Saturday 21 March 2015

CSI 15.9 "Let's Make A Deal" Review

                                                   Image result for csi let's-make-a-deal photos
An inmate goes crazy as he doesn't want to be injected and wreaks havoc on other prisoners at Clark County jail, spraying them with pepper spray and even punching one.  Ending up in the laundry room where he opens a closet door and a DB falls out.  Nick (George Eads) and DB (Ted Danson) investigate and are met by Det Carl Brenner (Ryan Devlin) who was recently promoted two years ago.  He gives DB his card incase he needs him anytime.  The Vic is Bruce Grady (David Dean Bottrell) who wasn't rostered onto the laundry but was in the medical module, as he was ill and suffered from cirrhosis of the liver.  Nick finds that he was stabbed.  Talking to the prison guard, Woo (Rich Ceraulo) in charge of the laundry, he says the laundry truck was late and he was with six of his trustees.  The laundry was meant to be empty anyway.

David (David Berman) finds he was dead at least three hours and has defensive wounds.  Nick notices there's a bloody towel and also someone hurriedly tried to clean up the floor.  Finn (Elisabeth Shue) finds the laundry basket was from MM (medical module) so maybe he smuggled himself into the basket, but there's no sign of blood.  He has blood on his shoes, so Nick surmizes he was attacked in the laundry.  Finn mentioning she hates laundry so would hate to work here.  Nick adds he'd want to just get out of his cell.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) and Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) check out the medical cells with Greg mentioning their diseases like pink eye and others.  Greg reminding her that he only just got out of quarantine.  Morgan says he survived Ebola so pink eye won't kill him.  In his cell they notice his drawings which is why he had residue on his hands, sketching the outside in his drawings.  Greg smells the paper cup on the floor and thinks he was taking some sort of smelly medicine.  Morgan finds his folder of legal files, as inmates are allowed to keep a copy in their cells.  Morgan finds a triangle shaped piece of paper which Greg explains is a kite which prisoners use to send messages to each other.  Tied with string so they can pull it back it if doesn't get there first time.  The note reads, that he's a liar.

Nick and Brenner talk with Woo who tells them that another prisoner was in charge of collecting the laundry and he did to get out of his cell.  He says he got a kite and was told to bring Grady there.  A kite has to be obeyed and everyone knows that.  Nick asks for a DNA sample so they can eliminate him, Brenner threatening him with losing his laundry job if he refuses.  Finn finds out that when Grady talked to the DA, then his charges were reduced, so he was a CI for the DA.  Finn says she went over the files and found that Grady was to testify against Lincoln Mayfield (Anthony 'Treach' Criss) who is at the jail.  Nick searches his cell and finds the shank with blood.

Mayfield refuses to speak and asks for his lawyer.  DB recalls Mayfield was the Snakeback assassin and a preganat woman was killed in the crossfire.  Grady was put in the cell next to him so he could get info from him as the DA didn't have enough against him.  Nick calls telling DB that Mayfield is talking, telling them that Grady lied and he met with him to make him take it back.  He had nothing on him.  He shanked him but he wouldn't have died from it, it was to scare him.

Hodges (Wallace Langham) opens a big, plastic bag of some dark coloured liquid and Greg tells him that smell is familiar.  Grady wasn't drinking meds but hooch.  Fermented in prison.  They suspect Grady wasn't himself cos he was probably drunk.  Doc (Robert David Hall) examines Grady and removes his liver which is covered in nodules, thus he was suffering from cirrhosis.  The stab wound wasn't deep enough to have killed him and he notices finger impressions forming around his neck, that and the presence of peticua shows he was strangled and there's probably DNA.  Morgan and Greg look at his belongings and Morgan finds a tiny object from the file.  She says it's a new recorder which she saw at the forensics conference and it was only given to one law enforcement agency to try.

DB pays a visit to FBI Agent Parker (Derek Webster) who refuses to cooperate.  DB says that whoever they're investigating is most likely the killer but he says that it's not an inmate, so DB thinks it's a guard.  Leading them to suspect Woo.  Finn finds he was paid cash over the months and his wife doesn't work.  He was doing favours for the prisoners and looked the other way.  The other prisoners included Pete McCrone (Grant Harvey) who was punched, who says they could do anything in the laundry and he'd look the other way.  Woo claims it was a one off but then everyone heard about it and his wife is a shopaholic.  He can't afford the repayments.  But Mayfield paid him to bring Grady to the laundry.  Ecklie (Marc Vann) wants the FBI to work together cos they're on the same side but Parker refuses.  Also he should have been told if a guard was being investigated.  Parker will only cooperate if something similar crosses paths.

Henry (Jon Wellner) finds the DNA belonged to Grady and to Mayfield, but he didn't strangle him. Neither did any of the other prisoners, so it must be a guard and their DNA isn't in CODIS.  Finn finds that Grady wasn't drunk but had a prescription drug in him called Terbinafine, which Nick looks up and finds it's dangerous to those suffering from liver cirrhosis, so someone was poisoning him. Greg tells Morgan that the decibel levels on the device show it couldn't have been used in the laundry since the noise from the machines would cause interference, so Woo wasn't under investigation.  Finn also finds Woo's DNA doesn't match that found on Grady.  She looked into possible officers connected with Grady and finds that Brenner was the officer in both Grady's file and also the officer in the Mayfield case.  So Brenner must have given Grady infooos he could testify against Mayfield.

Nick looks up Brenner's personal file and finds he declared three drugs he'd been taking, one of them being Terbinafine.  Brenner would give info on any of the imnates or suspects he wanted to and that's why he made detective so young.  Which obviously was a big clue in the beginning.  Ecklie mentions that all of his cases are in jeopardy now and Brenner doesn't think he did anything wrong.  Parker wants access to Brenner, but Ecklie refuses.  They don't have his DNa but DB recalls he gave him his card, however it doesn't match that found on Grady.  Ecklie also says he was genuinely surprised about the FBI investigation.

Henry tells DB he got a match to the DNA on Grady which belonged to Pete.  In walks Finn with a smug smirk on her face.  She mentions that Grady's charges for sexual assault were dropped to sexual mischief and the charges were brought for attacking Pete.  He was the janitor at his school and he thought he could be trusted.  He returned for his backpack one day after school and Grady attacked him.  He threatened his family but had to tell and he didn't want him doing it to anyone else.  He found that his charges were reduced as he plead out and he only got three years.  He was in the laundry and he heard him talking with Mayfield.  He recognized his voice and tells Nick that he was in there fora  misdemeanour for child endangerment.  He left his two year old alone whilst he picked up his drunk wife and a neighbour reported him.  The charges were dropped but the paperwork left him inside for this long.  He thinks that Nick can help him out now but nick tells him it's too late.

Later DB asks Nick if he's okay and as we know, Nick went through a similar thing when he was molested by his baby sitter when he was younger.  So this case is close to home as he tells DB, but he doesn't want to talk about it.  DB tells him with they work they do and cases they investigate, one of them was bound to be personal and hit home.  Nick, almost in tears again, says Pete's "life was already ruined twenty years ago."  Nick adding he'd have done the same thing as Pete.  He was in there for a misdemeanour and ending up facing murder charges.  Since Pete couldn't believe he had it in him to kill.

That locker room must have heard plenty of stories over the years and lately everyone seems to be in there looking for some form of comfort.  Morgan with Sara after their shooting at the conference. Sara with Greg and now Nick with DB.  Another routine prison episode which turns out to be far more life changing for an inmate who shouldn't even have been in the same place as Grady, let alone in the jail.  Sara missing from this ep.

Ecklie's reference to Brenner's cases being called into question now, could've been a line straight out of CSI:NY 3.8 Consequences ep, one of my faves.  Also CSI did what CSI:Miami used to do when they used to show flashbacks of the Vic being killed, they used to show the back of the real killer, or his hair, etc and you could see that Grady's killer had dark hair and was dressed in jail clothes, so it couldn't have been a guard, or Brenner.  Nick's molestation was mentioned in CSI ep Overload, when he confided in Catherine.  Thus he's very emotional and shows real empathy and compassion for his Vics and others too, as he did here.

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