Saturday 12 March 2016

Paranormal Lockdown 1.2 Anderson Hotel

                                                   Image result for paranormal lockdown episodes
Episode 2 of Paranormal Lockdown continued with what was still a great and suspenseful investigation, with lots of heart in mouth moments.  Not only did Nick give a thorough and comprehensive rundown of the events at the hotel which have led to the negativity and the attacks, but also interviewed people who have been affected by it firsthand, along with Jeff Waldridge.  I mean that bitemark on investigator, Donnie Irvin's foot and then for the cameraman, Rob Saffi to suffer the same fate on his back.  Really shows how bad this spirit was.  That of the "burned man." Not satisfied with his life whilst he was alive, he then chose to attack others and make their lives a living hell.

Not to mention the poor girl who took her own life.  Nick was extremely brave to lie there on the bloody mattress where she ended her life and to make a connection and then to get screamed at.  The EVPS captured through the Geobox were amazing once again and to get such intelligent responses to questions, showing not only the right questions were asked but that the spirits/entities acknowledged their presence.

I liked how both Nick and Katrina Weidman systematically ruled out which of the entities was behind the attacks and causing the negativity, even affecting the other spirits there.  Then came up with a solution of driving him out of there so he can no longer cause further pain and attacks on anyone else; using the sage to cleanse and back him into a corner.  Finally releasing the hold he had there.  As well as calling on the other innocent spirits to help "push" him out.  It was inspiring that they both helped the people there and the owner and resolved to do so.  That's important with any paranormal investigator, I feel, to help if they're able to.
Also how Nick stood his ground against the entity, knowing how vulnerable they were after having their energy drained.  And the stress showed on them as they carried on with very little sleep at all.
Glad to hear there haven't been anymore reports of attacks or activity since the episode was filmed.

I admire how Nick really puts himself out there to get evidence and results!  Nick really tries to get down to why the spirits are there and it's not just about getting evidence.  But finding the reason behind the hauntings, the attacks and the presence.  This show needs a season 2 cos Nick's just brilliant and so compassionate at what he does!  But also as it makes new inroads to investigating the paranormal and the afterlife.

Paranormal Lockdown episode 1 review:

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