Thursday 4 August 2016

The Whispers 1.11 "Homesick" Review

                                        Image result for the-whispers homesick photos
This episode starts with the repercussions for Wes (Barry Sloane) after Lena's death and how he must carry on, without having any time to wallow or grieve, since he has Minx (Kylie Rogers) to think of and especially more so, as Minx is about to have health problems, which is the least of her worries. Sean (Milo Ventimiglia) and Claire (Lily Rabe) arrive to offer their condolences at the wake, but he doesn't want them here.  Just an inappropriate time as she's back with Sean and has her family intact, but it was rather harsh of Wes to turn them away.  Henry (Kyle Harrison Breitkopf) leaves a card for Minx.  Wes's anger is shown once again as he smashes the bathroom mirror.  Once more he doesn't have time to spend alone as Minx mentions the medicine that Henry's grandmother gave her isn't working and she doesn't feel well.  She faints in his arms.  At the hospital we find that she's not alone and all of the children contacted by Drill, at least as many as are shown, are in the same position. Explaining Henry's dilemma last ep too.

Maria (Catalina Davis) puts Minx in the MRI machine and informs Wes of the influx of ill children flooding in, as things begin to reach a climax in the show.  Obviously it's an attempt by Drill to remain close to the children but also in his search for the ideal child he's looking for.  Maria tells him Drill has put some sort of a 'mark' in their brains.  Cue flickering lights as Henry arrives with Sean and Claire and Henry tells them Drill isn't speaking with him.  Claire follows the light and finds Harper (Abby Ryder Fortson) who tells her Drill told them not to worry and they'll be better soon, "as soon as he finds Orion."  They have no idea what that is, thinking it's the constellation.  They need to protect the children and Wes suggests to the president (Martin Cummins) that they place them all in quarantine, which may have sounded good on paper or out loud, but wasn't in practice.  Drill is using their minds as some sort of "symbiotic link".

How will they protect the children considering they tried that with Nicholas last ep in the abandoned building and Drill still managed to get the better of them.  Jessup (Derek Webster) looks for 'Orion' or whatever he can find and the parents of the infected children are told there's an encephalitis scare, so they need to be checked out.  All the children displaying symptoms of Drill are rounded up and taken to the new facility.  Wes also wants Henry brought in, which at this point just looks like sour grapes on his part, in that why should Minx be the only one who's brought in and singled out and not Henry. DOD men are sent to bring Henry in and go about it heavy handedly, even attacking Sean.  Which Claire isn't happy about.  Sean thinks Drill is affecting them now cos he wants the adults to listen to his demands.  A pity then that Sean didn't have more contact with Drill as he was able to communicate with Sean before.  So that we could've had some adult contact and not just with the children.

The children isolate Minx as Wes is the one in charge and think she's the child Drill is after.  Maria finds some anomalies on the computer and is attacked by a boy and killed as she was also earlier on   the phone to someone.  Her DB shows a burn mark in the form of  a child's print.  The children lose their symptoms and Frommer (David Andrews) now realizes Drill is in confinement with them.  Wes wants Minx to 'spy' but she doesn't want to do it.  Instead Claire will speak with the children and see the 'tells' exhibited by them.  The children are shown being questioned and each one has a different reaction, Henry is unsure, Harper is angry and Minx acts all grown up as she always does.  Harper's funny line when Claire asks, "I dream..."  Harper answers, " you will stop asking these questions." Clearly she was getting nowhere and was quite boring in her approach, I wouldn't have opened up to Claire if I was a child.  Even if she is a mother, yawn!  Ha.  Claire asks Silas (Teo Briones) who the child was that Drill has taken over, showing him photos including Minx and Henry.  He's afraid Drill will hurt his mother and narrows down the photo... just then the alarm sounds and a girl pushes past Minx, later claiming that she grabbed her.  Showing them the marks.  But Henry was there too so how come they just narrowed it down to Minx.

Sean finally gets his hands on the man with Lena and finds he's a reporter, quelle surprise, Daniel Goetz (Tom Butler) and Maria told him to contact Sean if anything happened to her.  Minx is too obvious as the child, Lena was killed by Drill and it's unbelievable that she would help Drill in any way cos of this and it can't be Henry as he's Sean and Claire's son and if anything was to happen to him or he'd be the 'chosen' child something would've happened by now.  It's apparent Drill is after something more bigger than these children can offer, as shown from his actions at the nuclear power plant and in getting the codes from Nicholas and using him.  He's looking for reuniting with his world but also something much more closer to home for the adults here.

Still this episode sets up many scenarios and the penultimate must provide some revelations but Frommer right now is the ugliest threat, we know he's not immune to having to kill a child if necessary and is able to talk the president around, for the greater good and all.  Just a thought did they not use infra red and thermal cameras this time round in the facility instead of the tedious interrogations, I mean Q&A from Claire.  The other thing was when Sean was standing by the poster of Orion golf course, that was funny cos it was clearly a blatant attempt at putting people off the right track, but not a word was made of it from Jessup or Sean even.

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