Wednesday 19 June 2013

CSI 13.17 "Dead of the Class" Review

The episode opens with David (David Berman) acting all suspicious as he takes a knife from the kitchen as if he's going to kill someone, yes he actually looked that menacing.  But no David, he wouldn't hurt a fly, unless to dissect it.  He actually takes the knife into the bedroom and exclaims he can't do this, as a pregnant woman lies on the bed.  This happens to be his wife, Amy (Emme Rylan) as we get our first glimpse of her and as Hodges (Wallace Langham) will later tell him he has done well for himself!  David doesn't want to go to his reunion and takes the knife to the tag on his shirt, umm, scissors would have been safer.  Guess he's more used to using a scalpel.  Amy encourages him to go and that she'll be okay and will call him if the baby comes.

At the reunion it's all the same really, like being back at school and nothing's changed.  All the jocks are still jerks and the women think they're 'it.'  He mentions his name to Becca (Bree Williamson) but she doesn't know him, so he just takes his own name tag whilst he bumps into someone else.  Having a bit of a one sided conversation with someone, David notices blood in his cup and the bubbles, following them back to the bubble machine and to Becca's DB.

DB (Ted Danson) and Finn (Elisbeth Shue) arrive on the scene and he's done his best to keep everyone away.  He says Becca was pretty much head of the class, head queen, ha and even arranged the reunion and her throat is slit.  Doc (Robert David Hall) comes to examine the DB and finds she died from excessive bleeding.  Nick (George Eads) finds a nunchuck in a box of confiscated weapons and Greg (Eric Szmanda) doesn't understand why children would carry such weapons anyway.  Greg notices a bloody fingerprint on the tray with the soap and thinks he may be able to get a print, this means that somewhere in one of those bubbles a trace of the killer was carried.  Doc also finds a small piece of glass on her hand which Nick finds belongs to a photocopier and he prints some copied photos showing Becca was pushed against the glass.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) questions Kelly (Michaela McManus) who says she wasn't in touch with Becca any longer and Finn meets Janet (Jeanette Brox) who is an attorney and she asks if they have warrants.  The best line she could come up with.  She was at Harvard and takes a swipe at David about not becoming a doctor.  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) questions Grady Foster (TJ Ramini) Becca's husband who says she wasn't in contact with anyone.

David examines the DB and she comes alive as if she's talking with him, thinking he's finally seen her naked.  He says he didn't have a crush on her but someone else.  He finds a round shape inside her stomach  like she has an ulcer and Doc notices her throat, as well as having a cold sore on her lip.  Nick looks at the photos from the reunion and finds one where the bracelet matches the one in the photo printout.  It's worn by Kelly.  She tells DB that she was there since she found Becca handing out bingo cards of who was suffering from whatever ailment or some secret about them.  She tried to stop Becca copying more and her face got banged against the glass.  DB looks for his pen but can't find it cos Kelly is a klepto and returns it to him.  She's getting help but Becca's husband, Foster is her shrink.

Finn finds Foster won't tell them the names of the patients, so Nick discovers a novel way of finding out.  Foster's office is located near a gas station so he checks the numbers of the cars against the footage but doesn't find any matches.  Becca turns up at the office and looks through files, as does Foster.  He tells Brass that Becca was a gossip, but he loved those things about her.

Morgan checks the balloons for any trace and finds some on the wall.  Greg says he doesn't even want to think about the past but thinks since Morgan was a blond she would have had it easy at her reunion/high school.  Clearly from the look she didn't and hides something.  Greg receives a text about a DB on the field but turns out he's alive and had been drinking.  He's the gym teacher and he has Becca's bloody handprint on his back.  He's Sean (Lucas Bryant) and was a quarterback who dated Becca for four years.  Janet turns up and is representing him much to David's surprise and tells him Sean called her.  He was with Becca but she changed her mind at the last minute.  She had a cut on her hand that's how the print got on his back.

Hodges finds the trace was grey paint and she looks through the photos to show the paint was in a hole on the ceiling in the storeroom.  Morgan climbs into the ceiling and finds a bomb.  Parts of the bomb which aren't dangerous are given for them to analyze.  Nick finds Sean was recently fired from the school so he could have a grudge.  Thus it was the school which was the target and not the reunion.  Finn turns up to arrest Sean and finds Janet there also wearing a shirt.

Morgan checks out Sean's alibi and near the liquor store she finds the knife in a dumpster.  Henry (Jon Wellner) finds the blood matches Becca's but it was hydrated and it took him a while to be able to analyze it.  Greg analyzes some pieces of plaster also with the bomb and finds it's a mask.  David recognizes the face as being of Caroline who killed herself cos everyone made fun of her.  Hodges matches the prints on the duct tape to Max Dinello (Adam Busch) the man David briefly said hello to at the reunion.  He was Caroline's friend and his prints were found on the hatch.  He's a teacher now and he planted the bomb but his maths teacher understood him and he changed his mind about the bomb.  This was his chance to retrieve it.  But it was there all these years.  Hodges also finds everything matches to 1998, even the batteries so he thinks the bomb was planted back then.

Janet is brought in and a photo shows she's a dinnerlady and not a lawyer.  She never got promoted and it was always the pretty ones who did she tells Finn.  Having a Harvard education meant nothing.  She knows Max wouldn't hurt anyone but she framed Sean to take the fall.  Max admits he was there, as Hodges tells David that liquid nitrogen as used to defuse the bomb for a while.  David realizes Becca's cold sore wasn't a cold sore but a drop of liquid nitrogen burn.  Max says he tried to help her since she couldn't breathe and used the knife to try a tracheotomy but she fought him off and died in the process.

Finn doesn't look back at the past either since you grow up and move on.  Finn: "I was one of those freaks who liked high school."  David gets a call from his wife and at the hospital Doc and Hodges turn up to see his newborn son.  Funny how it was Doc and Hodges and not Finn or anyone else who turn up.  Hodges is envious of David.  An episode about David mostly and how he's done well for himself after suffering through the pitfalls of high school and ended up with a pretty wife too and now a baby.

Everyone's talking reunions, no one asked Nick about his, but DB recalls how they picked up hitch hikers in their van.  Also they've all got demons to deal with from high school, but Greg and Finn choose not to dwell on it. Sara wasn't around in this ep.  Though the part where David talks to Becca and she answers back reminded me of  7.3 Toe Tags.

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