Monday 14 January 2013

Revenge 2.2 "Resurrection" Review

Emily: "For those who believe in the resurrection, death is inconsequential.  It's not an ending rather anew beginning.  A second chance, a reunion. The very idea of resurrection is so seductive a concept it's easy to forget, before you rise from the dead you have to spend a few days in hell."

Daniel (Josh Bowman) goes through Conrad's (Henry Czerny) financial statements/records and discovers discrepancies.  Ashley (Ashley Madekwe) tries to distract him with a game of tennis but he's not biting.  Then Emily (Emily VanCamp) calls and tells Daniel about the shady Doc (Todd Grinnell) and how he should help Charlotte.  Cue lots of longing looks, when they meet that is.  Here there were lots of longing sighs on Daniel's part, ha.  Emily plans on taking Charlotte (Christa B Allen) away from Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) just as she took away her own mother (Jennifer Jason Leigh).  Outside the beach house Aiden (Barry Sloane) watches Emily through the crosshairs and keeps an eye out for her.  Nolan (Gabriel Mann) has a conference with his employees and a pushy one, Padma (Dilshad Vadsaria) encourages him to get a CFO.  What's she up to then?  Nolan feels his employees don't respect him and Emily replies it's cos he isn't wearing pants.  Like anyone could see him.

Conrad gets Charlotte declared mentally unstable and a judge gives him her inheritance, which he uses to save Grayson Global.  Ashley declares she couldn't keep Daniel away from his work but he wants her to keep Daniel away from the investors meeting.  Nah, don't bother, Ashley is rather useless.  Emily arrives at the rehab just as Daniel gets Charlotte released and is about to take her home when she walks in.  Charlotte doesn't want to go with him cos he didn't believe her at the memorial and he waited until after Conrad had gotten his hands on her inheritance before bailing her out. He promises to get it back for her.

Emily drives Charlotte to Victoria, who drives her away saying she doesn't want to go with her.  Cos the white-haired man (James Morrison) has taken Victoria's fake passport as collateral until she pays him.  Charlotte bringing Victoria mere trinkets as payment was funny, what was she going to do with those, ha.  Charlotte leaves and Emily takes her to meet her sister, Amanda (Margarita Levieva).  Obviously Emily has a hand in the paternity tests and when they are finally revealed, turns out Jack (Nick Wechsler) really is the father, only Emily cunningly tells Amanda he's not the father and the results were doctored to make it appear he is.

Declan Connor Paolo) is approached by a preppy guy from school, won't say friend cos he's not.  He uses Declan to keep a bracelet for him since his parents will find it and he offers to pay seeing how he's desperate for cash.  Don't know why after what Declan's seen and been though Declan is so trusting of other people still, especially since no one likes him at school.  He tells Jack he'll get place of his own but not until a while yet.

Victoria concocts a plan to worm her way back into society by getting Conrad to beat her up, which he obliges and then feigns a fake kidnapping at the hands of the white haired man.  He arrives and falls for the bait, but leaves before the police arrive.  Of course the clam cam is recording all of this but Nolan isn't monitoring it cos Nolan is distracted by Padma who he makes CFO, that's just what she was after.  Don't trust her she looks too shifty and coming out of nowhere too.  Since she says he doesn't know any of his employees, she could be anyone.

Daniel gives Charlotte his inheritance and Ashley is dismayed at this.  He later tells Ashley they can get a drink or two.  Yeah when all minx Ashley wants is the money.  Victoria returns home and everyone buys the kidnapping story, including the police and Daniel.  Charlotte has to keep their secret and Emily must too.  Daniel thanks Emily for Charlotte.  See, longing looks still...

The white haired man contacts Emily cos he saw the clam cam on the mantle, conveniently, and she has the recording that will clear him.  He tells her about her mother and how he took her away but perhaps didn't kill her.  Then takes a knife out and tries to shiv her; before shots are fired and Aiden saves Emily, again.  The whit haired man notices the cam on the mantle, well he had one of those at his place, not a clam though and obviously it does stick out didn't it?  Also the one in Conrad's office in the picture frame too in season 1.

Emily: "For those who believe in the resurrection, death is inconsequential.  In the resurrection, those who were dead live and those who live, believe they shall never die."

Emily must be going through hell introducing Amanda to Charlotte when she should have be the one in that position.  No wonder she relished lying to her about the baby.  So Amanda was actually being honest about Jack being the father.  Victoria exclaiming how Char could become an aunt, thinking Daniel got Emily pregnant, do you think that should have happened, instead of Amanda and Jack.

The plots are going all over the place here, Emily being evil to Amanda prob cos she can be at her beck'n'call since she'll have the 'Jack isn't the father of the baby' threat hanging over her.  Don't know why Amanda told her about the one night stand thing, Emily wouldn't have known if she had been with anyone else.  Well for someone who had feelings for Jack, seems she couldn't stay away from other men.

Daniel and Emily are a bit of a puzzle, was going to say enigma, but scratch that.  After everything they've been through it's unlikely Emily would want to take him back, especially she kind of learnt the hard way that Daniel is a Grayson through and through.  Though I'm probably wrong.  Hope he finds out about Ashley playing both father and son though, I can't wait for her to get her just dues.  Seems like Nolan and Emily are drifting apart as she tells him he should have a place of his own and a life, not just trying to get rid of him cos of the white haired man meeting.  Thus he shall move towards Padma, er, more trouble.

Daniel seemed to accept Victoria being alive very readily, like he wasn't concerned either way and without questions and she turns up before Char could tell him.  Daniel telling Char he was being nice to her cos Victoria made him promise.  Oh and the 'Single White Female' turns up as Emily's mom, forget to mention that last ep.

Victoria is clearly the one being resurrected here but she was never really dead, so she wasn't really resurrected.  Even though it was meant to look that way.  Conrad and Victoria arguing over why he didn't tell her about the plane and he said he did, of course it was too subtle a hint for Victoria when he told her not to board the plane!  But did he really let Lydia go to her death, I mean he was about to run off with her moments before.  Or did he find out about her testifying against him and didn't care anymore.  Conrad: "So the devil didn't want you after all."  Victoria replies he's the devil.

The white haired man is called Gordon Murphy here and posed as an FBI agent when he took Emily's mother.  Though that's not his real name.

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