Friday 22 March 2019

Supernatural To End After Season 15

                                            Image result for supernatural
So it ends...
Supernatural will be closing the doors finally on that Impala after 15 years of ups, downs, love, hate, deaths, returns from the dead, brotherly love, family toils and woes.  Demons, angels, ghosts, alternate realities, myths and legends...

And having been there from the start with this journey it is such a sad time.  Howling here like a wolf, ha, no; but seriously it was 15 years of joy and heartbreak since I came into the show in 2005 with season 1 as that's when it was aired in the UK and it was so close to my life at that time.  It had such an immense impact!  The Dad storyline, especially when he finally died in the beginning of season 2.1 In My Time of Dying.  I was going through the same with my own father's passing and this just helped in many ways.  Not so much with moving on, that's something that just doesn't happen, you don't forget or move on, you just learn to live with it!  Thus everything Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) were going through was so familiar and similar and I could relate to it very much.  I say we, but all of us who were going through the same as I know there are many other fans out there who were going through such emotions too.

When it does end, there will be more on it for me to ponder and write and possible lament, but for now I just wanted to keep this brief and say if Supernatural hadn't come along when it did I wonder how I would've coped.  Since at the same time I also started writing the book which went for four seasons, and would I have felt the same feelings I did.  What would have been its substitute.  I know it wasn't the single, sole thing that helped, there were others, family, friends, music, other shows such as Alias.  Another one that dealt with loss with 'killing off' Vaughn (Michael Vartan) my fave (that's another story though!)  Sufficed to say I had plenty to rant on that too.

So for now I along with the rest of the fans will have season 15 to look forward to and then the tears will come, gushing forth, unstoppable, inconsolable; at least for a little while.  Until then...we will continue to "carry on my wayward son..." … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … My Supernatural book

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