
Thursday 23 August 2012

CSI: Miami 10.5 "Killer Regrets" Review

Gangs spray paint to the tune of "Won't Get Fooled Again." Later a man is seen painting over 'Mala Nocha' on his wall, as his wife, the sheriff drives away, there's an explosion.  Anita's (Kate del Castillo) husband, Geraldo (Carlos Sanz) was in the truck and the only trace of him found are his glasses.  She believes Memmo (Robert LaSardo) ordered the hit from prison.  Any old excuse to feature Memmo in another episode, it seems.  Horatio (David Caruso) vows to help her find Geraldo's killer, even though the death occurred in Mexico and they have no jurisdiction.

A visit to Memmo reveals he has nothing to do with the hit after Horatio threatens to remove his daughter from her mother. He wants Horatio to hit him so no one gets suspicious.  Memmo adds Horatio was keeping that inside a long time when he punches him hard.  He believes the hit was ordered by El Asesino.

Calleigh (Emily Procter) checks the grenade and Walter (Omar Miller) warns her the case is of limits, but helps her anyway.  The grenade was from World War II and she traces it back to the US and specifically to a stockpile of weapons in Texas.  At least they have some sort of jurisdiction now.  Brendan Dwyer (Scott Patterson) is based in Miami and when questioned by Calleigh and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) he states there was a robbery and he was shot, showing them his leg.  Anita and her brother, Carlos (Marco James) are packed off to a hotel for protection, what Miami doesn't have a proper safehouse and only one policeman who is picked off pretty quickly.  That's shouting out for a hit and that's exactly what happens.  O'Shay (Ed Begley Jr) arrives and tells Calleigh the case isn't theirs and she tells him about Dwyer.   Calleigh tries to drive away in the Hummer to the call out, but it doesn't start.

After a struggle between Anita, who manages to hold the silencer and direct it away; Carlos tries to stop him too.  Funnily enough when Carlos was wrestling with him, Anita didn't reach for her gun which was in her bag, cos that'd be too easy.  Horatio and Ryan (Jonathan Togo) arrive to save the day and Ryan notices she has a burn on her hand from where she touched the silencer.

Carlos tells her Geraldo was offered money to make her stop and he promised Geraldo he wouldn't tell her. Delko notices some trace under her nails which turns out to be paint from the silencer.  This paint leads to Luis (Jeremiah Bitsui) who is Mala Nocha and he is also wounded in his arm where El Asesino shot him.  Horatio wants Memmo to tell him the truth and he says the silencer was his but he discarded it and Luis admits he picked it up.  Memmo wants to see his daughter but Horatio refuses, instead he can have the next best thing: steak.  Which doesn't even turn out to be cooked to his liking.  He says El Asesino is looking to buy weapons which are located at the dock; where they find Dwyer.

Dwyer admits he works for the government and weapons are sold to Mala Nocha as they lead to the higher up members of the gang.  Sensors are placed in the guns, but as these were usually discovered, they ended up putting in two sensors.  A special order 2.2 is tracked to Anita's hotel room and the gun is found in Carlo's backpack.  That's not such a big surprise as there weren't that many suspects inn this episode, only I didn't think Carlos was guilty.  She is his sister after all.  He admits he found the gun under Geraldo's dresser, though have to wonder what he was doing there.  Flash to Anita and Geraldo meeting at the shooting range, did she never wonder what he was doing there?

Delko looks at the bomb debris and luminol doesn't reveal any traces of blood.  Thus Geraldo didn't die and lo and behold turns out to be El Asesino.  Instead of killing her, he fell for her, which isn't surprising or original.  He shot Luis cos he was looking out for her.  No one thought about that being the reason he fired at Luis.  It's all over the news that Anita has been shot which was a rouse to get him out of hiding and he does.  Couldn't he have been placed in witness protection or something in return for info, sure they could have got plenty out of him, but Geraldo doesn't want to be taken alive, it'd also mean putting her life in even more danger if he did that  Though this wasn't as dramatic as a shoot out in a hospital room and being shot by Horatio, only to slump over Anita.  Well he's carked it now for real!  He wanted his death to make her leave her job but that didn't work.  So he didn't really know her that well then, why would she, his dying would only make her more determined.

Ryan and Delko not wanting to deal with Memmo and Tripp (Rex Linn) telling them it's cos they "have to dance with the devil to get out of hell."

O'Shay gives Walter his card and wants him to work for him but he doesn't have any intention of doing so; until Calleigh who happened to be nosing around, suggests it would be a good idea.  Oh no, they're not going to do a 'Boa Vsta' when she was a mole for the FBI.  Only Walter working for the opposition will be okay now cos he's really on their side.  Oh and Natalia was absent this episode.

O'Shay tells calleigh Hank Kradic is on the oversight Panel with him and he donated the HumVees, so he won't like them working this case.  However Calleigh tells him in no uncertain terms it involves the shooting of an officer now and he'd better stay out of his way, or she'll charge Hank with obstruction.

Memmo asks if working for Horatio, telling him the info, has earned him the 'grace' Horatio mentioned earlier on.  Since grace is like forgiveness. Horatio replies that's up to him. Well it's hardly likely Horatio will forgive him for killing Marisol this lifetime or any other time.  Why does Memmo crave his forgiveness anyway?  Him being a hardened criminal, killer and one time leader of Mala Nocha.

Oh how did Carlos get that gun over the border, was it in Anita's luggage or something, her being a sheriff.
O'Shay is meant to be the baddie in their lives, but personally I preferred Rick Stetler, ah the good old days.  He was such a worthy adversary and then they cheapened his character by making him dirty!  Though he was a bad guy in abusing Yelina, it was great watching him and Horatio and their altercations!

Didn't much like this episode, don't really like the Mala Nocha ones, nothing ever happens to my satisfaction.  It's like Miami grasping at straws for a lifeline and ratings!  Also Miami throws in another lab tech, Jamie (Amber Lancaster) how many does that make and they have to be female.  Just keep Travers or someone else, even though the actor may be busy on another show, don't bother putting one in, cos I'm sure a CSI can do the job.  It just made it look as though she was trying to go one better than Walter and then asking for the coffee too, ugh.

Also Horatio being an expert on bombs doesn't process any of the fragments or debris, not that he would have found much, but it was better when Horatio used to 'muck out' in the lab.  Was using Won't Get Fooled Again in the opening a clue or just a bad joke?! Ha.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Merlin 4.4 "Aithusa" Review

A thief steals an object from the Druids and it joins to one he already has.  He contacts Gaius (Richard Wilson) to ask about the object and Merlin (Colin Morgan) listens in as usual.  It is the Triskellion of Ashkanar and has caused trouble for Gaius before.  It has Druid writing and is a guide to the tomb of Ashkanar.  Legend states the last dragon's egg is hidden there.  The third part of the piece is in the vault at Camelot.  gaius refuses to help since it's been there 400 years.  The old ways should be left as they are and believes in the future Arthur (Bradley James) will build

Merlin says there's one chance to save the dragons and Gaius knows Borden (James Callis) can't be trusted.  Merlin summons the Dragon (John Hurt) as you know he would and he thought he'd be the last of his kind.  He thinks it a "chance in a thousand".  Merlin must retrieve the egg as he's a Dragonlord and it is his father's gift.  He gave up everything to save him.  What would his father say?  The dragon utters "I beg you in your father's name."

Merlin tells Borden he can help him since he's Arthur's servant.  He enters his chamber in search of the key and of course disturbs him, which is funny cos at other times, Arthur doesn't even stir.  Merlin's excuse, he's checking for woodworm.  He then uses magic for Arthur's pants to drop and gets the key when Arthur is in conference with the others.

The third piece fits the Triskellion.  Borden knocks out Merlin and leaves, now how did he not see that coming?  He wakes Arthur once more and is kind of saved by the bell.  Arthur is concerned for Merlin. The box was left open when Merlin and Borden were there but when Arthur now touches it, the box is closed!  Gaius was eager to tell them about the legend.  Agravaine (Nathanial Parker) says the egg can live for thousands of years.  Oh another thing, if Gaius knows all about Agravaine and his being in league with Morgana (Katie McGrath) why does he spill about the legend in front of him, knowing full well that Agravaine will rush off to Morgana to tell her.  Arthur believes the egg must be destroyed.  Merlin hopes Borden gets to it first.

Merlin sees it as the last dragonhold and Gaius is angry.  The knights camp for the night and play a trick on Merlin as if they haven't saved any food for him.  That's what the knights have been reduced to.  Then again said trick meant merlin wouldn't get any food the night night.

The Druids call out to Emrys  One tells him Ashkanar was wise as the Triskellion is also a trap.  The legends are clear and warns Merlin, "only when the way ahead seems impossible you have found it." Merlin tells them the right direction and Elyan (Adetomiwa Edun) tells them he's right.  Merlin: "ever heard of the word sorry?"  Well clearly not, it being a king's and knight's privilege, ha.  Arthur replies, "no is that another word you made up?"

There's a footprint by the cave which leads to a waterfall, hiding the entrance to another land and the tomb. They're attacked by Borden.  Merlin uses magic and Borden escapes, throwing a poultice into their food.   Merlin finds the poultice and Merlin gets no food conveniently as the others fall ill and he has to cure them using magic and heads off alone to the tomb.   Borden doesn't heed Merlin's warning and is gassed temporarily.  The egg is on display.  That place looked like where Morgause  placed the cup in the season 3 finale, The Coming of Arthur Part 2.

Merlin says the egg isn't his to take and he won't share the money either as dragons aren't used for wealth, they are free to roam.  He tells Borden he's the last Dragonlord cos Borden won't be around for much longer.  The egg is removed and the tomb crumbles with Borden left inside.  The others arrive too late.  Where did Merlin get his bag of supplies from since he didn't have the bag with him, nor is it large enough to hold any supplies.  The egg is inside and Leon (Rupert Young) says nothing could survive under that rubble.

Gaius tells him Merlin should think first since all was nearly lost cos of him, oh and what about blabbing about the legend to begin with.  The egg was concealed by Ashkanar for nearly 400 years.  Merlin must decide what to do.  He takes the egg to the Dragon and tells him he's no longer the last of his kind.  Only the Dragonlord has the power to summon them from the egg and it falls open.  He must name it and calls it Aithusa.  It's a white dragon and is named for the "light of the sun," in Dragon tongue.  A white dragon "bodes well for Albion, for you and for Arthur and for the land that you will build together."

Well we know it won' work out that way especially since Morgana will get her hands on the dragon and manipulate for her own purposes.  Would have thought she'd have been in this episode and neither was Gwen (Angel Coulby.)  Oh and another thing the story must have jumped forward since Arthur didn't appear to have any 'kingly' duties, aside from the pants fiasco; (also seen last episode) yet he had the time to go chasing after a dragon's egg.  Who was running Camelot whilst he was away and Uther's (Anthony Head) name or passing was hardly mentioned at all.  That was moving on pretty quickly.  One of those eps you either liked or didn't.

Colin Morgan could keep the dragon's egg after filming.  James Callis played Merlin in Merlin and the Book of Beasts (2010) and played 'Gaius' in Battlestar Galactica.  His horse in this episode was named 'Galactico.'  Scenes from 3.11 The Sorcerer's Shadow where used again when  Merlin is in bed and gets up to see the Dragon.  Merlin in his red shirt with the blue scarf is the same scene from 3.13 The Coming of Arthur Part 2, where he needs the Dragon's help to obtain Excalibur.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Without A Trace 3.10 "Malone V Malone" Review

Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) recalls a past Christmas at home.  He’s not going to work on Christmas.  He sits in his empty apartment with custody papers.  His lawyer tells him to be prepared and “stay cool.”

The team wrap up a missing person’s case.  There’s an empty place at Jack’s deposition.  Bernard Scoggins  (Scott Cohen) is Maria’s (Talia Balsam) lawyer.  Jack tells him the move would be difficult for his daughters because their school, friends, grandfather and he is here.  He doesn’t want to deny Maria access as they should see both parents.  If she lived here they could share custody.  He says they both took them to school.  School records show he took them about 9 times in a year so that’s less than once a month.  Scoggins mentions March 13th 2004 when he arrived late to pick them up.  They thought he may have been shot.  He tells the teacher he hasn’t read Hannah’s (Vanessa Marano) creative writing where she wants to spend more time with her father.  He was late because he was conducting an interview.  Jack calls it a mistake that won’t happen again.

Danny (Enrique Murciano) asks Sam (Poppy Montgomery) what Jack will do if he loses?  And adds Maria’s lawyer is a “scumbag” cos of the things he asked him.  Sam says he was only doing his job.  Martin (Eric Close) says he was digging for dirt and asked about the Spaulding case and if it affected Jack.  He replied it affected all of them.  Fancy asking Sam what jack will do, it's not like they're still together and Martin won't like that! Ha.

The phone rings and they all look at it.  It’s Jack’s father who’s here.  Viv (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) reminds him they met at Jack’s 40th.  He’s brought bourbon.  He tells Sam he likes her hair.  He likes blondes and so does Jack.  Martin looks at her...

Scoggins asks Jack about his affair which began in August 2001.  It lasted 5 months.  Jack worked 60 hours a week.  He stayed at Sam’s sometimes and told Maria he was working.  Flashback to Jack and Sam working on a crossword puzzle together on her bed.  He asks for a place beginning with ‘B’: Baraboo.  She went there in the 8th grade and smoked pot. (Baraboo being in Wisconsin).

Jack says he’s not dating Sam and might date in the future.  He’d hire a full time nanny; modify his hours and they’d be come his priority.  They are important in his life.  Maria arrives, her flight was delayed.  Jack’s lawyer says his client may get a migraine and refuse to continue.  Jack wants to get it over and done with now.

Scoggins mentions April 2003 and the Delia Rivers case. (season 1.18 The Source)  She was murdered by Katan who threatened his family.  Maria tells him she explained her reasons for this but he didn’t listen.  Jack’s father looks at his granddaughters’ photo and says Jack is a good father; he does a  tough job.

Jack worked 12 years on missing persons.  The Spaulding case concerned the kidnapping of Andy Deaver  Spaulding was a  serial killer who preyed on children.  (season 1 episode 5 Suspicion)  Scoggins mentions Kate’s (Laura Marano) 7th birthday and the camcorder Jack dropped when he saw Hannah with a  man in the park.  He was a parent of one of her friends.  Jack knocked him down.  They laugh about it now.  He arrested Spaulding on September 24 and September 27 was her birthday.  He asks him about Jack’s attempted suicide when he ran his car into a pole.  That was 20 years ago.  His mother killed herself.  Jack tells him there is no history of mental illness in his family and he didn’t try to kill himself.

Jack’s lawyer tells him if it’s a specious claim then they can say it’s harassment and use it against him.
Jack joined the army at 18 and served for 6 years.  His father wanted him to join.  He went to college a year later and moved back home.  The rent was cheap.  He never dated, travelled but watched TV at home.  He was alone in the house when his mother killed herself .  Jack says he fell asleep at the wheel 10 years ago. He hadn’t been been drinking.  Scoggins  says he told Maria years later he drove his car into a pole on purpose.  Jack denies this and says he’ll have a hard time proving this.  Maria leaves the room.  Sam apologizes to her.  Maria tells her what she says is worth nothing.

Danny wonders where the snow is as he puts the star on the tree.  His father, Frank (Martin Landau) tells him Jack’s in his own world and blames him for his mother’s death.  He did what he could and perhaps the army might help him.

Jack has a Masters in Psychology and took courses in college.  Maria returns.  His mother suffered from bipolar disorder.  Scoggins asks if his relationship with his mother had an affect on his parenting.  It was difficult growing up with his mother but he was happy and loved her.  She turned to him when his parents fought.  Jack was her confidante.  He kept secrets from his father for her and caught her trying to kill herself.  He promised not to tell his father and she promised not to try again.  Jack says she wasn’t well.  She tried again 3 months later.  His father was in the Philippines.  He was 16.  10 years later he came back to the same house.  It was a cry for help. Scoggins says everyone leaves Jack so he had an affair and left Maria first.  Jack loses his temper and throws his chair out of the window.  Maria says that wasn’t an accident.
Maria calls him a part time husband.  This whole thing was about Jack.

At the office party Sam tells Martin she’s happy.  Jack’s father falls asleep in his office.  He doesn’t know why he’s here.  His lawyer’s asked for a redirect so he can question Jack himself: he has to show he can control himself and explain why he broke the window.  Jack has a flashback to when Hannah was born.  She’s named after his grandmother.  Jack tells his own father he doesn’t know how to be a father.  He has to do what’s best for them.

Jack talks to Maria alone.  Everything Scoggins talked about is why she left him.  He gives her custody of his daughters.  She tells him they need a father and they have to work this out.

The others play cards.  The party’s over and they were waiting for Jack.  He says it’s snowing.  Jack wakes up his father.  They’re having Chinese for dinner.

Viv: “I really like the look of this.” I.e. the whiteboard empty.  As if to imply no one goes missing at Christmas or even weekends.  On the contrary, this would be the part of the year when more people would go missing because they can’t cope.  As they do in the UK.  Also weekends see season 2 episodes when Martin’s aunt went missing at the weekend and the office was practically empty!

Martin: “That tree could use some love.” I.e their bare tree as opposed to Jack’s empty apartment = no tree.

Danny: “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”  She hands in their final case file before Christmas.

Martin: “Hopefully we can make it through the day.”  Ugh! Again no one’s missing.

Jack: “expecting someone else?”  Yes we know who.  Jack’s full name: John Michael Malone. The

As if by magic, the phone rings.  Martin: “Say it isn’t so.”

Martin watches Sam everytime Jack’s name is mentioned to something about her.  Insecure much?

Sam: “What are we doing Jack?”
Jack: “Listening to rain.  It’s nice.  I don’t know.”  We get another flashback to their supposed affair together. Whereas before it was only mentioned, we get a visual pic this time.

Sam: “honestly, I feel responsible for what’s going on with Jack.”
Martin: “Glad you told me.”

Jack’s not seeing Sam: “It’s in the past.”

Viv: “..especially when you take everything to heart – he keeps everything inside.”

Jack: “What’s the matter, can’t stand the smell of burning flesh?”
Maria: “We reap what we sow Jack.”
Jack: “We sure do.”  Wonder if he regrets marrying her now or even going back to her.  Or as my friends like to call her, "the shrew."

Danny being a star, gets to put the star on the tree.

Jack: “…never put you through what you put me through here.”
Maria: “This is about you.”
Jack: “This whole thing is wrong.”  Maria was getting back at him for what he did to her – most likely for his affair rather than anything else.

Sam: “I’m happy.  I mean You make me really, really happy.”  Until …???

Frank:” No one does, you do what you can…we all make mistakes, we try to do what’s best for them.”  This sways Jack.
Jack:”What you did to me today was unforgivable but you made your point.  I’m not equipped for the job, I never was.  Girls belong with you.  Please just leave.”  So he took Viv’s promotion away for nothing in the end really with hindsight.  But with foresight can say it was just as well since Viv’s not well.  It was always about Jack and we knew that from season 2; the moment she got her promotion, had this feeling she didn’t want it anymore, well at least my sister did.
Maria can’t honestly be having a fling with that sleazy lawyer of hers, can she?

It would’ve been good to have that sleazy lawyer question all of the team at least in brief flashbacks when they spoke of him, i.e. when Danny brought it up.  Perhaps on key issues.  Such as Sam and Jack’s affair from her point of view and he could’ve implied Jack is nothing but a womanizer who preys on his female colleagues.  Sam should’t have defended him, not after what he must have her made her go through.  Yes he was doing his job, but for Maria.  There was more going on there between the two of them than meets the eye.

Danny’s comment about the sleazy lawyer when he wants to become one too, but not a sleazy one.  And Martins’ comment about lawyers in season 2.

We didn’t find out much about Jack again since we already knew what happened to his mother from season 2 episode 5 and also he was in the army from season 1 eps.   Except for the car accident in which he tried to kill himself or allegedly.  It was wrong of Maria to dredge up all these painful memories for Jack and he was right it was wrong.  No amount of exacting revenge could be justified by things he told her in confidence.  She should be ashamed!  Probably one of his daughters may go missing in a future episode, i.e run away from home and if that happens, it’ll probably be Hannah.  (See episode 11.)

Danny: “We were waiting for you.”  At the  end they all wanted to ask what happened or how it went but didn’t.  Jack comments it’s snowing when he walks into the room with the others.   He makes his usual comment about the snow just as he did in season 1 episode Between The Cracks, with the missing model and season 2 episode 18 Legacy, the episode with Danny’s brother.

So no one went missing at Christmas, hard to believe since it’s the one time of the year when people do go missing re being alone, depressed etc when everyone else is happy.

Martin and Jack saying they were going for Chinese.  Where exactly and who was this Chinese?  Sorry bad joke.

How long will Martin and Sam’s happiness last?  No long.

Music: John Lennon  So This Is Christmas

Sunday 19 August 2012

Once Upon A Time 1.21 "An Apple Red As Blood" Review

Henry (Jared S Gilmore) crashes the car to stop Emma (Jennifer Morrison) from leaving StoryBrook.  Regina (Lara Parrilla) has dinner with Henry and Emma arrives.  She finds herself alone and the town, or most of the characters we know, Like Red (Meghan Ory) Granny (Beverley Eliott) Charming (Josh Dallas) Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and the Dwarves all have her tied to her tree.  Emma picks an apple which is "rotten to the core" and takes her head.  It's all a dream of course.  Regina's last words, "I just wanted to win for once."  It had to be a dream cos she can't be defeated, at any rate it would mean no more show.  She checks Henry's room and sees the light on under the covers but he's not there.

Henry tells her she can't win.  Mary Margaret tells Emma she left without saying goodbye.  The Queen takes Charming from King George (Alan Dale) in return for wealth so he'd hardly be one to refuse.  The guillotine blade, which was his intended punishment turns to water.  Charming: "losing my life for love, that's a sacrifice I'm happy to make."  Which will come back to haunt him and Snow.  Regina's going to "destroy his one true love...using him to put an end to Snow White."

Regina stares out the window at her rotten apples as she runs to Gold (Robert Carlyle).  She sees it as a sign the curse is weakening.  He thinks giving up Henry is a price for the curse to remain.  If Emma is killed the curse is broken.  He can't undo the curse and magic is in short supply.  Regina still insists on the curse being broken.  Regina just loves that word "destroy" she's used it so often now.  He's planning a trip and suggests she do the same.  Thus the globe on his counter.  The people, he says, "will be looking for blood once woken up" to her.  He was planning a trip, but he can't leave either.  Think he was planning a trip back home, but that won't happen either.  Besides he still hasn't found his son and Regina doesn't know why he got her to do the curse.

Regina leaves a White Rabbit card, intended for Jefferson/Mad Hatter (Sebastian Stan) on Paige's bike since she knows he watches her.  Mary Margaret is kind of shocked Emma abducted Henry and asks what's wrong with her?  She's reverting into how she was when she first arrived here.  Selfish, not needing anyone and she's gone back into saying the same thing.  Is it any wonder everything's in chaos.  She must do what's best for Henry.

Snow White and the Dwarves raid George's castle but Charming isn't there.  She sees him in Regina's mirror.  Regina has an apple for Snow.  Regina tells Jefferson if he had it in him, he would have killed her 28 years ago. He puts the Rabbit card in the drink she offers him and she wants him to use his hat to get back home and she has some magic for one last journey.  She gave him the mansion so why would he want to return to his hovel.  She promises to wake Grace up, but he wants her to make Grace forget and write a new story.  Give them a fresh start here.  We all know what Regian and her promisies are like, so why is he listening to her again especially after what happened in Wonderland.

Henry visits August (Eion Bailey) since he was going to make Emma believe but she didn't see his leg, only what she didn't want to see, does that make sense?  Oh you know, only believe what she wants and not in magic or the curse.  His arm is wooden now and Henry realizes he is Pinocchio so the curse is real.  He hasn't been a good boy so he's changing back.  She needs to break the curse to see.  August wants to be with his father, Marco.  He calls Henry 'kid' too just like Emma.

Archie (Raphael Sbarge) tells Emma she has no case for getting Henry back.  Regina would hurt anyone except him. The war between her and Regina needs to end.  Regina wants a Parley with Snow (heading into Pirates of the Caribbean territory here, ha) and meets her in the place where it all started.  Regina uses the last piece of magic in the hat (which means she can't use magic to save Henry next ep.)  It's her engagement ring, with Daniel.  Jefferson tells her it's enough to reach in and pull out an object that can help her.  She must guide the hat.

Snow must eat the apple to save Charming.  Her mother took Daniel's heart.  Snow eats the apple as her 'sacrifice for love.'  Of course as I said, Jefferson won't be getting Grace back, not until Emma is dead.  That'll be a long wait then.  The savour has to "eat her forbidden fruit."  As for the apple, Emma didn't even recall what Henry told her about the apple, not even to humour him.

She goes to Regina, she'd really make a deal with the devil instead.  She'll leave if she can still visit Henry, yeah that'll happen.  Hey Emma was already eyeing that big turnover even before Regina gave it to her.  And wasn't she meant to give notice to quit being sheriff.

Snow sacrificed herself for them.  Regina tells Gold she has a solution to her problem and no one's going anywhere.  Gold didn't look happy about that and also he can't leave he hasn't found Bae yet or Belle.  She doesn't want the curse broken.  Gold: "made magic from magic - all magic comes at a price."  Thus Henry eating the apple turnover.  Regina didn't even think of that and thinks she's won.  Emma tries to tell Henry this is reality not a story.  He believed in her but she can't do the same.  SO Henry makes his own sacrifice for love and for her to believe.  Something tells me it won't be enough.

So everyone was making sacrifices this ep.  Emma in leaving and not seeing Henry everyday, which just smacks of selfishness to me.  She did revert back to how she was and after setting the chain in motion and moving time forward, etc, she now decides she wants to run back to Boston.  Charming was willing to sacrifice himself for love, Snow did and Charming was still a prisoner.  Regina sacrificed Daniel, the only thing she had left of him, though don't think many will be feeling sorry for her.  Jefferson sacrificed his integrity once more for the sake of Grace but he didn't even get her back.  As for him not thinking that Regina used the last piece of remaining magic back, if her plan had worked and the curse was broken, then she'd have all her magic back.  SO she may have helped him with Grace.  However Regina wants to remain here, well she was smug about it when she told Gold this at the end.

As Gold created the curse that's why he wanted to know what Snow and Charming's child would be called and he knew it would be a girl.  Guess he needed all that for the curse since he knew she would have to be the one to break it.  As for Emma and the turnover, come on, Regina even gave her a hint when she commented she hopes she likes apples.  Still no reaction from her.  Seems like everything we went through this last twenty episodes has all come undone, so was it really worth it?  All in readiness for the season finale and for season 2.

Of course Henry isn't dead, since Snow ate the same apple and everyone thought she was dead too, she opted for the sleeping curse instead.  Can Henry have the apple lodged in his throat too like Snow in the fairytale.  So will a kiss from Emma save him?  Will it be enough to make her believe or want to believe about the curse.  Mary Margaret acted like Emma's mother in that early scene and took charge of it, a change from when we first met her as being so timid and lacking confidence.  She also reminded Emma about her saying she was family.

Don't think Regina will develop any sort of a conscience anytime soon, it's a sign of weakness for her.  Everything's about her and what she wants: to win most of all. She even puts winning above Henry.  She's even sacrificed Daniel's ring, her one true love, to get the apple back and her revenge on Emma in order to break the curse.

Apparently in the Pilot Regina was meant to have "poisoned an apple" cos she saw Snow as more fairer than her, as in the fairytale which is what Snow said.  SO is this what Snow believed she sought revenge on her for all this time and did she only just realize it was for Daniel when when she shows her his grave.  As for saying her mother "took his heart" that's double standards and hypocritical since that's exactly what she does.  She couldn't have the Sheriff so she sacrificed him too earlier on, so no one would have him and that was meant to have been for love too.

Just hope we get a few answers in the finale.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Stargate Atlantis 5.14 "The Prodigal Review"

Woolsey (Robert Picardo) asks why Ronon (Jason Momoa) hasn't filed a mission report yet as he hasn't given him one.  Ronon tries to make excuses such as not knowing it is mandatory for all team members.   Woolsey gives him a voice recorder but he's not good at talking.  That's an understatement, he always makes his voice and opinions heard.

Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) and Rodney (David Hewlett) race cars and Teyla (Rachel Luttrel) is shocked when she turns a corner with the baby.  Rodney comments on how his mother let him cry himself to sleep, again another similar comment to the one where he dropped the baby and then said he was dropped as a baby too.  No sarcastic comments from Sheppard this time though, but there was that look.

Power is out all over Atlantis except for the control room.  Zelenka (David Nykl) tries to reboot the system from the main power room.  However Michael (Connor Trinneer) takes over Atlantis, surprise, surprise.  Not really, he had to be about somewhere.  Sheppard and Rodney have to use the stairs and Rodney is clearly unfit.  Sheppard finds the stairwell door to the gateroom is locked.  Rodney thinks there should be power in the lab.  Loren (Kavan Smith) finds all the doors are sealed.  From the surveillance cameras Sheppard notices the jumper in the gateroom.  Hey when Stargate Atlantis first aired, my affectionate name for the puddle jumpers was 'piddle' jumpers! Ha.  He also sees Teyla in Woolsey's office.  Ronon thinks they should evacuate the gateroom.

Michael intends to destroy Atlantis and take Torren who holds the key to an increase in his strength and his rule over the galaxy.  He's as strong as ever.  Loren thought Michael was dead.  Well of course he wasn't dead when they encountered him on his Hive ship when Torren was born, since their jumper went missing.  He's like a cockroach as Rodney describes him.  Sheppard wants to blast the door and take back the room.

Ronon escapes from the room where all the captives are being held with Amelia's (Sharon Taylor) help  Michael's techs are having problems with the self destruct device.  Rodney picks up an energy reading and Loren already walks into it.  Some sort of a forcefield  using modified Wraith stun technology.

Zelenka says the jumper has an external power source.  Teyla showed Michael compassion once so she can come with him.  Michael is what he is out of necessity.  He was their experiment.

Sheppard thinks he can blow up the jumper by firing a drone but it doesn't have any power.  Sheppard thinks he can take the jumper from under the water, then fire the drone and take out Michael's jumper.  The jumper was damaged in the flood two years ago and Rodney didn't repair it so he has to do it now.

Amelia does kick boxing and Ronon heads for the armoury.  Ronon hears about the self destruct on Atlantis being used and has a change of plans.  Teyla takes the communicator and Ronon fights Michael, giving Teyla a chance to run but she doesn't go until he tells her to, which was a bit slow on her part.  Ronon is thrown from the balcony and is out for the count.

Woolsey is also knocked out by the forcefield. Teyla hides in a duct.  There aren't any weapons on the jumper.  Michael arms the self destruct  Sheppard wants to crash the jumper into the tower like he's done before.   Sheppard asks how many suicide missions he's flown and Rodney's lost count.  Rodney suggests lowering the gate shield, abandoning the jumper and using the DHD to a random planet, when he drops the shield, Rodney can fly the jumper.

Teyla tells Michael to turn off the self destruct and she'll accompany him.  Michael's got Torren's DNA so he can clone him.  He killed Ronon.  The shield is dropped and the gate is dialled, the jumper is destroyed disarming the self destruct in the process.  Sheppard chases Michael and they fight, leaving Michael hanging off the side of the building.  Teyla loosens Michael's grip and he falls.  How did she know where they were?  He's not really dead though, in my opinion and if Atlantis had been back for more seasons, so would Michael.

Woolsey asks for Ronon's report which he records now: Michael invaded, stopped him.  Sheppard and Rodney have another car race.  Sheppard says Torren can watch him win. Rodney getting vexed over Zelenka explaining the forcefield as a stun bubble.  Michael having Torren at his grasp and Teyla too, which was the real purpose of his 'visit' to Atlantis, but hangs around to exact his revenge.  Would've thought it would have been his intention to leave immediately.  Did he really think he could beat the Atlantis team on their home turf.  Beggars belief.

Michael wants Teyla to feel his need to do this, to understand, as she once showed compassion towards him. How he was a Vic; their Vic and they are responsible ultimately for who he is and has become.  This doesn't bode well for him when she kills him.  Yet Teyla is always the voice of reason in the show.  Here she changes all that as she lets him die at her hands.  Rightly or wrongly, was it really for her to decide to do that, even if Michael is beyond help.

Another thing, I didn't like her showing up to do the dirty deed when it was Sheppard's fight.  He would've won eventually, or was Sheppard not deemed man enough to do this.  That only a mother saving her child had the right.  It was easy when Michael was hanging over the edge; but not so easy throughout the rest of the episode especially as he was after Torren.  She couldn't even leave Woolsey's office until Ronon told her to run!

Rodney created the ARG crystal in Lifeline and Michael used the same principles for the forcefield/bubble.  Michael got info on Atlantis from the jumper he stole in the season 5 opener Search and Rescue.  See Teyla had to be rescued even then.  Oh Trip Tucker didn't know you had such delusions of grandeur, ha.  Does anyone miss Enterprise like me?!

Friday 17 August 2012

The Closer 7.10 "Fresh Pursuit" Review

A judge decides the outcome of Brenda's (Kyra Sedgwick) case and feels there are some trial-able issues of material fact.  Gavin (Mark Pelligrino) states that counsel, i.e. Goldman (Curtis Armstrong) doesn't know who killed Turrell.  Everyone's phones go off in court and a deputy sheriff has been shot and killed.  Brenda must leave too and it's said that 'police officers must put public safety ahead of personal interest.'

Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) reconstructs the shooting.  Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) finds the Vic's partner arrested the suspect Kyle (Aaron Perilo) is a car thief.  Deputy Mike Burton (Gino Anthony Pesi) placed him under arrest.  Taylor (Robert Gossett) arrives saying it's their case now.  Pope (JK Simmons) wants Kyle interviewed by them.

Brenda interviews Kyle alone and you just know something will go wrong.  If the rest of the team were given duties by her, Tao (Michaal Paul Chan) was still around and could have sat in on the interview with her, at any rate a uniformed officer could have kept an eye on the suspect when she went out.  Thought that was the usual procedure.  She asks Kyle if he's a cop killer or if he just got in with the wrong crowd.  Also explaining he's equally responsible for the killing and hopes he makes the right choice.

Tao IDs the suspect's prints which match David whose photo is on Kyle's phone.  He calls her out of interrogation and finds prints matched three non-criminals.  Kyle pulls out a gun which makes you wonder how he smuggled that in.  Even if he was searched by Burton, wasn't he meant to have been searched again when he entered the building.  Buzz (Phillip P Keene) also conveniently leaves the camera unattended, why all the mistakes this episode?  Buzz comes up behind Brenda and saves her by stopping her from re-entering the room.

Kyle shoots himself adding, "this was meant for Dave."  Brenda says it was her responsibility to ensure he was properly searched.  Provenza (GW Bailey) calls to say he's found the Honda.  Tao can't leave until he's interviewed by FID.  Brenda thanks Buzz for saving he rife, "now let's see if you can act."  Well he acted just fine in the previous episode when he filmed the suspect.

Taylor doesn't believe she did anything wrong, "cop killer shot himself, one down, one to go."  Pope commends Buzz for his action.  Raydor (Mary McDonnell) asks if she's okay as she nearly died.  Brenda tells her she was alone and Buzz responds he was the one who knocked on the door to pull her out.  Raydor can resume investigating the incident and has 72 hours within which she has to file a report.  Brenda wants Burton, who was meant to have been taken into custody.

Provenza thinks new rules will come into play now to search suspects and Gabriel's fine with that.  Tao finds David's prints in the car.  Provenza says they should search his house and they don't need a warrant as it's a fresh pursuit.  Burton is missing and appears to be looking for David.  Brenda specifically asked Taylor to keep an eye on him and he's found at David's house, with David a DB.  Provenza thinks he could have shot him with his own gun.

Goldman already knows about the incident with Brenda and Gavin should have been told too since Brenda refuses to believe there's a leak in the Division.  Gavin thinks he should drop all his clients and represent only her for life.  Brenda questions Fritz (Jon Tenney) about the joint task force between the sheriff's office and the FBI and their 'special problems'.  They are working on high tech car thieves.  Burton applied to join and was turned down along with his partner.

Burton wanted the theft to be investigated all the way leading to the man at the top. Raydor notices Burton admitting responsibility for not searching Kyle properly.  Middle men came for the Maserati.  Burton and partner followed them and were made.  Brenda states David left his own car behind and he knew he'd return for it.  Burton claims he was already dead.  Brenda exclaims he crossed the line and that's what the rule book is for.  Raydor wonders if she knows what she's saying and suggests Fritz should playback this interview for her.  The parking lot hasn't been burned.

Gabriel promises Fritz that Brenda will go to the courtroom and listen to the verdict.  Sanchez notices the fit woman as the car thieves return for the stolen Aston Martin.  Flynn (Tony Denison) finds the cars are being sent to Argentina.  Gabriel deduces the refrigerated shipping containers means they can ship cars with computers.  Brenda notices the name of the restaurant, 'Recoleta' which is a place in Argentina.  Brenda asks Fritz to give the suspects their calls as this will lead to the man at the top.  Obviously it had to be the bald guy, Rios (Gonzalo Menendez) since there were no other suspects and they both call him.  He escapes with the money and a gun and Brenda sneaks up on him from behind minus her heels.

Judge Gerald Blake finds the crimes committed by Turrell had to have been tried in court but due to a lack of evidence grants the defence motion and dismisses the case.  Gavin didn't tell her about this as she would have told the leak.  They toast Gavin.  Think his services will be required again.  Brenda thanks Raydor for standing by her.  Pope wants her to talk to someone without losing her temper.  Had to be that weasel Goldman who is just out to make a name for himself in bringing down a Deputy Chief.  He doesn't care about justice.  Pope wants her to get more info out of him.

He's filed a new Federal case.  Lawsuits involving the son of the Russian crime boss who died the night he was revealed as an informant and was released from her custody.  Stimple hanged himself in custody.  A policeman was murdered in jail.  Brenda shakes as he carries on.  Accusing her of civil rights violations and all are going to pay, including the LAPD and the city.  Brenda thinks he has a personal vendetta.  He tells her she's never met him and he's going to "put an end to all your works."  That's his intention.

Does this mean the work of the leak extends beyond just reporting what's happening in Major Crimes and extends all the way to info being leaked to criminals too.  So as one door closes for Brenda concerning Turrell, another one opens relating to the deaths of other criminals.  How can she be responsible for those?  Whatever happened was out of her hands but clearly this is just for her to make her exit at the end of the season as probably all this will get too much for her.  Which explains the title of this episode, not only uttered by Provenza, but also the whole other can of worms being opened up by Goldman.  Oh someone take care  him and put him out of his misery and us too! Ha.

Brenda: "right over the line that we never, ever supposed to cross.  The Justice System works pretty well until someone starts thinking that they're smarter than the Sheriff's office, the FBI and the entire LAPD.  Do you see what happens when you throw away the rule book...people die."

The Russian mob boss referred to, as far as I can recall, was in 1.3 The Big Picture where Stana Katic made an appearance as a prostitute pre-Castle days.  The episode with Stimple was 3.4 Ruby, where the team investigated the rape and murder of a black girl, which Gabriel found to be particularly reprehensible.  He beat a confession out of him and put his career on the line.  Stimple hanged himself, saving Gabriel from a trial, but Gabriel admitted his actions and was suspended without pay.

Gino Anthony Pisi was Klaus's witch in the Vampire Diaries. As well as being in Cold Case, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, The Mentalist etc.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Without A Trace 3.9 "Trials" Review

A judge sums up in a murder trial and then adjourns for the day.  One juror goes missing.

19 Hours Missing
Defence counsel comments something must be happening for the juror to disappear on the first day of deliberation.  Viv (Marianne Jean-Baptiste)says the best way to ensure a mistrial is if one of the jurors disappears.  Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) adds especially if there aren’t any alternates.  Peter Ducek,  (Josef Sommer) 72.  Jarrod Billingsley’s sister was killed by the defendant and he tells Jack and Viv they have to find the juror.

20 Hours Missing

Ducek is worth over $10 million so they may get a ransom demand.  He’s lived in the Us for over 40 years.  Martin (Eric Close) looks at his notes from the trial.  Sam (Poppy Montgomery) says he wasn’t meant to take his notes out of the jury room which means he disappeared from home.  Martin notices the notes end and then he doesn’t make anymore notes until 2 days later.

The defence tells the judge he already wanted to be recused from the jury anyway and asks for a mistrial.  He wanted to be removed because of the stress of the trial as he has a  heart condition and a note from his cardiologist.  A new trial would be expensive and affect the victim’s family.  The judge asked Ducek before he disappeared if he’s afraid of the defendant threatening the jurors and witness.  He decided to stay on.  Jack asks permission from the judge to question the jury non-prejudicially.  He gives them access to court transcripts.

Viv looks at photos of the parties involved in the trial: of the defendant and the victim.  Janelle was an Honours student.  Danny (Enrique Murciano) puts up photos of Brook’s gang and Viv shows him the crime scene photo of Janelle.

His son Roy (Jack Coleman) tells Martin and Sam his mother died 2 years ago and his daughter Noelle (Haley King) was doing a project on her grandfather.  He told her her grandmother was a mermaid but wouldn’t tell her the real story of his past.  He came to the US when he was 19 and  he was abrupt with her.  The next day he talked to the judge about leaving the jury.  Martin wonders if he possibly committed suicide but his son refutes that claim.

22 Hours Missing

His cardiologist  says he kept to himself.  She was having an affair with him.  He told her he couldn’t be impartial anymore.  Billingsley (Corey Hardrict) spoke to him at the courthouse.  She recognizes him from the court photos.  Billingsley tells Viv he asked him to stay on because there were no more alternatives.  Jack says he must tell the judge he spoke with him.

24 Hours Missing

Danny thinks he may have decided to stay because Billingsly asked him to.  Sam thinks there might be something going on in his life.  Viv asks the judge for more time to investigate and he gives her until tomorrow morning.  Dr Rebel (Linda Gehringer) says Ducek made a call to his lawyer.  Who says he wanted to leave a painting to a woman in his will and also $5 million.  His son doesn’t know.

Roy saw the painting at his father’s house and he told him it wasn’t his.  He then called an art dealer who looked it up on  the database on stolen artwork.  It belonged to a wealthy Jewish family in World War II Germany.  It was stolen by the SS.  His father may be a Nazi war criminal.

26 Hours Missing

Klaus Reinhardt (Damien Midkiff) was a lieutenant in the SS aka Klaus the Betrayer.  Interpol file says he entered the US in 1950.  Ducek immigrated in 1952.  Sam looked up the painting.  It’s called La Plassage Danguilles.  The curator of the museum knew the family Klagsbruns.  Jack tells them to look them up in New York.

27 Hours missing

Dr Rebel tells Martin Ducek never talked about himself.  Two nights before there was a plumber at the apartment; he was looking at a photo of Decek when he was younger.  He stayed 10 minutes.

The photo is no longer in the apartment.  The art dealers phone records show he made a call to Ezra Hafetz (John Kapelos). He’s part of a vigilante group called ‘Zionists for Truth’.  He says he tracked Ducek and wanted to return him to the authorities.  Someone confronted Ducek 2 days ago and gave him a photo.  Ducek tore it up and threw it away.  The photo was of the Hitler Youth, Ducek was part of this.

30 Hours Missing

Search reveals there was a Klagsburg in New York now Greta Cohen (Darleen Kardon).  She’s 70 and lives in Brooklyn.  Ducek came to see her yesterday and gave her the painting.  They grew up together and he was there when the SS took her family away.  Ducek told Reinhardt about her family.

32 Hours Missing

Greta survived.  He told her he betrayed her family and wanted forgiveness which she refused.  He had the painting for 60 years.  He identified Reinhardt who is still alive.  The plumber also called.  An age enhancement is done o the photo and Viv recognizes Reinhardt as the witness in the trial: Albert Mayhew. (Madison Mason). Sam says Ducek stopped writing in the notebook because he recognized him.

Jack and Martin find Ducek in Mayhew’s apartment with a gun.  Mayhew/Reinhardt is gone.  He wanted to shoot him.  Ducek was a child.  Reinhardt told him he’s old now and to let it rest.  He wouldn’t turn himself in.  He’d be dead before he even got to a US court.  A phone check reveals Ducek called Ezra and gave Reinhardt to him to take to Israel.  Ducek is an accessory to kidnapping.

Danny finds a Gulf jet left Peterborough Airport 40 minutes ago.  They’ll be over the Atlantic by now and in international waters.  Viv tells Billingsley there’ll be a new trial without Mayhew’s testimony.  Small comfort.

Martin: “This reminds me of my grandfather’s house…dad’s dad – died when I was 12.”
Sam: “Were you close?”
Martin: “Men in the family aren’t particularly into the close thing.”

Viv showed Danny Janelle’s photo as if he really needed another gruesome image in his mind.

Sam: “Does your husband know about you and Mr Ducek?”  She’s the expert on recognizing cheating spouses now.

Sam: “Maybe there was something else going on in his life and he wanted to get off to deal with it.”
Danny: “You need a hand?”  When Sam doesn’t show him the paper, was she going to work the case by herself.

Jack: “if it were my father I wouldn’t be holding out on the people who could find him.”  How’s this for a possible future storyline, Jack’s father going missing.

Viv: “Justice can be slow sometimes.”  Yes and it can take up to 60 years sometimes, if at all, but it’s not really justice.  Parallels can be drawn between each character's concept of justice in this episode.

Funny Mayhew/Reinhardt killed all those people and now wanted to testify in a murder trial as a witness for a black girl, against a black defendant, beggars belief.  Perhaps he ‘justified’ this by saying that times have changed and that was all in the past.  But the past catches up.  Also Ducek waited all this time to make amends when a chance meeting at court in a murder trial to turn in Reinhardt.  He knew this case was important to the victim’s family so he could’ve waited until the trial was over and the verdict was delivered.  Reinhardt wasn’t going anywhere!  Ducek wanted justice but not for the victim and her family, so much for wanting to clear his conscience.

The plane was only a Gulfstream jet so wouldn’t it need to refuel somewhere in the UK or part of Europe so surely there’d be some jurisdiction in an abduction case.  There's Interpol.  Another case without  satisfactory conclusion even Danny ended up throwing his pad in anger/frustration.  Love those scenes!

This wasn’t the first time such an episode was made, Nazi war criminals were also in an episode of  Law & Order as well as Magnum PI to name but a few.

Who does that sketch belong to pinned on Danny’s desk?
Music  Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata but we all know that.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

CSI: Miami 10.4 "Look Who's Taunting" Review

Jennifer (Emma Bell) searches for her missing sister, Angela (Kenzie Dalton) on the streets of Miami and receives a call from her abductor. Interspersed in all this are flashes of a man torturing his Vic.  The caller gives her a name, Anton LeDoux.  Oh come on even the kidnapper's voice was a giveaway to his identity.  Jennifer heads to the police and Horatio (David Caruso) in particular.  Walter (Omar Miller) looks up Anton and finds he died in 1948.  When his grave is checked in the cemetery, they find a DB there.  It's not Angela, but Nikki (Jennifer Christina).  Her eyeballs have been removed and replaced with glass ones.

ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) says she was tortured severely but her injuries are 48 hours old.  Thus there's a chance Angela may still be alive.  Delko (Adam Rodriguez) finds a footprint nearby and takes a cast of it.

Jennifer tells them Nikki and Angela were both prostitutes working out of Liberty City.  Whilst in autopsy, Ryan (Jonathan Togo) notices Nikki doesn't have any prints.  Her fingers are puffy.  ME Tom recalls there's a certain cancer medication that can cause this, capecitabine.  So Nikki was  a cancer patient at the free clinic and her doctor was Esteban Navarro (Kuno Becker).  He also knows Angela as he treated her too for violent injuries.  Why wasn't Esteban suspected sooner: he knows them both, is a doctor, so he's adept in knowing what medication to use, how to revive etc and how to keep his captives.

Calleigh (Emily Procter) is upset at how so many women are treated in such a despicable way for $50.  Delko uses a friend in Vice to lead him to the street and taking a car from Impound, he drives to Liberty City.  Funny how he happened to pick up the very girl who knows both Angela and Nikki.  He reveals his badge to her.  She says, "what's in a name" when he asks her.  She eventually writes down the names of their 'clients.'

Horatio and Natalia (Eva La Rue) head to question Frank Massey (Todd Stashwick) who has complaints against domestic violence.  He's another smug SOB and says his wife won't testify against him.  He refuses to give them his footprint.  Horatio has Tripp (Rex Linn) follow him.  Frank picks up the same woman Delko spoke to and drives off in his van.  Tripp loses them and when he's eventually stopped, he's behaving violently towards her, which she just shrugs off as the nature of the job.  Again she's just put his name down on the list and yet she drives off with him.

Ryan also finds with Travers' (Christopher Redman) help that the glass eyes have hide paste on them, which is associated with taxidermy.  The cemetery has a hunting ground behind it and here they find Dennis Kemp (Brad Greenquist) and glass eyes.  He didn't kill Nikki but he found her and wanted her spirit to remain intact, he put the glass eyes into her.  He didn't call it in but he recalls seeing a man with a van and a woman with tape over her mouth.  So if he had dialled it in, maybe they would have found Nikki sooner and Angela also.

Natalia returns to collect Nikki's file from Esteban and she notices his shoes.  He says they help him run.  Thought for a moment she wouldn't be able to compose herself - oh and once more we find Natalia being almost in trouble, well judging from her past record it could have turned out that way.  Let's hope she doesn't find herself in any pitfalls this last season.

When questioned by Tripp and Horatio, he tries to be clever and evasive and replies if he uses the word 'lawyer' it would mean he doesn't have to answer any questions.  His footprint is a match but it's not enough.  ME Tom recalls certain doctors use instruments to tie their sutures and this was used on Angela's knee injury, which means Esteban was the one who performed this suture on her.  ME Tom warns it's not a signature but Natalia thinks it's enough to get them a warrant. However it turns out his assistant tied the suture.  Epinephrine was used to revive Nikki from the brink of death so he could torture her again and Calleigh says anyone can get their hands on this.  Again it didn't click that this is freely available at the clinic.

When Horatio and Natalia arrive at Esteban's house they are prevented from executing the warrant by Inspector O'Shay (Ed Begley Jr).  Oh they had to have him turn up again to cause yet more problems.

Walter traces the steps Esteban took whilst out running on his pedometer, he's training for his third marathon.  His heart rate decreased and stopped in one area.  Horatio spots an ambulance here and thinks Dennis probably saw an ambulance at the cemetery. A search of a nearby building leads to Angela who is still alive.

Diego Navarro, (Carlos Bernard) daddy, turns up and threatens Horatio after he's unable to bribe him.  Funny Horatio vents and loses his temper with suspects but he will never be bought. Thus another father/son nemesis  for Horatio and the CSIs.  So obvious Esteban would escape justice, for now.  Horatio calls Angela's phone and Esteban in his arrogance threatens to kidnap both Angela and Jennifer next time.

Diego is meant to be one powerful man in Miami with connections to the mayor (remind you of CSI).  Arent' they all.  So were the Cruz brothers who wrecked havoc on Miami in season 2 Blood Brothers and got their comeuppance with Horatio on their trail.  O'Shay describes Diego as holding "the purse strings on Miami."  Does that include him too. So everyone has to cower in his wake.  Lots of posturing and threats on the part of Diego threatening to get Horatio first and Horatio tells him he'll get his son, "one way or another."  (I feel a Blondie song coming on...)  makes you wonder what he means by that loaded statement; especially seeing the team's action last season and Horatio's treatment of suspects.  But hey this is the final season, so Horatio's got nothing to lose.  Not that CSI:Miami's fate had been sealed yet.

Delko attempting to to help the woman by getting her into a department programme was a bit insulting and patronizing, thinking he could just tell her what to do.  She reveals her name is Elizabeth (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and for a second there, it looked as if she may be Esteban's next Vic.

O'Shay was in the episodes A Grizzly Murder and Bloodline as a supervisor with corruption piled high against him and was involved in money laundering from casinos, but they couldn't put him away.  He now returns to be yet another thorn in Horatio's side.  Let's hope he gets put away with the Navarro scum.  If it's not the Russian mob, it's Memmo, or Julia's husband who become Horatio's enemies.

As for using the name Dr Navarro, this screams of The Closer 6.5 episode Heart Attack, where Dr Luis Navarro (Bruno Campos) was a doctor at a free clinic who also specialized in 'murder'.  That of criminals who deserved to meet their end, in his eyes, as their organs were then used for transplants.  He was playing god, no he saw himself a god and though his actions were condemned and rightly so. He was killing criminals.  This Navarro was ridding women he thought were no better and deserved this end in his sadistic rage.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Mentalist: How Much Darker?

It's August and right about this time I stray into The Mentalist territory and give my two cents worth, or maybe a few more pennies worth, gearing up for the season 5 opener.  Luckily we don't have to wait as long  as next year for this show here.

Once again the season 4 finale of The Mentalist ended with yet another killing, only this time Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) wasn't behind the killing, or pulling of any triggers, no he was involved  but as a bystander and as innocent as you think he may or may not have been.  Luthor Wainwright (Michael Rady) was the hapless or helpless Vic this time round, or perhaps he wasn't a Vic at all but another one of Red John's disciples, minions, acolyte,s whatever you want to call him.  That Patty had the argument with him and 'milked' it for everything he had before being kicked out of the CBI seems as though he knew Wainwright may have been involved.  Though he could have been abducted just for the sake of it.

However the main reveal, other than Patrick not suffering any crisis of conscience, breakdown and throwing in the red towel as far as Red John was concerned and it being a rouse all along, didn't come as that big of a shock.  He would never let someone like Red John get to him or indeed rule his mind or actions.  Though Patty has us rooting for him either way, that's how strong a character he is and also Simon's portrayal of him.

His lamenting and agony over his family's anniversary, sharing a drink alone without them and through all this he kept his head to try and coax Red John out into the open, not that that will happen anytime soon.  He did manage to snare the next best thing, Lorelei (Emmanuelle Chiriqui) after spending a night of 'rough and tumble' (did I really just write that?! ha) with her, wonder if he enjoyed that or was it all part of the con?  Can't believe Red John didn't see that coming, may be he did; so the question remains of whether she will help Patrick, or if Red John will get to her first and have her eliminated, as he has always done so in the past.  Except it was Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) who put paid to O'Laughlin.  What a shame.

Lots of red herrings abound in this show; about as many as the number of FBI agents floating around.  Darcy being so convinced Patrick is connected to Red John in a big way, well he is but not really in the sense she imagines.  I was kind of hoping she would be dealt with swiftly by Red John and that he hasn't just leaves us with more 'suspects' in the Red John pool, is she one of the good guys or someone more evil?

As for Patrick Jane becoming more darker, he always had a dry wit, a wry sense of humour and made no bones about speaking his mind, whether to suspects or to Vics.  Most of them he treated alike, especially if he needed to break the case fast or put  a point across.  He also had his dark moments, setting up Panzer to be killed by Red John and then pleading ignorance in Blinking Red Light.  Getting off in court in season 4.  But says creator Bruno Heller to Entertainment Weekly, that we're about to see him grow even more darker.  "The show is not going to turn into a much darker show, but that character will show more of those colours.  We're getting closer to the meat of what the show is about."  At least this will mean his character will not be stagnant and develop.  It could get boring seeing the same Patty for five years running.  (Patty was always my affectionate name for Patrick.)

He also expects the show to go at least another two seasons; which is great news for hard core fans. As long as the episodes don't become repetitive or slide in terms of story or plots.  He also stated many fans/viewers will be perturbed at Red John's real identity when finally exposed.  Well, as long as it's not Patrick Jane himself.  That'd be too obvious although I did and do have a particular penchant for it to be Patrick.  Maybe it's one of the CBI team.

Since the episode with Rosalind (Alicia Witt) 4.13 Red is the New Black, we saw who appeared to be Red John sitting cross legged, listening to her play piano, cup of tea in hand, a carbon copy or mirror image of Patrick Jane.  No wait, Patrick's got a twin.  I jest, that'd be too unoriginal.  I'm still sticking with Kristina Frye (Leslie Hope) though that's old news by now.  Wait, I've learned with this show, nothing can be considered old news. She will always come close to being Red John for me for so many reasons: her appearance on TV goading Red John, getting 'kidnapped, or 'disappearing' in the season 2 finale Red Sky At Morning.  Turning up unharmed in The Blood On His hands.  When from past experience, everyone Red John has an encounter with never remains alive. At least not for very long.  Her use or Red John's use of the voice distorter when Patrick was abducted himself in the season 2 finale, didn't change her phrases, syntax, pronunciation, etc, as I've said so many times in my other articles.

Heller: "the trick is going to be  - and this is coming - bringing the audience along and making them second guess themselves and ask, 'is that him?  Red John ultimately is just a man and whenever you see the great criminals reduced to the flesh - it's sort of disappointing.  I have two seasons or so to make it come might already have seen him."  Should have used 'him' loosely there?

Cup of tea anyone?

Monday 13 August 2012

CSI 12.21 "Dune and Gloom" Review

The CSIs investigate the burnt out wreck of a vehicle in a race.  Vartaan (Alex Carter) comments there's a trophy for them for getting to the CS so quickly.  He also adds he'd call this case a mystery since when the race began there were two people in it.  The driver is still inside, a DB and the co-driver is nowhere to be seen.  Nick (George Eads) "80 mile an hour missing person's case.  On your marks, get set, go."  Nick also says, "live fast, die young."  David (David Berman) explains his wife wants him to buy a safe car and he doesn't want that to be his child's first impression of his father.  Nick thinks he'll still see his father as the coolest man on the planet, until Uncle Nick comes along in his GT500.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) tells Sara (Jorga Fox) she'd rather watch The Notebook, which Sara finds hard to believe.  Hey in Malice in Wonderland, Ecklie made a comment about Sara watching the ads and she didn't like that either.  Sara finds the helmet and fibre glass from the wreck, someone drove over it.  They both reconstruct the crash.

DB (Ted Danson) finds out the drivers' names were White and they were part of A Pharoah's Motorists.  Doug and Alex's rig is missing and it was parked next to the Veck Oil one, just incase you needed a clue.  I was going to say Veck oil rig, ha.

Finn (Elisabeth Shue) says the 'man in black had a secret' after Morgan says the whole thing sounds like a country music song.  The names were aliases and they work on the DB's clothes.  A logo is revealed.  Cathy Veck (Paula Marshall) CEO of the company and the sponsor claims not to have seen anything whilst racing and doesn't have a co-driver.

Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) states he suffered a blood and cerebral injury as spinal fluid came out of his ear.  He suffered a basal skull fracture.  He also has growths on his eyelids and brain as he suffered from a disease  which meant he had no fear.  He read somewhere that obstruction of the medulla results in lack of fear.

Finn has a conversation with Carlos Moreno and tells him she wouldn't let him sleep in his place and then thinks it was embarrassing when Morgan overhears her.  Morgan is glad she's having a personal life and Finn thought she was dating, Greg (Eric Szmanda) or Nick or Hodges.  To which Morgan gives the loudest denial to.  Me thinks she doth protest too much.  The logo is revealed as belonging to the 530th and the DB was in the military, Jack Breslin (Ryan Ahern).

Greg is studying for his Criminalistic Certification and hated Maths.  He thinks Sara is looking at the case wrong and thinks it was too big for an explosion for the size and direction of the impact on the fuel tank.  It was a larger explosion.  Sara says it was like explosives exploding.  The CS sketches show the distribution of debris spreading out.  Sara: "don't patronize me mathehlete."  The point of detonation was a hundred feet back.  Sara says they should "test your big bang theory."  Dynamite and gas was used.

Morgan and Greg analyze the crash site and she uses a metal detector.  Morgan feels like her grandfather and finds the top of a beer can.  Greg says he'll buy her a beer unless she and Hodges have plans.  Her father and Mrs Hodges are getting on.  Greg finds the detonator, the RF receiver and it was remotely set off.  A metal fragment also reveals a VIN number.  Sara talks with Weber, (H Richard Greene) his wife is dead and he met the boys when his truck had an oil leak and they bought him a new one.  One of them said there's "a lot of bad in the world and they're trying to make something good."

Hodges (Wallace Langham) wears new musk, Rosa Mysteriosa (what just for Morgan, ha) and she says it's too strong.  The treads were unique and the tyres were from two racing teams.  Cathy was behind them and didn't stop.  She has enemies.  DB tells her people also hate him and she gets e-mails everyday.  Ecklie (Marc Vann) comments how he got e-mails from his third wife.  DB thinks domestic terrorists could be involved.  Henry (Jon Wellner) looked at the voicemails from Jack's phone and background noise reveals Athrock the Conqueror' which Finn wanted to watch.  She saw Lord of the Rings forty times.  One motel had this rented out

Vartaan finds cash was paid and the room was paid for by Malcolm and Clive.  A man climbs through the window, Vartaan: "this is a new one."  Sara asks if they're planing another attack.  He notices the camera in the room which DB tells him is for all of their protection.  He likes Db's glasses.  Greg finds photos on Clive's  (Dustin Seavey) laptop of the court, City Hall and Cathy.  They think they entered the race to blow her up.  DB doesn't think Clive was involved as no bomb residue was found and no nitrates in the motel.  Clive was afraid.  Morgan says he was paranoid and is being treated with Malcolm and Jack was an out patient.

The Dr Amy Berkman (Zabryna Guevara) mentions them being The Three Musketeers and Malcolm is schizophrenic.  They all loved racing and got together for a race.  DB reconstructs the anagrams of A Pharoahs Motorists to read, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, and they forgot there was also a fourth Musketeer in D'Artagnan.  DB says he was obsessed with racing and Clive isn't a killer.  His cousin was paranoid when he tells Sara about his 'crazy, wandering family.'  He didn't have a happy ending.  Sara recalls her mother but not her story.  Henry texts her so she's saved by the bleep.  Henry found an e-mail from Malcolm and finds it was routed through the desert.

Nick and Vartaan find bodies in the Veck trailer and also Malcolm, who dies.  Cathy is with him, it has to be Weber of course.  Nick found an empty box of dynamite and 20 sticks.  Morgan says there were no other Musketeers but there were as Finn tells her, though she doesn't want to sound like DB and everyone knows about D'Artagnan.

They're profiling Clive.  This was their chance to show money doesn't rule, but trust, loyalty and truth does.  The bomber had access to the truck and it was Weber's idea to enter the race.  There's "a lot of bad in the world."  Sara's heard that before as it's what Weber told her.  Ferndale Mining Co uses dynamite and is a part of Veck Oil.  Weber used to work for Ferndale and he blames Veck for his wife and his bankruptcy.  Sara says he missed his target and intends to make a bigger statement.

DB takes Clive who manages to talk him round and Cathy's not worth it.  He loved Jack and Malcolm.  DB recalls how Clive saw enemies in every shadow and he met two friends and they fit together.  Sara says someone was lurking in the shadows and it all went up in flames.

So Olivia Hodges and Ecklie are dating which didn't come as a surprise and is mentioned by Morgan here in anticipation of the season finale.  Yet another personal family story from DB which sees him showing how tumultuous life has been with his 'crazy family' as he calls them, which can be equalled by Sara and her own sad family history when she mentions her mother, but not any details.  Think DB was expecting something more from her.

As far as the romance stakes go, it appears Morgan so has the hots for Hodges, I put it this way.  Well her quick outburst when Finn mentions who she's seeing when Hodges' name comes up proves otherwise.  Finn mentions Nick and Greg, but why does it have to be someone from work that Morgan or anyone else may be with.  They do have lives outside of work.  Also Morgan's face pulling, er, facial expression to Hodges' new musk suggests her advice for him to ditch the musk is for her own own benefit.  As for the other 'romace' between Finn and Carlos suggests lots of steamy/sweaty scenes judging from Finn's conversation on the phone, which devoted Enrique Murciano fans would be jealous about!!

Veck reminded me of Lauren Holly's character in CSI:Miami episode from season 2's Grand Prix who was also the team sponsor and a suspect too.  As for Sara's "cite your source" comment to Greg, that was going back to season 1's Unfriendly Skies episode, one of my all time fave CSI episodes!  Grissom: "high altitude enhances the entire sexual experience.  It increases the euphoria."
Sara: "well, it's good.  I don't know if it's good - cite your source."  Grissom has also used this phrase about source citing too.

Sunday 12 August 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.12: "Wheels Up" Review

CSI:Miami ventures into the world of rollerderby, with Walter showing his knowledge of yet another sport. Horatio exhibits more of his anger, venting on yet another suspect.

Women fight in a roller derby and one goes off the track and doesn't return.   She's sick in the locker room and her DB is later found.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) identifies haematoma and a rib fracture on her DB.  "Significant wound means a significant hit."  Horatio (David Caruso) asks for COD which he believes to be bleeding out internally, taking 150 pounds of pressure to break a rib.   Intent was present which makes her death murder.   Horatio asks what sort of weapon was used and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) thinks someone would have noticed a weapon.   Not really since anything can be used.    Horatio: "'s called blunt-force trauma."  Well that wasn't much of a one liner.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) tells Walter (Omar Miller) he hasn't been skating since Junior High.   Walter calls "Roller derby real."  Walter demonstrating yet more knowledge of such pursuits, well someone has to.   Ryan asks how 'bad ass' the women can be, which he soon learns when he sees them brawling and is punched in the face by one when they try to stop them.   Before that he comments he doesn't know if the sight is one of the most scary or sexiest things he's seen.   Also mentioning the Raquel Welch movie, Kansas City Bomber (1972) or most people will recall the Charlie's Angels roller derby episode, 1.12 Angels on Wheels.

Ryan questions Miami Spice who tells him Deb (Zoe Bell) took a cheap shot at her and she ended up in the 'Sin Bin'.   She slaps her butt when she leaves and Ryan doesn't think that's very professional and then adds, "not bad."  Natalia (Eva LaRue) checks out the locker room.   Commenting that Beatdown Deb and the Vic, Wrath of Connie (Clare Grant) were close.  Delko finds her helmet on the floor and the smell of vomit oozing from the toilet.   He didn't take a sample for analysis but instead says ME Tom can check out the remaining contents of her stomach.  Connie spat out her mouthguard onto the floor too.

Dave (Wes Ramsey) checks out the video footage of the game and they find Spice, aka Olivia, (Hayley Marie Norman) was in the Bin when she said, so that's her alibi confirmed.   Walter tells Dave he told him the women were hard core.   Deb left the track and didn't return.   She tells Calleigh (Emily Procter) she went off the track and didn't come back.   She was hurt and had to walk it off.  She was best friends with Connie and she got waylaid signing autographs.   It wasn't as if she knew Connie was being attacked.

ME Tom finds Connie bled out internally, caused by a broken rib.   Saying it's "probably a way of life or way of death" for her.   The way he was ladling out the contents from her DB shows he's really into his work, again.  Yet he still has a caring side.    She ingested Ipecac.   As you'll recall this is the method of choice for CSI shows when someone needs to be made ill.   This was found on her mouthguard which didn't fit her, so it wasn't hers.   Natalia discovers the mouthguard was a DIY version and needed the person's own mouth to shape it but she's only been able to obtain the Connie's DNA profile.   Until she gets another hit.   Travers (Christopher Redman) returns for one scene, but good continuity from the previous episode would have been maintained if she'd asked him how he got on with his girlfriend on his day off, casually, in passing.  

The DNA matches Vince, (Matthew Currie Holmes) he swapped it and Tripp (Rex Linn) tells him "you moulded it yourself, idiot."  He gets some of the best lines in this, along with ME Tom and Walter.   Horatio says they can match it to him and he'll be under an assault charge.   He claims he wanted to make her sick cos his team would only win if Connie didn't play.  Tripp comments he's the sportsfan around, but what Ben did was just stupid.

Connie's roommate, Lucy (Johanna Braddy) is brought in for questioning and she, in CSI:Miami fashion was way too helpful, thus confirming her as my suspect.   Thus showing that the try hard in this show are guilty.    When Calleigh was filmed from the back, to sit down to talk to Lucy, that didn't look like Emily at all, especially since she was majorly thin for someone who was pregnant.   She tells her about 'Tara and Feathered' (Lindsay Pulsipher) and their fight.   Tara's in physiotherapy.   When Horatio and Natalia turn up to question her, they find her in a wheelchair.     She fractured her vertebrae when she hit the rail, but doesn't blame Connie.   Vince arrives up and Tara turns out to be his sister.   Natalia takes him by the arm and drags him out, that was unnecessary.   She then gets angry cos he lied and her sister being inured by Connie is motive enough for Natalia.   There she goes assuming again.  Where's her evidence?    Tara didn't blame Connie and Vince knew of this.

Horatio asks her what Connie could have been struck with and she identifies an elbow pad from the photo.   Ryan and Walter collect pads and the woman who punched Ryan says sorry.  Natalia, now with new lab tech in tow, so what was the point of the other one, tests out which pad caused the injury to Connie.   Forcing the elbow pads into the dummy, called Rick, after Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) no doubt!    Delko had to walk in and show off, he's got more arm mass and and breaks the rib, then assumes the killer had to be a man.   The tech corrects him on that, it could have been a really strong woman, but both were wrong in this instance.   Seeing as the pads were weighted.

ME TOM discovers the source of the internal bleeding from the thoracic aorta, torn by a dislodged part of her rib.   He finds a fractured rib chard does not fit the rib and the bone has signs of older fractures.   Natalia associates the injuries as intimate and a result of domestic abuse.   Funny ME Tom texted Natalia, seeing as she has experience in that area herself, but he doesn't know that.   At least we don't know he does.   Lucy blames Connie's biker boyfriend, Jake (Todd Lowe).   She recalled his name easily enough and then feigned fear.   She doesn't want to go to court and then she exhibits dodgy eye movements too, lots of looking sideways.   The derby made Connie feel in control.   They rode out to Miami shores.

Tripp gives chase in the car and guess what, Horatio and Delko head him off at the pass, as per usual.  Oh give us something new, not predictable.   Out pops Delko's gun and his venting.   Their apartment is searched and Horatio calls Jake a coward for beating up on women.   The punching bag belonged to Lucy and Connie, see she just gave herself away when she told them about Jake.   The indentations match the elbow pads.   Jake says he'll be out on bail soon.     Horatio replying, "that's all I'm gonna need,2 to get rough and ready again.

Lucy tried out for the team but didn't make it.   Steel weights were placed in her pads and test positive fro blood.   It was Lucy's idea to join the derby and Connie no longer had any time for her, or gave her any tips.   So Lucy got her when she was down.   Natalia posits "Friends forgive."  A bit late for Lucy to apologize now.   Natalia, Ryan, Walter, ME Tom and Dave watch the women at the derby whilst Horatio engages in a "beating down" of his own on Jake.  

Can't believe CSI:Miami is so out of its depth now and Horatio is so out of control, can't also believe (I've used this phrase twice) that he actually keeps getting away with it.   See without Rick around, no one's been found to keep them in check and here's where the show would have become interesting, as it once was, when Rick and Horatio would go head-to-head.   At least Rick only stole from the evidence locker, I'm not in any way condoning what he did in stealing, but Horatio et al, just are persistently rough and a law unto themselves.   It's getting so repetitious having to write that every week.   How is he honouring the badge that he wears by beating suspects, that's what courts are there for.   Hey with what's happening surprised no one, not even Rick cried 'evidence plant'.   Wouldn't it be good if he got out on a technicality and returned.   Cos this show needs a fast pick-me up, okay forget technicality, but was released on the basis of being set up.

Why have none of these suspects complained?  The show is completely unbelievable, even more so than before.   Are there any viewers/fans who actually cheer when Horatio gets his gloves out as his character wasn't like that before,  Yes he killed Marisol's murderer and beat up on the paedophile, but they could be seen as aberrations.   Nowadays it's a free for all and shouldn't he be spending his energies on finding Meemo and other criminals out there, instead of engaging in such despicable behaviour for a cop.   Have absolutely no idea what producers/writers are hoping to achieve here and quite frankly, I don't really care either.    Tripp is  a cop and we don't see him engaging in such behaviour, so what makes Horatio and his team above the law.

Roller derby was already covered by CSI:NY in its season 2 episode Jamalot, where they suspected murder of one of the players by a jealous teammate, or bitter team rivalries between the Manhattan Minx and Brooklyn Clobbers;  but turned out to be the boss of the team.

 Oh spoke too soon, Memmo turns up next episode.