Tuesday 2 October 2012

Merlin 4.8 "Lamia" Review

A couple hear  a noise outside and John (Wayne Foskett) goes to check, telling her to lock the door behind him, but if the thing is supernatural, it will get in anyway.  Mary (Melanie Hill) comes to see Gwen (Angel Coulby).  The village has sickness and they need a doctor.  Gwen takes him to Arthur (Bradley James).  Gaius (Richard Wilson) declares Camelot is under a sweating sickness and he can't go, so sends Merlin (Colin Morgan) instead.  Arthur finds that hysterical but Gaius says he can describe him the symptoms and tell him so he can find a remedy.  So why couldn't anyone else do that, cos they don't have magic.  Arthur comments he's not capable of finding his backside most of the time."  No cos he's too busy making sure Arthur doesn't lose his, ha.  That's harsh coming from Arthur.

Gaius knows Merlin knows more than that and they put their life in his hands everyday.  he is intelligent, courageous and passionate.  "I have every faith in you."  He has Gaius's medical bag.  Merlin changes his shirts now in between from red to purple.  Elyan (Adetomiwa Edun) calls him Merlin and not a boy.  The sickness strikes without warning and his magic doesn't work.  Merlin sees a shadow outside and it's not Gwaine (Eoin Macken) answering his call of nature.  Merlin believes magic is at work.  John felt an evil and they need Gaius.

They come across some slave traders with a girl and they rescue her.  she forms a bond with Percival (tom Hopper) who becomes protective of her and she lashes out at Merlin.  She's a Lamia (Charlene McKenna)  Arthur feels they should have returned by now ad he leaves to rescue them.  Leon says they should ride east as she wants to go home.

Merlin tells him the people need help and Leon retorts he's not a knight, "you're nothing but a servant."  Elyan tells Gwen to stay out of it ad they've all fallen under her spell.  Arthur finds the abandoned wagon and dead men.  the scratches were made by a human.

Gwaine and Leon fight over her.  Agravaine (Nathanial Parker) left yesterday for Camelot.  Merlin suspects their strange behaviour began when they found Lamia.  She's bewitched them.  A Lamia is a "creature of magic".  the high priestess took the blood of  a girl and mixed it with a serpent, sucking life from them.  they become monsters.  Elyan is attacked.  Gwen was meant to wake them.  Elyan is then found unconscious.  Gwen tells Merlin Lamia did it./  the castle is near.  they leave a trail for Arthur, placing rags on tress.

Agravaine covers over their footprint.  Lamia disappears when they get t the castle.  Merlin tells them Lamia attacked Elyan and they can't see it.  Arthur must find them.  Gwen was with them.  Gwaine goes in search of more wood and is attacked.

Arthur finds the rag from Gwen's tunic, of course he'd "know it anywhere."  Merlin uses his magic to attack Lamia with a sword and she changes into the "hideous monster" Gaius mentioned.  Gwen fights it and Arthur saves the day.  Arthur: "...almost good to see you."  Arthur humorously comments Merlin was saved by a woman.  Arthur thought he knew everything about her, her loyalty, wisdom, when did Gwen become a "fearless hero."  he's proud of her.  well that felling won't last long.

Lamia was mentioned in Supernatural season 6 episode Weekend at Bobby's. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) were on the hunt for one.  Lamia apparently sucks the life from men.

Didn't think this was that good an episode for season 4.  there was no Morgana and Lamia was predictable and boring, she didn't even look evil, let alone cat evil.  Arthur recognizing Gwen's rag from her tunic was the comedic highlight of the show.  Merlin having to put up with yet more jibes and put downs from the knights, even after they were under her spell.

Don't know why Agravaine was around - was it to ensure Gwen isn't found and thus he can be of help to Morgana with this unforeseen opportunity presenting itself.  Even the lamia didn't come after him, what a shame.

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