Wednesday 1 May 2013

CSI 13.10 "Risky Business Class" Review

All the CSIs work in the lab and Sara (Jorga Fox) leaves a message for Grissom.  They are then each texted by DB (Ted Danson) as we see a plane fly over the Vegas buildings.  News comes in of the plane crashing near the Strip and everyone is needed.  Funny Finn (Elisabeth Shue) didn't get a text.  They need to investigate and DB tells them NTSB investigator, Doug Wilson (Josh Randall) is at the scene.  Sara knows him from working with him in San Francisco, as we know that's where Grisson bought Sara in from in the second part of the Pilot episode.  DB thus assigns Sara to work with him as they'll be comfortable around each other and know how each other works.  Finn giving them both a funny look, cos it's obvious there was some chemistry there and looks like there still is.  It was a bit strange that this ep should bring in someone from Sara's past when we all know she and Grissom have been having some problems, marital or otherwise.  How long can a long distance relationship last, though there are many who make it work.

Strange last ep they were working the Strip and this week a plane crashes there.  We don't get the usual CS collection being shown but everything is brought back to the lab as it's already been collected.  Just as Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) is about to leave Donna Hoppe (Pamela Reed) arrives to do a family tree for her.  She wants it give it to Ecklie for Christmas and as before she still calls Greg (Eric Szmanda) Hojam Sanders, also commenting Morgan and Greg make a cute couple which leaves them speechless.  Well some of us said that last season.  Especially since Hodges (Wallace Langham) has a love of his own now and it ain't Morgan, as we'll see later.

Doc (Robert David Hall) has the DBs in autopsy and one of them has a piece of shrapnel in his shoulder which David (David Berman) found.   Nick (George Eads) and Finn talk to the co-pilot, Dalton Burke (Kenneth Mitchell)  at the airport and he doesn't know that the pilot was taking up any passengers.  He usually makes the bookings but this time he made them himself.  He gets the entire plane but is really cut up over losing the pilot since they were involved together.  Morgan finds a box used to send DNA to the lab for analysis and asks Donna about it.  She thinks one of he Vic's could be involved in a paternity suit, which involves big bucks.  Also asking how Morgan spells her name, sometimes without the 'c'.

Morgan also finds a gun which they find was registered to ??who worked at a law firm dealing with criminal clients.  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) interviews Jeffrey Forsythe (Mark Moses) who tells them he may have had enemies cos of this line of work.  Hey it's Paul Young, so obviously he had to be involved.  No, seriously he was my first suspect.

Sara has Doug analyze the black box and find the pilot turned the plane back after encountering some difficulties.  She thinks she can pinpoint the location of the missing piece of the plane using physics, that's what she's good at and  wants him to set up a reconstruction of the plane for her and they try out various theories with Doug getting close to her in a scene reminiscent of Grissom and Sara where he took hold of her hands and forced her back in a similar reconstruction of what could have happened.

On the door green paint is found by Hodges and he quizzes her about how close she and Doug were, she's reluctant to answer and Doug shows up, prompting Hodges to leave and walk into the metal trolley.  Nick and Finn talk to the mechanic of the plane, Hal (Anthony Brophy) who says he was out of town so anyone could have had access to his tools.  Nick needs them for evidence now.  Sara matches one of the tools to the paint and to the markings on the door showing the door was tampered with before the plane took off, so it want an accident.  Their various theories rule out a gunshot being fired, and there's a hole in the glass window.  Thus the pilot was pulled out of the plane as it de-pressurized.  Sara is more forthcoming with Finn as she tells her it's hard having a long distance relationship and that she and Doug were together once.  Grissom calls and Sara doesn't answer the phone.  Also we get to hear about Finn and her two marriages, though it was nice seeing husband number 2 back in Seattle.

Nick tells DB the pilot has been found in someone's pool.  Morgan finds the DNA came back to Jordan a passenger in the plane and they use Donna help to find out who she may have been related to.  Jordan was born in 1968 so the father's name wouldn't be listed on the birth certificate thus she may have been given the father's surname as her first name as was the practice then.  Jordan had a half sister and her name is found on  She's a resident of a care home.  Which Greg and Morgan visit.  The doctor Paula O'Keefe (Gina Ravera) tells them Jordan did come and see her thinking she was her sister and they find the trail leads even further.  The woman who is at the home's DNA doesn't match Jordan and there's an argument between Greg and his use of science and Donna and her genealogy use.  DB thinks they could both be right.

Sara watches the camera feed from the airport and finds a fuelling truck was by the plane but the driver only got out for a few minutes.  He was wearing one of the mechanic's overalls so his DNA is on there.  Henry (Jon Wellner) matches the DNA to the woman and to the lawyer, Forsythe.  She was being kept there after she suffered an accident and he was scamming money from the trust of Jordan's sister.  The doctor disappears and is later found, giving up Forsythe who says they have nothing on him, no, only his DNA from his sister and from the overall he wore.

Doug asks Sara out for dinner with Grissom but he's out of town and she doesn't go with him alone.  He just felt familiar being back here with her and they hug.  Sara reluctantly puts her arms around him but it probably felt good to hold someone with Grissom not being physically around.  At least Sara didn't oblige as Finn would probably have done since we know she has more integrity and would never cheat on Grissom.  She's that sort of a person but she's also seen what it can lead to in her line of work.  Great to see the writers managed to squeeze in the entire cast for this ep.

Last plane ep I enjoyed on CSI was season 1's Unfriendly Skies kind of have a thing for planes! ha

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