Sunday 24 April 2016

Once Upon a Time 5.16 "The Brothers Jones" Review

                                                Image result for once-upon-a-time the-brothers-jones photos
Henry (Jared Gilmore) and Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) drive around talking the same thing again about how if he finds the quill and writes her alive, Emma (Jennifer Morrison) will no longer be a murderer, which he later tells Emma he knows she's felling guilt over.  Henry's met by the sorcerer's apprentice (Timothy Webber) who's still around here cos he's got unfinished business too.  Telling him that he can't rewrite anything but must only write the stories as they happen.  Henry thinking he can write what he likes, write how he wants cos he's the author now.  After much trepidation, or should that be repetition, he tells Henry the sorcerer's house is also here and he can find the quill there.

Emma was looking at Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) with sympathy and he said Hades (Greg Germann) took away his handsomeness.  She healed him but he didn't wanna snog cos he wasn't in the mood, rather he too was revelling in guilt, guilt over not being good enough for her.  Which was to be the theme of this ep.  That she shouldn't have saved him cos he's not worthy for her and well, let's see when he was alive he did nothing but chase her all through Storybrooke, Neverland and beyond, including when she was the Dark One.  His guilt also stems from the fact she as the Dark One was able to hold out on the darkness for so long, but he just buckled under and succumbed exacting revenge ASAP!  That was the nature of the ep being written like that and not by Henry either.

There's a knock at the door and brother Liam (Bernard Curry) arrives (incidentally let me say this now and get it out of the way, Liam is also an anagram for Mila!! Okay said it, funny how these names kind of go together, Lima his brother, Milah the woman he coveted and desired for so long, but couldn't get or keep.)

Flashback to Liam mentioning how their nameless and worthless father sold them into servitude but they have silver saved and will be out of their misery soon enough.  With the idea they can then join up into voluntary servitude in the King's navy!  Aye tis a better life on the high seas plundering for one's King and country instead of piracy!  Liam goes to enlist them, when nasty, smarmy Captain Silver, as in Long John, (Costas Mandylor) insists the drunken one stay behind, see demon drink was Hook's downfall even before he became a pirate and said captain also messes up their hard work of cleaning the deck by spilling some more poop on the deck!!  When he returns he finds Hook's gambled away his money to the captain who tricked him and got him drunk in the process too. Though not sure how much of that was actually voluntary on Hook's part.  Doesn't seem he put up much of a fight.  Just for that Liam has to stay behind with his brother.

Liam tells Emma that she's not good enough for Hook and she saved him when he had a hero's death and could'v gone to a better place.  Love means now't to him.  They get the idea that if they can find the storybook then they can find out Hades's plans and stop him.  Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) searches in the normal place but it's not in the suitcase.  So they have a look around the apartment with Liam and he tells her he'd prefer to see Hook in hell than with her.  Henry ends up telling them he knows where the book might be but they need the key to the house which is at the sheriff's.  Snow finds the key but Cruella returns for some "smooshin'" with James, so David (Josh Dallas) pretends to be him. After drinking and some snogging he realizes she already knew he wasn't James.  Unlike Snow who didn't realize how David kisses!  She tells him how James wants what he didn't have a mother's love.  he resents him cos David was chosen by his mother and James went to live in the palace.  Still waiting for David and James to meet!

Hades showed up where Liam tends bar, a bit like their father wasn't it, he became a barkeep too when he ran off.  Anyway he tells him he needs to get to the book and give him the pages about him from there, to which he has to agree.  So he's able to head there and open the door too since there's a protection spell, but it's cos Hades let him do that cos he also heads straight for the book and tore out the relevant pages.  It's also a secret deal Liam made with Hades.

Flashback to the captain leading them to the seas into a storm just to find the famous sapphire. Where Liam thinks the entire ship will be damned and the men too.  Thus he mutineers and the men follow. Hades is waiting for him below and tells him if he lets the ship into the storm, he'll let Liam and Hook live and also give him the sapphire.  He agrees cos they'd be doomed anyway.  He tells the others he won't give up searching for the book, a little too defensive.  Henry finds the quill.

Regina (Lana Parilla) tells Emma that she's too good for Hook and not the other way around.  Also at the house Emma knows Liam is up to no good and spots the ink on his hands which she tells Hook about, but he won' look cos he doesn't believe his brother is anything but honourable.  Well he's forgotten the old mantra, like father like son.  Also we had some banter with Emma and Liam about the ring that he gave her which was Liam's and cos he was in awe of his brother's honour.  Hook then looks at his hands, spots the ink which is a bit of a quandary as to why he had ink from the storybook anyway unless it was just written, which it wasn't but before they had time to do much arguing, the captain and the crew turned up for what Liam had done and wanted revenge.  Ending up at that cliff edge again and wanted them to walk the hell plank, but Hades whisked the captain into the hellfire instead, as well as throwing Liam down there too.

However Liam returned on a boat and a ship was anchored waiting for him.  He redeemed himself and he and the sailors could leave.  Hook still having his unfinished business to deal with.  So it was farewell to Liam and hopefully that was the last we see of him.  Liam telling Hook he was a much better man than him (forgetting he was a pirate and yes he did kill, including their father, which he neglected to mention).  Leading Hook to get back to Emma and have that well deserved snog he refused earlier on!  Ha.  Oh and will miss Hook's funny ponytail too!!

David tried to speak with Henry who was hiding out in a room that wasn't really his considering there were so many there and "acting like a teenager."  Was that cos he doesn't have much control over the storybook, or he tends to be forgotten a lot and then preached to plenty!

Hades we find was hiding a pic of him and Zelena together.  That was his big secret.  Not liking the fact that as an author Henry has no dramatic licence at all and can't just rewrite stories, instead of what is actually happening!  What promised to be an interesting ep from the title, didn't turn out that way.  Of course we know even if Hook was a pirate he was much better than his brother.  He actually felt guilt and remorse at what he did, but also he's a far more interesting character.  Anyhoo plenty of Hook bias from me!  Ha.  Hook: "Hades kind of knocked the handsome out of me."
Emma; "no one's that powerful"  Too true he didn't even lose the handsome when he was dark!!

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