Sunday 28 April 2019

Victoria 3.6 "A Coburg Quartet" Review

                                              Image result for victoria a coburg quartet recap
Still the trouble in paradise and in the monarchy continues as Albert (Tom Hughes) and Victoria (Jenna Coleman) head for more ups and downs in their marriage and public life.  As said, Feo (Kate Fleetwood) being here didn't make things easier and Victoria finally realizes that she's making waves between them; but at what cost.  Well revenge of course for everything Victoria has but she doesn't, as well as finding out that the real reason she hates her was that Feo wanted to be Queen.  She would've married George, old, fat George and she'd have been Queen and not Victoria.  But Uncle Leopold (Alex Jennings) and her mother sent her away.  Marrying a poor prince so she wouldn't get in the way.  Leopold tells Victoria it was since George was just using Feo to show he could produce a male heir as the rest of his ilk.  Feo was just a pawn.

George of course is mentioned quite a bit throughout especially since Albert finds he can't do anything with Bertie and Feo suggests he may need a doctor's opinion, who measure his lobes/bumps and says he has what, the 'dumb' gene.  Albert is progressive but where Bertie is concerned it seems he doesn't know or want to know what's best for his own son.  As Victoria firmly believes he's not prone to insanity, as Feo puts that idea into Albert's head about Victoria too.  Also Feo organizes the Georgian ball again as a harkback to George and invites the guests.  As she gets more 'bribes' from them for doing so.  Also noticed by Palmerston (Laurence Fox) when he sees her riding a horse in the park, which she clearly can't afford.  Victoria also noticing her tiara at the ball.  However Albert doesn't want to hear it, especially the rift between them part, as he too is hung up on Victoria being far too concerned with her own personal image, rather than being the monarch she should be, commanding respect.

Not helped by the new design of the coin which Albert wants to take responsibly for.  At the same time, etchings of her are published by the printer.  The one where she's bathing her baby.  Which she takes displeasure at since it doesn't make her feel regal in the least and wants to sue.  Albert taking this task on himself as she can't do so.  Even though Russell (John Sessions) advises her not to do so.  She thinks she's a laughing stock and again we all know this was instigated by Feo.  As she brings it to Leopold's attention when it's printed in the paper.

Palmerston buys a print for a shilling and tells her that this is a way of her becoming more on par with her people.  They have babies and dogs but they don't have her wealth and see her more human in this way.  Again Albert telling her she can't have it both ways when she confronts him about leaving off the "by the grace of God" from her coin.  Which he remarks wouldn't fit on there since she wanted a crown on her head.  Victoria thinks Feo should leave now and even Albert disagrees by saying that she can't even throw her a crumb from her table.  Seems he is very endearing of Feo but can't see the same in his son.  When she confronts him, he tells her that he can only love her as her protector now and is all the love he has left for her.  As Bertie cries over his missing mouse, she tells him they can get another one, but they can't stop loving someone.  Reminiscent of Victoria losing her beloved Dash.

Elsewhere, Sophie (Lily Travers) and Joseph (David Burnett) get to be together at the ball after he tells her that the Ninth Duchess of Monmouth was in a similar fate as herself and killed herself after she was humiliated.  Which is what Monmouth (Nicholas Audsley) wants to do to her.  She changes her mind and dresses as a servant, as her grandmother was one.  Wonder if it had more to do with lowering herself to Joseph's station for what they intended to do.  As Penge (Adrian Schiller) looks for him and Lady Emma (Anna Wilson-Jones) searches for Sophie before Monmouth finds them.  As he sees that Palmerston isn't with her as he suspected.  Then Monmouth sees Sophie looking at Joseph during the christening, as noticed also by Emma and Alfred (Jordan Waller).  No doubt this was turning into a real Upstairs Downstairs/Downton Abbey story in the context of the royal household.

In actual fact, the etchings were stolen and printed.  Leading Albert to sue and was granted an injunction on the grounds of privacy.  An early case of its type involving royalty, but one which is widely documented in legal circles.  Abigail (Sabrina Bartlett) saying the people were impressed with seeing her so 'common' was shown to be the case with Punch.  However Victoria was still not amused.  Both Victoria and Albert did turn to the science of phrenology and the finding that Bertie's anterior lobe wasn't developed enough for him to adequately learn.  The Duchess of Monmouth's story was based on the affair that Caroline Norton had whilst married to her Tory MP husband, George Norton, who took away her children.  In fact she had the affair with none other than Lord Melbourne.  As mentioned in series 1 which is why those around her were weary of Victoria around him so much.  However, she didn't kill herself, instead she wrote books etc to earn an income and one on why mothers who were divorced should still have access to their children. As for the coins, well the inscription was left off and the coin had to be redesigned before it was issued.  Another reason for Victoria to be angry with Albert!

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