Saturday 23 February 2019

Paranormal Disparity - A Commentary

                                                        Image result for nick groff instagram
[Photo: Nick's Instagram]
There are only a handful of shows that come along that can peak my interest at any one time.  Even if they are relating to, or about, the paranormal.  These for me included Ghost Adventures and then Ghost Stalkers, Paranormal Lockdown, Ghosts of Shepherdstown (Seasons 1&2) and Ghost Brothers.  These shows for me were innovative, compelling, funny, serious and some contained a wealth of knowledge on research and equipment used during investigations for evidence.  As well as each one having their own style of gathering and garnering evidence and presenting.

My fave at the time was Ghost Adventures.  This was especially when I began watching it and was still finding its feet and immediately I loved the investigative style of Nick, particularly his ability to form links and connections to the location they were investigating and during the interviews with witnesses.  Although he was just filming, he did have and make a significant impact to the show.  His was always to think outside the box (and I know I said it before - outside the spirit box.)  Yet it's true.  Sadly having left, having to "leave" the show as I wrote before; I felt his creativity and views were being stifled and the direction he would want the show and investigation to head in.  From the outset, Nick had more to offer in terms of  his approach as to how the paranormal should be investigated.

Always making new inroads and advances with this wealth of knowledge he accumulated over the years.  Thus when he came up with Ghost Stalkers that also piqued my interest and that of other fans too!  It didn't matter he was only behind the scenes.  The premise of the show with the investigation and research into portals was immense and intensely immersing to anyone who loves the paranormal.  Not just for firm believers but for all concerned!  This was what investigating and advances, the evolution of an investigation always contained.  To take what you know and develop it further.  Trying to find how spirits not only communicate, but where they go, come from and how they materialize, for want of a better word.

Ghost Stalkers went a long way in trying to find these questions posed and that amazing capture of that naked figure, it looked like a named spirit, at Old Taylor Memorial Hospital, alone was justification for the show.  That it should have carried on.  Also boasting the presence of John Tenney and all his years of experience and weirdness amassed over the years; provided more sobering insight than just jumping on one's high horse and exclaiming it was this, that or the other.  he was sceptical and he too was critical in the way the network approached the show and what lengths it went to, to add their own 'version' on the production side and what they wanted it to encompass!  Always a wrong thing to do. Executives have no knowledge of the paranormal, let alone what viewers should be watching!

However, it wasn't given a chance to develop by, yes you've guessed it, the TV network.  Always to blame for their inability to see the real picture as far as what these shows involved and what they were attempting to incorporate and bring forth.  Such shows weren't about the money, the profits, the ad revenue.  They were about genuine research and investigation.  Brought to us in a way we could relate to, not get bored and switch off.  Yes Ghost Stalkers had its critics, but all shows get that: fact or fictional.  Part of human nature to be critical and vent, even when we don't like something.  That's how opinions are formed and debate carried further.  Yet this too was/is suffocated when TV executives keep the wrong shows on for the wrong reasons.  (My pet peeves: were two in particular, one no longer on, but one in its third season.  I did name them, but this piece isn't about them, so I edited the names out!)  Now I know people won't agree and well, as I've just written, they're my views!  But I can't fathom (I can) it's just a figure of speech, why no Ghost Brothers renewal.  And yes I don't mouth off at shows I don't like cos as I said why waste the energy and effort, I just don't watch!

Ghost Brothers was a breath of fresh air and when no renewal came for that but did for other shows,  I along with others, had to ask why?  And yes maybe it was unfair but I did tweet about the race card.  Look how many paranormal shows do we get to see with minorities getting to investigate and put forward their passion!  Same with Asians/Indians.  Kinda get lumbered into the mindset of how you gotta be of a certain persuasion to investigate!  Soon they'll be telling us there's only ghosts existing of one colour (the grey - yeah bad joke.)  But I'm sure a lot of us will get the gist what I'm saying!

So then we get that vid from Nick on 13th February (yeesh! that damn number!) updated Valentine's Day of all days; telling us that Paranormal Lockdown was cancelled and it was out of his hands!  WTF I screamed and ranted on from there.  I haven't stopped raving about that yet cos it just left me reeling!  Another show with Nick!!  WHY??  First Ghost Adventures and now this.  Someone must be taking the mick surely!  To be it mildly!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this show and to be singled out again for cancellation and without public explanation is beyond the pale!!  TV channels owe its viewers a reason/statement why it took this step.  I have a fair idea but obviously I'm not going to write it here.  Not for fear of backlash or trolling, but as I said it's only an idea and it wouldn't be fair to mention it without proof or back-up.  That's just how things are.  Know enough about the law to know how TV companies operate and use it for their own agenda!! As tweeted in my tweets to Nick!  See below!

It just doesn't warrant thinking about that he is once again on the receiving end of all the crap that gets thrown at him for absolutely no valid or sane reason at all!  Paranormal Lockdown was a brilliant show, pushing boundaries and as Nick said, "pushing the envelope" of investigating!  Why should it get this treatment.  So blatantly unfair.  It beggars belief and to me, at times, it seems like it's just some freakish nightmare we, I, will wake from and find it's not real.  As for making Nick censor his earlier video, well again that was disgusting and despicable!!  Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lowdown: his babies and brain child!!  Yet he's forced (coerced?) into removing "original content" as he put it.  Why?  How many shows, comments is he going to be forced into withdrawing!  There isn't any reasonable justification for it.  Are they just going to get Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lockdown from every single tweet, post, book, review censored, or censured under the guise of "professional conflict" no doubt.

All I know is that people who have influence, so-called, usually think they're doing a bang up job in getting such shows stopped.  What happened to paraunity now?  I wrote about that in my 2015 book Did that suddenly vanish and did that suddenly turn into a free for all and if you don't like another man's show, so do everything you can to get it pulled off air!  I know some pieces have mentioned "TV politics!"  Seriously it seems this only happens to Nick and no one else.

What made me also fume was how there's going to be a Ghosts of Shepherdstown season 3 but not with the original cast, as in of investigators!  What?  Why not?  So why even bother making another one series.  It seems silly if you're going to get someone different, how real will that show appear now?  Adding more fuel to the fire of those naysayers who shout "fake" at every opportunity they can.

Here's to moving on and leaving the negativity behind!  We don't need it and Nick will always come up with shows which will always make advances in paranormal investigations and that break through one day where most of our questions about the paranormal and the afterlife may be explained.  Whatever comes next, we will be there every step of the way...

[Read Disparity for Opinionated Rant]

 Feb 13
Replying to 
That’s so sad to hear! It always happens to the best when you put in your heart & soul! Hopefully you will come up with more intelligent programming & content! No one can drive you from your destiny & push you out!! You have integrity & honesty! To the future! Much love! x

 Feb 14
Yes & the best ones are cancelled or not bothered with! I always like(d) Nick's shows, still do and as a paranormal investigator and just general all rounded great person!

 Feb 14
Replying to  
We've become desensitized to it all! Need something new! Which is why I liked and , ! All got raw deals cos trying to go beyond what we know in alternate ways!

 Feb 14
Replying to 
The arrogance of TV/film companies! Dealt with them for my ‘day’ job! They censor people who know how they operate & how they use legal loopholes is a tome in itself! But to censor & have you remove your own work is disgusting beyond belief! We stand united behind ya!

NB Nick's new executive produced show from his Twitter 23 February:
New series I’m Executive Producing! Checkout the trailer. Premiering in the future on VIDI SPACE Great work and team!

Nick's Twitter: @NickGroff_

My book: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

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