Saturday 25 January 2014

Revenge 3.3 "Confession" Review

Emily: "Some believe that confession helps a guilty soul find peace releasing us from the shame and regret of our mistakes.  In the face of mortality many feel the need to seek this closure to make things right, because if death doesn't kill us, our demons will."

Emily (Emily VanCamp) finds a way of getting back Father Paul (James LeGros) his position, but not until he helps Conrad (Henry Czerny) to confess.  She visits him in confessional telling him she is Emily Thorne and she can help him get back his parish, that she set him up with the photo. She also visits Conrad who dreams of Charlotte (Christa B Allen) killing him.  Emily being able to deliver some more of the drug.  Nolan (Gabriel Mann) plans a party at his new home and gets to invite Patrick (Justin Hartley) after meeting with him at the club.  Of course with them two you know something's between them.  But Nolan now realizes he's Victoria's (Madeleine Stowe) son.

Aiden (Barry Sloane) tries to worm his way deeper into Victoria's good books by telling her about Emily and how she was sleeping with him whilst also seeing Daniel (Josh Bowman).  Thus giving Victoria more reason to hate Emily and want to bring her down.  Victoria can't wait to tell Daniel about Emily's betrayal and that she brought Nolan's new expensive mansion.  He confronts Emily of course who admits she bought it for Nolan but didn't say anything cos Nolan would be ashamed if anyone knew.  She conveniently doesn't tell him about Aiden though and Daniel reacts by installing security at the beach house in the form of an alarm system.  Also showing Emily her secret hiding place and how she keeps a gun there. The same gun he used to shoot Aiden when they had their own little confrontation at the end of season 2.  Emily denying there was anything between her and Aiden and that she made her choice when she took Daniel.

Can't believe Aiden is really that hateful of Emily to paint her so evil in front of Victoria, as said, they must have been in league together, otherwise why the forced charade.  Especially at Nolan's party when he turns up with Victoria on his arm and they have their confrontation, shouting at each other but so everyone can still hear them.  With Emily telling the entire town that the Grayson's are bankrupt, the utter humiliation for Victoria.  At least it's revealed that Aiden and Emily were setting up Victoria with him telling her he was here for her cos he was the only one she could turn to.  He shows her the scar from the bullet wound.  There knew they didn't hate each other that much to find them on opposites sides.

Margaux (Karine Vanasse) wants to feature Nolan on the cover of the magazine but Daniel disagrees since he lost his fortune cos of Nolan and that he's been in prison.  Margaux puts her foot down, it's her who is running the magazine and wants to meet Nolan, which she does by scoring an invite to his party by making sure she accompanies jack (Nick Wechsler).  Emily all the while being jealous of Jack everytime he's with her.  Charlotte having a hand in getting the two of them together by saying that he needs to get out and having a tailor made suit prepared for him.

Paul tries to get Conrad to see the right path but it proves wrong for him.  If Conrad confesses then he will be on the right track to giving Charlotte her father back by clearing David's name.  He tells Emily even if Conrad doesn't confess then he will.  Being the wrong thing to say since it's obvious he was going to get killed.  Emily lets slip about being friends with Nolan when she talks with Victoria and she warns Patrick off by telling him how close the two are.  Victoria having Patrick move into the mansion now.  Patrick pays a visit to Nolan but after the party's over and finds he purchased the painting.

Conrad decides he wants to do the right thing anyway and tells Victoria, why tell her, if he wants to confess all. It's not like Victoria was going to let him or be happy for him.  For a minuet there it looked like she was going to push him down the stairs, remember it was that same balcony where she was fighting with Amanda and she fell from it.  She tells him if he gets into his car it'll be the last thing he does.  He drives off with Paul in the Ferrari.  Emily drives past and finds the Ferrari crashed, with Paul unconscious on the ground and Conrad on his feet.  Funny how things turn out in this show.

Emily: "The guilty heart is silent, it's pulse muffled by the secrets it keeps.  Some believe confession can release a tortured soul, others view it as a sign of weakness.  Because ultimately whatever you say, whatever you feel about what you've done is irrelevant.  For the hand of death is equally unforgiving."

If not Victoria then it must be Conrad who set up the crash, since Paul is the only one who was actually going to turn himself in and confess, which would bring down Conrad's world even if he is allegedly dying anyway.  Mind you it could just have been an accident, albeit very convenient. This way he ties up all the loose ends and since he's got so much blood on his hands anyway, that of a priest will do very little to save his soul anyway.  Yet that's what this season is about or so it seems about Emily's soul and saving what's left of it.  Jack wants her to have her revenge and leave, Paul wanted her to question what she was doing and how this would affect her.  She also seemed angry that Aiden would mention their 'affair' to Victoria since this would affect Daniel and kind of throw a spanner in their relationship and plans for the wedding.  So even if Aiden is on Emily's side, he still doesn't want her to marry Daniel and so he comes across as having his own agenda too.

Patrick still has to reveal his agenda too and he is intent on 'befriending' Nolan irrespective of what mommy dearest warned him not to do.  Surely he's not someone who also has a vendetta against Victoria for abandoning him like she did for all these years and turns up out of the woodwork when she's practically all alone and burnt her bridges with Charlotte and Daniel.  Patrick is some sort of a conman or worse still he was the one who meddled with the car since he was around when Victoria questioned Conrad driving it the first time round!

Margaux is another bore, get her off this show quick smart.  She is pointless and her magazine storyline is also boring.  Yet she makes a 'play' for Jack as soon as she meets him but still putting it down to wanting to meet Nolan at his party.

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