Tuesday 31 March 2015

Revenge 4.13 "Abduction" Review

                                         Image result for revenge abduction photos
Emily (Emily VanCamp) and Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) both wake up to discover they've been abducted and caged by Malcolm Black (Tommy Flanagan).  He's holding them cos he wants his daughter back.  Black wakes Emily up with a slap cos he has to contact David (James Tupper) and Jack (Nick Wechsler) comes to the house to tell David that Black's been released, as he finds David packing.  He thinks he can slip away with Emily before Black can come after them but he's too late. Jack says he came to the house cos he thought his phone would've been traced.  Which is why Emily was caught.  He also tells him that the flashdrive is gone so he doesn't have anymore leverage and that's what David told Jack would happen.  David heads to the manor but finds Emily missing.  He then tries to find a way of showing Black that his daughter is still alive.

Jack asks Ben (Brian Hallisay) for help cos he tells her that he doesn't have anyone else and Ben tells him he knows everything about Emily but doesn't want to help people who lied to him. Jack pleads for help since Alvarez is missing and may be is being held by him.  That's the only reason Ben decides to help.  Jack brings him back to the manor and he thinks maybe Nolan (Gabriel Mann) can help, but David doesn't want to endanger anyone else.  He has a video from Black showing Emily and Victoria.  He's trying to put together Kate's voice using the messages on her phone and Jack has one too which they can use.  Ben thinks they can find Emily's car and see if it's turned up in the abandoned vehicles database.  This leads them to the lighthouse and her car.  There's a security camera there and Jack realizes there may be another way of helping David than what he plans to do. Which is making Black believe she's still alive and arranges a meeting.  Black's not interested in an exchange he just wants her back.

As Louise (Elena Satine) drinks at the club, she thinks she sees her mother, Penelope (Carolyn Hennesey) again as she turns up for real.  She meets Nolan and tells them she's staying here for a while.  Later she tells Louise about the judge appointing her conservator of her inheritance and she gave her enough money,  Louise tells her about drugging her, but if she talks and tells anyone about the pills, then Penelope threatens to cut off her money.  She realizes that her mother has always loved Lyman and not her.  All she wants is for her son to be elected.

Victoria wishes that Emily had finished her off at the lighthouse and Emily doesn't like being there with her either.  She tries to find away out of the cage and finds Black's men come in every half an hour.  She thinks if they can move the crates then they can ram the cage, but Victoria's not interested in helping her.  Margaux (Karine Vanasse) finds a paper with Daniel's death on the front page which gives her ideas of revenge.  She calls in a man her father knew to help her and wants to go after Emily.  Don't think she can manage that feat!

When Black returns Victoria tells them there's another way of getting Kate back and that he should go after Jack.  In return for this she wants her freedom, which he will give her, but only after she's returned.  Emily tries to stop her but ii doesn't work.  Emily seizes her chance and fights one of his men, but Black hits her from behind, telling him to get Jack for the info on Kate and then to kill him. Well that was only cos Emily told Victoria that Jack was helping David when they made that phonecall.  Victoria and Emily are tied up and Emily tells her how David was trying to kill her and call it a suicide.  He doesn't love her and they shouldn't be together.  That's why she sent her the text to meet her at the lighthouse.

Black brings Victoria to their meeting spot instead of Emily and he uses the thermometer to take a reading of the body in the van, which shows up cold.  He knows he's being doublecrossed and he shoots David in the knee.  He wants Black to end it, but he wants David to suffer first, asking them both back to Emily.   It dawns on Victoria that David doesn't care about her, took her long enough. Jack goes back to see Ben and finds him tied up, having to fight the man sent to kill him.  Ben says he jumped him thinking he was Jack.  As Ben handcuffs him, Jack notices the wheel on his back.  It's a sign from Emily, when they were young, they used to play find the treasure.  Ben smells the mark and finds it's coal.  Emily must've drawn it on him and then realizes there was no car footage on the camera at the lighthouse cos they went away by boat, somewhere coal is still used.  The trash incinerator, well that was easy.

Black is about to kill Emily cos she killed his daughter but Victoria stops him, saying she killed her cos she killed her son and she enjoyed doing it.  She tells him to stab her, but he grabs her buy the neck instead.  Emily gets a chance to grab the knife and cut her ties.  She fights him, as Ben and Jack arrive.  David gets his chance to grab the gun and shoot Black as he drags Emily towards the incinerator.  He falls in himself when he's shot.  David thanks Victoria for saving Emily and she says she did it so he can spend time with her and she can mourn Daniel.  But that they should go their own ways and she knows about the lighthouse.  However she and Emily plotted to work together which kind of made everything sour didn't it.  Especially since we could've got some great scenes between them, like the good old days.  Emily was going there when she said it was Victoria's fault they're here, cos she gave Kate her photo.

Victoria tells Margaux to let that revenge go cos she's not good enough, okay I said she's not good enough to take on Emily.  All she wants is to be with her and her grandson.  But Margaux can't give it up insisting Emily was responsible for her father's death too, er, that was Conrad, and it's a wonder Victoria didn't set her right on that too.  Victoria tells her "revenge is a dangerous thing."  How will exposing Emily in her magazine be revenge.  Shouldn't she be blaming Victoria instead of Emily, since Daniel wanted to save Emily, his choice and how is this serving Daniel's memory?  Agh Margaux, give it up already!  It's become her revenge plot now!

Emily thanks Ben for rescuing her and she already knows that he knows who she is, Jack told her.
Oh no Nolan marrying that Harlot Louise! ha.  Especially after her mother tells her she killed her father, that's why she was taking pills.  Which is what I said.  Nolan will be in for a surprise again, cos he can't help picking up strays.  But with them cooking together, they were domesticated already!

For Black being so formidable a foe, having the FBI in his pocket and who knows who else, he was taken care of in the space of two eps! ha.

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