
Sunday 14 April 2019

Victoria 3.4 "Foreign Bodies" Review

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As Victoria (Jenna Coleman) and Albert (Tom Hughes) refuse to speak with one another, they pass messages via the staff which becomes hilarious.  Think of the paper and ink they could've saved.  Sure they did this before when they asked the staff to relay messages verbally.  Anyhoo he's off to Cambridge to become Chancellor of the university much to the annoyance of Victoria who has to deal with the cholera epidemic on her own.  Not wanting Albert's help.  Same at the uni for him as they refuse to accept he wants the sciences to play a core part in the university.  However they are livid that he believes they should be teaching the theories of Charles Lyell who did not believe the world was created in seven days.  Also Lord Powis (Julian Firth) now stands against him for the post.  Which Albert finds humiliating.  As they don't want "foreigners" around and a German at that.  Since they don't want what he was taught at Bonn University to become the norm here.

Palmerston (Laurence Fox) also telling Albert he was a fellow at Cambridge too but Albert can't recall what college he was at.  Which Russell (John Sessions) says he ought to know.  Victoria has 'foreign' guests who bring gifts of jewellery for the newly born Princess.  Where Albert has to accompany her.  A doctor tries to find the origins of the outbreak as the guests settle down to listen to some opera singer and Russell gets a note informing of the outbreak not being limited to Soho where they thought they could contain it.  And also by moving the bodies to the country where they will be buried.  Victoria is concerned about her guests not hearing; lest they find out how dirty her country really is!

The doctors arrive at the Place with their own view points and a Dr Snow (Sam Swainsbury) with a stammer, can't tell her what's happening until he has proof.  As he traces back the outbreaks and where it's spreading to by asking patients questions.  Skerrett (Nell Hudson) visits an apothecary for some medicine and obviously that is contaminated from the water used in it.  When finding out she's pregnant.  Francatelli (Ferdinand Kingsley) has the hotel opened and she breaks the news to him.

Victoria asks Palmerston to arrange a visit to the hospital to check out the patients and meets Florence Nightingale (Laura Morgan) who also tells her about Dr Snow being the only one who visits here.  He finds the outbreak leads to a dirty water tap and tells this to Victoria.  As Brodie (Tommie Knight) overhears this, he asks who the apothecary is and Victoria goes to Skerrett.  Alas it's too late since Victoria tells her it's a good thing she's done opening the place, her own palace and there's nothing she can do for her. 

Palmerston votes for Albert in the chancellor election and obviously he must've had some of the others voting too for Albert to have won.  But he says he can't accept the position.  Palmerston says he agrees with him but only as far as the cholera issue goes.  ALbert returns home to Victoria and they make their peace.  As Victoria opens Skerrett's letter where she tells her she must follow her heart and leave her.  She regrets not opening it sooner.  Feo (Kate Fleetwood) being livid her plan of dividing them didn't work.

Joseph (David Burnett) is still enamoured with Sophie (Lily Travers) and the Duke (Nicholas Audsley) wants her to return home.  Joseph tells her to refuse him as the palace is safer.  The Duke tells him it's a command so she can't refuse him.  However she later tells Joseph that he can't refuse the Queen's command.  As Penge (Adrian Schiller) watches them.  So they killed off Skerrett, which wasn't really expected.  There didn't seem to be that much they could have done with her and Francatelli and getting them married kind of left them at loose ends, since this was about Victoria and not them.

Apparently Victoria had Dr Snow's help in real life; giving her chloroform during the birth of her seventh child, but he didn't really find the cause of the cholera until later on in.  She didn't meet Florence until the Crimean War either.  Albert accepted the position of Chancellor not realizing it was just a position of honour and he wasn't meant to be so vocal about it or to do anything. 

Thursday 11 April 2019

Plot generated for my book

 This was too funny not to post from

Curvy maddie

An Incredible Romance
by Jamie

chase hanson is a curvy, weak and witty painter from the hood. His life is going nowhere until he meets maddie smith, a handsome, strong woman with a passion for jam doughnuts.
chase takes an instant disliking to maddie and the scheming and arrogant ways she learnt during her years in Ohio.
However, when a mass murderer tries to badmouth chase, maddie springs to the rescue. chase begins to notices that maddie is actually rather splendid at heart.
But, the pressures of maddie's job as a lawyer leave her blind to chase's affections and chase takes up baking to try an distract herself.
Finally, when arrogant author, bruce brown, threatens to come between them, maddie has to act fast. But will they ever find the incredible love that they deserve?

Voting and comments are only available on published work.

Auto Praise for Curvy maddie

"I fell in love with the thoughtful maddie smith. Last night I dreamed that she was in my teapot."
- The Daily Tale
"About as enjoyable as being slapped with a dead fish, but Curvy maddie does deliver a strong social lesson."
- Enid Kibbler
"I love the bit where a mass murderer tries to badmouth chase - nearly fell off my seat."
- Hit the Spoof
"I could do better."
- Zob Gloop

PS I have already written one with these character names and it is much better!! 

Sunday 7 April 2019

Victoria 3.3 "Et in Arcadia" Review

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Trouble in paradise with Victoria (Jenna Coleman) and Albert (Tom Hughes) then as they argue over the children, her being here when she wants to be in London and with Palmerston (Laurence Fox).  With Feo (Kate Fleetwood) interfering as much as possible to ensure there is a drift between them.  After the excursion to Osborne House which Albert designed himself and the library room, which Palmerston refers to as "cosy" Victoria also finds herself warming to Palmerston, if she did indeed.  After attempting to take a swim in the freezing old sea with Palmerston arriving to see her 'beached' so to speak.  Really you'd think they would have protocols and rules of just anyone turning up willy nilly out of nowhere on the beach.  It is an island after all, but how safe is that.

Albert and PM Russell (John Sessions) exchange unpleasantries about Palmerston and they don't like him, however Russell would have him on his side rather than across the bench with the riff raff hecklers of the rival party.  Nothing changed in Parliament then!  Palmerston has invited the Hungarian Lajos Kossuth (Simon Gregor) to speak and is having dinner with him.  However Victoria doesn't want him here as there's growing descent over his "regicide" talk.  However Palmerston insists on it.  As well as him wanting to get it on with Sophie (Lily Travers) who is enamoured with him and also wants his attention.  Starved for love, as they might call it.  However he's not everything he seems to be, as Emma (Anna Wilson-Jones) tells him.  She doesn't want him seeing Sophie or dallying with her since it would be a repeat of their own dalliances, and Henry couldn't give her what she wants.  Being married he won't leave his wife.  As Sophie is still woeful of her son being carted off to boarding school.  Also hot on her heels is Joseph (David Burnett) and he is there when Palmerston rejects Sophie, offering a hankie but also wanting more.  Not to mention his mad dash skinny dipping moment into the sea.  A repeat from last series but he's on his own here.
Speaking of last series, it's just an overture to Ernest and Harriet and their unrequited love, well more forbidden, as she too was married.   Palmerston saying it was "shockingly excellent about Sophie's husband not being here.  She question shim being shocked and he adds that is excellent still.

Feo hates her room and she changes it with Sophie which finds Palmerston in a bit of a pickle.  Victoria thinks she can return home now as it's safe but she doesn't want to leave.  Thus a good opportunity for Feo to blackmail Palmerston as he enters Sophie's room but is shocked to discover that it's actually Feo's naked shoulder that he's kissed!  Ample opportunity for her to stay here then since she tells him how the Queen and Albert don't like him.

Albert built this house for the purposes of the children and their education which he thinks is a good way to build into their game time.  Enacting the Peninsula Wars.  But Bertie isn't interested in learning even when he tries.  Victoria has had enough and at dinner accuses Albert of bullying her children.  After Bertie tells him, "I don't bloody know" in response to Albert's question.  Now where'd he ear that?  Which he takes offence to as he's never bullied them.  She tells him to respect her or to continue the conversation in private and Albert retaliates by remarking that if there was any respect to give he would.  Thus she throws a glass of her wine at him.  Which of course Feo relishes and so did Palmerston. 

She was actually getting her own back at him since he said she craves love and approval of her people, as does Palmerston so they're two peas in a pod.  Which makes her change her mind about Kossuth and tells Palmerston to go ahead with the dinner, as they come to an understanding.  Penge (Adrian Schiller) fires Joseph as he missed church since he says he was bathing in the sea.  However when Sophie hears of this, she gets him reinstated by saying he was running an errand for her and she was to blame.  Looking to get her jollies with Joseph now.  But the number of times she feigned to forget his name.  Francatelli  (Ferdinand Kingsley) gives his resignation and Skerrett (Nell Hudson) follows suit telling Victoria she's married to him and Victoria is angry and despondent.  Victoria returns to London and tells Albert she can stay if he wishes. 

With Feo pitting each of them against one another by telling Albert that Victoria's got baby brain but it's not permanent.  Albert asking if he shouldn't have anymore children.  Then she brings up Victoria's grandfather who was funny in the head.  When they return, Albert locks his door and Victoria calls him "my darling" now when she wants him.  But otherwise he could do no right in her eyes.  The way Feo looked at Victoria when she got out of the carriage to the adulation of her people, that look of sheer evil!

At least this ep has some true stuff going on with Palmerston entering the wrong room at Windsor Castle and Albert not being happy with that.  Victoria couldn't be Queen at Osborne which is all that she wanted to be.  So he was right when he said that she needed her subjects.  As well as Victoria throwing wine at Albert.  However she did go swimming and not used the line of her not being
a fish.  Bertie's learning difficulties were real as opposed to Vicky who was the brains.  Lajsos Kassuth was a revolutionary of the time, as well as being a journalist and lawyer, his opinions were considered dangerous at the time cos of his nationalistic views.  Here he is shown to be ridiculed when he finally gives his speech, which gives pleasure to Palmerston and Russell as he was doing what his Queen wanted.

Monday 1 April 2019

Arty video

The only place where it uploads! Sheesh!!

Some of you may have realized this was for the Rob Thomas submission for the vid to One Less Day (Dying Young).  And for those who didn't you do now!

More arty farty than arty! But it's what I do. Even if it turned out boring!

Sunday 31 March 2019

Victoria 3.2 "London Bridge is Falling Down" Review

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Victoria (Jenna Coleman) gives birth to child number six amidst a backdrop of the Chartists' movement gathering momentum with the petition.  At the same time, well after a complicated birth in that Feo wasn't much help and she's watched by Bertie (Laurie Shepherd) and Vicky (Louisa Bay).  Police raid their HQ and find guns.  Which was a bit obvious in them knowing where to look and that anything would actually be there.  Even how they arrested Patrick (Kerr Logan) as if he was a suspect/person of interest and then he making his feelings known to Abigail (Sabrina Bartlett) about how he's never met a woman like her.  As I said before, I knew this was suspicious since last ep I said there was more to him than just being some activist or someone who was looking for more freedom.  As it's later revealed that he's an agent and the plan, instigated by Palmerston (Laurence Fox) no doubt, was just so Victoria would sign off on troops being on the street and preventing the Chartists from delivering their petition to Parliament.

She's even approached by Wellington (Peter Bowles) and The PM (John Sessions) as well as Palmerston and she was probably more willing to see him as he saved Sophie (Lily Travers) from the mob at her carriage.  Wouldn't it have been easier to be more obscure and at least use curtains or something!  Of course Victoria still doesn't like him.  As well as trying to deal with her people trying to 'kill' her and just wanting them to love her. She also has to (deal) comfort her children, Bertie going on about how they'll kill her, she'll have her head lopped off all cos the Louis Phillippe (Vincent Regan) can't keep his opinions to himself, telling Bertie and Vicky about Charles and also Madame Guillotine.  With Victoria having to reassure them; as well as Albert (Tom Hughes).  Though Vicky here seems so sure of herself, perhaps she'd have made the better queen in real life, who knows.  Albert convinces her to got to Osborne as they'll be safer there. 

The other person Victoria has to deal with is Feo (Kate Fleetwood) who tries to undermine her at every opportunity and plot against her.  She tells Victoria how she would have been at her wedding but she couldn't afford to and didn't want handouts.  Though she didn't hesitate at putting on the necklace or making waves between Albert and Victoria by telling him that she was with Palmerston.  With Sophie continually being besotted with Palmerston and Joseph (David Burnett) being enamoured with her: thoughts above his station, well both of them, she being married, but that aside her husband, Monmouth (Nicholas Audsley) is a brute and only cares about their son as he will be Duke one day and nothing more.  As the mob marched on the palace, the Louis, Lord Alfred (Jordan Waller) and Monmouth were just all sitting there gambling as if nothing was amiss!

Francatelli (Ferdinand Kingsley) buys the hotel cheaply cos of the Chartists' movement and tells Skerrett (Nell Hudson) he'll be waiting to marry her at the church and she tells him she wants to keep her job and that she doesn't really want to be there, but shows up, taking Brodie (Tommy Knight) there to give her away.  Also Abigail visits Victoria and tells her that there was an agent planted in    their movement and no one is trying to kill her.  As they prepare to take their petition to Parliament, Wellington readies the troops and escorts Victoria; but at the last minutes she has the carriage stopped and tells him she doesn't want her troops to march on Waterloo Bridge and they should be able to present their petition.  Which Albert called rather appropriate, re the Battle of Waterloo.  Wellington commenting to Victoria that's a "woman's prerogative;" to change her mind.

It was refreshing in many ways to see how Albert was thinking of the people and how he knows they failed them and should've done more for them, whereas Victoria is the opposite and wants her people only to "love me."  That's not how you rule and let's not forget the troops in Ireland and how she treated them during the famine.  No matter how compassionate and sympathetic she's portrayed here, it's just the reality will always seep through, even if this is just a dramatization.  Victoria here appears to be wanting love through surrogacy or proxy, through her people as she never got any when she was a child and is starved for it.  Gotta say still can't get into this third series.  Also Feo thinking the baby would be named after her, but alas no, it was Louise after Albert's mother!  You'd thunk we'd get to see Ernest for once, especially since there's such a royal brood now, I mean nephews and nieces, ya know!  But that's my lament!!

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.5 "Binion's Hotel and Casino" Review

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More Las Vegas mob history tied to casinos, is there any other kind.  This one concentrated on investigating the hotels, The Apache and the tower above Binion's, which have been closed to the public since 2009.  Being the first to investigate here aside from one other paranormal investigator, Brian, who explained how he saw part of an apparition, as did his wife and son.  Although he only saw the legs of it. 
How the hotels were closed off and so there's so much energy waiting to get out and loose.  Another one surrounded by negativity with staff being attacked in the kitchen which isn't used anymore and being followed home.  As well as the TV turning on in one of the rooms, when the general manager spoke of taking the cabinet home as his wife may like it.  Oh and Zak got to keep that TV for the Haunted Museum.

Their investigation was divided as Zak, Dakota and Billy took The Apache and Aaron and Jay investigated the 25 story tower from 1965.  It did appear to be like breaking a crime scene tape, not only as there had been a murder here in the past where a member of the Binion family was killed, but also since no one's been in there for years.  But they didn't investigate the kitchen where the music played, or did they?  That would've been a good place to spend some time.  The music sounded like the sort they'd play at casinos, and that screaming sounded a bit like someone trying to sing!  Really it does, and it doesn't sound English either.  A little like a chant.  Oh and then there's Zak's wild hair!! ha.

Zak et al find the light turned on in a room, which Dakota noticed and it was the heat lamp in the bathroom, which required the knob to be turned on and didn't turn on by itself.  "Jackie" came through on the Ovilus, was that a man or a woman spirit.  On the static detector there's a light anomaly and it went off quite a lot reading static energy.  They get a "yeah" on the digital recorder.  That could've been Jackie.  Zak and Dakota are affected by transient energy and feel like they were run up on!  Zak uses the Polaroid camera again.  Zak takes a photo of what he calls "ghost legs".  As seen by Brian. There seems to be a figure at the end, although it's not clear what that is.  (See blue circle.)  But then it may not as we didn't get to see the two photos together close-up.  Then a kind of face towards the right of the blue circle on the wall.

Arriving at the 'Secret room' where the money was counted (and hear Zak comment on how Binion may also have skimmed some too! ha). Billy uses the Geophone and 'phone' comes through on the Ovilus.  Zak using the Intercom Device and a male voice tells them to "get out of the room."  Which to me sounds like "get on the roof!"  Well they were on the roof earlier on! What, if anything happened on the roof??

Aaron and Jay hear a noise in one of the rooms and someone stepped on the bed where the Bible lay.  A voice comes through on the spirit box saying "radio."  "Speak to me" comes through on the spirit box and a stick SLS figure is detected next to Aaron (for a change, it's usually Billy who gets them) and there was some weird movements going on with it too!  It was in the air it seemed, also it could have been the one on the bed. 

They set up an experiment using the TV as they did early on in the prison ep Old Idaho Penitentiary.

Also the Exit sign has the black tape ripped from it and the light can be seen.  This is similar to what happened in the Kings Tavern ep, when the blackout covering was ripped from one of the windows.
Great to investigate such an historic location, but somehow I just wasn't into this one.  The equipment seems to be regressing back into normal stuff now, at least some of it, instead of something where we can see anything visible rather than flashing lights.  That was going old school.  My friend has been to Binion's, so it seems it's just the hotel that is haunted, as she didn't have any encounters.

Sunday 24 March 2019

Victoria 3.1 "Uneasy Lies The Head Under The Crown" Review

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Paris 1848

The revolution is underway and royalty are losing heads fast, as King Louis Philip (Vincent Regan) shaves and departs from France. (A new actor plays him in this series.)

Also arriving in London is Victoria's half sister, Feodora (Kate Fleetwood) who had to dress in her maid's clothes and then take a carriage like a commoner.  She is announced in her rags, hoping her sister takes pity on her and has left her family behind.  As Albert (Tom Hughes) speaks of revolution in Austria and Berlin.  Victoria (Jenna Coleman) now having her sixth child is in no mood to see her.  Feodora meets Albert for the first time and her children.  Bertie was a bit of a brat (no change there when he was older) and Vicky turned into a show off.  Bertie refuses to wear the crown as it's only worn by women and Vicky is outspoken and wants to try it on.  Their different temperaments also shown in the play they perform for Louis, a history of France.  Would've thought it'd be a subject matter they'd steer clear of, but apparently not.  Not very tactful for this to be allowed, would've thought she'd have opted for English history instead.  Though most of that was very tumultuous too.

In England, the Chartists are gathering fuel as they want the vote, but only for men at this stage as Albert mentions Marx's Communist Manifesto and referring to the "ruling class" as not being very in touch with or sympathetic to the workers and their rights.  Having little effect on Lord Palmerston (Laurence Fox) the womanizing Foreign Secretary and another thorn in Victoria's side.  It's her PMs she doesn't get on with, not the Foreign Secretary's.

Victoria has another Mistress of the Robes in Sophie, Duchess of Monmouth (Lily Travers) whose husband, Duke of Monmouth (Nicholas Audsley) seems like a bore, okay he is a cruel, unfeeling wretch, cue beeline for Palmerston to intervene, when he's not betting on boxing matches in the park where Victoria drives by in her carriage.  Particularly as she can't have an Ernest around as the Duchess of Sutherland did!  AHH!!  Palmerston's against any sorts of rights for anyone and Albert once again draws, or attempts to draw attention to the squalor in which her subjects live.  Question being why she wasn't more vocal in this to her PM.  She also reiterating how her "subjects would not harm her" and "do not wish to harm her."  Then pondering why anyone would want her head to Skerrett (Nell Hudson) who has problems of her own with Francatelli (Ferdinand Kingsley) wanting her to marry him already, but she doesn't want to do anything resulting in her leaving the palace in disgrace.

Skerrett introduces Victoria to Abigail (Sabrina Bartlett) who embroiders Victoria's hankies and undies and she repeats how they want justice, not revolution, which not everyone agrees with.  As they get signatures to petition Parliament, Cuffy (CJ Beckford) is more one of action and demands revolution and an Irish newcomer also enters in the form of Patrick Fitzgerald (Kerr Logan).  Knew he was up to no good.  As he unveils swords at the end.  Obviously the Irish were no fans of Victoria and British rule.

Victoria invites Palmerston to dinner with her sister and Louis and Feodora flits about the palace as if she should have been queen instead and mentions George to Bertie, who doesn't want to be king as there are only queens.  Then slips in for a game of chess with Albert, who apologizes for not meeting her earlier and Victoria not inviting her sooner, as if she would.  She's tired of Feodora's presence and gives her old hand-me-downs which Skerritt can fix for her as they will be too high for her to wear.  Feodora remarking on how Victoria used to wear her dresses when little.  The insufferable Palmerston making a play for Sophie, who reminds everyone she's from a grocery family, much to Monmouth's distaste.

Then there's Joseph (David Burnett) the new footman fresh from Chatsworth who also has a good ogle at Sophie too, with Penge (Adrian Schiller) reminding him she's a Duchess and this isn't Chatsworth.  Seems like there may be sparks in the air between him and Skerrett, as she mends his footman's wig.  Especially as Francatelli takes her to look for a house and again she shows her reservations over marriage already.

The mobs reach the palace gates (again) and Victoria is so worried that she goes into labour, with Albert determined to take her to Osborne where she'll be be continued...
Seemed to get off on rather a slow start from the previous two series and the French Revolution as a backdrop to the woes of England at the time too, a time of great changes and how Victoria feels relieved to have the English Channel between them.  However Albert warns her how "ideas can travel." Obviously Palmerston and Joseph are the new characters to look out for in this series, which we would've been over and done with last year!

Apparently Victoria's sister in real life was meant to have been beloved by her more so than shown here.  She married a German Prince when Victoria was still young.  John Russell is PM to Palmerston's Foreign Secretary and a Whig, as was Lord M and still his party is not firmly secure in Parliament.

Friday 22 March 2019

Supernatural To End After Season 15

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So it ends...
Supernatural will be closing the doors finally on that Impala after 15 years of ups, downs, love, hate, deaths, returns from the dead, brotherly love, family toils and woes.  Demons, angels, ghosts, alternate realities, myths and legends...

And having been there from the start with this journey it is such a sad time.  Howling here like a wolf, ha, no; but seriously it was 15 years of joy and heartbreak since I came into the show in 2005 with season 1 as that's when it was aired in the UK and it was so close to my life at that time.  It had such an immense impact!  The Dad storyline, especially when he finally died in the beginning of season 2.1 In My Time of Dying.  I was going through the same with my own father's passing and this just helped in many ways.  Not so much with moving on, that's something that just doesn't happen, you don't forget or move on, you just learn to live with it!  Thus everything Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) were going through was so familiar and similar and I could relate to it very much.  I say we, but all of us who were going through the same as I know there are many other fans out there who were going through such emotions too.

When it does end, there will be more on it for me to ponder and write and possible lament, but for now I just wanted to keep this brief and say if Supernatural hadn't come along when it did I wonder how I would've coped.  Since at the same time I also started writing the book which went for four seasons, and would I have felt the same feelings I did.  What would have been its substitute.  I know it wasn't the single, sole thing that helped, there were others, family, friends, music, other shows such as Alias.  Another one that dealt with loss with 'killing off' Vaughn (Michael Vartan) my fave (that's another story though!)  Sufficed to say I had plenty to rant on that too.

So for now I along with the rest of the fans will have season 15 to look forward to and then the tears will come, gushing forth, unstoppable, inconsolable; at least for a little while.  Until then...we will continue to "carry on my wayward son..." … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … My Supernatural book