Saturday 14 March 2015

CSI 15.9 "Rubbery Homicide" Review

                                            Image result for csi/rubbery-homicide photos
As a woman walks the Las Vegas streets, she is watched by the people.  Later a man is found half naked and stripped of all his clothes.  He's been repeatedly stabbed and Sara (Jorga Fox) thinks he may have been the Vic of a female predator, or maybe he was trying to attack a woman who got her revenge, as David (David Berman) also joins in and DB (Ted Danson) says they need to stop with the suppositions. There's not much blood on him, so it was probably on his clothes and DB finds a lipstick, which kind of led to the suppositions.  Sara walks further down the alley and spots a faceprint in blood on the ground.  They think it could be the killer's face.  At least this is what Finn (Elisabeth Shue) thinks as she's checked on face recognition programmes and can get no match. Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) tells her that face is too flat and normal faces stick out.  She also tells Finn that the DB was Nelson Kern (Mark Aaron Wagner) who's in the system for burglary.

Nick (George Eads) and Officer Mitchell (Larry Mitchell) find what appears to be another DB in the dumpster, after Nick called Nelson's phone which led them there.  He finds the bag and Officer Mitchell thinks it could belong to her, but when the debris is moved it turns out it's a doll suit and not a woman.  They think Nelson was wearing the rubber suit.  Doc (Robert David Hall) carries out the autopsy and Nick shows DB that the wounds match the knife wounds on Nelson's DB.  Doc tells Finn that he was on drugs, was attacked with a sharp object which had square ridges around the wounds, as well as having bite marks on him.  So he was attacked whilst wearing the suit.  Nick tells DB that he found carpet fibres on the suit, as well as baby oil and a combination of vodka and mint liqueur, so they were having a party.  Nick shows him a website where there are other dolls online and they were probably made by Belinda who is on the wesbsite(Jane Adams) as he found a print embedded in the rubber before it was dry.  DB heads there whilst she's fitting a Beyonce suit for a man and she assumes DB's there for one too, which'll cost extra cos of his height.  Then assuming he's from university.  She recognizes the suit as that of Charlene and she made it.  Reluctantly giving him the address of the club.

DB takes Greg (Eric Szmanda) there and they stick out like sore thumbs, which is obvious and DB notices other men there too, so they're not the only ones out of character.  One of the dolls spots Greg and runs whilst they mingle alone.  Greg stops and is surrounded by the others.  They ID themselves as LVPD and the man tells Greg he's a high school counsellor and didn't want to be outed, recognizing Greg as police straightaway and Scandinavian too cos he was scanning the place like a "Nordic Terminator."  He knows Charlene and is surprised she's dead since she was only here for about six weeks and was very popular.   DB talks with another man and asks him to remove his face. He knew Charlene too and tells him he was attacked when DB notices the paint on his suit, similar to the one where Nelson was killed.  Some man stopped him and attacked him and if he killed Charlene, then he got the number plate of his bike.

Nick questions Clay Miller (Josh Wingate) and he says he didn't kill anyone and has an alibi, he was clocked in all night.  He admits he beat up on the man, cos he's a pervert and they shouldn't be doing that.  Nick tells him the Vic won't press charges cos he doesn't want to show his face in court and is more embarrassed than he is.

Henry (Jon Wellner) gets a result on the DNA and Hodges (Wallace Langham) tells him his "befuddlement" can be heard all the way across the lab.  He replies he's got a ghost story, which catches Hodges' attention.  He found DNA on the earrings which matched DNA to Charlene Brock who died two years ago.  Hodges has heard that name and seen the face before.  She was an '80's model and her poster has the same dress as the doll Charlene.  DB talks with the Brock family and the father, Stan (Richard Gilliland) says that someone probably stole her image and his son, Jonah (Callard Harris) is shocked someone would do this.  Apparently they revered their mother but all's not as it seems.  Okay I called the daughter, April (Margo Harshman) here as my suspect, I just did for no reason at all, though she did have a face like a doll!  She thinks someone bought the earrings when their father had an estate sale and sold all of her belongings.  Begging the question of why he'd sell everything if he was so in love with his wife, telling the story of how he met her and convinced her to do a photoshoot.  Then getting married.

Morgan has been online and shows Sara a website, the Vegas Rubberdolls Forum for the dolls which is really bitchy and she mentions Lexy who was the big thing until Charlene came and stole her thunder.  Morgan's left messages for her but no response.  Sara says they found Nelson's car and they check it out.  In the boot, Morgan finds Lexy's suit.  There's bolt cutter inside and Morgan thinks that Nelson was Lexy and he got hold of Charlene's suit.  There's trace of concrete on the cutters and DB recalls seeing concrete mix at the Brock home.  He checks out the garage and finds it's been broken into and all of Charlene's clothes inside , as well as a Charlene's suit.  DB knows the father dressed in the suit.

He admits to DB he lied cos his children were there and he couldn't tell them he wore the suit.  He saw how well the suit went down at the club and other people could see the magnificence of Charlene and feel her presence.  He'd never hurt anyone who wanted to feel Charlene around them.  Family of loons hey!!  Finn finds an Escalade was parked outside the alley and was registered to Adrian Graham (Terrell Tilford).  The carpet fibres from the suit match the car.  DB recognizes him from the club.  Finn interviews him and he doesn't like women.  So naturally Finn interviewed him cos we don't like Finn either ha.  He admits he had a good time with Charlene and likes rough sex and he bit her too.  He threw her out of the car cos she got too noisy and he hates women who speak.

No blood is found in his car and he would've tracked some trace back.  Sara goes though the various bottles he had inside the car and DB notices the baby oil bottle.  The suit had trace amounts of baby oil and he and Sara head back to the alley using a lower setting on the ALS to see the oil trail which leads to a wall and an electric box where she finds a nailfile covered in blood, with the Brock family logo on it.

Finn questions Jonah and says his prints were all over the file.  He says that his prints would've been over several other files too, he also gave them to his family since his mother used to file her nails when she was upset or angry with people and she mentions another file, where he was trying to throw his father off the board, but the board refused to entertain his attempt.  He saw his father's selfies on the laptop and thinks if people found out about their father dressing up in the suit, then the company would suffer.  Finn accuses him of thinking of his own pocket.  He also had an alibi and he even has a sex video of it.  Showing he was with a model at the time, for three hours.  Which Nick has to watch!  ha.  He mentions to Greg about how he was made as Five-0 in about 5 seconds and Greg isn't too happy about that.  He also says that he can't see Jonah as being the type to meta the time stamp on the camera.  Greg tells him that the file had female DNA and traces of gold.  Nick notices the model had gold nail polish.  How could they not ID the trace as being from nail polish, sheesh! Sorry been saying that a lot lately!  Ha.

Obviously the nailfile was a big clue since most cases it's associated with a woman, rather than a man. Cue the daughter, April.  She had filed the model's nails.  She says she didn't know Nelson but DB suspects she was trying to stab her mother and father.  She calls her mother a tyrant and she wasn't the idea of the daughter that her mother had.  Her father wouldn't defend her and it was her 30th birthday a few days ago but he wouldn't celebrate with her.  She heard the club music and found him there.  So she followed him out and stabbed him.  Removing the mask she realized it wasn't her father, but took off the suit anyway.  Once again he'd chosen her mother over her.  She yells at him when she comes home and all her father can see is the resemblance to her mother, that he didn't notice before.  Uh family of nutters and a womanizer! ha.  Well rather that than a killer.

Morgan notices Greg at his computer and he tells her how all his photos are the same.  Mentioning how he was made as a policeman.  She tells him that's what he is, but that's not how he wants to be defined.  She tells him people just aren't one thing and flicks onto the photo of the man with the two babies, who Greg says ate a beer can.  People are complicated and there's more to them.  But if he can get free coffee as a cop then that's okay, it becomes worse if they give him free donuts.  He takes his friend for beer and puts that online, to which Morgan agrees.

A bit of an ep that CSI has become known for.  One of those 'fetish -y' ones which again point out that people aren't what they seem, as Morgan told Greg.  Though it is a tad strange in that wearing a dollsuit would've brought Charlene back for him.  Again ignoring his family in memory of someone who's gone and he couldn't see how that was affecting April.

As well as giving Greg a bit of a crisis of personality.  Think he overdid it with the bowtie, ha, cos he's never been made for a cop before in all of his cases, but he's a CSI more than a cop anyway, can't forget that distinction.  At least he got some comforting from Morgan this week, it's usually Sara who does that.  Knew Nick would get a laugh at his expense though and that's just what the two of them do anyway.
Funny ep Callard Harris was cast in, but I didn't see him as the killer at all, he was more frustrated with the suit and what his father would do to the company.  At least he didn't have to wear a suit, I mean what would Klaus (Joseph Morgan) from The Originals have said! ha.

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