
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Meeting Bruce Greenwood DSTL3 2014

After months of anticipation and pondering will he or won't he. The big day loomed.  DSTL3 2014 had finally arrived.  Well it was also a huge moment for me, a bit of a milestone after being a fan of Bruce Greenwood for sooooo many years! Was so revved up (then had transport delays, thanx for nothing TfL!!)

First thing I did was to dash for an autograph and I got my sketch signed. Had a great conversation with him and I think he was a little taken aback at just how long I have been a fan of his!  To the point of not believing it for a minute, but he gave me the sweetest compliment!!  True to say, he is the most wonderful, friendly, down to earth guy you will ever meet.  Not just genuinely caring and so gracious of his fans and to his fans! but he really treats them more like a family or special friends than just 'random' strangers.

Bruce was surprised at the reception he received at his first convention and definitely should attend many more.  Let's say London was so privileged to have him here first and for this to be his first one too.  Got a lot to thank JJ Abrams and his casting Bruce as Captain Christopher Pike in the Star Trek movies.  Without that recognition, his fans would've been hard pressed to ever meet him, aside from the lucky ones who already have.

Had a funny time watching Bruce climb onto the stage cos he was 'escorted' the wrong way. He was meant to have been brought from behind the black curtain in true star fashion! Anthony Montgomery compering, decided they should do it again and the proper way, to cheers from the crowd.

Some questions included seven years ago how he got a call about JJ wanting to do Star Trek as a movie and got locked up in the room in LA with a script.  He read it but took tonnes of notes and put them in his pocket and then spoke to JJ.  "One of the best experiences of my life."  Also that Anton is a great chessplayer.

He's open to coming back to the next movie in any way shape or form, "even if they bring my head back in a box."  Adding that Pike's death must be meaningful in such a genre so he can't be brought back straightaway.  It would then seem just too easy to do that if people were killed and then could just return.

He watched the Star Trek show as a kid and went back and watched them again, but he read plenty of books when researching for the JFK role in Thirteen Days.  This involved reading and Star Trek involved watching.

Another question: Who had the biggest bromance of the two films?  "Maybe I didn't witness the biggest bromance...equal opportunity lovefest, to be honest...we were all dressed up in these outfits...get off stage and everybody collapses into their chair...unzip me... we spent  a lot of time undressing each what I meant to say!"

The Talk being only about half an hour, the time was strictly adhered to, but Bruce adding he was going to take a log time to answer the final question, cos they can't get him off stage that easily.  Also, Anthony was eager to have the talk continue cos Bruce really wasn't going anywhere, but it was the organizers that be, you see and plus there was another talk scheduled! So Anthony said he'll be allowed to answer two more questions.

There was me waving like crazy and luckily was in the fourth row at the right end and he saw me. Trying to make the questions as different as possible, seeing as everyone asked about bromance on the set, Pike being a mentor and about Bruce's interaction with the cast of the movie etc.  I asked what he thought of Pike being killed off by Sherlock Holmes?  Getting in Benedict Cumberbatch's name in there too, ha.  Killing two birds with one stone and all the other sayings and cliches that come to mind.

Bruce wasn't sure about how to respond to that.  Even putting on a super Brit accent, luv! Once again he was truly endearing and gracious towards Benedict and working with him, acknowledging how good an actor he really is.  Also wondering why they had Sherlock Holmes in a Star Trek movie to begin with, ha!  SO at least I gave the audience a few more laughs!  Think the ultimate kicker for me, so to speak was that Bruce actually mentioned my name when he saw it was me asking the question.  He couldn't find me at first cos the mic wasn't so good.  Then to hear "Mila" again uttered by his gorgeous voice;  was just so exhilarating.  A fangirl moment but much more than that.  Like watching him all these years, and there have been a lot of years, was leading to this one moment, where I got to share a second where it was just him and me and kinda drowning everyone else out!  It's a huge rush!!

Truly a gifted actor, a superstar in how he treats everyone and so hilarious!  Seeing him in person is a feeling that can't be described, it's like a dream, fate, kismet all rolled into one!  Hope everyone gets the chance to meet him at least once!

For more on Bruce read here:

CSI 14.19 "The Fallen" Review

Debbie Hughes (Scottie Thompson) organizes a shift change and puts her husband, Blake (Mike Faiola) onto the reception desk to deal with the public at LVPD.  After everyone remarking they should get a room, wait they're married so they don't need to, DB (Ted Danson) tells them.  Soon all hell breaks loose, as a teenage boy walks in and pushes into the queue.  Knew what was coming next. He pulls out a gun and shoots Blake, before taking a woman hostage and firing at all the other officers there.  Even shooting Mitch (Larry Mitchell).  He kills one fatally and wounds four others who are rushed to hospital.  The boy enters and takes DB hostage, as well as Jacob (Mark Shively) who is arrested again even after Nick (George Eads) warned him about using lasers on airplanes in the ep??

They have no eyes on him and Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) needs to know what's happening in lockdown. Everyone else is informed of what's happening and Nick and Greg (Eric Szmanda) go over there. Sara (Jorga Fox) heads to the hospital and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) takes over (now why didn't that come as a surprise.)  Sara looks at all the blood at the hospital and finds them working on Mitch.  As Brass sends Debbie to be with her husband who's in surgery.  She tells Sara how she was the cause of him being here since she put him behind the desk, if it was any other day he wouldn't have been there, calling it a domino effect.  Well there's what you'd actually call an admission to being behind it right there.  Didn't trust her anyway (and not cos she was Jeanne in NCIS either!)

Jacob lies bleeding as he was shot by a police bullet and needs a doctor but the boy won't release him. Instead DB manages to talk him into getting a first aid kit after Brass calls and he's allowed to communicate with DB.  He also wants a computer.  Finally they get a picture and sound on the camera feed and Greg volunteers to take the supplies to them, including a bug in the epinephrine. Greg tells DB he got it from his desk, so he knows what's in there.  That being the exact thing the boy picks up.  DB asks him for help with the water bottle and manages to get his fingerprint on there, covered with blood and Nick manages to figure out that there's a print on the bottle which they can scan.  Took a while to do that, hey.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) needs the bullet from Officer Dodd's (Jeff Pierre) DB, which Doc (Robert David Hall) removes, so they can probably match it as well as the gun that the boy dropped on the floor, so they can find out his ID. The bullet doesn't help, but the gun is traced to Arizona, but they don't know how he got hold of it.  The print IDs the boy as Mark Powell (Brenden Meyer) who has a sealed juvvie record.  His mother, Cynthia (Stephanie Michels) is brought in and speaks with him, he's upset that she's here and he realizes DB tricked him into finding out who he is.

Greg and Morgan check out the van he drove here in and find he was living inside it, as well with old blueprints to the building, as well as how to dismantle a gun and put ii together.  They also find e-mails on this computer where he's talking with Lookinglass 49 where they plan an assault on another police station.  He's disgruntled over the police shooting people, such as a homeless man on a park bench.  They don't know what other police station will be attacked.

DB reasons with Mark and talks about his St Christopher cos DB's wife gave him one too.  He lets Jacob leave as his lung is filling with blood and he needs a doctor, he's not a policeman so he shouldn't be here.  His mother tells Nick of how he was close to his neighbour, Elliot, they were like brothers and one day he was shot by the police in a store.  Mark has been in trouble ever since including the vandalism and Nick asks why she didn't do anything when she saw the warning signs.  She said she got him therapy, took him to church and he even went on the police sports programme.  That was another clue.

Greg finds that the e-mails originated in the police station and tells Nick one of the officers was Lookinglass 49.  (The name was a big giveaway cos no man would use that as a name!  Re Alice Through the Looking Glass etc and being associated with vanity.)  Greg has to check 72 terminals and has only done 11.  Of course the trigger happy officer Dolan (Billy Miller) was the one we were supposed to suspect since he wanted to shoot him already and end it all.  DB tells Mark that no one else needs to die today, but as soon as he said that again it was apparent what was going to happen.

He gives up his guns and breaks down in DB's arms cos he wanted DB to kill him cos he couldn't shoot himself, but DB put the gun down.  As they walk out, he reaches for his St Christopher, but the same officer Dolan fires first and the rest follow suit.  Which was a little pointless and crazy since DB knew he didn't have any other weapons.  They find it was Dolan sending the e-mails, but it wasn't him as Sara tells Debbie it was her.  She had a affair with Dolan and she confessed to Sara herself about the dominoes and putting Blake on the desk, this way Mark would come in and shoot him.  She used a 16 year old boy to shoot her husband, but doesn't know why, cos he was beating her, cos he'd never let her go.  Having had an affair with Dolan. Well as said, that was obvious.

 A bit of a hit and miss ep, (no pun) looked like it was trying to ask, do you sympathize with a 16 year old carrying a gun who shoots everything in sight.  Even if he was set up and convinced to do that and his vulnerabilities were preyed upon by someone who should have known better.  The short answer being, it doesn't matter the motive, all killings are wrong.  Especially with what's gone on in   the past with gun crime in the US and is still happening everyday.  With DB saying all he saw was a confused kid, just like his mother did.  That it's not for people to judge but for God and also for God to forgive.  Yet people have to read the warning signs and this ep once again speaks to the issue of gun control.

Secondly, the officers couldn't take him down, but he got off so many rounds and wounded 4, killing 2 in the end.  Why didn't they lift his prints from the gun, clearly he wasn't wearing gloves, so that entire bottle ploy wasn't needed.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Downton Abbey Series 5 Episode 3 Review

As Mary (Michelle Dockery) and Tom Gillingham (Tom Cullen) wake up to breakfast together, she seems very keen on him and having spent the night, well the entire week with him in Liverpool. Later as she leaves for home, they're spied by Sprat of all people!  So it's not long before he breaks the news of seeing her to the Dowager (Maggie Smith) since he was attending his niece's wedding in Liverpool of all places.  Small world.  He inquires as to what Mary was doing there and the Dowager has to make an excuse that she was at a Northern property conference, realizing that wasn't it at all.

She telephones to see Mary the next day, as Rose (Lily James) discusses inviting the Russians over to Downton.  Cora (Elizabeth McGovern) has planned a trip to London to stay with Rosamund and Bricker (Richard E Grant) has invited her to see paintings at the gallery.  The sergeant is still making enquiries and apparently the witness, a young woman has come forward claiming she heard Green talking and asking, "what are you doing here?" to someone.  Green told the staff at Gillingham's house that he wasn't treated badly at Downton and Carson (Jim Carr) says if anyone had anything against him, it would be him since he was rambunctious and in very high spirits which he didn't approve of,  Also that Green told the staff he and Bates (Brendan Coyle) didn't get on.  This worries Mrs Hughes (Phyllis Logan) as she tells Anna (Joanne Froggatt).

Anna wonders if Bates will be implicated and how he would have found out that it was Green.  She seems to be looking to Mrs Hughes for reassurances but she can't help her as she doesn't know where Bates was.  Bates having told the sergeant that he had tea at a hotel and visited a shoe shop when it opened in York.  Also that he had a drink and walked around, having lunch at some pub.  Mrs Hughes worries that someone higher than the sergeant may work out the shop and the hotel were near the station, so he'd still have time to get to London.  Which is what she also discusses with Mary.  But only the three of them know it was Green who attacked Anna (aside from Gillingham too.)

Well it's obvious this was leading to Bates being discovered and it's still surprising that Anna doesn't know Bates is aware it was Green.  Thomas (Rob James-Collier) also makes a phonecall which we don't really know who it was to, as at dinner he only says his father is unwell and he needs some time off work.  Baxter saying she's sorry to hear it since he was good to her, But Thomas doesn't share the same feelings towards him.

Mrs Patmore (Lesley Nichol) is saddened since her sister's son has not been placed on their town memorial and she thinks they night be able to get his name onto the Downtown memorial as a friend of a family member or some such connection.  She'd like her to talk with Carson but he doesn't think it right since he didn't fight with the rest of the men who were willing to give up everything for King and country.  He's deemed unworthy even though he was found to be suffering from shellshock.  This still doesn't move Carson (well nothing does!)  Mrs Patmore isn't happy with his decision, he can sympathize all he likes.  He doesn't even want Robert (Hugh Bonneville) getting involved since, "it's beneath him."

Cora has a memorable time with Bricker at the gallery and even gives her opinions on the paintings which he finds very enlightening.  This is music to Cora's ears cos Robert really just treats her like a chattel, well he does, it's like she's not allowed to have an opinion just cos she's a woman and she's finally waking up to that.  Bricker invites her to dinner with him and she accepts, little knowing that Robert is on his way to surprise her in London.  So when she arrives home after practically being propositioned by Bricker, she finds Robert waiting and angry.  He arranged dinner at Claridge's but cancelled and takes that out on her too as if she knew he was coming down.  Once again putting her down by wondering what possible insight she could have given an artist on art and paintings.

Mrs Drew gives Edith (Laura Carmichael) more grief over Marigold and she refuses to part with her and takes her back from Edith after she's been looking after her for the day.  Drew tells Edith she can't come round anymore for a while, at which she's disheartened and is seen in tears by Anna and Mrs Hughes.  Mary meanwhile gives Anna the book and paper bag for her to keep at her house and Anna thinks it's some sin that she's committing which will come back on her, well probably it will as far as Bates is concerned and he'll get the wrong idea if ever he found that at their house.  He does notices the package and thinks it's a present for him, but she replies it belongs to Mary.

The Dowager works out what Mary has been up to and Spratt asks her if she found Liverpool interesting.  She lectures Mary on how thins were in her day and how woman had to be told what to do when in the bedroom and didn't act upon their physical attractions at all, their mothers told them when to do so.  Which is all so old fashioned to Mary.  But she also displays her doubts to Branson (Allen Leech) about her feelings for Gillingham, which have changed overnight.  Which is what I said in most of the eps I've reviewed.  He's not really what she wants and seems too stuffy even for Mary! Ha.  Branson of course knew she didn't go away to sketch.  He wants her support cos he's thinking of moving to America and also with Bunting (Daisy Lewis) but she doesn't like her either.  Branson believes Edith has something else on her mind but Mary hasn't noticed.  She never does as far as her sister goes.

Speaking of Bunting (let's not) she's there to give Daisy (Sophie McShera) a lesson, but she's too busy preparing for the Russian tea.  Rose inviting her to join them.  Rose needs to stop being so blinkered and doing the wrong thing.  Robert once again is not amused at her being there, especially as she makes a remarks about the Russian aristocracy, which the guest takes offence to. He wants to leave but Cora saves the day by telling them to look at the Russian memorabilia they have which the Dowager and her husband brought back from St Petersburg and the wedding of Queen Victoria's son.  Robert wants Branson to keep Bunting under control.

The Dowager finds a fan that she was given by a Prince and she says that belongs to her, not to Robert's father.  The Prince is actually there and she tells how hot it was in the Palace and he gave it to her.  Obviously he was much enamoured with her and the same it seems for the Dowager, even though she tells Mary she was married and she didn't feel the same way about him, Mary thinks she does understand her "predicament."  Isabel (Penelope Wilton) also remarking on her "secret admirer" and whether she'll be seeing him again.  It seems the Dowager may have a secret after all and may have been too eager to judge Mary, which is what Mary thinks.

Baxter (Raquel Cassidy) is worried about Cora dismissing her and Molesley  (Kevin Doyle) tells her to give her a condition too, tell the story but add she also wants it forgotten afterwards.  It seems she was smitten by some handsome footman who was a horrible man after all, called Coyle and he made her steal the jewels.  He was to meet her but didn't show up and she took the blame for him cos she hated who she'd become and how he had changed her, causing Cora to let her stay.  Cora understanding the effect a man can have on a woman and how she couldn't be in control anymore.  Especially considering Robert's treatment of her in comparison to Bricker.  As well as Cora telling him about her past and how she had a full dance card.  But she doesn't like to talk about herself.

It appears this entire episode revolved around men, what women have done for them, how they're treated by them and how they don't really have much say in their lives for fear of public scrutiny still at that time.  Having very little or no free will, unless you exercise it and then are condemned for it, explaining why it must be kept secret if they do.

That Bates story should reach ahead soon since it has been going on since the last series.  Guess people thought Bates might go to London with Robert and be seen or something.  Think it would have been dangerous for him to volunteer to accompany Robert now.  

Saturday 4 October 2014

Doctor Who 8.7 "Kill the Moon" Review

This time the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) takes Clara (Jenna Coleman) and Courtney (Ellis George) to the moon, Clara finds out he took her on the TARDIS and she was sick.  Now she can has motion sickness pills. Courtney can be the first woman on the moon, which she likes, but she' not.  The TARDIS lands on a shuttle already destined for the moon carrying nuclear bombs.  Which peaks the Doctor's curiosity.  Clara asks if he knows what's wrong with the moon and he replies it's put on weight.  The Doctor uses his yoyo and finds he can still use it, they're meant to be floating around. Also announcing himself as an alien.  The rest of the shuttle's crew investigate the moon, whilst the others are chased by some enormous spider like creature.

The token extra crew is killed and the spider finds its way into the shuttle.  Courtney gets separated from the others and is able to climb the walls.  As the spider approaches, she kills it with the disinfectant she's brought with her.  "Kills 99% of all known germs dead," as those TV ads tell us. The Doctor realizing she's onto something, working out that's what it is, a germ, bacteria.  Heading out to find the source of the weight of the moon and why it's disintegrating, the Doctor finds there are plenty more spiders in the rock.  It's multiplying and living on the moon.  He goes down the hole and Courtney is sent back to the TARDIS to be safe as she wants to go back home.  Lundvik (Hermione Norris) asks if he'll return and Clara is sure if he says he will, then he will.  Watch this later, as he does return but then disappears again, with consequences.

The shuttle sinks into the hole and they head back to base.  He also returns and has found that the moon is actually an egg.  There's a baby growing inside of it, but it will cause the earth harm unless they destroy it.  Therein lies the dilemma, do they destroy it or let it live.  They can't decide and Clara needs to know what he thinks and if he can help.  He uttering that today is a good day for mankind. Just to make sure we get some more Eleventh Doctor lines in.  You know, lines like this (and others, like "today is not a good day to die.  Ahh Matt!"  The Doctor leaves them to sort it out for himself so it was timely that Courtney brought the TARDIS there and joined them.  Clara doesn't know what to do, but then she decides along with Courtney that it's a baby, so they need to save it.  Lundvik doesn't agree, so she decides to detonate the bombs.  Once the sequence starts only the button will stop it. Clara still debates this since they can't kill a baby, whether or not it causes them any harm.

Lundvik contacts earth and is told the situation is dire.  Clara intercedes and asks the earth what it thinks, leave the lights on to save the baby or lights off to kill it.  Obviously they're fickle human beings who will always put their own lives first and gradually the lights begin to turn off, leaving the earth in darkness.  Thus this ep should've been entitled the "darker side of earth," cos some things never really change do they.  So much for embracing new life and other beings, say an alien Doctor.

Lundvik wants to die there anyway as she knows she will and just as Clara pushes the button to stop the countdown, the Doctor arrives back at the same time.  He takes them back to earth and shows them the baby being born and flying away.  The waves are still there and he says earth in the future where mankind is still making advances.  A new moon takes its place as the Doctor calls it and so it will grow to have another baby and then so on.  He sends Lundvik back to NASA, so she can be the first woman on the new moon and returns Clara and Courtney back to school.

This doesn't rest easy with Clara and she is angry to the point of tears with him.  She doesn't like how he treated her, he didn't give her a choice to make up her own mind, that's not what she wanted.  This is their earth, their planet and he breathes their air.  She sends him packing and doesn't want to see him anymore.  He knew what would happen and he wanted her to decide for herself, the fate of her own planet.  She's clearly angry and finds solace in Danny (Sam Anderson).  He's seen that look in her eyes when he left the army, he didn't want to but he had to.  She thinks she's made the right decision as the Doctor's now back to being all alone.  She returns home and there's no TARDIS in the house.  How long will that last?

Seems that Clara is finally taking control of her destiny in some ways as she tells the Doctor how she feels at his treatment of her in no uncertain terms.  A far cry from Doctor Eleven.  He knew exactly how to save humanity over and over and didn't really have that many qualms about it.  This Doctor is making no bones about it and seems to be saying humanity be damned, he's done enough saving and it's time someone took their own initiative and took that mantle away from him, cos at the end of the day he is only an alien!  Though he does mention he's of superior intellect.  Have to feel a little sad for him for the pelting Clara gave him, but he did deserve it, didn't he.  Especially when she said she'll smack him and he'll begin to regenerate again.  He's been saving humankind for all these years, an eternity to him and more and now he decides he'll pike out and leave it up to humanity itself. Since when has that ever been a good idea. So trying to get away from his emotional side and into portraying a more frightening, non-caring, abrasive side.

Plenty of allusions I thought to most every moon ep done in the show (let's face it, there have been quite a few in season/series 5, Day of the Moon etc.  As well as Closing Time.)  This one seems to be alluding to many other eps especially in its lines and speeches.  Having written this, it all makes sense as this ep was originally written for Matt Smith and perhaps once again it was trying to show Doctor Eleven's dark side, a little.  He did have his dark moments which all added to the character he brought out in the Doctor and would have made a fitting dent in their relationship, with Clara perhaps taking a definite step back in their friendship.  Then again if it was meant to have been written with Clara in mind and not Amy.

David Tennent's Tenth Doctor went to the moon and found Martha Jones for the first time.  Thought this ep had a bit of The Beast Below going on in it again, as he talks about the living creature inside it.  Oh and let's not go into the number of times and episodes that spacesuit has been recycled and used, especially for Doctors Ten and Eleven! ha.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

CSI 14.18 "Uninvited" Review

A supposedly normal family is shown in their house at dinner and then mysteriously disappear .
30 days Later.  The house is empty and inside they find an unconscious man.  He hit his head and fell.  So he would've bled to death if the little girl selling chocolate bars hadn't found him.  He's Doug (Nico Nicotero) and is an addict with a criminal record.  He tells them the family found him and brought him home to work for him.  The son, Ethan (Robby Rassmussen) picked him up at the minimart for odd jobs around the house and they even let him stay there.  They asked him to dig trenches for the sprinklers in the garden.  Greg (Eric Szmanda) processes him and Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) is convinced he knows the whereabouts of the Connor family, since he's their suspect. Well, not mine though.

Finn (Elisabeth Shue) finally gets to work her blood analysis expertise at the CS, so I was a little hasty in saying last ep she doesn't do that anymore.  But she still looked so smug and she's always laughing.  She finds the blood spatter is concentrated in one area on the floor, but then there's blood spatter and cast off veering in different directions.  Some of it is facing downwards on the cabinets, which means it didn't belong to Doug.  There's also some on the ceiling and Nick (George Eads) finds a curtain missing from the window, the remaining curtain also has a missing tieback.  Finn throws Nick out so she can use the luminol and doesn't want him trampling on evidence.

Outside Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) finds the window pane has new caulking on it and Nick notices the pane of glass has been replaced.  He also notices some red stain on the mat outside, which could be blood.  Nick speaks with the neighbour, Madge (Edie McClurg) who tells him that she thought the family were moving as there was a large storage truck out there.  As well as seeing Doug there too, she thought he was a relative.  She gives him the name of the removal company.  Las Vegas Consignments.  Doug tells Brass he ran out of money for food and as he didn't get paid, he sold off some furniture and then gradually sold off more of it. He didn't tell the police about the family, cos he'd be accused.  They left in their blue SUV and didn't come back.

Nick manages to track down the furniture and it's brought back, DB (Ted Danson) told them about the blood spatter for the reluctant ones who wouldn't give it up.  Also noticing the poker in the fireplace is missing in the set.  Finn also finds a whole lot of blood concentrated in the middle of the room and then drag marks going towards the back door, so a DB was dragged out.  Morgan uses ground penetration radar and finds the family dog buried in the garden with its throat cut.

Morgan does a search of the dumpsters and finds a storage receipt.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) telling her he keeps a recycling diary, detailing how much he recycles.  He wished people would recycle more cos landfill is getting full up with too much waste that can be recycled.  Yeah, you hear! The storage is in Doug's name.  He tell them he didn't go there and it's not him in the photo. Obviously it's not him as he's got his head down and wears a hat.  He's not the only one who wears plaid either.  Brass tells him he knew Ethan as they were in the same hospital together, as Ethan was in hospital when his car brakes were cut, but Ethan doesn't even recall him.  The obvious giveaway being that Ethan knew him and so Ethan becomes a suspect now.

Brass interviews Dwight's (Adam Lieberman) boss, Marvin Braxton (Robert Davi) who imports from Columbia ad his company has been accused of money laundering.  He says Dwight stole money from him and it's in his personal account.  Dwight was CFO for him and the money is still there.  At the storage facility Finn and Morgan find the SUV and blood in the back, as well as Dwight's DB.  It's mummified and has been there a long time.  Morgan matches DNA from the blood to a female, so it could have been the wife, Claire (Kenda Benward) in the back, which still leaves open what happened to the children.  Morgan notices tar on the side of the car, so he possibly drove through a newly tarred road and was made to dump the DBs before being brought here.

Doc (Robert David Hall) finds he was beaten, blunt force trauma being the COD.  Hodges finds debris from the car which is red in colour indicating Red Rock canyon, after talking about the reptilian Mesozoic era.  Morgan calls the Department of Transport and they find which road has been tarred recently.  Using ground penetrating radar again, Morgan finds a possible DB.  It's a woman wrapped in their own curtain from the house and they assume it to be Claire.  Doc autopsies her and Finn notices the IAD she's wearing.  Which is unusual since she had a hysterectomy.  The woman was beaten and is identified as Jessica Fenton (Tina Casciani) She works in IT and on her computer, Nick finds a sex tape with Dwight.  It's apparent she was recording that as she looks straight at the camera.  Sh also put the money into Dwight's account.

They assume that Claire found out and invited her to the house, where she beat her up.  Thus it was her in the chair and not Dwight.  They decided to cover her death up.  But then if she hadn't gotten carried away with beating her, she could have claimed self defence since she was stalking her. There's also DNA found Dwight's his fingernails which belongs to Ethan.  Which is what I said, then I changed my mind and said both the children did it and boy was I right (as usual, ha!)  Then later changed my mind again.  It could have been all Heather (Leah Bateman).

Morgan finds Jessica's credit card was used in two places in Arizona, once to buy bus tickets for the family and to check into a motel.  Here the police find Heather and Brass interviews her.  She says she didn't report them since she didn't want to get them into trouble.  Her family isn't perfect but they ruined her life.  See, it's all about her, which makes me think she killed the father too.  She says it wouldn't have happened if he "kept it in."  Cos Ethan was also sleeping with the mistress.  So she could be referring to both of them. They left for a movie she says and she hasn't seen them since. Yeah cos after everything that happened, you'd really wanna go see a movie.  That look she gave and her entire demeanour changed when she said they ruined her life.  As the camera pans into the canyon and the DB's of both Ethan and the mother buried underground.

They did stringing in this ep, finally, I love the stringing aspect of it.  It's just so interesting.  DB resorting to using the old protractor to measure the angles of the blood.  Also finding that the husband was probably subdued with the curtain tieback and then beaten with the poker, as he'd be the first to be taken care of.  Lots of clues here telling you that this wasn't the perfect family, as DB thinks they were.  A beautiful wife and children doesn't automatically mean perfect family.  Nick also pointing out that they're all doing separate things in their photos, except for the one family photo together, which realistically looking at it, hides a lot of secrets.

Well this ep was a repeat in terms of storyline in some ways to the CSI ep 1.7 Blood Drops, where the entire family was killed and the daughter, Tina did it, which is what I said when watching. Turns out the daughter did it again here.  As well as the ep in CSI:Miami when the entire family was killed once again, but the daughter survived.  Though she wasn't the killer.  Gosh my brain/mind works so laterally doesn't it, thinking back so far! Ha.  Then again I like making those sorts of connections and allusions.

Henry (Jon Wellner) returned in this ep but Sara was missing again.  Liked the way in which Greggie was adept in accusing Doug as he's done in the past.  So very dedicated of him.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Downtown Abbey Series 5 Episode 2 Review

Following hot on the heels (ha) of the last ep Jimmy (Ed Speleers) says his goodbyes to Thomas (Rob James-Collier) after being fired for his night with Lady Anstruther.  He's sad to be leaving cos they made headway as friends and he can't believe that he could be friends with someone like Thomas.  Thomas tells him to write, but he's not much into that.  You can feel sorry for Thomas here, losing his one and only friend, but that won't last long since he'll be up to his antics in no time.  As he later shows with Baxter  (Raquel Cassidy) once again, when he says she'll get hers.  With Molesley (Kevin Doyle) coming to her rescue once more. Later Thomas even tells Mosley that she's a thief, which changes things for him about her. But he says what I did last ep review, that he believes there's more to her story than just outright theft. She also tells Moseley this and the same to Cora (Elizabeth McGovern).  But she's not having any of it.  Cora's keeping her on but she doesn't know why.

Lady Rose (Lily James) asks Robert (Hugh Bonneville) if he'll get a wireless for Downton, but he's reluctant.  Also there's talk of an art expert, Simon Bricker (Richard E Grant) coming to visit them here as he wants to see some painting they have.  He will be touring with Charles Blake (Julian Ovenden) and Cora thinks she should invite Charles too, as he'll know how to control him.  Mary (Michelle Dockery) says if she needs her then she'll be here but only until Tuesday.  As we know she has a week's rendezvous planned with Tony Gillingham (Tom Cullen).  For which she enlists Anna's (Joanne Froggatt) help in buying her female contraceptives.  She's been reading up on it in Maria Stopes's book and Anna is reluctant to be her partner in crime.  Well that's okay if Anna gets recognized, she is after all married.  Once again, we get Anna being a part of her cover ups, so to speak, first it was Pemouk in series 1 and now it's her dalliances with Gillingham.  Makes you wonder what the wealthy got up to with some much time on their hands.  I digress, of course.

Anna does feel self conscious and ashamed when she's at the store and the woman shopkeeper judging her by saying, well if it's for health reasons, but that's fine then.  But the show trying to reinforce that a woman should have the right to choose what she wants to do, or needs to do, without being judged and most of all by men.  Though Anna changes her mind about this when she says the same, whether she has eight children or not, she shouldn't be treated like this.  There's Mary traipsing off for a week and leaving her son here without his mother.  Not that she takes an active interest in him as a mother either.  But those were the days, as they say.

Daisy (Sophie McShera) is frustrated at not getting anywhere with her study and Mrs Patmore (Lesley Nichol) gets the idea to get Cry Baby Bunting (Daisy Lewis) to help her out and teach her.  Much to our chagrin and Robert's too.  Especially when he finds out she's here and Rose thinks she should invite her to dinner.  Luckily Bunting refuses otherwise there'd be more hell to pay. However dinner with Bricker doesn't go as planned as Branson (Allen Leech) and Robert manage to bicker over the Russian royal family being assassinated and how Branson doesn't agree with his views when he brings up Charles I being killed.  Robert didn't kill Charles and Branson says he didn't kill the Russian royal family either.

Bricker manages to talk to Cora about his "escapades" only just (was that as the Pimpernel?  Cos this was a Scarlet Pimpernel reunion for Richard E Grant and Elizabeth McGovern.)  He looks at the painting and lo and behold they even talk about the French revolution! I rest my case, ha.  All the while he's flirting with Cora, which Robert doesn't notice.  Infact later in bed when they're arguing over Branson and how bunting is changing him and he's going back to his old ways, he mentions Simon Bricker was flirting with Isis, the dog, but didn't even notice anything with Cora!  Robert adding that if Branson moves away, Sibby will be staying here since he's not losing their eldest grandchild.

What about the one they don't even know about, Marigold.  Tim (Andrew Scarborough) attempted to get Edith (Laura Carmichael) to visit with her more and maybe she could become godmother to her. Which she agrees with, but there's stark dissension from his wife who wants Marigold to herself claiming she's part of the family now and not a foundling.  Edith discusses with Robert and Cora how she'd like to care for her and provide for her using the money from her articles and also from her trust.  Slowly finding some way to being her to Downton.  Even suggesting she can play with George and Sibby.  Of course it seems his wife thinks the baby might be his and Edith's. Even so, you know the truth will out eventually.

The Dowager (Maggie Smith) still trying to get Isabel (Penelope Wilton) and Merton (Douglas Reith) away from her altogether.  Well this is a silly storyline cos last ep she was adamant that she should stop seeing him and this ep she tells Isabel he's invited them to his house.  Dr Clarkson (David Robb) thinking a tour of the garden is a good thing, but in the Summer.  Oh and insulin has been discovered too, so there'll be less deaths from diabetes.  Merton it appears is lost without a woman and a woman's touch when they talk about the room at his house and how it was decorated by his mother.  He wants to pick Isabel's brains about medicine.  At one point Isabel even suggests that Merton is vying for the Dowager's affections and not hers.  Yet it appears the Dowager is an expert in knowing when a man is after her!

Anna tries to be friendly with Thomas cos she knows he's missing Jimmy which sours when Bates (Brendan Coyle) walks in.  Bates having told him earlier that he's not interested in anything he has to say.  The Committee would like to plant the War memorial in the cricket ground and Robert is against that.  Carson (Jim Carter) is all for it, but Mrs Hughes (Phyllis Logan) tells him she'd prefer somewhere in the town where people can look at it and pay their respects everyday.  Carson disagrees but he doesn't like it when he and Mrs Hughes aren't on the same page.  During a visit to the village with Robert, Carson changes his mind when they meet a woman whose husband died in the War and she brings her son to his grave so that he doesn't forget him.  Well that got Carson and Mrs Hughes back in agreement then.

A policeman turns up and Thomas brings him in with Carson adding his scaremongering didn't work. He's here to find out about Green and a witness has come forward about the incident.  Of course, Mrs Hughes had to be there to listen in.  Mary and Gillingham meet for their rendezvous and she thinks they should use assumed names.  He doesn't agree as they won't have to lie about the truth.  Mary doesn't even want Gillingham, it's so plain to see.  Even if her reason for the rendezvous is so she can find a husband and marry without ever getting divorced.
Oh and Robert gets the wireless when Rose tells him the King will be making a speech when he opens the Empire exhibit.

I think they have gone as far as they can with the storylines in this show, no really, it's all about how the times they are a changing, but Robert and Carson are set in their ways and on't want that. Whereas the women are more open to it, such as Mrs Hughes, Cora, Rose and obviously Mary with her tryst. Yet it's apparent they will come down to earth and reality with a massive thump, especially whee news of Mary gets out and also of Edith and her baby.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Doctor Who 8.6 "The Caretaker" Review

As the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) continue their adventures, she has to juggle being with him and turning up for dates with Danny Pink (Samuel Anderson).  The Doctor's setting up to get to a secret location and he won't let her see where it is.  When she leaves, he pinpoints East London, specifically Clara's school, Coal Hill.  He arrives at their staff meeting and is introduced as John Smith, the replacement caretaker, the other one has been taken ill, hypnotized by the Doctor to think he's ill.  Clara is shocked to see him and later goes back to ask what he's doing here.  Well, saving the planet of course. from the Skovoz Blitzer.  Really that was just a plot point, as the real underlying crux of this ep was the Doctor meeting Clara's boyfriend and getting it hopelessly wrong. Cos he thinks she's going out with Adrian (Edward Harrison) er, Adrian who was the Eleventh Doctor's reincarnation if ever there was one.  So naturally he would approve of her seeing him.  You know bow tie 'n' all, and the Matt Smith hair - well - almost!

He dislikes Danny from the outset as he's just a soldier and calls him a PE teacher too, not a Maths teacher.  Cue lots of references to PE, such as swimming certificates and the offside rule (probably a reference to the episode The Lodger, where the Eleventh Doctor played footie and since the episode was co-written by Gareth Roberts, who also wrote The Lodger and well just to prove his point, Danny does a somersault at the end just to save Clara.  Of course before all that, we get the pupils knowing there's something going on between the two and the Doctor going round the school planting devices so he can reel in the Blitzer and send it into the future.  Even climbing the ladder to her classroom to tell her that she's got Jane Austen's year of when she wrote Pride and Prejudice wrong, He read the book and the bio and it's int he back.  As well as cleaning off, "Ozzie loves Squaddie" from the window, but being oblivious to what it means.  (Oswald loves Danny - which she comes out and admits here, though perhaps she wasn't meant to.)

The Skovoz Blitzer, however has blasted a policeman to smithereens and is on the move to the school.  That's why the doctor is ready for it.  Of course Danny messes it up for him cos the devices he plants in the drain (well he didn't find that one) the plants etc, he removes and ends up in the hall just as the Blitzer makes it appearance.  With Danny being there to ensure he sees it being drawn into the vortex created by the Doctor with some very quick thinking. With Clara having to be there too. Thus Danny knowing that Clara already knows the Doctor from before and that he's not a caretaker. She tells him he's an alien, but she isn't, she's still from Blackpool and so hasn't lied to him.

The Doctor shows him the TARDIS and that he's got three days now to prepare for the Blitzer and has to come up with another plan to destroy it.  It's for time travel and that's whats he also does. Giving Danny and Clara the chance to have a heart to heart in terms of her not being honest with him and how she loves him.  Thought here wasn't much said from Danny or the Doctor when Clara blurts out in the school, that she loves him!  No reaction at all!  Anyway she says she does love The Doctor but not like that.  Suppose the other comical moment was when Danny thinks he's her father and the Doctor replies he's not cos they're of similar ages!

Anyway as the Doctor builds a new contraption along the lines of the Ghostbusters backpack!  He's interrupted by the "disruptive influence," Courtney (Ellis George) and she spies the TARDIS and he shows her inside.  Will he be hypnotizing her to forget what she's seen.  He's like that too, that she's disruptive like him, so he shakes her hand, but wants her to get lost now.  So Blitzer returns early than calculated and on Parents Evening of all nights and the Doctor isn't ready but he uses Clara as a diversion giving her the Sonic to ensure it stays away from the hall.  Danny following to help her. Thus the Doctor tries to get the backpack onto his back and to send the Blitzer into space, but he's not ready.  Instead the Blitzer commands itself onto self destruct mode.  So Danny becomes a decoy, somersaults over it and the Doctor has a chance to abort it from self destructing and to follow his order and shutdown.

Clara giving Danny the invisible watch earlier, so he can come inside the TRADIS, did she really think the Doctor wouldn't be aware of his presence.  Causing Danny to reveal himself when he tells Clara they should take a quick trip somewhere, like the frozen Thames and will be back in time for the Blitzer.  That's when Danny reveals himself saying he already knew of Danny' presence, that's why he wanted Clara to leave with him.  But then there was that whole scene with Danny thinking that his being a Time Lord was some sort of reference to aristocracy and how he served under such men.  Calling the Doctor, "Sir" and following his orders, "Sir."  Such animosity in that scene, cos as Danny says, he realizes the Doctor doesn't think he's good enough for her.  But he will try to be.

Danny telling Clara she has to be honest with him since she's so eager to go with the Doctor everywhere.  She did what he wanted without even being afraid and she replies she trusts him.  "He's never let me down" ever.  But he needs her to tell him as he wants to be there to help her.
Oh and that policeman, well he ended up, you know where, heaven, the promised land, the afterlife. But Missy was a little busy so couldn't talk with him, so had Seb (Chris Addison) deal with him.  A little busy for what we wonder and also how long this teasing will drag out.

This was an average sort of an ep, I didn't find it that engrossing aside the funny moments and banter between the Doctor and Clara, like her coming up with the Blitzer being a play they're rehearsing for the Summer feat, this episode wasn't that exciting.  Just enough character driven moments, but even that bordered on the edge of repetition with Danny mentioning honesty and Clara having to be honest with him a few too many times.  Why does Clara need someone to protect her and be there for her all of a sudden, when she managed fine all this time.  It just doesn't seem right.  Also why do we have to have romance in the show. We had Amy and Rory I know, but they were made for each other.  It just seems Clara has been given this dating storyline cos she no longer feels for he Doctor in the same way she did for the Eleventh Doctor.  As long as we get some other reason behind it, other than the two of them just going off into the sunset and getting married, I'll put up with it.

Some funny lines here, like having to clean up spillages and puddles.  As well as having lived with a family of otters before.  "I lived among otters once for a month."  Now if that wasn't a direct reference to Benedict Cumberbatch, well in my mind it was! Ha.   Also that music was also bordering on Sherlock when the Doctor was sneaking round the school and planting the devices.  I said 'bordering' okay!  Clara also mentioning that his name is Pink and we met the future Orson Pink, even looking like him, which the Doctor replies he didn't look like him.  As well as his telling Clara she's washed and Clara sitting in front of her three mirrors, saying she can't continue doing this, then saying she can.

Looks like we're not going to be moving away from Matt Smith anytime soon with the number of references to the Eleventh Doctor!  Shall just weep in the corner then!!

But the Doctor does recall him and River and having a fight.  The Doctor mentioning the Fish People from The Underwater Menace.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Ghost Adventures Bringing The Paranormal and Supernatural Home

There are those of us who believe in many phenomena, such as past lives, unexplained events, the paranormal and even the existence of ghosts.  Subjected to years of ridicule and mockery from the sceptics (skeptics) and non believers.  Yet there are many events which happen to people which can't be explained.  They may be seen as coincidences, or as some would say, 'explained away easily by science.'  But science can't explain everything.  Not that I want to sit here and write out any 'detailed scienific' data or exposition.  Although it can be said, the starting point is that there are things, events which can't be disproved in the normal scientific way, but can be explained using scientific data or equipment to help in analysis.  Thus science and faith or belief can go hand in hand, as opposed to people, such as sceptics or scientists saying it's a separate matter and anything gathered cannot be explained or proven.  In some ways, it cannot be adequately disproved either.

Whereas science would have contradicted such findings, debunked them even, it is now at the forefront of proving what people could only talk about once upon a time and be treated with suspicion and as outcasts.

Believing in the paranormal or the unexplained was always thought of as an 'other worldly' concept, that only other cultures, those more primitive or backward would even consider existed.  As said, they would form the subjects of joking and ridicule by those who profess to be in the know and on top of everything.  If there's no proof, it doesn't exist. Even after documented evidence, people still wouldn't, don't believe. Preferring to find other reasons for what may have taken place or of what they've experienced.  Listening to their 'excuses' for not giving in and admitting they may have had a paranormal experience just makes them sound more ludicrous, non sensical and sometimes even grasping at straws.  Peoples' superstitions breed suspicion by those who have no faith from the outset and closed minds.  Feeling they are the voice of reason and sanity and that in today's so-called modern world, there is no room for such beliefs.  Which is nothing more than a step back to the Medieval times and beyond.  The world has moved on since then, or at least civilization has, and really there isn't that room for such doubts anymore.

The supernatural, paranormal has always been of interest to us, not cos we've actually had an experience ourselves, meaning my siblings. But our father did and that's why it's something that is close to us, but it's not the entire reason for believing.  You may recall my Supernatural book for the TV show Dudes and Demons: An Unofficial and Unauthorized Guide to Supernatural (well the less said about that the better, wasn't happy with the way it turned out for many reasons) but if you've read it then you'll remember where I wrote about my father who had an experience. Which I didn't mention in much detail.

With so many myths, legends, urban legends, explored in Supernatural itself, especially the early seasons, it was bound to catch on. Building on our curiosity and the need to find out more.  Separate the fact from the fiction and the myths and the legends from reality.

                                          Love the pose!

SO when Ghost Adventures (GA) came along, it was bound to catch on.  (On Travel Channel in the Us and Really TV in the UK). I blame my sis for getting me hooked.  For one thing it's done eps which have been mentioned in Supernatural, at least I've referred to the places in my book.  Like Myrtles Plantation, which was alluded to in Supernatural episode 2.11 Playthings, along with the hotel being haunted by the ghost of a dead child.  (The Hotel being similar to the one out of Stephen King's The Shining).  This episode also featured creepy dolls for those who have an intense aversion to them, hey Zak.  Don't watch this episode.

Dean: "Wow! This is a lotta dolls. Er, they're nice, they're not super-creepy at all..."  Loving the sarcasm!

But I always said the nanny did it! Anyway, also rating a mention in my book, Dudes and Demons, was Carolands and Magnolia Plantation. Also covered in GA.
Ok, it was meant to be 'hanged' but don't read too much into it, hanged, hung! ha.
Also when I did research on the hauntings, it came up with the name 'Woodruffe' and not 'Winter' as mentioned in GA. Hmm...?  [Goes back to books and Internet!] yes I was right it was Clark Woodruffe, he was the one who had the mistress, Chloe. Winter was the one whose daughter, Katie, died.

 I think it's good to actually get confirmation of ghosts, spirits; something you've read about or heard of, given credibility. Hearing it from others and seeing it, reaffirms the fact that you're not crazy or still living in the days where anything remotely strange would automatically mean 'death by drowning' and be labelled an outcast, a lunatic or witch.  Not that any justification is required for whatever people choose to believe in.  We all have the intelligence (or at least most of us do) to make up our minds and decide for ourselves what w e believe in or what we don't.  No one needs to make fun of it, or put others down.

Supernatural was ten years ago, GA was ten years ago too, or I should say, the documentary Nick and Zak and Aaron filmed was ten years ago; my father passing away will also be ten years this October, so even if some of us only just discovered the show like us, I guess there could be a little bit of fate involved in that too, or make of it what you will.

Funny though when watching some eps of GA how I always get a feeling of deja vu for some reason. I don't know, can't put my finger on why, but then I hear what some of their EVPs they capture are saying, the ones they can't quite decipher and it just comes to me,  Everyone's said that and I don't know if it's cos I've got  a good ear or something.  Anyway, The Excalibur Nightclub/Bachelor Grove Cemetery ep when Zak got that EVP where they couldn't make out the first word, I am so sure the voice said, "Zak's coming."  Well it didn't say, hack, ha.  No, seriously it was that cos others have agreed, unless I was hearing things and no I didn't have Zakky on the brain either! Ha.   Which in some ways could explain why they didn't catch anything in the nightclub itself.  All the spirits were warned off.  Even more likely since that's where Zak grew up and lived for a long time, going to high school in Chicago too.  You may not agree with me, but I don't believe in coincidences, not anymore at any rate.

Maybe it's my day job (yeah as opposed to my night job, which is writing, ha) but I always seem to make such inferences or allusions.  Just like the Remington Arms Factory when they inspected the factory during the day, but when they returned for their lockdown, that step on the stair was 'curiously' missing now, eg broken or whatever.  I didn't view that as a coincidence since no one else was in the building.  Anyway to me if you can't discuss, debate or tear to shreds what you've been watching, then there's not really any point in watching.  For me, it's not about watching and then a case of 'out of sight or out of mind', or in through one ear or out the other.  I have to question, draw inferences, that's just me.  Otherwise I don't see any point in watching.  That goes for anything I watch.

Did I tell you the funny dream I had about Zak (no I don't dream about him at all) maybe his voice. I think he has the most perfect, mesmerizing voice! It's so appropriate for his 'calling.'  Very powerful and commanding, but at the same time, extremely reassuring too. Probably wrong use of words, but never mind.  That's why I keep saying he should bring out an audio book of his NY Times best selling book Dark World: Into the Shadows with the Lead Investigator of  The Ghost Adventures Crew by Zak Bagans and Kelly Crigger (2011) Or at least any audio book.

Anyway dream, yes that there were all these dolls around, miniatures in a swampy area like a jungle and he was surrounded by them, suddenly they weren't dolls but miniature people who somehow changed into multicolours!  Oh and hey this was way before I found out about Zak's foray to Island of the Dolls (Islas de las Munecas) in Mexico!
I don't know, would you call things like that uncanny.  Hand on heart that's exactly how it happened.

Strange, unexplained things do happen to people. The day my father passed away, it was like I almost felt that moment. Not almost, but actually did, even though I was miles away in Kansas.  I felt a sudden pain in my heart (and no it wasn't indigestion!!) and that was unusual.  Then got the feeling something was wrong.  SO I called home, but there was no answer and I couldn't get a hold of any of my family.  That was strange, cos it was a time when my mother would have been at home.   I still get told by some that I didn't feel that or it never happened.  But he died of cardiac arrest, so to me, that's something that did happen and is personal to me since it was most definitely at the same time. Which is coming up to ten years now.

Or the time I fell down the stairs at home, yes 6 steps, couldn't believe it. We've all fallen down the longer staircase, but not this one.  It seriously felt like someone pushed me from behind, or my imagination on overtime, then our house isn't haunted, cos my mother has a sixth sense about these things, so maybe it was just one of those clumsy moments, not that I'm clumsy.  Oh and no I wasn't wearing heels either!

"Trying to explain the unexplained can be a very hard thing to do.  But when you can explain it that's when it becomes deep."
Perhaps this is a quote, rather it was one of Zak's tweets, which aptly also sums up the Goldfield Hotel and the Old Washoe Club, where there was paranormal proof of those spirits and strange goings on, even before the guys got there.  It was ample justification for them for proving their theories and that the paranormal should and could be taken seriously.  Even if sceptics will still shake their heads.  Never say never right.  I love the way that Zak always asks the pertinent question of " has that made you believe in ghosts now, or the existence of ghosts?"  It's just giving so much credibility and confirmation to what they've been doing for years.   Though someone one day may come out and say, 'no!' Re Union Station ep.  Be they part of the stone tape theory, residual or intelligent spirits caught on film and EVPs, such findings can no longer be ignored or brushed to one side.

Yet even before their TV show, the best proof Zak, Nick and Aaron got was from their 2004 documentary they filmed at the Old Washoe Club ballroom and more specifically The Goldfield Hotel.  They had nothing to lose and lots to gain.  Nothing to prove to anyone that is, no money involved, no contracts.  (Not that it ever was or still is about the money or fame!) It was just off the bat 'simple' investigation to show what they believe in. That when you look hard enough, long enough and in the right places, you will always be rewarded.  Even if no one still believed at that time even after their clear capture of an apparition, there was still the credibility of their other investigations after that to build up on this one.

Someone asked if it looks like their show is staged, especially when you get Zak, Nick or Aaron being affected by what they're experiencing in their lockdowns.  How can it be staged?  Why would they stage it, it's ten years of credibility, and reputation that's been built up and to fake a show is to lose all of that.  They are not the type of guys who would even contemplate messing up something that is so dear to them, especially dear to Nick's and Zak's heart.  From his experiences in that Michigan apartment of his, which meted out his destiny and ours too, to a degree, in watching him fulfill and follow that destiny, to everything that came after was like everything was leading to all this phenomenal, definitive evidence!

A fave quote of mine: "I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by and by my Soul return'd to me,
And answer'd 'I Myself am Heav'n and Hell'."   
Omar Khayyam

Diner: "Waiter there's something manifesting in my soup."
Waiter; "Well let me spirit it away." Groan, or rather moans! (My joke, circa: school years!)

All joking aside, the show has gone from strength to strength and after ten seasons, it's still gripping.  A huge thank you for making it what is is.   Zak Bagans, Nick Groff, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, Jay Wasley and everyone else!  This piece is dedicated to all those involved!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

CSI 14.17 "Long Road Home" Review

After appearing at a concert, a woman's DB is found stabbed inside a stretch limo, yeah, an extra stretch limo.  Sara (Jorga Fox) investigates and finds she has so much blood on her but there's not enough in the limo, so she was killed somewhere else, as is always the case.  DB (Ted Danson) comments about The Who dumping a limo in the pool and there are lots of refs to songs and groups. Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) and Greg (Eric Szmanda) collect evidence from the limo and she finds a rider being used as a cocaine tune.  This contains the demands of the group, such as bottles of beer, green organic gumdrops.  Greg also finds a necklace with the name 'Tangerine' on it.  Greg also comments on the statue of the Hindu God Shiva - God of fertility, so they have "sex, drugs and rock n roll."

Nick (George Eads) speaks with the limo driver, Mike (Nick Nalarza) who had alcohol poisoning and found his limo was gone and he mentions Tangerine, the prostitute and the groupie in the limo was Marcy.  The band was rehearsing for a gig.  The DB has a signature on her chest area and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) comments she must have known the rock star really well for the autograph to be placed there.  She can barely work out the initial is a 'G' and nothing else.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) has found out the signature for her, which was on a guitar pick and it's a 'GS' belonging to Gene Simmons from the group KISS.  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) questions him and he says he wasn't even in the limo.  They were part of a 'Fame Experience', where people pay to behave like rock stars with him.

Nick and Sara arrive at the location where they speak with Marty Kirch (Michael Des Barres) who owns the Experience.  He says he found the place trashed like that when he came in the morning. Marcy was hired to be the groupie, but she's a good girl and he thinks of her like a daughter.  He wants to know where she is, but he doesn't know who Tangerine is.  They analyze the CS and Sara finds the blood spatter where Marcy was killed.  Nick also finds the round shaped blood spatter with gravatational blood spots leading to it.

Brass questions Arnold (Joshua Biton) one of the three who were playing in the band.  He was playing guitar and he got wild, smashing the guitar and the things around him.  The whole thing was Lex's (Paul Greene) idea, the drummer and he paid for it all.  He also IDs the knife that Nick found at the CS as belonging to Lex.  He's missing and didn't return to his hotel last night, along with Tangerine, so they suspect he's the killer.  Finn questions Ed (Jamie Kennedy) who was into the drugs, but didn't kill anyone.  Stating that Lex got both girls and they ended up with nothing, but there's plenty more fish in the sea.  So clearly he's not bitter about it, which rules him out as a suspect. Also adding that a record label was interested in signing Lex.

Lex's bank statements show he received money from the record label, but Greg says there was nothing but the charges from the Brimstone, where they were staying.   Hearing some noise from the garage, they find Nick playing drums and creating the odd blood spatter they find.  If there was blood on the drum, then the spatter would spray everywhere when played and there is a hole underneath the drum itself, making the round circle.  He mentions he was in a band at college. Adding that Lex must have played the drums with the blood.  Greg thinks they'll find the drums wherever they find Tangerine.  Heading out to the alley, he finds a drumstick and then the entire drum kit.  Inside is the blood stained drum and also Lex's DB.  So clearly their choice of suspect was wrong.  Of course, since it wouldn't be that easy.  I didn't have Lex as my suspect anyway.

David (David Berman) and Doc (Robert David Hall) carry out the autopsy on Lex and they find his phone with photos and torn pieces of paper.  David thinks they can get DNA from the paper and run it to find out who Tangerine is.  Finn runs her prints and finds her real name is Angela (Katherine McNamara) and she's a prostitute.  Finn realizes that the record deal was a scam and so she was behind it and also how she met Lex.  They now view her as a suspect.  The money went to an account in Belize and Morgan makes reference to the 'Nigerian e-mail' scam, of which I used to get plenty of e-mails! DB reads how the record company needed $50,000 to record and DB wonders why this would lead to murder.  Er, jealousy in terms of him getting the deal.

Morgan says the record label is traced to Vegas and to Kirch.  Kirch tells them Tangerine was hired by Lex and they should be looking for her as she and Lex had a huge fight.  He's guessing it was over money.  Gene returns ha with some panties for Brass, well that didn't come out right,.  They belong to Tangerine and she's in the limo.  The DNA reveals that she is related to Lex and is his daughter.  She already knows and they accuse her of losing it when she realizes she slept with his father, but she says she didn't sleep with him or kill him.  He gave her the letter and she tore it up and he later apologized and went to the studio to listen to his song.  Lex told her that someone would be there to help him and Marcy was also there.  Greg and Hodges listen to the recording of the song and hear another voice there, which Greg says could have been deleted, but whoever it was can still be heard since he bled into the microphone.

Nick analyzes the microphone and finds some trace from the gumdrop.  This is what was in Arnold's rider.  The particles in the xylitol dissipated at a particular time, so they showed he was at the CS at the time of the murder, Arnold was angry at Lex for making him stay in the background, so he killed them both.  Brass gives her the recording of Lex's song.

Wasn't this ep similar in plot to the ep 14.15 Love For Sale, where the reverend had a daughter who was working at the brothel and they thought that he was paying her to sleep with her, until they realized she was his daughter.  Well same thing here and the daughter was also hustling.

It appears that Gene Simmons had to make an appearance on the show sooner or later, seeing as how there have been so many references to rock stars and groups over the years, as well as the number mentioned in this ep.  Greg also mentioning the Hotel California "you can check out anytime, but you can never leave."

Obviously, it was apparent who the killer was since it's always the quiet ones, so to speak.  He was rather dismissive of his 'friendship' with Lex and also how he was just plain boring, so of course he had that whole jealous streak going.  As for Lex, well his chance to play a DB in this show.  You may recall Paul Greene from NCIS ep, 6.16 Bounce, when he was DiNozzo's (Michael Weatherly) lookalike, the one Tony put away for murder and got the wrong man.  He was meant to have been dead at one point in the episode, but turned up alive and well.  I'm sure Tony let him go at the end with the money that was stolen.  Anyhoo, digression! Ha. (A fave ep of mine as mentioned in my NCIS book: My NCIS...available at most online bookstores.)

Then there was the whole interaction and final scene with Brass that Angela had and you knew that was coming since his own experiences with Ellie and not being there for her.  Guess it works both ways, she didn't have to have that sort of a life as she still had her mother.  Brass wanting Angela to get out of hustling and giving her his card to call him anytime.  It's obvious he has a fatherly connection to her and doesn't want her getting into trouble like Ellie, as she's still young.

Oh and what about the big hooha about Finn being an expert in blood and blood analysis at CS, but it's left for Nick to find out what caused the odd blood spatter at the CS itself and at the lab.  Seems like she hasn't done a lot of blood spatter analysis for a while.  Nick eating that gumdrop at the end, yuk, germs!!

Monday 22 September 2014

Renew Longmire Now

Since the news of Longmire being relegated to a non-entity and not being renewed for a fourth season, as of yet.  I have been trying to find a way to convey the feelings and emotions when such things occur.  So having thought it over and over and over, I find that gimmicks, don't work, nor does fancy writing or big words.  It's not something many executives will look at or read even, when all they want are high, eye popping ratings, viewing figures, demographics, whatever you want to call it, it's a rose by any other name and all adds up to the same thing.

Seeing people as numbers, figures or a set of stats isn't what TV should be about these days.  It's time those in the know, or the powers that be need to and should realize that.  Times have changed, we've had recessions, good times, an influx of money for people to spend, but it's not all down to advertizing.  At the end of the day, some people work longer than others, others retire early, so any 18-49 demographic is going to have unequal amounts of money (wealth) to spend at any given time. These days, it's not just about children moving out of home as soon as they want to or are able to. Some can't do that and find it difficult getting work, let alone a highly paid job which will enable them to met the demands of advertizers and their products.

Ageism is against the law but when it comes to TV advertizing and demographics, that rule flies out the window.  Any show that is good, old wholesome fashioned fun and entertainment is bound to raise some eyebrows in this modernist, no holes barred society, where sex and violence sells and and those benefits are reaped by TV networks.  That however paints too basic a picture.   There needs to be more variation in what is screened and produced, a difference in genre, instead of just a few types of shows of low calibre, just cos they are easy and cheap to film.  Reality shows being the number one culprits.  Which is all fine and good if people want to watch them and I'm not saying that my opinion is right, and that we are entitled to watch what we want is personal choice and in the same way, we should have the right to demand a favourite show back on air!

Longmire is a show that has everything fans and viewers want.  An excellent ensemble cast, a plethora of stories, penned by best selling author Craig Johnson and an endless stream of stories for many episodes to come.  So where did the show go wrong you may ask.  The brief answer being it didn't.  Call it the greed of TV executives or their blinkered eye views or living in the past, instead of moving with the times.

Over the past three seasons, Longmire has picked up steady ratings and increased its fanbase and viewership to almost six million, let's face it, isn't that what any TV show wants and needs to survive. Somewhere someone has gone wrong in their miscalculations of renewing or picking the show up for a fourth season.  With so many of us clamouring and campaigning for its pick up elsewhere, how can executives ignore what's right before their eyes.  An already established audience willing and able to take its ratings to a new level, without the need for full blown promotion or advertizing.  Saving money on this.

There is ample promotion on social media sites headed by the LongMire Posse and the tireless and effortless campaign of Pamela Nordick to get people to notice what fans really want.  Even people who didn't watch the show have started to watch and check it out on the strength of this alone.

We want our Longmire back, the cast and crew we all love and have gotten to know as family over the three years.  We want to be able to say, 'look, we fans changed the face of TV history' by wanting this back.   Just as in the past letter writing campaigns worked for shows like Cagney and Lacey, social media has to work for us.  It's not just about one generation or two, this show spans decades and transcends age groups.  How many shows can boast this and how many would want to?  We demand to continue seeing the rolling hills and skies, the characters, the good times and the bad...



Our cast: Robert Taylor, Katee Sackhoff, Lou Diamond Phillips, Bailey Chase, Adam Bartley, Cassidy Freeman, Louanne Stephens