Saturday 28 March 2015

CSI 15.10 "Dead Rails" Review

                                              Image result for csi dead-rails photos
A man crawls out of the ground, gasping for air, he struggles to make it to the road where a passing car is shown, he tries to hail it, but it ploughs straight into him.  Greg (Eric Szmanda) and David (David Berman) are at the scene, when Nick (George Eads) shows up and makes a remark about him dying with his boots off.   David says he was already injured before being run over, as there's a cut in his neck.  Nick notices gravitational blood drops showing he came from the desert and they follow the gravitational blood drops, which just happened to be in blocks of three.  Greg notices his shallow grave and also that they thought the Vic was dead and buried him, then got hit by a car, to die again. Nick: "Poor guy, he died twice."  The woman driver, Mary Hammond (Alexandra Holden) tells Crawford (Amili Ballard) he came out of nowhere as she was driving and she was hungry, so reached down for some chips and hit him.  Was she fiddling with a key card in the beginning when he was questioning her, or was it just some card?  Also saying she gave him CPR which didn't work.

Greg finds some green fibres at the site and Nick finds a piece of red skin which looks like regal coral snake skin, only that snake is found in Central America, or Panama.  Doc (Robert David Hall) examines the DB and tells DB (Ted Danson) that he had neck injuries consistent with being stabbed by glass, as glass shards were found in the wound and those resembling being beaten by brass knuckles.  Finn (Elisabeth Shue) IDs him as Jimmy Turelli (Christopher Atkins) who was out of prison for two weeks and has long wrap sheet.  He worked with Sam Braun, which suggests a mob hit, being left in the desert after being beaten.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) tells Hodges (Wallace Langham) she found traces of baby powder on his cheek and also the metal is indicative of brass knuckles.  Hodges finds the green fibres are English wool used for making expensive suits.  The glass is from fine stemware and when Hodges mentions champagne, she realizes the wool is from a pool table.  As she sets up a pool table with champagne glasses and takes a trick shot around hem.  Turelli was probably playing pool and doing a trick shot. After the victory shot, the players take the cue stick and break the champagne which she pretends to do so but DB stops her.  There's a pool tournament at the Palermo.

Morgan and Greg speak with Elise Massey (Sharon Osbourne) who tells them about Natalie the Hornet and Turelli paid her entrance fee.  She uses a pool bridge which has the same design as Turelli's injuries. Morgan tells Natalie (Melanie Liburd) about the bridge, but she sells them over the Internet anyway.  She last saw Turelli at the pool place he worked as a bartender, the Vegas Rails. Morgan takes Sara (Jorga Fox) to the pool place and when the lights are switched on, there's a bit of a mess there.  There's blood spatter on the pool table and Morgan finds the bloody bridge under the table, which is the murder weapon, along with another piece of red snakeskin.  There's also a broken champagne stem on the floor which Sara finds.  Morgan thinks the cue ball rolled through the blood leaving behind the trail, but there's no ball there, thinking the killer probably took it, cos players usually use their own balls and sometimes cheat with them.

Finn finds out a company called Derosa owns the Vegas Rails but they can't find the name of the owner.  Sara and Morgan also found a photo of a man holding a poolstick covered in snakeskin for the grip and his name is Calvin Tate (Bernard Curry).  He has offences ranging from identity theft to counting cards and he paid for drinks for Turelli on the night.  Greg and Crawford go to Calvin's and the door is answered by his wife, Zoe (Laura Wiggins).  He's rough with her and demands more beer. Crawford notices bruising on her arm.  He tells them Turelli was talking to Elise who had taken over the place.  Also telling them if they're not going to arrest him, then they should get him another beer.

Finn tells DB of the notebook Sara and Morgan found which contains a secret code to access a site which shows her girls.  She was running prostitution through it.  She tells them Turelli was her friend and he knew what she was doing.  Also telling Greg she has connections and her solicitor will have her out of jail due to her connections in no time, after Greg told her that even if it's Vegas, prostitution is still illegal.  Her alibi is hosting the pool tournament at the Algiers the entire night.

Morgan practices shooting the ball into the pocket but she doesn't end up getting the same spatter pattern, telling Hodges she used to shoot pool after school, instead of going surfing, for beer money. Finn tells them the keycard was from Turelli's condo and Henry found the hair from the condo which Finn processed, matches Zoe.  Who tells them she didn't sleep with him but stayed there after fighting with Calvin.  That they were both playing The Honour Hustle, where Calvin would pretend to lose at pool and then put Zoe up in return for the bet and he'd win.  Turelli wanted to get her out of this and Calvin left upset.  She heard Turelli leave later that night.  Crawford and Greg find Cavinl dead and his place has been searched.  They presume they didn't find what they were looking for, so wonder where he'd keep something.  Greg says his hat cos he always had it on and they find a flashdrive with photos on it of Zoe.  She was blackmailing men and Calvin found out so wanted in.  Blaming Calvin for the murder.

Of course it wasn't him since he was too obvious, but the suspect was always right before out eyes from the outset, at least I said it was her.  Morgan tells DB she was using the wrong trick shot since the ball grew less in diameter as it rolled across the table and found it came from a ball of ice.  So the ice shrunk as it rolled and melted under the lights in the cue pocket.  Thus the leather would've retained the saliva of the drinker cos Turelli didn't drink, as Doc told them.  She tells Hodges that the killer is Mary, the driver who hit him.  Derosa company is hers and she was working with Zoe. Crawford tells her that Zoe told them everything and Mary insists she didn't kill anyone.  Crawford telling her they found the gun at her business and so she set up a meeting with Calvin.  Turelli wanted Zoe to get out of this and was going to call the police.  Mary attacked him and killed him with the champagne glass, then buried his body.  That's why she was still out there when she ran him over again.

DB mentions Crawford lying to the suspect and he says that's the "best kind of hustle."  Morgan challenges Hodges to a game and says that the loser will have to clean the GCMS machine for a week.  Hodges thinks she'll win and she even offers to play left handed.  Hodges breaks and Morgan realizes he's not such a novice after all.

Another routine ep where it's like you've seen it all before.  I don't know why it felt like the ep was scraping the barrel, guess it said it all when they had to resort to getting Sharon Osbourne in there.  I mean wasn't the So Money Supermarket ad enough!  I don't like it when they get so many suspects in there and they all kind of pass the buck onto someone else.  As for Cavinl, ha, Bernard Curry left Home and Away in a storyline where he went on the run from the police with his girlfriend to the US, guess he was living it up in Vegas all this time!  Ha. Seems like Morgan got hustled by Hodges, who always has something sneaky up his sleeve.  Nick disappeared after one scene, maybe it was those trousers of his!  Ha. Sara made it to two scenes and Henry (Jon Wellner) disappeared altogether.

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