Monday 9 March 2015

Revenge 4.10 "Atonement" Review

                                                Image result for revenge atonement photos
This one was definitely a Daniel (Josh Bowman) episode if ever there was one, but also it was apparent what was going to happen.  Though I did read quite a while ago that Daniel was going to be killed, it was more for season 3.  Anyway he tells Margaux (Karine Vanasse) he wants to be there for the baby, even if she doesn't want to take him back.  He doesn't want to be like Conrad (Henry Czeryn) and she doesn't think he can change and be different.  She doesn't trust him and doesn't want him in their lives.  She later looks through a photo of Conrad with Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) and David (no surprises for having him in the pic with them) and Victoria approves the proof.  She asks what's wrong with Margaux and she asks Victoria if Conrad was always like he was at the end. Victoria says he was neither good or bad but he wasn't so cruel.  Margaux telling her she's pregnant but all she can recall of her own father was how he was never there for her.  Victoria reassures her Daniel isn't like that and he loves her.  Margaux asks what if she doesn't love him, but Victoria replies that her tears show she still does.

Nolan (Gabriel Mann) and Louise (Elena Satine) plan a party like one the Hampton's have never seen before at his newly acquired yacht club and she seems to accept his apology for what Margaux wanted from him, but he didn't have any choice.  Anyway she's still going ahead with the story. Daniel plays golf and in so doing has flashbacks to his father playing on the beach and telling him who he should stand up for Andrew over what he did to some woman and stand by him.  Andrew is a fraternity bother which means more than some woman and his father is powerful.  Conrad instilling in Daniel at an early age of how he should behave and not stand up to his peers when they do wrong, or be true to himself and do the right thing.

Emily (Emily VanCamp) believes that Kate (Courtney Ford)is corrupt and is working for Marcus Black, as Emily walks into her hotel room and takes her prints from the furniture and the glass.  On the way out she bumps into Ben (Brian Hallisay) who's on his way to drop off some papers for Kate and he tells her about Jack (Nick Wechsler) and Kate.  She's surprised and angry at the same time as she couldn't wait to get out of there and she tells Jack what she suspects about her.  Of course Jack isn't ready to believe her but Emily wanted to tell him so he watches his back. Adding also that Kate will find some way to stay and won't head back.

Victoria thinks that David (James Tupper) should pay Malcolm Black the money David took from him and he'd leave him alone.  Emily's got enough money to do this.  But so has David, I mean what about all the dosh he's got stored away in that safe still. Why has Victoria forgotten about the safe? She's not one to misplace money or forget about it.  He doesn't want to do that and will take care of the problem himself, but of course Victoria can't help interfering.  Kate pays her a visit and shows her the photo she has of Emily.  She says that all she wants is rid of Black, for him to take the money and leave her and David alone to get on with their lives.  She doesn't care who she throws out to the wolves and scavengers and here it's Emily.  The daughter of the very man she betrayed and claimed to love.  She tells Kate to work out why she sent her Emily's photo.

Of course it didn't take Kate long to realize that she's Amanda and she confronts her with this at the party.  Nolan tells Emily he hasn't found anything on Black, there's not even a photo of him.  Emily needs to get Kate's sat phone which Nolan saw on the footage of the cameras in her room and she shouldn't have a second phone which isn't really FBI issue.  Nolan throws his drink onto Kate by accident (on purpose) and Emily brings her water to clean it, whilst taking her phone from her bag.  It would've been silly if she hadn't noticed that heavy thing was no longer weighing her bag down.  As Nolan downloads the info from the phone, Jack tells Emily if Kate's corrupt he wants to know and if she isn't, then he expects an apology.  Jack needs to distract Kate as Emily puts her phone back, but Kate already knows she took the phone.  Emily tells her they'll meet at her house.  Nolan and Louise share a dance and he finds out she's running away.  She can't face going through all that again, especially with the secrets that her brother has.  Oh and David told Emily not to get involved whatever happens cos he's got a plan.

Victoria sees Daniel in the bar where he says he wants to make a new start and he wants to do the right thing. She should do he same instead of lying to David.  He also tells her he's sorry for everything that he did, including trying to shoot his ex-wife and that she was right.  Emily was trying to get them to change but they didn't want to.  Of course that's something that Victoria wouldn't want to hear.  Did you notice Victoria's bangle, when she had her arm on the bar it was on her right arm and it was sticking up.  When Daniel leaves it's in her left arm and further up, where it stayed in the next scenes too.

David meets his former cellmate who comments on his getting parole and David being resurrected. He makes sure David knows what he's doing as he gives him some deadly nightshade.  Which can cause a heart attack and will be undetectable.  But we didn't guess he was going to use it on Victoria, who didn't take the wine!! OH!! Instead she saw this as the moment to come clean and admit that she took his computer and gave it to Conrad so  he could frame him.  She was afraid for Daniel, but when they decided they'd take their children and run, she found out his wife was alive.  He lied to her when she wanted him to tell her the truth.  No, Victoria is always putting herself first also I wouldn't really believe that explanation of hers.

Kate shows up and Emily takes her gun, but gives it back to her.  She doesn't trust her or believes her about Black having her mother.  She just wanted her out of the way of 'innocent civillians', well that backfired on her.  Kate was going to kill Emily after she got the money, also revealing that her mother is married to Black, her father.  Well that was obvious.  So she turns the gun on her but Emily shows her the magazine she took from it.  Emily telling her that her cover's blown on her security cameras.  So she couldn't feel the gun was lighter now, stupid woman!  She throws the gun at Emily and they fight.  Don't know why idiot Kate was running up the stairs when she could've been out the front door.  Then they go over the balcony, as was apparent.

Daniel reads the letter he gave his father when he was going to turn himself in at the courthouse and he stops him from doing that, calling it his 'suicide note' and talking about Momas, the God of writers and poets and how he was turned out of Mount Olympus.  As Daniel gets back into the car with him. He reads the note and then leaves as Margaux calls him and tells him she wants them to be a family and wants him back.  Nolan brags about his party being a success and Jack hears the computer get a hit with Kate's prints, identifying her as Katherine Black.  He runs out and tells Nolan to call Emily and warn her not to meet her.  Too late.  Daniel walks towards the house and Kate manages to load the gun.  He comes to Emily's rescue stepping in front of her and taking the bullets for her.  Jack arrives, too late but manages to shoot Katherine.  Daniel dies in Emily's arms as she tells him she did love him and Margaux pretties herself up for Daniel, well she'll have a long wait!  Yeah Margaux, it was your fault for turning him away.  I'd say it was Daniel's final selfless act for the woman he once loved!

With everything that Victoria's done, including killing Aiden when Emily had nothing to do with Pascal's death, can't feel sorry for her for losing Daniel, especially since she's throwing Emily to the dogs at every minute she can and so I didn't blame Louise for trying to kill her.  Wonder if Louise's gotten over that yet.  But it was sad to see Daniel go and in his last moments he did become a hero since he saved Emily.  Also showing that she did have an influence on him and that he did love her at one point too.  Beware the knives Emily and watch your back cos Victoria and Margaux will be gunning for you!  Emily telling him how she did love him and it wasn't about him.  Which she says he knows.  Ah, and not a dry eye around.  For all his faults, at least he was trying to change, he saw the light and he did want to be a better father than Conrad ever was.  So it was a shame that he was robbed of this.  Though some of us were also robbed of seeing him and Emily back together.

But that fight scene, funny and silly all in one.  Especially since it was kind of poetic, not sure if justice is the right word, considering that was the same banister where Amanda was pushed from when she was with Victoria.  Now it was Amanda again, as Emily who went over now.  But Kate landing on top of her.  Glad she met her doom by Jack's gun.

Did it seem strange that Conrad mentioned the Greek God of writers, Momas and their whole conversation about him being kicked out of Olympus.  How he was the god of criticism and was exiled.  Trying to show Daniel was doing the same when he wanted to turn himself in at the courthouse.  But for all of Daniel's shortcomings, I have to say I'd have preferred if Margaux was gone instead.  She's such a weak character.  Going on about Daniel and his father, when hers was no better.  She couldn't decide what she wanted.  Jack was a little taken aback in the sense of not wanting to see that Kate was trouble.  Sorry Jack you won't be getting that apology anytime soon, er, I just said sorry there!  Ha.  At least Emily and Victoria will never be friends after this and that after all, is the premise of the show.  Not least cos she killed Aiden.  But the number of times Emily told Daniel to stay out of it and he didn't, including telling him to run now, damn it man you were going to be a father!

However he went out on a high realizing he wasn't his father and didn't have to be, more importantly, he didn't want to be.  SO saving Emily lead him to a hero's death, in the same way that Conrad didn't want him to be Momas.  But he didn't realize Daniel never would have been that weak if it wasn't for his father.  Daniel didn't want to be associated with that sort of a Grayson, like his father.  Anyway, the Graysons are getting thin on the ground now.  As long as we don't have to suffer Charlotte again! Who is really a Clarke. She should have been the Grayson thrown under the bus!! A for Jack, well he just stood there doing nothing, but shaking his head!

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