Friday 13 October 2017

Longmire 5.5 "Pure Peckinpah" Review

                                            Image result for longmire pure peckinpah
Lots happening in this episode as the murder of Joey Takoda hots up, literally and otherwise.  Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) tells Mathias (Zahn McClarnon) that he found Joey's DB outside the Red Pony and that's not such a coincidence considering how Joey was afraid when he burned his stash of heroin.  Obviously he would be scared since they weren't his drugs.  Also Henry tells him he wrote 'Hector Lives' on the wall, not so clever.  Why would he want to advertize Hector's presence in that way.  He must've had an inkling that Joey was panicking for a reason.

Walt (Robert Taylor) is asleep with a shot gun by his bed, nah, that gun needs to be much closer than that!  Bob Barnes (John Bishop) arrives and says he needs help with his son Billy (Arron Shiver) and he wants to get him into rehab for heroin, not drinking.  He mentions taking the wrap for Cady's accident again.  As Walt is later called into the Joey case. Vic (Katee Sackhoff) finds needle marks on his arm, as well as guns in the boot.  Walt looks at the baseball glove and sees Joey was right handed thus wouldn't shoot up using his left hand.  Thus it's a killing and Henry appears to be worried.  Particularly since he also called it in as Mathias told him too and he told Walt he may have seen Joey around but doesn't know where.  Seems that Walt and Henry's friendship is being tested to the limits with every lie and detail Henry keeps from him.

Mathias lets Walt search Joey's place but doesn't find any drug paraphernalia but Mathias lets on how he couldn't make any charges stick against Joey when he arrested him three times.  Vic moves out of Cady's place and buys Pyper's (Debra Christofferson) trailer, moving into the park, where she finds it's got hose problems.  As she asks if anyone knew Joey, she asks Travis (Derek Phillips) the same and he fixes her hose problem.  Billy also tells Walt about Joey and how he was with someone, not that recalls that he was, by the name of 'Jewel.'  Vic checks the yearbooks and finds she's at the trailerpark too with her grandmother.  As Jule (Melanie Green) tries to make a getaway, Travis arrests her.  She tells them about Joey and how she scored heroin after she slept with him.  Only she didn't get any and a red haired man turned up and threatened Joey if he got "emotional."  Joey was afraid.

Jamie (Bob Clendenin) makes a pizza delivery with his cannabis addition inside and is met by Hector, as Mathias gives Walt the files he promised, conveniently making Walt his alibi when this happened.  Hector burned his stash which makes Walt change his mind about Hector being a killer and that it's Mathias.  Jamie saw the red haired man as he approached him about dealing heroin.  Walt gets him to arrange a meeting and they'll record the conversation.  Obviously redhead throws the stash into the river and there's no viable sound on the recording being near the creek.

Red hair aka Eddie (Dan Donohue) talks about his father loving Westerns and how Walt is a cowboy too with the Bronco being his horse.  Ah think he should've called it his steed!  Ruby (Louanne Stephens) tells Walt about Donna finding a place for Billy and Walt wanted to transport Eddie to the FBI himself, only Ferg (Adam Bartley) volunteers.  But you know things will go awry since Eddie must be taken care of.  A truck pulls up in front of his car and he's also blocked from behind, as armed men come out of the truck.  Guessing that Eddie is the one who is shot and killed since he'd just be a loose end and he can't be trusted anymore, now that he's arrested.

Malachi (Graham Greene) sets up a bounty on Hector's head in order to get a greater percentage on the drugs sold in the casino and also taking care of Hector.

Oh no what a bloop in the story/plot line when Walt was at the Red Pony when he questioned Henry about Mathias and him possibly being Hector, well he thought the 'new' Hector wasn't so much into law and order and might even resort to killing.  Henry thinking it was a silly notion.  But when Henry said he's cooking fish for the tourists and their catch, Walt saw the 'red haired' man at the table with the other dealer, Muldoon (Dylan Walsh) but didn't pay any attention to him.  It still didn't click he may have someone else or an accomplice with him.  That was something that could've been made a lot from in terms of the drug ring being much bigger than a lowly dealer in Joey.  Especially also since Malachi would be involved.  It's a wonder Nighthorse hasn't cottoned on to Malachi and his drug dealing at the casino either.

When they mentioned Jewel/Jule, I thought of Shawna Crawford (Beau Garrett) the woman Walt spoke to in connection with the disappearance of the man, ie episode 5.3 Chrysalis.  Well she must be involved in the drug dealing ring too in some way.  It can't just be Malachi who has his hands in anything dirty and criminal.  All to make a quick buck.

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