Tuesday 7 February 2017

Once Upon A Time 6.4 "Strange Case" Review

                                           Image result for once-upon-a-time strange-case photos
This episode seemed to end Jekyll and Hyde rather quickly all done in four episodes.  What happened to all that evilness and the Evil Queen prolonging her alliance wight Hyde (Sam Witwer) for longer. Not to mention how Hyde was playing the perfunctory bad guy when he wasn't and didn't have to. Why was he 'Hyding' Jekyll's (Hank Harris) darkness in that way and why did Jekyll think that by finding a serum to kill Hyde or at least neutralize him, it wouldn't affect him in any way.

There was still so much to be explored and Regina (Lara Parilla) and Rumples (Robert Carlyle) finding out to destroy the Evil Queen means destroying (using Reggie's fave word here) it's said by her in almost every ep!  That they need to kill the original.  Obviously they can't kill Regina.  I also noticed how there's quite a bit of repetition going on her from past eps and seasons.  The story of the Saviour being weak, needing help, not wanting to be the Saviour, reports and visions of death.  It's been done before and always at the hands of some hooded figure.

Also the Belle/Rumples 'not in love.' 'love you' storyline is a bit grating right about now. and getting old fast.  Honestly not enjoying this season at all.  Now we get boring Jasmine (Karen Shenaz David) and Aladdin, sorry they were boring. With Aladdin a poor substitute for Will Scarlet and then the Red Queen too.  A t least Will had more life in him and took risks.  Aladdin took the plunge in order to save himself and severed his powers, how was that helping anyone but himself.  Isn't it the Saviour's responsibility to save everyone but themselves and make the ultimate sacrifice and being chosen for that purpose too.

Once getting in on the ITV Jekyll and Hyde series from 2014, which also had a lot more legs left in it before being cancelled.  The people with no stories is a bit pointless too.  As for no one having any secrets seems like all the men are keeping those this season, David, Hook.  As we know the men in
this show are always the weaker.  Shown by how they all harbour secrets and usually have to be rescued by someone else, usually a woman.

This also shows how Jekyll wanted Mary (not you again re the actress, Elizabeth Blackmore) who plays her!  Any Brit accent needed, let's get her.  Was so annoying in The Vampire Diaries and in Supernatural too!)  She meets Hyde at a party and is besotted with him and his passion which is lacking in Jekyll, who is a dry as the formula he can't seem to come up with.  He realizes how they spent the night together and she can't fathom being with such a boring wretch that they struggle and she lands outside the window, falling to her death.  In order to conceal this he conjures up a potion and drinks it, thus putting the blame on Hyde.  Who turns out to be a good guy after all.  SO why kill him off?  Yet he couldn't just come out and tell them this, no wonder as the warden, he kept Jekyll a prisoner as he did.  It was his justice for killing Mary.  Though they ended up calling her more a 'merry' than Mary.  Hey this wasn't the Lord of the Rings.

In the end he is killed cos Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) has to rescue Belle (Emilie de Ravin) from the sadistic Jekyll who's on his ship too.  Rumples doing nothing to lift the protection spell he placed around the ship.   As for Belle, it was Hook who came to her rescue and Rumples wasn't even grateful for it.  Hyde is right when he tells him "you can change the outside but the inside is still there."  A reference to Rumples' haircut if ever there was one!  Ha.  Actually it's also an allusion to Regina in some ways, even if she thought she destroyed her evil self and removed her from her inside, she didn't really kill her or the darkness that accompanies her and her evil.

Strange case indeed it's not just about Regina and Jekyll's alter egos but how much of this still lurks inside of them.  Why Regina couldn't rid herself of her evil, cos it's a part of her and will be.  There's no magic cure in a serum, as Hyde showed it didn't work on him, no amount of magic worked on him, like nothing they throw at the Queen works on her.  Hyde wasn't evil or sadistic and Jekyll didn't realize that with all his science and experiments, he couldn't have removed the darkness, in the same way Regina couldn't do the same.  They just churned out different versions of themselves.  Jekyll was the bad one as the Queen is here.

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