Saturday 7 March 2015

CSI 15.7 "Road to Recovery" Review

                                                  Image result for csi road-to-recovery photos
The ep opens with a woman drinking, dancing, kissing randoms and using drugs, before she's found. Nick (George Eads) and Greg (Eric Szmanda) are called to the CS where the same woman's DB found in a pool, thought that pool looked familiar, they've been to a similar pool CS in S11 Pool Shark.  Nick uses Greg's mini ALS and finds that the DB had been to different clubs as she has stamps one her wrists.  People heard noises but no one saw anything, as is always the case.  Also mentioning that she partied like there was no tomorrow and Nick replying for her it didn't.

Her name is Daycia (Marielle Jaffe) (what kind of a name is Daycia) and she was married to a rich husband from Utah, Martin Fox (Chris Browning).  Infact David (David Berman) thinks she was a working girl, but Finn (Elisabeth Shue) identifies her clothes and shoes as being expensive.  DB )Ted Danson) talks with Martin who tells them she was in rehhab and she used all their money on partying and expensive stuff. Wouldn't think Vegas would be the first place anyone went to for rehab purposes.  Too much going on here!! The rehab place is expensive at $8,000 and in a beautiful setting, as Finn tells Nick, she'd never leave here.  It's run by Adam (Mark Blucas) who thinks that Daycia has gotten herself into trouble again, but it's much worse.  Plenty of suspects here, didn't they go through the list there though, just incase we didn't suspect the right person.  It was obvious that none of the ones they suspected were the killer.  Cos of course the killer was easy to spot.  Twyla (Merrin Dungey) takes the therapy group and Len (Greg Grunberg) is almost done with his therapy and would be able to leave soon.

Nick and Finn check out the room where she stayed and we're shown bottles of her bath oil and lavender, which Finn had no clue about, until Doc (Robert David Hall) finds foreign traces in her lungs.  Doc asking Greg if he knows whether there was chlorine in the pool where she was found or saline, cos there was no trace of either in her lungs.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) also finding that the Ph levels were similar but there was no chlorine in the water, meaning she was killed in tap water. Leading Finn to return to the room and find the bottle of bath oil etc.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) looks for evidence in the bins outside and is met by Zach (Brandon Quinn).  He's a womanizer really, cos women are "his kryptonite" as he tells Morgan.  He saw Daycia leaving with a cowboy, last time he went out with her.  Henry (Jon Wellner) is unable to identify the trace under her nails to any DNA match. but found he could only match four loci.  Morgan finds the towels in the bin outside the clinic and also candle wax.

She pieces together the wax which leads to the same four loci on the towels, belonging to Adam.  He is arrested and when he's taken away Martin walks up and shoots him.  Again that was apparent he would do that, so much for standing around and watching him.  Adam tells Finn he didn't kill her but disposed of her DB by the pool.  They had an overdose a few months ago and the place was under scrutiny.  He didn't want her found there.  He went looking for her and ended up bringing her home in a taxi and put her to bed.  He later went to check and found her in the bath.  He thought she must've had a relapse and didn't want her found here.  Which was logical and even I said that.  But Finn didn't and still assumed he was the killer.

The taxi is found but the driver doesn't recall the man.  As DB says he was only interested in the woman.  Nick processes the taxi and takes dozens of prints from it.  Morgan manages to put together the candle wax and finds an imprint which she says came from a ring.  Nick thinks the 20/12 could be a score from a game and Morgan searches Zach on the Net, coming up with the same score for a uni game.  Zach can't recall what happened, but she came to his room and he couldn't resist.  They went back to her room and got it on, which explains the scratches on him and the trace under her nails.  He woke in his room but didn't know where Daycia was.

Doc tells Greg he found she had burst alveoli in her lungs, as if water had been pushed into her lungs at great force after she died and they burst.  It would take someone with premed training and Hodges finds trace which could have come from bird or fish poop.  Morgan recalls the fish tank and Greg and Morgan find tubing for the tank and other equipment used to clean it.  The pump is broken but it can't be used, however it has Twyla's prints all over everything cos she used to clean it.  Except for the tubing which is wiped clean.  Greg thinks maybe the killer used the tubing and sucked through it.  DNA is found matching Len.

He says she came to his room and had left a bottle of his brand of bourbon. He had two days left and would've been able to leave, but she kept taunting him.  He confronted her and she wouldn't stop drinking and he finally wanted her to shut up so he suffocated her.  Well, he won't be seeing his children now except in prison visits.  So what was stopping him from not going back to his own room and locking himself in, or going for a walk to get away from her.  Ironically, he tells DB afterwards he didn't even feel like a drink.  Same thing with Daycia's husband and shooting Adam, he was so sure that he'd done it, was it really worth it all.  Which time and again is the question that these eps set up.  I couldn't see anything different in this ep that hasn't already been done before.

Finn tells Twyla she doesn't know how she does this and she says if they don't do it who will.  They have two more patients coming in, when Finn starts prejudging that it's all about the money, but not for Twyla it's not.  Finn and her smug attitude.  I have to ask why Len used the fishtank water, since he had EMT training and would know how to intubate, why not just use the bathtub water.  It was there after all as he tells DB he saw the full tub.  Also why put the tubing back, which really was the whole basis on which he was caught!

See Sara done a runner and wasn't in this ep, not surprising, it was kind of the worst one I've seen in a long time and in this season too.  So the casting had to include Greg Grunberg and Merrin Dungey who were both in Alias.  That muts've been some on-set reunion!  Or not.  ha.  Also Mark Blucas was Reilly in Buffy.

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