards
"Same" sounds like a child's voice or female, when Katrina says, "I hate this spot."

Such a moving and poignant episode.  Incidentally, the Omni Royal Orleans Hotel in NOLA, where Zack jumped from is also haunted and is built on the site of what used to be a slave market.

Am intrigued to hear the effect their investigation had here in the future, especially on the boy and the energy now there.

Saturday 18 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries 8.13 "The Lies Are Going To Catch Up With You" Review

                                               Image result for the-vampire-diaries the lies will catch up to you photos
Turns out it's Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) who kidnaps Stefan (Paul Wesley) cos he remembers what he did to his family and then blamed it on the housefire, compelling Dorian to believe that.  Now Stefan's human his Vics are no longer compelled and Matt (Zach Roerig) calls Caroline (Candice King) about this and once again she has to sort out his mess.  As she compels the Vics with another story of what happened including Violet Fell's father.  She deserved better than this she tells Matt. Dorian is angry and outraged that he could've just killed them like that and Stefan tells him he was travelling to Tennessee with Klaus and he had to do what he did.  Hmm, name dropping Klaus here, for no apparent reason I'm guessing.  Not like Dorian's really interested in who that is.  Stefan says he will die and will go to hell but right now he wants to atone for what he did.  However Dorian tells him he doesn't care about his redemption.

Alaric (Matt Davis) wants to get revenge on Kai (Chris Woods) for what he did to his wife, or fiance as Kai calls her, but Damon (Ian Somerhalder) says they should hear him out no how he can help them with Cade (Wole Park) and especially when Kai says he can bring Elena back.  Well we know she's coming back anyway.  Kai can't eat cos he can't taste anything and he can't feel either, except when he calls the waiter at the Mystic Grill and eat shim instead.  He realizes he's basically a ghost and was able to see Mystic Falls and come here when the bell was being struck.  He's a psychic imprint between the two worlds and needs to get out.  Damon needs  to know how he can bring back a hypothetical person, but Bonnie's (Kat Graham) not interested in helping, as she's trying to communicate with Enzo. (Michael Malarkey).  She thinks she can ask Cade about what to do and has a strong feeling Damon is referring to Kai.  She meets Cade at the coffeeshop and he tells her she's got some sort of strong powers.  As she holds his hands she sees Enzo wherever he is stuck and he tells her not to trust Cade.  Also reliving the moment of Enzo's death again.  She doesn't know how to bring Kai back permanently and sever the tie with Bonnie and Elena.

She tells Cade she didn't see Enzo but she looks that way cos she had to relive his death again.  When she gets outside Cade stops her and reads her mind and knows she saw Enzo.  Kai cough  blood and isn't well and Damon tells him about the sirens and how they were "cannibalistic divas" and Kai asks if they were pretty, well he'd be into them either way!  Also telling them how he had to feed them bad people.  So Kai thinks he can do the same and maybe get some strength back.  Damon tells him the cook is bad and he feeds off him.  However Bonnie tells him Cade's looking for Kai and the only way he can stay out of hell is if he has redemption and Damon will forgive him but only if he brings back Elena now.  Damon falling for his lies again.  I mean didn't they learn all that first time round they dealt with him and all the times after that.

Dorian has had enough of Stefan's talking when he tells him he doesn't want to end up in hell like him and shoots him after he digs his own grave with a shovel.  Ah what's faster the gun or the shovel, probably Stefan could've wrestled with him f he was going to get shot anyway.  Dorian realizes this doesn't make him feel better as he didn't really shoot anything major, with Stefan telling him to shoot him in the head or the heart, and he helps Stefan.  Calling Matt and Caroline rushes to be by his side. Stefan gives up and Cade appears to him whilst he's watching himself outside of his body, telling him he should give up cos he can't let Caroline go through all this misery.  He'll atone for his actions and she'll follow him around and finally he'll get old and she'll have to live with the immortality and he she doesn't deserve this.  But Stefan says he doesn't have to die today right now and he's not giving up; as he returns.

Damon takes Kai to Elena and he comments how she's been well travelled in her coffin.  However he doesn't want to help him and attacks Damon by using his magic and siphoning his vampire blood, stealing the coffin and vanishing.  Enzo returns to Bonnie and he just wants to be with her. Elsewhere Alaric returns to Mystic Falls as the twins powers are getting stronger and invites Caroline to dinner to see them, where Lizzie (Tierney Mumford) attacks Caroline and then has a fight with her sister, Josie (Lily Rose Mumford) who says she hurt their mother.

Sort of a mish mash going on here with the storyline as they try to squeeze everything into it, but this episode felt rushed and Enzo returned pretty quickly.  Bonnie's powers should help with Kai and maybe the twins.  Seems the bigger problem they have now is Kai and not Cade and will probably have to turn to him to bring back Elena and deal with Kai.  So as said not much happened in this episode except for Enzo coming back cos Bonnie needs her happy ending.

The title was said by Damon to Stefan in 1.5 You're Undead To Me, where he said, "the lies will catch up to you."  That nothing will come between Stefan and Elena except for the lies.  As long as he keeps lying to himself about who he is, well here he isn't doing that anymore and wants to make amends even if it takes him his entire mortal lifetime to do so.  Stefan says to Damon in 1.5 that he's the one locked up and he can just walk away.  Kinda familiar here as Damon lets Kai get the better of him and steal Elena away, rather like Stefan getting her in season 1.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.9 "Malvern Manor" Review

                                           Image result for malvern manor paranormal lockdown
Another Manor with a dark history built by Captain Cullers to be used as a hotel.  Home of shadow figures and other entities.  Especially the 'mysterious' death of Inez Gibson aged 12.  How does a 12 year old hang herself.  Ruling it accidental, even if Inez didn't want to live with her mother, would she even think of ending it all.  Also her death was just treated so non chalently and fobbed off as such.  Questions such as how she managed it, how did she reach the wardrobe railing.  To the bloody prints still on the wall, went and remain unanswered.  Investigating Malvern Manor with Johnny Houser living next door to the Villisca Murder House.  That's so creepy!  Especially since one of the suspects in the murder house claimed he was 'influenced' by a shadow figure into committing the killings, when he stayed at the Manor.

"I'm here" sounds like, "he's here" to me.  Nick looked so worn out next day and Katrina woke up before him! Was the scraping in the room Inez's fingers when 'hanged'?  Clearly the entities here were using up the energy from their equipment with Rob's camera dying and Nick feeling all that static. Making their presence known and felt, even menacingly.  As well as feeding off their energy.

At least Katrina got the comfy chair.  Those voices seem to say, "going down" and sounds female, whilst the other says, "already here." (28.09).  28.44 sounds like"pull up a chair now..."
"Johnny Houser...he will get us..."

Nick saying he looks beat up, yeah but always gotta fix my hair and look presentable!!  Ha.

Can you hear "Leon" at 30.46 after Katrina asks about a name.  Nick wanting Johnny back since a person and their energy could trigger a set of events with the spirits reacting to them and Johnny is familiar with the house.  Nick: "Here's Johnny" when he answers the door to him. (The Shining right? ha)

What was the figure on the 3D mapping doing, like it was engaged in some sort of murderous activity, is what I'm calling it!  It did, it looked as if it was happily sawing or cutting away at something!  Whatever; it was beavering away...wonder if that was the Captain?  Just a thought.

Nick uses the ITC.  The voices; "Hou...sounding as though Johnny's name got muffled there partly. And something like, "with us, or watching us..."  "Yes" sounds like "leaves."  35.54; "go with us..."??
37.17: whispering: "Can you find"
38.17: "Johnny." When Katrina asks, "this room."  When she says it wants to keep them away from Johnny.  That's uncanny.  (Yeah using my fave word again!)

Nick remarks how "everyone has different personal experiences...hauntings are also dependent on
the people they interact with"  Inez's sad story was as ? as the investigation at the Villisca Axe Murder House where the author of the book, Villisca, Roy Marshall, said that "the investigation was either incompetent or corrupt."  Especially since Rev Kelly confessed to killing the family and then had his confession suppressed by his lawyers.  And to top it off, the jury didn't believe the confession. Villisca was one, well is one place I find so creepy and one where I'd like to go just to confront this feeling.  Strange that it should be linked to Malvern Manor in such a way.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.8 "White Hill Mansion" Review

                                               Image result for Paranormal Lockdown white hill mansion photos
Another house which was prevalent with a massive historical background; again of the revolution and the revolutionary wars, with the house being turned into a hospital by the owner, Mary; who also lost her husband, Robert Field, mysteriously in the river...he was against the British and perhaps this had something to do with his death.  Mary also suffered her own tragedies with 4 of her seven children dying there.  As well as it being overrun by mobsters and being a speakeasy and a brothel in later years.  Such a varied past would give it plenty of activity.  Though this ep boasted some great evidence with the presence of Samuel, the little boy and those voices on the Geobox, some of them very menacing; it wasn't one of my favourites.  Located in Fieldsboro, New Jersey and run by Loretta who along with others, painstakingly wants to preserve the property.

Also knew Nick would sleep in that bathtub, yuk!  At least he had his covers under him.  When he got up the following morning, the first thing he did was to fix his hair by running his hand through it, even before he was out of the tub, naturally!! Ha.  Katrina immediately being attracted to the house and especially in the room with the broken door, as well as having her arm flicked in the attic, clearly showed the presence of Samuel who must've thought of her as a motherly figure.  Then the voice they got asking "Where are you daddy?"  That was so sad as he's still looking for his father.  Begging the question of whether he actually knows he's passed and is no longer alive.  Perhaps Samuel may get some closure with Nick and Katrina being there since he did appear to them in the attic too.  The figure on the 3D mapping was so cool, though he did seem to be hiding from them under the table.

Also as Loretta says what's interesting was Katrina seeing some sort of a mass in the room and Loretta says someone else saw  something (white) mist-like.  Wonder if that could have been a woman in a bride's dress, as some other people have reported seeing a ghost, nicknamed, 'Dolly' who could be 'Molly,' i.e Molly Field who married Robert Stockton, another owner when the house was sold.

See here:

The voice at 10;17 sounds like he says "Louis" a while after Katrina asks 'who's in the room right now.'
As for the brothel, voices also say "leave"
At 33.26 when Katrina asks for the name of the murdered person, the voice says, "I did it."
Then voices continue: "Did you see that?"
"Kill him...cut his throat..."
Before the, "get out" sounds like a woman's voice asking for "help."
Something at 34.01 sounds like: "what if you slit here?"  Sorry it sounds like 'slit' more than "sit" to me?! That's Scary!!
"Get out."

They didn't enter the tunnel, wonder if there was a way to get in there, but Katrina was scared off by   the spiders Nick called crickets.  Hey they looked like spiders to me too!  Ha.  Creepy!  Not much action in the bar but the voices regarding the brothel were hilarious and with Katrina mouthing what was said in response to their question of what happens in that room.  Again as I said last ep, lipreading Katrina!!  Not to mention the threatening voices and I heard "Nick" too.  But not sure if it was referring to our Nick or someone else and he did get his hair pulled and not by a child cos he wouldn't be able to reach his head.

All in all an investigation which did provide some answers for Loretta and also showed similar experiences to what others have had as well.

Love this show with each episode it just gets better an  better. There aren't enough words to praise it. Especially since it's not just about investigating for the sake of it: investigate and film and that's it.  IT actually adds depth and insight into investigating.  The documenting shows the varied paranormal experiences they endure and Nick and Katrina question and analyze why something happens, why a certain haunting occurs or entity manifests itself.  Pursuing further the way investigations are carried out without remaining stagnant.  Really pushing the envelope and furthering this field in the twenty-first century!

The Vampire Diaries 8.12 "What Are You?" Review

                                                 Image result for vampire diaries What Are you
Matt (Zach Roerig) has a nightmare about being in the cave and watching people die in a fire with the bell ringing.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) calls Bonnie (Kat Graham) who eventually answers and tells her about Enzo (Michael Malarkey) and how she took care of Stefan (Paul Wesley) infact Damon was more interested in Elena when he called than Stefan or any of them, cos he only asks about what she did to Stefan afterwards.  Then finds out he's now human.  So he'll get at least 80 years with him or so, as he tells Alaric (Matt Davis).  Bonnie doesn't wan Damon to come there and we guess he turned back cos he didn't get there.  She won't answer the phone for Caroline (Candice King) and she can only leave messages.  As if any of this is Caroline's fault, as Caroline rightly tells Stefan, it's all Cade's (Wole Parks) doing.

Matt tells Alaric about his visions and Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) finds the Maxwell necklace heirloom is some sort of witchy talisman.  Clue is in the journal.  So Alaric decides they should hypnotize Matt and find out why and what he's seeing.  However Damon puts a stopper in the works or scuppers their plans as usual when Cade demands the journal from him in exchange for Stefan's mortal life.  He has until midnight, don't they always.  Of course Damon doesn't get the journal, at least not right off as he gives Alaric an ultimatum, the only way he's keeping the journal is if he kills him again.  Which of course Alaric does, see Damon silly ultimatums cos obviously he's gonna choose the journal and think of the bigger picture, cos also they're not friends anymore.

Damon wakes to find Matt being hypnotized and he recalls Ethan Maxwell completing the bell as he speaks with Beatrice Bennett (Jaz Sinclair) one of the long line of Bennett witches.  As he sent her a secret message using his code gizmo.  However then Sybil (Nathalie Kelley) arrives and wants him to help them bring Cade to earth.  He hasn't heard of the Arcadia legend, but obviously they go to the cave where she shows him the artifacts and on the table is an ashen bone which she spells out can be used on Cade.  Matt sees this and tells them that but then why don't they get the significance of it then and there.  I mean even I got that as soon as she showed it to Ethan.  Seline  (Kristen Gutoskie) is also there and they sing to make him do what they want.  Obviously he's powerless and he says to Bea "I can't say" over and over, but he can write it down which he does so in code for her.

The bell is rung and the witches try to stop it but can't and are burned in the process.  Ethan and Bea go to the cave where once again Sybil tells him to bring their master to walk the earth and they will tell him how to kill him.  Which they already did but he can't do that.  Bea uses her magic to hold them behind a wall in the cave.  As Sybil forces Ethan to kill Bea, she uses her magic and shuts him in the cave room which is where they found his skeleton.   He writes down the way to kill Cade in the journal.  Matt suffers a heart attack and Damon tells them to use his blood, once again Matt being saved by vampire blood, which he isn't too big on.  But didn't really complain.  Alaric noticing the journal's gone, obviously.

Damon gives the journal to Cade and he burns it adding Stefan will live out whatever time he has left of his mortal life.  Which we think isn't very long since Stefan ran from the house and gets flashbacks to his killing all those people and is in despair.  Caroline calls him and tells him to meet her but he can't do that.  He can't face what he did in killing Enzo either and as I said with his bloodied hands he's likely to get stopped by the police and lo and behold that's exactly what happens!  He's arrested and is responsible for 32 murders, as he's shown the photos of his Vics.  Caroline compels the FBI agent (Todd James Jackson) to let him go and that he wasn't responsible, also getting the policeman (Kurt Yue) to delete his record and file. Stefan sees the estate agent, Karen's (Reece Odum) daughter, Janie (Navia Robinson) who reports her mother missing.  Stefan put her in the trunk of the car and left her to die.  He and Caroline search for her and Stefan remarks on how they can get back to the "cake dancing" sooner.  Caroline saying this isn't about the wedding.

He finds her and she stabs him, leaving Caroline to save her but she can't save Stefan cos he has the cure in his blood and is human.  He tells Caroline he knows it isn't about the wedding but right now he doesn't know what he's going to do and how he's going to deal with this, since he doesn't know about redemption.  Which is pretty much what he says to Damon too and he heads off to see Bonnie. Damon commenting on how Stefan always wanted to be human and now he is.

Caroline sends Bonnie's mother, Abby (Persia White) to see her and Bonnie hears Enzo telling her to "save me." I still say there's something in that necklace Enzo gave her with his blood or maybe I'm wrong.  Bonnie's mother thinks they should send him to the earth but she resists thinking he's somewhere out there.  Abby tells her that she opened a dark portal and brought whatever's here.  Also that there isn't an other side anymore.  Bonnie hears him call out again and faints.  As her mother sets Enzo on fire.

Matt tells Bonnie how sorry he is but he's been there and he's there for her.  Wanting to tell her about her family but that can wait for another time.  Damon tells Alaric he saved Stefan as he always would and he can call him "selfish" now.  Also telling him he knows how the journal ends.  So he should hypnotize him since Sybil always said she had a get out of jail free card as insurance as far as Cade was concerned and in the room he hands Alaric that same bone weapon!  Now what took them so long to get that connection!!  However Kai (Chris Wood) shows up and tells them he has an even better plan!  Uh-oh here we go again, another plan!  This time a witchy plan. Also wanting some bourbon.  Stefan sits outside Bonnie's house.

Suppose Bonnie's going to get her powers back too and won't be happy seeing Kai again. What's she going to say to Stefan considering he's human now and what he did wasn't him but the Ripper. However yes Cade is ultimately responsible and the bargain was struck to save the twins, but that won't help Stefan alleviate his guilt and nor should it.  However he has enough redemption to undertake and a Caroline said they will find a way for him to make it up.  Stefan is abducted by a hooded figure.  Yeah let's carry this Stefan human bit to the point of getting abducted cos it's easy for that to happen now that he's human.

Redemption an old topic for every TV character going, practically.  It's not unusual for vampires to crave redemption for what they've done even if it's a little late for it.  (See Angel).  Stefan's mortal now and needs it even more for his mortal soul, so he doesn't end up with Cade, but also to survive this human life as best he can now.  It was apparent he would come out of this Ripper mode sooner or later, but having to cope with the killings as a human is much different and not as heightened as it would have been if he had just reverted back to ordinary vampire mode.  Small mercies his guilt won't be that emotional but there will be guilt as we've seen.  Damon just seemed to be plodding along getting into everyone's bad books too but again he would always put Stefan above everyone else, it's what brothers do (not going into ye olde Winchesters here in Supernatural!)  It's just this time it was Stefan who needed saving and one way to stop him whining about Damon always coming after him and doing the right thing was to have him become human.  So what now with the cure and who's next?  Caroline showing that vampire blood doesn't work after the cure's been taken means that Damon couldn't have saved Elena after all.

Kai's back and Bonnie won't be happy seeing him again, as said. Seems like everything this final season has been Bonnie's nightmare more than finding her everlasting happiness.  Appearing to be a Bennett curse more than anything.  But she should get her powers back, she should at least deserve that much.  Bonnie hearing the bell ringing, or rather feeling the same pain as the sirens did, is that some remnant from Bea as she was there when the bell was rung initially and she was saved by Ethan from getting into the fire to help the others.  Did Bea and Ethan have a 'thang' going together?  Yet if they did, it was so easy for her to lock him in  hat room and just leave him there alone to rot for an eternity, that was cruel!  Then again the sirens were inside his head now so there wasn't much escaping that and especially since Ethan was human!

Damon's joke of Stefan being pumped with three bags of blood and he hopes he saved him some!
The ep title was said by Elena to Stefan in 1.5 You're Undead To Me. Also in this episode Stefan had Damon in the dungeon and wanted to desiccate him for at least 150 years!  The course of action Damon repeated himself for real last season!  Oh how history repeats itself.  Bonnie doesn't know what's happening to her in this ep and turns to her grandmother for help as her powers seem to be growing.  Pretty much the same here as something's happening to Bonnie but she doesn't know what or why.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Longmire 3.10 "Ashes to Ashes" Review

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As Walt (Rob Taylor) speeds down the highway he comes across Branch (Bailey Chase) carrying a shotgun.  He opens the car boot and shows him Ridges' DB and as they drive to the station, Branch wants to come in but he's been relieved of his suspension.  He informs the others about Ridges and tells Ferg (Adam Bartley) to clear out Branch's desk which he reluctantly has to do.  He should've asked Vic (Katee Sackhoff) she wouldn't have hesitated and a bit unfair to ask Ferg cos they were much more closer, if that's the word, than anyone else there.  You can tell Ferg did look up to Branch.

Walt leaves to see Nighthorse (A Martinez) and as he tells them he's going to arrest him believing he gave away his location to Ridges.  However Nighthorse calls for his attorney and she plays the recording of the phonecall getting him off the hook for now, but that won't prevent Walt from pursuing him still, as he still believes he's part of a conspiracy behind Martha's murder, or at least is directly behind it.  However a bit of a funny bit when his wife's name is mentioned, Walt loses it and punches him but Vic's nose gets in the way!!  Ha.  Some would say poetic justice since she was sticking it in where it doesn't belong.  Especially when she turned in Branch, I mean how was he corrupt when he kidnapped Sam (Hank Cheyne).  Granted he shouldn't have done it, he wasn't thinking straight which isn't the same as being a bad deputy!

Cady (Cassidy Freeman) thinks there may have been racism involved on the part of Det Fales (Charles S Dutton) when he arrested Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips).  Giving Walt an idea about feathers since one was found in Branch's wound and it reminds him of Ridges' headdress, also containing crow feathers.  He then goes to Denver to see the detective, Vogel (Aaron Abrams) who investigated his wife's murder, along with Fales.  He shows Walt the case files and finds the autopsy report with the X-ray of an object in Miller Beck's throat which resembles a feather.  Apparently the autopsy didn't last long and Fales was instrumental in pursuing that angle, but then dropped it. However without evidence there's nothing they can do.  However Henry suggests they need to dig up Beck's DB and asks where it's buried.  Colorado of course.  Walt says he's coming with him and takes the jar of the 'Free Henry' funds with them, which they pay Omar (Louis Herthum) to fly them there.

As they dig, the police are notified of Henry's ankle monitor being breached and they arrive.  Walt getting into the hole and telling them he's been chasing Henry who's been digging up graves.  They bring back Beck's DB, only to find that Ridges has been taken.  Vic pulls over Nighthorse breaking his tail light in the process and wants to check his car.  Inside she finds his shopping, but sees he made a call to Sam, who's taken Ridges' DB and wants to bury him.  They find him during the burial and Walt promises he'll return the DB for a proper burial after.  Walt finding the feather in his throat.

Ferg brings by Branch's things to him and is sad to see him end up in that position. Branch examines the tapes of the CCTV surveillance he recorded at Nighthorse's development and sees Barlow's (Gerald McRaney) SUV.  He ask him about it and says he was confronting Nighthorse about Branch. Barlow lies telling him his company doesn't do business with Nighthorse.   Branch later covers his face with shaving cream and looks at himself in the mirror, he then turns up at work in a suit which Barlow thinks is overkill.

Cady meets with the ADA Sloan (Eli Goodman) and Fales showing them the evidence and how it was suppressed.  She makes a deal for the charges to be dropped otherwise they're going to the press with Fales's oversight.  Henry is finally free.  Walt takes his wife's ashes to the place where they were married and says he hoped keeping them would help her keep him in line and he finally lets go. That's not the half of it, as this story was too conveniently cleared up. Why would they kill Martha, they had to be hired and even if he didn't get evidence on Nighthorse, he was too easily a suspect. Especially with his band of attorneys, he wouldn't have to resort to murder.

Whilst out shooting skeets (clay pigeons as we call them) Branch brings up Nighthorse again.  How Barlow didn't even look angry at all and he would've gotten out of the car to confront him properly. Also finding a $50,000 connection  to Walt's wife's murder.  Barlow was angry and wanted revenge cos he wanted Branch to be sheriff, not Walt.  However he doesn't regret it or is remorseful at all and what follows was classic TV at its best.  Barlow telling him he has time to make another son and shots are heard even by Walt, as the casings lie on the ground.

It wasn't hard to predict what was coming since Barlow can't have any liabilities or loose ends lying around, his business and money are too important for him than people and even his own son.  I mean he was keeping him prisoner under lock and key in the previous episode, thereby showing he had more to fear from him than even from Walt.  So he spent years building up a fortune, it's only money and it's not like he's going to take it with him, but it was more important for him to protect his empire than his son.  Branch as we know would've done the right thing and that's what really irked Barlow. Unlike him, his son had backbone and scruples, even if he lost the plot after getting shot, who wouldn't.  But a great cliffhanger, of sorts, to leave on.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Once Upon A Time 6.4 "Strange Case" Review

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This episode seemed to end Jekyll and Hyde rather quickly all done in four episodes.  What happened to all that evilness and the Evil Queen prolonging her alliance wight Hyde (Sam Witwer) for longer. Not to mention how Hyde was playing the perfunctory bad guy when he wasn't and didn't have to. Why was he 'Hyding' Jekyll's (Hank Harris) darkness in that way and why did Jekyll think that by finding a serum to kill Hyde or at least neutralize him, it wouldn't affect him in any way.

There was still so much to be explored and Regina (Lara Parilla) and Rumples (Robert Carlyle) finding out to destroy the Evil Queen means destroying (using Reggie's fave word here) it's said by her in almost every ep!  That they need to kill the original.  Obviously they can't kill Regina.  I also noticed how there's quite a bit of repetition going on her from past eps and seasons.  The story of the Saviour being weak, needing help, not wanting to be the Saviour, reports and visions of death.  It's been done before and always at the hands of some hooded figure.

Also the Belle/Rumples 'not in love.' 'love you' storyline is a bit grating right about now. and getting old fast.  Honestly not enjoying this season at all.  Now we get boring Jasmine (Karen Shenaz David) and Aladdin, sorry they were boring. With Aladdin a poor substitute for Will Scarlet and then the Red Queen too.  A t least Will had more life in him and took risks.  Aladdin took the plunge in order to save himself and severed his powers, how was that helping anyone but himself.  Isn't it the Saviour's responsibility to save everyone but themselves and make the ultimate sacrifice and being chosen for that purpose too.

Once getting in on the ITV Jekyll and Hyde series from 2014, which also had a lot more legs left in it before being cancelled.  The people with no stories is a bit pointless too.  As for no one having any secrets seems like all the men are keeping those this season, David, Hook.  As we know the men in
this show are always the weaker.  Shown by how they all harbour secrets and usually have to be rescued by someone else, usually a woman.

This also shows how Jekyll wanted Mary (not you again re the actress, Elizabeth Blackmore) who plays her!  Any Brit accent needed, let's get her.  Was so annoying in The Vampire Diaries and in Supernatural too!)  She meets Hyde at a party and is besotted with him and his passion which is lacking in Jekyll, who is a dry as the formula he can't seem to come up with.  He realizes how they spent the night together and she can't fathom being with such a boring wretch that they struggle and she lands outside the window, falling to her death.  In order to conceal this he conjures up a potion and drinks it, thus putting the blame on Hyde.  Who turns out to be a good guy after all.  SO why kill him off?  Yet he couldn't just come out and tell them this, no wonder as the warden, he kept Jekyll a prisoner as he did.  It was his justice for killing Mary.  Though they ended up calling her more a 'merry' than Mary.  Hey this wasn't the Lord of the Rings.

In the end he is killed cos Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) has to rescue Belle (Emilie de Ravin) from the sadistic Jekyll who's on his ship too.  Rumples doing nothing to lift the protection spell he placed around the ship.   As for Belle, it was Hook who came to her rescue and Rumples wasn't even grateful for it.  Hyde is right when he tells him "you can change the outside but the inside is still there."  A reference to Rumples' haircut if ever there was one!  Ha.  Actually it's also an allusion to Regina in some ways, even if she thought she destroyed her evil self and removed her from her inside, she didn't really kill her or the darkness that accompanies her and her evil.

Strange case indeed it's not just about Regina and Jekyll's alter egos but how much of this still lurks inside of them.  Why Regina couldn't rid herself of her evil, cos it's a part of her and will be.  There's no magic cure in a serum, as Hyde showed it didn't work on him, no amount of magic worked on him, like nothing they throw at the Queen works on her.  Hyde wasn't evil or sadistic and Jekyll didn't realize that with all his science and experiments, he couldn't have removed the darkness, in the same way Regina couldn't do the same.  They just churned out different versions of themselves.  Jekyll was the bad one as the Queen is here.

Sunday 5 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries 8.1 "Hello Brother" Review

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The search is on for Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Enzo (Michael Malarkey) as Stefan )Paul Wesley) writes in the diary for Elena about finding missing bodies.  Bonnie (Kat Graham) has flashbacks to Enzo and him teaching her how to play the guitar, whilst they read The Odyssey, specifically the parts relating to sirens and how they sing to lure men to their deaths.  All this was foreshadowing of the new big bad in their lives, but obviously the sirens aren't the ones they'll really need to worry about. Stefan tells Bonnie not to give up hope and that they will find them.  The remarked difference here between Stefan's positiveness and what he will become later on in the season.  (Okay I know I'm posting this now cos whenever we get the first ep of the show here somehow I always seem to miss the first ep!!)

Damon and Enzo take Vics to be devoured by this new monster which lurks in the bloodied water at the slaughterhouse and try to ascertain which one of them has done the worst thing.  Enzo disposes of the girl whilst Damon feeds the guy to the unknown entity in the water.  Caroline (Candice King) chances upon the dead body on the road and sends Stefan and Bonnie to investigate whereupon they find the girl tied to the front of the car and Bonnie says it's guitar string.  She also finds there was candlewax in her ears.  As Caroline finds out about the slaughterhouse at the TV station.  As well as looking after the twins.  Stefan heads out there on his own and finds Damon there cleaning up like a good, controlled boy.  He doesn't want him here and Stefan knows he's flipped his switch to cope with what he has to do.  Stefan tells him he knows deep down there's some spot in his mind which is free and isn't being being controlled.

Pity Stefan didn't arrive sooner to see Damon reading Fifty Shades of Grey, really, it should've been Fifty Shades of Red by the looks of things in the slaughterhouse.  Stefan stakes him but he gets up and takes Bonnie hostage.  Enzo tells them to leave since he's not completely taken over yet.  This time Stefan is despondent as Bonnie now tells him he has to have hope since they will get them back. As she plays guitar she recalls Enzo reading to her and realizes he's leaving her clues and wanted them to find them both.  She finds the book where it states the sirens sing and leaving behind the bones of men they devoured.  As she calls Alaric (Matt Davis) to tell him.

Alaric's interns Darius (Demetrius Bridge) and Georgie (Allison Scagliotti) have found an invisible cave and here they find treasures which haven't been eroded by the air, as well as a skeleton.  As Georgie makes a move on Alaric.  He tells her he's got his children to think of and is off the market. Well things didn't exactly work out with Caroline either.  Caroline watches the tapes of Enzo with Virginia as she tells the twins how she's a princess in a magical place and now she's escaped.  As Seline (Kristen Gutoskie) the young nanny Caroline doesn't like, makes them crustless star-shaped sandwiches, wasting food with people going hungry in the world.  As she speaks with her, the door opens and the knife disappears.  It's Virginia (Aisha Duran) who attacks Seline and Caroline saves her by giving her blood.  When she questions Virginia she finds her tongue gets cut.

Finally getting hold of Alaric who says he shouldve been here for his children and wants to move back in, with Caroline leaving to be with Stefan cos they know that's where she should be.  Damon and Enzo head out for another Vic, a painter who uses blood to paint and Damon talks of redemption. As they feed him to his prey, Damon goes to his 'happy' place with Elena where he meets her for the first time.  That's his little corner of sanity he's got for himself, however that won't last, as we know in this show nothing ever does.

Thought this was a little bit of a slow first episode to begin with as they tried to squeeze everything into it and also revealing it's sirens we're dealing with, as Enzo and Damon hear singing and the siren (Natahlie Kelley) is revealed to us, in all her bloody nakk-edness!  With Damon also telling Stefan about real hell with fire and brimstone and the devil.  There's no getting away from it and hating Stefan for turning him into what he became.  His life being over for over a 150 years.  It's the resentment that Stefan can't get over and he must be feeling the guilt which is why Bonnie tries to talk him round; to the point of where he makes the diary entry so she finds out from him about Damon and losing his humanity again. But at least season 8 got better overtime!

Ironically Damon saying: "this is the beginning of the end."  Yes for the show!  As well as, "I've seen how this ends.  Humanity can't save me from it.  Once the devil comes a-calling, you're done." Giving up so easily which really isn't like Damon, even though he did desiccate himself last season giving up on everyone.  The title is a reference to the first line uttered by Damon in the Pilot, which he says here again.  Also Stefan said it to Damon in 3.1 The Birthday.