Monday 16 March 2015

Revenge 4.11 "Epitaph" Review

                                          Image result for revenge epitaph photos
David (James Tupper) calls the police reporting the shots fired at Grayson Manor and Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) arrives shortly after him to find Daniel (Josh Bowman).  Okay, control your screeching woman, cos it's your fault he was killed, giving Kate that photo of Emily, so once again you've only got yourself to blame for your meddling.  They decide they need to get their story straight otherwise if  Black finds out what happens, he'll be after all of them.  David telling Emily (Emily VanCamp) he told her to stay out of it.  Emily tells Detective Adams (Iris Bahr) that Daniel was in a rage and he came after her, she went to the balcony and he followed her, pushing her off it. She knew he'd hurt her and she had to shoot him.  As David is shown carrying out Kate's body and Jack (Nick Wechsler) wipes his prints off the gun and makes Emily hold it.  He throws the plant inside the window and clears up the glass of the window that was broken out.  Ben (Brian Hallisay) hears about the shooting and turns up.

Emily gets her story wrong about the gun and it belonging to the previous owner, that'd be Conrad and Victoria then, saying she found it in the attic, but it was meant to be basement, as she said earlier. Jack thinks she should take a break but she wants to continue, she can handle it but she's getting things wrong and the detective is noticing.  She may be able to handle it, but he can't, cos his career's on the line too.

David needs to dispose of the body so he tells Chief Alvarez (Nestor Serreano) Victoria can't speak to him now.  She wants to tell  everyone of what a saint Danil was and doesn't want his name desecrated.  She won't lie for Emily.  David telling her he was a prisoner of her lies for twenty years. She wanted to protect Daniel back then and now as well, destroying their lives in the process.  He takes her to Grayson manor and tells Emily to keep an eye on her cos he can't.  She doesn't want to stay there but neither of them have any choice.  "Play nice" he tells them.  As they each walk their separate ways.  Margaux (Karine Vanasse) is called about the news from the newsroom and rushes over to the beach house and she just instinctively knew that Victoria would be at the manor.  Telling her that she doesn't believe Emily was acting in self defence and that she lied.  Daniel was happy when he called her and Victoria was about to lie there, until she sees Emily watching her from the balcony.  Telling her she doesn't know that's the case at all. Margaux goes to the police.

Nolan's (Gabriel Mann) taken everything off Kate's sat phone and also programmed a new location on the GPS as he had the phone couriered to Miami,  He and Jack need to clear out the hotel room. Before Nolan leaves, Louise (Elena Satine) arrives feigning tears and not wanting to be alone and he leaves her there alone.  She wants to bake.  Well that was a stupid thing to do especially since he left his laptop there with all the info on it he was just looking at.  He gives Jack an unused key card and they clear up her things.  Nolan takes the envelope with Emily's photo out of the drawer and puts it in with the file of papers.  I thought he would've opened that!  As Jack has flashes of his night with Kate.  Oh snap out of it Jack, she was using you anyway, or at least would have.  So what's happened to Carl anyway?

The police have called Emily in for questioning again and Ben interviews her.  He tells her Daniel didn't have any bruises on him and there was no alcohol in him.  She says she must've been mistaken but she didn't want to hurt him, after Ben tells her he thinks he can look after herself.  She finally tells him about how he tried to kill her on their wedding night when she told him she wasn't in love with him. She had hurt him and so she covered it up.  Jack listens on the other side of the mirror.  Emily learns that Daniel was to be a father and her tears are genuine when she cries.  Or maybe it was that she couldn't have children cos of what he did to her, but he was becoming a father himself.  Alvarez also tells Ben he could make detective yet and they'll discuss it later.

Alvarez stops David's van on the road and tells him his tail light is damaged, yeah he did that.  He wants to look inside his van and thinks it suspicious he didn't ask why he pulled him over sirens ablazing.  Finally opening the van he finds it empty.  David tells him he's just acting that way cos Victoria won't look twice at him.  Louise takes Victoria a tart (fitting! for both of them ha) and says she thought Danny had a good heart.  Victoria asks her a favour when she finds out she's staying with Nolan.  She takes the envelope from the kitchen counter.  Oh my, what a bad piece of writing that was.  How the hell did Victoria know that Nolan would have that envelope and how did she know he'd have it at the house at that particular time and in that particular file.  Pull your socks up writers, that was appalling.

Margaux turns up again like a bad penny and tells Emily she knows the police aren't going to file charges against her and that she lied, so she shouts and raves and now it's her turn to vow revenge adding that she can't come to the funeral and Victoria agrees.  What they both wanted.  But there's now way she can stop her.  Before the funeral, Emily asks David what he meant when he said he had a plan and he replies it wouldn't be Daniel's funeral they'd be going to but her's.  Emily realizing he was going to kill her.  So daddy doesn't really love Victoria after all and was playing her all along.  I also see Louise trying to kill Victoria had also been forgotten, as has Margaux getting in in the sauna!

Jack takes time off and it's for personal reasons as he tells Ben, who thinks that Kate really did a number on him and then left.  Which is true, she did.  Nolan thinks they're in the clear as the Black jet takes off from Ottawa and heads to Miami bypassing New York, it wouldn't be that smooth sailing, not in this show.  David plans to get the word out to his enemies giving them exact details of where he'll be.  Victoria flashes to Daniel trying on a suit and tying his tie for him, adding that he'll be teaching how to do the same to his son.  Emily has flashes to meeting Daniel and him proposing to her, as she turns up at the funeral.  Knew she'd be there.  Louise gives her the envelope but she wants her to destroy it.  She should keep that, never know when it'll come in handy.

Nolan tells David there's been a bloodbath in Miami and a certain arms dealer was found in pieces. Of course it's not Black, cos he's in town.  Talking with  Alvarez and he notices he hasn't got Government issue plates.  Should've kept his mouth shut, as Black (Tommy Flanagan) pulls out a knife and stabs him. Obviously none of this is over, or will be, everyone's got their own agenda of revenge.  Seems like Emily's is over and David, Victoria's and Margaux's is continuing.  Let's hope we get some closure soon on this cos it's getting a little tedious.

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