Thursday 8 March 2018

Paranormal Lockdown 3.2 "Wildwood Sanitorium" Review

Episode 2 of the show was just as intriguing as the others gone before.  There's just something more visual about the mansions they visit, visually stunning, even if they are run down or in need of repair; which were once sanatoriums or homes.  That lingering presence of the spirits and particularly when they are possessive and obsessive of their territories.  Which was the same with Dr Henderson who ran his clinic there at Wildwood Sanitorium, New York State.  Though he wanted to help patients, Nick said he was controlling of his patients and how medical help was administered to them.  As was obvious from the male shadow figure that Brooke sees there.  Brooke and her mother, Laurie wanted Nick and Katrina to investigate and find why Laurie was compelled to buy this place.  Already encountering spirits and poltergeist activity.

From their initial walk-through it was apparent there would be plenty activity here, with Nick feeling being touched and massaged as the place was an osteopathic clinic too.  Katrina feeling intense pressure in her head, and the situations were reversed when Nick felt the pressure and Katrina felt being poked in the back, like someone trying to massage a knot.  What was amazing was how that forty pound mirror just crashed down from the wall as if it was pulled, which was put down to poltergeist activity.  However it was as if it was actually ripped from the wall in anger or serving as a warning to keep clear of his "space" rather than a poltergeist. (See below)

Also the Geobox got some amazing results too, such as "you are an observer" since they are investigators and I'm sure the name "Anne or Anna" came through too.  NB Will add more later, as I need to watch this episode for a second viewing!  For max benefit ha!
Okay here are the additions'
The digital recordings captured the following:
"there's always been" to the question of whether it's always been in this house.
Katrina asking if it knocked down the mirror, it replies: "I did that."
Nick asks "are you upstairs right now?"
Reply: "come and look."
I heard "Bishop" on the Geobox, not "injured."
When the seance is mentioned and if something happened I heard the reply "lots of kids" it even sounds a little like lots of kissing..."??

Nick's name came through a lot and in one of the voices it sounds so uncannily like Katrina saying "Nick."

"Something's up in there" - the attic.

The "alright" sounded like Nick's voice.

Actually Nick came to wake up Katrina and she was already up.  This time round she made comments about her hair in the mirror and Nick didn't fix his hair, hmm, sure he didn't do that last ep either!  However the second night, Katrina heard walking and voices and thought it was Nick, which was strange since he was on the third floor and she was on the first floor.  She thought it was mimicking Nick.  Which was credible since later his name came through on the recorder.

The aggressive voices captured at the end on the digital recorder when it said "get out Nick" even mentioning him by name.  Clearly that male presence felt threatened by another male being there, especially as it would be unable to control him.  But also with the attic door moving and Nick being the one to see this as a lure for him to go up there.  Though nothing happened when he did; but he did get a feeling of something being up there and trying to keep them away from the downstairs room where the mirror fell.  Saying it stays there and then comes down to make noises and be a nuisance in many ways.  As Nick set up the laser module there later (not in the attic) and the quartz crystals, which would heat up to show a presence.  As well as picking up "f** that bitch" when Katrina asked the names of the people in the house.  Well at least we got to listen to the expletives without being bleeped out!

Other voices that were recorded including
"leave...this is mine..."  See very territorial, it had to be the doctor.
These came through on the Audio application used by Nick.  Including:
"that's what you should be afraid of...the attic..."  As said nothing happened when he was there.
"they watch you..."
In response to Katrina asking "who broke the mirror?"  The response was "'cause I can...'"  Or as I tweeted when Nick put a camera in that room and put a trigger device there that would sound when touched and funnily he slept there but nothing happened, until the next night when it was ripped off the mirror when they were upstairs!  Yes, sorry as I was saying I tweeted it was almost like it was telling them 'this is my mirror now and I'm taking it over,' after smashing the other one in rage.

When they asked what made them buy the house, the reply was "daughter" and "psychic."  Uncanny since it wasn't revealed until the end that Brooke is psychically connected to spirits and has been seeing spirits since she was three.  Also explaining why Laurie was brought here: the spirits wanted the house renovated but in the way they want, back to how it used to be for them.  As well as explaining the tonnes of activity there and perhaps also the dark presence.  It's almost an echo of the Winchester Mystery House in the spirits wanting rooms built and planned by them.  Although here they just want their house back.  It was good that Nick and Katrina didn't know of Brooke's abilities until night 3 when they brought them back since it helped them also find that there was a connection with Brooke and the house and the spirits she's seen.

A very active episode and there was more energy there after Brooke and Laurie returned and since there was a thunder storm the first night, also providing the house with more energy.  As "energy" also came through twice on the Geobox.  Nick adding that the activity should die (oops no pun) down after the renovations are completed to their satisfaction.  Brooke also tells them that she laid down blessed salt in the rooms, but she missed one in which there was the most activity now.  Also thought that was another reason why there was such a heavy storm that night, it perhaps would help to wash away the salt since there were many leaks in the house.

NB: the room with all the mirrors where Katrina felt they had a seance and Nick commented on mirrors being used as a gateway.  SO glad I wrote about that too when I wrote my Supernatural book all those years ago!  It's a fascinating subject.  Here's an extract:
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

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