Wednesday 11 January 2017

Once Upon A Time 6.2 "A Bitter Draught" Review

                                         Image result for once-upon-a-time a-bitter-draught photos
Belle (Emilie de Ravin) tells everyone that she and Rumples (Robert Carlyle) are over, and we've heard that how many times.  Yet she still confesses she might love him and still harbour some feelings towards him, as she boards the Jolly Roger as her new makeshift home, being under the protection of Hook (Colin O'Donoghue).  This time we get the Count of Monte Cristo, Edmund Dantes (Craig Horner) turning up in his quest for revenge.  Isn't everyone, take a number and join the queue. but as he reveals himself at the suave soiree, which no surprise is attended by none other than the Evil Queen (Lana Parilla). She's impressed and asks if he spent all those years planning this. Then just passes him a scroll with the names of everyone who wronged him and his fiance.  Naturally it had to have the names of Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming (Josh Dallas) too.  As in a flashback we see Edmund Dantes attempting to poison them with wine but then sees Charlotte's (Andrea Brooks) (Snow's handmaiden's) eyes which remind him of his own fiance.  So he doesn't carry it through.

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) and the Queen turn up at the vault which Regina sealed using a blood spell, which didn't do much good.  She needs more magic and this is where she'll get it.  She's going to teach Regina a lesson.  At Granny's (Beverley Elliott) Regina and Henry (Jared S Gilmore) talk and he tells her she's a hero, as they help the newcomers.  As Mayor Regina welcomes them and tells then she knows what they're going through since she was once an outsider like them too.

Henry meets someone who leaves behind a sealed envelope.  He's sure he's seen him before.  As he gives the envelope to Snow and Charming.  Regina tells them he will kill them and that she was the one who hired Edmund to carry out the evil deed.  Emma (Jennifer Morrison) admits to Archie (Ralph Sbarge) her dream and visions, someone she is fighting kills her and ponders if she should tells her parents, as Archie suggests, since she knows all they'll do is protect her.  As they've been doing all her life.  They find Edmund's belongings and recall how Regina burned down a village where they found him and he was nursed by Charlotte.  Becoming mesmerized by her.  Regina is confronted by Edmund when she tells him to stop with his killing spree.  He doesn't back down and apparently the town is blocked by another spell.

Regina finds missing things from her vault and asks Zelena about it but she won't be questioned and vanishes.  However Regina put a protection spell on Snow and Charming so that Edmund can't hurt them. Rumples finds a missing coin that the Queen has stolen and he'll give it to her only if she promises not to hurt his son and Belle.  Henry and Regina find Charlotte dead.  She finds she was poisoned from the bottle she gave Edmund and when Regina touches her, she loses her magic. Another showdown at the docks when he tries to kill Snow and Charming and Regina can't help.  The Queen tells her she has his heart and he can't stop doing what he's doing.  As a flashback ensues with the Dark One poisoning Charlotte, there's no cure but it can be stopped, if he listens to him.  He wants the key to the Land of Untold Stories.  That key will get around cos Nemo will have one too in another ep.  Also in the next ep was this also the key Cinderella had which belonged to her mother.

In a showdown Regina has no choice but to run Edmund through and kills him.  Charming offers to back down from finding out about his father, but he needs answers so he's not going to do that.  He finds the coin and the Queen tells him his father used to carry it around and he was killed.  He too has an untold story.  The Queen gives Zelena the rattle that belonged to their mother for helping her in her schemes and not telling Regina about her.  Well it won't be too long before she finds out.
Archie tells Emma there was one person not in her vision and that was Regina, which doesn't really mean much of anything.  She could be otherwise disposed.  Once again more characters turn up only to meet their demise in Storybrooke: the land for the most deaths and killings it seems!

Not much going on here and it's pointless adding characters if they're just going to get killed off and not have any impact except for just adding to the episodes and making them longer.  It's not going to stay a secret for long that the Evil Queen didn't die.  Could he really remove part of herself without suffering some form of relapse or even killing herself.  She is obviously a part of Regina.  Emma's story is just another rehash.  Someone will always be after the Saviour and a season's not complete without some form of danger for her or having some sort of self doubts.  Belle can't decide either way if she loves Rumbles or she doesn't, part of her just wants to do both.  As for their son he must have some form of darkness within him.  Proving the apple doesn't fall far from the tree (no pun towards the Evil Queen intended.)

Not to mention the Queen making her moves on Rumbles, oh boy she waited years for that!!  But they'll just play each other of course.  He doesn't want anyone but Belle.  As well as Hook apologizing to Belle for hitting her, er, well you know, he was a pirate back then.  What did he know of behaving properly, even if he did love Milah and now he knows what redemption means.  Even if he did kill his father and was bad to the core.  Seems everyone can change and then go back to their former selves as if nothing happened.  Rumples did and then said he couldn't change cos he's a coward and too afraid to be powerless.  Truth is he's known nothing but power so how could eh give all that up.  Love conquers all but not Rumples and the Evil Queen!

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