Friday 20 October 2017

Longmire 5.6 "Objection" Review

                                         Image result for longmire objection
Walt (Robert Taylor) is called about Ferg (Adam Bartley) and as he talks with his lawyer, Milgrom (Patch Darragh) he has to leave.  He finds Ferg's abandoned car and also blood on the bonnet, bullets strewn across the ground and nothing else.  He heads back and he finds the FBI agent Towson (Noam Jenkins) at the station telling Vic (Katee Sackhoff) how stupid it was to transport Eddie (Dan Donohue) like that.  He's part of the Irish Mob and Vic tells him it would be helpful if he had told them before.  Also that Ferg is a damn good officer.  Walt then gets a call as Ferg is at a diner and he tells Walt what happened, as we flash to the events and the gunman telling him if he wants to live, he'll forget their faces, with a gun in Ferg's mouth.  Ferg tells Walt he can't recall what they looked like and Walt says he took a while to call him.  At the station, Towson accuses Ferg of taking a bribe and why it took him so long to call after the event.  He didn't have a phone and he had to walk five miles.

As Ferg leaves, he recalls the number off the side of the truck.  Walt says if he did consider taking money, he won't hold it against him.  They check out the trailer and find it belongs to Manifest Transportation.  The same outfit that is booking rooms at the casino and that Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) and Nighthorse (A Martinez) know of.  Walt tells Nighthorse about encouraging students to not go to college and to work at the casino instead.  As well as telling him about the trailer and the drugs.  Nighthorse denying everything.  Anything else he can discuss at the deposition for Walt's civil suit.

Walt asks Henry about Eddie and the friend that he was with, as Henry cleanses himself, or tries to.  He recalls he paid with a credit card in the name of Connor O'Brien and what he knows of the Irish mob.  Vic checks out the name but he's been dead forty years.  Ferg thinks he should retire and tells Vic this.  However she says it could've happened to any one of them, especially since Walt's methods of transportating prisoners isn't exactly convenient.  She's heading to the deposition.

At Walt's deposition with Nighthorse, Tucker (Brett Rice) questions him over Nighthorse and how he was almost shot at by Walt and then he also shot Barlow too.  How he was arrested and released after they came to a deal.  Walt loses his anger which Milgrom tells him is exactly what Tucker wanted him to do and he played right into his hands.  Since he accused Nighthorse of using Cady (Cassidy Freeman) against him.  At the deposition with Vic, Walt says he's going too and she says Walt is ethical and a good boss.  She's asked why she was hired by him and his methods of hiring aren't very ethical.  She blew the whistle on a corrupt cop so it's unlikely, she replies, that she would've been hired by another one.  Before they leave, Tucker brings up Vic being seen all over Walt in the hospital and asks about their relationship and her divorce.  Which again catches them by surprise.  Knew that'd come back and bite from the first ep.

Walt thinks they can get Eddie's fingerprints and match them to the syringe and then they'll have a case against him, but he wasn't printed cos they didn't process him before he was transported.  As Ferg gets a flashback to Eddie ripping off his badge and throwing it away.  Ruby (Louanne Stephens) tells Ferg the phone company located his phone and it's the same place where the charger was dumped.  Ferg heads out and finds the badge and tells Vic they have a matched print now.  Which Walt and Ferg take to Twoson and tell him they've made a case against Eddie now and when they locate him they can use it as leverage against the Irish mob.  Also adding that Walt didn't tell anyone they had Eddie so there's a leak in the FBI.  Walt talks with (Shawna (Beau Garrett) who is a prostitute working for the same company but she wasn't really much help.

Henry delivers Nighthorse his burger and lets slip about Shane Muldoon and he thinks he's been talking with Walt.  He replies he hasn't but he's got too many puppet masters telling him what to do.  He can't wait to get back his bar and also his integrity and dignity.  Henry tells Walt the man's real name is Shane Muldoon.  He is helping Nighthorse who's going to get his bar back for him and Walt says he can't wait very long for this to happen before he acts.  At the deposition, Tucker calls Browning (Callum Keith Rennie) as a witness who tells him Walt shot at him when he was hiking with his buddy.  They were carrying guns cos of grizzlies and Walt says he's lying since he was protecting his men against the rape charges by going after the Vic.  Walt has had enough and says hr wasn't elected by the people to defend himself and wants the lawsuit settled.  But you know it wouldn't be that easy and the settlement is refused cos it's worth far more than the $250,000 that Absaroka County has in insurance.

Cady hides out Mandy (Tamara Duarte) as she's chased by a man and she took back her necklace from his wife, Asha (Chelsea Kurtz).  Later Asha comes to the Red Pony and takes back the necklace, Ferg breaks up the bar fight as he's there with Mary (Meg Joyce).  She tells Walt he broke it up.  Also telling Ferg he did alright cos he survived.  Mandy finds Asha passed out and gets Cady to help her against her husband.  She says there's a new law where a white man can be arrested by the police if he assaults his Native wife or girlfriend.  She doesn't want him imprisoned but she just wants him dealt with and to be safe.  Cady has a restraining order against him and wants Walt to help her serve it for more clout, but he's got other things to do.

Walt goes fishing and takes some fish to the mobster at the bar where Vic found te picture of it on streetview.  He gives Muldoon (Dylan Walsh) he fish and tells him to stay out of his county and take his drugs with him.  Otherwise Eddie will be found and he'll speak out against him.  Muldoon thinks he's telling him to kill Eddie.  However he also has a gun on Walt courtesy of the bartender and he threatens Walt, who replies he's got people back home who will send the evidence to the FBI with his name.

Well Walt's getting it from all angles and everyone.  Nighthorse, Muldoon is going to be after him now too and that civil suit.  Is his lawyer as good as he says he is, especially since he encouraged Walt not to settle now they know where Tucker is coming from.  Of course if he settled there'd be no story to continue, but Walt can't give in that easily without a fight, as he did nothing wrong when he shot Barlow.  We know he's better than a civil suit against him!  Also he'd prefer Cady to leave her job and why didn't she ask Mathias to deliver the restraining order with her.  He's Res police after all.

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