Wednesday 4 January 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.3 "The Oliver House" Review

For a first so far this season The Oliver House presented itself with so much evidence but one where the spirits were more 'friendlier' than most of the places Nick and Katrina have investigated.  It was good to see there was nothing malicious in the house and how the children were intrigued by Katrina, as she sensed a little girl and how her hand was held.
The other fascinating aspect of the house was not only how it was seeped in so much history from the colonists to the revolutionists and how Benjamin Franklin really did get around!  But how it was also used as part of the Underground Railway network.  The Oliver's were not only persecuted by the revolutionists and betrayed by Franklin, yet to see that their house was also used for some good in helping the slaves reach Canada and freedom.

The evidence in the basement with the "ssh" so many times as you would do when hiding and running for your lives, it was so clear, as if someone was standing right next to them when it was said.  As well as the exceptional stick figures on the 3D mapping camera.  Then child with Katrina and then Nick seeing the little boy in the other room, as well as Katrina being woken when she felt like someone touching her feet.  Hey someone should've slept in the basement.

That's why as Katrina said the paranormal doesn't happen when you want it to or expect it to, but anytime, which is why sleeping in the place helps. At 15.26 you can hear a child saying "hmm." Then a voice followed by it when Katrina pulls the covers off her head, sounds like "hello" and definitely sounds like a little girl at 15.30. Such a coincidence that the voice is heard as soon as Katrina pulls the covers off.  That was some communication! When Katrina reviews the evidence next day you can hear the voice again at 16.16.
Have to say that clock counting down the hours was droning not to mention sounding like how you'd feel if you were exhausted.  Nick looked less tired than Katrina that morning, for a change.  ha.

You can hear the drums too at 18.58 as Rob says, since there's also no background music playing for the episode. More compelling evidence not only since the land belonged to the Native Americans but the deaths that have been associated with it.  Katrina was intrigued by the woods as she said, but also uncanny how Katrina ended up going out there when she was lost by Rob and Nick.  As though she was drawn out there.

At 26.40 when Nick communicates with Earl, sure there's also a child's voice that comes through before "upstairs" where something like, "let me go" is said.  The boot steps in the hallway, the back mass figures and Nick getting to interact with Earl was amazing.  Not to mention Katrina tripping on the stairs (not amazing) but what was endearing was Nick turning around and asking Rob if "she's okay" after Katrina replies that she is.  Yet more reasons why they are so in sync together and collect some of the best paranormal evidence around.  As well as Nick telling the 3D figure how it's still his house and even if people will come through, they won't be there to hurt them.  Always thinking of the spirits and being respectful.

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