Monday 1 July 2019

Private Eyes 1.4 "The Devil's Playground" Review

                                         Image result for private eyes the devil's playground
An ep of a show always has one on a writer and the elusive book mystery, but if they can get the right mix then it works.  This was no exception but what made it good was that their reason for investigation, being hired as Angie (Cindy Sampson) had read the book, The Devil's Playground, was a good enough reason.  Especially being hired by a writer named Thomas King (who played himself!)  Having plenty of emotion this series has grown to include, especially where Angie's father is concerned.  As she reads that book every year at the same time to remind her of her father and also cos he gave it to her when she was 14, was sad.  And no I didn't agree with Matt (Jason Priestly) that she should move on from that.  Sorry writers no points for that.  Though he is pragmatic, he shouldn't have said she should make new memories.  It's true you should, at the same time you can't just magically forget the old ones and nor would you want to.  At least I wouldn't cos a father is not someone you can just move on from in place of new memories.  As Jules (Jordyn Negri) said to him congrats on being a dick!  Obviously not here referring to private dick either!

Matt having to deal with Jules getting a male friend,Liam (Jonny Gray) who is popular with the other girls.  Having to reach out and trust her  and that she'll do the right thing.  Which Angie made him realize too.  Also Matt talking about books such as Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe, etc, with her that she's never heard of; why is it children never read the classics, or read, period! 

They get to hang out at Toronto Island which Angie calls creepy, okay maybe it was but in the sense of there being very few people.  Coming across a man, Kurtis (Ennis Esmer) who likes to take recordings of sound and him telling them he was by the lighthouse when Frank (Nicholas Campbell) was attacked.  He plays the recording and as soon as he did you could tell it was water.  At least I did.  Leading them to the gay TV design couple, Wil (Pascal Langdale) and Gil (Thomas Allison)  where only Gil was gay.  (Too much of a Will and Grace name chime there! ha.  Also with Grace being a designer and Will joined her.)  Frank's daughter, Eliza (Joanne Boland) and Sarah (Laura Cilivetz) the daughter of the man he wrote about in the book being a closet gay, who killed himself after it was exposed, and of course the publisher, Larry (Dan Warry-Smith).  Well there you have it, he was my suspect.  As soon as he said he'd publish anything Frank wrote, that sealed it for me.  Haven't not gotten a suspect yet.  Clearly I missed my calling.

Of course the book wasn't Frank's and was written by Sarah.  So plenty in this ep about fathers and daughters wasn't there with the entire cast and guests too.  That was the theme in this ep.  Several references to Matt's not so hot career too, again highlighting the ups and downs of his life, professionally and personally too.  What matters is what we do with what we have after suffering adversity.  Frank finally making amends with his daughter.
I wrote about this ep as it was aired last Wednesday and particularly on 1st July as it would've been my later father's 90th!  SO as apt an ep as there'll ever be!!

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