
Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Mentalist 6.11 "White Lines" Review

Patrick (Simon Baker) and Fischer (Emily Swallow) have a long drawn out conversation about his couch, no, sofa, no couch and why he doesn't have one since psychiatrists have them cos it's easier to analyze when the brain's more relaxed or something. He reads her again and asks why she hasn't been to a psychiatrist and whatever she's hiding she doesn't have to feel guilty about it.  She tells him she was undercover and she went a little overboard when she met him.  He wants a couch.  Abbot (Rockmond Dunbar) comes in to tell them they're heading to Corpus Christi to investigate the deaths of five DEA agents who were shot.  At the CS they find the cameras were shot at and they were hidden so they knew where they were hidden.  Though Patty cunningly figures out that the mirror is higher on the wall for a reason, behind which Cho (Tim Kang) finds another hidden camera.  That'll pose a question as to why it was there and who put it there.  Okay that's two questions, ha.

Playing the surveillance feed back, they find the masked gunmen removed their masks and were easily identified as belonging to a drugs cartel.  The FBI agent Higgins (Sterling K Brown) [he was DEA but he was wearing an FBI badge] who had his team shot tells them who were involved.  One of them has a girlfriend Crystal (Brianna Brown).  Lisbon (Robin Tunney) and Cho head to Corpus Christi again and Cho starts the engine, then turns it off, remembering that he heard the engine on the tape.  So he has Wylie (Joe Adler) check the recording for the engine sounds and it'll match the gunman's car.  He IDs a Chevy Impala (hey Dean's (Jensen Ackles) car from Supernatural, though it was the wrong colour and not to mention Higgins/Sterling was also in the show, aka Gordon the vampire hunter cum vampire!)  He thinks the unknown gunman is disciplined but Patty in his infinite wisdom disagrees, cos if he was disciplined he wouldn't have shot them the way he did, it was erratic behaviour to say the least.  He also tells them about Paco (Mark Adair-Rios) who has ties to the cartel.  Patty's more interested in the blonde.

Patrick accompanies Fischer to interview Crystal who doesn't know anything other than Ritchie being a good man and she wasn't aware he was into illegal activities.  Well Patty has her number, well not yet but it's the expression that he knows she's lying and uses this to his advantage and he feigns interest in her and asks her out on a date.  She's flattered and putting on a dumb blonde act, Fischer comes back to tell him that they identified the car model and three possible locations.  She mentions them all there which was a bit stupid to do so in front of a potential suspect, but it worked to Patrick's advantage as he figures out it's at the central business district in a warehouse.  Crystal gave it away.

Fischer then has a conversation with Patrick about why he asked her out and that she's not his type, how would she know his type?  He tells her she is, well maybe, ha.  But he deserves some fun doesn't he and I don't mean Dean's version of fun either! Ha.  At the warehouse they find three DBs of the gunmen and Lisbon and Fischer ponder who could have done it, Patrick is eager to get out of there cos he has a date. Yeah and he wore the same shirt. Cho wonders about Ritchie cos he was Crystal's boyfriend.  Cho also finds a phone but it's disconnected.  SO what do you think of Patty's shirt, he's still wearing it and didn't change for his date.  Also he's wearing Lisbon's socks now well, not her socks, but the ones she gave him last ep.

He tells Crystal he won't reveal what he really does but she wants to know the story behind his wedding ring, which is long.  SO presuming he tells her all about Red John here cos Crystal is kind of surprised that he killed him.  It was all to reel her in and she fell for it, hook, line and sinker!  She asks him how important the investigation is to him and he replies very, so she wants to help.  Yes ingratiate yourself into the case just to find out what they really know and throw around red herrings.  Ooh I used a red colour reference, now that we're no longer using that specific colour in the titles! Ha.  Fischer and Lisbon chase up a lead on the gunmen but come up with nothing and Fischer asks about Patrick and his date.  Lisbon tells her she's not his type but she doesn't know what his type is, well could be Lisbon!  Lisbon and Fischer meet up in a bar and are brought drinks from men who leave when they tell them they're FBI agents.  Also Lisbon gets her FBI ID which she's pretty excited over.

Crystal tells Cho about Paco's condo on the beach worrying about her own safety.  Patrick drives her home in his snazzy new car, oh I miss the Citroen!  It was so Patty.  She won't let him walk her to the front door but he says he wants to see her again  and will call her.  Paco is inside and wants to know why she led the FBI his way but she once again feigns being ignorant.  She then slaps him and tells him he can't mess with her and if he realizes who he's talking to.  She's set him up to take the fall and kidnaps him so she can pin the killings on him and get away with being the head honcho of the cartel.

Patrick gets his couch and is as pleased as punch, lying down, he calls Crystal who he arranged to meet tomorrow night.  She meanwhile bundles off Paco into the boot of the car and has her bodyguard take him to a deserted house where she shoots him in the head.  She leaves and he sets Paco up with a gun and changes it along with other bullets.  After the police arrive, he shoots through a back window and they shoot back, believing they shot Paco!  Cho notices the bullet mark in the back window as if someone shot from there and made it look like the police shot him.  Yeah so much for forensics figuring that out, ha.  He tells Fischer and they don't seem to be doing much with it.  Especially not Fischer who just excels in standing around giving orders and watching Lisbon work!  Wylie analyzes the surveillance footage from the third camera which Higgins has given them and knows his team wouldn't tell anyone about the cameras.

On the footage they see Crystal putting on lipstick in the mirror and then looks straight into the camera, obviously it was her handiwork so the others would be identified.  Patrick asks which shirt he should wear and he goes for the one Fischer selects.  Yes those shirts Patty!  He had those made on his island and they're mostly alike so he's taken to wearing those now.  Knew there was something missing, his waistcoats which I loved!!  Get them back and his dark suit!! Don't like his shirts much and he really needs to shave too. Ha. Anyway digression, even if it is important!  He arrives at Crystal's house and she gets some wine bottles and a gun, deciding they should drink on the boat which her friend lets her borrow. He also brings her flowers.

Patrick talks about the case and how Paco is dead.  She knows he'll be heading back but wishes the case wasn't over as she wants to see him again.  She doesn't like the wine and goes for the other bottle and the gun.  Patrick is called again by Lisbon and pretends to hang up, of course he was either recording what she said which wouldn't be much help for him or has the others on the line which is more likely.  As we know it's always about not putting himself in unnecessary danger!  The mystery man he thinks is someone who can get all attention removed from him and is actually a woman.  He knows it's her.  There were no mistakes made. Crystal admits she didn't have Paco shot but shot him herself.  Thus pulling the gun on Patrick.  He posits the FBI were listening in and should be here now, which he has to say three times before the helicopter arrives. By which time Patrick has already jumped in.

They tell him if he'd let them in on his plan they'd have been here sooner and poor Patty shivering, says Cho's on his side but he's not.  He sides with the FBI and Lisbon adds she's been trying to get him to reveal his plans beforehand for years.  They walk off.  He wasn't even thanked for solving the case.

This was a more enjoyable ep if only for Patrick venturing out on a date to catch a killer, he really needed to get into the swing of things again.  Now that he has his couch back, but not so much analysis on the couch. Patty and his sales pitch line about not telling Crystal who he is, in answer to her question of what, it's who, not what.  She doesn't think he's out of practice, oh he is but he can improvise, but that won't stop him catching a killer! He didn't let this one slip away like Erica.  Crystal gave herself away, there was that scene with Paco when she puts lipstick on before she shoots his bodyguard and then she puts lipstick on again when she looked into the hidden camera, must be one of her tells. Also her use of the phones, there was one without a number Cho found and then she used the one to call for the police after she shot Paco.  Hey they would've recognized her voice on the recording anyway. That was a mistake she made, so much for Patrick saying she didn't make any.

Seems like Lisbon and Fischer won't have any rivalries going here, not even for Patty's affections, ha, so appears they may become friends too.  Though they could have found another name for Kim Fischer, you know Kimball Cho, Kim again.  Though I still don't like her.  Maybe she should have had ties to RJ too! That'd liven things up though probably that ship has sailed, no pun, re the boat Patty was on.  I also don't like how Lisbon is no longer able to investigate on her own, you know it's like she's been demoted and she doesn't have any intelligence, which is far from the case.  Also she's now an equal with Cho, whereas she was his boss!  Not that I don't like Cho, he really fits in wherever he is but I loved that dynamic with Lisbon being in charge, not Agent Fischer 'do nothing but stand around'!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Mr Selfridge Series 2 Episode 8 Review

Look it's Harry's bust behind him! ha.

Harry (Jeremy Piven) returns home from Germany to hoards of press outside his front door all accusing him of the scandal and working for Germany.  But being Harry he'll get to the bottom of it sure enough.  Rose (Frances O'Connor) is glad to have him back and tells him about Delphine (Polly Walker) not telling her anything about Bill Summertime (Jay Villiers) and where Harry was.  Harry has flashes to being in Germany and having his bags searched and from his trembling hand you could see how afraid he was. Harry promises he will tell Rose next time and they'll have no more secrets, wonder how long that will last when Delphine gets her claws into him.  Harry is also angry at Bill since he ignores him after he tells him Voss has agreed to 'spy' for them, well that's what you get for working for the Brit government, even in times of war.  He got what he wanted and now won't help Harry clear his name as far as the procurement committee scandal is concerned since it's, "not within my remit."  You see the Brits don't have a notion of "owing" people.

Ms Mardle (Amanda Abbington) and Mr Crabb (Ron Cook) are pleased to see him return to taunts of "traitor" outside the store and Gordon (Greg Austin) lets him know it's been like that for a week.  The store has been deserted by its customers and others have been cancelling their accounts.  Harry writes a letter to Frank's (Samuel West) paper and he reads it out to the staff, one of them is very vocal about how her brother and fiance are fighting with mud in their boots.  Harry wants it known he stands behind them and the store's staff as it's his duty to look after those left behind and assures them he did not recommend these manufacturers and only chose to serve this country.  Agnes (Aisling Loftus) is afraid for George but is hopeful since George is only missing.  Harry must rite letters to the dead staff of Selfridge's as Grove (Tom Goodman-Hill) tells him that's 22 now.

Ms Mardle tries to ignore her feelings for Florian (Oliver Farnworth) but tells him she had a relationship with a man who hurt her and she doesn't want to feel that way again. Of course we know Grove will make sure she does feel that way again only this time he will be more hypocritical than usual, it was 'proper' for her to carry on with him when it suited him but he can't stand to see her happy with someone else.  The Times is more favourable in printing Harry's story but Frank's paper refuses to print Harry's letter and he's threatened with being fired if he pursues the point further since the truth has nothing to do with war.  As you'll recall the quote, "in war truth is the first casualty."

Delphine drops in on Rose and is apologetic for not getting any info from Bill for her, saying he wouldn't tell her anything,  more like she wasn't really bothered in wanting to tell her anything and thinks they need to do something to help Harry and the store,  Rose replies it's easy for Delphine cos she thrives on notoriety but Harry is a merchant, of course her suggestion is just to ensure he's ever more grateful to her, she calls Rose her friend now.  She brings along some American friends to the store in the form of Mabel Normand (Andrea Deck) and Mack Sennett (Joseph Beattie) who owns Keystone Studios.  Harry and Gordon went to see his comedies and is highly praiseworthy of them.  They make people laugh and forget their troubles until they leave again.  Delphine is having a party for them at the club and screening some of their films. Harry goes with Gordon but Rose doesn't want to come.  Think Rose may be getting a little suspicious of Delphine and probably wonders if she can still trust Harry again.

Agnes gives a letter for Henri (Gregory Fitoussi) to the American embassy and he's been held there as the Attorney General has arrived wanting to know why he ran and didn't want to answer the theft charge.  He tells them he panicked but he's innocent of stealing the money from the store he worked at.  Agnes asks Harry to find Valerie (Josephine de la Baume) so that she can help him and he tells Bill to look for her.  Yes Bill's got time to hang out with some women of ill repute at Delphine's club.  Gordon gets drunk on Tom Collins courtesy of Mabel and Delphine watches Harry with desire.  Mack wants Harry to come into business with him in California as he's looking for a partner and Harry is tempted but Delphine calls him their "dream maker" and he can't leave here.

Bill gives Harry Valerie's address and he brings her to the embassy to clear Henri's name.  Whilst the staff have a meeting convened by Crabb who wants the staff to show a united front.  He was first in congratulating Harry for what he did for the country and going to Germany and Harry was angry with Bill for letting it leak in the first place.  Yeah just think he could have been shot as a spy for being there.  Valerie tells the AG that her husband was jealous of Henri and framed him for stealing the money, she told Henri to leave not realizing that's what he wanted until it was too late.  She clears his name, but he doesn't want another chance with her. So much for saying he loved her.  He realizes it's Agnes he wants and she tells him she's engaged to Victor (Trystan Gravelle).  Though did get the feeling she was in to minds about this even if she did say she was just Henri's friend.

Florian tells Ms Mardle he's getting a job but not playing the violin and she's dismayed at this.  Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes) wants everyone to know she didn't know what Frank would be writing and is glad Ms Mardle stood up for her, which is what she wants to do now for others and "turn over a new leaf."  Seems like no one's mentioned Thackeray (Cal MacAninch) and what he did to Henri, appears to have been forgotten but Harry did have other things on his mind.  Did find it amusing he reluctantly had to clap when Henri returned.

Lady Mae (Katherine Kelly) finds she's out of funds and must sell her jewellery.  Loxley (Aidan McArdle) wants her to come back so he can avoid the scandal by convincing her he'll leave for the country and come back to their old arrangement, just as long she keeps the scandal involving him to herself.  She wants to hurt Loxley, rather destroy him, before he destroys her and tries to tell Harry that she wants to help him but he sees it as only putting herself first and isn't interested in what she has to say.  Practically throwing her out of the house, though not physically of course since he's too much of a gentlemen.  Harry doesn't go into the movie making business but Gordon also has a change of heart and no longer wants to go into acting after suffering an all manner of hangovers.

Rose suggests they bring over the girls and Harry's mother and unite the family, whilst in bed Harry thinks Delphine can be of help to them.  See the way they made it appear Harry was talking to Delphine when she turned off the light in her room, when actually Harry was with Rose.  Let's hope that wasn't a piece of foreshadowing, don't like Delphine.  Seems Rose may be having second thoughts about befriending her and hearing Harry speak of her.

Lots  is happening as we near the end of the second season with loyalties being tested, lots of love in the air even when it shouldn't be and Delphine hopefully showing her true colours before not too long.  It did look like Lady Mae was only thinking of herself when she approached Harry in wanting to work together with him to clear his name and outing Loxley, since she could have done that all along.  The question always boiling down to why she vouched for him (aside from money) when she knew what he's really like and Harry was always loyal to her.  Maybe she'll go back to him now that she doesn't have much money or options open to her.  Understandable how Harry shunned her since they used to be such good friends, only for Delphine to take her place, I should have said the ever-scheming Delphine.  Not surprising for the sort of establishment she runs! Ha.  Lady Mae telling Harry that he wanted so badly to be part of the committee when they're all of high accord and he's nothing more than a store owner.  That was a slap in his face.

Seems like Kitty may steer clear of Frank from now on, they didn't share any scenes this ep and neither did he with Harry, would've expected him to show his face at the store but alas he didn't.  Of course Harry should sue the paper even if takes years in the courts.  He's got every right to do so and gain his reputation back.

Aww the only lift scene we had was Mr Crabb coming out to greet a returning Harry, so not much there then, ha.  Funny my review of episode 7 got the highest views than the other episodes and Harry wasn't even in it, ha! Don't know why though since the eps do seem to be more interesting with Harry in them, he is the title character after all, even if it did give the others a chance to shine in his absence and how the show can go on without him.  But Jeremy is the show!

Friday 7 March 2014

Revenge 3.9 "Surrender" Review

Emily: "When facing your enemy, no amount of training can trump nature, it separates the strong, weak and sometimes it tells us that surrender is the strongest move of all."

Funny way for Lydia (Amber Valletta) to reintroduce herself into Victoria's (Madeleine Stowe) life, when Emily (Emily VanCamp) was with her up in Victoria's room, she came to steal some of Victoria's clothes, or should that be 'borrow.' Ha. Victoria must be vexed to say the least, that she saved her from flying on that plane and on the condition that she was never to return to the Hamptons, gee if you can't trust your best friend... knew she didn't get out of there alone.  But then Lydia was just conveniently brought back again, even if she had really died, she wouldn't have remained dead for long.  Margaux (Karine Vanasse) is angry that Lydia can't stay in her room in secret and that she hasn't given her much to go on, aside from some names who can corroborate her story.  Emily tells Aiden (Barry Sloane) and Nolan (Gabriel Mann) about Lydia and needs to come up with a plan to get her gone, or at least discredited in Victoria's eyes.  She's also got to deal with Sara (Annabelle Stephenson) again.

Emily needs to leak the news of the baby to the press otherwise she still fears she's losing Daniel (Josh Bowman) and thinks Victoria won't be able to keep it to herself once she finds out.  But the news must come from Lydia otherwise Daniel will know Emily leaked it.  Lydia pushes Emily back when she leaves and she falls to the floor from the Grayson manor stairs, luckily they were only the front door steps and that Emily isn't really pregnant.  For a moment there Lydia might have been in on Emily's plan, but obviously she wouldn't be since she needs to exact her own revenge on Emily and hasn't let go of the idea that she still recalls her from the night Emily was serving as a waitress at the New Year's Eve party.

Daniel is also concerned for Emily, or more so for the baby and they tell Victoria the news.  She's not happy at all and thinks it's just another rouse to draw Daniel into her web.  However when Victoria breaks the news to Conrad (Henry Czerny) he's ecstatic that the family line is being extended.  Emily gets Aiden to find out what he can about Lydia and what she's doing.  So he finds she's meeting with Conrad.  She calls him to the hotel room and he is shocked to find she's alive.  When Margaux finds out about this after Aiden cunningly calls her and tells her how he's the concierge and that Lydia's been ordering room service and seeing Conrad, Margux dispenses withe her story, but Lydia keeps her journal.

Funny also how Conrad was reminiscing with old photos for his memoirs and has a moment with Victoria, which didn't last long.  Liked also the scene where he reminded Victoria she should let Daniel be happy and how Patrick, her first born was barely here six months when he turned to murder.  Nolan gives Aiden what he asked for and there's one more thing he needs to do for him, which we don't know about.

Jack (Nick Wechsler) surprises Margaux with lunch and sees Conrad's file still on her desk.  He tells this to Nolan who speaks with her telling her where to go for the scoop, straight to Jack.  Nolan thinks he should be honest with her and he reveals how Conrad was behind Amanda and Declan's deaths and how he was protective of Margaux since everyone he cared about is gone, he didn't want to lose her too.  She apparently wants the same thing and agrees not to pursue the story.  Well that was too cosy, just like their entire storyline, think it was moving a bit fast.

Charlotte (Christa B Allen) wants to convince Daniel to stay with Sara and she finds him out running where he goes when he's hurting.  She then tells Victoria she doesn't want anything more to do with her plan to scupper the wedding and she's out of it cos she saw the hurt in Daniel's face and she doesn't want to do that. Sara meets with Daniel who tells her he can't be with her and she can't be the other woman, so returns the necklace back to him, which he throws into the ocean.  Lydia mends fences with Conrad and goes running back to him and his bed.  Where she finds that photo of Emily too.  Didn't Emily think there'd be more than one copy of that photo and that maybe Conrad would have it.

Emily and Daniel have their photos taken for the piece in Voulez and she spends her last night with Aiden before the big day.  Aiden proposes to her and the way she had to change rings was funny.  Just had a feeling on the shooter, wonder if it was Lydia, even though Patrick's returning for the wedding.  Victoria gives Emily her RSVP to the wedding and tells her she can seat Nolan at her table now since she won't be there and he's giving her away.  That's another dilemma for Emily now, which means Victoria won't be on the yacht, not to mention how she took Victoria's bracelet to the gun range just to ensure she'd have traces of GSR on it.

Surprised to see Charlotte being nice to Emily even if it was for Daniel's sake as she was so hell bent on destroying the wedding for Sara's sake. SO as Emily planned the press were there when she arrived at the doctor's with Daniel and it was kind of lame, the way she just sat there not knowing what to do, with Daniel telling her to pop the roof and drive out of there.  She didn't look or sound very convincing at feigning shock. But how will Emily get Victoria to come to the wedding, cue Patrick, maybe that's why he is back next episode, although it seems he's just a suspect to add to the list of many considering he was the one who sabotaged Conrad's car.

Can't see Emily marrying Aiden since things will go awry after the shooting, otherwise there'd be no Revenge.  Also think the only way Emily will get away from Lydia and her using the photograph is if she comes clean about who she really is, which will really turn things around and also make things awkward for Daniel too.  Imagine all this time she lied to him about everything and that she doesn't have an ounce of feeling for him.  He gave everything up, including Sara, for a lie.  Ah poor Daniel, seems his role was pointless.  Emily's dress for the photoshoot was gorgeous!  Roll on wedding ep...

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Mentalist 6.10 "Green Thumb" Review

Patrick (Simon Baker) still sits in his detention cell as Lisbon (Robin Tunney) looks for a stapler in her office in Washington.  He still wants his terms met but he's being refused, until Fisher (Emily Swallow) pays Lisbon a visit.  She mentions how Patrick solved every single one of their cases over ten years as well as killing Red John and bringing corruption in the CBI to light.  Lisbon visits Patty who's drinking tea and is surprised to see her.  No socks though as I pointed out, you'd think he'd wear his socks now.   Funny part was Patty asking Cho (Tim Kang) how he is and he says they'll catch up later.  The FBI need his help to search for a missing computer analyst who works for the government.  His wife is Defiance (Azita Ghanizada) and she's a gypsy as Patrick tells them.  He can tell from the photos of her room and house, she also gave it all up to marry her missing husband, Schneiderman (Shane Edelman) who is Jewish. If the source codes are accessed then banking will be in trouble.

They will have to fly out and Patrick notices they're flying Economy, he bags the aisle seat, and comments he thought they'd have a jet.  Yeah I said that, doesn't every government agency have their own jet, except NCIS of course as Tony (Michael Weatherly) keeps reminding us! Ha.  He also mentions that he knows the real Fischer and that was her on the island, but she tells Lisbon and him she was undercover.  Patty needs his hotdog fix and asks Lisbon for $20 but he can't enjoy it since Fisher is hot on his heels!  Probably in more ways than one, ha.   Patrick introduces himself to Defiance Schneiderman and she thinks he's a psychic and tells him to read her palm.  He can't cos she won't let him.  Also telling her how his father worked the carnie circuit, that's the second mention of his father and the circuit, since he also talked of it last ep.

She mentions Cleo (Alejandro Cardenan) the psychic and how she was on the roof with her friends.  Her husband loved the roof.  As they pass the room where the building manager, Nguyen (Francois Chau) lives he looks through the peephole, of course he was a big suspect as soon as they showed him and Patty took an interest in him.  Patty mentions the roof garden and it belongs to Schneiderman.  He wants Defiance to channel her energy and then tells her to go to the media with news of her husband's kidnapping.  He then bars the door and escapes via the fire escape.  Sending a letter to Abbot (Rockmond Dunbar) which he marks 'Top Secret' in red and then uses yellow paint to spray the ground.  Oh just when I was thinking he'd draw a smiley, wishful thinking, ha

Fisher is angry and will put a note in the agent's file who was meant to be guarding the alley and Cho brings up her responsibility too.  She adds Abbot will put one in her file too.  I liked the way Lisbon kept interrupting her and telling her she won't find Patrick unless he wants to be found which is true.  Meanwhile Cho is approached by Jason Wylie (Joe Adler) who is an IT analyst.  He tells him he's found Patrick via satellite, yeah just cos he wanted to be found as Lisbon said, as he sprayed 'Jane' in yellow on the ground and enjoys the last morsels of his hot dog.  Fisher wants to know how Lisbon worked with Patty for so long and if they were more than just friends, nosey or what!  Lisbon wants to know why she'd ask that, only cos she's interested in him, can I say, yuk?! Ha.

Patrick is back in the cell and he lies on the bed, when Fisher wakes him up.  She tells him he's going back to Austin, Texas.  Patrick tells her she'll find  Cleo's DB on the roof, chopped into pieces and put there by Schneiderman.  It's almost Winter but he has soil there.  Fisher thinks he's lying but Abbott tells her they've got to check it out.  He hates how this job takes away trust and he knocks over a pot to reveal a severed arm.  Wylie gets to join the big guns in the bullpen and wonders why people call him Coyote.  Cho tells him about the cartoon with Road Runner but he's not heard of it, really?

Patrick likes to rub it in and asks if they found the DB, also they'd have found it sooner or later.  On the plane back, Lisbon asks why he would interfere in her life.  She was happy in Washington and it's her life. She was afraid he'd left her again since he left her for two years, when he ran off like that again now.  He doesn't know what's good for her in her life.  Lisbon recalls that Cleo's name is probably not Cleo and that in Cuba they run a scam whereby they swap the right hands prints for the left and if they do the same they'll match his prints, to a Jose.  She's been reading a lot, cos she has a quiet life.  Also she read the file on the plane earlier on which surprises Fisher, why cos Lisbon is better at the job than she is.

Patrick talks to his wife again and thinks her husband wasn't kidnapped but is being held for ransom, after all the FBI received a ransom note for $10 million.  Guess what, the manager did it! He saw Schneiderman drag the DB out in a bag and take it to the roof.  Schneiderman thought  Cleo was having an affair with his wife when he found him in their bedroom.  He was looking for objects to cold read her.  They fought and he hit his head.  He tells Abbot he couldn't call the police since he wouldn't work again.  The manager is part of a Vietnamese gang once that's why he has the scars on his face.

Abbot is pleased with Patrick's work and offers him the contract again.  Patrick adds his own new terms to it, like his couch and Lisbon obviously, but Abbot refuses.  He tells him about the letter in his mail.  Abbot opens it to find redacted names.  These names are from Bertram's list and include judges, FBI agents etc. Abbot still refuses the deal and Patrick is taken to his cell.  Lisbon arrives and tells him she's back on the team with him.  Patrick agrees to the contract only he won't give up any of the names until his contract comes to an end, otherwise Abbot can go back on the deal like he already did before.  She asks him where he got the names from and he reminds her of Bertram's flashdrive, only it was encrypted.  Patty made them up and she's pleased he did that.  She's coming back to work since her job was boring.  Which again he knew but she tells him he didn't have a right to change her life for her, that's up to her.  Also bringing him a pair of socks as a present!  Cos he really needs his socks.

Patty tells her they should make plenty of trouble for the FBI and let's hope they do, that'd be fun to watch. It's only fair.  Patrick gets his couch back.  Ahh Patty brushing the socks against his face, so soft! SO can we ditch the beard now!  Don't like Fisher at all so hopefully they will cause trouble for her.  The way she was so defensive when Patrick told her he's knows the real her, of course he does, what does she think he's been doing all this time, that he can't read people, she can't fool him.  Cho and Patty didn't get much screen time together which I hope they do even if he is FBI, they're still friends.

So Lisbon wanted to come back all along but wouldn't admit it to him.  I liked how she told him off for leaving her and walking out of her life and then thinking he's done another runner.  It was just so them and brought back a little of how they were in past seasons.  Missing Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) and Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) they had s much more going for them and the show was more interesting with them. That Fisher is trying to be a carbon copy of Van Pelt, failing miserably!!  Guess gotta get used to the dynamic of the 'new' show and the characters but they're not so interesting.  Who knew the FBI was this boring? Ha.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Mr Selfridge Series 2 Episode 7 Review

Rose (Frances O'Connor) is anxious to find out where Harry (Jeremy Piven) has vanished to, as are the rest of the staff and rummaging through Harry's locked drawer at home she finds a list of contacts in Germany. Choosing to confide in Delphine (Polly Walker) she asks who Bill is and she replies he works in Intelligence. Delphine feigns surprise over Harry not telling her everything and confiding in her but Rose is perturbed Delphine has the audacity to talk of their relationship when there's nothing wrong with their relationship. Though she has a well deserved, long overdue outburst of emotion, no doubt Rose will still be back being friends with Delphine in no time.

The staff at the store meet to discuss Henri's (Gregory Fitoussi) arrest and Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes) talks to Ms Mardle (Amanda Abbington) about traitors being hanged.  Agnes (Aisling Loftus) is convinced that Henri isn't a spy and must do something about finding out who betrayed Henri, of course we know it's Thackeray (Cal MacAninch) and she relays her suspicions to Grove (Tom Goodman-Hill) but they don't have any proof.  Victor (Trystan Gravelle) lets Agnes see Henri at the station and he confesses he was in love with Valerie Maurel and she left him for another man and headed for Germany.  He tried to find her cos he loves her and Henri hired a PI, so why didn't the police contact said PI then?  He notices the ring on Agnes's finger and tells her Victor is a good man and she should stick with him, as she points out he wasn't very approving before.

Crabb (Ron Cook) gets a letter from David Fletcher's family telling them he was killed at the front and he gives it to Gordon (Greg Austin).  Harry would have written a letter to the family but Gordon can't get to grips with writing it.  Grace (Amy Morgan) tries to help him and is sad when she finds out the news.  Gordon recalls how he was a friend though the union business and was proud of Gordon for sticking up for his father.

Rose comes to the office and takes Harry's place at his desk.  Grove tells Ms Mardle of Florian's (Oliver Farnworth) affections towards her and how it won't seem right.  He's thinking of her reputation.  But she seems to deny it even to herself, although she knows it's apparent and there is a mutual attraction there. Agnes has a go at Kitty when she talks about Henri and how she's always hated him but they should be grateful cos they all have jobs due to him.  Agnes tells Victor they need to prove who turned Henri in and that it was Thackeray.  She also thanks him for letting her see Henri and it's cos he trusts her and that she loves him.

Victor comes up with a plan to fool Thackeray into confessing by having a blew with Franco (Sean Teale) which Thackeray overhears.  Well he would, wouldn't he taking it upon himself to be the ears of the store and turn anyone in.  Victor tells him irrespective of his Italian name, he is English through and through and he'd like to shake the hand of the man who got rid of "the frog."  Of course Thackeray falls for it and obliges! Grove gets him to talk to the police and he'll put a good word in for him with Harry when he gets back, since they don't have the power to fire him, that's up to Harry when he gets back.  As Rose reminds them of what Harry always says, "respect for the customer, respect for the employees."  That's why it was so difficult for Rose especially see why everyone outside of the store could have believed such lies about Harry, then again it's the power of the press at work here.

Lord Edgerton (Raymond Coulthard) pays an angry call on Loxley (Aidan McArdle) and shows him the shoddy workmanship of the boots, they're falling apart and heads will roll.  Loxley having covered his back by telling him it was Harry who provided the names of the manufacturers.  Lady Mae (Katherine Kelly) knows he's lying since that's where he got his money from so suddenly, "profiting from war."  But he reminds her she spent his money at the store and she vouched for him, so she's in it too.  Lady Mae decides to leave Loxley and Pimble Amanda Lawrence) wants to go with her, she wouldn't stay behind with him.  She recalls the good old days of the music hall and her good singing voice and how they spoke of the girls marrying a rich man.  Pimble thinks she did good for herself too.  Lady Mae tells Rose she's sorry but Rose accuses her of knowing all this already and never wants to see her again.

Frank (Samuel West) has to write the story about Harry after meeting with Loxley and cause a scandal even if he doesn't have any corroboration or any "right of reply" from Harry as he's missing.  He isn't in any of his hotels in Paris.  But his editor tells him Harry's on his way to Germany as they have a source in the form of a porter at the station.  Kitty is angry at him for writing that since loyalty, character and friendship mean nothing to him.  She got over the story he wrote about her pretty quickly.  So much for preening around the store, she can at least stick up for her boss.

Grace gets Gordon to pay a visit to David's family in person instead of writing a letter cos he's not his father. Ms Mardle confronts her feelings for Florian and they kiss but she can't continue with this even there is so much passion there.  Grove breaks the news that Henri won't be released since he's a fugitive and is a wanted man.  He's accused of theft in America and didn't answer the charges.  It appears that's one reason why he had a beard and looked so dishevelled when he arrived back in London and wanted nothing to do with Harry or anyone else.  Agnes returns home to find a telegram waiting for her...

Well things should return to normal next ep, as normal as they can as Harry returns to face the charges against him in the papers.  Though here everyone keeps asking where he is and he mysteriously vanishes. Rose doesn't tell anyone where he's gone obviously and she doesn't want to reply to the story in the papers until he gets back, they should just maintain silence as a dignified response.  Of course we all knew this was going to come back to bite Harry as soon as he provided evil double crosser Loxley with the list and he takes full weight of it to his advantage, as the hard done by Lord who was vouched for by his wife.

Strange or funny Frank being a newspaper man and the only stories he can write are about his walk with a 'Miss K in the park' and about Harry and the store, what happened to other news, aside from bemoaning that the government won't let him write anything about the real war.  Henri still causing problems for everyone, this time round he's cleared of spying but has stolen in the past.  Wonder what that was?  Still Agnes stands by him and manages to believe in him still, which just shows the extent of her loyalty and friendship.  Will it be bad news for Agnes or will George just be injured?  It appears that pesky Loxley has gotten away with it once again.

Also the way Grove got to lecture Ms Mardle on impropriety and how men have "urges" especially young men.  He can talk after he kept her on tenterhooks whilst looking after his wife and getting the best of both worlds, only to leave Ms Mrrdle for Doris.  He doesn't have any right to interfere in her private life now since she wasted the better part of her years on him for nothing.  Oh the obligatory lift scene, this time with Ms Mardle and Grove in Harry's absence. Ha.

Lots for the cast do concentrate on this ep without Harry as the point of connection and they do rather well. Agnes proves to have come a long way as said before and she gets to show how much of a mature woman she's grown into.  There's also more for Rose to do as she mans the helms in Harry's absence and showing how loyal she is to him also.  Loved the way she threw the paper down the floor for Lady Mae to pick up for herself to read and defended Harry.  Okay it was mostly an episode about loyalty and standing by people, those they care about and love, but also coming together at such difficult times.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Revenge 3.8 "Secrecy" Review

Emily: "Secrecy causes even the simplest truth to seem wondrous, mysterious .  It has the power to feel passion and to seduce you into becoming someone you're not.  But no matter how we try to guard our secret, to keep them close, they all come out eventually."
Does this apply to Emily too?

Revenge now into flashbacks a la From Here To Eternity, (the movie) well almost as we saw Daniel (Josh Bowman) with Sara (Annabelle Stephenson) on the beach in 2010, where he tells her he will protect her from his mother.  Didn't he say the same thing to Emily (Emily VanCamp) later on and look how that turned out.  Emily, back in the present, asks him to lunch cos they haven't really spent much time together, but he's busy.  Yeah so busy he makes time to meet Sara at the farmer's market after she texts him.  Then she's all like how she doesn't want to break the two of them up after what happened to her parents.  Daniel is disappointed but has to settle for a punnet of strawberries and work.  Oh and this time it's Daniel's turn to get the obligatory shower scene!

Nolan (Gabriel Mann) roommate proves his home but putting, "you break it you pay for it" sticky notes all over his valuables as he's having Aiden (Barry Sloane) move in, much to Jack's (Nick Wechsler) chagrin! He doesn't know he's back in town which is upsetting for him and as he puts Aiden down, Emily walks in to hear him do so.  Then she has a go at him by telling him he can't interfere in her life cos she's getting her revenge and leaving, which is what Jack wanted her to do.  That was before he found out she'll be leaving with Aiden.

Emily turns up at the Farmer's Market just as Sara has a smug look on her fast and is busted! Ha.  Emily puts on quite a sob story of a show when she tells her how she loves Daniel so much and doesn't want to lose him.  Of course Sara convinces her she won't get in the way, yeah that'll last 'til about the end of the ep.

Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) has set up a co-ed bridal shower as Nolan puts it and Emily picks out a gift for Daniel.  Nolan suggests she should get the watch with the GPS just incase things go awry, it's good to have a Plan B.  Charlotte (Christa B Allen) has lost her phone but still wants Victoria to break up Daniel and Emily, but Sara tells Victoria she's not doing this.  She's catering for the bridal shower and she tells Daniel someone else should make their wedding cake.  Charlotte finds she needs Aiden's help with her phone after she's blackmailed by the man who stole it.  She has revealing photos in there from her time in Europe when she was going through issues and Aiden obliges by beating up the man in front of The Stowaway.  Well anything to help Emily's sister, right.

Conrad (Henry Czerny) gets Daniel to proof read the first chapter of his memoirs and tells Margaux (Karine Vannasse) he's going with a different publisher.  She still thinks there's a story for her there and Jack wants Nolan to convince her there isn't cos she can't get too close.  Seems Conrad knows all about Daniel and his feelings for Sara especially when he sees the strawberries, ha, okay it was a little more than that.  He shows Daniel his 'love nest', the place where he would bring his mistresses without Victoria knowing and gives him a key.  Daniel doesn't want it cos she's not like Conrad, oh no!  We know better.

Things hot up at the bridal shower, Emily gives Daniel a gift and also Victoria obliges by taking the bait from last ep and finds Emily's first husband, Rohan (Anil Kumar) that's who she called earlier on.  She thinks it will knock Emily for six but it's Victoria who gets the tables turned on her. In walks Rohan as Emily sits blindfolded on the chair as Victoria announces who he is.  Emily tells everyone she was married to him but only for him to get his Green card, since Rohan has a boyfriend and is gay.  The look on Victoria's face. Daniel is still upset Emily wasn't honest with him, yeah he can talk.  Emily later confesses to Nolan that he was also one of Takeda's students like her and they were really married cos she knew Victoria would do exactly what she did after last ep's reveal.

Daniel is upset with Emily and tells Sara he doesn't want to marry her cos she's just like Victoria.  Funny that, that's what Emily used to say about Daniel, that he's a Grayson through and through, so he can't shout being used or being innocent.  He has the necklace he gave her all those years ago and Sara agrees to be with him, but only if he breaks it off with Emily.  Here was Emily thinking that necklace was Daniel's gift to her. Victoria invites Emily over to give her a gift, it's a card with the address of said love nest/shack.  Though the Grayson wives were not meant to know over the generations, Victoria knows cos she was a mistress wasn't she, before a wife.  Emily calls the number and hears Daniel on the other end.  There, Victoria thinks she's scored a victory.

Emily thus comes up with another plan, she has a gift for Daniel, an ultrasound photo as she's pregnant.  Well he seemed happy enough, or was this just a dilemma for him.  Now he has to go through with the wedding for appearances sake if nothing else, but this means Sara won't get her way cos he'll still be with Emily and she'll remain the other woman.  Didn't we get all this baby stuff with Amanda and Jack already.

Aiden also tells Nolan he's got a secret to share with him but we don't get to hear!  After Nolan tells Margaux there's no story behind Conrad, she meets up with someone who wants to spill, that someone being Lydia! (Amber Valletta).  Her return was to be expected cos no matter if someone dies or gets killed, there's always that possibility that they'll return which is shown by Lydia.  She was Victoria's best friend, so maybe she had a hand in getting her off the plane in season 1.  That was ages ago! But also cos Conrad did mention her by name.  SO no surprises as to who Margaux was meeting.

Daniel and Sara's storyline was unbelievable, she hated him for not being in touch, getting paid off by his parents and him doing nothing.  That scene at the pastry shop and now  she miraculously loved him all along and wants him back.  The same goes for Daniel, he's trying to get away from being a Grayson and everything that entails but at heart he is still Conrad's son and keen on displaying his lack of loyalty and convictions to his fiance.  As said, so much for saying Emily is like Victoria!

AT least we won't have to 'Surrender' for three weeks for the next ep, only a week to go, well less at time of writing!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

The Mentalist 6.9 "My Blue Heaven" Review

We had to wait over two months for this to return, whilst US viewers got to see the aftermath of what happened without Red John straightway.  Didn't think I'd e saying this but after watching this, kind of missed Red John, at least those eps and the CBI were exciting, this seemed rather routine and all it did was serve to remind me of NCIS and Gibbs' (mark Harmon) hideaway down Mexico way! How he used to get calls at the bar, here Patrick (Simon Baker) also had the post office.   When in doubt always run to a country without extradition laws which is what Patrick did, obviously, especially with so many charges laid against him. He did commit murder no matter how warranted it may have been.

So there was no mention of RJ, hey even the music in the opening credits wasn't normal Mentalist fare, let's hope we get that back soon and let's hope we get the good old Patty back too.  Lisbon (Robin Tunney) is Chief Lisbon now in a sleepy town where the highlight of her day is giving a talk to a bunch of school children, which she loves doing as she later tells Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) and Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) who have now got their own digital security company, which is doing very well and their own baby.

Patrick has made friends with the locals though his Spanish sucks, as we see he's been using a dictionary to chat the lingo but as the two ladies at the post office observe he's hasn't got it down pat!  No pun.  He's also been writing to Lisbon as we've moved forward two years.  Abbot (Rockmond Dunbar) comes to see her but she doesn't know where Patty is or any of the team, aside from Rigsby and Van Pelt.  Abbott notices the shell on her desk and of course it's a present from Patrick to her, which will lead Abbot straight to him. Abbot and that horrible FBI agent, Kim Fischer (Emily Swallow) who is so apparent she sticks out like a sore thumb!  Surprised Patrick didn't make her, he's definitely out of practice is our Patty!

Oh no, don' fall for her, well he did, hook, line and sinker, even if he didn't out and out tell her he did some awful things like killing his nemesis, but she already knew.  They must have figured he could use the company and female company at that, so bored with her already and am not looking forward to watching her every week!  Nope, he was much better off with Lisbon and so glad when they finally met up again.

Abbott makes him an offer to drop the charges coming from "the powers that be" but he doesn't take the bait.  Not until he has dinner with her and then gets drunk and into a fight with the local drug dealer, Danny Otero (Juan Gabriel Pareja).  Just cos she said they were being followed, why fall for that again, especially since she was no hapless femme fatale, though she was hopeless!  He also took off his wedding ring for her, don't do it.  So dinner led to mad dance moves, involving a lot of jumping on Patrick and Fischer's part whilst Lisbon read his letters.  Which Patrick had been sending to her via his carnie friends.  Abbot thinks he's so smart as does she, but really why then do they need his help.  SO after she makes him tea and decides to leave the next day, he decides he's got to go back.  Pretty lame.

He comes up with new terms to the deal and wants them in writing, written on a napkin, top priority being getting Lisbon to work with him.  Along the way he gets some drug dealers caught and Abbot to sign the napkin and five copies but when he returns to Austin, Texas this time, Abbot surprises him with his own terms.  You see it was just a piece of paper he signed, not binding.  If he doesn't sign he'll go to detention and get his parole revoked.  Cue miss high and mighty Fischer and Patrick's shocked, well he should have been, or was he really?  He wants a detention cell with a window, but he's not bothered as long as he can make tea and makes himself at home.  Everything will work out for him no doubt.

He also meets Cho (Tim Kang) who has joined the FBI and was at Quantico training but he hasn't told anyone else this, oh, thought they were all so close!  Cho is happy to see him but you wouldn't guess it. Another ep directed by Simon, wonder what he thought of it all.   Pretty soon we're back to him being good old Patty, but he's slow off the mark, did he really think Abbot would agree to his terms so easily.  Let's not get him romantically involved with Fischer cos he can do so much better and needs to meet someone outside of law enforcement, that was a life he did leave behind.  She tells him that coming home doesn't necessarily mean going backwards, but moving on, not with you love!

SO wishing things move on quickly and we get back to solving cases instead of the personal lives, maybe they need the character development after 6 years but this wasn't what was expected or needed.  Don't like Fischer at all, or Kim, she seems so smug at having put one over on him and that Patrick returned to the US for a woman, seemed so unlike him, unless it was for Lisbon.  It was good seeing them hug and hopefully Patty will play the FBI at their own game!  He's genius like that.  Saving grace, seeing he got to keep his shoes and lost that sarong! Ha.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Mr Selfridge Series 2 Episode 6 Review

 Loxley (Aidan McArdle) finds a man's cufflink and tells Lady Mae (Katherine Kelly) she's been entertaining again.  Whereas she tries to explain to him that a charity committee man was here.  He tells her that he's her husband and he's every right to be with his wife and shows her the key to her room.  Lady Mae later tells her friend and entertainer, Richard Chapman (Alfie Boe) that she shouldn't have married Loxley since she thought she could keep him at bay, but not anymore.  Richard thinks she should have been with him but she needs money and riches.  She can't do without her furs to keep her warm and he tells her a good man would do that.  She also was sought after she tells him, during the season where she was in demand.  But she chose Loxley, well she made her bed,so to speak.

Ms Mardle (Amanda Abbington) and Agnes (Aisling Loftus) arrange to attend the Variety Show with Victor (Trystan Gravelle) and Florian (Oliver Farnworth) and it's the same entertainer, Richard that they've come to see.  Lady Mae's booked him for the charity concert at Selfridge's for the war effort.  Harry (Jeremy Piven) is approached by Bill Summertime (Jay Villiers) and recruited as a spy but he can't reveal this to anyone, not even Rose (Frances O'Connor).  He agrees to do so since the procurement committee turned him down and he's no longer interested in them.  He confides this to Delphine (Polly Walker) who comes a-calling to thank him for the wine he sent her for arranging the card evening.  She can't accept it and tells him, but as we knew from the start, she was after Harry after all, telling her servant that the more he gives the better for her.  On her way out she bumps into Rose again but doesn't say two words to her, aside from asking for her forgiveness in asking Harry to the card game without her permission.  Still Rose doesn't see what she's really after.

Thackeray (Cal MacAninch) is still on his high horse about Henri (Gregory Fitoussi) being a spy and conveys his suspicions to Mr Grove (Tom Goodman-Hill) who will look into it but doesn't want him starting any rumours.  Of course Thackeray won't give up.  Henri won't tell Agnes what's wrong and says the same to Grove, seems he was in America and then in Germany for the last 4 years.  He wants to give notice as the French government is recruiting older men for the army and he wants to join them.  Agnes also tells Henri that she's seeing Victor and he's a good man.

Ms Mardle asks Florian to play his violin at the concert and Crabb (Ron Cook) and Grove think he's still a 'she'.  Harry also advises Ms Mardle to enjoy her money since her brother left it to her and she deserves to enjoy herself.  As Grove smells a new scent she's using.  Gordon (Greg Austin) is left on his own in the tea emporium and Grace (Amy Morgan) is brought back to accessories.  She doesn't think Gordon is normal cos he's the boss's son.  But she mentions her sister not having any toys to play with, so he brings her a doll, British made, for her later on.  Since Harry's removed all the German stock from the store.

Loxley calls on Harry asking for his contacts for felt and Harry refuses to oblige him as he doesn't trust him. All Loxley can complain about is how Harry's been trading in German goods up until recently.  Another one like Thackeray who's got a bee up his proverbial, ha!  Harry also gives Frank (Samuel West) the story of how America is trading with both Britain and Germany during this time and they shouldn't be allowed to.  As well as all his American friends leaving to go back home.

Victor proposes to Agnes and wants her to help run the restaurant with him, then their children can also help them.  He's leaving the store and wants her to leave too.  She agrees to marry him.  Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes) agrees to dinner with Frank and Ms Mardle warns her that he's much older and has been around.  But Kitty comments on her not being with a man.  Sees Ms Mardle turns the tables on her when she tells her of their visit to the theatre with Agnes and two gentlemen.  Ms Mardle is developing feelings for Florian and at the concert Crabb and Grove find out Florian is a man.  Grove thinks it's inappropriate he should be staying with her, but she doesn't think anything wrong in it as the time calls for it.

Harry is expected to leave at a moment's notice and that comes up when he's meant to be at the concert.  He writes Rose a note and she asks Henri to check what's wrong, he's already left.  He meets Delphine outside who's late for the concert and she wants him to be careful, he hasn't told Rose what he's doing and she kisses him on the cheek, after having told her he'll be in Paris meeting suppliers.  He's actually going to Berlin to meet a German.  Delphine kisses Harry on the cheek, sure Harry can't be oblivious to what she's doing either, besides Harry's choice of 'other' women were always young, not old like her!  Henri is arrested as Thackeray's turned him in, to the shock of Agnes and Rose and everyone else.

Lady Mae gets to sing a duet with Richard, "It's A Long Way to Tipperary much to Loxley's chagrin!  Mrs Crabb (Wendy Nottingham) stocks up on supplies such as bed linen, soap and marmalade which Crabbe found under the bed.  We also get to see a glimpse of Doris (Lauren Crace) as she accompanies Grove to the concert.

Seemed to be just a routine episode with nothing much happening in terms of the store but Harry just going off to 'spy' as we knew he would from the last ep and a continuation of Thackeray's paranoia concerning Henri coming to a head.  Lady Mae must be naive for thinking Loxley wouldn't find a way to get back into her room and really should leave him.  Though there was plenty use of the lift this time round, ha.

Women are seen at wok and manning the store whilst the men are away in their new uniforms and they also cleaned the windows, stoked the store's boilers, as well as forming a fire brigade.  Harry Selfridge was also to coin the well-known phrase, "business as usual" during these dark times.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Revenge 3.7 "Resurgence" Review

Emily: "Growing up my father said the ocean is a great escape, as time passed I also learned that its great expanse holds greater secrets and the ability to hold mine. And that like love it is at its heart, fluid, powerful and sometimes violent. But in its harshest reality, the ocean is a barrier separating you from those you love."

This time round it's Nolan (Gabriel Mann) who eyes revenge after Emily (Emily VanCamp) tells him about the new PR woman, Bizzy Preston (Ana Ortiz) (appropriate name cos she really has been a busy bee in more ways than one!) Conrad (Henry Czerny) has hired to put the family name into good light once more. Almost blackmailing Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) in the process by telling her to go along or he'll hurt Patrick. Emily thinks it's time she gave her some juicy gossip about herself and ensure her clients find out about her. Bizzy's plan is to throw a 4th of July party and get Victoria and Emily to play best friends. of course a Grayson party never goes without a hitch as is common knowledge.

When Emily tells Nolan about Bizzy he already knows her since she spread a story about him being gay to the press and his father and things were never the same between them.  Emily decides to tell Bizzy about her first marriage, of course it's a fake, but she tells her she was young and Victoria doesn't know of it.  She then takes a backseat as Nolan takes over the reins.

Jack (Nick Wechsler) and Margaux (Karine Vanasse) appear to be heating up too as he asks her out on a date but at the last moment couldn't go through with spending the night with her, not at first anyway.  He opened up to Nolan about this and Nolan tells him he has to let go and realize Amanda isn't coming back.  Jack later visits her grave with flowers and takes off his wedding ring.  Things later hot up and she drops the bomb about Conrad publishing his memoirs and how she wants the book rights.  Since there must be plenty of secrets in his past and present.  Margaux even turned down Jack's offer of cooking her pancakes! SO that was their fireworks.

Nolan gets a hold of Bizzy's phone and finds she's been having an affair, so much for being happily married to Jeff.  Bizzy still thinking she helped Nolan when she outed him.  Nice the way Nolan placed a camera on his glasses and then let her use them cos he got to hack into her phone that way!  Nolan being in the wrong business, he should be in the spy trade!  Lots of possibilities there for him.  Nolan told Bizzy he'd ruin her by outing all her client's secrets and by telling her husband about her affair but he was being much kinder than she was.  He gives her an ultimatum, end the affair or else.  She apologizes for what she did to him but it's too little too late.  Though Nolan waited years to hear that, it's sad that his father couldn't.

Anyway Bizzy also lets slip to Victoria about Emily's first marriage, so much for keeping secrets.  Daniel (Josh Bowman) sees Sara (Annabelle Stephenson) at the Stowaway and thinks she could prepare their wedding cake for them, follow cake tasting where Emily tells Daniel she's got the job.  Daniel is more aloof however as he still has feelings for her.  Charlotte (Christa B Allen) picking up on this finds a way to drive a wedge between Emily and Daniel and in the process ensure he gets with Sara.  This she doesn't tell Victoria until after she's been rude to her and so she has to say sorry.  This leaves Aiden (Barry Sloane) out in the cold as Victoria no longer needs him to make Daniel jealous, so she fires him. Victoria can't stop walking in on Aiden in the shower and in his towel!

Aiden and Emily talk at the party but Daniel is oblivious, instead he's focused on Sara.  He sees her on the beach and they almost kiss, which Nolan picks up on his glasses.  Emily making sure that they "have no future."  Emily also reveals to Nolan that she didn't think she could have anyone else in on this revenge business with her and that he is a true friend to her.  Well about time, since he's been there for her since the beginning and all that time she was in juvvie.

Seems like another spanner in the works as far as Emily's plan for revenge goes.  Now she has to deal with Sara and Daniel's newly heightened interest in her, so where was he all that time she was out of the picture, not even so much as a visit and now she turns up, he's wanting her all over again.  Can't wait to see what Emily has in store for her.

Also good seeing Nolan get some revenge of his own although he tells Emily he wasn't as tough on Bizzy as he should have been.  Well he's not Emily and maybe it's cos she did finally offer him an apology.  She was hopeless as a PR agent cos as Victoria tells her she's unable to read people but can't keep secrets either, with blabbing about Emily's marriage already, she didn't even bother finding out if it was real or not.  What I didn't like was how Aiden and Emily would always meet out in the open but never get caught and even now as they said their farewells, no one spotted them, not even Charlotte, she'd have plenty to shout over if she did.  SO he's booted out by Emily too and must go prepare for her 'death.'  Seems he didn't have much to do on this show anyway.

Victoria seems to have forgotten Patrick already as she sets her sights on sabotaging Daniel and Emily but must have been pleased that Charlotte is following in mother dear's footsteps.  Amazing Charlotte takes after her mother considering her father is David and not Conrad, so she's only got half the evil genes, ha.  Emily does rue having to leave her sister though.  She regrets this cos she'll never see Nolan again either.

Victoria to Aiden: "It's the fourth of July, the day we Americans celebrate getting rid of the British."  Oh Victoria don't underestimate us Brits! Ha.