Sunday 15 January 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.5 "Waverly Hills" Review

Waverly Hills Sanatorium: excessively haunted and amass with shadow figures.  Katrina's first visit here and as she said she wanted to be here for the past ten years and finally got round to it and what better investigator to go here with than Nick.  Though activity is rife in this location, the spirits appeared to be a little shy with Nick and Katrina around, at least from this edit.  But at least they got some responses with the Wonderbox, as well as the lights on the motion activated LED panels in the body chute.  Had a fair idea Nick would spend the night there before it was mentioned.  With Ben warning him of the dangers.  Again with the lights coming on when Nick was asleep.  As if they were curious in approaching him until he couldn't sense their presence whilst asleep.  Love the Wonderbox, it's so clear and easy to hear the voices coming through!

Fun moment when Katrina had to wake up Nick and also Rob should spend the night more at locations!  Cos each of them bring their own energy with them and the spirits would certainly have a different reaction with each of them.  Also it was a shame the shadow figures couldn't be caught on camera and were only seen on the periphery of Nick's eyes. It was his third visit here, maybe the spirits and entities were a bit too familiar with his presence.  I don't mean that in any bad or condescending way, as you know.  Thinking perhaps they just felt comfortable with seeing a familiar face around.  Since Katrina appeared to get a brush with a spirit or some sort of an encounter, when she felt something on her face, a sharp pain and Nick thought she was going to pass out and he'd have to catch her.

At 13.13 the voice Nick heard was like a scream, sort of like when the wind whistles and it was near the surgical room as he said.  17.23 the voice, sounds possibly residual, saying, "the nurse will help you out," when Katrina gets out of bed and then returns, there's a voice heard that says the above.
The noises  in the chute Nick heard, were they like bodies being moved?
In the morgue, there's a woman's voice saying "there;" before the creepy voice says "die."
28.16 was a kind of  faint 'hum' heard, like a child or a woman.

Wouldn't it be cool if the shadow figure heard Nick speak of the thermal camera and made an appearance, as if to either taunt like 'catch me if you can' or that it was there all the time Nick was seeing it but couldn't capture it on camera.
That find by Rob with the thermal drone was amazing.  Was it coincidental that the 'figure' he caught appeared when Nick walked onto the floor above in view of the camera and then quickly vanished when Rob told them what he'd seen!  Should use that drone more often.
But Rob left ASAP when Nick said he could go!  Ha.  Nick thinking Katrina and Rob were in front of him when they weren't in that place, did he manage to see doppelgangers, which Waverly Hills is notorious for.

Agree with Nick about finding information on shadow figures, how they manifest themselves and also how it's necessary to think outside of the box and particularly how the investigation methods improve and are rigorous, instead of doing the same old thing over the years.  I said that too about "thinking outside of the box" and "outside of the spirit box" in one of my reviews and a review for a certain person's book going back two years.   Not mentioning any names!!  Sufficed to say he blocked me!!  Which should answer many queries of who I mean!! Ha.
Love it when Nick and I are on the same wavelength!  Also love writing about Nick and Paranormal Lockdown.  Look out for something from me about Nick in the future!

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