Saturday 11 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries 8.12 "What Are You?" Review

                                                 Image result for vampire diaries What Are you
Matt (Zach Roerig) has a nightmare about being in the cave and watching people die in a fire with the bell ringing.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) calls Bonnie (Kat Graham) who eventually answers and tells her about Enzo (Michael Malarkey) and how she took care of Stefan (Paul Wesley) infact Damon was more interested in Elena when he called than Stefan or any of them, cos he only asks about what she did to Stefan afterwards.  Then finds out he's now human.  So he'll get at least 80 years with him or so, as he tells Alaric (Matt Davis).  Bonnie doesn't wan Damon to come there and we guess he turned back cos he didn't get there.  She won't answer the phone for Caroline (Candice King) and she can only leave messages.  As if any of this is Caroline's fault, as Caroline rightly tells Stefan, it's all Cade's (Wole Parks) doing.

Matt tells Alaric about his visions and Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) finds the Maxwell necklace heirloom is some sort of witchy talisman.  Clue is in the journal.  So Alaric decides they should hypnotize Matt and find out why and what he's seeing.  However Damon puts a stopper in the works or scuppers their plans as usual when Cade demands the journal from him in exchange for Stefan's mortal life.  He has until midnight, don't they always.  Of course Damon doesn't get the journal, at least not right off as he gives Alaric an ultimatum, the only way he's keeping the journal is if he kills him again.  Which of course Alaric does, see Damon silly ultimatums cos obviously he's gonna choose the journal and think of the bigger picture, cos also they're not friends anymore.

Damon wakes to find Matt being hypnotized and he recalls Ethan Maxwell completing the bell as he speaks with Beatrice Bennett (Jaz Sinclair) one of the long line of Bennett witches.  As he sent her a secret message using his code gizmo.  However then Sybil (Nathalie Kelley) arrives and wants him to help them bring Cade to earth.  He hasn't heard of the Arcadia legend, but obviously they go to the cave where she shows him the artifacts and on the table is an ashen bone which she spells out can be used on Cade.  Matt sees this and tells them that but then why don't they get the significance of it then and there.  I mean even I got that as soon as she showed it to Ethan.  Seline  (Kristen Gutoskie) is also there and they sing to make him do what they want.  Obviously he's powerless and he says to Bea "I can't say" over and over, but he can write it down which he does so in code for her.

The bell is rung and the witches try to stop it but can't and are burned in the process.  Ethan and Bea go to the cave where once again Sybil tells him to bring their master to walk the earth and they will tell him how to kill him.  Which they already did but he can't do that.  Bea uses her magic to hold them behind a wall in the cave.  As Sybil forces Ethan to kill Bea, she uses her magic and shuts him in the cave room which is where they found his skeleton.   He writes down the way to kill Cade in the journal.  Matt suffers a heart attack and Damon tells them to use his blood, once again Matt being saved by vampire blood, which he isn't too big on.  But didn't really complain.  Alaric noticing the journal's gone, obviously.

Damon gives the journal to Cade and he burns it adding Stefan will live out whatever time he has left of his mortal life.  Which we think isn't very long since Stefan ran from the house and gets flashbacks to his killing all those people and is in despair.  Caroline calls him and tells him to meet her but he can't do that.  He can't face what he did in killing Enzo either and as I said with his bloodied hands he's likely to get stopped by the police and lo and behold that's exactly what happens!  He's arrested and is responsible for 32 murders, as he's shown the photos of his Vics.  Caroline compels the FBI agent (Todd James Jackson) to let him go and that he wasn't responsible, also getting the policeman (Kurt Yue) to delete his record and file. Stefan sees the estate agent, Karen's (Reece Odum) daughter, Janie (Navia Robinson) who reports her mother missing.  Stefan put her in the trunk of the car and left her to die.  He and Caroline search for her and Stefan remarks on how they can get back to the "cake dancing" sooner.  Caroline saying this isn't about the wedding.

He finds her and she stabs him, leaving Caroline to save her but she can't save Stefan cos he has the cure in his blood and is human.  He tells Caroline he knows it isn't about the wedding but right now he doesn't know what he's going to do and how he's going to deal with this, since he doesn't know about redemption.  Which is pretty much what he says to Damon too and he heads off to see Bonnie. Damon commenting on how Stefan always wanted to be human and now he is.

Caroline sends Bonnie's mother, Abby (Persia White) to see her and Bonnie hears Enzo telling her to "save me." I still say there's something in that necklace Enzo gave her with his blood or maybe I'm wrong.  Bonnie's mother thinks they should send him to the earth but she resists thinking he's somewhere out there.  Abby tells her that she opened a dark portal and brought whatever's here.  Also that there isn't an other side anymore.  Bonnie hears him call out again and faints.  As her mother sets Enzo on fire.

Matt tells Bonnie how sorry he is but he's been there and he's there for her.  Wanting to tell her about her family but that can wait for another time.  Damon tells Alaric he saved Stefan as he always would and he can call him "selfish" now.  Also telling him he knows how the journal ends.  So he should hypnotize him since Sybil always said she had a get out of jail free card as insurance as far as Cade was concerned and in the room he hands Alaric that same bone weapon!  Now what took them so long to get that connection!!  However Kai (Chris Wood) shows up and tells them he has an even better plan!  Uh-oh here we go again, another plan!  This time a witchy plan. Also wanting some bourbon.  Stefan sits outside Bonnie's house.

Suppose Bonnie's going to get her powers back too and won't be happy seeing Kai again. What's she going to say to Stefan considering he's human now and what he did wasn't him but the Ripper. However yes Cade is ultimately responsible and the bargain was struck to save the twins, but that won't help Stefan alleviate his guilt and nor should it.  However he has enough redemption to undertake and a Caroline said they will find a way for him to make it up.  Stefan is abducted by a hooded figure.  Yeah let's carry this Stefan human bit to the point of getting abducted cos it's easy for that to happen now that he's human.

Redemption an old topic for every TV character going, practically.  It's not unusual for vampires to crave redemption for what they've done even if it's a little late for it.  (See Angel).  Stefan's mortal now and needs it even more for his mortal soul, so he doesn't end up with Cade, but also to survive this human life as best he can now.  It was apparent he would come out of this Ripper mode sooner or later, but having to cope with the killings as a human is much different and not as heightened as it would have been if he had just reverted back to ordinary vampire mode.  Small mercies his guilt won't be that emotional but there will be guilt as we've seen.  Damon just seemed to be plodding along getting into everyone's bad books too but again he would always put Stefan above everyone else, it's what brothers do (not going into ye olde Winchesters here in Supernatural!)  It's just this time it was Stefan who needed saving and one way to stop him whining about Damon always coming after him and doing the right thing was to have him become human.  So what now with the cure and who's next?  Caroline showing that vampire blood doesn't work after the cure's been taken means that Damon couldn't have saved Elena after all.

Kai's back and Bonnie won't be happy seeing him again, as said. Seems like everything this final season has been Bonnie's nightmare more than finding her everlasting happiness.  Appearing to be a Bennett curse more than anything.  But she should get her powers back, she should at least deserve that much.  Bonnie hearing the bell ringing, or rather feeling the same pain as the sirens did, is that some remnant from Bea as she was there when the bell was rung initially and she was saved by Ethan from getting into the fire to help the others.  Did Bea and Ethan have a 'thang' going together?  Yet if they did, it was so easy for her to lock him in  hat room and just leave him there alone to rot for an eternity, that was cruel!  Then again the sirens were inside his head now so there wasn't much escaping that and especially since Ethan was human!

Damon's joke of Stefan being pumped with three bags of blood and he hopes he saved him some!
The ep title was said by Elena to Stefan in 1.5 You're Undead To Me. Also in this episode Stefan had Damon in the dungeon and wanted to desiccate him for at least 150 years!  The course of action Damon repeated himself for real last season!  Oh how history repeats itself.  Bonnie doesn't know what's happening to her in this ep and turns to her grandmother for help as her powers seem to be growing.  Pretty much the same here as something's happening to Bonnie but she doesn't know what or why.

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