Monday 28 January 2013

Revenge 2.4 "Intuition" Review

The episode opens with the Grayson maid mopping up blood and Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) burning a paper in the fire.

24 Hours Earlier

Emily: "Some think intuition is a gift but it can be a curse as well.  A voice calling to us from places that are better left unexplored.  An echo of memories that will never die no matter how hard we try to kill them."

Emily (Emily VanCamp) demands to know about her mother and asks Aiden (Barry Sloane) what happened since he didn't tell Emily he found her.  She also tells him Det Lasky  doesn't exist.  He warns her if that woman on the phone was her mother, then she's dangerous.  Emily then ropes in Amanda (Margarita Levieva) again for yet another encounter with Victoria, this time she tempts her with her father's diaries.  With Amanda reading her an extract and then Amanda refuses to give it to her.  Victoria says that's up to her and Charlotte (Christa B Allen) interrupts them, prompting Victoria to plan a baby shower. Thus
leaving Emily to come up with yet another plan.  Amanda should ask Victoria for money in return for all the diaries and that way she'll write her a cheque and can compare her handwriting on the sign in sheet from the hospital.  Like the way Emily uses a sob story about her mother being alive this time round to compel Amanda to help.  She needs to think about it.

Trey (Michael Nardelli) doesn't have the goods they stole anymore and the guy he sold them to would sooner break their legs than return them.  Thus Jack (Nick Weschler) has to foot the bill with Ryan (JR Bourne) and come up with an arrangement to pay him back.  Which leads him into more debt as the inspector rejects the work to the bar so Jack can't open.  Padma (Dilshad Vadsaria) up to no good as usual, shows Nolan (Gabriel Mann) a letter about his father and his belongings being in storage.  he finds out his father is dead.  She brings back a scrapbook his father kept and urges him to go there.  Nolan recalls how he started his company from the garage and when he told his father he wouldn't be returning to school, he threw him out. She finds a box of papers for the company and looks over them.  Leaving Nolan the chance to kiss her.  Don't do it man, she's trouble!  Why would Nolan's company papers be in his father's storage?

Aiden confronts Kara (Jennifer Jason Leigh) and tells her he's FBI, deepcover just like Gordon (white haired man) was and she needs to trust him.  She takes him to a hotel room and feigns there being a hard drive in    the safe which Gordon wanted anyone who knew things about him to have.  Then knocks him out with a taser out and ties him up.  He didn't see that coming, no he turns his back on her, especially after telling Emily she's dangerous.

Conrad (Henry Czerny) wants Ashley (Ashley Madekwe) to keep an eye on Daniel (Josh Bowman) as he will be away and he meets with Helen Crowley (Wendy Crewson) from the Initiative.  She tells him they're looking for Gordon and can't understand why he would betray them like that.  Daniel continues his pursuit of delving into Conrad's documents and Ashley gets a call from Conrad when she and Daniel are together which she doesn't pick up.  Daniel later checks the voice message on her phone and realizes Ashley is working for daddy dearest.  When Conrad returns Ashley tells him there's nothing to report and she wants out.

Amanda brings her own friends to the baby shower from the club and Victoria gives her a baby journal with a cheque inside; proving the writing is a match.  Emily coaches Amanda to insist on answering questions about her mother and they stand in front of the balcony and any fool knows what was coming next. Victoria snatches the papers from Amanda and she falls backwards to the floor.  She wants them to save the baby. AT the hospital she's placed in an induced coma.  Kara hears reports of this and visits her there.  Emily sees her there and recalls a memory of her mother pushing her underwater with her father calling out to her.  Looked at another way, it could be seen as Kara hiding Emily from her father, otherwise why call it a game? Victoria thinks Kara certifiable and comments Amanda maybe heading that way too.

Jack has a baby boy and Declan (Connor Paolo) comes to him and to Charlotte.  Aiden comes to Emily and she cries in his arms.
Emily: "When at a crossroads my father was fond of saying, 'go with your gut.'  Intuition he said always has our best interests at heart.  It is a voice that can tell us who is our friend and who is foe.  Which ones to hold at arm's length and which ones to keep close.  But too often we become distracted by fear, doubt our own stubborn hopes and refuse to listen."

Amanda was right about Emily never being done with this (cos that'd be the end of the show) but she always manages to go after someone or something with her plan failing dismally.  Well it has been lately.  Yet another 'fall' in the presence of the Grayson's or caused by the Grayson's.  There was Lydia in season 1 when Frank 'threw' her over the balcony onto the taxi and here Amanda falls whilst 'wrestling' with Victoria.  Not to mention wearing heels in her condition!  Mind you Lydia got better albeit with amnesia.

Emily accessing such a repressed memory at this time was both amazing and eerie at the same time.  That Victoria was right about Kara trying to kill her and how David Clarke cited Kara as the source of his troubles. Still it's good Kara doesn't know the real Amanda is Emily cos she can now play off her.  Daniel keeping Ashley, his enemy close, as he tells her that Victoria's kidnapping was faked by Conrad so he could use the money for the company.  Seems he's trying to play Victoria's game.  As Ashley suddenly grows a conscience, or does she? wanting out of spying on him.  Can she really get out from Conrad so easily and who cares anyway?  Ryan's after the bar but why?

Conrad thinking it was Victoria's blood or the children's, does he really care.  Also asking if she fell in their house, cos Amanda can sue you know.  Why doesn't Jack just ask Emily for a loan or even Nolan, he would have done that once upon a time, last season.  But these three hardly interact anymore with new players Padma and Aiden on the scene.

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