
Friday 25 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.9: "Homecoming" Review

As the Homecoming dance draws near, Rebekah is eager to attend. Stefan lures Klaus back on the pretext of Mikael's death and everyone's set plans go awry.

Stefan (Paul Wesley) calls Klaus (Joseph Morgan) to inform him Mikael's (Sebastian Roche) dead, well he's been "daggered." One hour earlier:  They need to get their stories straight so Klaus will believe Stefan.   Mikael followed Elena (Nina Dobrev) into the house and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) vervained him.   Elena says Klaus will want proof.   Mikael adds Klaus will be dead by then, he'll be lured here and killed.   Mikael has the stake from the oak tree, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying, so it's up to Elena to kill Mikael.   Klaus wants to see Mikael's DB, just as Mikael said he would.

Klaus tells Stefan he can't lie cos of his compulsion and Stefan tells him he saw Mikael die with his own eyes.   Rebekah (Claire Holt) is also there and tells Klaus she saw it too.   Klaus's coming home for homecoming!  Damon thinks that was easy.   Elena pulls the dagger out of Mikael.   Rebekah tells Mikael nothing he says matters to her.   Mikael isn't after her.   Klaus killed their mother and she tells him they weren't killers and he turned them, he destroyed their family, not Klaus.

Caroline (Candice Accola) wants Elena and Bonnie (Kat Graham) at their homecoming and Bonnie thinks that's fine for her cos she has a date.   Elena wants Bonnie to talk about Jeremy, but Bonnie adds Elena shouldn't be angry at Jeremy.   Damon gets ready the wolfsbane grenades and has a secret plan. "Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret."  Stefan needs a tie for the dance , he has to protect her or Elena will probably get herself killed by the homecoming queen.   Stefan is cynical about their plan cos his freedom rests on them, adding their plans fail cos their humanity gets in the way.

Tyler (Michael Trevino) wants a "real bite" and there's plenty of people about to feed on.   Caroline doesn't want him hanging with Rebekah.   Matt (Zach Roerig) is Rebekah's date and he's drinking vervain so she can't feed on him.   Tyler still harping on about Rebekah being hot.   Rebekah tells Elena this is her first dance since they were always running.   Rebekah warns Mikael can't be trusted, "no one in my family can." Well she just gives herself away there, she can't be trusted to stand by and watch Klaus being killed either.   She's spent her whole life loving and hating Klaus and didn't think she'd be the one to help kill him.   Oh yeah, probably she'd do a backflip like Elijah to save him cos he'd talk her into it.   Elena gives Rebekah her mother's necklace to wear and then stabs her in the back, literally and metaphorically.   Lots of that going around this episode.

Damon refers to that as "very Katherine of you." Elena cares too much and Damon says she's not really dead.   Damon doesn't trust Mikael or Stefan, so with so many trust issues it's a wonder their plan will work, or will it, judging on past experience.   He doesn't want Elena to be a part of any of it and of she trusts Damon then she has nothing to worry about.   Tyler brings the party to his place after the school gym is flooded, no surprises for guessing who was behind that.   Tyler is doing what Klaus wants: throwing a wake.   He's been planning Mikael's funeral for a thousand years and wants to reunite his family now.   Stefan doesn't know where Rebekah is .   Stefan wants his freedom but he'll only get that when Mikael is dead and the weapon is destroyed.

Damon asks why Mikael feeds on vampires.   Reply: bloodlust wasn't Mikael's intention, he feeds on the predators not the innocent, oh so that's why he slaughtered innocents from his village.   Damon has a plan which doesn't involve Stefan and Mikael bites him.   Damon: "You couldn't just break his neck." Klaus has invited his own friends to the party, a bloodline of werewolves intent on  serving their master.   Tyler warns Caroline that Klaus knows what they're up to.   Caroline denies nothing and even if she did, she wouldn't tell him.   Tyler injects her.

Klaus thanks Elena for killing Mikael but this isn't the first time she killed an original, there was Elijah.   Klaus says she's always one step ahead of them and just a minute ago, Tyler said he's always two steps ahead.   Damon arrives and Tyler used vervain on Caroline.   Tyler can't fight his compulsion, he has to protect Klaus.   Damon and Tyler fight and Bonnie stops them.   Bonnie wasn't supposed to 'witchy' him.   Damon was the only one who could get in the house with the stake.

Mikael tells Klaus the hybrids can't kill him.   Klaus hasn't changed, he' still a coward hiding behind his 'playthings.'  He can still compel them.   Mikael threatens to kill Elena, there'll be no more hybrids if she dies.   Klaus has no one other than those he forced into loyalty.   Mikael stabs Elena yet again, only surprise, surprise, or not, it's actually Katherine.   Damon attacks Klaus and Stefan stops Damon, thus allowing Klaus to kill Mikael with the stake and he burns.   Klaus gives Stefan his freedom.

Caroline wouldn't have left the party if she knew her friends were there for Klaus.   Tyler says he can't be fixed but he's fine with that  and he won't turn unless he wants to.   The full moon controlled him, yes, but now Klaus controls him, so which is the worst of two evils?   Caroline won't turn her back on him now, no, she might get stabbed in the back if she does.   Damon was prepared for all of it and Katherine's run away.   They had Klaus and it would have been over, they're not getting Stefan back now.   Elena suggests they'll just have to let him go then.   Katherine calls Damon to say goodbye.   She is really willing to give up on Stefan so easily now, well putting aside she's got Damon now.

Stefan tells Katherine that Damon doesn't need to know where it went wrong.   Katherine was at the house when Stefan woke up and gave him blood.   Klaus told Katherine that if he dies then Damon dies too.   Katherine was hoping Stefan would stop Damon.   Katherine tells Stefan to "care enough to save Damon's life." So Stefan foiled their plan to save Damon's life, yet again.   Katherine wanted to save Stefan and Damon's life and more talk about each other's humanity.   She wanted Stefan to get his humanity back cos she liked the old Stefan better.   She loves Damon and Stefan.   Sometimes she lets her humanity come back, but Stefan doesn't want to.   Katherine wants Stefan to get  angry.   Stefan calls Klaus to thank him for his freedom, Klaus took everything from Stefan and he tells Klaus "revenge never gets old."  Klaus will never see his family again.   Stefan: Klaus was always ahead of everyone for a thousand tears, "Was he prepared for this?"

Another episode with lots of twists which weren't that difficult to follow, after three seasons, that's come to be expected and we'd want nothing else from this show.   Though Katherine turns up out of nowhere to play Elena again, but no mention of where she's been hiding, especially since Klaus hadn't even returned to town yet and neither had Mikael.   The only thing on Caroline's mind was Tyler being able to throw a better party than her planned homecoming - oh and before I forget, Rebekah not being able to attend her first homecoming was funny, no it was.

 Don't have any sympathy for Rebekah.   Kind of poetic justice for her with everything she and Klaus have done over the centuries, she doesn't really deserve to go.  If push comes to shove; or backstabbing; don't think she'd have gone through Klaus being killed and especially not by Mikael.   He may be their father, but he's her brother and they've been there for each other through it all.   Besides it was obvious when she told Mikael she blames him for what they are: killers and vampires.   Although she doesn't hold the same feelings for dear mama, whose necklace she was willing to wear.   Mother bears some responsibility for them being who they are as well and for Klaus being part werewolf.

So where was I - ah the party.   Tyler only made it a better do than Caroline cos of Klaus and Tyler's under his compulsion so Caroline really didn't have anything to worry about, aside from not being kept in the loop about what her friends had planned.   Tyler was grateful for being sired by Klaus as he no longer has to change during a full moon, into a werewolf that is, and it's his choice whether he turns or not.   Caroline referring to Rebekah as an "evil blood slut" was also hilarious.

It seemed like an interesting and foolproof plan; Get Mikael to kill Klaus, get Stefan back, but nothing's that simple on this show, as Damon said, that was too easy when they lured Klaus back.   Being left to Stefan to spell it out again: their plans never work and this was no exception.   Pity no one can get that into their heads.   Yet Stefan went along since he wanted his freedom from Klaus and as he told Damon last time - it was so he can leave Mystic Falls.   Funny it was Katherine who talked about Stefan's humanity at the end; and her own, how she uses it sometimes.   But more so ironically, it was Katherine who instilled the thought of revenge into Stefan.   Probably having an ulterior motive in Stefan being the one to torment Klaus and exacting revenge on him for her.   Well she was after Klaus to be killed for five hundred years, she wasn't just going to let him get away.

Also mentioned again that it was Elena who killed Elijah, an original vampire, as she had to kill Mikael this episode in order for him to appear dead to Klaus.   A bit far fetched since he was brought back anyway, only for Klaus to kill him too, just as he killed their mother.  Mikael wasn't much of a vampire hunter when it came down to his own family.   He also didn't want Rebekah dead after all she's done with Klaus, why let her off, as I said last episode, he wasn't too overly concerned about her.   Think the writers were saving Katherine as a bit of a secret weapon and a surprise for us that only Damon knew about.   Thus his line about having a secret plan and not telling Elena.

Yet no one really trusted anyone  (aside from Damon and Elena to a point) since there was room for plenty of betrayal on everyone's part, especially Mikael, Stefan and Rebekah.   Mikael stabbing Elena to lure Klaus out , wouldn't it have better served its purpose if Mikael had been invited in beforehand.   Let's face it Katherine had to have been an Elena substitute as we couldn't have her being killed again, that'd be too same old, same old.   So Klaus was telling Katherine that Damon wouldn't survive, causing her to come up with her own plan.   Oddly enough Katherine's plan succeeded.   So Stefan's "humanity" led him to saving Damon once more.   But Damon is oblivious to this (at least for now) and Damon believes Stefan betrayed him to let Klaus live.   But he should have known from last episode Stefan would do anything to save Damon.

For a painful second it looked like Elena and Damon would kiss, luckily they didn't but they did manage to get closer still, as Elena says if Stefan's gone they'll have to let him go.   It's Stefan's turn now to hold Klaus to ransom.   Mikael even brought Klaus to tears.  Elena: "It had to be done.   Rebekah was never going to be completely on our side."
Damon: "Hey I'm not judging you.   It's very Katherine of you."
Elena: "Not the way to make me feel better about myself Damon."
Damon: "It was a compliment, sort of."  Now if we'd have been thinking down this route (or were psychic) with Damon talking about Katherine, then we'd have realized she would be involved.   No vampire fix over Christmas, at the time of writing, but the show will return later and a lot later than January for some of us.

Desperate Housewives - 8.13: "Is This What You Call Love" Review

Bree continues to reach rock bottom. Julie returns home with a surprise, she's pregnant and wants to give her baby up for adoption. Lynette finally takes the plunge.

 Mary Alice: "Being in love can bring out the worst in people...they may become stingy - hostile - or simply indifferent.   But in the beginning when love is still a promise, people can bring their best to the table."

Frank (Patrick Fabian) had the best date of his life with Lynette (Felicity Huffman) and she suggests dessert at her place and gets the signals crossed since dessert means something else to him.   Lynette: "I was a total whore in college."  Mary Alice: "Yes the promise of love can bring out the best in us...unless we find that we're a little out of practice."

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) "After a disaster every housewife has her own way of coping - some turn to drink, sweets, the people they trust the most."  Gaby (Eva Longoria) is surprised at Lynette jumping into bed with someone new and Susan (Teri Hatcher) asks if she likes him.   Gaby likens him to a car so she has to test drive him and Susan suggests she should get tips from Bree (Marcia Cross), she also worries about her.   Well at least she got that in too.   Bree brings home another man and claims not to know the women.

Juanita (Madison De la Garza) is decorating Valentine cupcakes instead of cards and asks about Carlos being on a business trip.   She likes Ryan from school and she goes for bad boys just like Gaby.   Susan is planning a cereal dinner for Julie (Andrea Bowen) so she got them all cos she can't remember which one she liked.   When Julie arrives she reveals she's pregnant.   The father left her and wants to adopt the baby out .   Susan isn't happy with that.

Ryan ate the cupcake but didn't give her a card in return.   Gaby thinks it may be in her backpack and writes her a card with chocolate.   She shouldn't call Ryan as it would spoil their relationship.   Julie's invited the prospective adoptive couple over for dinner and Susan talks to them alone calling Julie a jailbird, with mental illness and the doctor finally got her meds right.   Susan wants her grandchild.   Julie tells her some harsh home truths about having to sleep in her bed cos she was upset over Karl, Julie gave them breakfast cereal cos Susan wouldn't cook.   That's why she doesn't want this baby on her own cos  "I already raised a child.   You."  Claws were out.

Juanita stares at Ryan in school and kisses him.  Gaby is called in to Principal Hobson's (John Rubenstein) office who accuses her of sexual harassment.   Gaby calls it a crush and he's not a "presidential hopeful."  Ryan cried for forty minutes.   Gaby calls him a snitch and a crybaby (I was going to say the cry baby part, but rather Gaby than me).   He threatens to expel her if she looks at Ryan.

Bree is on another pick up at the bar, Jerry.   She doesn't recall him from two nights ago.   She's watched outside and I know that's Orson.   Mike (James Denton) tells Julie she was hard on her mother and she didn't tell him she was upset, cos she was hurt.  She does everything out of love, which is a good flaw in a mother.   Gaby says Juanita's her daughter as she thinks the kiss would lead to marriage and he'd buy her presents.   Gaby sent the Valentine and Juanita doesn't like how she always lies to her.   She's not a child anymore.

Susan would do all this again since Julie's the best thing in her life.   What happened to MJ?   Julie's having a girl.   Lynette  wants the lights off with Frank, but he wants them on.   She leaves a message for Renee (Vanessa Williams) in which she grunted.  She doesn't want to talk about it.   She cried during sex and realizes her marriage is over.   Renee thinks that's good cos she can now move on.   Renee also lets slip about taking Bree out drinking.   Lynette didn't know that.   Gaby reminds them they're not talking to her.   Susan misses everyone and they should help her.   Gaby's funny line about Bree and her "loose morals, booze and swearing."  So it's already too late to save Bree.

Bree admits she tried to kill herself and was in that motel room cos of them.   They wanted a leader but then when she was in trouble no one was there but they blamed her.   Frank brings pizza cos he likes Lynette.   Lynette: "...weird to say frankly when your name is Frank." She needs time.   Bree finds herself being harassed by a sleazy lowlife and when he tries to attack her, Orson (Kyle MacLachlan) tazers him.

Mary Alice: "Yes love can bring out the best in us, the confidence to move on - the courage to tell the truth, strength to keep hoping, but sometimes what surprises us most isn't who love brings out but who it brings back."  A return to the norm this episode as we get one based on what the show is all about, dilemmas concerning the women, even though men are mentioned, it's about the women's lives.   Gaby dealing with Juanita in her usual way, still making things worse when she decides to take matters into her own hands making a card for Juanita and then having to see the principal again.   Last time she was in school she ended up acting president of the PTA.   Take to she's over that now.

Lynette finally moved on with plenty of teething problems in her new relationship, but don't think it's the end of the marriage with Tom.   Also had her line about how she's thought of other people when she was with Tom but wouldn't actually contemplate sex with a stranger.   Something Bree's had plenty of practice with and after all this time they finally manage to think of Bree.   That was too little, too late and not being able to handle Bree themselves, they call in Orson.   At least that's what he said and he was happy to oblige probably cos he's the one watching her all this time and so he must have sent the note and ran Vance over.   Well it's Orson's MO.

Julie still boring, let's rip at Susan being a lousy mother.   Well she's doing the same with adopting out her unborn daughter and she's not even a mother yet, in the true sense of the word.   What a quitter.   Lynette apologizing for once - didn't see that coming, ha.   Renee not so much wallowing and she hasn't told Lynette about her predicament with Ben.

All about mothers and daughters: Susan and Julie, Gaby and Juanita and she finally takes her to visit Carlos in rehab.   Bree and her intervention - where she told them the truth and it hurt - not as much as they hurt her collectively and exiled her to a lonely fate.  On the subject of adoptions; Deidre gave her son, Zach to Mary Alice and Gaby and Carlos were going to adopt Lily, Libby Collins' baby in season 2.   Which also had a Frank character.

How could the school accuse Juanita  of sexual harassment?  How old is she, 9 - not 19!  Susan cooking was no surprise as she couldn't throw a meal together in earlier seasons, but she cooked for Paul last season.  She must be a fast learner.   Everyone's calling Orson a superhero?  This episode title is from a Stephen Sondheim song of the same name from the musical Passions.

NCIS - 7.6: "Outlaws and In-Laws" Review

Gibbs' boat is found with two DBs inside and the trail leads back to Mike Franks. Can the agents clear his name and get to the bottom of who is after him and his daughter-in-law.

A sail boat, named 'Kelly'  is found with two DBs inside.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) and McGee (Sean Murray) chance upon Ziva (Cote de Pablo) asleep at her desk.   Tony has teasing on the mind, as usual and McGee thinks it could be a trap, Ziva's way of inviting them to mess with her.   Tony asks what sort of man he'd be if he turned down the invitation.   Gibbs (Mark Harmon) flew out with Vance (Rocky Carroll) and Ducky (David McCallum) to San Diego harbour.   Ziva wakes up with a bit of paper stuck to her cheek and reckons they call that hazing.   She needs to know the Bill of Rights to become an American citizen.   Ziva needs to be a citizen to become an agent.   Actually you have to be born there, not just be a citizen, cos anyone can become a citizen.  

Tony: "Who says we want her as an American?"  He's always coming up with something like that.    About differences in their respective countries etc, which tends to be funny.   Ziva asks him who says Tony has a say in this.   Tony refers to the Constitution and in particular to "dangerous foreign aliens, "stealing our bodily fluids." McGee tells Tony that's the movie, Dr Strangelove (1964)  hey McGee actually knowing a movie for a change, ha.

Tony mentions the sixteenth Amendment, to which Ziva replies, taxes.   He wonders if she's learning through osmosis and then what we were waiting for, Tony's reference to the American Dream, or rather, his version:  "white male between the ages of 18-49 with a loud mouth and a gun.   I am the American dream."  Yes he is.   The phone rings.   McGee: "Oh thank God!"

Ducky doesn't find any ID on the DBs, they came from the South.   Vance asks Gibbs if he knows any Vikings in Mexico.   Ducky mentions Gibbs going on a vacation to Mexico with the boat.   The boat was a gift for Gibbs' goddaughter, Amira.   Mike Franks (Muse Watson) is missing.   Gibbs' basement is now devoid of any boats.   He probably no longer has the time, what with all these DBs popping up.   The DBs were in the water for 30 days.   Vance comments they had military backgrounds and they're looking for Mike.   Vance refers to this as Gibbs' mess: his boat, his friend.   Ducky surmises they were shot at close range and brings up the OK Corral.   He's not comfortable with Mike's psychological make-up.   Gibbs asks Ducky if he has something against cowboys.   Wyatt Earp was friends with Doc Holliday.   Ducky: "There's a fine line between cowboys and outlaws." Some thought went into the killings of the two and the CS was staged.   They were dragged onto the boat intentionally.

Abby (Pauley Perrette) will take care in her processing of "craftmanship" the boat.   There was a gunfight on board and she found slugs.   .22 grazed the portside, below the waterline.   Gibbs tells her the boat wasn't in the water during the shootout and she should take the boat apart.   Tony wonders why the DBs were after Mike.   Then states the greatest ideas in history started off as jokes, the spork, moon rings, all made their creators trillionaires.   Ziva doesn't ask what a spork is, but since she's adept in deadly weapons, she probably knows what that is.   Then again with the amount of eating Tony does, he's probably used it one time or another.   Then Tony refers to capitalist democracy, having no brain, hope or prospects and then tomorrow, you may win the lottery, "tomorrow you might slip on the right driveway."  Annie's Song from  Little Orphan Annie.   Gibbs tells them to find a connection between the DBs and Mike.

Layla (Tehima Sunny) , and Amira, Gibbs' goddaughter arrives at his house.   Mike is behind them.   Gibbs wants to know if Mike shot them.   Mike was hoping he could tell him.   Men were asking about him in Mexico but he's never seen them before.   The men had to be investigated by Gibbs, who thanks him for the honour.   Mike says not all of the shoot-outs in the past were his fault.   (Especially not the one in the season 5 episode Judgment Day 1 when Jenny (Lauren Holly) was killed.)  Gibbs thinks it's "time to hang up your spurs."  Mike will know when that time comes cos he'll be dead.   Mike threatens to leave his family to keep them safe.   When his son, Liam died, he made a promise to protect his family.   Always expect a shoot-out when Mike's around.

The two DBs were Private Military Contractors (PMC).   They had problems with authority and were working for a Col.  Merton Bell (Robert Patrick) a PMC operating in the Middle East.   Vance tells Gibbs Mike wasn't alone on the beach, there was a woman with him.   Vance doesn't want Gibbs looking into Bell as he knows him and Gibbs' approach lacks "finesse." Vance is worried that Gibbs is too transparent as he knows who killed the two.   Tony and Ziva are sent to protect the family.   Tony asks why he should knock as there's no lock on the door.   Mike replies there's no lock cos on the other side of the door, there's someone with a gun.   Tony to Mike: "Have a mint," whilst he stands in front of the door with his gun, sarcastically.  

Bell tells them Canaan and Blanchard met with tribal leaders and Gibbs asks if they were good at their jobs.   Bell's men are outstanding.   Gibbs tells him the US Armed Forces disagree.   His men have a history of violence and mental problems.   They accepted the contract not on Mike, but on Layla.   Mike was the only lead Layla's family had on her.   Gibbs was there when Layla arrived, her family disowned her as she was pregnant.   Her mother, Shada Shakarki (Diana Venora) is a leader and is vindictive.   The boat was used as a decoy.   Mike went in with guns drawn and shot them three more times for good measure.   He emptied his magazine in self-defence.   Vance hopes the evidence confirms this.  

Abby tells the others she's keeping notes of where all the pieces of the boat go, so she can put it back together.   She found a secret box with a gun.   McGee says Mike keeps a gun everywhere, it took them 20 minutes to get through security.   Tony's in Gibbs' basement and Abby suggests he should check the walls for seams, whether they're removable or if there's a tunnel.   Tony mentions Col.  Hogan (of Hogan's Heroes) and tells her there's a radio in the coffee pot.   McGee says there's another shooter.   Ziva says hard choices were made, sometimes there are no choices in significant decisions; Layla left her home.   She fell in love and the right reasons made it easier to leave.   Tony lets it be known that Ziva is also building her life over.   Layla was inside when shots were fired at the men and she was the one who shot at them.

McGee finds Shakarki has many enemies.   Ducky uses the phone; he's not avoiding Mike but looking for Gibbs.   Ducky comments on Gibbs' history with Mike and how it's having a blinding effect on his investigation.   Mike is lying to them.   The DBs were shot in a straight-down direction.   Gibbs infers they were shot with a .22 long rifle.   Then Mike shot through their original wounds.   Gibbs thinks Mike feels it's his fault and he failed to protect them.   McGee realizes Shakarki  is on her way to the US and for someone with her reputation, she was allowed into the US and cleared through customs very quickly and easily.   Vance is angry Mike lied.   He's just protecting his family, something both Vance and Gibbs have been through.   Vance suggests Mike should work it out with his in-laws.   She's been tracking Mike's movements.   Mike never hits a woman but he's finding it hard to believe she's a woman.   He hid her family.   Things change and she has lost too much family.   Amira is her blood and she wants to rescue them from Mike.

Actually for some reason Shakarki reminded me of Ziva.   When she hired the men she was assured there wouldn't be any violence.   Mike didn't fire the first shot.   He was playing with Amira; Layla shot them.   He taught her to shoot.   They are safer with him.   She made payment to Bell so the contract will be completed.   Gibbs' house is raided by Bell's men and Ziva recognizes one of them.   Small world, Ziva seems to know practically lots of marines!  Damon Werth (Paul Telfer) was dishonourably discharged.   He quits working for Bell.   Tony says he's wacky cos of the flashbang Bell's men threw.   Gibbs tells Bell he hasn't broken any US laws, but bounty hunting is illegal down Mexico way, Okay I said this, Gibbs said South of the border and he should tell his men to get a haircut.

Gibbs tells Vance the story of his grandparents.   30 years after the civil war - as his great, great grandfather and grandmother fought on opposite sides and they couldn't look at each other; but they lived together.   Everyday they sat on the front porch in their rocking chairs and they never said a word.   Just like Mike and Shakarki.

An episode very much about family and its importance.   With plenty of references to cowboys, being the outlaws, and in-laws too.  Gibbs and Mike have much in common,  family, dead children.   There are always ambiguities in a case whenever Gibbs and Mike get together.   As in season 4 Iceman episode, when they found Layla and Liam was killed.   When Mike got away with killing the men who killed his son.   Just as the same thing happened to Gibbs and his family, he also got revenge on their killer.   Mike and Vance have a volatile relationship.

Layla was disowned not only because she was pregnant but that she wasn't married and was pregnant, she was described as Liam's fiance in the season 4 episode Iceman.   Also at the end of the episode, the baby Layla is holding is a blond-haired boy.   Who has miraculously turned into a dark haired girl called Amira.   Mike had a grandson back then.   Suppose the producers wanted the baby to be a girl for the purposes of season 7.

Did Abby discover how Gibbs got his boat out of his basement then.   Did he take it apart in sections as she found that's how it was built.   We didn't get to know one way or the other.   Damon Werth was first introduced in the season 5.10 episode Corporal Punishment and will return later in the season.   When Werth enters Gibbs' house and Tony recognizes him, watch him point to his nose, a gesture to remind us he broke Tony's nose in that season 5 episode.

Doctor Who - 5.3: "Victory of the Daleks" Review

Winston Churchill calls upon the Doctor for help and shows him his new secret weapon, known as Ironsides, but they're really Daleks and the Doctor plays right into their hands.

Cabinet War Rooms controlling air squadrons and Churchill (Ian McNeice) deems it time to "roll out the secret weapon."  Daleks.   Churchill is always after the TARDIS key.   He comments the Doctor's (Matt Smith) face has changed.   He's had some work done lately.   Churchill called him a month ago.   Amy's ( Karen Gillan) finally lost her pyjamas.   Churchill will do anything to win the Nazis and introduces Professer Bracewell (Bill Paterson).   This set looked like the one of wartime London with Rose.  (Billy Piper) This is history.  The Dalek (Nicholas Briggs) in, khahki paint, attacks the German planes.  Claiming: "I am your soldier." This is one of Bracewell's Ironsides.   But who are they kidding, they're fooling no one, the Daleks always know their mortal enemy, the Doctor.

The Dalek claims not to know who the Doctor is.  He tells them Bracewell didn't invent the Daleks.  The Dalek claims their objective is to "win the war." Yes, but not the Second World War, their true agenda is to win the war against the Doctor once and for all.  Doctor: "they're alien...totally hostile" and he demands they be destroyed.  The Daleks watch the Doctor's every move.   He wants Amy to tell them about the Dalek's invasion of Earth, but she doesn't recall ever seeing them before.  The Doctor is certain they're up to something.   Amy questions their motive.    The Dalek was a sinister looking menace.   The Doctor reiterates what he already knows of them, having no "conscience, mercy or pity...they're my oldest and deadliest enemy.  Hate looks like a Dalek" and he'll prove it.  Bracewell is positive he controls them all.   The Doctor insists the Daleks can't be trusted and loses his temper; questioning which war the Daleks want to win? "The war against all life forms."

The Doctor attacks the Dalek in an efforet to make it fight back, little realizing that's exactly what they want him to do.  "You are my enemy and I am yours." He despises them.   Doctor: "I defeated you time and time again.   I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks.  The Dalek speaks: "review testimony."  Then transmits the Testimony to the mothership.   They had him fall for that one, looking for the Doctor.   The Daleks are beamed aboard the mothership.  Doctor: "I was their plan." He goes after them in the TARDIS.   Phase 2 begins.   Amy is concerned he's on the mothership in the midst of it all.

All power is transferred to the Progenitor.   The final phase begins.   The Doctor threatens the Daleks with a Jammie Dodger: it's the self-destruct key to the TARDIS.   The Dalek explains the progenitor is "their past and their future."  Containing pure Dalek DNA.   The Daleks built Bracewell.   The Progenitor didn't recognize Dalek DNA, but it did recognize the Doctor and accepted his word, his "testimony."  But this Doctor was new, so they had to be sure they had the right Doctor.   They light up London, allowing it to be bombed.   Amy is adament they need to fight the Daleks and their weapon is a gift from the Daleks.   The Doctor still threatens them with self-destruct and their greatest victory would be to leave.   He's determined not to let them get away.   New Daleks emerge from the Progenitor: new brightly-multi-coloured Daleks, like Fruit Pastilles.   Their new destiny: the resurrection of the Master race.   (Obsessed with the master race just as Hitler was and to think they were meant to be helping to fight him!)

Bracewell has memories and Amy is sure only he can help, he's alien technology like the Daleks.   Bracewell suggests sending something into space through the gravity bubble.   The new Master race of Daleks extermintes the old ones, they've served their purpose.  Doctor: "What do you do to the ones that mess up?" They must exterminate the Doctor, who warns, "don't mess with me, sweetheart!"  The Spitfires have the coordinates of the mothership and attack it.   Lead by Danny Boy.   Doctor: "It's a Jammie Dodger, but I was promised tea."  He didn't want any tea from the Dalek, he was too busy riling it up and himself along with it.   He tells the planes to blow the dish on the ship's side but the shield holds.   The Doctor can disrupt the shield for a few seconds.   Didn't think the Daleks would let him enter the TARDIS.

The Doctor orders them to destroy the ship and the Daleks threaten to destroy the Earth.   Bracewell is a bomb.   The Oblivion Continium gives him the power.   The Doctor rues this was his only chance to destroy them for good.    If he lets the Daleks go the new race will be stronger.   He must choose.   Plenty of choices for the Doctor again, just as in the episode before, Amy made the choice for him, which he bereated her for doing.   Now it's his decision once more.   The Dalek tells him his "greatest compassion is his greatest weakness."

The Doctor arrives back on Earth and wants Bracewell to prove he's human, he can't explode the bomb because he's human.   Amy interjects that he fancies someone he shouldn't.   He recalls Dorabella and the bomb finally deactivates.   The Daleks jump the time continium and escape.   Sadly they won't be featured in anymore episodes in season 6 and the foreseeable future, as Stephen Moffat doesn't want them in anymore storylines.   Which is a shame after we got new ones.  So enjoy them while they last, like a mouth-watering Fruit Pastille they won't be around for long! The Doctor is saddened as they knew he'd choose to save Earth and so they won.   Amy tells him the Doctor saved Earth, but he's always saving Earth, with a little help.   Churchill wants the Doctor to help him, but the Doctor tells him the world has Churchill.   Amy notices him take the TARDIS key.  The Doctor gives Bracewell time to leave before he's deactivated.

Everyone has enemies the Doctor tells Amy, it's dangerous being with him.   He always worries about the Daleks, well no more worries there then.   What's wrong is that Amy should have known about the Daleks but she doesn't.   Suggesting all the past history between the Doctor on Earth and the Daleks never happened.  The crack from Amy's bedroom wall is visible behind the wall where the TARDIS landed.

Where did the Daleks get the 'pure DNA' and more importantly who does it belong to? This new Doctor's portrayal in meeting the Daleks seems to be one of despair, having to deal with them over and then they manage to escape by holding Earth to ransom once more.   Just when he's close to defeating them for good.   Matt Smith really has come into his own now with his believable reactions of anger on the one hand, to comical and compassionate the next, in the never-ending realm of choices he's forever faced with.  great choice for the Doctor to be played by him.  Again it's Amy who saves the day as she does.

When the Doctor alludes to Amy not recalling the Daleks on Earth, he's referring to past episodes, The Stolen Earth and Journey's End.  The Daleks being slaves of humans was done in Power of the Daleks, where they uttered, "I am your servant." Wanting to see the Daleks destroyed was also said by the Doctor in Evil of the Daleks.   The call-sign used between control and the Spit fires, "Broadsword to Danny Boy" was from the movie Where Eagles Dare (1968).

Supernatural - 6.14: "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning" Review

Dean tries desperately to ensure Sam is well, as their current case leads them to mannequins and blow-up sex dolls. Lots of jokes but mostly this episode seemed like it was all done before and much better in the past.
Dean (Jensen Ackles) attempts to wake up Sam (Jared Padalecki).

Great Falls Junior college, Paterson, New Jersey  a janitor is killed by an anatomy dummy.   Dean offers pills to Sam but he doesn't want them.   He felt like he was out for a week but he doesn't want to talk about it, taking another page out of Dean's book.  He's okay.   Dean tells him it was hell and Sam could have died.   Dean adds the past belongs in the past and Sam's meant to ignore it.   Violence and alcohol may work for Dean, but his life's on the line.

They investigate the janitor, Steve's (Nicholas Carella) murder and Dean is preoccupied by the dummy, out he comes with the jokes, "Be my Valentine, have a heart."  He also smells sulphur and Sam has to point out they're in  a lab.   Lisa (Cindy Sampson) calls.  There's mention of Dr Laura and Ghosts Gone Wild.   Sam picks up a strange EMF reading from said anatomy dummy. The video from the lab doesn't help them and Sam tells Dean about Steve who appeared to be a model guy (no pun intended by use of the word model!)  He rubbed his girlfriend's feet whilst watching Glee.   Dean comments he just threw up in his mouth.   Also mentions Kermit.

They then check out the killing of a security guard.  Dave (Jorge Vargas) at a mannequin warehouse, obviously the mannequin did it.   As they don their suits once more.   Could almost get a joke here with mannequins and suits, oh never mind.   Sam gets another EMF reading, this time from the mannequin and mentions the "Anatomy dummy you were molesting at the lab" gave him the same reading.   References to Chucky and Dean thinks it creepy. "I don't like the way Kim Cattrall's looking at me."

Isabel (Rosalie Ward) tells them her sister Rose (Christina Sicoli) went missing a year ago and Dean thinks a vengeful spirit may be involved.   Lisa's phone rings again and it's Ben (Nicholas Elia) on the other end.   He claims she's locked herself in her room and won't come out or take calls.   Sam tells him he had to deal with his year and so must Dean.   Rose was shy and an easy target, but she did more for Isabel than anyone else.   That was a clue.   The two DBs are in the photo she has and they all work at the factory.   Steve quit after Rose disappeared.

Dean goes to see Lisa and Sam questions the factory workers, one gets nervous.   Jonny (Jake Richardson) insists there's nothing wrong.   Lisa opens the door dressed for a date and Dean posits they've been Parent Trap-ed.   She doesn't want anything from Dean and Dean tells her she should ask for something.   She just wants to move on.   Jonny feels a cut on his head and Sam returns to save him.   He places salt around the doors and windows and ensures Jonny stays inside the salt circle.   Rose is back and Sam asks what he did to her.   He, Dave and Steve set her up on a blind date with a dummy and made her think she had a secret admirer.   She hit her head on the table and they buried her.   It was Steve's fault and Jonny wanted to call for help.  Hey if Sam didn't have a soul he'd have thought it funny too.

Sam burns her bones.   Dean knows no matter how much you love someone you can't stay to hurt them.   If he stays Ben will become like him and he's not someone Ben should be.   In a role reversal Dean is the one who now gets a called a 'dick.'  He's walking out on his family, but Sam is his family.   Sam calls Jonny to return home and he lives near the bar where Isabel arrives.  As we get flashes to Dean's year with Lisa and Ben.   Jonny has a blow up sex doll and is killed, and he had the audacity to be part of the joke they played on Rose.

Isabel was also at the college and the bar so Sam makes the connection that it has something to do with her.   She has Rose's kidney, which is the point she made about Rose being the only one who did anything for her.   She has a haunted kidney and Dean suggests they call Dr Robert.   Sam thinks otherwise and suggests hoodoo.   Dean leaves the impala behind and Rose possessed the sex doll.   Dean: "This is not a sex doll, you leave my baby alone." As his beloved possessed baby gives chase to him.   That's the second time his baby has been possessed by a spirit.   It was taken over by Constance, the woman in white  in the pilot episode and chased them, both having to jump the bridge to escape.   The Impala crashes into a shop window and Isabel gets glass in her, so the possessions over and Rose is sorry.   Yeah, she gave her the kidney to save her life and then she's the one who snatches it away from Isabel.   How did Isabel end up where she did anyway?

Not another Rose who was possessed, there was a Rose in 2.11 Play Things.   Dean fixes the Impala again, "carjacked by a Poltergeist." Dean says an innocent was killed and Sam adds they save lives now and then.   Sam: "Satan's left the building."  He has a soul cos of Dean and he'd have done the same for him, is what Dean can say.   Which is all they do for each other really.  Since season 2.   The same way Rose gave her kidney to save her sister Isabel, parallels can be drawn with Sam and Dean, two brothers always saving each other.   It's like a continuing cycle or catch 22.   Sam has Dean's back.   Sam also used to say over the seasons that they can't save everyone all the time, all they can do is try.  

As Lisa is shown quite a bit now, there's no moving on from her for a reason.   Have to say the title of this episode didn't live up to much of a reckoning, not even for Sam judging what happened to him at the close of last episode.   Just another ghost getting even and taking her sister out in the process too, even if that wasn't her intention.   2.11 was all about hoodoo and creepy dolls, as Dean referred to them.

Lisa and Ben are getting tedious, and they appeared to be included just so Sam can get his line in about having to deal with his year and Dean must do the same.   Dean being different as he can recall hos past but Sam's not meant to.   Yes, Dean remembers all and he shouldn't have to either, especially since they said their goodbyes and moved on, or at least were meant to forget each other.   Which is what Lisa was doing, but Dean in opposite of chick mode wasn't dealing with it at all.   Well usually the chick is portrayed as having all the relationship issues and hated the way it was brought down on Dean, that he was the sole reason for their not being able to have a life together.

Does Dean deep down somewhere, kind of regret Sam coming back cos that sort of wrecked havoc on his life?   Not that Dean would ever have such feelings; as they both live (and die) for each other; but Sam had to make an appearance cos of the Djinns in 6.1 Exile on Main Street.   Then it has to be asked, whose fault was that?  Samuel's, the Campbell clan for hunting them.   Don't think they would have tracked Dean down otherwise, or would they have, especially since the female Djinn told Dean he killed her father?

Dean's reference to 'Snooki' was about Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi from Jersey Shore.   Dr Laura is Laura Schlessinger who had a radio talk show and expressed her right wing opinions.   It's mentioned here how Dean turns to violence and alcohol to deal with his problems, in 2.11, it was Sam who got drunk to escape what he may one day become.   Then he shares a beer with Dean at the end of this episode.   Sam also took the Impala in the episode Changing Channels, as well as Andy in Simon Said.

Smallville - 10.10: "Luthor" Review

Clark finds himself in an alternate universe where he's Lionel Luthor's son, Lex is dead and everyone knows Tess is Lionel's daughter. Lois and Oliver hate Clark and everyone else hates Oliver.

Tess (Cassidy Freeman) receives a box, which turns out to be some sort of a Kryptonian relic with a symbol, but one with powers.   Clark (Tom Welling) calls her for help and meets Tess at Cadmus Labs.   Apparently the Lex clone has escaped from the lab, but how did Clark know this; as it's not explained.   He opens the lead lined door, only to find it empty.  Clark realizes Tess was harbouring Lex (Alexander) as he's left a note behind for her.    Tess drops her bag and Clark asks why Tess lied to him and Oliver (Justin Hartley) after everything they did for her.    Tess admits she was going to come clean about the Kryptonian symbol artifact.   Clark twists the box and disappears to find himself in a parallel/alternate reality; waking up with two bimbos.

He's Clark Luthor and Lionel (Julian Glover) quotes Marcus Aurelius, calling Clark "son."  Just like he used to call Lex.   Clark's alter ego in this reality is "Ultraman," with his symbol being inverted (obviously since he's in a parallel universe, the mirror image is reversed.)  Lionel raised him in his image and he was lucky Luthor was the one who came across the traveller (referring to Clark) than the first farmer that came along; putting down to the Kent's.   Clark high tails it to the farm to find an auction notice and the farm deserted, aside from Tess, who has been waiting for him.   She and Clark have a thing.   Knew she had the hots for Clarkie, only it comes true here.   Clark finds out in this reality that Tess is Lionel's daughter and she admits freely she's his "bastard" child.   Why did Lionel choose to call him Clark and not some name beginning with 'L'.

Clark tells her he's not who she thinks he is and he used the "mirror box."   Assuming Tess knows all about the box, which she does.  Clark thinks he can return to his own reality, where Clark/Ultraman now resides.   Lois (Erica Durance) drives into Clark and he bends her fender, but fixes it before she's out of the car.   She and Oliver hate Clark and they're engaged.   In this reality Ultraman kills anyone who lays eyes on him.   Clark: "Lionel's turned me into a murderer."

The camera spins the symbols over and we get back to Clark's reality, where Ultraman has been transported.   Neat trick with the symbols as if to show Clark is in hell in that reality but this one will soon be that way if he can't get back.   Clark/Ultraman kisses Tess, who obliges, showing she does harbour some romantic notions for Clarkie.   Then she notices the scar on his arm with an 'L' realizing he's not really Clark.    Presumably no one noticed this Clark dons a ring.   He wants the box and he likes this world, which marks a refreshing change from Lionel not being here.   If he can destroy the box then he can't return.   She tells him Lex killed Lionel.   (In the episode Descent.) Clark says he did something right then.   He's not used to not having blood on his hands before lunch.

 Lois ignores Tess's call  Lois' credit card is refused at the coffee shop and the man in the queue passes his phone to her.   Tess is calling for a reason from Watchtower.   She can see anything anywhere with all the surveillance cameras around.   Tess is unable to round up the others.   Lois is safe from Clark at Watchtower.   Clark apparently knows about Watchtower too, we'll see later on how and tosses Lois aside.   Demands the box from Tess and threatens to kill her.   The other world belongs to Lionel but "this world will be mine."

Funnily enough as Clark is bad in this reality, he should be vulnerable to the Darkness taking him over, but no signs in this episode.  Tess in the alternate bad reality, breaks into Lionel's office and tears the page from the journal which contains info on the box.   Lionel sees through her and takes the page back.   He's aware of the coup she and Clark are planning and accuses Tess of corrupting Clark.   Tess replies he should look in the mirror.   Lionel calls her a half-breed tramp with a Magdalene complex and has her removed, before which she smashes the frame with Clark and Lionel's photo.

Clark arrives at the Fortress to speak with Jor-El but he and Lionel have silenced him.   This time Lionel talks King Lear and his three children.   How two lavished gifts upon him and the third  one said he loved him.   This child he hated because of this and this third child was meant to signify Lex.   Clark killed him.   Clark defends Tess saying she was looking for the box for him; whereas probably the bad Clark of this world would have turned her in and stabbed her in the back.   Lionel says the Queens had the box when Veritas was dissolved.

Oliver remains despondent, even in this reality, as no one likes him.   The party guests are only there for Lois.   She picked him out of everyone else cos he's a good man.   Oliver believes there's someone better than him out there.   Clark whooshes in and takes Lois.   He wants the box in exchange for her.   Lois doesn't like Clark/Ultraman as we know and she also repeats that no one lives who's seen his face.   Clark tells her she's brave, etc and misspells little words which she doesn't admit to when he catches her out.   Which should have shown Lois that this isn't 'their' Clark, since presumably they don't work together, even though he may have the paper.   Clark: "I promise I will never let this happen to us because I can't live in a world where you don't love me."  Ahh hankies out, blubb, blubb.   He meets Oliver for the box at their version of the Watchtower building.

 Oliver has set a trap for Clark, he waited years to get him here since the Swanns died (and lo and behold the same thing was happening in his reality too.)  He comments Clark Luthor is a terrible name, did he look it up.   Oliver evicted farmers to mine the green Kryptonite (that's why he's disliked here) and had the trap set up.   He 's sorry a little since they could have saved the world together.   Lionel hits Oliver  and Clark thinks he's there to rescue him, but he has an ulterior motive.   He's going to prevent him from stabbing him in the back with Tess, as Tess said he would.

Lionel had the box all along.   Just as Clark's about to meet his doom, Oliver turns off the Kryptonite.   Oliver realizes he's the good one and Clark says they do save the world together.   Oliver needs to turn on the Kryptonite as soon as the other Clark appears.   Just as Clark is about to leave, Lionel rushes behind up, being transported to his reality with Clark.

Lois, Oliver and Tess hold Kryptonite weapons on Clark and he tells them it's him.   He has to turn to Lois once more to convince them it's really him.   Tess didn't tell them about Alexander cos she didn't want him taken from her, but he fooled her.   He's much smarter than Lex ever was.   Clark admits he was wrong about her and Lionel, it's not his blood that corrupts, but the man himself.   Tess is lucky she grew up without him.   Tess is upset he threw her away and didn't want anything to do with her.

Lionel buys a paper and mingles into the crowd with the other umbrellas.   You see everyone in Metropolis carry the same black umbrellas.   Not only did Clark allow the Darkness through the portal, but he now lets in Lionel too when he returns.   Wonder if Lionel will change Tess now and if she'll have anything to do with him, or be influenced by him, since she regrets the way he treated her and not knowing him as a father.

One question, where was Chloe (Allison Mack) in the alternate reality - surely she should have been there; but no so much as an utterance of her name.   Everything in this reality was clearly altered (should've got Dr Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) on the case, they had enough alternate realities in Stargate-SG1.   I jest.   I only said this as he returns in the next episode as Hawkman.)  Notice the portrait of the Mona Lisa is also reversed, she's facing to her left and not her right, in the scene where Clark and Lionel joust.

I liked this episode as it made a change from the usual episodes we've had, where Clark's been affected by the Kryptonite (all colours) and turned bad.   In this reality he's no good cos of Lionel and his upbringing.   So Clark should count himself lucky he was found by the first farmer that came along.   The lighting also reflected the darkness of this reality, the dismal nature of this world was cos of Lionel.   Lex killed Lionel in our Clarkie's reality and in the alternate reality, Clark has killed Lex.   Lionel turned Lex into a killer and here, he turns Clark into one; prompting Clark to realize Lionel the man is the sum total for all things being bad.

At least Lois and Oliver were still good in the alternate, even if she and Oliver were together, showing they were together in Clark's real world once upon a time.  and Oliver wishing for one brief moment they could be once more in season 9's Roulette episode.   Oliver evicting farmers to mine for Kryptonite is an allusion to Chloe stocking up on it last season, incase they had to use it on Clark, if he ever became corrupted or an uncontrollably mad Kryptonian with delusions of grandeur.   (Wait that was Zod (Callum Blue).   He wasn't  Kryptonian though, but Kandorian.)

The 'U' was for Ultraman as Lionel explained and in the comics, the 'U' in the upside down pentagram was representative of the evil Superman from a parallel Earth.   The 'U' symbolized it was all about him!  Ha.   Lionel tells Tess she has a Magdalene Complex, which means a woman who is attracted to beards.   But Clark doesn't have a beard and surely she can't be attracted to Lionel cos that's just wrong, so why did he say that to her.

CSI: Miami - 8.6: "Dude, Where's My Groom" Review

A groom fails to show up for his wedding, leading the CSIs in search of not only him, but also the missing groomsmen, whilst stumbling across a theft and a murder.

Groom, Charlie (Charlie Koznick) doesn't turn up to his wedding and his groomsmen are missing too.   The bride-to-be, Kim (Alexa Havins) says if he doesn't show he'd "better be dead or dying."  Naturally she'd have to make that comment and then take it back.   A call is made where it appears there are two DBs in a bloodied fountain.   They're not dead, but the missing groomsmen; Jack (Tug Coker) and Sean (Greg Winter).   Tripp (Rex Linn) says the blood in the fountain is human, from their clothes, but it's not theirs.   Horatio (David Caruso) says "someone's dead." Calleigh (Emily Procter) asks for Charlie's brush and a photo so they can check the blood for his DNA.   Calleigh gets the last line before the opening credits now, which was always left to Horatio in the past.

Natalia (Eva LaRue) takes a sample from the fountain for analysis and to check the DNA.   Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) prints Sean and Jack and tells them that "not remembering, doesn't mean not guilty."  Their blood is also taken for the Tox screen.   Jack was the best man but hadn't spoken with Charlie for over a year.   Sean had a crush on Kim that he couldn't get over.   Jesse shows Ryan (Jonathan Togo) the bloodwork results on "Dumb and Dumber" which had traces of Scolpamine, if added to alcohol, it impairs memory.   Jesse comments it's abundant in the LA club scene.   Just incase no one knows or remembers that Jesse returned to Miami from LA.   They need to "rely on the evidence to tell them what happened."  Says Jesse.   How many times was the word, phrase, needing to rely on the evidence, etc, said in this episode alone.

Jesse notices some residue on the bottom of the champagne bottle.   Ryan finds some green flakes on Jack, when they process the two.   Ryan thinks it's confetti.  Jesse uses the UV light and finds a stamp on Sean's hand from the Ciel Blue hotel.   (In much the same way that Mac (Gary Sinise) shined the UV light on the apron in season 7's CSI:NY episode, Do No Pass Go.)

To Natalia's dismay, all the blood samples prove to be contaminated from the chlorine in the fountain.   So Horatio knows the blood can't be confirmed as Charlie's.   He tells her Walter (Omar Miller) should check the paper from Jack's pocket for any writing.   Jesse and Calleigh check out the hotel and find nothing of any use.   Calleigh doesn't find any evidence of blood but does find a pair of undies with a logo of a drop of sweat on there.   Jesse identifies the logo as being from Club Perspire which perks Calleigh's interest, of wanting to know how Jesse knows.   Trying so hard to give him some sort of a character, but it was just not enough for Jesse to be around as a character for much longer.   He replies Walter told him about it.   As only Walter would or could!

At the club they find the undies belonged to Carmel (Jessie O'Donahue).   Charlie  was here with Jack.   She calls Jesse "Dimples" so Calleigh had to follow suit.   Jesse wonders where Sean was and accuses him of getting Charlie out of the picture so she could have Kim.   He's over her and is married with a baby on the way.   Calleigh didn't do a very good job of watching the video footage from the club, when it's left to Horatio to spot Kim near the door, "catching her fiance in the act."  Charlie left her a message promising there'd be no strippers and she accuses him of lying.   Which Horatio sees as motive enough to kill him.  She went back to her parents house.

Walter only now analyzes the paper, when Horatio mentioned it ages ago.   He didn't have to wait to analyze it in front of Horatio.  He uses Haematol to remove the blood and see what is under there, it should absorb and dissipate the blood, but instead it begins to destroy the writing.  Horatio sends Calleigh to check out Julio, the bails bondsman (Sal Lopez).   Jack was there alone and bailed out Sean with a cheque.   That's why Jesse explains Sean wasn't at the club with them.   Jesse calls them 'Frick and Frack'.   Why take the two there, when they could have just shown the bail bondsman photos of them.   Calleigh takes the cheque which was signed by Kim's father, Timothy Hewitt (JC MacKenzie).   He tells Calleigh Charlie turned down an offer of a job with him and he gave him the cheque for a downpayment on a house.

All three of them were at Clay Bennett's (Philippe Brenninkmeyer) house.   He called the police to have them removed and Charlie and Jack stole his limo, so he sent his security man after them.   The limo is found with a DB inside, that of the security man, Tito (Chris Gonzalez).   Tripp asks if 'The Three stooges' could be capable of something like this.   Natalia found DNA in the back pant pocket and it doesn't match Charlie so he could be alive.

ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) finds epithelials under his fingernails.   Ryan finds the same green flake on Tito's body and wants it for analysis.   Tom tells him it's his as the body is his.   Ryan: "Territorial much?"

Tom replies, "Snarky much?"  It's protocol and belongs to him since it's on the DB.   He lets Ryan have the limo.   Another scene in which Ryan is shown as being rather forceful and not getting on well with ME Tom either.   Just as he made the remark to Jesse in the episode In Plane Sight, about him checking out the toilet on the plane.   Don't think they knew quite what to do with Ryan this season.   He finds blood and more flakes inside the limo.

Walter's analysis on the flakes reveals the cheap green paint is leaded on the other side.   Azurite was a pigment used before World War One.   His mother made him minor in Art History, which Ryan sneers at.   SO what, he's rather judgemental these days! Ryan thinks Bennett was more concerned with the art in the limo than the limo itself.   They check out the hotel room and Walter comments he's more of a Guitar Hero god.   Taking the dart out of the deer painting on the wall, Walter finds there's a painting under it.   Probably a Cezanne.   Ryan tells him it's a Matisse.   Ryan didn't take Art History too, as Walter suggests, but says the painting is signed.   The painting had been stolen.

They search Bennett's house but there's no sign of Charlie.   Calleigh states the DNA shows Tito has an altercation with both Jack and Sean.  Tom explains the murder weapon was the car door, it was swung twice with brute force.   So Jesse says one person did it.   The photos showing the COD have prints on the ear and cheek on the limo, so they know the position Tito was in.  Calleigh sees the prints are smudged.   However Jesse notices (as always, must he do all the work!) a finger pattern in the smudges.   So the killer braced himself with his right hand and swung the door with his left., explains Calleigh.   Jack signs the form for his belongings with his left hand.   Calleigh, the "evidence always remembers." Sean is an accessory to the murder.  Calleigh feels Jack's lawyer may be able to argue diminished capacity as he couldn't remember what he did and he was drugged.

She only says this to Jack and not to Sean, implying Jack was the only one who was drugged.   Why was Sean drunk, or drinking, as he said he's been sober three years.   (Unless he isn't quite over Kim as he claims to be - which is a bit far-fetched.)  Also he was missing from the strip club, as he had been arrested by Fort Laudadale police, so he couldn't have been drugged by Carmel; causing him to have no memory of the night's events.   However, the bottle was found with them, so the implication must be that Jack took it with him, explaining why Sean also drank from it.   Unless this was a major boo-boo on the part of the writer.

Tripp notifies Jesse about Carmel leaving the club, she was the last one to see Charlie.   Jesse grabs her bag and finds Scolpamine instead.   Yeah she thought she'd hang onto that, even after she was already paid a visit by them.   Calleigh attempts to dissuade Jesse from searching her bag as they don't have a warrant.   Did she think Jesse would gamble with Charlie's life if he was still alive by wasting time waiting around for a warrant.    She was paid to take Charlie to a car outside and the man had a Southern accent.   Of course it was obvious her father would have dealt with Charlie, as he told Calleigh earlier on he turned him down with his job offer.   It was apparent the cheque was to buy him off so he'd leave Kim.

As always in the CSI shows, in the flashbacks to the crime or the incident in question, they always manage to give the game away when they show the killer with the same clothes as one of the suspects is wearing, or similar ones.   Here, her father was wearing a striped shirt and in the flashback, the abductor was wearing a striped shirt also.   (Something to watch out for, if you never get your suspect/killer.)

Kim telling them now she called her father from the club and not earlier on, she could've saved valuable time there.   She just said she went to her parent's house.  As said, the cheque was to make Charlie go.   He wouldn't take it so he left him in a raft on the ocean.   So Coast Guard helicopters don't take the Vic's to hospital then, be much quicker than driving.   Oh and on go Horatio's shades!

A bit of a routine episode, so how many wedding episodes has CSI:Miami had now.   Also meant to be a send-up of sorts of the movie, The Hangover (2009) sharing similar plots.   It was good the way they pieced together the events and their actions with only the evidence, which explains the many references to the evidence.

Jesse had no patience with Carmel, implying there's something going on with him as far as women hiding things, or keeping secrets.   That was a little varied character trait to the Jesse we've seen so far.

Lie To Me - 1.7: "The Best Policy" Review

Cal has to investigate an old friend of his. Alex continues his betrayal of Gillian, who is on a case relating to a brother and sister being held hostage in the Yemen.

A brother, Marcus (Brian Noons) visits his sister, Nicole (Jessie Lande) in Yemen on Spring Break and can't help but bring out the drugs.  A convoy of military approach and arrest the two of them.   Later the two publicly apologize and ask for forgiveness.   The State Department Official, Peters (Rick Hoffman) shows this to Gillian (Kelli Williams) and Eli (Brendan Hines) who are hired to see the reactions of the Yemeni officials in negotiations for the pair's release.   Gillian notices the reaction of Nicole.

Cal (Tim Roth) has a case of his own - close to home - when an old friend, Jeffrey (DW Moffett) whom he knows from Oxford wants him to find out who stole the formula for their groundbreaking drug, Priox.   A man is in a coma after taking the drug and suffered a stroke.   Jeffrey introduces Cal and Ria (Monica Raymund) to Erica (Alexa Fischer) who pioneered the drug and they believe the inferior version of the drug is the cause.   Jeffrey tells Ria that Cal used to be a pathological liar.   Cal talks with three suspected employees and tells them they have found fingerprints after the computer was accessed.   The two men protest but the woman, Aisha (Deidre Henry) freely volunteers her prints.    Cal immediately knows she's lying since she used gloves and so she knows no prints will be found.   She then confesses she didn't want to take the formula or give it away but there's a cover up and Priox is causing the deaths.   She's turning whistleblower.

Cal shows Jeffrey an analysis done by a lab showing Priox is not safe.   Jeffrey prefers to believe Erica, having an ulterior motive for putting so much faith in her, well he has to.   Either he knows about the drug or there's something more personal involved.  Gillian shows up at Alex's (Tim Guinee) office and his secretary appears flustered at seeing her there, telling her he's out.   Gillian monitors the Yemeni along with the negotiators and notices that Ambassador Hassan (Nick Hodaly) is just a puppet.  Ambassador Rafik is the only one holding the real power, since in Arab culture, the most powerful person enters a room last.  They show Peters a tape of Arafat with another man and they both want the other to enter the building first.   Eli looks over Marcus's tapes.

Ria and Cal have that same old conversation about knowing Alex is lying to Gillian and again Cal replies it's none of her business.  He asks her how many people she trusts and she says 6.   By the time she reaches Cal's age that number will be reduced to 3.   When Gillian wants to talk, she'll come to him.   Aisha has been arrested and Jeffrey tells Cal he's fulfilled his part in finding the thief.   He tells Cal she has a large amount of money deposited in an offshore account, after selling the formula.   She again admits she did sell it but she had a change of heart when she found what the drug was doing to people.   Cal thinks turning whistleblower is a convenient way to keep the money.   She sends Cal to the original lab that tested Priox.   Their contract has been withdrawn but the drug wasn't any good.

Gillian shows Cal the videos of Nicole and Marcus and Nicole is slurring her speech on purpose.   Gillian then shows the tape of a soldier from the first Gulf War to her parents showing the military are trained to speak in a certain way.   Nicole is communicating in that way to show she hasn't been broken.   She's a spy which her mother knows nothing about.   Peters tells Gillian one person will be released and they want Nicole back, she's the most important with all the info she knows about CIA safehouses.   A Red Cross worker shows their father, Rob (Lou Richards) photos of Marcus smuggled out by a nurse who attended him, showing bruises when he was beaten up after an attempted escape.   He has been denied medical treatment and will be executed.

Cal cunningly tells Erica reporters are interested in the drug and want to meet with him.   Erica bit her lip everytime Cal mentioned the drug.   He meets with an FDA official, Jim (Marc Vann) who has no evidence to pull the drug.  Cal wants to be certain Jeffrey didn't know about the drug.  Ria shows him a video of Erica speaking about the drug and each time she bites her lip and turns to look at Jeffrey, who lowers his head in guilt.   Which Cal thinks is a sign he knew about the effects of the drug.   When confronted Jeffrey admits he was having an affair with Erica and Cal warns him to keep away from Erica.

Gillian and Peters tell Rafik he will be invited to an important event at the Whitehouse where he will sit next to the President and shows him an invitation.   The US will honour every humanitarian demand from Yemen.   Jeffrey goes straight to Erica, as Cal knew he would which is one reason why he said not to go there.   They talk about the drug unaware Cal has planted a bug on him.   Erica was in a hurry to release the drug and needs more time.   Erica is arrested and Jeffrey is angry.   He tells Cal he could count the number of friends he could trust on one hand and Cal was one of them - thus Cal telling Ria that the number of people she can trust will be reduced to only 3: the number counted on one hand.

Gillian tells Cal Jeffrey will get over it eventually and is disappointed Alex cancels dinner.   She comments she was at the State Department during the day and he spends his nights there.   Cal takes a rain check on dinner as he's got something to do, spying on Alex with a blonde.   An episode that's personal for Cal and for Gillian.   He loses his best friend who was there for him when his mother died and as he said to Ria, they all have secrets which they don't want anyone to know about in the workplace and she must respect that.  

Cal: "Yeah, congratulations.   Once again you've earned the apparently foreign destination of 'none of your damn business.'"
Ria: "I don't get you."
Cal: "Good.   Stop trying."

Gillian is still oblivious, maybe she's in denial about Alex's cheating.   Wonder if that started when their baby was taken from them, or is he just no good?   Jeffrey is also having an affair with Erica which Cal didn't pick up on.  How did he miss that?   Cal says if they're one of them, then it's different, they don't talk about it.   Obviously he's got secrets he doesn't want to share as Ria found out in an earlier episode he was hiding something, as she also finds Gillian was hiding something here.   Let's hope this doesn't continue for too long for those of us who haven't seen the show in its entirety yet.   Gillian doesn't eat anymore, not her junk food and not much of anything really, did someone forget?

Doctor Who - 5.11: "The Lodger" Review

The Doctor becomes a lodger to find why people go up the stairs of a house and don't return, whilst also giving a couple a helpful nudge towards true love.

The Doctor (Matt Smith) lands on the ground and the TARDIS explodes and vanishes and he can only shout to Amy (Karen Gillan) who is left on board.   A voice from a house attracts passers-by, asking for help and the door at the top of the stairs opens to let the person in.   Sophie (Daisy Haggard) notices stains on the ceiling of Craig's (James Cordon) room downstairs.   Sounds can be heard from upstairs.   Craig has placed an ad for the spare room.   Sophie asks if he's found her a man or she might just have to settle for Craig.   That was an apparent hint.  Notice the Vincent Van Gogh card on the fridge advertizing the exhibition at the Museum D'Orsay.  

The Doctor arrives, he's the new lodger, "this is going to be easier than I expected."  Craig says "I love you" whilst opening the door to him.   He describes himself as an "ancient amateur and an absolute dream" and Craig is lucky the Doctor just happened by.  He likes sweets and he's called the Doctor and he calls himself Doctor too, but he doesn't know why.   He's got one of those faces where people blurt out their plans to him.   He hands Craig a bag full of money.  The stain has gotten bigger and spread.   The Doctor doesn't identify it as mould or mildew.   He has references including from the Archbishop.   The Doctor attempts to make Craig an omelette.

Amy attempts to land the TARDIS.   The Doctor cooked in Paris in the eighteenth century, no the twentieth and has been told he's weird.   He comments Craig is beginning to look like the sofa.   The Doctor can cook, but in 5.8 The Hungry Earth, (sure there's a pun there) he said he couldn't even make a meringue.   Craig tells the Doctor whenever he wants to bring over a girl, or a boy, then Craig will leave him alone.  The Doctor warns against touching the rot, as he refers to it.   The Doctor realizes a materialization loop means the TARDIS can't land, whatever's in the flat is preventing the landing.   The room upstairs claims another victim.

Sophie mentions the Doctor's bow tie, as is mandatory now every episode, ha.   He can't use the Sonic or any technology.   He scrambles the signal when talking to Amy so anyone who listens will hear gobbledygook, which Craig does.   Amy: "Bow ties, get rid."  Doctor: "Bow ties are cool."  There's time distortion and the zig-zag plotter will keep the TARDIS steady.   The Doctor brings back a trolley load of stuff, looking like junk, to build a gadget and then sings in the shower.   The Doctor's starkers and then in his towel and Amy's not around to have a good look again, ha.   But Sophie sees him in the towel.   Craig refers to Sophie as his date but says he didn't.   He's playing football and the Doctor must make up the numbers.   Doing blokey things is our Doctor, which is unusual for him cos they're very human.   The Doctor mentions Sophie has two sets of keys to someone else's house, she likes it here too.   Sophie says Craig didn't mention the Doctor was gorgeous.

The Doctor loses his bow tie now and wears shorts to show off his footy skills.  A girl's voice is heard on the intercom now asking for help.   Well, whilst the Doctor is out indulging in  human pursuits, another person falls victim.   He could have refused to play football with more important matters at hand; he was there about the upstairs after all.   He then says, there's  to be no violence when he's around, "I'm the Doctor - the oncoming storm."  mentioned by the Daleks more recently in 5.3 Victory of the Daleks.    He gets serious when violence is mentioned.   Time begins to repeat.   Amy tells him the scanner reads '9'.   He thought the TARDIS had gone into the vortex with her, it reads '5' now.

Sophie comes round again and the Doctor interrupts them, asking where the switch is for an ordinary screwdriver.   He takes a sip of wine and then spits it back into the glass.    Everyone's got dreams he says, but only  few will achieve them.  "So why pretend."  His words of wisdom.   Sophie can do anything she wants and has to work out what's keeping her here.   The Doctor uses his gadget to find there aren't any traces of abnormal technology from upstairs.   He can't go upstairs without finding out what's there first and get himself killed.   Well the others were killed.   Craig touches the rot and the Doctor makes him breakfast.  He needs to reverse the energy decay in Craig.   He then takes Craig's place at work where he's also a big hit.   And also gets to eat Custard Creams, his favourite biscuits.   Thought they were Jammy Dodgers.  Sophie thinks about volunteering with an animal charity.

Craig noses around in the Doctor's room and the cat's been upstairs.  The Doctor talks with the cat and Craig wants him to leave.  The Doctor calls his gadget art and he must stay, headbutting Craig to reveal various versions of Doctors and the TARDIS, time travel is possible.   Amy hasn't written the ad yet and it must be in red ink.   The girl calls out to Sophie for help and she calls her "my love" (River's phrase.) There's a time machine upstairs and people are being used to launch it.   Time repeats, Sophie is dying there.   Amy has plans of the building and there's no second storey.   The time engine is the flat and the Doctor says someone's attempting to build the TARDIS.   The perception filter is in use again.   The Doctor gets upstairs and calls himself, "Captain Troy Handsome of International Rescue."

The man is the hologram of the crashed ship and he's slaughtering people until the correct pilot is found which turns out to be the Doctor.   The Doctor posits the entire solar system will blow if his hand touches the panel.   He asks why he wants Sophie? The machine wants to escape and leave here like she does.   Craig shouts "Geronimo" and he must think of everything that's keeping him here, he loves Sophie and so does she and they kiss.   The ship's imploding and then vanishes.   The Doctor explains there never was a top floor.   The rot's gone.   Craig lets the Doctor keep the keys.   'The Doctor rocks' can be seen on the fridge and behind the fridge the Crack appears.   Amy must leave the ad for him in the shop in red ink and she finds the ring box.

An episode clearly about the Doctor trying his hand at being human, without using his Sonic but still manages to build a gadget to help him out, using only things available on earth; not to mention playing football too, even though people were still dying upstairs.   Not much for Amy to do, but to leave the note and that will become clear later.   This episode humanizes the Doctor and he repeats the line the Daleks did about him being the "oncoming storm" which he is in the context of the final two episodes of this season.

The Doctor refers to himself as Troy Handsome, an allusion to Troy Tempest from Stingray  and International Rescue  of course from Thunderbirds.   He also wears the number 11 on his footy jersey, alluding to the eleventh Doctor and the eleventh episode.   In the shower, the Doctor can be heard to sing, 'La donna e mobile.'

CSI: NY - 1.3: "American Dreamers" Review

A skeleton found on a tour bus leads to the mysterious disappearance of a boy many years ago, as the CSIs struggle to ID him, it appears he was behind a murder.

A tourist on a tour bus finds a dressed up skeleton.   First on the scene is Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) with lame joke in tow and Mac (Gary Sinise).   Stella "How long was that soda?" That was meant to be funny.   Mac on the other hand comments it's a "new take on a bitch ride to hell."  Wouldn't expect to hear something like that from Mac.   Stella thinks perhaps it's an urban legend or a joke shop gag to scare tourists and the skeleton was probably bought from a store.  Mac has to describe to her the difference between store bought and an actual skeleton and she's come across how many skeletons during her career that she can't tell the difference.   A store bought skeleton would be bleached, have drill marks when assembled.   This is brown with no such marks.  Mac: "This is a joke I'm not laughing.   These bones are real."

Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) comments this wasn't clever as whoever assembled it didn't take anatomy class since the bones are reversed, held together by wires.   Stella uses adhesive putty to get a print.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) examines the skeleton which has a pronounced brow ridge.   The head is long and narrow and the nasal bone and spine stick out over the maxilla.   He's white.   From the fusion of the clavicle and other bones, Hawkes determines the age and Mac says he wasn't even 18.   The skeleton was shielded from the elements and has black discoloration.   Mac needs a finger.

Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) comments about the newspapers posting the story and Mac doesn't call it news even if, as Danny says it will sell papers, cos of where it was found.   Danny: "The media don't care."  Mac: "I do."  Aiden wants the skull, "human skull, big fun."  Another insensitive comment.   Danny notices the dark substance is layered and has been there a while.   Mac finds aromatic hydrocarbons and engine exhaust from a diesel truck or a bus.   Benzene is concentrated in a  deeper sample, maybe from an old engine.  He appears to have been dead for 10 years.   Mac mentions between 1990-1993 there was a two thousand per year murder rate. "Dream with me a city that can be better than the way it is now."  That was Mayor Giuliani's inauguration speech in 1994.   Stella was working narcotics back then at Brooklyn North.   (Should've stayed there, ha.)

Six prints were found and one belonged to Lester Jayne (John Ross Bowie) at the NY bus terminal who reads the paper and laughs, admitting he did it as a prank..   Flack (Eddie Cahill) comments "NYPD didn't find it funny."   Mac notices exhaust fumes from a  bus, leading to a vent and almost causing him to be run over by a  bus in the process.   He comes across clothes and more bones decomposing.   Stella thinks this is where he died and Mac adds he lived here too, was probably a runaway.   The initials 'AM' are on the backpack.   Blunt force trauma from a pipe and a pocket knife is found in the shoe.   A copy of Bright Lights, Big City is found, copyright 1984, indicating he may have been here for 20 years.   The book was about a man who gets out of the city before it gets him.  

Hawkes assembles the skeleton bones.   Mac processes the clothes and finds a paper in the pocket of the jeans.   Danny prints the pipe.   Danny: "It's tough being in the bullpen waiting for your nod."   Hawkes determines the full skeleton would have been 5' had his teeth pulled and saw a dentist.   Last time he saw a doctor he had a broken tibia and left with a  limp.   Aiden boils the skull.   Places markers where the bones, features should be, then sketches a face.   Puts in glass eyes, moulds features and adds hair.   Prints aren't in AFIS.   There are no DNA matches from the bones.   Nothing on the missing persons database.   Mac finds a diary, a sketchbook of pics of the Flat Iron building, the NY skyline with the WTC.  Mac says the man was following his dreams, he never got out.  Why?

The parents of John Doe, Mrs Moreland (Susan Ruttan) and Mr Moreland (Charles Parks) arrive and say their son, Aaron was a musician.   He left home in 1987 at 17.   His backpack was monogrammed by his mother and his father doesn't think it was him.  Mac tells them they're not looking for their son, but they stumble across him anyway.   Danny uses a different approach and  finds 113 arrest records of crimes committed 3 blocks away from where the skeleton was found.  Stella tells them they need to stick to the hard evidence first, only cos she wasn't able to come up with a plan using lateral thinking for herself.   His last sketch was a landscape which wasn't native to NY.   He was alone here and lost.   Mac: "reality rarely lives up to expectations especially when you're a teenager."  Criss-cross beams in a sketch resemble the Port Authority, he was looking at it, which means he was inside the only building in the city which allows homeless children free range of all the floors.

They talk to a man, Joel (Johnny Sneed) at the shelter.   Faces all look the same after a while.   Danny processes the clothes and looks in the directory of logos.   Fibre analysis comes up with nylon microfibre from the 1990's.  Aiden asks Mac about giving the reconstruction photos of the face to the media. "I figured it was one of the few times that us and the media are on the same team." Mac uses an ALS (Alternative Light Source) on the paper he found in the pocket.   He's only just analyzing that now.   It shows 2/2/90  3.50pm.   His shirt wasn't on the market and was a prototype  from 1988.   It was off the rack from 7th Avenue.   Danny says to be a rack runner you don't need any experience.

A watch was pawned at Bruno's pawn shop and was picked up by the owner.   Mac doesn't believe it was a coincidence it was picked up after 14 years.   Why was the watch still there after 14 ears?  Mac comments it's not easy to hide anymore cos of CCTV.   Reflections are visible from the man's glasses and NTSC signals are over scanned.   He touched the guitar so it can swabbed for DNA.  Danny: "creative enough for you."  Dr Giles (Grant Albrecht) puts the swabs into CODIS; the missing persons database.   Aaron, who is Joel, is now 34 and a prime suspect in a murder.

Arron wasn't ready for NY.   The boy ran racks and he saw him there, he always had money and Aaron always needed money.   He sold the knife.   He wanted more money.   Six years later, he was clean and helped others.   Mac tells him he killed for $2.   Stella says the watch connected him  to the Vic.   That line was intended for Mac since he's into 'all the evidence being connected'.   His parents never stopped looking for him.   They don't know the boy's name.   This ended up being like Blink, where they never found out Jane Doe's name either.

Mac reads from the book, "...leaving a dwindling trail of images and emotions, until all you can remember is a name." Stella: "His name is the only thing we don't know." Mac: "Now we never will."  Stella asks Mac for a drink and he asks what the coffee's like.  He'll love the Irish coffee.   She loosens his tie and he tightens it back.

A strong story which develops from a joke into a real human interest episode about how lonely life can be in a big city and how it can eat you up.   The twist being Aaron left home for an exciting life in a new city and he becomes attracted by its seedy underbelly and he turns to a life of crime, to satisfy his insatiable greed for money to support his habit.   Mac understands how the city can swallow you up - but he's from Chicago and that ain't no small town.   Stella however, is every bit as uncaring as she'll be in later episodes.   Ordering Danny to focus on the evidence: something she had trouble doing in the last episode, Creatures of the Night and doesn't manage to find any sympathy.   Fast becoming the shallow, inconsistent character she'll remain throughout.

Not much is seen or heard of Flack in his third episode, momentarily only suspended in his short role as eye candy, ha.   Neither do Danny and Aiden get to shine.   The book Bright Lights Big City by Jay McInerney in 1984, was turned into a movie with Michael J Fox in 1988.   In the CSI episode Who Are You? a Jane Doe's face is reconstructed.   When Aiden was reconstructing the face, the hands shown were not Vanessa's.