Saturday 4 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries 8.11 "You Made A Choice To Be Good" Review

                                           Image result for vampirediaries You Made a Choice to Be Good photos
Damon (Ian Somerhalder) tells Stefan (Paul Wesley) how he will get him back and he's on his redemption bit after getting his humanity back and is enjoying it.  Whereas Stefan just wants to get him back on his killing spree arrangement.  He's in such a good mood that he's going to make pancakes, cos Stefan needs to be left alone doesn't he otherwise nothing will work!  Cade (Wole Parks) comes to the Mystic Grill and stands behind Bonnie (Kat Graham) where he talks of the numbers of coffees available and then when she leaves he talks of how the worker is having an affair with the employer's wife and where they go for lunch on certain days. Which we later see Matt (Zach Roerig) and Caroline (Candice King) speak of since Matt had to break up the fight.  As Caroline and Matt speak at the Mystic Falls Founder's Day Time Capsule unearthing.  Matt being a little nervous as he's the speaker.  She finds the capsule she, Elena and Bonnie buried when they were 11.

What's the betting Matt's heirloom necklace is a key to beating Cade aka Arcadius!  Otherwise there was no point in Darius (Demetrius Bridges) giving it to him cos it'd just be an ordinary necklace and clearly it's not since everything else is somehow all connected.  I liked how Caroline told Matt everything bad in this town was already going on before all the darkness Matt makes reference to happening now.  It's just they were children and the adults didn't want them to know.  Of course she's right and there's no amount of thinking otherwise that'll change that.  Just look at Matt and his own family.  Matt refers to her darkness.  Darius decides he doesn't want to be immortal after what he's seen and wants to live a full life, or as far as he can in this place.  He heads back to research some more on the code cypher that Matt found in the capsule.  Again that'll help them with Cade as he finds something in a different language he hasn't come across.  Naturally Alaric would tell him about vampires and everything else supernatural going on cos someone had to take his place.  Matt's credited for the past two eps but hasn't appeared.

Darius says he thought his family was cursed, it's what the family thought and also how they beat it, until they had a fire and his father and sister died.  Now he just wants to get on with it as Caroline offers him an alternative, becoming a vampire by drinking her blood if the worst comes to it.  After offering the same to Matt before, but he doesn't want that either.  Matt'd prefer to go up in flames with Mystic Falls than survive.  There must be some humans and humanity left in a town overrun with all sorts of spooky elements.  I liked the contrast here between the two humans, Matt and Darius who choose to remain as they are and would rather die than become unnatural beings.  As opposed to Damon who wants the cure when Elena awakens and also Bonnie wanting Enzo (Michael Malarkey) to become human too.

Of course the other killer in this ep (sorry no pun) was how they killed off Enzo.  Now the bucket list: foreshadowing if ever there was any.  Uh-oh do you think Bonnie set off that chain of events by wanting him to do everything humans would do whilst he's still immortal.  Just incase...well the inevitable did happen and she's going to have a hard time dealing with Stefan being human now and doing what he did.  More importantly Stefan will also have an even harder time now dealing with everything cos it'll be too painful for him.  Just like it was for Damon when Sybil gave him back his humanity.  Enzo's bucket list consisting of drag racing, with the cliched "fast cars and beautiful women."  Or as I like to say fast cars and even faster women!  Ha.  And sky diving, seems he was into the extreme stuff so why didn't he do all that before.  But he had a blast in that racing car, who wouldn't?!  Or poignantly carrying Bonnie over the threshold cos he's never going to do that.  SO there was their trip to Paris which was all they ever had together after everything they went through.

Then Bonnie telling Damon she'll go ahead and get the cure cos at least people will be saved at the expense of her own happiness once again, how her words rang out to be true! (Okay no pun again in reference to the bell) so what good is that pesky bell now that they were hiding it still, it already kinda served its purpose with Cade making an entrance into the world.

Also can't say Stefan getting the cure from Bonnie was a shock, saw that coming as soon as he was headed to the house.  Cos he definitely didn't want to be human.
The other kicker here was how Bonnie was on the phone to Damon when he was telling her he needs the cure for Cade so that he becomes mortal and they can kill him, cos he can't die by fire or removing heart.  It's a wonder he has a heart!  But Enzo could hear her with his heightened sense of hearing.  They were taking an awfully long time to get the blood from Elena, yeah let's mess around as they've got all the time in the world.

Ah Stefan you have a lot to answer for.  Compelling the estate agent (Reece Odum) to buy the house back in her name and inviting him in.  Why didn't he get the house in his name instead, it's not like they don't know where he was headed.  Then Bonnie bringing Elena here without telling anyone didn't help.  It was like sending Damon on a wild goose chase and wasting time.  Cade reading her thoughts was too easy even if he does have psychic abilities.  Wouldn't she have bought the house in a different name and just leaving the coffin there in an empty house where anyone could've come in freely.

The conversation with Damon and Stefan in the car was also an interesting one, Stefan just wants to get rid of Damon for good so he doesn't have to help him or rely on him anymore, which he says he'll do.  But how much does Damon really rely on him and anyway they're brothers, it's what they do and have always done.  Also Stefan was the one who brought him into this life by turning him, so maybe he was the one who couldn't live without Damon and his interfering all along.  Thinking that Elena is the one who weakens Damon and gets between them.  Was there a hint of jealousy there in Stefan. He saw her first, loved her first and lost her first and to Damon of all people.
There was a bit of Alfred Hitchock's Strangers on a Train going on here with Stefan opting for Damon to kill Caroline or the hundred people cos as Cade reveals to Damon his choice was to kill Elena and not the hundred souls.  Which Damon opted for instead of Caroline and he can't go back and change his mind now.  Obviously Cade kept that quiet and should've known he couldn't bargain with the devil.

Anyway is Stefan meant to age prematurely now and die sooner rather than later, of course can't Damon or Caroline just turn him again and well probably he and Caroline will get their happy ending.  Again Damon's plans falling to pieces as always on this show, seems Caroline's plan to make Cade human didn't work out either but they weren't really sure it would.  Damon killed Tyler, Stefan killed Enzo, at least there's no ending in sight as to what the Salvatore brothers can do.  Really maybe I'm the only one but I don't want Damon and Elena to get their happy ending cos Damon's too good for her. Okay I said it!  Also Bonnie will get her powers back and what will she do with Enzo's blood?

The title is a reference to Elena's line to Stefan from 1.20  Blood Brothers and amazingly it resonates here with perfection since he is now good as a human again and ironically it wasn't by his own choice and he certainly didn't want to be good.  He wanted to remain a Ripper but not have Damon in his way or life. Though removing Enzo's heart from behind was also a cowardly act on his part.  In this season 1 ep Alaric also asks Damon if they always have to be invited in, being a bit of an iffy question where there aren't private houses, however both Enzo and Stefan here showed again that they do.  Elena and Damon also speak of having to lock up Stefan so he didn't go around 'chewing up' the people!  Again ironically it's exactly what he does as the Ripper.

Another line from Blood Brothers which has connotations on the conversation Damon and Stefan have is where Damon says to Stefan: "you brood too much.  Everything on the planet's not your fault. My actions what I do, it's not your fault, I own them.  They belong to me.  You're not allowed to feel my guilt."  There are some things on the Vampire Diaries planet which are their fault!

This season is much better than last one I mean that was dire, leaping back and forth three years, days, whatever!  At least the final ever season will go out with a bang!  Maybe no one should get their happy ending!! Hey even more poignant if they had Michael's Scars song in this ep, but alas that's what Bonnie et all will be left with !

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