Saturday 9 April 2016

The Vampire Diaries 7.17 "I Went To the Woods" Review

                                                 Image result for the-vampire-diaries i-went-to-the-woods photos
Valerie (Elizabeth Blackmore) finds the burnt out car where Nora and Mary Louise died and says they destroyed the phoenix stone with them even before they knew that Stefan (Paul Wesley) had already been taken by it.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) says they need to find Rayna (Leslie-Anne Duff) before and that Thelma and Mary Louise were selfish and didn't think of anyone but themselves. Valerie leaves Damon there and when he returns to the airport Stefan's body is gone, he thinks she took him.  Stefan wakes up in the middle of the road and sees a burning bus, from which he rescues cheerleaders.  He later gets checked out and finds he can recall he's Stefan but he's in his own hell. The policeman finds a wallet belonging to a Marty (Ryan Dorsey) the bus driver, he crashed the bus whilst under the influence.   He makes Stefan walk the line.  As Damon drives up he sees Stefan walking on the road and takes him into the car.

Matt (Zach Roerig) calls Alaric (Matt Davis) to tell him he's sending some people his way, Rayna and Valerie and that he kidnapped Caroline as she was bait but he freed her.  Caroline's in hiding with the twins and Alaric packs to leave.  Valerie arrives with Rayna as she told Matt on the phone when she asked for help and he refused, how she had trapped vampire souls and now they're free since the stone was destroyed.  So when Matt needs to help them he can't.  Telling Alaric he's three states away, so he also didn't really get his revenge since Stefan is free, but not only that so are the worst vampires around.  You'd think Matt would want to help instead of sitting in a bar, very poor story for him, since he hates vampires and would so anything to save humans from them, including finding them.

Rayna says she can feel them and it's painful, so Valerie tries to make her concentrate on seeing Stefan, who by this time has escaped from the policeman and is in the woods.  Coming to an abandoned cabin.  Stefan's human now and has withdrawals, as well as human tendencies, such as pain, hunger and as he later tells Damon, the worst thing about being human is how he can't compel people.  Valerie sees everything, as Alaric recalls the news report about Marty having a tattoo since he's a merchant sailor.   Valerie uses a locator spell and Damon knows it's not Stefan, but gave him his journal to read.  er, who brought Stefan's journal.  Unlikely Damon would have it considering he spent three years in a coffin.

They manage to locate Stefan to Arkansas as Damn needs to keep his body with him and head there. However the fake Stefan knows Damon's realized who he is and leaves the car, wanting to head to Memphis, not before having a conversation of how Stefan hates him.  Rayna hears he's heading to Memphis and says he's a dangerous vampire.  It snows as Stefan gets stuck on the road and stops a passerby who just happens to hear the news on the radio about Marty and Stefan asks for her phone. Damon arrives pretending to be Matt and compels the policeman to let him conduct the investigation, as the woman arrives and gives up the location of where she saw Stefan.  She also lost her phone and Stefan didn't even know the phone was there until Damon rings it.

Giving the two time to have a heart to heart of sorts on how Damon bailed on him, not just the spell, but three years ago, he walked out on him and gave up, deciding it was best to live in a coffin, than face life and be around.  He hates him for that and resents him and Damon uses this anger to make him walk towards him so he doesn't freeze.  Stefan says he had 160 years before Elena to lived without her, but he didn't want to and didn't care about anyone not even his brother, until Elena came along.  Stefan recalls hide and seek and how he used to hide in their father's study and how Damon didn't find him.  He was afraid, not of going in there but afraid for Stefan.  Stefan bets he won't find him again, that's why he mentioned the game.  Sorry Stefan but he did find you.  Cos he couldn't really lose his brother and deep down he knows that.  Even if he hates him and doesn't forgive him, they have 48 hours to find his body before he dies as a human.

Alaric and Valerie are stuck in a diner as Rayna already escaped and she talks about Caroline and how Stefan coming back will be a spanner in the works of their wedding.  He says Stefan left her to go round the world with Valerie, but she knew he wouldn't be hers.  Alaric fell in love with Caroline and she knew it was the best  thing for the children, he's not bothered about Stefan returning.  The locator spell finds him in Memphis.  Alaric recalls what Rayna said about him being dangerous and also how a serial vampire killer lived there during he 1800's;  he used to frequent frat houses and make the people murder each other, as Stefan arrives with some beer and locks them inside.

So the phoenix stone is destroyed and the souls inhabit any humans they can find, as we saw with Oscar.  A bit of a Supernatural theme going on here, not only with the souls being released to wreck havoc but also the storyline between Stefan and Damon.  Though here Damon is made out to be a bit of a worthless sot, than heroic, since he's never around when needed and has to think twice before doing the right thing.  But at the end of it all, they're still related and are brothers.  And I would agree with Stefan, Damon doesn't need Elena around to bring out that good side in him.  He won't have her around for another 57 years, so he has to stop being selfish.

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