Sunday 5 May 2019

Victoria 3.7 "A Public Inconvenience" Review

                                            Image result for victoria season 3 a public inconvenience
With Victoria (Jenna Coleman) and Albert (Tom Hughes) growing further apart, Victoria is now saddled with the problem of him wanting to create a vast exhibition and he wants this to be a success.  For someone who vented about Victoria needing her subjects to adore her, his plans for this monumental exhibition don't fall far from hrr vanity.  Especially since he's also not accepted by the public and the newspapers never fail to show that. So doesn't he also need approval too.  He decides Hyde Park would be a good venue and there is uproar in the House over where the drunkards will now piss themselves.  As Albert talks public convenience with Cole (David Newman).  Also as Cole demonstrated how the masses could be subjected to the ornamental wealth of the rich too by having objects which are engraved by his machine.  As Albert remarks "want steam, get Coal," or Coal, more like.

Victoria still wants Feo (Kate Fleetwood) gone and is tired of having her here.  Palmerston (Laurence Fox) suggests Victoria get friendly with her and make her an ally rather than an enemy.  As he sends a fleet of ships to a blockade with Greece over their treatment of a British Jew and how the police joined in.  She of course wants a more peaceful method employed and asks Wellington (Peter Bowles) what should be done.  Who tells her he's going to resign as her Commander of the Army, suggesting Albert should take his place as he's more than qualified to do so.  As Albert tells her she should grow up, she's 30 now and should act her age.  Telling this to Feo, Victoria mentions how their mother wanted to be as far away from Victoria as possible.  Asking Feo what she wants and what she can give her.  Feo requests her daughter be at court as she is of marrying age now.  Victoria doesn't even recall her name, Adelheid (Heidi.) Whom Bertie (Laurie Shepherd) takes a shine too already and that's where his womanizing ways began no doubt!

Albert is determined to get his great venue but finds that bricks are just too many to employ in such a costly adventure and the designs look more like a mausoleum.  Why don't they get another architect is Cole's suggestion.  Elsewhere Russell (John Session) tries a coup over Palmerston and this backfires, as Palmerston comes to Parliament with a speech well versed in how it feels like to be a subject overseas and it doesn't make any difference where they are and they should all be supported and protected, to rapturous applause.

Monmouth (Nicholas Audsley) employs Penge (Adrian Schiller) to be his eyes and ears and get the dirt on Sophie (Lily Travers) as he knows she's having "relations" with a footman but he doesn't know who, giving him a purse of money.  Penge of course knows it's Joseph (David Burnett) and also catches them in the Summerhouse together.  However Joseph comes clean about getting paid by the Duke at his last position for pretending to be in love with the Duchess and was handsomely rewarded, as he speaks of America and finding his fortune there.  As William is coming home.  Emma (Anna Wilson-Jones) tells Sophie of Caroline Norton and Lord Melbourne, as I mentioned in last ep's review.  How she lost her children and was left penniless.  Those being the least of her worries as Monmouth refuses to let her see William when he returns and threatens her with the asylum.

Victoria realizes Albert has given up his dream and he accepts the post of Commander but tells him she married him for his dreams, even if they fail, at least he had the courage to have them.  She tells him to go ahead with his building and Cole employs a new architect, a gardener, Paxton (Christopher Brand) who Albert is impressed with.  Seems they are back together as Albert says he loved her differently to how he loves her now.  She's older now and he grabs her book from her as they laugh together.

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