Thursday 26 February 2015

The Mentalist 7.3 "Orange Blossom Ice Cream" Review

                                                 Image result for the mentalist orange blossom ice cream photos
This ep's main story was just ancillary to the actual plot of this ep which was about Patrick (Simon Baker) and Lisbon(Robin Tunney) and the kinks in their relationship still.  This one takes them to Beirut as Erica Flynn (Morena Baccarin) has contacted the CIA to turn in a man who has been supplying passport chips to terrorist groups, in return for being allowed back in the US and the FBI giving her immunity.  Patrick is ready to go and meet with the man named Jan Nemic (Mark Ivanir) in Beirut, who is going to make contact with Patrick.  Lisbon doesn't want to go with Patrick until she finds out Erica will be there and she changes her mind immediately, which surprises Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar).  Patrick must memorize a set of numbers and repeat them to the contact back in the US.  Erica greets them and doesn't really want Lisbon around, as she admires the sights around her.

Patrick tells Lisbon she has to try the orange blossom ice cream and .Erica tells Patrick she's noticed that he and Lisbon are close, especially cos of the way she looks at him and kept going on about being  a matchmaker, so she can tell these things.  She lets a man take him to Jan and when Patrick arrives there, they take him into the bathroom and put his head into a bathtub full of water.  As he reads some words to him, which he's got to memorize and repeat back in the correct order, whilst still being dunked after a few set of words.  They take him to meet with Jan and he tells him he wants the words repeated.  Patrick refuses until he gets a towel.  Then repeats them all.  Jan says Erica was right about him being good, cos others failed.  Patrick calls it a trick, which he doesn't agree with.  For $10,000, he wants Patrick to meet with a man who will give him a set of numbers.  He will then give him the passport chips.  Patrick says he wants $15,00, then $20,000.

Lisbon is brought in and they want to know who she is and after she's searched on the Net, Jan says she's an FBI agent, at which Lisbon scoffs at.  Then she says she's not and Wylie (Jason Wylie) gets an alert on the computer that someone's searching for Lisbon.  He has a plan already for that with a different profile pic and that's what they're ready for.  This search comes up showing she is Patrick's girlfriend as he said.  Lisbon tells Abbot what's happened and Patrick gives him the list of numbers, but they don't know what they mean without the key.    Patrick says they're probably from a book since Jan had plenty of books at his place and he and Erica break into there again as he searches for the book, but Jan arrives already.

As they hide, the lamp switch moves but Jan doesn't notice, so what was the point in showing it and when they get outside Erica hugs him.  Once again going on about Lisbon.  She had a nerve after telling Lisbon about how they were 'close' back then.  Patrick takes Lisbon to dinner and she asks him about Erica and what happened between them.  He replies they kissed but nothing more cos of work. She then asks about Lorelei and he stops her in her tracks when he says he'll spill, if she tells him about Walter Mashburn, he'll tell her about Lorelei.  Of course he was going to say that, he knows her so well.

Patrick got the book out and tells the FBI and the CIA are able to find out what the numbers were. Cho (Tim Kang) suggests they should get the meet down now before Patrick gets back since they have the info and the contact has never seen Patrick.  They agree to meet at a bar, after Cho repeats the phrases Jan gave to Patrick.  Vega (Josie Loren) wants to go with Cho and he only agrees if Abbot gave her the okay, of which she lies and says he did.  She waits outside and as the man arrives he notices one of the agents has a gun.  Yeah that really means that he was an agent.   He makes a run for it and Vega once again crashes the SVU into his car and he's shot and killed.  They don't know where the chips are but eventually the they find them at an empty house, where Cho finds out they are hidden behind some blinds, which aren't drawn like the others in the house.  He also tells Vega she lied to him and Abbot didn't approve her going.  He's peeved with that, cos we know Cho doesn't like anyone who lies or uses him like that.

Lisbon arrests Jan and Erica is confronted by Patrick which she didn't like.  Lisbon mentions being done with him cos she doesn't like how he looks at her and thinks they still have unfinished business. Also Erica tells Patrick he only likes Lisbon cos of her honesty and goodness and she likes him cos he's a bad boy.  He knows she's after something else that's hidden in Jan's room and she opens a secret compartment containing his money.  They can share it but he loves Lisbon.  She tasers him and Lisbon is waiting outside for her.  She'll be taken back to the US to serve out her full sentence.

So it seems Lisbon and Patrick were only faking that argument in front of Erica at the end, or were they really in turmoil like that.  It seems it was only for Erica's benefit since Patrick takes Lisbon to the rooftop where orange blossom ice cream is waiting for them and it was rather melted too!  ha. She's startled when there's a loud bang and he tells her they're only fireworks.   He insists she thought it was a bomb.  A little pointless bringing up past trystes if they weren't going to follow through on them and didn't Lisbon already know about Lorelei and Patty.  Seems that was just thrown in to show perhaps Lisbon has her own insecurities about him and trust issues, but that didn't quite gel with the last scene and where they hatched the plan cos they knew Erica was going to doublecross them.

Vega was just an unnecessary inclusion, what sort of an agent will she make if she tries to put one over on everyone, the only one she's impressed is Wylie, who's more than taken with her.  Didn't think much of the CIA having to work with the FBI again, only cos this time they had to have Patrick's help.  Still, since it's the last season, they had to have a conclusion and get Erica behind bars where she firmly belongs.  No, Erica, you're not that seductive!  She should know Patrick is loyal and when he falls in love, it's not frivolous or fleeting as we saw how his family's murder ate him up and made him pursue Red John relentlessly.  Also how he told Jan that he's killed more than one person.

Was it just me, or was it a little more than coincidence that Lisbon's FBI profile pic was that of a Chinese woman and Cho pretended to be Patrick Jane!   Oh and Lisbon's choice of outfits left a lot to be desired, as bad as Patty continuing to wear that shirt!  ha.

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